The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 12, 1902, Image 1

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    CORVALLIS, OREGON, JULY 12, 1902. " '
Vol. XV. No 21.
Editor aho Prop-
Homeopathic Physician,
Surgeon and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg.
Residence on 3rd Et between
Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, " Or.
Resident Phone 311
Office hours 10 to 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 7 :30 p m
. Osteopathic Physicians
.Office on South Main St. Consul
tition and examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ste.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4" and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315. '
H. S. Pernot
Physician aigl Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor.
Sth Sc Jefferson Sts. Hwdrs io to 12 a. m
to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra
atn & W ortham's Drug Store.
Physician Surgeon.
Office: Room 14, Bank Building
Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m.
2 to 4 p. m.
Kesldence In front of court house facing 3rd
et. Oifice hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 .
Physician and Surgeon
J. P. Huffman
. Office in Zlerolf Building. Hours
from 8 to 5. CorvalHs Orego n
Abstract of Title Conveyancing
3oscpJ 1 UJHson
Practice in all the courts. Notary Public
Office in Burnett Brick.
E. B. Bryson,
B. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick CorvalHs, Oreg
Notary Public,
Office in Zierlolf's building. v
Willamette River Route,
oo Gorvallis and FortlaM oo
Str. Pomona
leaves CorvalHs Monday, Wednesday
. and Fridays at 6 a. m. .
Leaves Portland Tuesdoy, Thursday and
Saturdays at 6:45 a. m.
Oregon City Transportation Co,
Office & dock foot Taylor St,
Portland, Oregon.
Wanted to Come West and Hadn't
Money for Ticket Queer Cler
gyman Has Had His Own "
Grave Dug and Coffin
Ready-Other News.
Kalamazoo, Mich,, July 3. When
the westbound American express
drew into Kalamazoo about 5 p. m.
today a boy was discovered in a
big box in the through car from
Boston to Chicago and on the way
to Cheney, Wash.
He was taken to the jail and
there gave his name as William
Edmondeon, of Boston. He said
he had been working in a shoe fac
tory at Haverhill, Mass., and want
ed to go to Cheeney, Wash., where
he had relatives, but had only $19
with which to pay his fare. So he
devised the scheme of sending mon
ey to his relatives in the Far West
and advised them to be on the look
out for an expreas package.
He then had a friend of his box ;
him up with some provisions and
he was billed through to destina
tion. He is eighteen years old and a
bright young fellow.
Dan't Fail to Try This. '
Whenever an honest trial is giv
en to Electric Bitters for any troub
les it is recommended for, a perma
nent cure will Eurely be af
fected. It never fails to tone the
stomach, regulate the kidneys and
bowels, stimulate the liver, invig
orate the nerves and purify the
blood. It's a wonderful tonic for
run-down systems. Electric Bitters
positively cures Kidney and Liver
troublee, Stomach Diaordeis, Nerv
ousness, Sleeplessness, Rhen matism,
Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Sat
isfaction guaranteed by Graham &
Woitham. Only 50 cents.
Manitowoc, Wis., July 6. The
Rev. J. Reinhart, an old retired
Clergyman of this city, has made
unique preparations for his death
and burial, which he prophesies
will take place this month. Recent
ly he supervised the digging of his
grave at Evergreen cemetery, laying
a bottom bf cement, and construct
ing walls therein. On a - big, flat
sandstone he inscribed the follow
ing in German script:
Rev. J. Reinhakt.
Born May 6, 1833, Died , 1902.
After he had finished this he told
his interested audience that every
thing being now complete, he would
go home to die. He has been con
fined to his bed since, and his death
is a matter of but a short time. His
coffin has been ordered.
St.. Joseph, Mo., July 8. At
11:30 o'clock, today James Blades,
Lock Al'en and James Murray, no
torious prisoners in the cojnty jail,
wrecked the rear wall of the jail
building with a powerful charge of
dynamite. Allen, Blades and Mur
ray then made a fierce fight for lib
erty, but the gnard3 were too quick
for them and beat them back with
Winchesters. Seventy-five prison
ers are confined in the jail, but ma
ny of them made notflbrt toescape,
and those who were mrvy enough
to try to follow Blades and his com
panions were clubbed into submis
sion. As if by a miracle, but one
waa injured, although the explosion
was felt for several block and eve
ry window in the courthouse on the
side next to the jail was shatter d.
Blades and Allen are under sen
tence for highway robbery, and
Murray is a government prisoner.
They are now chained face down to
the floors of their cells.
Other prisoners were apprised of
what was to happen about five min
utes before the fuse was lighted,
and on advice of the leaders ,of the
plot they sought safety in their cells
just before the explosion occurred.
The jailor was at dinner in anotner
part of the building. Charles May,
who has three times been under
sentence of death, declined to take
part in the plot, although he admits
that he knew of it. The damage to
the jail and courthouse is estimat
ed at .$15oo, and until repairs can be
made a large armored guard will be
necessary to retain the prisoners.
So many new phases of the mur
derer's charcter developed during the
visit that the women were unable
to give any analysis of his personal
ity. He saw a newspaper man go
down the track not 50 feet away,
and he told the women that there
was the posse's advance agent. He
intimated that he was fleeing from
the reporters who wanted to inter
view him, and not from the guards.
And this was when many men were
stationed on all sides. Before he
walked away from the house
through the guards he gave the wo
men several mementoes.
The GerreUs' home is situated
about two miles up the track of the
old Columbia & Puget Sound Rail
road. After loafing around Renton
for the night, Tracy, with Ander
son in tow, staited up the tracks.
The pair journeyed slowly. They
sat down and rested in the dense
brush beside the track a few rods
on the Renton side ofjjthe Gerrell's
home. They rested for some time,
until Miss Baker and Mrs. McKin
ney passed them.
Miss Baker and Mr?. McKinney
were out picking blackberries. Tra
cy watched them for a long time.
Once they were so close that he
could almost have touched them
with his hand. They passed on up
the track from Renton toward the
Gerrells home. Tracy ventured
nearer the srack. Just then Charles
Gerrells, an 18-year-old boy, came
up the track. He beard
snap. He looked back, walked on a
few feet, and looked again. It was
then 11:30 in the morning.
"Hey," cried Tracy v "stop a mo
ment, my boy." He stepped from
the bushes and walked to the lad.
"Well I guess you've heard of
me," remarked the convict'. He
smiled pleasantly as he spoke. The
two women were a few yards away.
"That's Tracy," said Mrs. Mc
Kinney, jestingly, when the' mu
derer spoke the first time.
"No," said Miss Baker, "1 don't
know who you are."
"Well, I'm Tracy," said the out
law. His words created consterna
tion among the trio.
"Now, don't be afraid," said Tra
cy. "I won't hurt you.'"
"Weir, Mr. Tracy." said Mrs.
McKinney, recovering from the
shock, "I am glad to see you."
"I would never haveknown you by
your picture," exclaimed Miss Ba
ker. "Ah, now, you are jollying me,"
said the filayer of half a dozen men,
"But don't be afraid. I never
harmed a woman in my life," and
as he spoke he took off his hat re
spectfully to the two before him.
When he heard that'youDg Gerrell's
home was a few rods up the track
he, informed the party that all
would have to -go there. Before
they reached the house he sent the
boy on to warn the mother of the
approach. "Tell' her," said Tracy,
earnestly, "that I bring harm to
none of hers."
They enter the house, and Traey
took off his hat to Mrs. Gerrells.
Tracy went in by the front door as
he spoke, and sat down on a trunk
at the side of the room. Inside five
minutes he had quieted all fear a
mong his listeners with the excep
tion of Mrs. Gerrells, who was
somewhat nervous throughout his
visit. With the one exception he
made them all feel at home.
As Tracy sat upon the trunk his
unwilling companions were able for
the first time to observe him close
ly. He looked fresh and strong.
Eliminating his eyes, his face waa
serene and pleasant. The eyes, how
ever, were an unnaturaldark blue.
He had an uncomfortable habit of
rolling them when he made a threat.
The women say that he did not
look unusually thin, but seemed to
be in fine physical condition. Men
tally they say he was one of the
keenest men they ever met. He
was dre?sed . in a black suit, and
wore a black felt hat. His trousers
were much too short, a malter 6f
much merriment to himself. He
had" no tie or collar, but had jewel
ry to spare.
Mrs. McKinney's child began to
cry when Tracy entered the house
and Mrs. Gerrells -looked terrified,
The outlaw called the child to him.
"Now, now, littlfs girl," he said,
passing his hand"around her shoul
der and stroking her hair, "don't
cry; I wouldn't let any one harm
an innocent little thing like you."
When the guards collected around
the bouse afterward, the child crept
to Tracy's side for protection.
SSs fas
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2- every
Various Towns Inundated Thous
ands of Residences Surrounded
i by Water Crops Destroy
ed and Live Stock
Des Moines, July 9. The con
tinued rains forced nearly all Iowa's
streams from their banks and the
destruction is assuming immense
proportions. It is impossible to es
tirnate'the damage from the inde
finite reports received. The dam
age is especially extensive in the
Central, Northern, Western and
Southwestern parta of the state The
valleys of the Sioux and Maple riv
ers are flooded and Woodbury and
Monona counties are under water.
The Iowa river at Marshalltown is
the highest since 1S81. Many coun
ty bridges have been destroyed.
Cattle and hogs have been drowned
in large numbers in the Iowa val
ley. At Cedar Rapid, 5.4 inches of
rain has fallen since July 1. The
Cedar Rapids river is out of its
banks, and many families have
been forced from their homes.
Numerous bridges have been swept
away in Lynn county. The Skunk
river and Squaw creek are out of
their banks and near the confluence
in Story county, thousands of acres
are flooded and crops practically
The continuous rains are paralyz
ing business in Fort Dodge, and the
railroads are almost out of business.
The west end of the city is inundat
ed and families are moving out.
The Dae Moines river is up eix feet
at that point. Because of the sat
uration of all the insulation on the
pires, electric power has been shut
tff and the town is in darkness.
Near Oxford, in Johnson county,
in a wind storm last night, Jacob
Burkhart waa crushed to death by
the falling oi a barn on the farm of'
Wesley Prush. Haifa dozen barns
were destroyed in the same neigh
borhood. Near North Liberty, the
residence of Jacob Neidheiser waB
wrecked and the family had a nar
row escape. All over Johneon coun
ty the storm destroyed windmills
and barns. The damage in the
county is estimated at $5o,ooo.
A deluge visited the town of Ex
cia last night and trains on the Au
dubon branch of the Rock Island
could not pass that point today.
The town is under four feet of wa
ter. The Raccoon river at Aden,
after being stationary all day began
to rise rapidly tonight., It shuts
off the electric plant and is doing
great damage.
The levee on the Raccoon river,
near Murray and Railroad streets,
commenced to weaken this after
noon and at 3 o'clock water was
flowing over and through it in ma
ny places. Heroic efforts were made
to strengthen, it, while nearly loo
residents of the district endangered
fled for their lives, many leaving
their household goods behind them.
Des Moines, la., July 9. The
Dss Moines river reach the high
water mark of 1892, which waa 2o
feet at.midnight. At this hoar the
levee on the north side of town
broke, flooding a large residence
section. Most of the families re
moved in the evening. A small
break occurred in the Raccoon riv
er levee just after midnight,, and a
large force of men is attempting to
hold the flood in check. Two Rock
Island east-bound passenger trains,
due here tonight, are held at Com
merce,, 20 miles west of here,
where the tracks are covered with
water. Trains on other roads,
though late keep in motion. The
Des Moines river dam is weakening.
If it goes out it will endanger
four city bridges' and all the rail
road bridges. The false work of the
new Sixth-avenue bridge, which
went out last night, today swept a
way five spans of the Chicago Great
Western bridge over the Des Moines.
South of the junction of the Des
Moines and Raccoon, the river is
three miles wide for many mile's,
and is destroying crops and drown
ing livestock. ,
Omaha, Neb., July 9. The rain
that began falling last evening con
tinued today. Reports received
show the conditions in the flooded
districts to be worse than at first re
ported. Morningtrains were from one
to five hours late into the city, and
some of them had been abandoned
entirely. At Superior, the Bur
lington Railroad bad looo feet of
track washed bodily into the Re
publican river, and the Santa Fe
was blocked last night by a foot of
water running over the roadbed
for a mile west of town. At Blair,
a.quarter of a mile of the North
western track was washed out and
the town of Horman is still a lake.
At Kennard, 6oo feet of track of the
same road was carried away, and
the filled approach of the Missouri
river bridge east of town began to
slide away.
A conservative estimate places
the losses from floods in Nebraska
at over $l,ooo,ooo, and some esti
mates are twice that amount.
Peoria, 111.., July 9. A terrific
electric and rain storm swept over
Peoria and the adjacent country last
night. Rain fell in torrents for sev
eral hours, and the damage wrought
wa3 extensive. All the railroad
lines entering the city are greatly
affected. A Lake Erie & Western
freight went through a bridge at
Harmdale, six miles from here. The
engine and several freight cars are
piled in the bottom of Farm creek.
The engineer was fatally injured,
and the fireman lies dead under the
The Best Liniment for Strains.
Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant
at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y.,
says: "I always recommend Cham
berlain's Pain Balm as the best lin
iment for strains. I used it last
winter for a severe lameness in the
side, resuhirg from a strain, and
was greatly pleased with the quick
relief and cure it affected." For
eale by Graham & Wells.
Need More Help.
Often the over-taxed organs of
digestion cry out for help by Dys
pepsia's pains, Nausea, Dizziness,
Headaches, liver complaints, bowel
disorders. Such troubles call for
prompt use of Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They are gentle, thorough
and guaranteed to cure. 25c at
Graham & Wortham's drug store.
To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts.
Tickets are now on sale at all Southern
Pacific and Corvallis and Eastern R R
offices, through to Newport and Yaquina
at reduced rates. Southern Pacific trains
connect -with the C & E at Albany and
Corvallis All tickets good for return
until Oct Io, 1902,
n June 23, the C & E trains from
De roit began leaving there at 6:30 a m.
meeting the Bay train at Albany, at
Passengers .for Detroit. Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts can leave
Albany the same afternoon, reaching
Detroit in the evening. Tickets are on
sale from Albany to Detroit at $Z and
from Corvallis at 3.25 good for return
until ctober 10, with privilege to get on
any train returning at any point east of
Mills City.
The Southern Pacific Company have
now on sale round trip tickets from all
points on their lines in Oregon to either
Newport or Yaquina with privilege to
return via either east or west divisions
in connection with the C 8c E. Three
day Sunday excursion tickets good going
Saturday snd returning Monday are also
on sale at very low rates from all S P
ana C & E points.
Full information can be obtained as to
rates, time tables, etc by application to
any SPor C&E agent.
To have given up would have
meant death for Mrs. Loi3 Cragg, of
Dorchester, Mass. For years she
had endured untold misery from a
severe lung trouble and obstinate
cough. "Often," she writes, "I
could scarcely breathe and some
times could not speak. All doctors
and remedies failed till I used Dr.
King's New Discovery forCon3ump
tion and waa completely cured."
Sufferers from Coughs, Colds,
Throat and Lung Trouble need this
grand remedy, for it never disap
points. Cure is guaranteed by Gra
ham & Wortham. Price 50 and $1.
Trial bottles free. .
. My little son had an attack . of
whooping cough and was threaien
ed with pneumonia; but for Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy we would
have had a serious time of 'it. It
also saved himfrom several severe
attacks of croup. H. J. Stbick
faden, editor "World Herald, Fair
Haven, Wash. For sale by Gra
ham & Wells. '.
Happy Time in Old Tow.
"We felt very happy," writes R.
N. Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve wholly
cured our daughter of a bad case of
scald head." It delights all who
use it far Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruis
es, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. In
fallible for piles. . Only 25c at Gra
ham & Wortham's drug store.
The Victim Is Farmer Johnson, Whc
Obey8 Tracy for Fear His Fam
ily Will Be Killed.
Seattle, July 10. Tracy compell
ed a rancher named Johnson to go
to Tacoma yesterday afternoon and
buy a revolver under penalty of
murdering Johnson's family. This
I report was received here at 11:45 8.
m. today. Tracy rode to Johnson's
'place, one mile from Kent, on tha
white horse he stole near Kenton
Tuesday night. Arriving he gave
the farmer money with which to
buy a revolver at Tacoma. Tracy
told Johnson he would kill the fam
ily if the messenger informed tha
officers' where he was. Johnson
obeyed orders, Tracy remaining at
the ranch until last night, when
Johnson returned with the weapon.
The outlaw departed on horseback
and Johnson waited until this morn
ing before raising an alarm.
Saattle, July 10. At 8 o'clock
last night Tracy was reported as
having called at the house of a man
named Hillman, on the east side of
Green Lake, in the city limits of
Seattle, about eight miles from the
heart of the city. He attempted to
use the telephone there, but failed
and at once left. The hounds were
at once put on his trail and follow
ed the scent, but lost it at the wa
ter's edge, and were unable again
to pick it up.
This morning a report reached
the sheriff's office that Tracy had
been Eeen just north of Ballard, ten
miles north of here, but at 11 o'clock
this had not been verified. Two
other reports give his location as
Kent and Auburn, two towns south
of Seattle. The sheriff does not be
lieve that the man at Green Lake
was Tracy, and has ssnt men out
to investigate the Kent and Auburn
Seattle, July 10. With the break
of day this morning a determined
effort to pick up the trail of the fu
gitive Tracy was made by men and
hounds, but again he had mysteri
ously covered up his flight, and the
numerous posses were completely
baffled. Guards were posted in a
very thorough manner around Lake
Union, where the convict was last
seen, and it is thought that every
inch of ground is covered so that
the first move of Tracy this morning
ought to make his whereabouts
known to his pursuers.
Boston, July 10. The Post today
says it is understood that Harry
Tracy, the Oregon outlaw, was,
eight or ten years ago, a habitue of
Castle street district of this city,
when that section was one of tha
toughest in the city. He is said to
have served time in the prisons of
this state.
Salem, July 10. A message was
last night received by Superintend
ent J. D. -Lee, of the Oregon Peni
tentiary, from Sheriff Thoma3 Ro
ney, of South Bend, Pacific county,
Washington, stating that he had a
man in jail answering the descrip
tion of Merrill, and asking that an
officer be sent down to identify the
prisoner. Mr, Lee will send a man
this evening, and if the prisoner at
South Bend proves to be the runa
way Oregon convict, he will be
brought back here for trial on a
charge of murdering three guards
at the Oregon penitentiary.
Tacoma, July 10. A country
managed about 45, with a sandy
mustache, bought one second-hand
45 Colt's revolver, a belt, and a box
of cartridges at a leading gun store
here yesterday morning at 11 o'
clock. He paid $11.60 cents, and
asked for a bill, saying he wanted
it for some one else, and was in a
"Iam using a box of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
and find them the best thing for
my stomach I ever u. ed," says T.
W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace,
Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not
only correct disorders of the stom
lat.n the Liver and bow-
els. They are easy to take and
pleasant m ettect. rrice to wuw
er box. For sale by Graham &