The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 21, 1902, Image 1

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    Vol. XV. No 18.
Editor and Pun-.
. Homeopathic Physician,
1 Surgeon and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg. ,
Residence on 3rd t between
Jackson & Monroe, Cor vail is, Or..
. Resident I'bone 311
Office hours 10 to 12 a m 2 to 4 and 7 to 7 :30 p m
. i B ; -
i Osteopathic ..Physicians .
Office on South Main St. Consul
; tition and examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235. ,
Office cor 3rd and Monroe et3. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
- to S P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone residence 315.
H. B. Pernot
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor.
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours io to 12 a. m
to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra
am & W orthara's Drug Store.
-Physiciait Surgeon, .
Office: Room 14, Bank Building. -Office
Hours- f ioto'i2a. m.
2 to 4 p. m.
G. R. FARKA, ,
'- Residence In front ot court house facing 8rd
.t. Office hours 8 to 9 u. m. 1 to a ana 1 to 8 1. ;
Physician and Surgeon
. Abstract of Title Conveyancing :
, Attorney-At-Law
Practice irj all the courts. Notary Public
Office in Burnett Brick. ,
E. B,. Bryson,
j E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Notary Public, v.,.-
Office in Zlerlolf's building.
Willamette River Route.
no Corvallis and Portland go
Str. Pomona
'- leaves Corvallis Monday, Wednesday
-and Fridays at 6 a. m. -
.. leaves Portland Tuesdoy, Thursday and
Saturdays at 6:45 a. m. -
- Oregon City. Transportation Co,
Office & dock foot Taylor St,
.".-. Portland, Oregon.
- Tor Inaants and Children.
Ba Kind Yea Kee Always Height
) Sear? the
) sears tha yy vyjv ,z. '
HOW Till
Strong Evidence that Harry Wright
an Ex-Convict. Procured Guns
for Tracy and Morrill What
- a Letter Written with Sym
pathetic Ink Discloses.
Vancouver, June 19. According
o reports brought here at 11 o'
clock today by Ruben Targenson,
vounsr man who lives with his
parents two miles southeast of Pio
neer, and three miles from la cen
ter, two men,: answering the de
scription of Tracy and Merrill, came
to Targerson's house at 9 o'clock
this morning an-d asked for food.
The boy immediately started to
Vancouver on a wheel, and on ar
riving here notified Sheriff Marsh
and Gity Marshal Nerton. ;"
The officers, after putting the boy
through a searchiugeordal of cross
questioning, were ;.coflvinced that
he was telling tha t rut u,: and im
mediately : telephoned Deputy
Warden Carson and Private Secre
tary XycUj at Woodland, to meet
them at the Targerson place as soon
a 3 possible. . A - posse, composed of
Sheriff Marsh, City Marshal Nerton
and half a dozen trusty men . then
left at once for the point where the
convicts were reported to have been
seetr) They expect to meet Carson
and the dogs there by the middle
of the af ernoon. ; ":
Young Targei son says the con
victs came to him in a field near
his father's house.! J- One, he said,
wore a pair of jeans trousers, a blue
woolen sbirt"and a" knit cap. The
other woTe slrio'ed trousers, a blue
coat and a light campaign hat Jtsotn
carried rifles and revolvers, H Both
men also had about two weeks
growth of beard, and their hair was
short. " The boy said he recognized
the coitlaws aonce from their pho
tographs m The .telegram, iney
asked Targerson "if they , could let
them have some bacon and flour. .
The boy called to his father and
mother at the hones, who told the-4
vieitOTS they had no bacbn or flour
to spare, but were just on the point
of feuding to Vancouver for a sup-
olv. Targerson,- . br., . asked , tne
men where they were bound: for,;
and one replied they wer3 out lock
ing lor the escaped convicts. 1 ney
then asked the distance to Vancoa
ver and left the place, going into
the brush into the direction whence
they came. . . V
Excitement here over the man
hunt, which had heen on the wane
for the past few days, was renewed
on receipt of this fresh clew. A ..
Portland Telegram: Strong evi
dence have been obtained pointing
to Harry Wright, an ex-convict, as
the man who smuggled into the
penitentia-y he guns- with which
Tracy an i Merrill killed three
guards, wo inded Convict Ingram,
and kept other guards at bay while
they affected their escape. Wright
was discharged, from the peniten
tiary May 2o last, .
So thoroughly convinced are. the
officerfi that Wright was concerned
in tbe plot to liberate Tracy and
Merrill that a reward of $500 for
his arrest has been offered, and tel
egrams to' bold any one answering
Wrights description have been sent
to the police departments in all the
principal cities of the Pacific coast.
The police are ; also . looking for
Charles Monte, another ex-convict
whom they say was in Salem a few
days before thebreak inquiring of
one of the prison attendants if Tra
cy and Merrill were still working
in the foundry. ,
That the escapa was carefully
and dexteriously planned is appar
ent from some sensational disclos
ures that have just been made. .
More than a year , before the es
cape Merrill wrote a letter to his
halfsistet in this city. There was
nothing unusual in the wording of
the epistle so far as the prison offi
cials could see, and they allowed it
to go to its destination..- : ' ?
However, it turns out that what
was to the naked eye a blsnk
page of paper was in reality a sheet
written with sympathetic ink. Mer
rill had used an invisible chemical
which onl7 required a little heating
j to bring the words ut sharp and
clear. . The letter requested Miss
fry obiason, Meri'H's hah" sis
Jtwi, to be prepared o receive ,ae'
Harry Wright, then an inmate of
the prison, who was to be discharg
ed on or about May 20, 1902. ...
The young woman was directed
rto furnish Wright with sufficient
money to enable him to purchase
.rifles and . ammunition, : which
Wright would see were delivered
where they would b8 most useful to
the writer (Merrill) and his pal,
Tracy. In case she did not have
the funds Ehe wa3 asked to get
Wright a gun somewhere. . ;
At the time of Merrill's conviction
his half brother appeared against
him, and his evidence is said (o
have carried considerable weight in
briDging about Merrill's incarcera
tion. At any rate the prisoner is
said to have made the threat that
if Kb otrer cnf. frpn! thn' ' fi rRt thiner
mm. ' - - b1" . r o .
be would would be to find the broth-
er and kill him. . . ;'
Fearful lest he should carry out
this threat,' Miss Robinson turned
the letter oyer to the: brother, who
in turn, gave it to Attorney R; R.
Giltner; of this city, who still has
the letter in his possession. . Mr.
Giltner made, a copy of the epistle'
Nand sent it to the superintendetit of
tbe state prison, but whether the
letter was received before or after
the escape of the prisoners is not-
known. ' ; . ' "." '
The fact that Merrill's ; brother
is said to be living in Silver Lake,
Waab., toward which plaee the con
victs are now rapidly" approaching,
is taken by some to indicate that
Merrill intends to: make good : bis
threat to kill him. The brother is
said to b3 living with relatives.
v Boston, June 12. Harry Elkes,
in winning the Brassard race at' the
Charles River : Park bicyefe V track
tonight, broke alLworld records in
a distance ? motor-paeed - race from
one mile to In making
41 miles 250 yards for the hour he
broke the record of 40 miles 33?
yards made by William Stinsou,
at Brocton, last year. -,! ,. ' ::
Elkes, "Bobby" Walthour, "Nat"
Butler and Charles , McConnell were
contestants. : Only Walthour figur
ed in the running, he being eight
ish. EI'ie8S limes follow:' - -
For-.five miles, 7.16 1-5; for lo
miles,N14:24; for 15 miles, 21.24
3-5, beating Stinson's record by 58
seconds; for 20 miles, 28A04', for
25 miles, 35.56 4-5;- for 30; miles,
43.16 4-5; for 35 miles, 50-15 3-5.
Just before the finish Elkes. lost
his pace through the crowd running
on the track. : His fastest mile,'the
eleventh, was made in1.23 1 5. El
kea pedalled at the rate of 57 5-9
feet a second.
Bayed From an Awful Fate. . :
"Everybodv said I had consump
tion,' writes Mrs. A. M.; Shields, of
Chambersburg, Pa. "I was so low
after six months of severe sickness,
caused by Hay rever and Asthma,
that fewithought'I could get well,
but I learned of the marvelous mer
it of D.vKing's New Discovery for
Consumption, used it, and wa3 com
pletely cured." For desperate
Throat and Lung diseases it is the
safest Cure in the world, and is in
fallible lor Coughs, Colds and Bron
chial Affections. Guaranteed bot
tles 50c and $1.00.
Grants Pass. June 17. A- party
of men who have just returned from
the Cascade mountains investigat
ing timber lands report that they
believe Crater Lake, which occupies
the extinct crater of Mount Maza
ma, is boiling. JThey say that they
could hot get close enough -to see
the water of the lake ; owing to the
snow, but they were, close enough
to see the clouds of steam arise and
could hear low and deep rumblings
as though' coming from the depth of
the mountain. ; 'i - ::
; Crater Lake, like the.former tops
of the volcanoes of the Martinique
and St. Vincent, is a body of water
filling the crater of an extinct vol
cano. As so many volcanoes have
lately become -active again aftsr
centuries of silence, the recent' re
port regarding crater lake is not at
all unlikely.. An investigation is
being made, results of which are be
ing awaited with'great interest.
Burns, June 17. Robert ; Toney
was shot in the . r: ;ht Lisast and
killed by Jerry Dilev, yepf-rday
' att-raoon..:- B-.h wer-j- emwN, es at
thti liuei.a Vist a ranch 1 1 rLu French
G o Lyistock Company, 50 miles
iiui- Barns.; D'aKy came to towu,
and is now in jail awaiting examin
ation. ; He dims celf-defense. Of
ficer's bava por.q It th. &.n.ene, and
i i iqr -t wiJ In 1 tic,
tft a wiic rtiid two L!iildi., : J
Pay More in a Year for the Rental
of a Mail Car Than It . Costs
Their Pay . Fancy -Prices ;
, For Hauling It. , . - :
The government refuses to - in
crease the pay of letter, carriers,
postal clerks and ot.her government
employes. -.3;
- Mr. Loud and others in charge of
postoffice affairs raise the' cry of ex
travagance a8 an excuse for over
working and underpaying men em
ployed in the, United States govern
ment. ;r, "Vs--.i-'-'';.:
We should like very much to
know what Mr. Loud and other
postoffice authorities have: to ay a
.bon the steady robbing of the gov
ernment by the railroads. Who
gets the money paid out by the rail
road lobby, that . it8 robbing-of - the
government may go on? It would
a i n for a il i r( or An tnnro if is
that no man in publicofficV com-
bines the ability aiid honesty neces-
sSry to shut outt le rail oai th-'eves.
v- Read some figures; bear them m K
mind when government, ownership
of railroads is discussed. - v: ,.X:j .
. Senator YiIaso Wisconsin, in 'a
speech in the senate, February 13,
1895, supplied the following figures
among others: ; ' '
The cost of building of one of the
railway postoffice cars averagHB $3,
500. r:;.-.,: ,'.;' "-J.. :" ;.- ; ';
The railroads charge the govern
ment a certain rental, for the use of
these cars, in ad dition t making
the government pay for the hauling
of the care. -' . . 2
-According to the railroad figures
supplied to Senator Vilas, the fol-.
lowing expense accompanies - the
operating o the postal cars, for each
car: "
Ift-ht,- 27f-a year, - Keaiiog-,
$366 a year. Repairs, $350, a year.
Cleaning, $365 a year. Total av
erage cost of maintaining eacb car
in use, $1,356. It : is need loss to
point out tne extravagance of these
estimates." . But let them- stand for
the purpose of argument. :
When 'Senator Vilas was speak
ing, it was proposed to approparite
$3,205000 -to be paid by the govern
ment for renting postoffice cars dur
ing the ensuing year. 'That amount
was to be paid for 790 postoffice
cars 560 cars in U3e, 18o cars in
reserve and 5o additional cars that
might become necessary. -
According to the ralroads' own
figures, the cost of maintaining and
operating the cars would be $89o,-
16o. ';-:--
Take that amount from the' ap
propriation of $3,2o5,ooo and you
findhat the railroads' were paid by
the govsrnment $2,314,84o for the
UEe of the cars for one year. ; To
build those cars outright cost only
$2,7o5)Oo. So that after deducting
a sufficient amout to renew the cars
and keep them in order . the rail
roads steal from the government in
one year, practically the total cost
of building the -cars. In addition
the goveanment pays an -extrava
gantly high rate for hauling all
these cars.
Things have been getting worse
instead of better since Vilas made
his speech.- For the fiscal year end
ing June 3q, 19ol, the government
paid to the railroad companies for
the use of postoffice cars as rental,
independent for the hauling of the
cars $4,638,234,o3. - Seven hun
dred and sixty-five cars were used.
Thus as rental for each car, tbe gov
ernment paid an average of $6, o63.-oo.-
::: ;.,- "; . t,v: -,.. ' -;-
; To build a mail car cost $3,5oo;
the outside limit, as fixed by -; the
railroads, of the cost of maintaining
and operating the car in use is $1,
336 a total of $4,856 for building
a car and keeping it in order for a
year. " " : r
Therefore the goversment paid
the railroads for each car per year
the total cost of building the car,
the cost of maintaining it, and $1,
2o7.o5 additional. -
; Every year 'the railroads get
bick from the government the en
tire cost of ever' car, the entire cost
of maintaining and operating them,
$1.2o7. o5 besides,! and the regular
scale for carrying the , mails, as the
law. provides an extravagantly
hii'h rate ovr aiid nbeve " ill the
I Individual iaiiroada iar belter
t.hau others. Take, for example, . the
I New York Central Railroad, which owns
one of New York's representatives in the
United Statea Senate, :Mr, .Depew, and
controls the other, Mr. Piatt, through his
express company. The New York Cen
tral carries the government, mails on the
route from "New York to-Buffalo. In
1901 the governmentpaid the New. York
Central 230,033,60 for the use of 22 cars.
Therefore the government paid to the
New York Centtal for one' year $ 10,456,
07 for each car. That is to pay, each year
it pays the original -ost o building the
car, and the total cost of maintaining the
car, twice, over. - v
And at the end of the year the railroad
still owns the car.
In addition, the railroad company re
ceived, from the government $1, 228,080.
41 for transporting the mails, under the
regular weight" schedule, : between New
York and Buffalo. ; '. j
-If you want" to know how the railroads
rob the government through the conniv
ance of senators, congfessaieu and others
influenced by .the railroad lobby,-, etudy
these figures, which compare the charges
for transporting government mail matter
and ordinary express matter to a New
York Central station twenty miles from
New York: -. - ' ; " :. : - . - '. '
For carrying 2OO pounds per . day , of
mail matteiyat $50 per mile per annum ,
the reilroad is authorized to charge in
ioae year jOO The express -company
carries a 200-pound : package- the same
distance every day for 365 a year. -
. In other words, U10' government pays
$1,000 for carrying 2oo pounds of mail
matter twenty miles. every day for a year
in addition to paying an enormous rental
for the cars. Express matter travels the
same distance at the same speed for $365
year, and the - railroad coup any
made a good profit on the transaction.
Poor's Manual gives, the Pennsylvania
Riilroad Company's own. statement for
lf00 as to its earnings.' - i- '; -. - ;
On passengers the', railroad earns a
small fraction over 2 cents per mile per
passenger. - On freight it earns a little
less than a third of a cent per" mile per
ton. . - " "
The government, however, pays all the
rallroadsrSncludiug the Pensylyania,. an
average of 18 cents per'mile. - - .
These are dull figures, but when -you
talk governmept-ownorship, when you
tatt about th-e robbery f 'Ihe ' public by
corporations, it is well. to have some facts
at your disposal. ' Remember that the TJ-
uited States government pays every year
to the railaoada 38,030,000 for carrying
the maibj and for the use of cars.
In France, where the government con
trols all the railroads, owns many of
them,' and will eventually own all, the
railroads carry the'mails free,, in return
for their grants or right of way. - - "
In Switzerland the railroads" receive
nothing forcarry ing the mails. The com
pany that got permission to build a rail
road had to carry mails free in exchange
for the privilege witn this exception:
If the railroad company actually earned
less than 3 1-2 per cent a year the gov
ernment paid a reasonable price for mail
service." The Swiss, more wise than we,
have now made all railroads government
property. ;. .. . - 1 s '
In Germany, all . railroads must 'carry
one mail car free. If othef cars are need
ed to transport the mails the government
pays a small rate, which.barely represents
the cost of hauling the cars. Austria's
rales are practically the same as those of
Germany. . --.
'-The British Parliament, lite our own
national congress, consists largely of men
owned by the rrilroads. T But they have
some shame over there, and although the
British mail service includes the parcels
post and does the work of our express com
panies, the government pays to the rail
roads for all of its carrying, includihg'this
enormous parcel express business, only
one-ninth of the amount which the Unit
ed States government pays the railroads
for the carrying of pure mail matter.
r The public officials in Washington wh6
connive at this kind of thievery , talk a
bout extravagance aud waste when it is
suggested that the hard-working men
who sort the letters ia the postoffice or
carry the huge bundles on their backs
should be paid fairly.
" They can easily be. persuaded, to giye
away millions of government money to
the New YOrk " Cential Railroad, which
has one of its lackeys and one of its pup
pets in'the United States senate, but they
can't treat fairly the actual workers who
serve the people
Of What does a bad taKte in your
mou .-1 mn.'.id - yon?.-- It licates
that ynur Bi.-jmacn is in bad condi
tion and will remind you that there
is nothing 30 good for such a dis
order as Chamberlain's Stomach &
Liver Tablets after having once
used. them. They cleanse, ar t ia
vigora.e t'te Btomach and ralat;
the VwB.e - For p.. e at v
per L; Well
DONED. ' .
Tracy aud Merrill Coverer Theufe
Tracks Completely Escapes
Are Believed to Be Travel-:
ing on Horseback in . .
Vicinity of La
'.- , Center. .: . - :,. r
Vancouver, Wash., June 18.
Tired, chagrined, and covered withr
the dust of many miles of jungle-,
road and brush, Sheriff Marsh, sev
eral of his deputies, detectives and
about a dozen members of Compa
ny C, Washington National Guard,
returned here today from an unsuo
cessful chase after . Tracy and Mer
rill, the escaped convicts-The cha&ar
will be resumed when a new clew
presents it elf. The bloodhoundsr
are at Woodland with Guard, Car
son and Walter Lyons, private seci
retary to Governor Geer.
Tracy and Mtrrill are supposed
to be having a gay time of it oa
horseback, somewhere in the wilds
between Ridgefield, Pioneer and La
Center, but their postoffice address?
is unkmwn. Through somebody's
error of judgment yesterday after
noon, when an opportunity present
ed itself to follow trails leading to
Lewisville, Ridgefield and La Cen
ter, posses were sent in pursuit of
Tracy and Merrill to Ridgefield and
La Center. The indications now are
that when the posse divided, the?
outlaws were about one hour ahead
of the man-hunters, and were riding :
toward Lewisville. - " ,r
The first clew a3 to the- outlaws
presence-around Pioneer came yes
terday afternoon at 2 o'clock, when
Miss Anderson eaw two men on.
horseback riding from Pioneer r t
Lewisville. , One horseman wore a
hat, sat on a saddle, and the other,
wearing a handkerchief around bis
head,"Jode . bareback. ;v ich. m,n
carried a- rifle. In the meantime,
the hounds bad lost the scent, and
the posses were hurrying to Ridge
field and La Center, only to find
that the convicts had not been seen
or heard of at those points. Thia
was between 3 and 4 o'clock in the
Twelve members of Company G
were in tha brush toward La Center
yesterday trying to head off the
convicts, should they venture, that
way. Tae . militia boys were
armed with Winchesters, Krage,
Mausers and Springfield rifles.
This : afternoon, two horsemen
were seen riding along a by-path,
in timberland, three-quarters of a
mile west ef La Center, and farmers
dogs in the vicinity began to howl.
Two guards who were patrolling
the crossroads came running in
time to see the two horsemen disap
pear in the gloom of a hill. This
was the last alarm of the vase.
"Won't tbe morning l ht ever
come?'' said one tired joember of
the little band. All through the
night vigilant guard was kept, and
while one hunter slept others took
their turns at watching and vice -versa.
' ' " ' . '. - - - '
The bloodhounds bayed at the
man in the moon. . Bright 'and
eaily this morning the chase was
resumed,, but all energy seemed
gone. There was absolutely no
clue, and one by one the man-hunters
came home. Detectives Day
and Weiner struck .for Portland.
The militia boys came home on bi
cycles and in carriages.
Sheriff Marsh, after leaving dep
uties to remain guarding approach
es to the Lewis river, to prevent the
convicts from crossing the stream,
left for Vancouver and arrived here
at 8 o'clock. .- - . ,
VI am too tired to talk. I am go
ing back if I get another clew," he
said to an Oregonian man. It was
observed, however, that the sheriff
was not too tired to answer a vol
ley of questions as to the why and
wherefore from a crowd of citizens
in front of a cigar store.
. Filthy Temples in India.
Sacred cows often defile Indian
temples, ! but worse yet is a body
that's polluted ; by, constipation.
Don't permit it. Cleanse your sys
tem with Dr. King's New Life Pills
and avoid untold misery. .They
give ' lively livers, active - bowels',
good d'sf :-n, fine appetite. ; Only
25c i. Cr.'.naru Wutliani's drag
etcro. - ; -