LOCAL LORE. Wheat 64. Ride a Rambler. Mrs FA Helta left Saniay for . Eastern Oregon, - Harry Beard a former OAC stu dent, visited ' Corvallia friends last week, ' Miss Lillian SleElroy of Eugene arrived Saturday to visit friends and attend commencement. After a fejsv days visit with college friends Ray Goodrich left Sunday for ma uomb ac jNorm xamnm, . O A Danneman joint representative-elect, arrived Sunday from Clem for a visit with his family, Guy Seeley has purchased the Interest of George Whitesides in the truck business, and ia to take posess lon July 1st, V - Mr and Mrs C A Hanley of Hilis boro arrived Saturday for a visit J J g- . .-. -', Hlknn nVv , V. . gnests of Mr and Mrs G A Thorp. , Walter G Ready after a few days visit with his parens, returned Mon day to Crook county where he wi'l apendtha summer. , Mrs Becker ,-who formerly resided in Benton is visiting Old friends, The present is theHrst visit in 27 years. She went out to Monroe Sunday to bethe guest of the Wiihelm family. MrsBecker resides now at Sublimity. Mr and Mrs W Y Masters, of Portland, arrived yesterday for Com mencement, and are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W A Wells. Mr Masters is an alumnus of OAC and is a member of the Portland city council. At Monroe, the work ofrebuildlng the dam across Long Tom, begins this week. The dam supplies water r to the Wiihelm flouring mills. The former dam was carried away by high water last winter. r . -Contractor Heckart left Monday to begin the erection of the W W Cal kins residence at Eugane. The stone basement of the edifice has been com pleted,, and the woodwork will com mence at one?. Local buyers are bidding np somewhat for wool. Fourteen and a fourth was quoted yesterday as ob- tainable for a good grade. One local . -O 1 i .1 I .3 , .... A A . mux nan uireauy pumuaseu uvci iu, 000 pounds, and others have bought proportionately. A conslderable.quan tlty has already been shipped. After a five weeks visit with rel atives, Mrs M F Woods leaves next week for her home at Moscow Idaho Her husband was formerly an em ploye at the . Agricultural CollegeJ but now holds a position fn the agricult ural department of the Idaho Uni versity under Professor French. The spirltualista of this vicinity have formed an organization to be Tinown as "First Spiritual Uuion of Corvallis." Barrett Lyceum is to be - used by the Association. Next Sun day, at 2.30 p m will be held the first public meeting 'Of the Union. All friends cordially Invited, :. .- . Theo Barnhart left yesterday for Port Orchard, Washington' where he . has accepted a.peeiiionin the navy yard. He Is to-do wood finishing, a job that commads good wages, - with eight hours as a days worls. If all turns out well, his family will , follow later. ' . The pharmacy graduates of the college wrestled with the' State Phar macy examination at the college Mon day and yesterday; The examination was conducted by: Prof, McXellips, questions having been provided for the purpose by the State board of examiners. The applicants were, Vic tor Spencer. Miss Sturgeon, Miss Ethel Smith, Ed Rosendorf, Alex Mc-i Gilvary and Mr Milhollen, ' : Many people know now just how " ured. The question Is, why did not these knowing ones go do the catch ing? There was over 3,000 in it for them. Some others say the sheriff's posse was afraid. It is noticeable that all those who say this, kept themselves strictly out of range of the convicts rifles. The only right val ' uable opinion on these matters must come from the man or men of the fut nrewbo catches Tracy and Merrill. Work on the new dwelUogg on College hi.'! 13 progre.4ins favorably. The cottages of Miss Chamberlin and jiiiss vrawiora are ready for the plas- terers, and ia the Callanaa building the frame is up.aud a portion of the Bldinsr on. All thrsn hiiilriin mM! ha completed duing July. The frame the Qatch resiaenco is ub, a Porttoa or the sidings on aud the carpenters are working oa the roof. - Last Sunday eveniDg a fishiDg - party arrived in town, Ths fisherman were, Charles Chipman, W H Currin, Mack Homphill and Dell Alexander. They had been to.Alsea.They claimed in half a dozen hours of fishing more or lees, to have captured over 500. If there la anything wrong with the statement, It la in their mathematics; not In their lauv'-:' 1 Today ends the 34th annual com mencement at OAC. The graduating exercises occur In the Armory at 10 o'clock this morning. Promptly at the appointed hour, the doors will be clu- : sed, and will so remain until the exer-' cises end. The programme relates that the exercises will be shorter than usual. This afternoon at 2;30, in the college chapel occurs the business meeting of the alumni, and in Cauth orn Hall at 8;33 tonight, the Alumal reyciont Victor Moses county clerk elect spent Sunday with Tangent, relatives. VE Waiters is expected home from Portland Friday. ..: Born Monday to Mr and -Mrs Fred Buchanan, a daughter, r Born Sunday to Mr and Mrs BIley Young of Job addition, a son. v Miss Ivy Burton has been elected" to a position as teacher in . Indepen dence public schools. ; . ' Miss Olive Hamiltion Is confined at home with illness. Her place in the postofflce Is filled tempo rarily by Miss Edna Jacobs, . -. - Asa Alexander left yesterday for. a week's visit with his aged mother at Vancouver, the first In five years. D A Osburn will perform the duties of Chief of Police during his absence, Miss Laura Cauthorn, . who has been teaching at Fossil for the past year, has arrived, and - is the guest for Commencement at - the - Finley home, ' " - - -Adjutant Garrabred of the Sal vation Army or Joe, tie Turk, will be in Corvallis and spea k in Salvation Army hall Friday evening June 20, ' Mrs Esther Avery Adams, and Miss Emma Brown arrived Monday from San Franciaco, and r are guests at the home" of Mr and Mrs N B Ave ry. : ' ; The school conain, completed a fewdays agoby School Clerk Buchanan shows quite en increase in the school population of Corvallis. Last year the number of pupils of school age in the district was 650, This year it is 757, an inorease of 1(7 during the year. A canvass began yesterday among business men and others for funds for the use of next, years foot bail team." James Zurcher, manager of the football team and Charles Johnson atheletic manager took the field at nine o'clock yesterday fore noon, and at last accounts had met with much encouragement, But few students remain in town Every train and boat for several days past has been carrying them away. At Cauthorn Hall the - contingent was reduced to about 11 yesterday, Or dinarily the number there Is about 75. The place ia to be closed for the sum mer vacation today, ' Alpha Hall is similarly deserted, It is to be closed for the season Friday. The diminution of the blue uniform on the street at mail time and otherwise is . already noticeable. In a day or two more the town will lapse into its usual summer quietude when a dog fight or the buzz of a gad fly will be a happy relief from the monotony, . - f The annual school election occur- ed Monday, The former .date for such elections was In March; but the new law makes? the date the third Monday In June of each year." The voting Monday resulted in the ' choice of F L Miller for director, and M T scarr ror cierK. umy ai . votes were cast. The voting continued, from one to half past four. ." A few. scattered votes were cast for other candidates. The new director takes the place of Judge McFadden, who retired from the board. The clerk elect takes the place of W A Buchanan, who has ser ved for several years, and who decli ned to be candidate for re election. ' At eleven o'clock the other night, Mr Wallace of Albany, who is enga ged in the work on Marys River bri dge at Corva!lt3, received a telephone message saying that his son in Albany was drowned. He left immediately forAlbany, there he learned that . it was his son in Idaho that was drown ed, Subsequently," - he received Information that his son in Idaho was engaged in packing to Thunder Moun- tain, that he" was not drowned, but that all members of the packing party put him" had lost jtheif lives in a drowning accident, v Mr Wallace returned to work Saturday with a lighter heart then when he left it. S GThompson died at his home near Monroe Monday, He bad been inpoor health for a long time, He resided in the south end of the county for 18 or 20 years, and at . one time was a merchant at Monroe.' The fun eral occurred from the late home at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, and was under the auspices of . the Corvallis lodge A F & A M Several masons went out from Corvallis" to conduct tto masonic- burial, among them Prof. Skelton, Prof. Covall, Dr Harper, W P Lafferty Thomas Call- ahan, W H Hall and W E Yates. The of-Unterment was la the Monroe cemetery The deceased wa3 far advanced in years. : ' For Sale Fullblood white wyandotte eggs, $1 per setting ot 13 eggs. WF Gillespie , Klines Store -, - , For Sale. ; Two thousand acres of land in South ern Benton county, with . or without stock. Would make four trood . stock fartns. pieces, er. Will sell all in a body or in Will only deal direct 'with buy- George A. Houck Eugene, Oregon Bears tie yf Have Always BougK HIS : AUTO He had it in Corvallis And at ' Picnic The Engine Bucked. the The ' first automobile- invaded Corvallis Saturday night, sped down street , without tongue or apparent motive As it horses, attach- ments, it - commanded undivided attentiojijHid everybody "rubbered.'- It is the property of E G Ingham of Eugene, who On this oo casion was the pilot of the machine Its value is $650. The motive power is a gasoline engine, located under the seat, where it is . out of sight. There are two -. seats, so ar ranged that the passengers sit back to back-. : The wheels are. lower even than bicycle wheels and are rubber-tired. The machine was at the Monroe picnic for a while Sat urday, came down to Corvallis in the evening, and went on to Albany and thence to ' Eugene Sunday morning. - ' -K . . ; Horses that draw " vehicles some times -buck - or balk, and so do gasoline . engines, this automobile went Saturday evening.- 1 lie one m on a strike : The vehicle passed a certain house out south, gliding along as gay . and chipper as could be. By and by up the road a piece it halted. 'Those who passed later - found" the '. pro prietor working with the, internals of his engine.- Most of the parts he had scattered here -and " . there. The road was thick "with dust and so was the air. There ; was blood in the proprietor's eye. That ' was one time when a pair of steady nags would have been - acceptable. AS TO CHICKENS -- They Must Be Kept at Home The New Ordinance Must bo Enforced. Several hens are at large-in town. Trouble is brewing" for them. --- In discriminate running at large by chickens, geese,or ducks is not allowable in this town. " If chickens are kept at all within the city lim its, they must be kept: in a hog tight, ; chicken-high, goose-strong enclosure. An ordinance to : this effect, was legally passed and offi cially promulgated by the city council about a week ago. -s. The chief of police intends to en force this ordinance. He has : re ceived, peremptory-- instructions to do !jO. No guilty hen- will be al lowed to escape. Just what means the chief will employ in ; carrying out the terms of the law can only be guessed at. The hens . may re sist or they may- take to their heels at thcapproach. of the chief. I therefore, on the back street " some afternoon, there is seen a breath less '-old , hen with out stretched wings and running as fast, as her legs can carry her, closely pursued by a hatless, red-faced, and' wind broken man,- that will be the chief of police enforcing the . chicken, ordinance, - -- ' 7 Owners of chickens, just the same, must arrange to. keep their poultry at home;.; Failure to do so, will result in fine or imprisonment. The ordinance is to, be. applied. See the warning issued by Chief Alexander in another column. : ' - . Ho! for Newport. - ; ' Oregoft' Favorite seaside resort, "Re cognizing the'advantage of Newport as a suninier resort over" other . " seaside re sorts in the north wosti and to . make it possibla for all who desire to go to spend their vacation by" the ;ocean - waves, the Southern Pacific Company in cpnnec tiOnwith the Corvallis & Eastern will place oa sale effective June 15th, round trip tickets from all points in Oregon on- the Southern Pacific to Newport, good tor return until October loth, at spe cially reduced rates. For ftdl information please inquire of your local agent." ) - ' - , It will pay you to investigate goods and prices at J H Harris You can save money. . . : Shingles and all kinds of dimension lumber on hand- at ike Benton. County lcmberyard. .-. - : . Wanted ' Fifty girls aged from six to ten years, to meet at City Hall Wednesday June 18 at 3 o'clock. They are wanted for the liberty car for the coming celebration. . . - . Committee.' Wanted, Several thousand bushels feed oats. Win quote firm prices on samples. In quire at the Corvanis Flouring Mills, - Farms for Sale. -Also livestock wanted, . The under signed deals in improved stock and grain farms, and buys all kinds of livestock, wool, hay, potatoes and -nil kinds of produce, for which highest market prices are paid, ' ""-,'" . . .. James L Lewis, ; -.- - Corvallis, Ore. - CASTOHIA.1 - s7 ' FACULTY KNOCKED OUT Boys They :Have Drubbed, Drubbed Them It was Base Ball. - ' The College faculty got drubbed Monday afternoon by the men that for four years past they had been wont to drub. It was- at baseball The men who led them into a Waterloo were members of . ' the senior -class. , The challenge was issued by the - latter. Perhaps they desired to- even up before leav ing the institution. However, that may be, they met " and the faculty were their' n. ' - The game was played on OAC field Monday afternoon, in the presence of a good crowd. It was an inleresting game, ad was not by any means one-sided. . The professors though out of training, came to the scratch in good style, and sprung several surprises on their opponents. All of them showed that they had .been on the diamond many a time before. One of the star players . among them was Prof take, who -held " V down second base like a veteran. ; The faculty nine "was, catcher. Cordley; pitcher, " Hayward;: short stop, Knisely, 1st base, McKellips; second- Lake; third, Kent,' - left field, Edwards; center, Oren; right, ratlerson. . ' The senior ' nine was, catcher, Scott; pitcher," Bilyeu; short stop, Spencer; 1st base, Smith; ' second, MacLean; third, Tully; : left fields Hanley, center, Alspaugh; right, Laughlin. The umpire was Car nahan. ; , The score of the game was 14 to 11. Early in the game, the score stood, seniors, 10, faculty, two; but the professors got down to business and held the seniors down until the score stood 10 to for Ultimately, however, the boys rolled up four more tallies while the professors got but one. TWO THOUSAND THERE And a Fine Time for allParade, Speeches and Music The : . Monroe Picnic. Monroe had a big .picnic Satur- dav. - It was managed by the school and Woodmen of the yicin itv. It is estimated that between 1,500 and 2,000 people were there In the forenoon there was a parade in which were floats, lodees. school children and teachers almost num berless. The procession was head ed by thcOAQband. : After the parade there was a literary : pro gramme and, a basket " dinner. In the afternoon there was an address on the objects and character of the order of Woodmen by Senator elect M A .Miller of Lebanon, and many interesting games and con tests. ' At half past four, dancing began on - a fine platform in the grove, . and continued until rnid- niarht, Some idea of . the size of the crowd is gained frbttr the fact the grounds' are said to have taken in about $300; " The picnic was one of the most successful that has ever been heid in Benton county. THOSE PROMOTED - Coininissioned Officers-of the Cadet Battalion for Next Year at the ; .; ' r : Cellege. ' 1'he list of promotions in the cadet battalion at the college was announced, by Major Edwards, commandant, . Friday , afternoon. Those who are to serve as officers of ?he four military companies .next year, are as follows: Caaet major, By ram May field; cadet first lieu tenant and quarter, master, James W' Hartley; cadet first - , lieutenant and artillery officea, IP Whitney; cadet first lieutenant ' and band master, James D Zurcher. , - Cadet captains, J K Johnson, W S Wells E B Beatty and - John Paulson, , , ' ; - ' Gadet first lieuteuants, - John Howard, W D Jamieson, . -, E Iv Burrraugh and I M Underwood. Cadet second lieutenants,- F C Pate.- E Iv Dyer, P E Clark and E Wicklund. , - .. : There were also appointed 35 sergeants and 40 corporals. - - For Sale Good young cow, fresh June 1st, particulars inquire at Times office. For -. Sewing Machines Repaired - Ey Cair Austin, the White sewing machine agent, by notifying Stewart & Sox, Abauy, Oregon. Charges reason be and work guranteed, S. L. Kline Agent for Osborne binders and hay rakes, Full line of groceries Highest price paid for wool. -Business Opprtunity. , To the right party we will give ex clusive sale of our product in Benton county. Eequire limited advance pay ment for goods, . Address, International Powder Vehicle Co, Drawer G, ' Stan-j ' '-on -" 1 . Misses and Children's Dresses We offer for this week our entire line of Misses and Childrens ready-to-we&r dresses at greatly reduced prices Childrens Dresses, ag 1 to Misses Dresses, age 9 to 14 , 5oc dresses now. .39e 75c dresses now.... -.63c 75c dresses now ..".7.........63c 1.00 dresses now ;.....79e 1 .00 dresses - now. .". L. . ...79c 1.50 dresses now.,. ....... 1 .OS 1.25 dresses now...;!... ...... ..98c 2.00 Presses now........ 1.50 dresses now... ......... ....1.08 2.50 dresses now.... ....... .J. 99 This includes some very pretty patterns, in Calieo, Percale, Ginham and Outing Flannel, All trimmed in .tha latest styles " "" rz . ' ' . And don't forget our sailor hats for ladies in white tlacl and fancy colors at 35c, 5oc, 75c, l.Oo THE TONE Y $3 00 Shoe the "correct shape" Shoe for men is filled between th " outsole and insole with a mixture of ground cork and rubber, whici acts as a cushion for the wearer's foot, keeps out moisture and pre- : vents Equeaking. Always, $3.oo, never less. Better than eoaai' Shoes at.$3 5o. . . ' ' , v , TOPROUND - $3.5o Shoes, made from White's Crown Calf, wears better, keej? its polish better, ia fact, the best Shoe made in the world for ihe price A e "'- 1.. 1. - 1 U W-.A !t!J Kn QtinaQ FIRST Only very best upper leather Used. .' - ; .. SECOND Only heaviest sole leather used. , r m THIRD Only solid leather lifts for heels. FOTRTH Only fast-color hooks and eyelets. Never wear brassj : FIFTH Only best of lining and trimmings. - ; ; SIXTH Only best of sole-leather counters. ; ' SEVENTH Only skilled labor employed. : E-ery pair U MttH ; . - with eilk. and all have wide leather bace stayF which prevents breaking over the counter. Sold only by F. X.. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or. - ; - r . Phone 191. . : iUSHti you see 'it in our aClf s so BEST CLOTHING IN TOWN, f.: j'ijt " W-;.X' h"- r.i-v-.. V W . 'f mm m .-14 ' m Mk' You've probably learned by this time that when you want the best clothes in town-,- yon must come to us to get theru, if you havent yet proved it ir your Own experience, you will sooner or later, : Notice our customers, ask them whafi they, think of the : clothes we sell; better look in here your self and see our nobby suit for $10, 12..15, 16 50, 18. Wo want you to see the good points of our clothes whether you buy or not. We like to show, them to people just for the fun of it.g V