The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 18, 1902, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Taper of Benton Connif,
IThe Exercise Occurred Sunday Morn
ing in the Armory Many There.
The baccalaureate is always a
popular feature of Commencement
at the Agricultural College. Or
dinarily, the crowd . in attendance
on that event is as large as on any
of the many interesting occasions of
- Commencement time. That ot last
Sunday's baccalaureate exercise
was no exception to the rule. , It
.is estimated that fully 1,200 people
occupied seats in the Armory at the
morning hour. :
The sermon was by Dr John H
Coleman, the hew president of
Willamette University. His theme
was, "The United States in the
"World's Conflict." The text was
"He has not dealt so with any na
tion." .
The address was original and in"
terestmg. 1 he speaker said many
good things, some, of which sent an
. audible ripple of laughter through
the audience, He showed the
tendency of nations to -fall after
they had risen, pointing out that
but two nations of , antiquity still
survive. The unusual resources
of the American nation were set
forth. The race is quicker and
more energetic. The mineral de
posits in the mountains and the
fertility of the plains are the great
est. . - In 25 years, he said, our na
tion will be probably ten times as
rich as any nation. The prob
lem of one man monopolizing vast
interests was pointed out as a
question of immiment importance
to the country, and one that must
be solved. Men have a right to ac
cumulate, he said, but when they
push their accumulations to the
point wnere it grinds and oppresses
women and children it becomes the
public's business ana must be sup
pressed. The speaker concluded
that Providence had peculiarly fit
ted the American nation to be the
leader and evangelizer of the world
and declared that if the rigbt were
-followed the United - States would
"lie so acknowledged;" otherwise
the nation would fall. . V
, The big auditorium presented a
a fine view to the eye, . during - the
baccalaureate - hour.- . The - stage
was crowded with people, compris
ing the "faculty, : city ministers,
choir and others. . In the front
row of seats below, were the 30 odd
members of the graduating -class.
In the galleries and main floor,
nearly every seat had an occupant.
There were decorations of pink
streemers and : evergreens. Potted
plants and ferns were placed about
the stage. The day was superb as
"was the occasion. '
Other features of the ' exercise
"were, Mendelssohn's St. Paul by the
chorus, hymn by congregation, in-,
vocation, Baldwin's Te Deum, by
the chorus, scripture lesson, pray
er, response, lord's Prayer, sung
by the chorus; Kipling's jieces
ioiial, by the chorus; hymn by
the congregation and benediction.
That is What Young Folks do Now
' ' - Some Old Ones do, too. - j
" It is popular in town now to
watch Jupiter.'.The big planetis for
the first time in several years, in
apposition with the earth, and his
nearness to us makes : him by far
the biggest star in the heavensJ
A man who watched him r the -other
night, said next morning that
the planet appeared to be . as large
as tha palm of a man's hand, . Al
so that it had horns." Anotherwho
sat up until one o'clock in . the
morning said that it looked about
as big as a dollar, and that it did
not have horns, though one well de
fined ray, pointing to the southeast
was clearly visible. . .
lYoung folks about town -spend
much time watching the star now.
It seems t6 have a fascination for
them. Perhaps it is because the
star does not rise until after mid
night. It rises a little earlier each
evening, however, and - later on
will appear as the evening" star.
In its revolution around the sun,
Jupiter makes a trip of- 1,500 mil
lion miles, requiring - twelve --years
to: make . the journey. . Several
moons revolve around it, four , of
which can be seen with a telescope
with a lens of four inches, and . two
of the larger ones with an ordinary
field glass.
There could be no ; more profit
able occupation for thoughtful; per
sons who wish to treat - their eyes j
to some of the great sights of as
tronomy than by looking at Jupit
er with a telescope. . The striped
and spotted disc of the great planet,
brilliant with contrasted colors, and
ceaseless in its change of detail
is a chapter in the history v of crea
tion as legible to one who knows
how to read it ; as are the baked
tablets ot Nineveh to. the 'AsSyriol
ogist. But it carries the mind back
to a time infinitely beyond the ear
liest dates of human history and
beyond the era when the oceans
were formed and "the first contin
ents were born. r ' ; .
Jupiter is a world now about
that stage in ; existence " which is
dimly hinted at in the opening
verses of Genesis. Its garden of
Eden and its Adam and Eve, with
their idyl of dawning love and their
legend of original sin, are yet . to
College Cadets did it The Annual
Contest Burnaugh First.
The annual junior cadet target
contest was held Saturday ; on the
range near Mary's river dam. The
day was ideal and some remarkably
good scores were, made. The
ranges were 100' yards and " 200
yards offhand; 300 5-ards, kneel
ing or sitting; and 400 - sad ' 500
yards lying down. . The contest-
i ants had s shots at each range.
The highest possible score was
125. '; -'r..-:: O;
Eirst place was won by E L
Burnaugh with the following score:
100 yards, 22; 200 yards, 22; 300,
18; 400, 22; 500, 12; total 96.
The second place was taken by
A F Gerking with the following
score: 100, 23; 200, 20; 300, 17;
400, -22;.500, 12; total 94. "
Others who contested-were P E
Clark, - F C Pate, E B Beaty,
John Paulson, I M Underwood
and II Hagelstein. .
Seven Hundred Came They Stopped
Half an Hour in Carvallis,'
. Auction of Dairy Cows. '.
- , "
- I will sell at my ranch on Philomath
road 2 miles southwest of Corvallis, Sat
urday June 2Sth at 10 o'clock a m the
following property : 20 head No 1 milch
cows, 12 head yerrlings and fall calves,
1 short horn bull, 2 year old; I . Jersey
bull, yearling; between 40 and 5o head
ol hoes 7 brood sows balance voune
liogs from 5o to loo pound6; 150 chickens ! tain
mostly hens; 1 light 2-horse wagon, 1
phaeton, 1 set double harness almost
new; and numerous farming ' Imple
ments, ' . '
Terms of sale, All sums under $50,
cash; between 50 and $200, one years
tims at lo per cent, over$2oo at 8 per
cent interest, 1
- v ... SB Bane, Cojyallis,
A Warning.
All owners of chickens are hereby no
tified that the chicken ordinance, re
quiring chickens, ducks and geese with
in the city limits to kept within enclos
ures' will be strictly enforced,. This no
tice is given in order to give such owners
time to prepare such enclosures as may
be accessary,-' , .
A B Alexander, .
v. . Chief of Police.
come, it tliey are destined to come
at all. - -.,;-.-r
The -: imagination ' is appalled
while looking upon: a planet .so
enormously greater, than ; ours,
where the Creator is just setting
the stage and preparing the scen
ery for a world drama , that must
pole Ike tragic story - of-,' Adam's
rsce to the serio-comic complexion
of a burletta for children. ; V
It would be a good thing for
some Of our blowers of ."trust bub
bles to look .' at and think about
Jupiter as . he gleam s lazily . and
gigantically through the .. misty
summer air." : . . . ''
He would . teach - - them how
small they and their ' works are
after all. : Or perhaps . he would
stimulate their ambition to attempt
the cornering of a bigger -world,
and thus relieve this one of their
presence. " - ; - '- - '
Jupiter will be in a more '. favor
able position for telescopic observ
ation this summer than he was
during his last apposition, and as-
tromoners are preparing to tal
advantage of . the opportunity . to
learn more about. what is going on
upon his curiously chaotic surface.
Several observers think there is
something peculiar about the north
temperate zone of the huge planet.
Singular spots have from - time : to
time broken into view there as if
tremenduo'us volcanoes had spout
ed black ashes up through a cur-
of brilliant - vapors. And
there the winds appear to be more
active than anywhere else, and
contradictory motions, . difficult to
explain, manifest themselves among
the cloudy belts and spots.
In short Jupiter is the - scene of
the play of energies v ; so immense
and varied that one must be pre
pared for a surprise every "time he
comes back into the range of vis
ion. ' ' -
Seven hundred workmen from var
ious parts of the United States and
Canada, visited Corvallis Monday.
Nearly every state in the. Union
was represented. There were ten
coaches of the excursionists. They
stopped but half an hour in Corval
lis, and the passengers did not leave
the railroad station. -v
". They were met at the station by
several hundred townspeople. A
committee rrom the local lodges of
A O U W and Degree of Honor
was there, and so were - nearly ; all
the members of those, lodges in
town. They presented flowers to
the visitors, and afforded all possible
information. On the train en route
from Portland badges bearing the
names of the local lodges and the
date of the excursion were distribu
ted among V the delegates from
abroad, and were highly appreciat
ed. --- -.- -
All the -visitors were, delighted
with the Willamette Valley. One
ofthem from the sunny South: "I
am to old too come to Oregon my
self; but I have two boys and a
girl, and I am going to give theirfj
the best educaton I can, and then
ell them to come out West."
After a stop of half an hour they
took the train over the westside for
Portland. lt came out of Portland on
the eastside, and stopped for two
hours st Salem. There the visitors
were welcomed by the governor in
an address, and several of them re
sponded. From Salem the . train
passed on Coy Albany for '.-half an
hours stop, and then came to Cor
vallis. '.-
A Corvallis Business Man the Victim
- Work ofa Smooth Stranger.
About $40 was lost by a Cor
vallis business man in the. cashing
of a forged check last week. ; The
buyer was August Fischer, and the
person who played the i game was a
smooth stranger who has since dis
appeared.' 'rf''Z-::'"': f-
The method by which the check
was cashed is new, and there is. no
surprise that it worked. 0 The
crook went to' the mill and pur-chased-about
$3 worth of mill feed
He ordered it sent to a house near
the Corvallis & Eastern depot, say
ing he had moved there with his
family. :,.' He . casually mentioned,"
too, that he had been working for
Gus Harding for some time. When
it came time to pay for the mill
feed, he produced a ' check for
$44. 25, with ' 'Gustive Harding"
as the signature. It was drawn, on
the Corvallis bank.- and was ap
parently all right. " . Mr Fischer ac
cepted the check, and paid over -the
difference, about $40. The strang
er took the money and has not since
been seen. " "
All this happened on Tuesday of
last week.- The check was laid
away with others. ' Nothing more
was thonght of the incident '" until
last Saturday, four days after the
transaction, when the Harding
check was presented at the bank
by Mr Fischer for payment. There
the bank officials discovered that
the cheek was not " genuine. In
the signature the name was spelled
"Gustive." " Besides the hand
writing was not that of Mr Hard
ing, Subsequent investigation
proved the truth of the surmise
that the check was a forgery and
accordingly worthless. The mat
ter was put into the hands of the
officials, but the long start the
criminal had iu the premises makes
the "chance of his detection almost
hopeless. ,:
Don't Torgd u$
When you want clothing, we can save you money
- Nobby all wool snits from $7 to 14. . '
: ' Children suits $1 75 to 6 oo, -
Just received a big line of shirts, underwear
and hats. Come and see us - : . v - " -
x m. karri;
Headquarters for Slices.
For Sale. -
Seven or eight tons of hay at $3
per ton, one email garden cultivator,
almost new, one mowing machine. In
quire of S B Bane, at farm two miles
eouthwest of Corvallis on Philomath
Wanted ,';
Fifteen I fireS class carpBnters
for Inside work finishing at Fort
Columbia,. Washington. WW pay 37
per hour. Board per week, lodg
ing free. For futher particularaenqui-
at Xiaies office. .
- 'For Sale
. A full blood Poland China boai,
pedigree, terms etc address.
L L Walker
0 o rvallis Oregon.
Thirty three
Also a span of
Corvallis. ' -
For Sale -head,
of Aneora
mules. - Address "B
. Terms to Suit Purchaser,
My dwelling house and " two lots
Six lots, near new College building
8300, -
Four lots, fenced - with fruit trees
$300. "
.One block. 12 lots, unfenced 450.
Tbree acres, 22 lots, fenced with
fruit trees $7C0. ' ..... -
- : . N B Avery.
ere - Owner
At the College Gymnastics, Elocution
and Music All Good,..
In the Armory Saturday night
a gymnastic exhibition" was given
by the physical classes at the col
lege under direction of Prof Pat
terson. A feature was the trapeze
work by Gilbert and " Sewell of
Forest Grove. Another was he
breaking f the world's record by
Gilbert in the long" dive. In the
the latter- the performer, after a
short run leaps head first as far as
ne can, aligrnting on ms Hands orri
a mat. The world's record, made
by Kerrigan of Portland, was 1 5
feet and . three ' inches. . Gilbert
raised the record to 15 leet, nine
and a quarter inches. 2 Carnahan,
an OAC student, made a : record at
the same time of fifteen feet one
inch. ;,:'; v; -'f-:;-' '-'"-'. ':'.. T .'
Monday night at the Armory,
occurred an entertainment by the
musical and elocutionary depart
ments of the college. The pro
gramme' comprised many instru
mental- and- vocal numbers. A
feature was a bass, solo by Mr
Carnahan," sung with ' "excellent
voice and effect. It was accorded
a heartv encore. A chorus of
female voices, trained during the
year by Miss Philbrick sang with
excellent effect, and showed what
a field is open for work of similar
character in the future.
The elocutionary nuiibers were,
"How Salvator Won" by Guy
Moore, "Pygmalion and Galatea'.-
by Bush Wilson and Edna Irvine,
A Royal Princess by Helen
Steiwer, and ,' "The revel of the
Naiads," a drill by the class m
dramatic action. ; J
The eagle will scream in Corvallis July
4th, buy your celebrating ouUlt at Nolan
& Callahan 's. Complete new line in all
departments, new goods arriving all the
time. . -
: - . ' " Wanted
At once, flr wood on
at the Times office, - '
If such an item as a good sewing ma
chine, bicycle, carpet, rug. trunk or va
lise is wanted, call and see us. We have
them at prices to.please, - -
J. H, Harris, -
Blue Print Maps.
VBlue print maps of any township in
Roeeburg Oregon and District; showing
all vacant lands for 50 : cents each,'-.If
you want any information from the . TJ S
Land Office address - v " -' r
TiTr,B Guarantee & XoAN Co
, , 7 Eoseburg, Ore,
Market Report.
. ' ; PORTLAND. v
Wheat, valley, 67 " -
Flour, t 2.85 to $ 3.40 per bbl. " '
Potatoes, $1 oO to 1 25 per . cental
Eggs, Oregon, 16 to . 17 per doz.
Butter, 14to I63 per lb. . '
Creamery, 17 to 18 per lb.
Wheat, 54c per bushel, '-."
Oats 38 - "-r- -' '.:-: . '
Flour, 75c and 80 per sack. ;
Batter, 12 to 15c per pound'
Creamery, 40c per roll.
Eggs, 15c per dozen. -Chickens;
10 to 12 er . lb '
Lard 15 c per lb.p .
CoFYalllri Eastern R Co
2 ForYaauina:
' Train leaves Albany. ......12:50 p. m
' ' " Corvallis 1:50 p. m
: " arrives Yaquina x6;45 P- m
1 : Keturning:
Leaves Yaquina. . . . .
; Leaves Corvallis
f Arrives Albany.
3 For Detroit r ..
Ieaves Albany
Arrives Detroit
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
'" Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in time
to conneet with P south bound train,
as well as giving two or . three hours in
Albany before departure of S P. north
ound train for Portland.
Train 2 connects with the S P west side
' ain at Corvallis Crossing for Independ-
nce, McMinnville and all , points north
to Portland,. ,. .
' Edwin Stonb,
H. H. Cronise Manager
v Agent Corvallis
.Weir Stone Fruit Jar......
will not crack when hot fruit
is put in. . : ;
can be sealed or un-sealed by .
a child. " '
never breaks when being se
aled or un-sealed.
excludes the light as well as
the air. '"
enables the user , to know if
contents are keeping by a
simple test.. - v
:'Vv-.:':;-r-3:;SIZES;..3 Yf.
Pints, Quarts, Half Gallon
.- -,
. . 6:00 a. m
. .11:30 a. m
..12:15 p. m
t9 )o a. m
,,.J5 I-
,.12:45 P- m
5:40 p. m
Notice for Publication",
. Tlmtwi1anVl.'-Xet June S 1K8.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore-
gen, Mar 19, 1SM2. - .
Ttfrvtipe t hprebv eirea "that in eomnlianc
wirh the provisions of the act of congress ol
Junes. 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale of
limber lauds iu the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," ns extend
ed to all the public land states by act o Aug-
Uirt 4,1892,
, William E. Allen, ;
of Philomath county of Benton, state of Oregon ,
has this day iiled in this oflke his sworn state
ment No 5681, for the purchase of the 8 W M
8W oi Section No. 18 in Township No 12 S
Kange No 6 W, and wiU offer proof to show that
the lafid sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said laud before tb
Register and Receiver o this office at Oregon
City, Oregon, on Monday, the 16th day .of June,
1902: :
He names as witnesses:
- John Mills of Philomath, Oregon,
- Marshal Allen " " -George
Mcore "
Charles Allen . " " , .
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 16th
day, of June 1902.
. ' . CHAS. B. aiOOBES, Segister. ,
. . Notice for Publication ;
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7R.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore
gon, March 25th, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in. oompliauo
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the states of California
as extended to all the public jlftnd staWs by
act 0 ABgOSl , x . . . -
Thomas J. Cams - ' "'"
of Alsea, county of Benton, state Jof Oregon,
has this dny tiled in this oflice his sworn
4 of Section No 34, in Township No 13S,
that the land sought is more Taluable- for lt
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and. to establish his claim . to said land
before the Kegister and Eeceiver of this
oil ice at Oregon City. Oregon, oa Tuesday.
the 10th day ot June, 1902, '.. .
He names as witnesses:
O JI Vidito of Alsea, Oregon. . ,
LG Headrick " " . . .
D It Spencer " ' '' . -' .'
3 W Hyde of Philomath "
Any and all person claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their
claim s in this office on or before said lOtU day
of June, 1S02J
Chas B Moores, Eegister,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Benton County.
In the matter of the guardianship of Eello B
Edwards, Bertha B Edwards, Connor W Ed"
wards, J Homer Edwards, L Hermon Edwards,
Dorothy M Edwards, Floyd M Edwards minors.
Now at this time came on to be hesrd the pe
tition of I N Edwards, guardian of said wards
above named, for license for sale of real pro
perty belonging to said minors,and it appear
ing to the c iurt that said petition Is duly veri
fied, sets forth the conditon of the estate of
saldwarde and the facts under which it Is
founded, tending to show the expediency and ne
cessity of such sale, aud it further appearing
from such petition that it would be beneficial
to the said wards that the real estate des
cribed in said petition, to-vlt: An undivided 1-8
interest in the N W of Section 26, T 12 S R 3
W. ol Willamette' meridian in Linn County,
state of Oregon, should be sold and the pro--ceeds
thereof put out on Interestor invested lu
some productive stools. -
It is hereby ordered that the next of kin. of
said minors above named said wards and all
persons interested In the estate, be a4 they
arehe.eby directed to appear before the above
entitled court on Monday the 7th day -of July
1902. at the hour of eleven o'clock In the fore
noou of said day in the court room of the above
entitled Court at the Court house, In the City of
Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, then and
there to show cause why a license should not be
g. anted for the sale of such real estate.
It is luf ther ordered that a copy of this order
be published at least orfce a week for three suc
cessive weeks before the said day of hearing
said petition, said July 7, 1902, in the Corvallis
Times, a newspaper circulating in the county of
Benton and state of Oregon, and published in
the City of Corvallis therein,
Dated Uils June rth 1902, ' .
. - E, Woolpwaed,
,1 . JuJg,
The above Is a trus ctrpy ol the original order
aud of the whole thereof.
ATTEST; - " '
" . . . . . Ymciii' Wattttcs",
18 Bi
County Ltiffltetuo
Manufacturers and Dealers in ; ; ,
: Rotifih ana'; Dressed . Eumbetv; ;
A Square Deal for Everybody
Yards near' Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregon.'
iReall : Estate. ' Exchamffe and ' losurauce
Corvallis, Oregon. ' .
If you wish to sell or buy anything, see us. . ,Wo hare a
nice line of farms and city property, improved and unimpro
ved." " Also several jiice acre blocks autside the incorpora
tion , " . - . " f - "