The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Justice Is iwreby given that the undersig
ned liavobeeE appointed viewers by the
OstriHn council of the city of 'Corvallis
stiiHat the proportionate share of
cost of tiie sewer to be constructed
fey the city of Corvallis under aud by
virtue of ordinance No. lQlj from the
manhole of the present- eewer - on Van
lianen st on the south side of block 4 Co
3soty addition thence Northerly to a point
feet north of the middle of south side
ff block 15 Dixon's second addition to
Ctervaltis to be assessed lo the several
Rpaere ef the property benefited thereby
as.d property and the ow ners thereof be
. asajr as follows:
(LSock 4, County addition lot 1, owner
22 C WGtmfcs and Pearl Hout.
iJlock 4 County addition lots 2 & 3,
OTW Wj TV il hanks.
Block 4 County addition lot 4, owner
Flora Parter.
Block 4 Oauaty addition lot 5 & 6,
owner T;-iotria,e WfcitPhorn.
Block 4 Coanty addition lots 7, 8 & 9,
owner, beirs Henry Elliott & Elda El
iilock 4 Osirotv addition lot 10 & N yi
lot It, water F M Sutford.
Block 4 Gtmnty addition lots i2 & S yi
lot Ji.'flwuer, LessaJ ScrafforrJ.
, .Q(& i4 Dixon's second . addition 2-8
lot. S. wvzjer, Margaret N Cooper,
SSJock i-t Dixon's second additiqn 6 8
Jot 4,-ower Mary.Newton. .
iocfc 14 D xon's second addition lots
as &-S w?ier, Robert Buchanan.'
BJoifc 14 Dixon's seco'hd addilion, lots
4,3 & owner, Elias Woodward,
iSEock H Dixon's second addition lots
9 A !- owner RHC !'err.
irfci 14 Dixon's secou 1 addition lots
si fe 5 i o v. sier Elias Wood vard.
- . SESack 15 Dixon's second addition lots
. i&Z iier, Virgil E Walters.
&3.S& ta estimate the pro) -o it ion ate cost
of a-s'er to be constructed by said city
taanitT ordinance No lo2 throng!) block
17 N B& P Avery's addition to be as
sessessad to the properly benefitted towit
-A. (ril beginning at a point 23o feet
es&rectJy South of the Southeast cornel
ofttacfe 29 County addition to the city of '
JoreallfS, JHi'iilon county, Oregon and on
sainse with the west side 01 9th street in
tsaid-cily and thence South from s-a:d
KKEEt 100 teer., ,e west iuu fee , tnence
Norrti too feeti thence East 100 feet to
.- t5feeaS.ace of beginning all west of Corval
. isBenton county Oregon, owner JasparB
finis. .. s
.A. -tract beginning at a point 180 feet
Southerly from the Sontheast .corner of
fiYaerioaal block 20 in the County addi
stioa to the origin tl town of Marysville
ir.XLa? i'y of Corvaliie; in Benton coun
ty, tfiteg n, running thence Southerly 50
tp?;-rs a line parallel with the we;tside
H jtft!3intof said city of Corvallis,
' 3imtrr weaierly 100 feet, thei ce norther
ly Etjet tj a point 180 feet Southerly
SfroeerSse Suiilhwest corner of said fract
aouiiliSock 29 tnence Easterly 100' feet
t5o thsgSace of beginning, containing 00
tby nvb eet of land lying north and ad
Jsiiwog parcel 01' land deedeO. By N B
Ave??ad wife to Eiail Berlin nd now
aut&esbd tuN B Avery aud P Avery ad
tlitiofej the city of Corvallis, Benton
couJit5?,OreKon. owner A M Miller.
Lfesct beginning at a point 80 feet
. JSoa&isrSy from the Southeast corner of
Sfr acEeoal block 29 is the County addition
. ttOjCarsaTiis thence Southerly on a line
SpstkS with the westside of 9lh street
n-saiity of Corvallis, 100 feet, thence
weste3y 10a feet, thence Northerly loo
ffeert & poyit 80 feet Southerly from the
iSouflaw-est eorner of said fractional block
a 3 tfcessee Easterly on a line parallel with
eaoaui side 01 Jetlerson street in Cor
vallis 100 feet to the place of beginning,
lOOsftatoTOg 100 by 100 feet of land in Cor
waUie, 13-11 ton county, Oregon, owner,
WtsU aiorgan.
'A tract beirinnine' i-l feiil wpsf frnm a
Saint So ieel South from the Southwest
ercr.of kit f io block 29 in the County
d(ktt'R the city of Corvallis running
altesioe .est too feet paiallel with the
"Streets f !orvallis to a point, thence
2Stti ooit5t parallel witb-the streets of
JeciJ.iiflJt a point thence East loo feet
$9ra.u(u wi toe streets ot Corvallis to a
point, i!eooa North 100 feet parallel with
he streets ef the. city of- Corvallis to the
qpiaoeof begxauing, the intention being
to cornrey s. piece of land the size of two
3ots in Ccrvdlis, Benton county, Ore-
,gOn. owner, Mary A Hemphill. "
-A4rgct begiauing i4 feet west of a
ointsSa feet South of the Southwest
scumetof iot 1 111 block 29 in the Cour.ty
- aidSsicn to Corvallis, Benton county, Ore
i$Kn,vrhence west loo feet parallel" with
the sti'eeta cfsaid town of Corvallis,
thence South 100 feet parallel with the
- steeets cf said city of Corvallis, thence
ast ico feet parallel with the streets of
of Corvallis, thence North 100 feet para--llel
with the streets of Corvallis, to the
Vlace of heginniag, containing a piece of
1-intI t!i sie -.c tw" lots in Corvallis,
Bentoa county, Oregon, owner, J A Bar-i-ker.
-A 'tract beginning i4 feet west from a
poiat 280 feet South from the Southwest
corner o lot 1 in block 29 in the County
idditiao to Corvallis, Oregon, thence
"west parallel with the streers of said town
-of Corviilli?, 100 feet, thence South par
allel with said sireets 100 feet, thence
. .East parallel with- said sireets 100 feet,
- thence Not th parallel with said streets
IOO feet. tO t!l n1Cn rnf IMnnrr
tainmg a I'tece of land the size of two
Jots in said tow n of Corvallis, and paral
lel with and corresponding to the streets
f said town and the additions thereto,
Bituzvreu jii j.ruivii wuniy, Oregon, owu
r,Ta '-.CasiUer. , ' .
Also to estimate proportionate cost of
--a sewer under ordinance Kb. 108 through.
toloeks 21., 20., iy, o:d town of Mai vsville,
- now'ConHilis, blocks Iv and K Avery's
addi tion to be assessed to the property
tenfjt'.ed towit: '
Mock 2"t, Oi ig T Marvsville, Corvallis,
lots 1, 2 & 3, owner, Francis Blanchett.
Jjlock'il, Orig 1 Marysville, Corvallis,
jots, 4, 5, t owner, Presby Church.
Block 2r. Orig X Marysville, Corvallis,
,Jot7N yi .8, owner, Baptist Church.
Jilock 2, 'Orijf T Marysville, r Coi vallfe,
- lot 9 "S !i S, owner, Louisa Creea.
... lilac k 2t Orig T Marysville, Corvallis,
lots 10. II. 12. owner Tohn H Simnann
Block 20, Orig T Marysville, Corvallis.
Jots I, 2. 3.. 4. -ik tier, Marinda Abbey.
-Block 20, Orjg.T Marysville, Corvallis.
Xots 5, 6, ouner, wm Groves.
'Jiloi k 20, Orig T Marysville, Corvallis,
JLots 7,-8, owner, h E Cathey.
rjilock 20, Orig T Marysville, Corvallis,
3Lotc 0, 10, owrer, B A Cathey.
.Block 20, Orig T Marysville, Corvallis,
-Loto 11, 12, -owner, Joseph Fierstine.
Blocs, iy, Oiiii T Marysville, Corvallis,
;I,otbi, 2. owner, John wiles,
n-iloi'k hi. Ijrn; T Marysville, Corvallis,
"T fitT. miniT. Huida A Brown.
ISlork r. 0:L ''V : Marysville, Corvallis,
Xot 4. owner. H Bercbtold.. :- . ; :.
JUocJ: (;;. 1 -is j T iiarysville, Corvallis,
T,t . 1 as ;:ben Kiger.
' JltJ;... i.JC!"1-, VWJ IfllUB,
Xots 7, &,'oiivi, liosella Rowland.
Block i9, Orig -T Marysville,-; Corvallis,
Lots 9, iO, 11, la, owner, Cora A Hartley.
Block L Avery's. addition, Corvallis, Lots
1, 2, owner, win Porter. i
Block L Avery's addition, Corvallis, Lot
3, owner, John & Hauiia Cams. - ; 4
Block L Avery's addit;on,-Corvallis, Lots
4, 5, 6, owner Caleb" Davis - i'':
Block L Avery's ad-ditfon. Corvallis, Lots
7, 8, 9, iO, owner Sarah J Tunnicliff,
Bloi-k L Avery's addition, Corvallis,
lots 11. I2,' owner,S J Tunnicliff.
Block K Avery's addition, Corvallis,
Lots 1, 2, 3. owner Ruth Buchanan. v
Block K Avery's addition, Corvallis,
Lots 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, owner, F Berchtold.
Block K Avery's addition, Corvallis,
Lotslo.ii, 12, owner, Ruth Buchanan.
Also to estimate . the proportionate
share of the cost of a sewer under ordin
ance No 104 thiough blocks 12, 13 & 14
County addition to Corvallis to be as
sessed to the property benefitted towit ;
Block 13 County addition, lot 1, owner,
F h Mills
Block 13 County addition Lot 2, owner
Henrietta'E Dilley.
Block i3 County addition Lot 3 & South
i4- ft lot 4, owner, Mellissa E Cameron.
Block 13 County addition, lots 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, N 36 ft lot 4 owner, A M witham.
Block i3 County addition, lot lo owner
Mary L WrbbeK
Block i3 County addition, lots 11, 12,
owner Mary a wilkins.
Blook 12, County addition lots 1, 2 & S
of 3, owner Lillian N Lake.
Block 12 County addition, lot 4 & N
of 3 owner Mary E Smith.
Block 12 County addition lots 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, owner O T Blarkledge,
Block i2 County addition lots 10, 11, 12,
owner Helen Holagte.
Also to estimate the proportionate
share ot the cost ot a sewer under ordin
am e No lo5 through blocks 22 and 23
Corvallis, to be assessed to the property
benefitted ton it:
Block 22, Corvallis, original town Marys
vilie, lot 1, 2, owner Lucia Addition. '
Block 22 Corval i, original town Marys
ville, lots 3, 4, 5, owner J L Hershner.
Block 22 Corvallis, original town Marys:
ville, lot 6, owner Wm Groves,
Block 22 Corvallis, original twn Marys
7. 8, 9, owner T H Wellsher.
Block 22, Corvallis, original town Marys
ville, lots 10, 11, 12, owner Agnes
Thompson. .
Block 23, Corvallis, original town Marys
ville. lot I. 2, owner M it. unuicn. ...
Block 23, Coivallis, oiiginal townMarvS'
ville, lot 3, owner, heirs Emily C Per-
not. .
Block 23, Corvallis, original town Marys
ville, lot 4, owner. S Chiptnan.
Block 23. Corvallis, original town Marys
ville, lots . 5,. 6, .. owner Evangelical
Church, ' . - ' -;! -
Block 23, Corvallis; original town Marys
ville, lots 7, 8, owner ADna A Beach.
Block 23, Corvallis, original town Marys
ville, lot 9, owntr Minerva J Kiger.
Block 23. Corvallis, original town Marys
ville, lot 10 & N 30 ft lot 11 owner,
Mary J Mays.
Block 23 Corvallis, original town of
Marysville, Lot 12 & S 20 ft ' Lot 11,
owner, Mary A Fiett . - . :
Also to estimate ' the proportionate
share of the cost of a sewer under or
dinance number 106, through blocks 9 &
8, county addition to Corvallis, to be as
sessed to the property benefitted towit, .
Block 9, county addition to ' Corvallis,
Lots 1, 2, 3, owner, H S- Pernot. -Block
9, county addition to Corvallis,
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, owner Emma Smith.
Block 9, county addition to Corvallis,
Lots 10, 11, 12, owner Addie Job,
Block 8 , county additiou to Corvallis,
Lots J , 2, 3, 10. &N y2 of 11, owner,
Methodist Church South.
Block 8, coui.ty addition to Corvallis.
Xots 4 & 9, owner Methodist Church
South. - :
Block 8, county addition to Corvallis
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, owner W O Heckert.
Block 8, county addition to Corvallis
Lots 12 & S yi of 11, owner Victor P.
And that said viewers will meet at the
office of the police judge of the city of
Corvallis on ths 23rd day of May, 1 902,
at the hour of 7 o'clock p m and if said
work of the assessment of the respective
share of the cost of said sewers is not
completed on that day themeeting will be
adjourned from day to day till the same
is finished and all persons interested
may appear before said viewers, and be
heard in the matter of making said es
timate or estimates.
. Z. II, Davis,
S. L.Shedd, - '
" William Bogue.
Corvallis, Oregon, May-to, 1902. -
Order to show cause on" application of
guardian for order of sale of ' rea
In the County Court of the State ol
Oregon, for the County of Benton,
Ip the matter oi the guardianship of
Luther b, Woodtuffand Ida B. Wood
ruff, minors.
It appearing to this court from the pe
tition this day presented and filed by
Catherine 5, Woodruff the guardian of
the person and estate of Luther S Wood
ruff and Ira B. Woodruff, minors, pray
ing for an order of sale of certain real
estate belonging to said ward that such
real estate should be sold. It is hereby
otdered that the next of kin of the said
wards and all persons interested in the
said estate appear before this court on
Monday the 7 th day of July A 1, 1902,
at lo o'clock a in. at the court room of
the court house in the county of Benton
then and there to show cause why an or
der should not be granted for the ' sale
of such real estate described in said pe
tition as follows: -The undivided 9-28 of
the East yi arid 2-7 ot the West 1-2
of the Southwest 1-4 of Section 4 T 13 S
R 6 West of Will Mer in Benton county
And it is further ordered that a' copy
of this order be published in the Cor
vallis Times for three successive weeks
before said date, i . r
E. Woodward,
- ' 1 County Judge.
- Dated this loth day of May 1902.
No Loss of TJine,
I have sold Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
years, and would rather be out of
coffee and -sugar than it. I sold
five bottles of it yesterday to thresh
ers that could go no further, and
they are at work again this morn
ing. H, R. Phelps, Plymouth Ok
lahoma. As will be seen by the a
bove the threshers were able to
keep on with their work without
losing a single day's time. You
should keep a bottle of this remedy
in your-home. For sale by Graham
& Wells.
; .. . . Notice for Publication,
" Timber Land Act, June S, 1S78. .
United States Land Office, Oregon Cliy. Ore,
Marlu.rC02. -
Notice is hereby given that 11 compliance
with the provisions of the act of cougress of
Junes, 1S7S, entitled, "An "act for the sale -of
timber lands in. the States of CUfornlu, Oregon
Nevada: and Washluglon Territory," a extend
ed 10 all the public land states by an act of
August 4, 0 L Hvde of liM'lyvillo. county of
Lincoln, stute of Oregon, liHftthisd iy filed in this
oflice sworn tutement Noob7l,for the purchase of
the South West of Section No 22 in'i'ownship
No IS S Range No 8 West, and will offer proof
o showthuttliela.'id sought Is more valuable or
lt timber or siono than for agricultural pur
poses and to establish his claim to sail land be
fore the register mid receiver ot this oltlce at
Oregon City, Oregon, on
Wednesday, 28th day of May 1So2.
He names as witnesses:
James Mulkey, of Summit Oregon.
Wm Spencer of Blodgott, "
James Spencer of Alaea "
E V Spencer of " "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovedefcrlbed lauds are requested to nlj
their claims in this office on or before said 28th
day of May, 190&
Chas. B. Moores,
1 ' Register.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land. Act June S, 1878.
United States Land Othce, Oregon City, Ore
gon, March 10th, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress . of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timberlands in the states of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington territory "as extended to
allthe public laud states by act t August 4, 1892,
Eli spencer of Blodgett, county of Benton,
state of Oregon, has ihLs dy filed in this office
his sworn statement No d6"6, for the purchase
of the North East of Section No 28, in Town
ship No 13 S. r.inge No 8 W, and will offer proof
to show that the laud Huyht is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud
before the register and receiver of this oihee at
Oregon Oily, Oregon on
V EDNHBDA 1'. the i8lh DAY of MAY, 1902.
Ho nanus as witnesses. - .
H A Bowman of Eddyvllle. Oregon
v iivae
E G White of Falls City, "
Jas S(.enc.r of Alsea. ".
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abi ve-dtseiibed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or btfoie said 2Sth
day of May, 1902,
-- Chas. B. JIoobes,
Xot'ce For Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
March 25, 1902, .
notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of tne act of Congress of Junes,
lb78, entitled. "An act for the tale of timber
lauds iu tbestate3 of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory" as extended to all
the public laud States by actof August i, 1892,
Wli.ii VldU,
of Alsea, cennty of Bentoa, state of Oregon,
has this day liled In this office his sworn state
ment No 56 it. lor the purchase ot the 8 K X of
Section So 30 In Township No 13 S, Range No 8
- W, and will otter proof 10 show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said li.nd before the Register
and Receiver of this office at. Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of June, 1902,
" He names as witnesses: . - .
John Hyde of Philomath, Oregonr
T J Cams - of Alsea . " " -
L li Headrick " "
WJHeadrick " "
Any and all persons claiming adversely
he abovt-described lauds are requested to
file their el ilms hi this office' oa or before
said lUh day of June, 1902.
. Chas B Moores, Register.
Notice fjr Publicatl' n.
Timber Land Act June S, I&75.-
tinfted States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon
M:r 10, 1902
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress, of
Juue 3, i878, entitled "ou act lortlre &ale of
timber lauds iu tie states of Ciliforuii. Oresrou
Nevada and Wnshington Territory" as extended
to an tne puonc lanu slates cy act 01 Ausast 4
1892, C H Chipmaii f Corvallis, c unty of Benton
st-ite of Oregon, has ttiis da filed in this office his
sw.irn statement no ;aj lor tne pmciiase 01
he N i of N E X, S W lA of N E , S E , of
N W 4 of section No 26 la townsulp No 13 S,
range No 8 West and will offer proof to show
tin. t the land sou ;ht is more Valuable for its
timber or ttone tcau for agricultural purposes.
and to establish his claim to said laud before
the register and receiver of thl? ; fflce at Oregon
city, Oregon on
Wednesday, 28th day of Mar, 1902.
He names as witnesses:
W F Nichols of Dallas, Oreg m.
Ell Spencer of Blodgett, " -Wm
Spencer " " " -
E V Spencer of Alsea, ..-' v
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ab:,ve-described lands are requested to file their
ul-tims ih this otlice on or before said ::8th day
o; May I9J2.
, Chas- B. Moores,
. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878
United States Laud Office, Oregon Citv,
g -n. Mar 10, 1902.
-Notice Is heieby given that in compliance
wi;h the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, lb78, entitled "anact for the sale of timb
er lands in the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington territory" as extended to
all the public land states by act of Aueu)-t 4.
lbt)-2, Hiram A Bowman of Eddyvllle, county of
Lincoln, state of Oregon, has t his dav filed
in this office his sworn statement No df75 lor
tho purchase of the 8 E 14 of Section No 28 In
Township No 13 S, Range No 8 W, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is mote
valuable for its timber or stone tnan for agri
cultural cumoses and to establish his claim to
said land before the register and receiver of
this office at Oregon City, Oregon on
Wednesday 28th day of May 19o2.
He names as witnesses: .
Ell Soencer of Blodgett, Oregon?
E G White of Falls City
J W Hyde of Philomath, "
W F Hyde of Eddyvllle,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 28th
day of May, 1902,
Chas, B, Moores,
Notice for Publication
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. .
United States Laud Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
March 25, 1902. .
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory" as extended to all . the
public land states by act of August 4, 1892,
Abraham L. Clark,
of Alsea, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn statement
No 5685, for the purchase of the S UK of S E U
EJ4ofSEMSWSE5iof Section No 26 in
Townsb No 13 Range No S Wand will offer oroo
to show tat the land sought is more valuable
for its ti ;eror stone than for agricultural pur
poses ar. - vo establish his claim to said land be
fore the agister and Receiver of this office at
Oreiaron C
.Oregon on Tuesday the 10th day. of
June 1902. '
. ne nam
C M Vid
T I Carn
is witnesses:
, . of Alsea Oregon.
DRSpe - " ' "
John W i.yde of Philomath, Oregon. -
Any and all persons - claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this oflice on or before said 10th day of
June 1902.. -
. Chas. B. Moores,
- -' . - . ' .( Register.
What Thin Folks Need.
Is a greater power of digesting
and assimilating food. For them
Dr. King's New Life Pills work
wonders. : They tone and regulate
the digestive organs, gently , expel
all poisons from, the system, enrich
the blood, improve appetite, make
healthy flesh. Only 25c at Graham
& Wells. '
Timber Land Act June 8, 1878 Notice
. 1 for : Piiblii'atii'u. '
United States Lakd Office.. ' '
- , .. Oregon City, Or., April 2, WM.J
- N' tice la hereby given th;it In compliance with
the provl-inns of the uet of Congress of June 3,
lo78, enliiled -'An nor. for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Origin, Nevadu and
Washington Territory," as cxtiuded to all the
fublio Land States by act of Ausrust t, 1892,
Henry Hildebraui of fort laad.Couht.v-of Mult
nomah, state 0W1 is Oregon, this d -y tiled in this
Otlice his swora Btnte.-nent No 66 17, for the pur
chase of the W i of SVVJ4, SB X of S W H, and
SWofE of frecilr.n No. 2, hi Township
No 13 soutli. R'iniro 7 went: and will offer oroof
lo show that the laud sought is more valuable
tor It; timber or stone tmm for agricultural p
nnse.-. and to establish lilt claim 10 aald land
lore the Register and tteceiver of this office at
Oicsou Cliy. Oregon, on
Hatunltt) xi '28t.ti day of June, 1902.
He names as wltuesoss: Michael Flynn, of
Phlloiunlh, Orogou; J W .Hyde of Philomath,
Oregon. Kugene llatv.iy of Poitland, Oregon;
C M lllldHbiaud ot PortUml, Oregon;
Ai.y and nil persons claiming adversely the
obnve-descrlhed lands aro requosiud to llle their
claim- in this office ou or boforo suld 2S day of
June, 1BW. . CUAH, B, MOORKS,
. . Notice of Publication.
Timber Land Ant June 8, 178
United States Laud Offlow1, Oregon City, Ore
gon, Mar 10, 11X12.
Nclce is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
Jun 8, 1S78, entitled, "An act tor the sale of
timber lands lu the states of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington territory" as extended
to all the public land suites, by act ot August 4,
1892, William F. Hyde of Eddyvllle, county ot
Lincoln, state of Oregon, has this day filed lu
his office tils sworn statement No 5i)72. for tho
purchase of the N W 14 of n-cilon No ''A in town
ship No 13 3, range 8 W, and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes,, and to establish lilsclalm'to salrl land
before the register and receiver of t;iis oflloj at
Oregon City, Oregon on .
WEDNESDAY, the 2th DAY of MAT, 1902.
He nami'S as witnesses:
Jamts Mulkt-y of Summit, Oregon.
Eli Spencer of Blodgott "
Wm Spencer, ' "
t'has Cnipman otCjrvallis "
Any and all per.:ius clal.ui s, adversely the
above described lands are to fili their
claims in this office on or buoie said 2stti day
of May 1902.
Chas. B. Moored, .
Notics For Pi bl 'cation.
Tl:nbor Land, Act June 3, 1878. -United
States Land Oflice, Oregon City, Orr gon,
March 25th, 1902.
N Jtice is hereby given that in comi liauce with
the prbvislous ol the act of congress o' June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale ct timber lands
in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of Augus; 1, 1892,
Daniel R. Spencer, -
of Alsea, county of Benton, state of Oregin,
has this day filed in this oillce his sworn state
ment No-5693, for the pdichase of the H K K of
Section N 8. iu Township No 13 S. Range-No 8
W, and nlll ffjr proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to est iblish
his claim to said land before the Register and
Rece.verat this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon on
Tuesday, the ICth day of J line, 1902.
He names as witnesses:
Jj G Headrick of Alsea, Oregon,
C M Vldito " "
"T J Cams ' : -
John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Ale then,
claims lu this office ou or befoie 10th day of
June, 1302. , - -
Chas. B Moores, Register,
Notice for Publication. , -.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.
United States Lind Office, Oregon City, Oregon
M-ir 10, 1902,
, Ko'.ieeis hcre'ov given I .at la compliance
wit": tjuc provi-ions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entlt'.- act for tho sale of
timber lands la t.e stte. 01 California, O.egon
Nevada, and asmugicn territory- as extended
to ail the pub''-? land ites !y act of Augu-t 4,
18.2, James A Mulkey of Sunniit, cour.ty of
BOiilon, state of Oregon, ?has this day filed in
this olhoe his sworn statement Ko 6667. for the
purchase ol the N W X of section No 22 in town
ship No 13 S, rangi KcbW, and will offer proof
to show that the laud vought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before the register, and receiver of this office at
Oiegon City, Oregon, on .
WEDNESDAY, the 58th DAY of MAY, 1902. .
He names as witnesses:
Chailes Hyde of Eddvville, Oregon.
Frank Hvde " "
Wm Spencer of Blodgett, "
( has Chit man, ' ( orvallis "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file thelr
claims in this office on or before said 28th day of
il.-.y. 1902.
. Register.
Notice for Publication .
Timber Land Act Juue 8, 1878.
Unite States Land Oflice, Oregon City, Ore
gon, Mar 101902
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of th act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An art f 01 the sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevadaand Washington Terrliory," as extended
toall the public land states by act of Aneustl 1892,
WilliamSpencer of Blodgett, county ot Benton,
state ofOregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No 6fif,8, lor the purchase
of the & E X of section No 22 in township No
13 S, range No 8 W, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
and lo establish his claim to said land before
the register and receiver of tbls office at Ore
gon City, Oregon on
WEDNESDAY, the 28th DAY of MAY, 1902.
He names as witnesses :
Chas Hvde ol Ed lyville, Oregon. '
James H Mulkey of Summit, 14
- F M Spencer of Philomath ,
E V Spencer of AUea,
Anv and alLuersons olaiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 28th day
ot May, 1902.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act, June 3, n&78.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore
gon. March 10, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wiih the provisions of the act of Congress of
Ju:.e 3, 1878, entitled, "An act for t he sale of
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington territory" as ex
tent 1 to all the public lane S-tates by act of Aug
ust 1 1892, E Qt While of Falls Cliy, countyof Ben
ton, state of Oregon has this day filedlntbis office
hissworn statement No 6671, for the purchase of
the South West X of section No 28 In township
No 13 8, range No 8 Wett, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone then for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the register and receiver of this
ottica at Oregon City, Oregon, on , -
Wednesday, 28th day of May 1902.
"He names aa witnesses:
H A Bowman of Eddyvllle, . Oregon. .
W F Hyde of ' "
Jas Spencer of Alsea, '
Eli Spencer of Blodgett Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adveisely
the above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this othce on or befoie said 28th
day of May, 1902.
. : - - " : Chas. B. Moores,
', . ." : - , . Register.
Stand L ke a Stone Wall.
...... -
Between your children and
tortures cf itching and burning ec
zema, scildliead or other skin dis
easep 11 w? why, by using Buck
len' jrniea Salve, earth's greatest
he .tT. Quickest cure T for Ulcers,
F . er Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts,
urns or Cruises. Infallible for
'ilea. .-5 9.5c at Graham & Woitham
She fae
iaila . ti
U en
The American Officials and Troops
Then Sailed Away General
Gomez Accorded a Great
Reception President
Pal ma Thanks
Havana. May 19. The last day
of tbe American occupation of Cu
ba was devoted by Governor-General
Wood and his staff to arrang
ing the final details of evacuation
tomorrow. The palace was fairly be
seiged all day by importunate per
sons appealing for soma last favor
before the curtain drops. There was
also a c instant stream of callers to
say a formal farewell.
Dr. Carlns Findley was today ap
pointed chiei health officer of the
i-lrtiil, fur-jrtt to the ratification hy
Prei-ident-eleit Palma. Dr. Fird
ley firs advanced the theory that
yellow fever U spread by mosqui
toes. An old Spanish concession ftr
electric lighting, known as Casteda
csnctsiion, which Governor-Gener
al Wood made operative recently,
was removed by him today, It
was said, this action was taken on
ord- Ti from Washington.
Memorial services for Jose Marti
were held in all churches here to
day. President elect Palma and
Generals Goniez and Castillo at
tended the services.
During the day a general distri
bution of charitable donations to
the poor took place at the City
Hall. Bottles of wine and basket
of provisions were given to about
15oo people. : , 5
Special trainB began arriving
from differer t a ts of tbe : island
today. Il is believed that at least
20,000 people from xthe provinces
will be here tsmorrowv The New
York and Florida steamers arriv
ing here today had big passenger
Mrs. Wood and her children will
I?ave May 20 for Spain, where they
will spend the summer. General
Wood will join them there after re
porting to Washingtm, when he
win D9 anowea six montns' ieive.
Final reports show that General
Wood will torn over to the repub
lic to morrow $567,700 in cash, and
$1,308,607 in bonds, against which
the cut rant liabilities are charged.
The final figures of the expenditure
of insular funds during General
Wood's administration are $46,
159,066. During the whole period
of the American occupation, tbe a
mount expended has been $59,753j
525. Orders were issued today that
not a man be allowed to go ashore
after the American troops embark
at the conclusion of tie ceremonies
tomorrow. .
Havana, May 20. Sencr Palma
today attached his signature to a
document as president of the Cuban
republic, after an exchange of con
gratulations, and the veteran Gen
eral Gomez ascended to the roof of
the Palace, where he was recorded
a great reception.
General Wood personally lower
ed the American colors, which v ere
saluted, and with his own hands
hoisted the Cuban flag, as an act
of the United States, Gomez assist
ing. General Wood and his staff and
the American troops embarked im
mediately after hoifcting of the Cu-
i-tniA flnv nnfl tVa' A rvtariia ti oVima i
Uail uagj auvL tuu . xiwiivau ouijo
steamed out of the harbor.
At the time the transfer took
place in Havana, General White
side, at Santiago, turned over his
authority to his Cuban successor
and sailed away with the American
cavalry, which had been in garri
son there.
In a dispatch to the American
and Journal, President-elect Tomas
Estrada Palma eays:
I have nothing but gratitude
tKo AmnUn mnnln fnr ol ci nc
W X - i D O,
us our independence. Cuba is grate
ful and never will lorget what the
mother of republics has done for
her." ' '- '
Owing to tjhe limited space,- the
people were t have no sight of the
ceremony to be enacted here, which
was to constitute them a nation be
fore the world; but outside they
were to witness a spectacle which
would stir their -pulses, for they
were to see the beloved five-barred
and single-starred flag which Ces
pedes first threw to the J breeze in
1868, at the opening of the Ten
Years's War, raised by . tbe act of
of the United States above the pal
ace. This thing which was to hap
pen had been the dream -of ; their
lives and of their ancestors for gen
erations. Their - parents, brothers
and friends had gone to their
deaths to accomplish it.. No strange
wonder then that hours before the
time set, they began -floekirVg- hero
from all quarters of the .city.! .Many
were already before the palace with
the rising sun and some even "slept
in (he park, to te certain' Dot ' to
miss this sight. -
A portion of the' plaza " was kept"
clear by the police very early. -The
remainder was packed with people
to thickly that the ground 6eemed
alive. Soon all the side streets run
ning into the plaza were choked n
4o a solid mass of humanity, and
every door and window fronting
the square was walled in with faces,
white, and black, old and young,
male and female. The crowds
sought the roofs, overflowing every
building that commanded a view of
tbe flagstaff on the palace. As far
aa the eye could see, the roof lineB
were fringed with human freight.
It was a sight to live forever in
memory. Drawn up below in the
open space of the plaza were eight
dismounted troops of the Seventh
cavalry, with sabers at thtighfcels.
Their horses were already oaS oafd -the
steamer which was to take4hem
back to the United Statas. '
Junction City, Or., May 20. A
cold-b!ojded murder and robberv
occurred here at 12:15 o'clock this
morninr;. pen iracy, tbe popular
bartender at the Monogram, while
closing the saloon, was shot by an
unknown robber and the till" was
robbed of ks contents.
. It is known that evar $275 dol
lars was in tbe till and that the
tbief was well paid for his bloody
work. It is supposed that the vic
tim was in the back room closing
i he door, when the murdeier fmt
made his appearence; that the till
was robbed while Tracy was there;
that hearing the warning bell on
the bartill, he made a rush fcr the
front; that tbe robber jumped on
the bar, aad as Tracy pulled his re
volver, the thief fired. The range
of the bullet was downward and
footprints on the bar bear out these
Sheriff Withers and Coroner Grif
fin, of E jgene. were notified by wire
Lat once, and came down this morn- '
ing to bold an inquest. The saloon
is owfced byAl Waddle,oi Portland.
Mr. Tracy had been employed in
the house for oyer a year and had
many friends iLrOugtiOiit the state,
, The shooting was heard by sev
eral people near by, but none of
them supposed th it a crime had
been committed.. The first shot was
only a muffled report, as the build
ing is brick, and- only when the in
jured man rushed to the front door
and fired his revolver did it dawn
on the minds of those who had
beard the two reports that some
thing waB wronfr. Fuily five min
utes elapsed before the discovery
was made. The body was found re
clining on the drain board, the
back to tbe front door and the head
lying on one arm, as if the man
were asleep. Those who came
in at first supposed from the posi
tion the bidy was found iu, that
Tracy was dozing A physician
was hastily summoned, whodiscov
ered that Tracy bad been shot
through the abdomen. Ia a few
minutes Tracy expired.
Notice for Publication
Timber Land." Act June 3. ls7S.
united States Land Otlice, Oregon City,
gon, Mar 10, 1902,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June
3, IKS, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber
lnds In the states ot California. Oregon. Nevada
and Washington territory," as extended to all
the public land stales by act of August 4, 1892,
James Spencer of Alsea, "county of Benton, stateot
Oregon,.this day filed lnthlsoltlcehis sworn state- .
ment No 6070, for the purchase of the N W li of
section No 28 in township No 13 S, range 8 W,
and will ofler proof to show that the land sought
s more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla
claim to said laud bifore the register and re
ceiver of this office at Oiegon City, Oregon, on
WEDNESDAY, the 28th DAY ot M AT, 1902. .
He names as witnesses:
John Hyde of Philomath, Oregon, .
E G White of Falls Citv, "
Frank Hvde cf Eddy ville, " -
H A Bowman ' ...
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ahovedescribed lands are requested to'file their
cleimg in this office on or before said 2sth day
of May. 1902,
Chas, B, Moores,
- , Register.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon.
Benton County.
In the matter of the Est ite of
Harriet B. Mason, deceased.
Notice is hereby : given that T,
Joseph A; Park, administrator of
the said estate of Harriet B. Mas-
, , ! ,
on, deceased, nave niea my nnai
account as such administrator with
the clerk of the County Court of
Benton county, Oregon, and that
said court has fixed Saturday the
7th day of June, 1902, at the hour
of two o'clock in the afternoon a3
the time, county court room in the
courthouse in Corvallis,' Oregon,
as the place, for hearing any . and
all objections to the said- final ac
count and the seitieiaeLt" "thereof.
Dated this May 10,- 19o2. v -
. ; Joseph A. Park, -'
Admin istratTT of the' Estate of
Hariitt B. Mason, Deceased.
For Sale. ..'
Seven or eight tons of hay at S3
per ton, one small garden cultivator,
almost new, one mowing machlae. Ia -quire
of S B Bane, at farm two mile3
southwest of Corya'lla on Philomath,
road, -