"92 Chase for lilions 3jr GISELXE O'UNGER TJEE editorial rooms of th Daily SBse-ucHi-rigs presented a scene of setivTty, ". Men of brains and energy contributed their best efforts to gain fthe 'tamer of the public, and were amp By rewauSeai by the encomiums passed iwptra. She 'broad platform established some 28 jnesrB. Vigorous and concise were She summaries of volumes of sta isiics, Te&u&ing them to a condensa tion ihat -s rtically benefited the 'Two jyoung mem were holding a con erssAiion In a remote corner where "Sfe -jleffks -were not so thickly placed. Qne wbs Sail and of a serious manner, while .the other was a typical Bohe mixn, careless, happy-go-lucky, art "3sfic, -Jitever and a dare devil as to ad wiortJOTe 3n assignments. He was dis-cussing- the latest sensation, the re jtportpd engage-Bent of a prominent so ccla.1 woman to a titled grandee.' "Si&e, all women are conquered by he rgfiafcter of gold. It's a case of 'if 3fo --Ej&t got no money, you needn't come jround. . . Grace Ward knows "iiic9t 'aide her bread's buttered on," Jhe remarked io a contemptuous tone. " "?Ton are .all wrong, Johnson," re fcurnecTTilake, wincing under the oth xenrU careless woTds. "Miss Ward was Kportnnity -is like a diamond in the 'xnsgh-, it : is .5furned by man in its "wudeJfctate," but-coveted when it illum "uiaies the jeweled ates of Happiness tamaGentent in the land of Successful -iSttlainmen-t. Miss Ward appreciates seftreiartnnity, and, furthermore, the no bleman nas intellectuality ana man lastowS uto.recommend him." , ""Whtrce -did TMiss Ward live before Shs rcame from Bangs Kettle, near guadybank, Fife-hire, Scotland, when ... . . ... a l aqaiM 3Mtmjr dui xne time me, uulu xaon," anfl I must finish this," was the pSer crS Blake., ; ""JiTi. Tight, Ned, I must be going, ttoo. "5Qat last edition of yesterday SackeS a. romance; I am going out to land iane An the slums." - -.XtbiSc Johnson nodded to the older xman, QsHtttoned his ulster against the -Tsririlsi blasts and stepped off, whist ling fly "the latest popular air. "Ons'.man hit in that quarter once, 73T IW5t??ve accounts for the precise SknovJiedge of her former home. Well! :a beauty and Lord Alfred will -.n n n iisa I r sit,, m rrrl'1t ifigtBPe-head for his household." That's IhSly fair' to the lady but the way Uie iear Four Hundred tighten their ggx&sp upon a poverty-stricken noble ttmii with a bedimmed title reminds xnie Jf nothing more than the Laocoon. 2T declare, young, innocemt girls are '-riralne'd, taught to this exchange of vHreir (!h'aTmitr youth for the palsied hasid of age, and its attendant serpen tine okmIs of a title, a decayed ruin of s chateau or castle, and they submit KS"tenderly. It is beyond me, for these 3pnaud, fearless American girls endure tortures known only to themselves." "Thus ran the thoughts of Johnson :sas he marched along the thoroughfare, Siit Jbe was no nearer to solving the . MnystFry tliah before. Meanwhile Ned ZSBiafee was not so mindful of "copy" ias Si a 3 intimated to Johnson. Mem flry &ra3 reminded him of the days "iwren 'flie letters of Grace Ward had Sficrwn to him like a flock of tiny blue JSraUs "breathing love and affection and iatappy future. Now all was changed. JA. .miaHaarstaDdiiig; coldness, silence, Jibe :tb3vent of Lord Alfred Bruce, im- 3ojsr(aTrities oi incsas ana tne en gagsment. "ohnon is a bright, breesy fellow," sreflf eted Blake, as he leaned his weary "? J - - i. 11 1 '- -- At a 1 ,irau .aamsi cue cnair, ana as snarp steel trap. He would make an excellent correspondent of an explor ing expedition, as he enjoys adventure. Til speak to Henderson about him. 3He is too contemptuous of the follies -and foibles of humanity to suc cee4 here. He spoils a good story Tbj fcaving a sympathetic or antagon istic i3iord relative to it. By Jove! I -must get out of here and have some sail iand quiet." - Blake had been working at a terrible ace for monrths and he was even now -straining every nerve to accomplish anore than was expected of him, through the feverish restless striving 2ram thoughts of himself. Work was ?the panacea.. What mattered it if he -did lie awake night after night con twjlons of gradual loss of strength for Tthe day's labor, if at the close of the conflict for sleep he fell into a com--atosa state, neither awake nor sleep ring, wherein a delicious, restful lan--Tior predominated, granting him float--3n visions of the woman he loved. Upon his brow he felt the gentle "OTich of her cool fingers; he heard her ramurmur words of pity and tenderness, 3ui low, sweet tones, and for a few mo jjasnt his soul seemed to leave the Tbody and float with hers, as did Fran- -cceaca and Paola, through pace. &i -was worth the" hard grind of the nwesrisom day to welcome, night, the old -struggle and once more this de .'licious -and .dreamy languor. ' Surely -n.-.j:.. l ,j . . . x a i nv, i c uuuiu xyvLiLvi u u more ex - juiite sention thiw -was griuntea . Jjlsa in this hertir t he early dawn. As " the 'sun's rays hashed through the -room and the discordant sounds of early trafflc broke rudely on this rev xie, he arose unrefreshed, depressed in BpiritJS, feverishly anxious to take -sap the dutie of the day. ' With a sigh of relief, Ned Blake, managing editor, pushed, the ' copy Jrom him, arranged his desk, locked it carefully, summoned a boy and deliv arcd certain instructions.. H left the- room and in a few moments was on the street where the Lgiits ;Tanced and flickered like will o the wtsps under the influence of a raw, east wind. On the way to Checkering hall, Blake encountered a crowd. On inquiry he learned of a collision bet'.ve fnfte cable and a private carriage, End from that description his heart knew that it was Grace Ward who was injured. He beckoned a passing hansom and drove to her home, regardless of all except that he loved her more dearly than ever. ' At last he saw her, pale and wan, but was he dreaming? a delicate blusl mantled her cheek as she held out her hands to him. "My darling my darling! I thought I had lost you!" he murmured, as he fell on his knees at her side. "No, Ned, it was a narrow escape. Fortunately, Lord Alfred was driving near and he averted the most serious consequences," she replied, nervously. "Lord Alfred! Grace, is he ever to be near you?" the agitated lover ejac ulated, while the color flashed into his pale face. "Ned!" .- That wa all, but tha too of re proach cut him like a whip. "My darling; girl, it: i, rumored everywhere that you are engaged to marry him, but I could not believe it. You would not sell yourself for a title and the paltry gold he controls?" he asked in a bitter tone. "Ned! you are unjust to me now as always. Lord Alfred has been very kind, he is a connection of my family and he is arranging to restore certain estates to me that have been in liti gation for years. Indeed, Ned, I fear you will be shocked to hear that I am Lady Grace Ward instead of - Oh, Ned! don't look so horror-stricken," she added, roguishly. "It is a small af fair, anyway. The title goes with the estates." "Where are the estates, may I ask?" he freezingly inquired. "In Fifeshire, Scotland, you know my birth-place. You are not angry with me because of this stroke ot good fortune, are you SEedr" -She looked at iiizn -keenly -M if to read his soul. "Oh, no, I congratulate yon, but it seems all a dream. Naturally you wtH go abroad and look after your affairs. In that case, you are free in any case, I may say, as I have no desire to hold you to-" -. "Ned! Ned!" the girl interrupted him, in a beseeching tone, but his un reasonable overtaxed system refused to recognise it. "I am no fortune-hunter, Grace, but your opportunities are greater, and you must marry befitting your sta tion." ; "Ned Blake! I am ashamed of you an American gentleman discussing station and caste in this age and in this country That is as absurd as your unreasonable jealousy over Lord Alfred. He is not young more like a father to me, but you assumed that I was like most of the women, dazzled by gold and Bplendor. There are some exceptions, Ned Blake,"retorted the new thoroughly angered girl. "You men credit us with intelligence, and at the slightest deviation from the lice of your interpretatldft of J, from your point of view lo! we are not an gelic, seraphic, but individual.. Dear me! Why are you all so illogical? We have been waiting for certain condi tions to prevail that we may marry. Poverty was our bug-bear; you have been half-killing yourself to swell your bank account to respectable pro portions, as you term it, that we may not be followed by that silent subtle serpent of life that stealthily follows from place to place, seeking to poison one in some vital spot that bug-bear poverty. Now we or I at least" she hastily corrected herself "have a suf ficiency. Fortune or fate brings us together once more, and when I have the pleasure of telling you of our my good fortune, you talk of 'station.' " During this impetuous speech, Blake had time to think that he was not quite the hero of this little tragedy; the heroine had the middle of the stage. "Grace, I beg your pardon," said he, gently. "True, true, every w.rd you say, but there is a sequel. I have been successful the mines have panned out well, and those stocks have gone whirling up, scattering dividends like snowflakes, and I have been longing to some . to you and tell you of it. You must confess that when Mme. Grundy asserts that one of Beauty's daughters is to make a sacrifice to Croesus or the nobility that is the same thing a poor devil of a newspaper man feels his chances are nil." "The newspaper man is supposed to be possessed of average intelligence, I have always understood." Grace said this in a bitter manner, her indigna tion being still great. ' , - "Certainly, but in this chase for millions, the spirit of the age, the man with the greatest number carries off the prize. But, forgive .me, and take me back to your loving little heart. Thank Heaven for the accident and no serious results except to my heart. In Four good Scotch a man's a man for ' that, a that,' dear, and we will let by-gones be by-gones." He drew her to him in a quick em race, and as she hid her flushing face ji his coat, she whispered: "How about the settlement of the estates, Ned?" "We will start at once. Henderson rave me leave of absence for a year. am pretty muoh run down, as you "Poor fceyt" ,So'w waHseiaiTiat one" "Oh, no! wry troassanl" "Hang the trousseau! we can get it on the other side." ' "How imperious we are, all of a ud den." . - . ' - "A slave is never imperious to his queen, my darling." Radford Be riew. The average yearly damage to French crops by hail is 1,480,00ft ' lies. I wrete more than 2oo letters to Australia alone, aad have writ ten ;o Bombay atd very East Indian city of any size. "I truly believe that I have reach ed every pait of the habita die globe, but I have been unable to find my boy.".'-' '; TO HOME SEEKERS. A Few More Bargains in Farms It Sqld Soon. - No 151 9oo acres, I5O in cultivation, 50 acres in the bottom, 2 acres in clover, 2 fair houses, 2 barns, good family or chard, 3o0 acres open land, the balance timber and pasture, all fenced, 50 head cattle, 1 Hereford bull, '7 head horses. 15o head sheep, all ewes, 100 head Logs, all the grain, 50 tons of bay, ail farm im plements, 1 binder, 1 mower. 1 hay rake and fork, 1 4-horse wagon, 1 2-horse wagon, 1 2 seated hack, 1 gang plough, 1 4-horse steel harrow, 1 new Hoosier seeder, i2 miles from a good town, 4 miles from railroad depot, 2 miles from R R siding, this ia a spendid bargain at 10,000. No 152 63o acres, 200 in cultivation a good residence, furnished, 2 barns, good orchard, balance pasture and tim ber, all fenced, creek runs through the farm, 4o head cattle, 180 head of sheep, 15 bead hogs' 5 bead horses, 2 wagons, chickens, 4 horse harrow, 1 v seeder, 3o tons bay, harness, etc, all goes for $8,5oo, this joins No 151 ' No 132 100 acres, 40 in cultivation, fair house and barn, good fruit and water, good timber and - pasture, creek runs through the farm, price $1500, 2 miles from town. HEXBY AMBLER, Real Estate A ent. Philomath, Or. ffl8 fae linil Sgsatnre, It 1j Timbar Land Act Jane 3 1878 Notice For Publication. united States Land Office . Oregon City. Or., Feb 14, 1902. Notice la hereby Iven that In compliance with the provisions xSt "the -act o cons res of June 3, 3878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber tends in the stB ls of 'lltoTutai, Qfegon, Neva tin and Washington Territory." s extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Nellie Robinson of Falls City. county of Folk, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No S647 for the purchase of the N EX, of section No Uin town ship No 13 S, range No 1. W, and will of fer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore gon on Tuesday the 6th day of May, 1902. He names as witnesses; Freeman W Robin son, Falls Cliy, Oregon, M G Elynn, Philomath, Oregon; John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon; Ernest Carey, Philomath. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversley the above described lands are reque-ted to rile their claims lu this office on or before said 6th of May, 1902. CHAS. B, MOORES, Kegister, OA STOH.IA. Bears the Signature Of The Kind You Han Always Notice lor Publiea'.ion, United States Land Office, Oregon Ci y, Oregon, February 19, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ot Coagress of lune 3, 1S7S, tntilled "An act for the sterol timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Teriitory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, Wil son Scott, of Philomath, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this offi?e his sworn statement. No. 66C6, for the purchase of theE :of 8 W and S of S E of section 1 township No. 12 S, range 1 W, and will of- 24. in fer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 13th day of May 1902, He names as witnesses: William E Gilbert, of Philomath, Oregon, . Samuel S Ewing, " " Walter H Newton, Jno. a Heiikle, of Portland, " Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to flle their claims In tnU office on or before said 13th day of May, 1902. CHARLES B. MOORES. Register. Summons. In the Circuit Oourt of the State of Oregon for Benton County. ' Ethel M, May, Plaintiff, . vs. Arba P. May, Defendant. To Arba P. May, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint oi the Plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file in the office ot the Clerk of said court on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the ordei for publication of this sum mons made by the County Judge of Benton county, State of Oregon, (being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the Circuit Court of said county and State) which said order is hereinafter referred to, to-wit; on or before six weeks from the day of first publica tion hereof and you are hereby Juotifled that if vou fail so to appear and answer the said com plaint as herein required, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled ccurt for the relief demanded in bis said complaint, namely, for a decree of divorce from the s id de fendant forever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and said defend ant; that plaintiff's name be changed to tha of Ethel May Strieker; and that plaintiff recover and have her costs and disbursements of this suit, from defendant; and for such further and different relief as to the court may Teem proper. This summons is published in the Corvallis Times ouce a week for six successive and con secutive week3, beginning with the issue of Feb ruary 8, 1902. and ending with the issue of March 22, 1902, under and in pursuance of the direc tions contained In an order made by the Hon. E, Woodward, County Judge' of Benton county, Oregon, (being the county where the above en titldd suit is pending in the above entitled cir cuit court) dated February 7, 1902. Date of first publication hereof is February 8, 1902. E: E: Wilson, ; , . Attorney for Plaintiff: Summon. In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Benton county. Lucinda Evans, plaintiff. -vs. . . M. G . Evans, defendent. To M. G. Evans, the defendent above named: IN THE NaME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: YOU ate hereby summoned and required to ap pear in the above entitled Court: at the Court room thereof in the City of CorvaUis Benton County, Oregon on or before Monday h Sttb, day otMMOhTB02:it fcMBg he wt 4ay itfee sect tegular term bf tbe ald KStnax, Mtti tewn flultitiffn 3a!iHlalnt sow -on file tn tin is -Suit, and if you tail so to pnear aad hswW Jot "Want thereoi tne riaizmu win ppiy iovtoi tor the relief prayed for in her Complaint: To wit: For a decree annulling the marriage con tract now existing between the Plaintiff and De fendant, and decreeing her the care and custo dy of Earl, 'Ada and Beta Evans, cfcihiren of said parties;' and tor her costs and disburse ments in said suit. This summons is "published by ordet of the Hon. E. Woodward.'Judge of the couniy court of the State ot Oregon tor Benton county, made on this 7th day of February. 1902. To be published for six successive weeks and the date of the first publication thereof shall be February 8th, W. rt. McFadden & J. N. McFaddea, , Attorneys tor plaintiff. for Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT aOTUT STHCCT, HCW YORK OIT. me Do not Cioe to as high a standawasour desire" ould pro mot us. but see that you make no mistake iu th3 hjaia thit keeps tha hig est standard of Grocer ies that is the r place to buy ; Fresl) Fruits, Fresh Uegetabtes, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep what you want and to please. Call and see B Borning ARE YOU DEAF? ALLjCASES OF .1 DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE , . by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERM AN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901. - Gentlemen .- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give TOO a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day; after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank yoa , heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore; Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. Sre.aad YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOME -t0ln,a INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing- Landa at Nominal Prices. The Coast Land and Livestock Co, having purchased 10,000 acres of the 'Corvallis and Yaquina Bay wagon road lands, known as "The Coe Lands," have now placed them on the market. These are unimproved lands, and are situated in Benton and Lincoln Counties, along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern R. R. in the best grazing and fruit raising section of western Oregon. Perfect titles, easy terms, prices $1 to 3 per acre. , M. M. DAVIS, Agt, CorvaUis, Oregon, Notice for Pablication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, February 17, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, lfc78, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the states oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory-," as extended to all the f nbllciand Statps byaet of August 4, IBM, Alr vte Kobiosou, lit ffcHs-ORy, onaty of Polk, state f eon, lta this Say ed In this office bis sWtttnvtfttement nk, ssee, for the purchase of the S fi W oi ectron is o M, tnJtbBship No. 13 8,aBgNo. 7 W, aad Will offer proof to show that the land sought is mote valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1902. He names as witnesses: - ' E Carey, ot Philomath, Oregon, IohnWHyde, of " " F W Robinson, of Falls City" " i AN Robinson, " - " AT;.and all persons claim Id g adversely the above described lands are requested to file thel? clalma in this office en or before said 6tb day of May, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES. v'Sc-gister. ANY HEAD NOISES? Kotice for Publication. . United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, February 17, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Joseph F-. Whitejof Portland, county of MuHno man, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office Ws"sworn statement No. S654, for the par chase of the 8 E X of section No 12, in township No. 13 S, range No. 1 W, ana will offer orooi to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriculture! purpos es, and to establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore. gon City, on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1902. He names as witnesses: John W.Hyde, of Philomath,! Oregon, F M Spencer of " , , " M G Flynn, of - - Freeman W Robinson, of FallsjCity. Any and all persons claiming' adversely the above described lands are requested to flle their claims in this office on or before said 6th day oi May, 1902. CHAS. B . MOORES, . Register. The First National Bank ; OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. . . ESTABLISHED 1890. ' OFFICERS & DIRECTOKS M. S. WOODCOCK, President. C E. MOOR, Vice-President. . . WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate bus Cess enterprises and industries of this country. Deposits . 1 Received subject to check payable on demand " Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and transfers sold available in th principal cities of England. Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed. en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger many, Austria. Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities oi -the United States. Principal Correspondents Upon Whom Wt Sell Sight Exchange ; The Commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bask of Portland, Oregon. ' The Bank of Califoraia, San Francisco, Calif. nglo-Cahforuian hank, Sua Francisco, Calii. (3 The National City Bank New York.. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n. importers & Trader's Nat-ona: Bans, New York -hoe and Leather Nationo tjak of Boston. Mass. shi?pr?'.; --.- - . " vv- "ielphia. Ps S"CLt33L AND EaSt - VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SJa.a,sta, ZSouLte. Train leaves CorvaUis tor Portland and way stations 1:20 p. u, Lv Portland 8:30 A.M. 8:30 P.M. Lv Albany. 12:30 P, M. 11:85 a. K. Ar Ashland 12:55 A. M. 12:35 A. M. " Sacramento 6:10 P.M. 5:00 A, M. ' San Francisco l.io P. M. 6:45 A. M. At Ogden 4:65 a, K. 7:00 A. K. " Eteaver 9:30 A. X. 9:15 P. M. " Kansas OKy 1:V A. M, 7:25 A. BE. " Chicago 7:42 A.M. 8:30 P.M. Ar Los Angeles 2:00 P, M. 8:05 A. M, ' El Paso. 6 .00 P. M. 6:00 P, M. " Fort Worth 6:30 A.M. 6:30 a.m. City ot Mexico 11:30 A. M. 11:30 a. m. - Houston 7:00 A.M. 7:00 A. M. " Naw Orleans 6 30 p. m. 6 30 P. m. ' Washington 6:t2A.M. 6:42; a. M. ' New Xork ... 12:10 P. M. 12:10 P. U. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Cha la cars Sacramento to Ogden and 1 Paso, and tourist cars to Chicego, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. . Connecting at San Francisco with the several teamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, hillpplnes, Central and South America. J. E. FARMER Agent Corvallis, Oregon, or address B. R. Milub l.A.ltitl tx.titgcn , At Occident! Hotel. H;iry .luilar, ihi real ejtats u; o: aiiojuih, will b2 ia Ck nils &7ity SiturJiy. Parties lshmg to sea mm can disj by ailing at the Occidental hotel be ween the hours of eleven and one. TORXA. Bean the Signature ot The Kind You Hare Always Pouga Corvallis & Eastern R Co Cime gard. 2 - For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m " Corvallis 1 30 p. m " arrives Yaquina 6:45 p. m t Eeturning: Leaves Yaquina........... 6:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis". 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany .12:15 p. tn 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany... 7:00 a. m Arrives Detroit ...12:15 p. m 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit 1245 p. tn Arrives Albany 5:40 p. m Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train for Portland. Train 2 connects with the S P west side train at Corvallis Crossing for Independ ence, McMinnville and all points north to Portland, - - Edwin Stone, H. H. Cronise Manager Agent Corvallis. Mr. Whetler Got R'd ot His Rheum .. " atism. "DuriDg the winter of 1898 I was bo lame ia my joints, ia fact all ever my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year. R. Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y, For Sale by Graham & Wells. . V ..,.,,. .... - :i irbr TStomafili TrotiWes. . - "I have taken a great many dif ferent medicines for stomach troub le'and constipation," eays Mrs. S. Geiger of DdBkerton, Iowa, ."but never had as good results from any. as from Chamberlain's . Stomach & Liver Tablets. For sale by Graham i & Welle. . .--""