Corvallis Times. BY B. F. IRVINE. Official Paper of Benton Countf, One Tear............. $200 Six Months 1 00 Three Months 5 Single Copies " 5 OORVAIXIS, OREGON FEB 23, 1003. AS HE SAW THINGS. THE CAPTAIN'S BATTLE. - President Roosevelt, in the Schley "appeal; has declared that Santiago was a cabtain's battlei and that A neither Sampson nor Schley was in command. If Sampson had been in the fight instead of 10 miles a- way, the question is, would Rooce velthave decided otherwise than that William Sampson was the rea and only commander. In every, battle on sea or land since soldiers' were disciplined and bad commanders, in case of death, disablement or absence of thecom raander-in-chief the next officer in rank has always exercised command , ' and in" such cases hereafter until there are no more wars, he will so continue to do. It is to fix author itv and to determine the extent of authority, and for no other purpose; that rankB are established and that one officer outranks another. The one case in all history and in all time in which this order will not be true according to the official re cord, is the battle of Santiago', at which Winfield Scott Schley and none other, was the officer of high est rank and in absolute authority, .to direct. Fortunately for Sclhey, the court of last resort in his case, is the sov ereign people. From their decisi m there is no appeal. Their ; verdict, attested by their plaudits wherever Schlev eoes, is clear and resonant as the trumpet notes of Gabriel, and all the Roosevelts and Longs in creation cannot wipe it out. DECIDED IT -The Logging -Case The Kings Valley People win for the Present. ; Judge " " Hamilton has banded down a decision in the. Kings "Val ley logging case, tried at the last term of courts He does not pass on the constitutionality of the log ger's law. " He holds that there is no gronnd for Dunn, Frantz and the other defendants to be enjoined, because they have not so far done anything to monopolize and exact undue tollson theLuckiamute. The Pacific Monthly. The opening numbers of' the Pacific Monthly for 1902 are '" fully up to the promise of its publishers. The number for February was especially interesting. Its leading article, splendidly illustrated, on the "Great Caves of Oregon," was prepared by George M Weister. Two articles following, each with illustrations are, "Old Chief Seltice" by J Mayne Baltimore, aud a poem, "Meditation", by Mrs Lischen Miller. "At the . Con fessional" a story . by WFG Thacher , a 'The Native Women of Alaska" by Mrs Miller, and the ' Skylark of Oregon" a poem by Andrew Franzen, completes the contributors department- : " The announcement that in the March number that Captain Cleveland Rock well will contribute an article on "The Great Columbia Basin" and articles by Mrs Eva Emery Dye and other promin ent writers, affords warrant for a wide spread interest. The edition will be the finest illustrated number of any magazine issued on the Pacific Coast. In the Ap ril number will appear an article on ."Our Coast Line" by , Joseph H Wilson, of Los Angeles, Cal, also interesting il lustrated sketches by Fred Lockley,Jr. What Have You ' -To swap for a 20 acre "fiv't ranch in famous San Jose valley, California, well improved. Also for 240 acres in Harney county, Ore, See , Morgan & Eglin. To the Public. The undersigned has entered the gen eral delivery and baggage transfer busi ness. Will deliver to any part of town anythiug fiom packages to consignments up to 5,000 pounds. Telephone number all. . Hay for sale by ton or bale. 'John Lenger. . A Newspaper Man and Some Things ; He Says Abont Them Col. Hofer. A recent visitor in Cervallis was Col. E. Hofer of the Salem Capital Journal. He delivered an 'Address before the late fruitgrowers con vention in Corvallis with strawber ries as a subject. He attended the late oratorical contest. An article of a column and a half in his news paper is the result. It is an excel lent article and deserves reproduc tion in its entirety, but the Times has space only for the following ex cerpts: "Many of the students are dress ed in cadet uniforms and have a swell military appearance. . A mu sical feature of the evening was concert duo by Messrs. Turuey and Goodnougb, the latter . an accom plished pianist. The duo consisted of three parts, allegro moderate an dante and presto, composed by Mr, Turneyland rendered by him on the violin with great force ;and expres sion. v-al& is one of the best violin artists in the state, having played with Aamold and must have been with other eminent players. : The influence of culture is quite markei at Corvallis and is slowly transforming the atmosphere of the town into that which should pre dominate at an educational center, The demand for good literature li braries, music and art is growing in every direction. It permeates -the homes: college life and social gath erings and is one of the hopeful in dications. The "English employed in the orations was a vast improvement on what I heard there four or five years ago. It showed a power and grace of expression, fluency of style, and range of vocabulary that are only obtained by persistent drill in good Hinglish, by iamiliarity with the classics of the language and faithful correction of each minor matteis as spelling, grammar and capitalizing. SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND. ine u A u is a place wnere no parent need be afraid to send a boy or girl for fear of having them ruin ed by college influences that are sometimes objected to. . - A COLLEGE BOY. Fire Laid His Business Low but from the "Ashes;Came,New Vigor. Lee Bes 11 arrived Thursday. He is an old O A C boy, yvho graduat ed in i896. ' In college he was-one of the best known students that ev er attended the institution. . He is now here on a brief visit to old friends. After graduation Mr. Beall went to Lakeview and became druggist in the drugstore ot l)r. .Bernard Daly, late candidate for congress" Shortly before the great fire two years ago at Lakeview, he bought the drugstore. In the fire the building along with two or three blocks went up in smoke, j A por tion of the drugstore was saved Mr. Beall moved it into the parlor of his residence, and hung out his sign. Customers came, and busi ness flourished at the new stand. In time, the burned district be came the site of new and handsome buildiags.r All are either brick or stone, some of them three story. In one of them ' now, Mr. Beall has a new . drug store. Like the new buildings, the new store is modern. But two or three ! in Portland are said to be more attractive. Mr. Beall is county treasurer of Lake county. He was elected two years ago on the democratic ticket with a majority of 63 in a county normally 250 republican. He was the only candidate elected on his ticket. It will pay you to investigate goods and prices at J H Harris You can save money. . , . Wanted. ' By a thoroughly competent man, a po sition as bookkeeper. . Address, P Obox 272, Corvallis, Ore. To Trade or Sell 20-acre fruit ranch in famous San Jose valley, California. 240 acres In Harney county, Oregon. Good livery barn and equipage, in one of the best towns in Oregon.. - Fine flour mill, 80 barrel capacity per good location. See . 1 Morgan & Eglin. In going over the famous Shasta rontr of the Southern Pacific Co, the traveles ever finds something new to excite hie admiration and interest. Starting at Portland, one traverses the whole length of the Willamette yp'ley, the gem of the Northwest. Mt Hood, Mt Jefferson and the Three Sisters and other snow capped peaks are kept in sight for hours. The beautiful valleys of the - Umpqua: and Eogue rivers with ther orchards of prunes peaches, apples, and othe fruits are a delight in themselves. The crossing of toe great mountain barrier between Ore gon and California reveals the grandest mountain scenery in the United - States. Thewondeiful turnings,' : twistings and doubinga of the railroad bring into view a grand array ' of towering monntains and profound gorges into which we gaze from dizzy heights, forest clad mount ain slopes stretching ' up to the line of perpetual snow, and the foaming mount, ain streams dashing fiercely down deep canyons, now and then stopping for a short rest in eome quiet pool. " After a day's en joyment of old Mt Snasta the finest peak on the continent,' we., drop rapidly down the canyon of the Sacra mento to the broad plains of the Sacra mento valley in California, and thence through orchards and vineyards to San Fraucisco. and descriptive literature That Is the Amount of Taxes To Be Col lected in Benton This Year. - The footings of the tax roll for this year, and the segregation and arrangement of the amount of taxes in each fund has been completed by the county clerk." The 'final foot ings show that the total amount of taxes to be paid by Benton county taxpayers is $64,213.04. ;2By the' new- and " corrected arrangement," there are slight' changes in; the dis tribution of theroad fund in the va rious districts, though the amounts of the changes are very small. The amount of taxes to be collected for each fund is as follows:' ' ' County, State,: Military, NO MORE CASES etc. Special school: District No. 9. . , " , " 17.. " 30.. 45- " ' 49- 50. Road: " Corvallis No. 1 . . 2. , 3. 4., Fairmotmt-. . . Soap Creek 2 . . . . . . . , Kings Valley .... . . , Summit. . Blodgett. . ......... Wren. . . . ........ . Philomath. . Willamette.... North Alsea. . . . . . . . South :' - .... Bellfountain ........ Monroe No. 15. 16 Miscellaneous. ; City of Corvallis. . . . - Philomath.. Polls..... $52,55-64 $3,325-l3 . 201.36 2.16 ; 119.20 5i 72 236 88 . 432.93 10.30 22.96 . 306 69 271.58 388.43 . 180.89 40 73 63 19 116.91 439-4o . 51420 , 10479 , . 52 78 332.25 . 214.84 . 136.84 5.00 3-397-35 .; 21087 , 478,00 Williams Recovered, but the Quaran tine Still Strictly Enfced. J It looks now as though there would be no more emallpox cases in Corvallis. , Williams has recov ered. :i His face has gone through th9 peeling - off process a nd the rash has disappeared. Yesterday was the 15th day since he? shook hands with numerous people on the street. It is the I2th day . since he was quarantined. The usual limit for y appearance . of the disease through exposure to him, is more than past, and there is every rea son to believe that his will be the only case. - Those at the Brown house with Williams, are his mother and step father. .Neither; has so far showed symptoms . of the.; malady. ,It is deemed possible that neither may contract it., Both chafe under this quarantine regulations. ; They, ask. ed Chief. Alexander yesterday for a suit of old clothes to be used by Williams while the suit he wears can be fumigated. The board of health intends to use every, pre caution. The quarantine will not be raised until pbysicianB authorize it, --T - .: ,r,' THEIR HEARTFELT THANKS THEIR WEDDING For maps address R. B. SlnXtSR, .P. A- S, P. Co., Portland, Ore. Marriage at Eugene of Roscoe Bryson and Miss Lizzie Griffin. . Eugene Guard: A notable ev ent in Eugene's society circles was the marriage of Miss Lizzie. May Griffin, daughter of Mrs Mary - A Griffirl, to Attorney Roscoe Bryson of Pendleton, which was solemnized at the home of the bride, Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock. A large number of friends and relatives were present at the cere mony which was performed by Rev Mac H Wallace,- pastor of the First Congregational church, ' The par lors were decorated in exquisite taste with' garlands of Oregon grape ivy, palms and mistletoe, forming a veritable fairy bower. The bride was most winsome in a dainty gown of white silk net over white hberty satin. .: She carried a beautiful bouquet of carnationsJ The bridesmaid,.. Miss Mabel Wheel-; er, was charmingly attired in white organdie over, pink taffeta, and car ried pink roses. The bride's flow er girl was little Leona Griffin, who wore light blue silk. The groom was attended by Mr. Walter . Wit tlesey as best man. . - Preceding the ceremony,. Mr. W. Gifford Nash played Mendelssohn's wedding march. Rev. Wallace performed the ring ceremony, and Miss Celia Loomis. caught - the bride' s bouquet.. "' Immediately after congratulations, the bridal party drove to jthe Banquet Cafe to par take ,of a " delicious . aud elaborate wedding breakfast. Covers were laid for sixteen, and the decorations were very pretty. The gifts .bes towed upon the bride were beauti ful. - , : . '..- The happy couple left for Port land and from there will goto Pendleton, and will be at home to friends after March 1st. : The groom, a son. of Mrs Mary Bryson of Corvallis, and of the late Attorney Bryson, is a prominent lawyer of Pendleton. After attend ing the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis. several years he came to Eugene to enter the University of Oregon, graduating - in 1899, He spent two years at Columbia law college, in New York City, and has since been in partnership in the practice of his profession with T J Hailey at Pendleton. . - The bride is one of Eugene s most beautiful and highly accom plished young ladies and has lived here the greater part of her life, having a large number of warm per sonal friends who wish the couple unbounded happiness and prosper ity,-:;. -- vr: : - Real Estate. If vou wish to sell farms or city pro perty list it with ns, We advertise pro perty listed with Us in Eastern news papers., ; If you want to buy a farm or city pro perty call an see us. - We secure real estate loans at low rate of interest. We write insurance and make collection, Office in SaDder's Jewelry store. N, P. Peterson & G, A. Robinson, A Neighborhood of Corvallisites Make Public . Acknowledgments to the : & i" Council. . y ; Residents of the vicinity recently petitioned . the city council for a street light at the corner of Twelfth and Monroe. There, the deep and widejcollege ditch yawns and yawns for the pedestrians as they pass by, and occasionally gets a batch. The light, it was figured, would warn pedestrians of their danger and save them from dropping off the cross walk into the caverns below. The city fathers did not grant the petition for a light. As a mat ter. of fact the Light Company de clined to supply it. Instead of the light, however, the street commit tee was ordered to put a suitable banister along the crossing, and the adornment has been completed. Unfortunately, citizens of the vi cinity don't like its architectural de sign. They have framed a thank ful communication to the council, and have requested the Times to publish it.. Here it is: ' 'The citizens in . the vicinity; of 1 2th and Monroe streets, wish to express theirieartfelt thanks to the council of Corvallis, for the grand and masterly piece of work at the corner of 12th and Monroe streets. There will be no more lads rescuing beautiful lasses from the depths of the college ditch. It now insures perfect safety on the darkest night. Should Mr. Groves conclude to put up his toboggan slide, a liberal do nation could easily besecured from the citizens of the above named vicinity." , Mohair The Massachusetts Mohair Plush Co. of Lowell. Mass, is in the market foi year's growth Oregon mohair. prices for superior Jgrades. A, J. Ray, No. 334 Sherlock Bld'g, - - Portland, Ore, THEIR LAME ARMS Victims of Vaccination Some Went to Bed The List of Subjects a Long -' ; One. . y Most of the vaccination - patients have hot been feeling well for two or three days. There were 300 of them, more ..or less.. Some have been in bed. . Numbers of the vaccinated students have been out of college. . Many of the cadets are escaping drill because of lame arms. By the same token, girl students are relieved from physical culture exercises. E R Bryson's case was almost severe enough to prevent him from atteuding his brother's wedding. The inoculation hit numbers of small boys with sever ity, and they have been laid up at home for repairs. . Though in few instances the pa tients now think vaccination about as severe as a live case of small pox, generally speaking they es caped with a badly itching arm and a slight soreness that told of re-action and that the operation was successful in creating immunity from the contagion. iflnfil'february 15- 1 z 7 m lit HI We will continue our re duction sale on all shoes and clothingmA.NT lines to SE LECT from. Big line of Odds arid Ends, Remnants and Woolen Under- Iff wMt at a crrpflt samfirtvRflfv 3I vax 4. y u wv.v w.. aaaw va ifc 111 ; gains at our store. Remember, jit. February 15th. . H. Harris Hi I! Kemovttid to Portlatidl 0 " For the next few days any thing in the store at wholesale cost Ford & Laws S Eglm Grass Seed ' - Call on E J Dunn for grass seed of ail kinds. Also garden seed, vegetable seed, and seed corn," fruit trees, grocer ies.' Dressed poultry to order. Poultry food and medicine. Mill feed and hay. Sewing Machines Repaired By Clair Austin, : the White sewing machine agent, by notifying Stewart & Sox, Albany, Oregon. . Charges reason able and work guranteed, - ' Bids for Wood. . - Bids for furnishing the - Agricultural College rith wood for the ensuing year will be received by the Purchasing agent nn to and innlnrfin? March R. i$H)2. " See ILCk 1UI 1 " ' Specal mhe clerk of the college for the specific ations. y John D, Davv, Secy Board Regents, prvallis, February 3rd, 1905, Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting- and Exchange Agents. Titles Examined, Mortgages; Wills, Deeds and all kinds of Legal Papers Drawn. We advertise in 200 newspapers in the East, Through 800 advertising agencies, and our facilities for handling your properties are the best. " ' . ' If you wish to buy, sell or swap any thing from a calf or a dog to a 50,000 acre ranch in any part of United Sta'tes, see us. We will buy, sell, trade, or give it away. We try to give you satisfaction. Our charges are reasonable. r Collections of old out-lawed debts a specialty. . Insurance written in .best companies in the United States. , Office over Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon. Subscribe for The IS TIMES