PIONEERS HAVE DRY. TIME. Drought Affeeta Rivers of Lake I , Resloo Lens Before Wblte ' Settlera Come. ! ""It is well known, said William C, Thompson, relates the Indianapolis News, "that in its early settlement Indiana was- subjected to. extremes of heat and cold, though possibly not to the same extent aa now, and that droughts of considerable severity . sometimes occurred, though not with the frequency of recent years. There is .- an authentic reference to a drought of great severity which. af fected part of the region surround ing the great lakes and a part of the Ohio valley long before the ; advent of the white settler. It occurred in the summer and autumn of 1764, just after the close of the French and In dian war, and while the, war with the Indian tribes, Under the leader ship of Chief Pontiac, was in prog-" ress. The drought affected especial ly the Maumee and Sandusky rivers flowing into Lake Erie, and the head waters of -the Scioto, Great Miami and Wabash. ""Francis Parkman, the,, historian, relates that when a ' messenger was seat by the British commander at Detroit, then recently, wrested , from the French, ' to communicate -' with Pontiac, encamped on the Maumee a niort distance below where Fort Wayne Is now situated, the waters of Jthe Maumee river were - so low by reason of extreme drought . that "the T3irSssh messenger and his attendants -vere -compelled to drag .their canoes f.over Tocks and sandbars a good part -1 ol the distance from, the mouth of h .Maumee, near the present site of ' "Toledo, to the headwaters of the stream near Fort Wayne. He also states that the same autumn a de Jbsehment of British soldiers could 'rffH sacend .the,r-6andusky river in canoes by reason of great drought 'vSEd low water when they contempla ;$ed subduing the hostile Shawnees .. an the Scioto-valley. Here is a record alt -widespread drought, while the for sost nd prairie were yet primeval and foelore the coming of the-. white set- . tier with those modern - drought jnakers, the ax and the drain tile." The destructive power of the ma ifchioe an as compared, to the small ana ewa in large numbers has been he subject of interesting - trials sibread, reports of which have reached tbe navy department here, says the UaHrtnore Sun. ., .;, ' ,- v ... ,, That one machine gun properly and effectively worked is equal to 200 rifles in tbe hands of as many soldiers has lieeo. amply demonstrated. Each shot Irom the machine gun works greater injury also to the body struck than the small bullet of the army rifle, and its xange is far greater. i - , -:-Jt i- la recent trials 50 marksmen were eihosen to compete with the Hotch ,4ciss eight-millimeter gun, which has lately been widely adopted in France and Germany. .The ranges fired were $xom 400 to 800 yards. At 800 yard the 50 riflemen, each having- five rounds In dependently, -obtained 54 hits, or 22.6 per cent, of the number of rounds tired. Thirty-two men "were- then chosen from among, the 50, and these &ad to fire each eight rounds in 30 seconds. Under these conditions 34, or 13.3 per cent, of the rounds ex- 'pended, were recorded.' - ; l Tie machine gun was then brought into action, and in 38 seconds fired 211 fculleta, making . 145 hits. It was sshowa. from the results that the ma chine gun was far ahead in hits made and rapidity of fire. , No such practical - t.esta-of the relative merits of the ma chine grrn and a number of small arms bave been made before. PAJTTALOONS WITH LINING. fa Used to Bo Worn Bat Are Neverj Heard Of In Taeeo - ..- Day. . '.. An old clothing merchant in Chicago, 'whose sons have been his successor ' tor many years, was in the store the -other day for the first time in seven .years, reports the Tribune. - '- . -. "I suppose you have no pantaloons with lining' he said to his eldest boy, mho replied that he had never heard of such a thing. "We used to keep them in stock," continued the father. "As a rule I think most pantaloons with lining were home-made, - Your mother made Vthe first I ever saw, and I wore 'em. " I -ttink the lining was of some sort of cambric. But there were a few of my old customers who bought ready-made clothes of me, many years ago, and they insisted that their pantaloons should be lined. They had an idea that lining made the fit better. But the tailors I employed hated the work, and always charged more for putting in. 4he lining. One of my customers, who wouldn't live long if he had to-wear ready-made -clothes now, took a fancy to a pair of mnlined pantaloons, .but ' refused to -.make the purchase unless I had lining Jut in. That was in 1850. My tailor said he never -heard of such a thing, 5ut I insisted. . He' had to take the pantaloons apart unstitch the seams and then put in the lining: It took him over a week to do the job. The cus Onm got mad in waiting and refused - to take the pantaloons. I sued him and .got judgment, and he wouldn't peak to me lor over a year. I saw him pass the house last week riding with his grandchildren in an automobile. I oppose he would have got hot if I had reminded him of the time, when 1 he wore lined pantaloons, and he had straps to them besides, so as to keep - them in shape, I remember when a man who didn't wear straps to his pantaloons . was -not considered well dressed, and that was right here in Chicago." KILLED BY -THE -- WIND A PORTION bF'SIDEWALK STEIKES A MASIa THE. HEAD. Wind Attained a velocity of One Hundred Miles per Hour ..,,:. a, sW 1H nn rincrT 15 1168(1 sheeP. all ewes, 100 head Logs Astoria, Or., eb. 15. During all the grain 50 ton3 of bay ai, farm im the gale this evenmg a portion ol fcplemauts, 1 binder, 1 mower, i bav -rake the sidewalk near the Clatsop MilHand fork, 1 4-horse , -wagon, 1". 2-horse was torn' up by the wind, and Cap tain T, J. Rustad, who was passing. was struck on the head and breast by the boards and so badly injured that he died a short time alterward The wind today was the heaviest of the season.. At times during the day the wind attained a velocity of 100 miles per hour,, - Reports from the mouth or the river are to" the ftct that a terrific-southerly gale is blowing, but no Vessels have been in sight Captain Kustad, who was acci dentally killed during the gale to night, was a native of Norway, 62 year of age, and (for several .yet rs was stationed On the Columbia Riv er lightship, but for the - past few months had been in - the employ of Hale & Kern. He has a wife and several children living in 'Norway, and his brother .is keeper, at the Eddy Hook lighthouse, near Port Angeles. . ; - . '. .. ... . : Biker City, Feb. 15 Captain Sam White, chairman of the dem ocratic - state committee, 4 left for Portland last evening to consult with the secretary and other mem bers of the committee in regard to the calling of the"slate and congres sional conventions of the -party. The matter of the time and place was left by the committee in the hands of the chairman, with full power to act, bat ire fa re coming to a final conclusion Mr. White desir ed to confer, with some of lis col leagues.. Baker City has made a very flattering offer to the commit tee, to induce the chairman to call the convention to meet in this city. The indications are: that the state convention will be called about April 15. . - Paris, Feh, 8. Rodica and Dood- ica, two young and. pretty Hindoo girls who are linked together '- like the Siamese : twins have passed through a trying condition. Rodica caught brnochitis, but Doodica remained perfectly healthy. A physician attached to . the circus in which. the twins., were exhibited declared that Rodica was in danger of dying atany instant and feared that the sister would be infected. Consequently the girl twins were sent to the Kousseau hospital to see if ihey could be safely cut apart. It was decided that the operation would be extremely dangerous. "Yet," the head surgeon said, "if one dies can't possibly bury both.";. . . V Fortunately science cured the sick twin and saved; the healthy one from infection, j . to Cape Martin is only postponed. I will start again as soon aa-1 can get readyi This .accident was due to the entanglement of the guide rope with the ecrew - and wires of the ballooii. The balloon was not fully inflated when I started. - See ing that an accident was inevitable, I pulled the emergency cord, but pulled it harder than I intended. This made a bigger rent than I wanted. Consequently the airship collapsed too quickly;" -- "- . . Wood. ' ' Notice is hereby given that the County Court will receive sealed bids up to one o'clock, p:m-.v Wednesday, March 5th, 1902, to furnish 50 cords of grub oak wood, four feet long, and two cords of grub oak wood, two feet long; all four and two foot 'wood to be not less than 3 inches nor more than 10 tnches in diameter; 35 cords old gro wth body red -fir wood four feet long, or 35 cords of second growth fir wood four feet long, all to be well seasoned. The Court reserving the right to select either old or second growth fir wood, or to reject any and all bids. Said wood to be delivered at the Court House in the City of Corvallis, between June 1st and Sept 1st, 1902, and same to be paid for in county orders when ac cepted by the court. 1 ... Virgil E. Watters, -: ; : County Clerk. Dated this 14th day of February, 1902, For Sale or Exchange. I have 160 acres of land located . six miles from Corvallis, in Benton ""county, for sale or will exchange ' for Portlau J city property,- For further particulars call on or address , ; Mrs J Mason, Owner, i Corvallis, Oregon. " What Have You y To swap for a 20 acre fruit ranch in famous San Tose valley, California, well improved. Also for acres of land in Harney county, Ore, See ' ; r if v - - -Morgan & Eglin. .... - -Lest - : -' A childs purse containing 45 cents. Can be identified by receipt on the ' in side. Finder please , leave at .Times Ladies and misses jackets ot 5o cents on the dollar, at Kline's, TO HOME SEEKERS. , ., A. Few More Bargains in Farms if Sold .- - ..... i - ..Soon.- . , No 151 9oo acres, IsO -in cultivation,. 50 acres in the bottom, 2 acres in clover, 2 fair houses, 2 barns, good' family or chard, 3o0 acres open land, the balance timber and pasture, all fenced, so head .catue, 1 ueretord bull,' 7 head horses. ia?oa, i z -seated nacK, I . gang plough, 14-horse steel harrow, 1 new Hoosier seeder, i2 miles from a. good town, 4 miles from railroad depot, 2 miles from R R 6iding, this is a spendid bargain at 10,000. . No 152 63o acres, 200 in cultivation a good residence, furnished, 2 barns, good orchard, balance oagture and tim. ber, all fenced, creek runs through the iarni, 40 neaa cattle, ISO head of sheep, 15 head hogs' 5 bead horses, 2 - wagons, chickens, 4 horse harrow, 1 seeder, 3o tons hay, harness, etc, all goes for 8,5oo, this joins No 151. . . No 132 100 acres, 40 in cultivation, fair house and barn, good fruit and water,-' good timber and pasture, ' creek runs through the farm, price $1500, 2 miles from town. : - , .: - , HENRY AMBLER, ent. Philomath, Or. Real Estate j Timber Land Act June 3 1878 Notice For Publication. ; United States Lnd office v " Oregon City. Or.i Feb 14, 1902. : Notice Is hereby etven that la comtHance with the provisions of the act ol congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sa'e of timber lands In the stales of California, Orecon, Neva da and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by art of August 4, lfc2, Nellie BoblDSOn ol I'lsCH. countv of Polk, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this omce nis sworn statement No J647 for the purchase of the N ii. of section No 14 In town- ship No 13 S, range No 7. ,, W, and will ot ter proo: to snow mat the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone thsn for agricultural purpose?, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at-Oregon Oi.y, . Ore gon on Tuesday the 6th day of Mny, 1' jl. Me names as witnesses; i-r-eman w Robin son, Falls Cliy, Oregon, M G Elynn, Philomath, Oregon: John V Hyde of Philomath. Oreeon: .Ernest Carey, Philomath. Oregon. . Any and all versoas r.Btmtng -adverser the above described laoda are requested to tile their -claims -In this office -on. .or b-jiore auid 0ri of Hsry, 1902. Register, : Eotice f.r Pnolication. : ; United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, reuruary 1, lwua. - - . ... . Notice Is hereby given that In comDllancj with the provisions of the act of congr- of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the state" of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," rs extended to all Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Joseph F. Whitest Portland, county of Mnltno mah, tate of Oregon, has this day filed in ths office his sworn statement No. fOii, for the pur-, chase of the S E of section No 12, in towuship No. 13 S, range No. )W, and wil oBer roof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos es, huu to eaiuuusii nisvui:u to saiu iarni oeiore the Register and Receiver ot this office at Ore gon City, on Tuesdriy, the 6th day of ila ; 1912. He names as witnesses: John VV. Hyde, of Philomath. ' Oregon, - F M Spencer of - - " . M G Flvnn, of ' Freeman V Robinson, of Fulls Citv. . -- Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said" 6th day of May, 1902. " CHAS. B . MOORES, .... Register. Notice for Publication. . TTnitl States Lmd Office, Oregon City; Oregon,. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of Junes, 178,. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territorv," as extended ,to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, Al vin Koblnson, ot Falls City, county of Polk, state nf-Oreeon. has this day n'e'd l'i this office his sworn statement No. 5596, for the pnrchase of the S E of section No 14, in township No. 13 8, range No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is moie valuable for its ti nber orstone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore g City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6t!i day of M y, MOi He names as witnesses: E Carev, ot Philomath, Oregon, Iohn W Hyde, ot " " jr V Robinson; of Falls City" , " ,-...... . AN Robinson, ' " .. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are rtqaested to die their claims in this office en or before said 6th day of May, 1902. CHAS. B. MOOKE8, - '- :"!' -" : -Register. . ; Summons. - ; In the Clrcnit Oourt of the State of Oregon for Benton County. : Ethel M, May, Plaintiff, - .vs. ' ' .- ; Arba P. May, Defendant. -5 . - ,'":'.,rr To Arba P. May, the above named defendant. . In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required -to appear- -and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file In the office of the Clerk of said court on or before the last day ot the time pre scribed in the order for publication ot this sum mons made by the County Judge of Benton county, State of Oregon, (being the county where the above entitled suit Is pending in the Circuit Court of s-.ld county and State) which said order is hereinafter referred to, to-wit; on or before six weeks from the day of first publica tion hereof and you are hereby Jnotlfled that if vou fail so to appear and answer the said com plaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded In his .said complaint, namnly, for a decree of divorce from the s ad de fendant forever dissolving the marriage contract existing between the plaintiff and said defend ant; that plaintiff's name be changed to tha' of Ethel May Strieker ; and that plaintiff recover and have her costs and disbursements of this suit, from defendant ; and for such further and different relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is published In the Cowallis Times once a week for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the issut A Feb ruary 8, 1902. and ending with the issue ot March 22, 1902, under and in pursuance of the direc tions contained in an order made bv the Hon. E, Woodward, County Judge of Benton county, Oregon, (being the county where the above en titldd suit is pending in the above entitled cir cuit court) dated February 7, 1902. Date of hrst publication hereof is February 8, 1902. E: E: Wilson, - - Attorney for Plaintiff: .. Summons. - In the circuit court of the State ot Oregon for Benton CDunty. - , -. - Lucinda Evans, plaintiff. -- j . - - - ,. . !. VS. ...... .... ' "' M. G : Evans, defendent. - . To M. G. Evans, the defendent above named: IN THE NaME OFTHE STATE OF OREGON: YOU are hereby summoned and required to ap Tioar In thA antttlnrl 'j m rt . of ttct I'miv room thereof in the City of Corvallis Bentc uourrty, uregon on or oeiore Monday to U4ib, Hey ot Match 1902: it keip; .the init tevol-ttte aeaj resularterm of the .M Court, od-to.t)-rer PJaintU& -Complaint nam oo -ttte to this Suit, ud H yon 'tetl -so to-apr-atr -nd wnawor Jar want -thereof te PluintiS -will apply ttthe Court for the relief prayed for In her Complaint: To wit: For a decree annulling the mintage con tract now ert.lng between the Plaintiff and De fendant, and de creeing her the care and custo dy Of Earl, ;Ada and Reta Evans, children of said paities; and for i-;-r costs and disburse ments in said suit. - . . ry' This summons is published by ordei of -the Hon. E. Wocdward, Judge of the couaiy court of the State of Oreeon for Benton county, made on this 7th day of Feb. uary, 10 j2. To published for six successive weeks and the dil of-the first publication thereof 'shall be Februai y 8th, 1902. W. s. McFadden & J. K. McFadden, Attorneys lor. plaintiff. "V jm t Wk. - f:- I V je A II II U I 113 for Infants The KM You Haye Always Bought - Z BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF I n U se For, Oy I : -: me Do ilot Eipe '. ':y ; ; to as high a standawasour desireould pramot . us. but see that you make no mistake in " - tha hoa3 thit keeps tha hig t ; est standard of Grocer ies that is the . . place to -:- BUY - " . (9 Fresb Fruits, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep what you want and to nlAasA fall anrl cop ARE YOU DEAF? AtL. DEAFNESS OR ARE NOW CURABLE - ; - by our new inntaqn. , Only Jhose bornideaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: ' . .. r- ,", ' ' . ' I.'".' ' '.' . 1 BAt-TTMORE, Md., March 30, 1901. . . , Gef'imen -. Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment. I will now give yon - a fall history of my case, to be used at your discretion. - , . . About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. ' ---. 1 -n . s. --,;. .- I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num oerot physicians, - among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear wquld be lost forever. 7 I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat mam. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain r- - . Very truly yours, - " -' " " ' ------ "a- - F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. ' yOur treatment 'does not interfere with your usual occupation. f ndr4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT H0ME3Sbu INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AYE., CHICAGO, ILL. $ at PrSntB m OFFICE-. and Children. e r 3 Q 1 Years. " u. Frcsb UegctaWes, ANY HEAD NOISES? CASES OF HARD HEARING the - - 1:'- : OO 1 SI -g 9 1 - M The First National Bank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. v ESTABLISHED ISSO. - ); OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President; , C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. , -GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security,: and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate busk Mess enterprises and industries of this country. .;"!:;' .-1;;; Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand, '-is:. '! Foreign Exchange -r. Sight exchange and transfers sold available la the principal cities of England. Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, SweA en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger -mamy, Austria. - - Letters of Credit ' Issued available in the principal cities of thf United States. Principal Correspondents Upon Whom W - -! ' Sell Sight Exchange " i The Commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Cahiorn-.aa Lauk, San Francisco, Calii. (9 The National City Bank New York. " --- Vhe Bank of New York National Banking Ass'a. Importers &Trader"s Nr.tionai Sanic, New York 11 iho'iap.?iI.eatr.1rN?:-. Uark rf Boston. Mass, . 'M-H-'-'V ': - ,-'- .vVlnhia. F SOVLtli ' AND. VIA . SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. Train leaves Corvallis tor Portland and way stations 1:20 P. M, Lv Portland... .7:.. ........ 8:30 a. M. 8:30 P.M. Lv Albany..... , 12:30 p, M. 11:35 a. St. Ar Ashland. ....12:55 a. m. 12:35 A. M. " Sacramento 6:10 P.M. 5:00 A, M. " San Francisco 7.45 P. M. 6:45 A. K. Ar Ogden. ........ ; 7:00 a. . IXenver .7.. 9:30 a.m. 9:15 P.M. " -Kanus City 7:25 a. m, 7:25 A. M. " Chicago ........ 7:42 A.M. 8:80 P.M. Ar Lob Angeles.... .... 2:00 P.M. 8:05 A.M. ....6.00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. ....6:30A.M. 6:30A.M. ...11:30 A. M. 11:30 a. K. 7:00 A.M. 7:00 a. m. .... 6:30 P. M. 6.30 P.M. .... 6:42 A.M. 6:42?A.M. .. ..12:10 P. M. 12:10 P. M. " 1 raso. ........ " Fort Worth City ot Mexico.. ,' Houston......... " Naw Orleans... " Washington.... " New York Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Cha la cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at Ean Francisco with the several teamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, hlllpplnes. Central and South America. J. K. FARMER Agent Corvallis, Oregon,' or address B. R. Millib 1. A. lull tn.titgca ! ; At Oisidsatl Hotel. Eliar, thi-rait eititff .at o! PaiUoi lth, will bj ia Oor-is-eary Situriiy. Parties ishiag to see him can d s i by ailing at the Occidental hotel be ween the hours of eleven; and one. Bean the Bignatnie The Kind You Have Always fungi CorTallls & Eastern R Co - Cime (Sard J i - "Par Vanuina: Train leaves Albany. , " Corvallis ' arrives Yaquina. .. Returning1:- ' " Leaves Yaquina..... Leaves Corvallis. . . . . Arrives Albany ...... . j For Detroit: Leaves Albany .....12:50 p. tn 1 :so p. m . . . . . 645 p. ra . . .. - ' " 3 ..... 6:00 a. m .....11:30 a. m .12:15 p. m ..... 7."x a- m Arrives Detroit. ,12:15 p. ra 4 from Detroit: . Leaves Detroit.. Arrives -Albany. . 12:45 P-m , 5:40 p. ra Trains I and 4 arrive in Albany in time fn rnnneot with S P south bound train. as well as giving two or three hours ia Albany Deiore aepariure 01 o r norm bound train for Portland. Train i intinwt with the S P west side train at Corvallis Crossing for Independ- 1 ' rrf,-.'l!n n A all nJnfa nnrtVt to Portland, ... Edwin Stone, H. H. Cronise Manager Agent Corvallis. Mr. WUetler Got R'.d ot His Rheum - ' - atism. .'-r ; . - 1 "During the winter of 189S I was so lame in my joints, in fact all ever my body, that I could hardly hobble around; when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year. R. Wheeler, North wood, N. Y. For Sale by Graham. & Welle. jror tKomacti -Troubles. : ; i have taken a great many dif ferent medicines for stomach troub le and constipation," says Mrs. ' S. Geiger of ; Dunkerton, 1 Iowa, "but never had as eood results from any as from Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. For sale by Graham & Wells. , - 1 IS V.