33 gjfr a'gg girt .STi JC -fi" LOCAL LORE. -r-Mrs Taylor Porter haa been vis iting Lebanon friends since Saturday. r-The Ladles afternoon reading club was entertaiaed yesterday at the borne of Miss Bertha Davis. Walli8 Nash arrived yesterday to conduct last night the practice of local elDgers for the May Festival. ; .;.'" Mr and Mrs G A Nichols of Minneapolis, are guests at the. home of Mr and Mrs Charles Colbert. Perclval Nash, la'ely returned from Dawson, is at the Bock Creek farm. He passed through Corvallls Friday. Satuidayand Sunday were days warm enough for summer.On the first the thermometer went up to 66 and on Sunday to 68. Mrs John Wells arrived Monday from Idaho, where she went three weeks ago on account of the illness and death of her son. Mrs Gustln, president of the Re bekah assembly of the state is to visit the local lodge of the order on Thurs . day of next week. - Marsh Simpson of Elk City passed through town yesterday enroute to Polk County for a visit with his ven erable .mother, who Is 86 years old. After an extended visit with her grandmother, Mrs Mary King, Miss Llseie Wood left by; yesterdays boat for her home near Colfax, Washington. Mr and Mrs W Westfall, who re ' cently sold out and left .Corvallis, have settled at Blaine. Washington. Mrs Mae Elliott, their daughter, is employed in Portland. The Fischer Flouring mills have been shut down several days on ac count of high water la the Willamette The stage yesterday morning was 10 feet, and the river was still rising slowly, - G F Bice, who arrived several weeks ago with bis family, and later bought the interest and lease of O V Hurt on the Thompson place a mile Boutti of town, has secured from the owners confirmation of his lease, . and yesterday moved to the farm. The singing of Prof Glenn and the piano playing of Arthur Fralzer in the concert by the University of Ore gon Glee Club at the opera house Monday eight, were very floe, and the numbers highly appreciated. A large audience was present, The George Homing house has been the scene of multiplied removals the last day or two.- W B Kiger and family moved out of it Sunday. After that Blacksmith - Baker moved in. His lease' failed to hold. Then he moved out yesterday. O V Hurt moved In, and he hopes to continue to bold the fort. Mr Baker moved in to the house on a misunderstanding, New real estate transfers filed for -eeord are, L V Fllntjuxd.wlfe M - L JSarnett, 60 acres neor Monroe $800 ; Samuel Munn to Mary J Pugh two lots in WUklns.ad litloa, 1.-E E Wil son to Macauley Porter, two lots in Avery's addition, $100; E T Elliott Xo E E Brlnner, three and one half acres near Monroe, $700; The United States to J O Iiaskey, 160 acres In Biodgett. A. very, pleasant neart party was given by Miss Grace Gatoh Friday ,. evening. The house was decorated throughout with hearts aad the same Idea was carried effectively through the. various amusements or the eve ning. First prizes were ta'ken by Miss Sarah Jacobs and E Wilson, and boobies toy Miss Martha Fischer at4 Prof Shaw. A two 'nights' engagement is an nounced for the Opera bouse the lat . ter part of the week by the Carrie Stanley Company. The bill for Fri day Bight is "A Failse Friend,"" and for Saturday night, A Lion's Heart,' The company - Is woefcing. northward irom tteurornia, ana the newspapers where ft has appeared, speak well of the performances. Eoscoe Bryson arrived Saturday. With his brother and mother he left yesterday, for Eugene. At 10 o'clock today, he will be united in marriage to miss uzzie urijun or tat city. The wedding will be a qulcu affair, The young couple will take he first train out of Eugene for Pi . tland. wnere tne noneymoon will be eneat. Afterward they go to Pendton, wnere Mr uryson is deputy die' let attorney and a practicing lawyer In the office of Mr Haley, the leading lawyer 01 jfenaieton, . Bad foiek struck the Monroe flour ing mills Saturday morning. Short ly berore seven o'clock the dam by the mill site went out . The dam was in the Long Tom, which was then at a bfgh stage of water. It furnished the motive power for the mi, As the construction of a new dam by the mm site in tne winter attended with difficulty sibility, it is supposed time will be if not irnpos- nere tnat a temporary steam arrangement will be provided. The loss by the going out of the dam is said to be $1000. There was memorial service at the Methodist church Sunday in hon or of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. The sermon was by Past5r"Moore. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech was read, auv iw emumms- neia up ana inter preted as a creed for men to follow. ; The life and work , ot the man was' offered as a foundation for education , al work now conducted by the churoh among the blacks In the south, which Is set out as a - continuation " of the work Lincoln laid down, and statistics were presented, showing the extent and character of educational facilities afforded by the church for negro children. A collection - was taken for use of the Methodist educational so ciety in continuing the work, - . Wheat s -'" ' Eggs .20. ;f" Mrs Sarah Moore left Saturday for a visit at Prineville. - .John E Shaveland the Wren mer chant was In town Tuesday. Miss Elecker leaves today for Portland, after a two weeks' visit. Miss Rosalie Greffoz is expected Friday for a brief visit with Corvallis friends. J H Wilso'n.and family are house keeping in the house of Mrs Wright. The removal occurred Fiiday. ' - Mrs Rial to Weatherford arrived Saturday from Harrisburg, on a vis it to relatives. A number of Ms young friends were entertained Friday night at the home of Boy Bell. Ernest Fuller arrived Saturday from New Whatcom, Washington, on a brief, visit with bis sister, Mrs Hum bert. JC Miss Bova McFarland, late stud ent at OAC, arrived Monday from Albany, and is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Bane." " - -'. W P Lafferty arrived Friday from a month's visit East.: ' Much of the time was spent at Trenton, Miss ouri. He has been confined to his room with Illness a portion ot the time since arrival. The first shipment of Lincoln county stone for Agricultural hall ar rived Sunday, There were sixteen cars. The stone comes from the Bevens quarry. The shipment w.s by special train. : W B Kiger and family are now residents of Linn county. They left Sunday, to occupy the farm recently purchased five miles west of Lebanon The family have many friends in Benton who regret the removal into another neighborhood. , A woman., not a thousand miles from Corvallis was, without a doubt the most flurried female, last Sunday in seven counties, when she discover ed, after coming out ot church, that her brand her hat was adorned with a tag whereupon was inscribed the legend: ''Reduced to $2 75." 7 Before adjournment, last week's fruit growers convention adopted resolutions, thanking the college people for facilities afforded, and re questing the authorities of the in stitution to hold a similar convention next winter, recommending that three days Instead of two be devoted to the woik, - Mrs Kuykendail, grand president of the Native Daughters, is now on a tour of the-stats and paid an official visit Saturday to the local Cabin, A good attendence of members was pre sent, and after the regular business had been disposed of tea was -served in the lodgeroom at four o'clock. Among the hundreds who attend ed the local oratorical contest Friday night was Col E. Hofer. editor of the Salem Journal. Speaking - cA - the efforts of tha orators, be said that as a whole they were the best that he had ever heard on similar occasion, The literary excellence of the various orations, he regarded -as especially noticeaDie. ; , The Evening Journal is the name ot a new daily paper to be started la Portland about March 1st. Its pro moters say it Is to have a perfecting press with a capacity of 24,000 per nour ana type-setting machines and other modern . facilities. So many Portlan newspapers ventures feave gone co the same old boneyard, that this new one will be watched with some interest. , The Oregon exhibit at Charleston has already produced results. John L Townsend of South Carolina has written Peterson & Kobinson asking for information about Benton county. tie wants, ne says, to sell out therp, and ha hopes to be able soon to do so. Then fee expects to settle either In Oregon or Washington, with a pref erence for the former state. His capital is $25,000. The members of Sorosls literary society gave a tneatre party Monday nignc to miss uertruae Ewing la rec ognitlon of her work In beh.alt.of the society In the local oratorical contest. After the party left the Opera bouse, refreshments were served by the so ciety at the home of Edna Irvine where three souvenir spoons, ap- propriately engraved, were presented the guest of honor. uotn uorvauis creameries are running at full blast. The new Eaupisch enterprise is now turning out 225 to pounds or butter per day, H W Eaupisch is traveling through various neighborhoods in the vicinity, endeavoring to arrange for a larger mua-suppiy, tne output or the works being far short of the amount neces sary to meet the demand for butter. The price now paid for butter fat is 25 1 2, An Irish priest had labored hard with one of his flock to Induce him to give up whiskey. "1 tell vou Michael" said the--priest, "whiskey Is your worst enemy and you should keep as far away from it aa you can," Me enemy is it, father? " responded Mi chael, "and it was your . riverence's self that was tellin' us in the pulpit only last Sunday to love our enemies!' "So I was, Mlchael,rejoined the priest "bat I didn't tell -you to . swallow them," tidies, we have just received new silk organdies for evening wear in all the latest shades, ' Nolan & Callahan, PAYING TAXES Sheriff Burnett has the Books Many tax Payers After the Rebate. - They are paying taxes at the sherins ollice. oherin .Burnett re ceived the books Monday morning. For the past; two weeks Clerk Wat- ters has worked nights in order to get the books into the sheriffs hands at the earliest possible date. Though a few days behind his usual record, the books, as a result, - go to the sheriff in Benton earlier probably than any. other county in the state. As was expected, many taxpayers are after the rebate. A three per cent drawback of the tax money passing in over the counter is Balm of Gileadfor theold taxpayers. Also for the young ones. It is a ray of cheer in an atmosphere that, usually, is wholly melancholly. A gleam of satisfaction is always noticeable as the drawback is handed over to the taxpayers, s. - - : " About 25 paid taxes the firstday, though but few knew the sheriff had the books. It is probable that the next few weeks will see lively times at the sheriffs office. To get the rebate, taxes must be paid by March 1 5th- After that : there will be no discount for cash. By the first Monday in .April -half the taxes must be paid, or a ten . per cent penalty and 12 per cent in terest from the first Monday in April to date of payment will be exacted. This is a provision of the new law HER FALSE TEETH Dropped out and Scared the Si washes A Pioneer Incident. The housewives of Oregon in the early pioneer ' days when settle ments were sparse . and Indians abundant had many an experience of which the details now read like romance. The tale here told is said to have happened while Wash ington was still a part of Oregon territory. . While a settler was absent from home a number of Indians, with out asking permission entered the young orchard and hegan to gather apples. With display of grit, char acteristic of all pioneer women the wife went out and told the In dians to leave. They paid no at tention to her protests, and without concern, went 6n filling their bask ets.,..--. ,; - .. It so happened that the lady had false teeth. She knew the awe in which the Indians always stood of anything smacking of the supernal ural. As she watched the precious apples rapidly disappearing, she determined upon, a stratagem, Walking into the midst of the In dians, she dropped . her teeth into her hands.- -The -1 natives gazed for a moment m amazement, held a hasty consultation, poured the ap ples out on the ground, and hur ried off. . The narrator says "that they never looked back as they moved, and that they never again molested the brave settler s wife, whom they thereafter held in rev ence and awe. WASN'T BAD. January Weather Hine Days Were Clear and Seventeen Were Cloudy. . January in Benton was not a bad month as to , climate. The mean high temperature -was 48; : mean low 30.5; the average, 40. The highest was 58 on the 3d and 6th; the lowest, 11 above zero on the 24th. v-,, . . The rainfall for the month'; was 3.37. The greatest rainfall in 24 hoars was 1.03 inehes, on the 5th. The total snow fail for the month was .38 of an incb. Of days on which .01 of an inch of rain fell there were 14; ol clear days, nine; of days partly cloudy, five, and sev enteen were cloudy. Woree Janu aries have been seen in Webfoot, The figures are from the weather office at the college. Hair Dresser. Mrs C A Spaulding from the East has moved to Corvallis, and is prepared to do all kinds of hair work. Combings rooted and made as nice as cat hair. Dying switches a : specialty, I deal with farmers and accept all kinds of produce. Corner of7th & Jefferson streets near Episcopal church. : - Dr.W.H. HOLT Osteopathic Physician. " . If you are in any way afflicted with rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, heart stomach, liver; kidney, or female trouble call and see me at my office on South Main street.', Consultation and intaion free. 'Phone 23s. For Sale. A fine residence nroneHv lrw-afprl on the Comer nfSrrl Ar. 'Manm atuts in Cervallisi Three residences, lot 100 x lOO feet. Thin ia a fine lnratinn onrl n the business center of the city. . Mrs J Mason. Corvallis, Oregon. WHAT EACH SCORED The College Orators Their Papers and Delivery as Marked by Each - ' ' " Judge. - . To pass upon the comparative excellence of the orations from the standpoint :. of " composition in the local contest Friday night there were three judges. A week be fore the contest each of these judg es received a copy of each oration, and in the sanctity and quietude of his own ' fireside worked out his view- of the relative merits of each. These judges were, Wallis Nash, Prof. John Fulton and Rev Hum-? bert. V - : - " The night of the contest there were three judges on delivery. Eachjnoted the gesticulation, enunciation, use of voice and rhetorical effect of each speaker, and while the' music went on after' the contest they retired and made : up their verdict. These judge's were E. R. Bryson,. Judge McFadden 'and Rev. Frank L,. Moore:. ' .' To'arrive at the general average of each orator, the place, whether 1st, 2nd, or 5th and so on, by each of the six judges to each of the orators-was noted, and the figures representing each of these places were added together. ..The orator whose markings for place aggre gated" the smallest number got first place?1 The findings of each judge for the various orators and each of the latter' s general average appears below: . Composition.! Delivery total Smitli :.- 1 5. 24 21h TRrtai V 5 2 4 3 Abbe-' T 4 Johnson Ewing ' StGermein Mac Lean a 6 7 1 S its '6U 81 2H 01 1 Tie DAMAGED WOOLS By Use of Sheep Dip A Solution That . .1;Doesn't Injure the Fibre. Bv resolution, the northwest fruit growers association held re cently at Helena Montana, request ed the Agricultural college to con tinue' investigations undertaken last year with reference to the ef fect of sheep dips on the wool fibre The action of the association is the result of a demonstration by Prof. Pernotofthe damage done wools by use of lime and sulphur dips of too strong a solution.- Magnified oictures of the wool strand show dark spots of a burnt appearance, Where the damage is very large it can hi detected by the ease' with which the strand can be broken The request of the association is for further investigation not only of the lime and sulphur, but of . all dips. The lime and sulphur dip is re commended as the best by the de partment of agriculture at Wash ington. The strength of the solu tion, however, so recommended, is eight pounds of lime and 24 pounds 01 sulphur to 100 gallons ot water, The solution should be boiled until is becomes clear, and then be siphon ed off of the sediment which settles in the bottom of the vessel, Thus used the damage to the wrool fibre by its use amounts to little or hoth ing. It is only m the stronger solutions, of which there is much use that the wool fiber suffers in jury;, GOING TO ALBANY An Excursion Leaves by Boat Knights of Pythias. ;: The Knights of Pythias make trip to Albany tonight. 1 hey go by the steamer Leona, which will leave the O R & N dock at six o'clock.'. The leaving time for the return will be at such time as the Knights determine later. . The occasion of the trip is function given by Albany Knights in honor of the 38th anniversary of the order, and to which lodges m various towns are invitedr The C & E asked the Knights $75 for a train to Albany for the trip. The boat costs $25, leaves when desired and returns as ordered, All Knights of Pythias, whether members of the local lodge or not and regardless of whether they nave receivea special notice, are urged to be at the dock at. six tonight, and to join in the excur sion.' :' Caution. Barrett L,yceum will not be open for services on Sunday, Feb 23rd; atad all persons who attended the Lyceum Feb. 9, will do well to keep watch of themselves for the next ten davs." Those who rf . nnt in examgood health should remain at home iwr me gooa 01 tnemseives . and community until they are sure they are not going to dreaded disease. - Dr. L,. V have . the Flikt. Oak and Cedar Posts at City Lumber Yards, r ; Cor backold Hotel Corvallis. . - ' . During bur Big taking we have accumulated a great many odds and ends ot varous lines of. goods ( wHich we are going to close out or 50 cents on the dollar. Tliis . Xxa.cl-CLd.es: ; , ' - ; Dress Goods Ladies Shoes Capes and Jackets Mackintoshes This is truly a bargain counter, ; Come and look them over. If can . use price is no object to us. S. L. Klines, The miller's Cut PHces! We realize that you have put confidence in what we have " had to say in regard to the cut chandise. Our prices have hearty response from all. . We expect to hold this confidence for ever more, and to gain more of your valuable trade with each (succeeding sale that we are going to make during the year iyu. watcn this "space as it will save you Gm Edge Sboe Bargains! For our week commencing Monday February 17th we will put on sale all our Odds and Ends in Ladies and Child rens Shoes. There are 297 pairs of them. Some of them are last fall's styles only narrow in width; we will, put them on sale Feb 17th for one week only, at actual cost. ney are all down stairs. We have a few late spring styles that we are going to sell during this sale at lo per cent reduction Remember this sale will only last one week; commencing Friday Feb 17th and ending Saturday Feb 22nd. - When you see it in our ad, its so. F L. MILLER, Corvallis, Or. P. S. New goods to arrive this week in Ginghams, Calicos and Percales, ' - , . , , . ' Cbey Jlre Ccmfng every Day JUiiUUJUJUJUJttUUtt People to buy our 20 cent grade of coffee. Many of our customers say it is better and richer in flavor than any 25 cent grade on the market, mc Want Your Cradc For our stock of groceries is complete in every particular. We have the largest and best line of goods in our city; If you are not a regular custo mer, now will be a good time to give us a trial order. 4 Bodes grocery. . . JUUJlUUJUJUJUJUiU r . 1 i as in January Sale and stock at just Half Price Lace Curtains Underwear Ginghams Outing flannels there is anything you White House. prices of broken lots in. mer met with an immediate and : money. : TMiJJT