The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 19, 1902, Image 2

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Cor vail is Times.
Official Paper of Benton County,
One Year..
8ix Months
Three Months ......
Single Copies
$ oo
i oo
A Washington correspondent in
"Wednesday's Times, sty s the open
candidacy of Mr Fulton and Mr
Simon for the senate is fair for all
concerned. Probably it is, but in
Oregon it usually fails to work.
Oregon is full of graveyards
.wherein are buried the ambitions
tf candidates who were open and
avowed in tbefight for United States
senatorshipp. Ther6 is Sol Hirech'i
tombstone. The Jate Senator Dol p
fell in that kind of a battle. There
is the last resting place of H W
Corbett. There in a new .made
Brave over which the . daisies have
scarcely had' time to bloom,
George McBride. Senater Mitch
ell bimseJi so lone as he was an
avowed candidate laid unwept and
.unsung in the political charne
bouse. Not. until he denied his
candidacy and stole in on tiptoe
at midnight did he at last rise from
the political tomb. These bones
and these marble slabs are what
Mr Simon and Mr Fulton have to
gaze on, because of their avowed
candidacy, a prcspect mysterious
with spooks, Bpectres and the whit
ening bones of dead ambition. .
The fact that Mr Scott bunts
the Eoon without banner or brass
band is no sign that he is on a cold
And. their Subjects, Ages and Other
. Points The State Orators.
Orators for the state contest which
takes place at Salem March 14th
are, State University, Eugene, J. A
Gamber, "PublieOpinion.";. He is
. 25 years of age, and was a volun
teer in the Philippine war. He eo
tered the university in 1896, and
graduates this year. -
Pacific College,; Newberg, Miss
Hervia Wright. Age and subject
unknown. Ie of striking appear
ance on the Etage, and is bright
She is the only representative of the
gentler sex among the contestants
Willamette University, Salem,
K. B. Wilkms. Is an Albany boy,
is a iooiracer and graduates in
1903. His subject is "The Spirit
ot rrogrees. . .
Pacific University, Forest Grove,
W. u. Mule, tie graduates next
year, and is 19 years old. His sub
ject is "John Brown of Ossawatomie."
He was a leader in last year's de
bating team.
Agricultural College, Herman
Tartar. Is 20 years of age, and
giaduates next June. He is of fine
appearance on the platform, and in
the state contest last year, won first
place for delivery. ". lie has made
jQneimptovement since and will be
a formidable competitor.""
Albany college, Charles B. Stern
berg.' His subject is the Martyr
dom. of man." - It deals twith the
slowness' pf progress, and nfemions
war as an element In it, emphasizes
the power of individual sacrifice in
civilization and suggests a time
when there shall be one religion,
one people, one nation.
JVIcMinnville college, A E Smith,
.subject unknown; -m, .;
Chickens Wanted.
Highest price paid for healthy young
hena and pullets. Deliver at my home
two mileB -west of-- Corvallis, or at E B
-Homing's Btore.
. Samuel Bane. .
To the Public.
The undersigned has entered the gen
ral delivery and baggage' transfer busi
ness. Will deliver to any part of town
anythiug from packages to consignments
up to 5,000 pounds. Telephone number
- Hay for sale by ton or bale.
, . Johnf'Lenger.
But Had a Close Second Many Were
There The Oratorical Contest.
The local oratorical contest oc
curred Friday night. It was a
good contest, the best of the, sort
that has been held at the college.
The general average of the orations
wbs better, the delivery was better,
and there was more. enthusiasm.
Last year's state, contest, held in
the srmory, has left its impress.
The honor of representing the col
lege will not soon 'again go beg
ging as it has sometimes done in
the past.
Many attended the contest. Al
most every student was present
That alone meant an audience of
more than 400, and to this was
added 300 or 400 townspeople. In
all 700 or 800 people sat in the ar
mory while the struggle went on.
The auditorium was handsomely
decorated for the occasion. The
chief ornamentation was the colors
of the various sod-ties, draped ard
festooned about the ceilings, gal
lery, lights, stage and elsewhere
Ranged about the room, well to the
front, were the members of the con
testing literary societies, in sections
iney were deeply interested in
the outcome and lost neither time
nor opportunity in making their
feelings known . Their yells were
about as frequent and perhaps ful
ly as noisy as were the visiting del
egations from the various colleges
in the state contest last year, when
1 ,500 people were in' the building.
I he scene b riday night 9?ly differ
ed from toe formej: in that 'the at
tendance was not so great.
The first ' speaker was John E,
Smith of the Philadelphians. His
subject was "Co-operation inevita'
ble." His theme was socialism. His
paper was strong one of the strong
est presented. iis delivery was
fair, and as a whole, he represent
ed his society with credit.
Herman Tartar, O A C's iepre
sentative last year was second on
the programme. Jtus supiect was
"Our Mission to the Negro," and
a plea for the education of the cl
ored race. His delivery was better
tbao in the state contest laet year
His paper was fairly good. He
won out, in a score that will be
seen in another column, along with
the grades of other speakers. .
Miss Mabel Abbe spoke third,
representing the Pienans. Her sub
ject was "Lafayette Our Pilgrim
Warrior." She painted the service
rendered the cause of liberty '- in
America and elsewhere by Lafay
ette, taod drew a very, pretty pic
ture. . ." '
Edwin Johnson spoke for. the
Jeffersouiana. . He had the same
subject as Mr. Smith but treated it
radically different, finding in inev
itable co-operation justification for
modern trusts. He had a good paper.
Miss Gertrude Ewing represent
ed the sorosis society and took sec
ond place,. . lacking but one and
one-half points. cf tying Mr. Tartar
for first. Her subject wa3 "Chin
ese Exclusion, which she advo
cated with force.
Miss St. Germain spoke for the
Eutopians on the subject of "Sci
entific Education" and made a good
appearance, as did Kerby McLean
who represented the student body,
Mr. MacLean's subject was "The
t) unctions of the Conscience.
frizes, hung up by the various
literary societies were taken as fol
lows: Herman tartar, gold medal
and $15; Miss Ewing, gold and sil
ver medal and $9; Edwin Johnson
silver medal and $6.
Sonething Reminds Mr. Farley of It
. Supervisors and the Court. ;
Ed. Times:
i By an act of the legislature of the
state of Oregon thre was a law
passed, electing th supervisors by
popular vote. Now it is supposejl
that the legal voters of any precinct
have sufficient intelligence to select
a man with sufficient honor to put
in an honest bill tor v.qis services
1 hat law requires the road super
visor to give a bond and take the
oath of office before he enters upon
his-duties. That same law says
that he"shall receive $2 per day for
his time. " "
. Now comes the county .court
with a ruling that has been the cus
tom m this county, tor some 10 or
15 years that allows the supervisor
one day for each 10 days labor per
formed by the tax payers of his dis
trict with certain credits for warn?
ing out and such additional time
as the court feels disposed to allow
Now the supervisor is required
by oath and law to do this work to
the best of his ability. I infer that
be is to work his men in such num.
bers as his judgment dictates.
The court cut down my bill from
$66 to $56, and when I objected to
taking the $56 in full payment, the
court proffered to allow me to put
in a bill for extra time for the bal
ance due me, $10. Now, ..I would
like to know what difference that
would make in the finances of the
county. Iam not very good--in
mathematics, but the way I add,
56 plus 10 equal 66, or the amount
of my claim. I did that way last
year to get the balance due me, but
will never do so again . T am in
formed that several supervisors have
accepted settlement in this manner.
This way of dealing with the road
supervisors reminds me of a Dutch
shoemaker who had a dog. He
thought lots of his Jog, but - the
dog's tail spoiled his looks, so he
thought he would cut it off, but he
saw that would give the dog pain,
so to be as easy on the dog as pos
sible, he thought best to cut it off a
little at a time. That is the way
with this court; two small bills are
better than one that amounts to
the same as the . two. This- is
one way of bringing about a good
feeling between the county court
and the road supervisors and is a
great inducement for them to take
an interest in the roads of their re
spective districts. . :V.V
In this letter I have not aimed to
state anything but facts, or to" re
flect on any one's' honor, arid if 1 1
have, I wish to be corrected, r- . -
- ! - ' . D. B. FARLETPi "
- 1 ;;;;:rsru:'v
Corvallis to
Two That Stretch From
Wren Precinct, and are But Foux
- Blocks Wide.
Little Fear Now of Further Spread
. Williams is Rapidly Recovering.
' The yellow flag that floats at the
Brown house, and -v occasional false
reports that some new- patient has
broken, out with smallpox; is
about the only reminder now that
the disease is in Corvallis. Monday
evening it was reported that Ernest
Avery was down with the malady
It turned out that he only had a
cough." Yesterday morning gossip
said Mr. Brown. . stepfather of
Williams, had it bad. It devel
oped that he had sneezed a few
times, and that; his health was ex
cellent ; - .- - '
' Smallpox has ceased to be a top
ic of conversation. The indigna
xipn manliest at Williams lor com
ing to town with the malady is ap
parently dying out." The beliefs is
pretty general that except at the
Brown house, there will be no oth
er cases: - The time lor appearance
of the disease is nine to 14 days
after exposure. The usual time is
twelve days. These limits are sub
ject, however, to exceptions, and
the final limit maybe, 15 or 16 days
after exposure. Figuring on the
usual limit, the time for new cases
to appear from Williams' pyrotech
nic trips about town should be to
day or tomorrow. If - nothing de
velops by Friday or Saturday, the
chance of new cases will be very
. The health authorities are not
abating their vigilance. The
quarantine will not be raised at the
Browu house until every vestige of
chance is removed. Meantime if
anybody violates the quarantine
regulations, the law will be ap
plied without respect to persons
The penalty in such cases is $5 to
$100 fine or two to 50 days m jail
Several are Pending A Few Head of
Sheep Split a Ten Thousand Dollar
Revival Meetings. "
The meetings of the M E church
South, continue with increasing
interest. Services every day this
week at 2 and 7:30 p m.
We invite members' of . other
churches to come and take active
interest and feel at home. We in
vite an wno are memDers ot no
church and promise to treat them
with respect and try to do all the
good we can.
W. B. Smith, P. C.
. Episcopal Church.
Litany every Friday at 7 p m. Son
day School every Sunday at 10 a m. Holy
communion on first Sunday - of every
month. Sermon every Sunday at 11 a m
Church League for the study of holy
scripture every Sunday at 7 p m.'
Service at Wells on 2nd and 4th Sun
day of every month at 2 p m,
C. Mac Lean Ph D,
Verus cures piles or 50 reward, Price
$2. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Ask for booklet.
tk - - - -
Sewing Machines Repaired
ay uiair Austm, tne wmte sewing
macmne agent, Dy notifying Stewart at
Sox, Albany, Oregon. Charees reason
able and work guranteed,
Special Meeting. -
The Corvallis Grange weet in
Withycomb's room at the college
Saturday the 22 at two P M sharp,
members are invited to attend.
George Coote
Master. '
Bids for Wood.
Bids for furnishing the Agricultural
college witn wood lor tne ensuing - year
vri'l be received by the Purchasing agent
up to and including March 8, i902, See
the clerk of the college for the specific
ations. .
John D, Dai,y,
. Secy Board .Begents,
Corvallis, February ,3rd, 1905
Bean the - -f me mtm You Have Always BougW
of .
Two Benton county road , dis
tricts have attracted attention of late
They are the districts formed, by
Corvallis election precincts numb
ers two and three. , ''
Each of these precincts is four or
five miles long. Each is four blocks
wide.. Each is about as irrational
an arrangement with respect either
to voting precincts or road dis
tricts as could be figured out. The
long narrow character of their area
is as unreasonable for the purpose
tor which they are constituted as it
would be possible to arrange. Each
extends as far west as the town
ship line, which is the , eastern
border of Wren precinct, Each as
aforesaid is only four blocks -wide.
Of these tw remarkable dis
tricts, Corvallis number two , re
ceives $10.30 01 the road money,
and number three $21.73. Frank
Hershner was recently appointed
supervisor 01 number two, but he
thrust away the honor. With
$10.30 as the sum total out of which
to improve the roads in his bail
iwick, his ambition to make a rec
ord faltered. After advising with
friends he determined that the
roads in his realm could not be re
"I "If M. - m-m a
aeemea ior io. especially Since
last Saturday, a man who tried to
navigate the chief road in the dis
trict went down with his wagon
and team nearly out of sight, and
had to pry the outfit out with long
poles. -
.Naturally enougn the roads in
the limits of these districts are in a
very bad condition. Most farms
that are in one or both of them are
also in some other district. It is the
ordinary luck that the owner is
assessed and pays taxes in - neither
of the two streaks of land that form
number two and three. The effect
is that neither has funds for workn
for proper improvement.
The nuisance ought to be abated.
Each of the two districts ought to
be abolished and the territory in
them be attached to some . other
district or districts. Both have
been in existence with, limits as at
present for several years.
Our premium dishes for cish buyers
have arrived. - , .
' ' Nolan & Callahan,
Several large real estate trans
actions are pending in the country
west of town. Samuel Whitesides
has been offered $35 per acre for
his farm. The proposed buyer is
an Eastern man. Whether or not
the offer will be accepted, is yet to
be determined. Mucn depends on
whether or not Mr. Whitesides can
secure another farm to his liking.
A few days ago he offered $37.50
per acre for a smaller farm, the of
fer to include the growing crop; but
the owner refused. The same farm
was offered a few months " ago at
$30 per acre. Mr. - Whiteside's
farm contains 222 acres and is an
extra good one.
A st ill -larger deal has been pend
ing for several days, which pro
poses a change of owners for the
Lon Henkle farm. The chances
appeared yesterday unfavorable for
its consummation. Mr, Bryans, of
Minnesota, was at the business end
of the transaction. Mr. Henkle' s
price was $10,000. The farm con
tains 322 acres. . The buyer of
fered to take the place at the own
er's price provided 70 head of sheep
would be allowed to go with it.
Later. on, the trade reached the
stage where but . half the band or
uly 35 sheep was between the' par
ties. At this point negotiations
were broken off, and Monday Mr.
Bryans arrived via C & E in Cor
vallis, saying that he expected to
go elsewhere. . Whether or not the
negotiations will be . resumed, re
mains to be seen.
' - ill
mooleti Underwear
Tebruary 15.
Lots of Remnants
J. H. Harris
& Eglin
By a thoroughly competent man, a po"
sition as bookkeeper. Address, P O box
272, Corvallis, Ore.
Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting
and Exchange Agents; ' .
Titles Examined, Mortgages, . Wilts, Deeds
and all kinds of Legal Papers Drawn,
We advertise in 200 newspapers in the East, Through
800 advertising agencies, and our facilities for handling your
properties are the best. , '
If you. wish to buy, sell or swap any thing from a calf
or a dog to a 50,000 acre ranch in any part of United States,
see. us. We will buy, sell, trade, or give it away. We try
to give you satisfaction. . Our charges are reasonable.
Collections of old out-lawed debts a specialty.
Insuran6e written in best companies in the United
States-. "''
Office over Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon: 1
Our winter house cleaning,
Rummage and Remnant Sale
will close Saturday evening,
February 22nd.
Our new spring stock is
now arriving.
It will pay yon to investigate goods
f and prices at J H Harris You can - save
To secure a Good Home, Splendid Stock
Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing Lands at
Nominal Prices.
The Coast Land and Livestock Co, having
purchased 10,000 acres of the Corvallis aiid Yaquina Bay
wagon road lands, known as "The Coe Lands," have now
placed them on the market. These are unimproved lands.
and" are situated in Benton and Lincoln Counties, along the
Hue of the Corvallis & Eastern R: R. in the best grazing and
fruit raising section of western Oregon. Perfect titles, easy
terms, prices $1 to $3 per acre. M. M. DAVIS, Agt.,
Corvallis, Oregon,
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