The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 19, 1902, Image 1

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    " . . - i i - jl - -rs , i - - , ' .- - - :
Vol.-XV.--No 1.
! ' B. F. IRVINE
' GDITOR and Prop.
. Abstract of Title Conveyancing -
Joseph Ti. Wilson
4? Attorney-At-La w
Practice in all the courts. Notary Public
L Office 'in Burnett-Brick, f
E. R. Bryson,
- Atiofney:M-Ldw. if-i j
1 f ' ... .- Or
Physicianand Surgeon
H. S. Pernot
Physician' and Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor?
5th. & Jefferson Sts. r Hours io toa. m
to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at pra
am & W ortbam's Drug Store.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
W.T. Rpley
Physician, 'Surgeon and;
Office over First National Bank.
Ilotary biirv'; "
Office In Zierlolf's building. ,.,
Physician Surgeon.
Office:-Room 14, Bank Building.
Office Hours f 10 to 12 a, m.. u
2 to 4 p. m.
- .AQi: y .n;
G. R: FARE A, - -
Residence In front of court house facing 3rd
et. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8
Graduate of Dr.- A- T. Still's
chool of Osteopathy.
Timber Land Act Jane 3, 1878
for Publication. -
United States Lakd Office;" "") -Oregon
City, Or., Jan. 24, 1SK2. j .
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 3,
1H78, entitled -'An act for the sale ot timber lands
tn the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended toaltthe
Public Land States by act of Auuust , 1892,
SaniueI S.Ewing, of Philomath, County of Ben
ton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No 5619, for the pur
chase of the SWJ4 of Section No. 22, in Township
"No 12 south, Kange.7 west; and will otter proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
ior its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
f oses, and to establish his claim, to said land be
ore the Register and Beceiver ot this office at
Oiegon City, Oregon, on ,
Ee names as witnesses : Willard E Gilbert, ot
Philomath, Oregon; Michael & Flynn, of Philo
math, Oregon; Enoch A Cone, of Philomath, Or
gon; Hoete C Aiken, of Dallas, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 1th day of
.'ApiU, 1902. . CHAS, B. MOORES,
' - - - Register.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878 Notice
for Publication.
. Oregon City, Or., Jan, 24, 1902. j
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ot the aet ot Congress of June 3,
1873, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lauds
in the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory " as extended to all the
Public Land. States by act of August 4, 1892,
Enoch A. Cone, of Philomath, County of Benton,
btae f Oregon, has tliis day filed in this office
his sworn statement M.6620, tor the purchase of
the SWJaf JieeUou No. M, in Township No. 12
south, Range No. 1 west; and will otter proof to
stow that the laud .sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than ior agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oimon City. Oregon, on" - -:
- He names as witnesses: Willard E. Gilbert.'of
PI iloniRth, Oregon: Michael G. Flynn, of Philo
math, Oregon': Samuel S. Ewing, of Philomath,
Oregon; Hoete G. Aiken, of Dallas, Oregon.
Ary and all persons claiming adversely the
abi ve Jescrioed lands are requested to file their
en Ijus in this office on or before said 4th day of
ApiU, 1902, . . CHAS. B, MOORES,
- Register.
New Suit ot Skin tor a Child. It Came
- From the Arms and Xegs ot bis
'Father and Four ': Brothers Fire
Months ja the Task. : i -
Ed. Times: .
In discussing, the -proposition "to
increase 1 me pay. s ui seuaiuia auu
representatives', Senator Bailey said,
(it was his maiden speech, as sena
tor, by the way.) "The present
salaries are sufficient, for they ena
ble one to hvei.decently and com
fortable and that is enough. Be
sides, the increase would mean lit
tle to the legislators. Washington
people have grown so expert in .the
art of separating us and our money,
that to increase our salaries would
only result in augmenting the , in
come of these Washington people."
This voices the" idea, generally
founded on experienced that life in
Washington is an expensive luxu
ry. This is usually true, though
no jieces8ariiy so. As jelsewheae,
it is largely a matter of one's desires
and habits and ability to manage.
Of course, I have had no experience
save as a departmental servitor,
but the "big bugs", set the pace for
all, even down to. the "dark meat"
of the . capital's - population; and
while the rank have cecessarilly
expenses not devolving upon the
civil service file they, have . the
much greater salaries with which
to, rneet Jhose expenses." YThe! rela
tiorTof a little personal experience,
therefore may be pardonable.
fc Conforming to the - custom- here,
I have changed borrdiDg houses of
ten, and have tried a dozen places,
located in difFerent parts of the city,
apd have paia for room and board
from $20 to $35 per month. J have
not ooticed .very, much-difference jn
the board, i the IheighborhoOd 1 gov
e'rning' the pricee. iOne simply pays
for the privilege of living in a fash-T:
lonable section of town. At present,
three of us have the "entire third
floor, two rooms houses here are
seldom-more than . two rooms deep
large, pleasant and nicely furn
ished. We use one room as a bed
room and the other as a "den.". The
board is excellent and we pay only
$20 a month each. T know from
experience that one can enjoy him
self, and on a, ealary ., of WOO a
month, easily save $50i I know al
so that he can easily spend ' the en
tire $ 100 and not know how it hap
pened..' . .-, ,. f r ., .-.-.. --V
. Concerning the 'Oregon delegation
in congress, Senator Mitchell's ex
penses are probably much more
than those of Senator Simon. His
acquaintance with public men is
naturally larger and more intimate
and the exchange of social courte
eies in the way of, , dinners? etc..-f is
both imperative, among the mem
bers of the upper hpUBe, and expan
sive, In the house one's social
standing has little effect on bis leg
islative influence and the amount a
member spends in this way is chief
ly a matter r of inclination. - Mr.
Moody is popular among the'clube
and 1 doubt if his salary more than
pays his way. Mr. Tongue has al
ways "one or more of his daughters
here while congress . is in session,
but he, himsejf, is far too busy
with congressional matters to ac
cept many of the social invitations
that are showered upon him. The
old timers in congress direct the
legislation, but they must' do
most of the work.
II. L. Holgate. .
Pretoria, Feb. " 16. One hundred
and , fifty mounted infantrymen,
while patrohng the Klip " Ki ver,
south of Johannesburg, February
12. surrounded a farm house where
they suspected Boers were in hid
ing. - A single Hoer broke away
from; the house and , the British
started to pursue, him. T The Boer
climbed a kopje, the? British follow
ing him. 3,, Iminijft.tdTi'Mr:
fire was opened upon them from
three sides. The British found
themselves, in a trap, and in "a posi
tion where ; they were. tunable to
make any defense.5 , Eight of the
i,t) - h:.u .ic j : a . .11 -1
D i'T JKi en0"
ana aetenaea the ridge ? with car
bines andrevolvers until they were
overpowered. The British had ten
men and two - officers killed, - acdj
several officers and 40 men wound
ed before the force was able to all
back under cover of a blockhouse.
Chicago, Feb. 7.- After five mon
ths of wonderful surgery and -careful
nursing, in which many records
for skin grafting ; have'-, been surpassed-,
a five-year-old Chicago boy,
Marion Weaver, has had his - little
body covered with a new soit ofskiri
... Upon his chest, abdomen, back
and sides two hundred and nine
teen square inches of akin have been
grafted while -over one hundred squ
are inches more have been usedin
a vain attempt to implant them on
his small body. - -..J . ' J -
. Jiia father, .the Rev. " William
K.' Weaver,- pastor of the .Ninth
Prtsbyterian Church, and his four
brothers have suffered their' arms
and legs to be strippel of long rib-,
bons of skin to form the new cover
ing for the little i fellow's ; body and
now they have the .satisfaction of
being told by the physician, Dr. A.
E. Dennison, that , their sacrifice
has borne fruit and that the ; new
coat of skin which they have furni4
shed the child will enable him to
The child's entire body and limbs
were eeared in afire last September.
Something That Will Do You Go od
. We know of no way in whieh we
can be of more service. to our read
ers than te tell them of something
that will be of real good to . .them.
Tpr this reason we want' to acquaint
them with what we consider one of
the very best remedies on the mark
et for; coughs, colds, and that a
larming complaint, croup. We re
fer to Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy. .We have used it with such
good results in our family so long
that it has become a household ne
cessity.: By its prompt . use we
haven't any doubt but that" it has
time and again prevented croup.The
testimony, is given upon our own
experience, and we suggest that our
readers, especially thote who have
small childrenj'-JilwajB keep)i11it:4P.
lueir comes as & eaieguara,' agaiuai
croun. Camden (S. C.) Messenger.
For sale by Graham & Welle. f4
Cincinnati, Feb. 7. The United
Irish Societies of Cinclnnatij thalh '
their president, JosephP.Ejealyv
have, made public a protest against
the visit of Miss Alice Roosevelt to
the coronation of Kin g Ed ward VII.
' "Alice," it reads, should be carer
ful not, to let the . enemy-making
English government use her pres
ence in England to engender enmi
ty between our nation and any one
"ot England's .many enemies. Her
visit . may be productive of much
good; if Alice Could be . induced to
carry a prayerfuT petitioni contain-
ing theaignatures of a million moth
ers, for; mercy for the Boer babies. r
If Ahca .should' through the
hearts of the ' mothera of England,
free . a thousaLd -L Boer ' mothers'
heavy hearts from, anguish every
four, weeks, she would not return to
meet the sullen scorn of an offended
people." . "'"J?.;" :f
Chicago, Uebr lo. A new cause
of railroad wrecks has been discov
ered in . the monster locomotives
that are now being used so 'exten
sively by all railroads. ..While be
ing hauled from the places.of build
ing to the roads for wbich they are
intended it has been ' ascertained
that the giant engines have - been
playing havoc with the tracks of
the" lines over which they " have
passed. Reports have been receiy-
ed showing where the unconnected
drivers ot the monsters have ponnd
ed rails so hard that the latter have
been broken and others have been
so badly injured that they have
snapped under pressure of follow
ing trains. yr: '
Superintendents, ': roadmasters,
and others who : have reported -on
the matter are of the : opinion, that
not a few of the recent wrecks that
have been '-attributed - to defective
track may now be traced , to broken
or injured raila resulting from the
transportation ofv these engines in
ar unfinished; ;state3 . The . trouble
has become so serious that an order
was issued by the Rock Island Road&ster here today, and had a narrow
today requiring all "dead" locomo
tives received for transportation to
be equipped with aide rods in posi
tion and .coupled.
- Por Infants and Children, ;
The Kind You Have Always Bought
. Sears the
dgnature of
0 : 1
It Weighs Two Hundred and Sixty
: Thousa'nd 8 Pounds Perilous --
- Experience of Santos-Du- "
, mont With His Air- ... ;
' - ' . ship. " - "
Schennectady, N. Y., Feb. 12.-
The World's biggest and most pow-
erful locomotive, built here, has left
for;the far west, where it will haul
heavy freight on the Santa Fe It
represents the highest achievement
in locomotive design, the most not
able effort of American . builders to
produce san engine -i of enormous
tractive power adapted to the . rug
ged roadbeds of the transcontinent
al lines. As a bold venture in mas
sivenessj "989's" rigorous "service
tests in the mountains of the trans
miasouri attracts the atteniton of
th railway engineers of the world.
The builders of England and the
Continent builders judged Ameri
cans insane .wben theynassed the
hundred-ton mark, hut here is" a
monster weighing, without the 50
ton tender, 26o,ooo pounds t wen-one-times
as much as the historic
Dl Yitt ClintoD. , vf
- yrom the end of the tender to the
point of the pilot this giant of the
rail-' measures seventy feet- Two en
gines of "989's" type, if they could
be suspended in the air, one above
the other, would reach a height! as
nearly as great as that of Niagara.
The top of the stunted smokestack
is sixteen feet above, the ties, and
to euch a great : height does the
dome reach that its top had to be
taken off before the ? locomotive
could pass in safety under the over
headbridgesj. between Schenectaday
and BaffalotThe mastive boiler,
nearly seven feet in diameter, is
perched eo high, in the air that a
tall man can stand under it. But
iLwhiie tie dome top is thirteen feet
above the driving-wheel axles, the
eentre of gravity is very low sev
eral inches below the top line of the
drivers. ..The engine gets its great
stability from its massive framas,
cylinder , castings, driving wheels
and driving mechanism.
On a level track "989" could haul
a train a mile and a half long car
rying the harvest of 10,ooo acres of
wheat Its tractive power is exactly
53,9oo pounds that is, it could lift
this amount of dead weight. Its
great wheel fease gives " "989". this
world's record hauling power. . Ten
massive driving wheels," nearly as
tall as a man, and so heavily coun
terbalanced that ' they ' appear': al
most solid, grip twenty feet of tiack.
On these ten drivers which give
the name decapod to this type ot
engioe a weight of . 232,oob pounds
is carried. ..The pony truck carries
but fourteen tons, much of ; the
weight of the saddle acd cylinder
castings being distributed over the
drivers by the equalizer beam -so
distinctive of American design."
- To make use of this unprecedent
ed 'driving.; weight .. of 115 tons,
"989" must produce steam as no
other engine ever has. Following
the growing - practice : among the
railways of the Southwest, the San
ta Fe will burn oil in this, its . best
engine. , Its fire box, made of car
bon steel tested , to a tensil strength
of 60,000 pounds to the square inch,
is as big aa the bed cbambe r of a
New York flat. Ita two thick shells
are held together by nearly two
thousand' tough stay bolts, each one
capable of lifting a yard engine
without breaking. ----.T ; .
i The great area is jixty square
feet, unapproached in any locomo
motive ever built. . ; The bottom of
the fire box reaches, out . . over the
tops of the drivers, after the' fash
ion of recent American locomotives.
'Monaco, Feb. .14. Santoa-Du-mont.
the aeronaut, met with a dis-
escape trom death. Jtlis airship is
a total wreck, while tonight hia
motor Jies at .the bottom of the bay
of Monaco -'rt' ' - " " s"..VI ",'; ? t
, The morning broke "gloriously,
but as there was considerable wind
Santos-Dumont decided not - to at
tempt flight.;? Toward 2 o'clock in
the afternoon the wind dropped and
the, weajfcer appeared to be perfect;
Santos-ImmoBt announced that he
would make a trip. A big crowd
assembled: at the entrance of the
aerodrome, and as the large doors
of the building rolled back the air-
ship emerged at 2:58." A number
of steam yachts and launches, . in
cluding " the prince of Monaco's
yacht, , Prince Alice, with several
parties on board, were cruising a
bout the bay, with the intention of
following the balloon. Cheers greet
ed Santos-Ba'mCmt as" his- e,ir?hip
ruse anu us neau pointea ior tao
middle of the bay. It was soon no
ticed, however, that instead of
maintaining its usual equilibrium
the balloon rose' and acted in a way
that caused anxiety among the spec
tators. The aeronaut, however, kept
on his flight, and pointing bis "ship
tn thn left. rnn tiniiPfJ tn arAnr1 nn.
.u ti,0 inn() ?r?. mno wna nnitnn
) feet out 0f the water. "
i Tn turnine the balloon the euide
rop6 oaught ia the Bcrew," and"this,
with the erratic working of the
. airahin. created a situation of great
danger. At the same time a squall
burst, and Santos-Dumont tilted
the head of his balloon upward, in
order to disengage the' guide rope;
But in so doing the ballast shifted,
aDd the oil used to run the motor
began to spread. Fearing an ex
plosion, the inventor pulled the e
mergency cord: This ripped the
envelope of the balloon, which at
once began rapidly to desceud. :
Santos-Dumont did not lose his
head .; He ; could , easily be seen
from -the jehore, watching the vari
ous parts of the airship. At this
time the balloon had slightly right
ed itself,, and the lower part, haviDg
become empty, the airship dropped
slantingly toward the pigeon-shooting
ground, which borders the bay.
"In the mean time the steam
launches in the bav were making
toward the spot where it was ; aup
posed the balloon would fall. The
first to approach was the Princess
Alice, belonging to the prince of
Monaco, and those on board seized
the balloon's J guide rope, which
somehow had become disentangled.
At the moment this was done a
sharp cracking sound, made by the
motor could be r; heard, and ' the
screw was seen to revolve. The
balloon, which was then almost in
he sta, rose alowly for a few mo
ments. "But the motor, stopped a
gain, and the airship descended a
second time, until', SantoE-Damont
was immersed up to his armpits in
water.. . " ''-'.'
'..The sceene . was witnessed with
intense excitement by onlookers a
shore and afloat. The aeronaut,
with the pluck that has character
ized him throughout his dangerous
experiments, could, be seen stand
ing up in bis car, gesticulating and
shouting directions, to those on the
launch, which was towing: him. to
ward the Princess Alice. -At 3:5
the end of the balloon burst and
the prince of Monaco, who " waa on
board the launch, then gave orders
to rescue Sautos-Dumont from hia
perilous . position. The launch
came along side the half-deflated
balloon of the airship, which threat
ened at any ' moment to smother
Sanfo -Dumont. : The latter was
half pulled and half clambered over
the gunwale into the boat. I he
prince of Monaco' took . him by the
hand and urged him to allow him
self to be taken on board the yacht,
to dry himself and change his
clothes. ' But the aeronaut refueed
to do this until the rhemnanta ofte
airship had been saved. -h i
With the sea water dripping from
his clothes and looking like a water
rat, the inventor stood in the bows
of the launch, shouting directions
for the salvage of his airship. It
was impossible to save more than
the silk envelope. The motor had
to be left to its fate, and it sank.
The launch,' with the inventor, then
made for the shore. . As Santos-Du
mont landed, the great assemblage
which had gathered 'on the : shore
acclaimed with extreme enthusiasm
His first words Of a hurried inter
view, obtained as he made his way
toward his residence, were:
"I am notdiscouraged. My trip
continued on page a
The Finest Cake
Is made with - Royal Bak
ing Po wdei Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesomely
Ugly -but Never Failed as' a Suitor .
Did It With hia eye 1 lEvery gal
Jedgea a man by his Eyes and X Jedga
a gal by 'her Eyes, .. , . . .
Com pton . Ky., Feb. 8 The
unlucky thirteen in combination
with the marrying habithas brought
the promising ' career of Howard
Moore to a full stop. . .
At. twenty eight, the unblushing
husband of thirteen wives, none of
whom hav.e seen fit to depart this
life since the matrimonial knot was
tied, he is now languishing in jail
with the probability of a twenty
yearb' sojourn in the penitentiary asi
a mild antidote for his fatal weakness."
. It was on Dec. 13 last that Moore
met his Waterloo. She was a plump ';
years of age and' named Fannie '7
Robinson. He fell in lcv& at eight v
and the marriageuwas immediate.
After a married fifepf fifteen days
Moore took umbrage.jit the fact that
Ms wife desired to ber father,
who:was ill. He promptly deserted
her. Mrs Moore refused to look at "
things in the same light. -She swore
out a his arrest, , and
his incarceratjeat developed a crop
of wives and' ia;ide,ptal cnildren
that would set Up; iq "business the
moet ambitious follower" of Brig-'
ham Young, ' -j5--
The universal fascinator who has
accomplished so much ineo; brief -spa'ce
of existence is the rB?9Jtlitin
gularly hard featured mountaiBeer
to be found for mileaaround. .Broad
nosed and wide menthed, he haa a
complexion like badly tanned leath
er a shock of black hair and a pair of
slow black eyee-A pair of bushy ,
irregular eyebrows Tend a somewhat
sinister look to his face, andia heavy
slouching gait complete the on
attractive whole." 7 "
- Moore - cherishe8 no delusion
anent his beauty, he explains the
whole naatter by the power of the
eye. ' - k.t
It's the way you look at a gal'
-is the simple theory put forward
by this heart-breaker, w nose record
is thus far 1 unexampled.' Here ia
hia strange statement: ; - n '-
"I believe in- men 5 marrying !a9 :
many timea as they:want to. Pap i
said that the Bible said to multiply
and replenieh the yeth. It isai .
easy to - win a woman's heart asr
fallin' off of a log. I dont believe
in a long courtship. I believe
when a feller gets" stuck on a gal
he ort to ask her to marry him
right then, and never- put it off - "
nary 'day- -' '4g-"; ' ' ' "
"lt aII-depeeds:ijiew you look at
ea gal; the eyes tell? the tale; Every
gal jd ges a man by his eyeB, and I
jedge ft gal by her; eyes. The eyes
talk to each other. m their own way.
it does not matter . how ugly a
man may be, nor how . ragged he
may be, nor who he is; if he knows
how to look the gal in he eyes he "
wiliwia her heart,-And -ahe will
marry him or J dies JEvery gal I
ever axed to marry nae said yes.
But it I hadn t axed 'em all at the
very- moment our eyea looked into
each others several uv em would
have eaid uo. I alloz got tired of '
em in i little while after I
married 'em, and alluz found a good
excuse to getaway from em.
"I lovedall uy em when I mar
ried 'em, but, as I said awhile ago,
I soon got tftred uv .'em; but then
would alius: want me anuther wife.
"I dont like, single life all the
time nur married life all the time.
I alluz like to try. both. I intend to
marry again when I git out uv
this scrape, and, if I can git to look
into all their eyea at my trial, they
will tell the Jedge to turn me loose.