The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 25, 1902, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County,
One Tear
$2 OO
Bz Months
Three Months .
Single Copies ..
The Portland Telegram, Inde-
"pendent Republican, has been fig
wing on the problem of the next
governor of Oreeom In an editor
ial article, it explains that public
sentiment in matters political ebbs
" and flows, and that often the tide
heaves and rushes heavily in an
unexpected direction . The heavy
majority of yesterday for one party
Is in no sense a guarantee that the
same party shall necessarily win to
morrow. This fact is especially
emphasized now, the Telegram Bays
because "there is a deep, wide
split" in the dominant party, that it
will be difficult to bridee, and
which the state convention may
only serve to widen, The Telegram
Then, while there promises to be
a very determined, hot to say
desperate struggle in the fepti
H;an convention over the nomina
tion lor the head of the ticket, all
Democrats, of whatever class, con
dition or opinion otherwise, seem
to agree noon ore man as lhair
choice for the gubernatorial nomin
" ation. He will make no effort to
obtain the nomination, is not desir
ous of it, but it is presumed will
not decline it. - He will go into the
campaign with the prestige of un-
- usual 11 not unprecedented popular
ity and political success. Ten years
aeo, though the state was then
heavily Republican, he was elected
Atttorney-General, and in 1900 he
was elected Prosecuting Attorney
of this district, which was Repub
lican on national issues by 5000
majority, receiving a large majority
of the votes cast in this county. It
is quite natural, therefore, espec
ially since the duties ol his present
. office .have been faithfully per
formed, that the Democrats should
unanimously turn to Mr. Chamber
lain as their nominee and only hope
next June. Whether there is any
cnttnkla rvt-i- wi A f CI1rl a Vl"T
itawuauw givuuu , w
can be better judged after the con-
.ventions havfc been held. A large
number of Republicans have voted
- for Mr. Chamberlain before, and
might do so again, especially if the
factional feud reached the vendetta
Occurred at the Home of
Daughter in Newport.
Hiram Hall, father of GeGrge R.
. Hall, of Southern Benton, died
' Thursday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. R. A. Bensall, at
Newport. George R. Hall and his
sons, George and Eric, passed
through town yesterday en route to
Newport to attend the , funeral,
which will occur tomorrow or next
day. The interment will be. in the
Newport cemetery. - - :
-The deceased wa i born in Luz
erne County, Pennsylvania, July
25,' 181 , and at the time of his
death was aged nearly 92 years.
"When a young man he went to Con
necticut, where- he resided for six
years, during which time he, was
married to Miss Emily Stone, who
died at Newport, Oregon, in 1893
In 1854 Mr. Hall emigrated to
Illinois, whence, after 35 years'
residence he came to Oregon, where
he resided until death. The last
few years of his life were spent
alternately in the homes of his son
and daughter, George R. Hall and
Mrs. R. A. Bensall.
Several children in various states
of the union are survivors.
Verus cures piles or 50 reward, Price
$1. For sale by Graham & Woitham.
Ask for booklet.
Market Report.
Wheat, valley, . 63
Flour, $ 2.8a to $ 3.40 per bbl.
Potatoes, $ 90 to 1 10 per cental
Eggs, Oregon, 2o to 21$ per doz.
Butter, loto 2Uo per lb.
Creamery, 25 to per
Wheat, 5pc per
Oats 32
Flour, 75c and 80 per sack.
Butter,2o to 25c per pound"
Creamery, 60c per roll.
Eggs, 20d 'per dozen.
Chickens; 10 to 12$ per lb
Lard 13to 14c per lb.
The Number Largely IncreasedList
of Recent Transfers.
There has been increased activity
in Corvallis and Benton county
real estate during the past few
weeks. More property has changed
owners in two or three months past
than for any similar period in years.
While many'of- the sales are to in
coming immigrants, there is con
siderable buying and selling be
tween local residents: New real
estate transfers filed at the record
er's office-since Tuesday are as
follows: ' "
M B.Lee to Frank L Moore, one
acre on College Hill; f 500, :
EH Belknap and others to f C
Belknap, 02 acres near Monroe
$500. -'
LP Belknap and others to Rob
ert Kyle, 49 acres near Monroe
Isaac B Smith to Harrison ; M
Reavis, one-half of block 8 in Wells
and McElroy s addition ; 1 160 -
W H Alexander and wife to
Henry Nelson, 178 acres in Kings
Valley; 900. . . V
George W Bennett to R H Col
bert, four lots in Dixon's addition
$1,000. .... ..... - . . .':
. Rebecca Kelly to Louisa Crees
one and one-half lots near the Bap
tist church ; 91. -
Sarah M Hurt and husband to
E Waldefl, twd lots 6h Main street
Cofrallis; $500.
G R Farra and wife to S B Row
ley, three lots and residence on
Third street Corva"! s $1,950.
Anna Waggener to O P ,Wag-
gener, 165 acres near Monroe; $1.
How an Arkansan Likes ' the Benton
County Pamphlet Many Eyes on
A.eopy of. the Benton county
pamphlet has fallen into the hands
of an Arkansan Who lives in the
northern part of his 'state, and he
has written to. a Corvallis friend.
expressing his opinion of it. He
Bays: .-; . . -- v '
'The Benton county pamphlet
sent me, is a real work of art, and
a great credit the Citizens
League of Benton county." I am
especially attracted by . the conserv
ative tone, of the. pamphlet. It
rather under than overestimates,
and in this respect- it stands far
above the ordinary gushing, over
1 .
orawn real estate literature 01 our
tims. The illustrations add much
to the effectiveness of the book to
one as distant irom trie scenes re
presented as I am. Oae thing is
certain, the book has materially
strengthened my confidence in Ben
ton county, Oregon, and as soon aB
1 sell out here, I shall certainly not
fail to investigate your beautiful
and highly favored country.
Keal estate here is on the boom.
ThiB week over 100 land seekers
came in, but I think they are buy
ing mostly unimproved land for
speculation. There is also much
building going on. I. expect to
find a buyer for my place soon and
get out West in the course of a few
months, I would be' glad to be
footloose now. bo that I could get
out to Oregon at once. ;: Should I
be able to come out soon, I could
bring five or six good men with me.
Many people here are talking about
Oregon and Washington, -
He Died Octobar Thirtieth Lines
his Memory- by a Friend of the
But yesterday with winning sweetness
And merry words aid Joyous :-r5
A baby made the home completeness
And blessed U by his loving heal t.
But yesterday his happy spirit
Shone li';e a sunbeam from his eyes;
Today It sh nes beyond our seeing
In the land of Paradise.
But yesterday with eager footsteps
He sprang to reaeh the outstretched arms
! Of the , who loved to clasp and kiss him '
And note his tender craclous charms,
Today beyond our cp.U and clasping
Safe folded in the arms of loye.
He dwells, forever pure and stainless
In the bright spirit world above. .
Oh! Mystery of life! The anguish i) at r
Tears the heart Is blent it!i Joy
To know the pangs of grief we suffer '.
Can never touch our darling boy. .. :
To know when traveled stained and weary
We journey on our toilsome road
" That he shell never bear lite' burdens
His heart shall never feel Its load. -Mas.
B. 3 . Nichols.
Oak and Cedar
Posts at City Lumber ; Yards, - 7 cents.
Cor back old Hotel - Corvallis. .
Real Estate. "
If you wish to sell farms or city pro
perty list it with us, We advertise pro
perty listed with as in Eastern news
papers. If you want to buy a farm ' or city pro
perty call and sea us. .. We secure real
estate loans at low rate of interest. We
write insurance and make collection,
Office in Sander's Jewelry store. -N,
p. Peterson & G, a. Robinson,
. ComlHs &; Eastern RJo
Cimc Card :, :
2 " For Yaquina !"- - -
Train leaves Albany 12:56 P- m
- Corvallis.....; i:5op; in
" arrives Yaquina. 6:45 p. "mJ
I . Returning: .
Leaves Yaqnina....,
- Leaves Corvallis.. . .
: Arrives Albany ......
... 6-00 a.m
..-ij;3 n
...wasp, m
3 For Detroit: -" . - r-&:--;
Leaves- Albany..... . .. . . . 4-. '5f:oo a. m
Arrives Detroit. .......... ...12:15 P. m
4 from Detroit: ..
Leaves .Detroit .......12:45 P
Arrives Albany 40 p..
' Trains I and 4 arrive in Albany in time
to connect with S V south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S:P north.
bound train for Portland.
Train 2 connects with the S P west side
train at Corvallis Crossing for Independ
ence, McMinnville and all points north
to Portland,
Edwin Stons,
H. H. Cronise .Manager
Agent Corvallis,
Get Tour Ribs Fixed
At the Bicycle Hospital.
A nice present for the
pair of gold spectacles, a
E P Greffoz, the jeweler.
old talks is a
nice variety at
. Dr.W. H. HOLT
- Osteopathic Physician-
Is now permanently located in Cor
vallis and will treat . both chronic and
acute diseases "without knife or drugs,
Office first door north of Commission Co;
noura 8:30, 10 n;4o a m; J. to 5-40 pm
" Here it is, just what 1 have been
looking for, for a long time. : A
chance to buy an organ at a reason
able figure direct from the factory,
and manufactured in our own state,
with very ; little freight to pav,
Guaranteed for 10 years. Terms
cash 1-3 down, 1-3 in 6 mos, 1 3 in
vz mos, or $2u down and $5 per
month. 1 thought 1 could never
could get an organ before but 1 will
send at once, so Pearl can have it
by next Sunday.
Cramer Organ & Carriage JFactory,
Gentlemen: - - -
- 1 saw your ad in the papers of
a piano case organ price $89 with
Prof Rice self instructor and stool.
Please send me a piano case organ
by freight. Enclosed find check of
$29.66 to apply on Fame.
Yours truly,
- - W. R. Johnson.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
wnataoyou trims: 01 our. new
organ papa? . Well Pearl 1 see you
and your mamma are quite take up
with it. 1 am surprised to hear you
play so nicely and you have not
had the organ a week yet. The or
gan is handsome in appearance as a
piano and everyone tells me the
tone ii ip floe and even. Mr Smith,
is going to send fSi one soon." 1 am
well pleased and know you are. We
learned to play it at once from Prof
Rices chart, it is so easy mamma
and 1 can play and sing almost any
piece in the book This is the bea
uty of the organ for us to sing with.
1 only wish Cramers had advertised"
their organs before.
; Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of
Corvallis Oregon has by-ordinance No 100, as
sessed the following mentioned amounts against
the following described proDerties for the pay
ment of the construction of the lateral sewer
Just finished through block 15 old Town Marys
ville, now Corvallis which property and assess
ment is as follows to wit:
Lot No one, of block No 15, old town of Harys
vllle, now Corvallis, owne r M. M. Davis, Is as
sessed In the sum of 124.419.
Lot No two, of block No 15, old town of Harys
vllle, now Corvallis, owner M. M. Davis, is as
sessed In the sum of $24,419.
Lot No three, of block No 15, old town of
liarysville, now Corvallis, owner M, M. Davis,
Is assessed in the sum of $24,411).
Lot No four, of block No 16, old town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, ewner M. M. Davis, is as
sessed in the sum of $24,419. ,
t No five, of blouK No IS, old town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, owner M. E. Lee Is assessed
in the sum of $24,419. :
Lot No six, of block No 15. old town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, owner M. . Lee Is assessed
In the sum of $24,419.
Lot No seven, of block No 15, old town 'of
Marysville, now Corvallis, owner J. IT. Nolan Is
assessed in the sum ol $24,419. 1
Lot No eight, of block No 15, old town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, owner J. M. Nolan is assess
ed in the sum of $24,419. .....
Lot No nine, of block No 15, old town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, owner B. P. Uyland Is as
sessed in the sum of $24,419. - . ;
Lot No ten, of block NO 15, eld town of Marys
ville, now Corvallis, owner B. F. Hyland IS as
sessed in the sum ol $24,419. :
Lot No eleven, of block No 15, old town of
Marysville, now Corvallis, owner B. F.. Hyland
Is assessed in the sum of $24.419 .
Lot No twelve, of block No 15,' old town of
Marysville, now Corvallis, owner B. F. Hyland
is assessed In the sum of $24,419. ,
And that said amounts are mow due and pay
able to the treasurer of Corvallis, and that this
ten days notice Is published by order of the city
Council, s . -
E. P. Greffoz, J
Police Judge of the
City ol CoryaUl
- , A quantity of remnants have- accumulated during our
late saie which will be closed out at sweeping reductions.
There are remnants of Bilks.'Satins, Dress Goods, Jlannels,
Table Linens; Muslins, White Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Lin
ings, TowelingSj Outing Flannels, Ribbons, Laces, Embroid
eries, Etc. -..'7- T 'r. V . -V:7- '
- . - - . ' -
rlso broken lines : of Mens, Womens' and Children's
Shoes to close out at a sacrifice. 7 f " -
; All our Ladies, Mens and Childrcns' Jackets, Raglans
and Capes at actual cost. . - - -
- . -.. ?l -,i - . , - . . ., .. . ', v.. -r- - .. -.
v Broken lines of Mens', Boys' and Childrens Suits, Odd
Panls, Overcoats and Mackintoshes less than 1 cost of pro
duction. ; "v - "":.r . '
Our New Spring Stock is now in transit and we must
have room for it.' This means bargains all along the line.
Subscribe for The
At; Has Never Faifled
v Mr. C. S Peaslee, the well-known
Morgan City; La., is hiehlv thoueht of
. borbood because of his skill and care in
ecripuuus. ue Dest pnysicians in tne piace sena
their patients to his store whenever they can. Any
thing which Mr. Peaslee may say can be depended
upon absolutely. In a letter to W. H. Hooker &.
Co., New York City, proprietors o Acker's English"
-Remedy, he says: ' In all my many years' experi
ence as a druggist. I have never handled a medi
cine of any nature that gave such complete satis f
faction as Acker s English Remedy for Throat
and Lung Troubles. I have sold hundreds of
bottles, and have yet to learn of a single case
where it failed to cure. In
croup, it acts witn a cer
tainty that is really mar
velous. ' My wife does not
take much -stock in ' medi
cine, but she has absolute
faith in Acker's English
Remedy, always having it
at her elbow in case the
children are attacked by
croup- at mght; it is a
positively harmless rem
edy, as I can' personally
testuy. i know or a little ;
girl who accidentally drank a whole bottte. She was, of ourse. sick at her
stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was
in better health than ever before. . I can understand why Acker's English Rem
edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant,
but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations
of the mucous membrane, it also builds up the constitution and purifies the
blood. I endorse it absolutely." "v
Sold at 25c. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. ad., as. 3d,, 4s. 6d. : If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
We authorize the above guarantee. ; TP. a HOOKEB & CO., yprietors, New Yor
For Sale by
E. R. Bryson,
Physicianland Surgeon
W. T. Rowley
Physician, Surgeon and
- ; . .. . ' " Optician I .
Office over First National Bank.
Notary Ppblic:
Office In Zleriolf 's building.
Physician $ Surgeon.
Office: Room 14, Bank Building. -Office
Honrs f 10 to 12 a. m.
. - 2 to 4 p. tn.
druggist of
in hisneisrh-
filling pre-
- .
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Graduate of Dr A T. Still's
chool of Osteopathy. '
Residence In front of court house facing Srd
St. Office hours 8to9a.rn.lto3 and 7 to 8
H. S. Pernot
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cos.
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours 10 to 12 a. m
to - 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra
am & W ortham's Drug Store. v -
Por Infants and Children.
Ths Kind You Have Always-Bough!
Sears the
7 11 isn
A Few More. Bargains In Farms If Sold
Soon. . : - .-
No 151 Ooo acres, I5O in cultivation
50 acres in the bottom,; 2 acres in clover,
3 fair houses; 2 barns, good family e
chard, 3o0 acres open land, the balance
timber and pasture, all fenced, 50 heads
cattle, 1 Hereford bnJl, 7 head horset
15o head sheep, all ewes, 100 head hogs
all the grain, 50 tons' of hay, ail farm im- .
pieman ttj, 1 binder, 1 mower. 1 hay rake
and fork, .1 4-horse r wagon, 1 2-horse
wagon, J 1 -seated hack, t gang plough, .
1 4-horse steel harrow, : 1 : new" Hoosier
seeder, i2'. -miles' from a good town, 4
miles from railroad depot, 2 miles ' from.
R R Biding, this is a ependid bargain jt
1 r'fy.Z?'S?''ve-!'
No 152 63o acres, 200 in cultivation '
a good residence, . '. fnrniehed, 2 barns,
good orchard, balance pasture and tinv
ber, all fenced, creek runs through the
farm, 4o head cattle, 180 head of sheep,
15 bead hogs' 5 head horses, 2 wagons,
chickens, 4 horse harrow, 1 seeder, 3o
tons bay, harness, "etc, .all goes foe '
8,5oo, this joins No 151. '
. - 1 ?
No 132100 acres, 40 in cultivation,
fair house and barn, good -. fruit anci
water, good timber and pasture, creels
runs through the farm, price $1500,
miles from town.
ent. Philomath, Or.
Seal Estate j
Notice to Creditors.' -
Notice Is hereby riven to all persons' con
cerned that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administrator of the estato
of T, P. Waggoner, deceased, by the county
court, state of Oregon. All persons having
claims against said estate of said T. P Waggon
er, deceased, are hereby ; equlred to present th
same, with the proper vouchers duly verified!
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence
about one mile southeast of Dusty postoffice,
Benton county, Oregon, or -at the office of E. E
Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated, this 16th day of November, 1901. " ' . w.
MM, Waltz. T
Administrator of the estate of T P Waggoners
deceased.'i .
Soiitli and Sast
:- ' -, -- ' VIA -
Train leaves Corvallis for Portland and way
.Btationvatl:20P. K, .
. -..i, " .- . .
Lv Portland........-
Lv Albany... .......
Ar Ashland.
" Sacramento.......
San Francisco.....
:S0 A. K. 8:80 p. K.
12:30 p. M. 11:86 a. M
...l'.12:5S A..M. 12:3S A. H..
..... 6:10P.M. 6:00 A, M.
...... 1 .5 P. II. 8:45 A. M
Ar Ogden........
. -4:65 A, K. T :00 A. M.
....... -9:30a. K. 9:18 p. m.
........ 7:25 A. X, 7:26 A. M.
........ 7:42 A. K. 80 P.M..
" JJenver.. .....
Kansas City.
V Chicago,..,....
Ar Los Angeles.
r ... 2:00 P, St. 8:05 A. H
.... 6 .00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.
..... :30 A. M. 60 A. M. '
....ll.SOA. M. 11:80 A. M.
.... 7O0 A. M. 7:00a.M.
.... 6:80 P. K. 6 M P. M.
m I'aso.rt. .
Port Worth... 7..
City of Mexico...
' Houston ..........
" N aw Orleans.
" Washington.......... .. 6:12 A. m. 6 :42"A. V,
M New Iork...............a2:10 p. M. 12:10 p. M.
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Oba
la cars Sacramento to Ogden' and EI Paso, and
tourist cars to Chief Ko. St Louis. New Orleans-
an( Washington.-, ;, . '
Connecting at San Francisco with the several
teamthip Jibes for Honolulu, Japan, China,
bllij pines, Central and South America. j-
J. E. FARMER Agent V ,. '
Corvallis, Oregon, or address Ik auuti
V ;. l :.. ii til iic,.itgejfc
- .'- Summons. ., .
In justices Court for Kinsts Valley precinct
Ho 5 Benton County State of Oregon. .
Barney Cady, FlaintifT, - - 4 .v ,
VS . ""' -.'- ,' ; - . -
D. F. Weatherford, Defendant. ' P- '
To D. F. Weatherford the above defendant. :
In the name oi the State of Oregon you are "
hereby summoned and required to appear in the
above court at the office of said' court in Kings
Valley precinct in said county-on the 1st day of
February 1902 at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of
said day and answer to the complaint of plaintiff'
filed In said court and If you iail so to appear
and answer for want thereof plaintiff will take
judgment against you for the sum of S75 00 and
costs and disbursements of said cause; and for
order of sale of the attached property herein
In satisfaction thereof. This summons is pub
lished by order of Hon W. L. Price Justice of the
above court maid on the 20th day of Dec 1901.
J. N.ilcladden,
Atty for Plaintiff. :
Hotlce of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Mary E. Smith,
deceased, has filed in the County Court of the
state of Oregon, for Beuton county, his final -account
for settlement of all matters of the
said estate, and that the 7th day of January,
1902 at the hour of 1 o'closk p m of said day,
has been fixed by said ;court as the time for
hearing of objections to said report and ,the
settlement thereof.
' John Smith,
Administrator of the estate of Mary E Smith
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice- Is hereby given that the undersigned
executors of the Last Will and Testament of
Lucie A. Pernot, deceased, have filed their Filial
Account in said estate in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Benton County, sitting In
probate; and that Saturday, February 8,190-2, at .
the hour of 10 o'cleck a, m., at the County Oourt
room in the Court House in Corvallis, Benton
County, Oregon, Is the time and place fixed for
hearing objoctions, if any to said Final Account
and the settlement thereof.
CHARLES A. PERNOT t ;xeoutora
Dated this 8th day of January , 1902.
. Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given. ''that the undersigned
Executors of the estate of. Jesse Hewitt, de
ceased, have filed in the Couuty Oourt
of the State oi Oregon for Benton County, their
final account as suchdexecutors of the said
estate-and that Wednesday the 5th day of Feb
ruary, 1902, at the hour of one o'clock In the
afternoon of said day has been fixed by the said
Court aathe time for hearing any and all objec tions
to said report and for the final settlement
thereof. "
R. H HEWITT. 1 Executors,
, grace c. hewitt
(now Grace C. Buggins.) .
Dated this 8th day of January, 1902.
All persons having White sewing ma
chines, can have them repaired by noti
fying . :
Stewart & Sox Hardware Co,
' Albany, Ore.
Shingles and Posts.
Cedar shingles and cedar or oak
posts, sawed or split at
City Lumber Yards-