PDEC TO AN OLDDoLlARBHCH1. 1 ,'-l i- . 1 I FT,-.., ' ' .-- - Thy ot S31 Vaw. timet Ten t I : ' And yet.U--j Andem;r ': fcrt V -. I'MsVn y-edges cling fl sadly microbes, . supppse-r trs uic credence fn tnea. -too. rot-yea, and strength! Tneres -' -lfifi : : it ri) psjr'rUJt vy. (Which rMk.- in long to do .: - - The biLxhAE lies.Ja.me There's that tii, t hoe .which.-nJtes m daxs To pris- K' tiiStisana 'SanjrerB' every day TTnors s it" in thse!- Where thou art there I Hope ci.u.i her neat and frightens Doubt "'a!- ' 1 J"' .si i" " "3 ""T-ks .A iah, thou art clammy to the touch . (Sut,t yesterday, mayhap, thou: bdt're- '"'Ieass . . x . . . ' From -o-nfehHet throat 'a-denkmNran-ry ' bllLO. , , iJ-iJ- J I j'-V I tVjth ttioe, pe-rhaps. went Peace., lo '4e dark haunt,' where Hate' or Bo; 1, row sat who know?; t - f Jr. "ll What gches have. fled, because o the, .;' What im'e ichildrea 'tKWu ,h,ssf daubed to' 5 -f cdaji,j'A, hm: man; "a.-rbie , 3 ?.n ttlw Ha bloomed because of thee? Ah. me. Here on thy smeared and faded face I t read the history of man f iThou art the tiOOn. . , j " ;. ' r . -. y- -. , -J For -which he goea through, danger aid 'i'awnte""' 'v -U.iJ J And-1, alas, must part wWh thee so soon-! --B. B. Kiser, In Chicago Record-Herald.. -'! fl P BUR8LAKS, MOSQUITOES AND CUSiOSiTY 'Mil 4 f' f - , .-", 'Ol tit - ' - , . , . - I7H1LE vhe amateur , expertment rara la not ready to 'make tfls finstl reports on-'' tie" subject;' df - afoosqincoes,' a. su-bjeet r which -'seein flo bi'-e .grosa'n,? the' attention of ntfht pvtry-here, it is abttj make e shOvy of substantial, TrogTesjj he jnosquHoea forced tiiewsetves oqi the attention of the atRotfciir; farmer on& vet!iiig couple of wcaks-ajfo- wlnle Jie was sitting out under', the oa6 trdes near the houife enfnying- "the aiioonjisrht and the "breeze.' 'At 'first th" f ffc-- was the riireetlon 6f 'cHre s.hei3,i).Ba prevention. JtifeftelfowaBi Misled JRcmedies :o font- 'ruasquito.: feites,!! ti? ' soen;;baH 6ited3fit,h jias; f oti! ? End paateboeml .-. bixe. ; Kyeryilang' J.tt any-bixly ia-d ...ever; lfpcomineoded Ea a. cure for mosquito . tj.es'w ii -p-'os.iired, a,nd afir one had. fti ointdJ' a fciSt lf with' half ia 'dozfen ot ' these " preparations mosqrutoes fwere tne Jeaat of Jiie troubles. The irnok ?S'"j-, -,-lo most, persistent id tlieir a .' sooit developed a face v 'iirh resembled the -palette of an irwpr'es Zionist. paintw nd.a ahe. s Xansr uount'cd that if soir. acting- was not ne to h' 1p her she wa trolng- baek o tcwu.- In - complex i(?n; was ruiaeu, a-.jrva. si- 5 i-a-., r,,j(,, lUJi-rpi.-rs-a agTiculturlst cameorei (cne Tnorninir ai3 ch,uclcled r.unjileas- - untly as he looked at the 'row of bot-. Ales. fie had forpotten ;hi false leeth and "was, consequently, -icf-' a ijos sarcastic mood, ' ;-:-jAi , -r,-"It's eaey enough to get rid of the fekeeders,"" he s,i:d. All. 'you gqt.to Co is .-tovtake chjiwro fine scut nand a-ub a leedla curosene, ile cjny -yere Sface, oji' thsra.ye bo4 Nb,t a skeed-Jt-r'la tnoch yet. . . j u' v An altoaipt was made to get'-the ?ssistanf acrriculturlst to--apply the lire cut and the kerosene; but' W rer Xnsed - to sacrifice himself - on the :al tsr Of-science. Aecording-lyv-iti ia. -ira fosslb)e to state " positively (whether' Kt rtoti v'ic vtitadejt -of the- retired fegricuJcurist i an effective - one, Ihoug-h it sounds as if it would- be. fatal, to the mosquitoes at least.' It was the laJy of the manor who -finally, in a moment of' inspiration; devised what promises to '' bec'an epoch-makin? invention in the mos quito line. She drove downtown with the-, ussifltant .experimentalists. . one morning and ..returned shortly ; -with the surrey full of lumber, and cylin drical bundles. When the'. -experimental "farmer started for the" city the assistant' was already busy with eaw, hammer 'and nails. A' When ne msked- what wo being- - built" he? was told .to wait and ee. T ?!:iJ P. : : - When . he gotback home that even ing the lawn near-th'e house, wa dot ted , with what looked like, the-s.un-fletih'id sltel&tons of . small ( chicken noyi. fr., le each was a xocking; cl.air ar, a small tabled on which fctood a candlefiiick and a book.- -c "I,ofi," nid tjie lady of the manor, trminphanily, "those- are individual-anti-mosouito cages. They, are cov ered with 'mosquito netting. You step inside. - su down and pulr - the flaps together,''--and you- may5 enjoy the moonbght and the breeze as long ever you pieu.se without theislight st danger of being bitten, by most, jjuitoes." . On his own motion the assistant experimentalist had gone even fur ther. He liad built for his own use a jlindrical -mosquito-proof , helmet ' una a 'pair of trauntlets, incased in hich he couid safely defy anything twhich hies, and which enabled him to kKspeuse viith an anti-mosquito cage and- move aoout at pleasure. .?.,. v. t.-rx- After dinner tue entire, family! got 3nto their cags and proceeded to en joy the ciol of the evening, the glo riti' of the ciuiset and the splen dor of. the rising moon.-.. This .proced ure acted as a spur to , the, taotive -uii6sity,of thi retired agriculturist eind hie wife, who live in the cottage .across the way. : The old - man got tout his- spy glass and from. s a point 'of vantage on the. ro.of i of ilua; porch . " studied the s)tuation--long-and care fully Then he went down-stairs and Barren d'ered the spy glass to his im-pati'n- wife. . ,- , . "The'"e people are plum crazy," he eaid. "They've got a whole lot of lit tle chic''en coops built and they're sittin out in 'em like prize roosters to th rpjnty '"'" N " A loig distairce Tiew in' the moon li?ht was not eatisfactory to tbe wife of the retired r ericuiiirist. "I'm golnf - "find "o-i "wEat's the JJlc -beJlb"f dfd'nii?.f3-iiu'' She stopped t-her garden and piiked'TJisadfiurbf. lettue." ' lase; Theaih saiiEr.eros3 ;tlxe jroawJ to .t he experimental farm and walked up the lonsr lane to the house. f.v'.. - i i 'IWhyhowdy.ydo.-sbe .saidjr.as she approacnea tne ni?ioi ; iiie y cages, "Our1 lettuce' is so; fine' that I thought I'd' bring ' ye :Some over: f Ain't ' it a piirtfy'ttfght. il ' JFe-w' tn-e::igarden 1 atJ the erperlm'e-otit al farm- is-'partioularly long--on let--tuca. - Xterm-raItabr''lEAt-tadsv eat-irfiwhivhi4ir,alsl'U'CUTln'ef:ii-S(i standing ,-reproaeh to-' the -ptheryege's, i)tes.;;.fiosth.e1 lettucej as : peace .of fering was not a success,, The dady. of the manor rnade no answer. "Thank you 'so "much,. Mrs.". Mcfid- wards" James'this'to' the'' assistant ej!perimhtelisyj"bring ou " W !'cge rbFflrtrs'-IVfoEkiwitidB.'-' It i'a-loye9yi Tnmg."i''J'3ri rtW- ? -T'skHi. 1 I BtCf i Mre.a ' McEdWard-a waited- to hear no.moce. i Her. worst fears were reilieed-'j' iHej iBefVi-aieigbbor-rjwere plainly itinatica.. (" .Ttey 'even swan ted; to., put. her. an af cage,- She , scuttled back across" the road UHe a scared old-h'en1"; l'0,: T0,'',;'"'."'' ; 'The'"'' f ollowbg nigiit ' theVerT was ' great excllment'at the 'amateur ex periimhtil 'f ar:'m?i r'Af ter' the? ' Thosfc quitoes "had: been Concjuered. burglars' appeared uooii the scene-thus- show ing jthat lj ,iaiaeontan,gu,ece6ipp of .conflicts'. .It -is nat, likely , that a-, burglar who posses-sedany. signs 'of humanmteliT gence would pick out the experiments , si farm as 'a" -likely placfffronl which, to make'S VTbh hauht'feut!if"'heidrd'hiEr would And the -old b.ouse1 an easy 'onie to enter.' .'Consequently; sotniewli&t elaborate : - preparations', "---have been made for hi reception.-- The lady of the.. manor-, keeps;, beside her -bed .a huge-farm .bell,-used in. tbe old days to call in the farmhands to- supper from the distant lieids. Its voice is - that of a fire alSrm gong raised to the tnth power. The amateur farm er" hlmsclf-'tiaV ' ar revolver;1- ."The re volver' Us! kept ia one' apVi o ' Che hems& aivd-uu-U cartrWgea in another, so th?rt , the- j-ismg, hope of tht rep- lie mty .no, in. small boy-fahioa, x periment ..witlt em- -1 - Thus , armed; the f amilyf eels ,itself ,-ready -- ton any foe.. -, - ',''.''"'- - On the tn1ghl in, qiiesf jon the ama teur farmer Was wa'kened by J the shrill and brazen clamor' of"the' gting. Th Ta.d-y-(3f h-maiior wafe wav-mg 'it frantitfallvaniboW "hand:' f-i tr".""1 ""What's..' the :-nlatter ?t;' asked" the amatenr' farmer, rri' " t . -r-j-jji j -"Burglars!-,-' They;haTe .ai-light dpwntairs. (listen! f , You can hear them moving -around .-the house;'; , n o.;The amateur -f artner advanced rto the head of the stairs. Plainly,, in; he lower regions he could seethe glim mer of a light and hear, the 'creaking 'of 'doors'. '- In" his deepest 'baSs' v'ofce, with- the 'tremolo, -stop" pulled; out -to the rlitnitr r.he ; demanded:'! '''Who's -there?" ,t -' ' t' -;!.,r o -j-.Therert-was-; nq( ansvfern --Ouly ;the Jtglit suddenly, -went .out, and another door creaked- - Jhenjthe -lady of, the manor' again Jet loose" the' brazen thunders of the farm bell. . It sound ed as if three 4-11'fires had been let loose' in the-same block. Then 'armed. with ant empty irevolvers and heavy hand . njJ-rror:.the r assembled ; family slowly descended the; slaws, -the gong still- doing its worst. - . ... - . - Below stairs all doors leading to the . kitchen were .found . open, but neither door nor window opening on the outside had been disturbed,-nor was any trace of a ' burglar ;' found." Finally, coming from' the -dining-room closet were heard s sounds of sup pressed sobs and convulsive swallow- ingsu:- With a great effort and against J oesperatei resistance from iwitnin the idoor was -finally pulled open", tv j i " "i ..r l was the - eoon . lady, si Between snivels ..sh ; told ytjhj 'Stpry.f. a 1 1 y j . -ip--, j "1 - baoej dirsty .n't,I goj me. ;down stairs to,', gs-me ,trinkof water,,; dot hell ;ring em you yells -,( Wh, (is dot?' an I dinks aboud dot revolver; ant I get me in de closet an' make, de door-shut-. 1 bane so scart," and re newed and em barrasslng sobs - broke -but.!1'' "f; "'".t .jr,-.f, ' , - Just than rapid noof beats sounded on! ther.Toad'-leadmgtrt.'the- barn.i' In the moonlight? old Mazeppa.-Tnosf re-, epectable jot t- phaeton, r horses,- - was seen rushing .towards the road with a man, on, hi back., He .was, stopped by shouts, just as he turned into the main road. The jnan was the. assist-, ant experimentalist. He was accused of running away from .troublebut hei declares on his word of honor that he was simply and naturally, going for: the police. Chicago Tribune. r-- Flnds ReLv Are I.d, v - B. B. Widtmer, who left,, his home in Owensboro Ky., 30 years ago, and went-west to seek his 'fortune,' went back the other . day from' Seven Dev-; its Hills, Idaho, to see his sister-in-' law, : Mrs Pauline, -W'idtmer, and her . daughter , Pauline. ,vHe brought with him.. $10,000 inv- fmoneyf to give -. them and -intended to take then -back -to his mining camp in Idaho." "When "he made inquiry- 'about them he learned of theirj 'tragic-death' o-o:the"night 'tif ' June 30,v 1897, Jwhen- the committed" suicide: because of : their- extreme pb-v" erty. - ' - '- i - . - Thirty,, years ago :Widtnier and his brother- icamet io .-, G wens boro . j -f roin- SwitKerfand" and ran a small ' dve- works establishment. He went west and his .brother soon-, -died. '- For awhile he wrote letters to his broth er's. -wid,owy, initv, ftnally.i eeaspd vto 1 write and she believed him dead. . He , broke down when he; heard the sad news and1 left at once for Idaho. -, A Hindrance toWlllutlsa,''1 : Civilization would.-slip-. forward' ey., eral- notches, -sayg; the Ghiea'go Becr ord-Herajd, if .she could-.succeed' In - illingthe-, loose dog. and Iheitoyt. istoliWfib"6'tk Btdne, l" Ptol Test of a Disease Developed to Kill ' ,-Otf ' tljjB Pest-kr'V' , t - -, O't. SoTtniunt BrlaBeiril:OeMsl mmnUluevltm: Nwttfcf Ctfltai'HsT-' li " -BMlU-oa""-wttBi rafHrl " . Sni.' --- '-.'- . T t .t". i ''- - o-:i'jtrx-1-i''rA JSince it became knowb that the bu bonic plagie-.-wijsvspread by.rats.f the question of raeans ofedestroyiag Jtlieni - has assumed-greater rHiportanceii -The i discovery 'of- -perfect !Tat-6Vsftrbyer . would-be, of vast, benefit to ther pub Hp health, says -tb IyWi York Sun. v ,- :- M. J. Kcwenao,' (director' -of the hy gienic laboratoryw Sox h" ' -' 'Uriited States marine' "hokpitaf servibe,"' has recently investigated 'a 'new method for destroying rata by nieans" of cul- - tures of a, certain '.bacillus, This method was, .developed . by fl .Danyz." The ' virus -which he, obtained, while far from being , certain , means of exterminating rats In -a - particular place, mayrbe '.usednas one weapon in the fight against--them ---i ;c-t - A culture 'of - a' bacillus - isolated from 'a- spontaneaas epidemic-: among harvest mica was selected, and grtown : in bouillon.- to-- accustom- it- to. n 'ex istence without oxygen.' This wa,a ac compb'shed by growing the culture in flasks as completely: filled' as- possi ble. - -- The flasks were placed in an incubator .until theTculture developed, aim men Kept, at ai) , pruuirj; , wm perature .until a, deposit. formed and i the bouillon' became). prefecly clear. From the flasks the -.cul ture t was passed into a . collodion sack, . which was kept for from a day to a day and a half in the -abdominal oaviy-iof a rat, then-, kept,., anew, in ordinary bouillon and thence again -in -flasks. This series -ot -operations, woa repeat ed several timesv and -at the fourth or fifth repetition: a (decided .-increase' in virulence tor- mlce'Fwa 'notedw !-. SEie Qiasi atoes. ki' cite ex- primeHl by vomuz nrtts tnrrf ?t or six weeks old. IfeTKt ivUler rates:, were used. I'rtKteetiuig in. th-i way . the. cul ture was specialized.: a4 Cauyz . final ly succeeded.: in! rendurwigvifr; regular ly virulent foT'grfTats.iblaisk-urat-R and whit-e rats,' whereas 'it wasfrorjg inally only slightJ;yt virulent for- the KTay rats.and entirely ineffective for the others.-" ' - ---- ... - Dr. Rosenau- fed 115 rats with the eu5'tuesdriiaj.afc-ioouTSj ot 'various experiments: -with;the virus.. OfftJhse only 46 died. The results seem to de pend, largely -v-upon- fthe-amount of culture -ingested. Byj.stavjng' the rats;, for .a eoujple. o. dnys and . then: giving' them all they would eat a very' .positive jres'ult 'Was'fobtitiaed.-.' "Tvreav tyJaertB:Tat!f' so'fed all died ?wrtbin. a week. - If the rats ge. only-a small amount, however, not-only is the ef-; feet uncertain, but tfe,e sunvivprsnber corae imrnmeiand.roan-.feedjupon, the I cultHres; 1 1, their hearts' content and be nope,' the .worse .ior. -itv-; : ,....-a . . .J.t would' seem that the virus is not unlike the laying of a-r-chemical" poi-' son, 'depending as' it does upon the atndtlhf. "ingested. s ' 1tb.it, ' Vhile -the chemical poison- 4ia -the advantage of- noi "producing fa-n."immunity,-; the: virus -ha th very -decided. advantage oi' being,' -so: ;far -as le- known narnv less for man-, and; domestic animals,. .;. ."Dr. "V?illiam Lord Smith, of Worces ter and Boston, lately returned from Kadiaik island; oh' the-Alaskan coast, where he passed several months hunt--:lng, the big bear! of th ;isJand. He .'brought home(with.iirar-fIie ikin ,of a ,&Up-poundeK, reports , a.-'. Worcester j(JVlass.(corresoondnAo he .Chicago "inter "Ocean, y r . The' Kadiak bear is the jargest mem ber of jthe'bea' fatal iy According to 'Tr.'Smith,'ftis not.' agtrizzty; although" it closely resembles the ilvr tip tti't'-h? -Bocky; nioatainsf'' "It has tie griszly sjhead,'.:K hafheenr ireputftd to gro'wito .enornioui-st'ynctQtia tweurht of .?,J0O poundbtt.jarff.jjmith, wa,nri; .able to, ge eyidenjoepibat it excd.e4 ll,200 poundsJevenJ in aut-uipu, , whe-u very. fat,, ready' f or ItsTlong "winter skep. l-The fur;-when, in its prime, is a fich' brown and vy thik,' butinNlhe -spring -and ear'ly sonimer it i6 rather .a gray Vhan browii. . V ! The '-Worcester hunter wa .Jicconr-panied- by a Boston 1 in nd. duOTng his . first few weeks 9n K.ad1ak.t The.jr firt day's hunting, brought, themt a ,62i pound bear, which fell to the -rifle of the Boston "man, the two having tossed a coin for the shot. .The only other oear they 'got was shot by Dr. Smith on almost the last day of hi hunting to- the middle of July, more- than t wo mont-h after his arrival tin the island. It was about . 10: 30. p. m., .whieh- was dusk in that latitude, JThe doctor and a native had followed the beast, and got within 30'feet of he; ' She- was a mother-with a cub along, and -was fish ing in the shallow waters of a little river."' The Kadiak bear j a fishetater, and this particular bear was u clover, for .the, dog salmon j. were running up stream In water only &W inches deep. Sha reached with her great pa w, armed withv'claws more J than?-- three 'Inches tong, and with- a -quiek' sweept tossed, the ,almon .to .tie shore, where she Killed and ate them. -; ' ' '"'"-' ; -- Dr. Smith believes that the- Kadiak . .bear zthnbst-eaiials-the grisaalyin-fie.rei1-ness, Jmt h ioldstlurt n f?u-Tear 1-neai'-i so u i r j-erons to Swsa a the r reputation would indicate.. Their eye sight is poor-, and they seldom see the hunter, and, -unless wounded and eor-nered,-they prefer to' run 'rather than fight.-; The Kadiak bear has the speed of a fl hors,, Ir. ,c,uiirh has hunted big game in Africa,aQdlh;i.";ij.n:d:lijLn, elephant, and rhinoceros; hunting 011 foot, but he "bas'-never"' seen any ;wilrt Jbeast vrayi hygiiji.hj .sMh,. pE.ss tBe Kadiak bear. y JinM, I'TCfl- EST l Mr -h vvy r' w fl i n- urvj "--for Snfants .,'.-;,..- .nntne TurJi BEARS THE. (SIGNATURE, OF.; l . u ti st-i l f twin"' .u-ciii-un e.si i til In U ser For- O THK-CKHTAUIT OOrf.tlkttYi ft 'MOHIIAV TRtCT, flCW YORK CITV. ftii VKS '1 S - ' -.1 I -J-iS S-Si. :r-,tt r. ( Clean -in PfiiitingI 1 its THE ARE: M dOEAF? J.-" -SCO . JS K-saswv- ai,v."-,ft' il ,K i cv. -sari in. vsasBv. ALL .CASES DEAFftg ESS J ORV - - ARE NOW , - by our new iaventiofL- f-Otify. HEAD NOISES GEASErlMEDrATELY. : , ' F. A. WiVJAMOF Genlirmtn . f, a full history, of nivcase.rto.beuscdatvoiitdipu , wL ; et"rs 80.t.my "Eht ear began any hearms m.this ear entirely; T &t 1 Albiit fi t ' - ,rf " "ci,l"'t tor.aiRrrn, 49sgtare tnotniis. without onv success, consulted nun, r Jphysirjans, among others, the most 'cminentear speeiahtt of ihi ciH- who told me that nOtriy-aB, epeAtmi't ecqild help jne. siid ven- that onlytenipcTanly.Tihat the head noises would then cease, but the heanns; in the affected ear would.be lot forever. j - - .then saw your- advertisement accidentalljrin a rfew "York paper: 'and ordered vourtreat- . Went. AlterJ had used jt only a few. days according to pear diTt-ctions.:the noises Ceased, smd -to-day atter five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored.-. I thank vou ..- heartily end-beg to remaia j, ., Veiy truly, yours. - . - - - ". .yuu :,,. ,i . ... . .. t. v -A. WERSJA11, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. yur ircuimem uoes not interfere wttti pour usual occupation, ; Examination' and ' YOU CAM GURLYOURSELF AT HOME r . -say ice tree. r ISiTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 5- '"(is - i i ; i' ,t!i. ;i (,' ' i'J ,-' s - - n vi i-':1"'--: i -.'--I s. . :.fi j, "',"1'', "5- 5! 5? ' j. " ' - - 1 - 1. . . r r, , Jj 5.' wv ' ' - ' ?-! ' ; ' ' f- ":''' ,:t ' t C?Sw U fip '-i ; ' - r' i " ' " "!1.' CX5! g,., .... ,r ' , - - 'rtg. V. " ".'' "-."W ' - 'fig -;- .-. '.:"';; fe' & ' '-'A.: : j,.. . :-;.v - ' v- 5 f:ffice::-' .',.lt;, -- ".'.", -t : iytW.iQ ' afe? ."ff";-.". C8 I J .:w " ? 1 'p?'1' JLJ ' a1 " - 1 " ' nd Chlldren. s iimiti m-t. 1 " !" ' x 1 ra'ir I -i . i i fifirr .uoaiir ver 3 0 : JYe&rs.5- 1 ti. 1.3 t : Q,uickV Printing "m, ties pi .cccn-'.'i u bt'-i- t, CORVALLIS .TIMES HEAD NOISES? 0 OF 1 r j i 1 ,1 ' ; H ARD - H E ARS IMC CURABLE , fSosV bx-'d-iBfelifldurablfe:"'. BAUTIKiORE, SAYS j" , - rf.tion , , - . toTung, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost c-j ( vi "-f i" "i.;--:' , ft at a nominal 596 IA SALLE AVE.,1!HICAG0, ILL. -i t . . , .1 , , ,--- M' Professionoi. E. JEl, ;Bryspn, . lAttorney-At-Ldw. ' -POSTOFFICE I BX-rtDlKG f ZthygbGMftlojid Surgeon, PHILOMATH 1 ' -' " : 'OREGON - '" 5 Gt AiRpbinsoix; Real Estate; 'Insurance" and House Auctioneer .Sales Anywhere wanted "A KHolgatef; f' 'ATTOltN-y-A-T TW'.'r "' ' " JVTlCi: OF THE PEACE Stenography and: typewriting -done. -1 Office in.; Burnett brick .Cotvallia.. -Oreg - fi'v -. c1 ' ' - Notary Public, r - .e. :kwiLsoN; v ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlee in 'Zlertoif 'e buUdlng. B. A, CATHEY, M. D.? Physician s Surgeon.' ' Office: Room 14,-Bank Building; .- Office Hours , f jo to 12 a.m.. " ' ' - 2 to 4 p. m. ' ;-W:-T.-;Rowley, , JPMjsiciajj , -Su rgcoii aiul. Office over First'National Bank. ? 1 1 T OSTEOPATH " ' - i ; Graduate of,lr.. "A T. Still's chool of Osteopathy. . f j .- G. 11. FARilA, PHTSICIAW, SCKGi;ON'& OKSTETICIAN It-' t , - ' t- Residence In front of court house facing 3rd et. 'Office hours 8 to -9 . m. l to 4 and 7 to S COBYAUJS . OREGON : -I'Sy ipefjapV;,, :TKysiei(Lrran$ Surgeon, ,i Office'over Post Office: Residence, Cor. 5th: & Jefferson fits. ii Hours io toi2a. m to 4 p. m. Orders tnaT be left at Gra am & W prtham's Irug Store. CASTOR I A : p Tor Infimti and Children. - - - The, Kind You Have Always BougM. - Sears the ' SieTAatnre of rl I' .e ll SEEDS- W iTDOtuanaa or garden .fc. wry .year-and neer suffer X -l dlsappolotmeiiU i: Cheap -svbstiniv tuUm brine 1 orb. not navine crocs. it navsr to oav a littler more for -. fBBAT'tt Sbkup. itYB ceots-per paper i everywhere, and always worth Alwava the Bent: 1900Seed Annuarfre. L VD. m. FIRRi:& CO DETROIT, WSU -; The First National Bank . OF CORVALLIS, OREGON,- V ) - .OFHCERS-& DIRECTORS - M . "S. WOODCOCK President, . w . C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WIJwES, Cashier; GEO.' E.' LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. ' Loans Made . -v . . -, On slf kinds of,appro'l seenrityi and eftpecially to encourage and -Iftuld up the legitimate -busk . Bess enterprises, and industries of this couutry. . j - t - , ' Deposits .' i ,- Iteeelved suliject to check' payable cu demand .'i ' j i-iv . ' i' c. -l - --: - - : - Foreign Exchange ' Sight exchang and transfers soIT availdhle in the principal cities ef England, Ireland, Switzer land, Fraucer.Belgiiini. llolland, Norway, bwcdr en, Denmark, Italy, Snssta, Spain, Portugal, Ger many, Austria. " . iS j l , i "7 -V-y ,r - Letters, of Credit - Imae nwilaUle in the- principal' cities o th Cmted Statcsi - 'i' i ' 's Principal Correspondents Upon Whom V SU Sight Exchange f fie frrnimerrHMf KationBt Bank bf Chicaeo. ' 1'he First 5totion.nl- Bunk of PorBaad, OregonY t lie Buk o-aliA4raia-8aaMau3afo,iut.,. nglo-ealifirn(Hii Bank, frn Francisco, Cain, ait "he NatJOBat fJilyJSlnk J. Yorlr. 'he Bank o New York Nation?! I --Banking Ass n. -.iporters & Trader's Nation: Taint York' i')o and leather Nationa Bank ot Boston, Mass. hiladelphia National Bank. of rhiladelphia, Pa-