The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 18, 1901, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton tonnty,
One Year....... $2 oo
Brt Mnt3bs . . . . I oo
Three Months ' 50
Single Copies ... ....t. ..... . ... 05
" - v "
Perhaps no one, who followed
cloBely the testimony in the Schley
court of inquiry, is surprised at the
findings of Admirals Benhaar and
Jiamsey. The pusillanimous
character of the testimony for the
prosecution, the paltry and flimsy
nature of much of the. criminating
facts set forth, served to show fully
the navy to be divided into two
hostile camps, wjJSh a brass button
ed aristocracy of and
boudoir bumpkins on oneide, and
the fighting men of the navy on
the other. Benbam andh Ramsey
seem by their fia'Jings, flimsy and
pharisacial as they are, : to be pos
sibly dominated by the naval so
cial clique. . Dewey, whose achieve
ment at Manila will live as long as
history is read or written and who
resigned the presidency of a Wash
ington club in order to eecape the
buffeting of the social mob devoted
.to traducing Schley, speaks in his
opinion as one of the fighters of the
navy, guided by common sense and
swayed by decent intelligence.
If Schley bad lost at Santiago, if
half the Spanish ships had escaped
at Santiago, if he had lost the
Brooklyn, or lost a thousand of his
men, then a court -of inquiry and
the finding of, adverse conclusions
would have come within the limit
of decency and propriety.
But he did not lose. He won
won a victory knot less brilliant
than that at Manila, won all, and
more than all his country ever
dared to hope for. To discredit
him now istd discredit the fair
the eyes
We will have our entire line of Fancy China and
holiday goods on display on that day. We have
spared no pains in making selections and spread-,
ing our tables with the choicest delicacies of the
season and extend you a cordial invitation to come
- and partake of the feast of novelties.".."
Ttie iLreade.
J. D, Mann
D. M. Smith
Holiday Announcement!
Without going into details we simply desire to staie
that our l)ri$ttl1IS StQCk this year as far as beauty,
variety and price go is ahead of any thing 'offered before by us
Our Doildciy GOOdS are all' worth one hundred
cents on the dollar the day after Christmas. J
We advise early selections.
name of, Americanism in
... . .
ofhe' world, to discredit the sacred
ZLjath, anj honest judgment of brave
Clark of the immortal.Oregon, whoi n !
the witness stand supported Schley
and with him sent the Spanish
war ships to the bottom of the sea,
The majority verdict - shows how
' badly the . navy "needs thinning.
More warm red . biood is needed
there, to take the place of the white
-livers that breed green gall and
envy beneath blue uniforms.' ;
In a timely article, the Salem
Journal points out how money can
be saved the people of Oregon by
providing stated salaries for Btate
officers. - A particular item of reck-
. less waste is in the state printer's
office. The constantdisappearance
of public funds through that office
" iB as unnarran e'ai ft is profligate,
For four y if rs ending with the fiscal
"- year of 1901-02, not including the
inevitable deficit that the next leg
islature will be called upon to
,tnake up, the state printer's office
is to cost the enormous sum of
Those at the College Had an Evening
- Something About it.
A very pleasant : social function
occurred in the college chapel Sat
urday evening. The occasion was
the recital, vocal and instrumental,
given by Miss Philbrick, -director
of the musical department, and her
pupils. For the affair, invitations
were issued.and were "Confined to
pupils in music, their parents , and
members ot tne tacuity. - A varied
programme was offered, including
vocal solos and "piano numbers.
The appointments of the occasion
were all complete. On entering,
the guests were showji into the
library, where wraps were left."
Thence they . went to the chapel
where ushers were in : attendance,
After the programme . those who
took part, assisted by several mem
bers of the faculty.-received greet
ings on "the stage.: After that the
guests ascended to Miss Chamber
lin's class room, where light refresh
ments were served. In all there
were about 100 guests.
Miss Philbrick f had . two ; vocal
numbers on : the . programme. . In
the last she responded to a hearty
encore. She has a flexible and
well cultivated - voice. Of the
pupils, most of whom are beginners
in music, an maae very : creaitaDie
appearance, and several displayed
unusual merit.
The musical department is so
largely-attended, that ; Mr Mor
daunt Goodnpugh has been secured
to assist in the work. The depart
ment is especially : noted -J tor its
Holiday Goods.'
Watches f
Clocks - :
Jewelry T.
Silver Novelties
Occidental ; B1 dg.
" Did you know that Corvallis has one of the largest house
furnishing stores in the-valley ,Nif not jame in and look over
our stock and get prices.
Stove and Second Hand Department.
' J. D. Mann has charge of thfe stove and second hand de
partment. You can buy cooVstoves .at ; your own price,
from $2 up. .We carry all grades of stoves including the
famous Charter Oak Range. ; Heating stoves atT all prices.
We also have a good line of stove-furniture. " If you need any
thing in this lihe do not fail to call.. t -
Furniture Department.
D. M. Smith is manager of the furniture department,
and in this departmeht our stock is almost limitless. - We
have just received a large stock of Eastern oak extention and
center tables of the latest styles arid in all sizes, rockers of
all descriptions and prices. We have also a fine line of Mor
ris chairs, dining chairs, couches, bed lounges, pillows; in fact
anything in the way of furniture that is desired.- Wallpaper:
we do not claim to sell all the wall paper, Jbut when our last
spring stock of over 6000 rolls arrived, it looked like we were
"long" on paper. But we have been compelled since to make
additional orders in order to meet requirements.
Carpet Department.
' O. J. Blackledge, , the carpet man, will look after this
branch of our big three-room store, and keep a full line of all
floor coverings. We keep ingrain carpets at prices that en
able-all to have carpets. - Brussels andvVelvets we have or
dered of the park Mills of Philadelphia the " largest line of
wool carpets ever brought to Corvallis. Rugs: Don't fail to
look over our large If ne of rugs, linoleum and oil cloth, six
to twelve feet wide. Can cover your kitchen with one piece
of cloth. Matting Traveling men say we- are the leaders
in mattings. We have just ordered from Japan for next
springs trade the largest line of mattings to be shipped any
house this side of Portland. ' ' .'
At this store you can buy a Christmas - present that
will be a thing of beauty as well as infinite use. No present
is more appropriate. We are already -selling large quantities
of goods for the purpose,-to be delivered at Christmas time
or any other date desired. :
A Few More Bargains In Fating If Sold
- - , , SOOB. -
. No 151 8oo acres, I5O in cultivation,.,
50 acre in the bottom; 2 acres in cUver,
2 fair houses, 2 karna,- jjood family ,: or
chard, 3o0 acres epen land, i he balance
Umber and ppstnre, al! fenced, 50 head
calllo, 1 Hereford bull, 7 head horses.
15o kead sbp, all ewea, 100 bead bog
all the grain, 50 tons of liay,-ail farm im
pitman ts, 1 binder, 1 mower. 1 bay rake
and fork, 1 4-horee'wagon, 1 2-horae-'
wagen, 1 2 -seated hack, 1 gang plough
1 4-horse steel barrow,'-1 ' new ... Hooaier
seeder, i2 miles from a good . town, 4
ao ilea from railroad dpotk 2 miles fro no
li R aiding, this is a spendid bargain at
10,ooo. . : '
. No 151 fi3 acres, 200 in cultivation
a good residence,- T:. furnished, 2 barns
good orchard, balance pasture- and tim
ber, all fenced, creek runs through the
farm, 4o haad cattle, 180 head of sheep,, r
15 head hogs1 5 head horses, 2 wagons,,
chickens, 4 horse Larrow, 1 -" Beeder, So
tons May, harness, etc, - all goes for
$8,5aothU joins No 151V
-Noi32 100 acres, 40 in cultivatiotr,
fair bouse and barn, good fruit and
water. good timber and pasture, .- creek
runs thvough the farm, price $1500, 2
miles from town. U; ;,
- Seal Estate A ent. Philomath, Or.
isiasm manifest.
"'1.1 u : 4.:. it
- "V---' r- J unu
Jiven tma huge cost 13 under the
admlnhtrauon of a state printer of
. whom it is claimed that" he is un
usiiallv economical. -r.X;i. :
- TI16 unnecessary and wholly in
defensible expenditure of state
: money through this channel ia 60
- notorious that it has come to bs un-
-, derstood that one term in the place
L' makes the incumbent rich." The
have in prospect another engage
ment of the celebrated Schubert Sym
phony Club and Lady : Quartette Com
pany of Chicago and lit is expected that
they will be securec to givej one of their-j
deugnttui entertainments aoout Decem
ber 28th, This company giyes a pro
gramme of the greatest . variety consist
ing of lady quartettes, mandolin and
guitar club, String, violin and vocal so.
los and amusing readings, In the Schu
berta we get a musical programme that
is eniovable from first to last not a dull
leak is so excuseless and so costly classical affair but a, bright interesting
program 01 musics cnociest gems. : t
wanted. '
A good salesman for Organ factory, or
a young man .with good references. 3all
at Organ factory or address," ' T
' ; - R M Cramer, -
--U-;' . . " w Corvallis, Or.-
:- that a reform in the office was urg
ed in Governor Geer's . first mes
. sage to the legislature, Attempts
i have been made tocorrectthe abuse
but a mysterious and ever- present
i; influence at the capital has invar
r iably baffled every effort at reform.
The only cure for the ; disease is
, for the people to take it in hand.
It should be made an issue in next
.L.;. year's campaign It should be forced
a. into party - platforms in --language
. impossible to misunderstand or
evade, and the candidate should be
3 supported onthe issue regardlesB of
? party affiliations. -A chronic , sore
- requires heroic treatment.
; New art eqnares, ;
Ktlan & CallaliaB,
lounge covers at
: The ladies of the Congregational
ehurch will hold a Chaietmas sale of use
ful and fancy articleSj-at the residence of
Mrs John Burnett, Thursday -and Fri
day afternoon and; - evening, Dec 19 and
20th, Refreshments will be served,
Verus cures piles or 50 reward, Price
$2. ' For sale by Graham & Worth am.
Ask for booklets v,rtv-;'';':,;',-!.'.:- -S
- Bargains in cloaks, wraps, - jackets.
and tailor made snits this month, No-
las A CaHabaa, - ' 'j:
; See Milner & Wellsher's new racket
announcement. - v " 1.. .s-"7 '- '
All persons .having White - sewing ma
chines, can have Iheui repaired by noti
fying , . - -- ' 1 - - ' - -, .
-' Stewart & Sox Hardware Co, -
' 2 - - ... -' . - Albany, Ore.
For Sa!e.-
Good two-year old short horn bull
dress Spencer Bicknell, ' .
"Coi rallis. . " '
- " -1 ' - ' r. . . . ' '
' Schepps' prepared ' cocoanut . iq buljc
three pounds for 5o' ceutsat ZierolPs. r
"A new and fine line of souvenir dishes
and fine imported Swiss cheese at. Zier-
- - For Sale Cheap. ' . . ;
- Three horses, wagon, . harness -and
blacksmith outfit," Enquire vof W West-
fall near C & E depot, - v -irlf' 'r. s
m Do net Liv
to as high a standard as our desire would pro mot
;c ,,us. but see that you make no mistake ia
, the house that keeps the hig- "
" est standard of Grocer- - , V
; ies that is the . r -
: : "place to , -': ' - ' "' .
B. y ':- -. bu : :
Frcsb Fruits, Frcsb Uegetables;
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
x. ' run our delivery wagon and; our aim is
iy to keep what you want and to V -
.-- . ' V please. Call and see r ; ;
Timber Laud Act Jnoe 8 187S Notice
For Publication. V
TJifiTED States Land Office
Oregon 01ty.;Or., Oct 19, 1901,
Xotlw i hcretty pivea that in compllanr with
tlie pitiH loim 01 the act of congress ol JiineS,
His. etiti. !eu "An act - the sa!e ol timber
lsnd in V..F, st.ile r Callfornl, Oregon, Sera
da rni UjishiiiKtim Territoty." ta extended to
!I tlie Public ! hthI f-s bv. act of Anprii-t 4,
1-92, Simon F, y," ui ' PhUoinatb, county of
Benton, i.uu0i-(,.ii, Las this-dy iiled li
this office hia sworn tale nent Ko fi529 for tho
purcnaxe ot the W 2 N W 4 8 E4NW. 48W4NET
4 of sec-lion No 26 in iawnbblp No 125, range Nor "
1. W, and will otter proof to show that the land
ought ia more valuable for its timber or ttoue -than
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said innd before the Register
and Receiver of this ooe at Oregon City, Ore
gon on Wednesday the loth day ot- January
1902. ... - -
He names as witnesses : John Hyde of Philo
math, Oregon; Errnst Snyder of Philomath, Ore- '
gon; Charles Ortell of Palls City, 'Oregon
Charles Wilkinson of Falls Cl!y. Oregon,
- Any and all persons cluiminj; adversely the
above described Unds are reauettd tnl
-tBeir claims in this office on or before said IStb.
any or January iyo'..- .
Chas. B. Moored, .
Begin ter.'
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons con
cerned that the undersigned has been dulv ap
pointed administrator of - the es tH ro
of T, P. Waggoner, deceased, by the county
couit, ttate of Oregon. - All persons having '
claims againtt said estate of said T. P Waggon
er, deceased, are hereby ; tqulied to present ther
same, with the proper vouchers duly verified
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence
about one mile southeast of Dusty postorncer
Benton county, Oregon, or at the office of J2. E
Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon. . .
Dated, this 16th day of Kovember, 1901.
. . ,r , M 34, Waltz. - .
Administrator of the estate of T P Waggoner,
deceased. . .
For Sale.
3 or 4 thoroughbred ; Single ; Comb
Brown Leghorn cockrells. Reliable
strains - from . Quincy, : Illinois. - Price,
1.50 each. " "
Edna A llershner.
We are closing out all our mackintosh
es, at cost, Nolan & Callahan. '
Proposals (or Wood.
Notice Is hereby given that the clerk of school
dial rict No 9, Benton county, Oregon, will re
ceive sealed bids to furnish the said district
with wood for the coming year, towlt: 20 cords
of oak grub word, and 60 cords spilt body red
fir wood, old growth, or 60 cords of flr wood ,
second giowth; good quality, not less than four
feet in length, and not- less than tour Inches
nor more tnan eight lu thickness ot diameter,
to be delivered at bthe school buildin? in said
district on or before August-. ISrh, 1902. -The
Board reset ves the right to reject any or all
bids, and no bid will be received after tlx
O'clock, Dec, 23, 190". -
----I'., ,, .-- " W- - - cierk. i
5 Notice of Final Settlement. 7 "
Kotioe 1? herebv given that the nnder signed
adminlttrator of ;th estate of Mary B Smith
deceaaedMiai! med in tne - county Jourt ol tne
state of Oregon, for Benton county, his final
Recount for settlement ot all matters of - the
raid estate, and that thef th day of Jan nary.
1(02 at the hour ol l o ciooji p m or - suet aay,
has been fixed by naid .court as tha tira a for
hearing of objections to said roport and the
settlement thereof.; ': .'"?"'
:' ' Johm Smith, ri-
Administrator of the estate of Mary B Smith
, A full line of Heine's .pickled goods,
tkeir frA ruaDdkioB at Zistolf .
To secure a" Good Home, Splendid Stock
Ranch, or Perfect Summer Grazing Lands at
Nominal Prices.
The Coast Land and Livestock Oo, having
purchased 0 ,000 acres of the Corvallis and Yaquma Bay
wagon road lands, known as "The Coe Lands," have now
placed them on the. market. These are unimproved land ,
and are situated in Benton and Lincoln Counties, along,: th
liue of the Corvallis &-Eastern Rj-R. in the best grazing and
fruit raising section of "western' Oregon. - Perfect titles, easy
terms, prices $1 to p er acre; : M. M. DAVIS, Agt.,
Train leaves Corvallis for Portland and way
stations at 1:20 P. M,
Lv Portland
Lv Albany
Ar Ashland
" Sau Francisco.
.." 8 :30 A. H. 8:S0 P, M.
, 12:30 P, M. 11:35 a.. M.
12:o5 A.. M. 12:35 A. M.
....5:10 P.M. 5:01) A, M.
..... 7.45 p. K. 8:15 A. .
Ar OgdenH
" Denver
" Kansas City...
" Chicago
...... 4:55 A, M. 7:00 a.m.
9:30 a. M. 9:1S P. M.
7:21 A. M, 7:25 A. M.
...... 7.42 A.M. 8:30 P. M.
Ar Los Angeles....
' El Paso
Fort Worth
, City of Mexico.
,' Houston
" NawOrleans...
' Washington....
" New York
.. 2:00 P, M. 8:05 A.
.. 6.00P.M. 6:00 P.M.
.. 6:30 A..M. 6il0.M.
.11:30 A.M. 11:30 a. M.
. 7:00A.M. 7:00 A. M.
.. 6:30 P. M. 6.30 P. M.
.. 6:42 A. M. 6:;a. M.
..12:10 P.M. 12:10 P.M.
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Cha
la cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and
tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans
and Washington. -
Connecting at San Franclpco with the several
teamtbip lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
bllii pines, Central and South America.
J. E. FARMER Agent.-:
Corvallis, Oregon, or address B. B. Miuu
- J . A. ) i ) litre, Oregon
Try them
When you feel dull attar eating.
When yon have no appetite.
When you have a bad ta9te in the
mouth. .-
When your liver is torpid.
When your bowels are constipated
When you nave a headache. -When
you feel bilious. ..
They will improve your appetite.
cleanse and invigorate your atom-
ach and regulate your liver and -bowels.
For Sale bv Graham fe
Wells. y'-J-: :. sv ' V.
- Location. '"
If you go to any other location tbaa
ours, you won't una our iargeason.
ment of Xmaa fpreSents, . jewelry, toys,
etc, ' ; ' "v :;'-",-;-' v-:'-;
- " "" W A Saaders, "
XeaJing Jeweler,
: - To the PubVc. - ", "', ,. -y
Having retired from the Commission
tore, I desire to thank the public for V,
the patronage bestowed, and to solicit a r
continuation uf the same for my sue
cesser. -All persons indebted to me are -
requested to call and settle the same, ;v
v -(, - John Lengsr, :