The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 18, 1901, Image 1

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    -...V',f". - -
'off .-: rfh
rf TiJT-J1
"Editor pBoc-
t. : i J. i
.'rJ ifO fft f-.Ji
ii y hi ilj m wa . .. li Liu i li i- u s
I Uj-lv V-MtJ I"Wrff i II 5 d i I ? zsrii, tif'S III if J p Vv i J U J'HK if ti f II I ill t W I A-
-r 1 U s f f ? . 3 !-'( S. "t;'- . . I1 I f CI 9 1 S I u If ( "31 f & X V - I Xf I fr .A J if. 1 7 - 3 ,AW. ;j I1. Z. I r II I. ..ill": III III III II 1 " VV J. 1 .-...,.-.- .-r.,.. w -
? i
. OUJUXI, MI-.rMULI ,i &ai 3o &ii--.-irof t,ioioif.i orfj ilJirf Por.f.-inrt oft Mi" ' "
-777 :;u 5ft , i:U. -.U. tUiUOiS' " ;iJ."'li.MilllIilDX I-
-J .
i i. ' v
, it
i --;-.-:'. 11 Can Be'trmused1 ani interested ubv a,nhrr
-, -oiHspccting our. ..immense Jine oi non
' day tots and novelties, .
tr'-rf Cj ."U.- I-bad ,niiV.- " -
x Iff
wooden 1 'toys'-'i
iron -i I '
it - .
1 ;
U 7
ik - - ' .Iff:
9tf : - - -ill
:4i7'- Books, Dolls and bi line of Cellaloid' novelties." , iff '
''.r ' ' Call 'and Seo5"l d'
)a i ecu Fj'Xjj 8 oy; J oIfi if
1 Vitfi ioit ob-
: I
; Hv Harris; ; !
Great line Holiday Slippers, k va r
- '
U JLXKy UU till V
25 Per Cen
i--JardinieresrLamps, Cuspidors.,
.j . ; ;i r and ?Toilet; -Sets.
Frr'tid ;cif Djeg... 20: and,,,!!.
M. 21ER0L
i i, .
Cituvare! tinware!
r .
riiWe, have; bought trie Cor6ett7,
ing &
eftsonj stock of. tinware?-
sligritlyMamagty vter and snuke
?r.i .! t4o3 :
Icents on ibe Dollar
v,?! , Now, or;fb;)sklea:tA prices tha?
U wil 1; make y6uiftinkedid-rKreven
pay freights 1 hose opdsfl donjipnse ?
V ;. i - J-m -
ft ! t TT r J -
both usetul as vvel ! I as ornameiita !, " J'
H'a (Jonduct ' (Jnaractenzed by "Ya-f-cffJa'Sc&J't
ibiUVosweee aid lack
lO?3-0 3Tfif ft fl'jJ'J 3f J'" r
fWafeMfigtopiDeQ JSkTfae report
fiQf'th Schley cpyrj, pf. inquir, was
proujuiuaieu uy Beureiary ijong 10
:niB bO he riwatert tf e portsi ) Ad t
tDiral.BeBbm And,' A4miral , Ram-
..'" .'i ' '-1. '-S liS'-1 h ill ..-..'.t. -;
signfed bv Ad i6fral' Dew et-'ialao, -3
mttaFofifrqa-j 5AdpairaI iey
qoafees a separate report aithougt)
be'aerees1 with tnVQndings of fafite
subscribed 'to- by the others. , -;
The majority report coudeniDS
AiTmiral SchJey od 11 poiDtd, while
Admiral "Dewey sustains him in
moetJ places, viTne majority opinion
gada in brjefihat Admiral Scbleyf
ttu uju uave prpccKutrti .wnn ine ui
aiost i'dispateh to- Cienfaegos ' and
mate tained a r floss, bloQade: tht
lbs, should have endeavored to have
obtainedrlnforuaktioa of the Span
fsh Ib'erf;: that! he should? have? pr;
-ceeded to, .Santiagor with ' dispatch
that he should not ' have made the
retroga1 movement;that be should'
obeyed (v the .Departmpnt'sorder?;
that he should have endeavored to.
capture the'Spanish vessels 'in San
tiagoithat he did riot do his utmost'
to dstrpythOoloo j that: he caused sj
tne fquadron to lose distance in the
iqop tf theBrooklyp; hat he thera
by caused toe Tjxas to, back; that
he' did injustice 'toHodgson ;' that
hia conduct in ' (the: campaign:: was
characterized, by vacillation, dila
toriness, . and '' fack 'of enterprise1;
that bis official reportaon the coat1!
supply were misleading and ioac-1
battle was self-posseesed, and that
be ftiitatagfedra Kii 6n..per?an
his subordinate officers and men.
f T Admiral .Dewey, in his report,
says-tnac m passage 10 jieniuegos
was made with all dispatch; that
in view of his coal supply, the
blockade- of: Cienfuegos' was effect
ive; that,.'be (,allowed the Ad u la to
enter fCienfueg.os tp get information;
tliat hfs :passage !:to Santiago WA3
with:as much dispatch as possible,
keeping; the squadron together;
that the' blockade of Santiago was
effective and, finally, that- he was
the senior officer off Santiago,ip
absolute command, and entitled
the credit due for the glorious vic
tory whicht-resujted,, jn-tfae total
destruction5 "6f 'the Spanish sbi?.
. b or seven weeks the court heard
testimony, and for fully a month it
deliberated upon; the ,maea.of evi-
ence, nnaity reacning me conc;n-
sidtfs announced. J 1:s- 4 to
rThe! result) fvas a complete ijii-
Ijjrjse, .andit is probable that, no
propnecy nas approacnea tne truta.
Instead of one report there are twQ.
1 "5 i 'tllv,!;
p. Ui 1 j-iesdaV the omday ot Uecember wehqpened tbhe oubHc.f
L-and tevebn)dfSp4x-of .ubelOaf.gest. assortments dfr holiayf-
j-goods' -everbrought Corvallis .'We expect G4iristrriasl 901? Xq J
be Jhe; greatest eyes experienced at the bigtofe.7'- -s-1- iViN,.,..
: - , . . .. -1 ; .r!-,,..r -' lJr.-i ,-") V i-
i tfWJ-t.l - iltiiVi J I .- ... ii ..--v J. i, E ir"5.Il. a 5 5 ...rT .... I : . I-UJ ' ' ' ' 111 '
1, . This is a beautiful line'lnvebony'sterfing" ailverand1
' celluloid 50i", 7oc, 1 00 1 5o, 00, 2 60. 3, 4, 5." s
; Hand Mirrors, Faiicy Clocksv
deft that ar& ela-avs nsfiillnVR .Sa. V TMv'aftvwK
S5- Mirrors 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1 25, 2. -.v- " " -
Vhrsesl Cba'telane llacrs-
Will please the small as, wetl as large, bolls' 5c, ,10, ' 25 R
80, 75, 1, 1 50, to 5. ' Albums 5oCj to $5 00. ; '' x j
.Collars, Cliffs, GloVe.Boxcs '; J
- -r-
friend. 5oc. 70. 1 oo!f iVl 'o" 3 r ' J
Here is something always useful, purses, chatelane and
shopping bago 2-jc, 50o, 75c, 1, 1 25, -2 00.- - " . ; ,
llA'trs," Shawl s "Faciriatofs'
tr f-)-f"v-r i 4 a-4
We are shoinjr a-verv'slronsflia of the ahov .ffoocfji.
. Hd'kf's frorrt 5c to TTw. Shawl and facinators 5oe to i'50 -
: - SotneEhing to please the da$ea.-:W6rk, hose's 5oc 1 00
1 50, 2 00, 3, 4, 'tyruiraerv 107 25, So.5 r' ' ' '-r'u
Pi ct uresVS Q(?ovatcl Vh'i !
"j " .r.tTnTTrT)!
, Matteo. caroon oijps anof meaaiios ,25,9,0 pj50j
Ver pretty liuo'decprated ware at doruIhi prices.
4' . ' - .iJillliU'i i S-.f I.IV),, .'.J :V ,!
1. : : This jis. enlv; asmall portion :of our largejifi! Q?Tiftliday.igactdsfi"-'.-So';W ii vite'TOu'-
to Gill ni tiice a lop k at them.; r Auy.gooaSj purgnasediiiowwilLbe laid,awg.yrand4eTi
livered it utiv dale 'desired at " 5 1 t'. nj" i --'- ii "iA.,1:-).)
i M '7t ' !
i. r. . .., S ; : t ... . . ... ; . . 1 i ...
b'?i :
i 3
iiiti Hi!
-Si 7 '
lIiw f)
I 3, ll
Come before tEe best ls alftolvKX
lift .!(!:' i P, r;C c :' i f .
' See ' our one-cent-piece;,winiipw,e r 0 -1;
House Furnisliii-sy '77ri0
FQ'th afjBfsignedt by Gaorge Dewey
ifii nriail wri t: nrl hv So mnnl ( f?.
Lemly, a3 Judge'Advocate. l?bie
Ts .d.emeip.
all courts 6T inquiry, tlie signatures
of other members -not -being .neces
sary. .But it is explained that
Admiral Dewev sisned the second
press. HiijuauucauuLi ui.or;uiBeiit
from the views "expressed' by the
court, comprising besides himself
Admiral Benhatn and "Jiamsey, in
Jhe first repr 1 If. i ,
I Itis said 'a. the Jfafy Depart
tnen tfaa; there il ?jbe? snog further
ips,ocee(Jirig8 ip this; cfelerated case
oh" the ! "departoent's "initiative.
Secretary Long and Judge Advo
cate Lemly positively aeclfhe""tb
mation of the finding0 of the court
to Admiral Schley- He was seated
in the public reception rbbtn of a
hotel, chatting with friends and
several newspaper men, ""and evinc
ed nosigns of: nervousness over the
outcome; Vheri ..Jtne , conclusions
of Admiral Dewey was read to' him,
Admiral Schley . showed . his pleas
ure, and it was. evidtsnt from his
manner that he regarded the state
ment ! fr6na' Admiral- "Dewey as -a
vindication of-his' cause.i ' He de 1
clined to' make any statement con
itl)0...99r,t's,.Qdipg81( and,
exc'u8ipg,,hims.ejf, from, ihe.. Jjttle ,
company -which had gathered
abtfufe : b-irjQ, ,-we n t $.o .ibis . apar,( m en te,
where Mrs,, Schley had;. been .,anx-,
iousley awaiting to hear the couit',
decision. Later theoffieial copy
was brought to .tlie hotel by a mes
senger from the Navy Department.
From the (iszetie, Toewobinba, Aii'slraiik.l
f I find Chamberlain's (Cough Rem
edy is an excellent medicine. I
have Been-suffering 'some -'frbnr- a
severe' cdugh for the last two months,
and it has enected tu cur e. I have
great pleasure in recommending it.
V C. WocKXER.-. lhis is the opin
ion of one of our oldest and, most
respected residents,,, and ba,s.. been
voluntarily givtsij" in goed faith that
others may try the remedy and be
ber efitted,?; as, was jXri . Wbckner.
This remedy is soLd by Graham &
has not yet acted "upon them. It
re propabE:fttiat JSe. vtilt simply ap
pend hi8V8iguat'u're with" the word
jTfapproyed' q Jhe. whojfrr record.
i ne.couri useu recommenas no
lapse of ;im0ilI taaffTfolfS
inere was an air ; oi animation
ts?iBi&lj6aiaXQj)uldiog in
whtqh'! tla, 04itfcj- ho',ds r i.ts, secret
sesjnr. an it. fEpoa Fbecameeyw
deni ttlhe' epd of the'Cae yte
cloi'ete'd; ijh ' the''rmeto'bdr8'tof h"8
eo&rtrrttTost ef ; 'theiafterrioo'n, and
partmeqt,. he-, carried, 'the, reports J
Jrii hWl C' "'V 'J-' - f ,2?!; it'll
A representative of the ossocia-
ted Press conveyed the - first iinfor;
'i::... line X.: "':
eVeral Persona'RepoHid 'Killed 'and
S.iorol tr.inro(it 342 -VSI if,-.
;.5, :'"! Winter rf'.vsf: t,
'Ajwiht'er trip' to rioutriern;- Calif6rnia
aiidf Arizona' via the famous Shasta route
is ioue never to , be forgotteuj' : Renewed
aCquafntlince " with'-'this Sectiou .will. ev
er deve. Op' fresh -points of interest and
idded sources of enjoyment under its
sunny skies;' in-the variety of interests
and ve-
getions and among iis numberless re
sortsioiE' aiicatnlain,, shore, - valleyl. and
PWa ,,-1 .v..,-..., .t.f .vi.,,-.,,.,.,..
i Two trains 4eave;Portlanc- dailyp morn
ing and. evening fer,; Cay&rnia;,.' J These
trains are' equipped with.4 the. ;;; jtnost im-
provea pattern ot .stannara -r an tourist
sleepiriars'an'dthe low rates place the
trip in reach of all. "- J ' ' r r. .
For inustratedgttides" of California
wmterrbsoibi; ddressi.:-r "ia 'icjl Hot
H . vLQi Auwet? Portland. Qi .v
pRockVdrd, ilOe'fX fait'
carailrpad,eu'tboiid: from T Du
buqu'e for' Chiedgd, was wrecked
about 1 o'clock thia ni6!rtiing;'"near
PViltt;'ni:;he i 'first; siatibn.
feeveral tfersoii8 arev'aetiorted killed:
ji ii id 1 several' In jilted: It; i ie reported
iere that three of the eoichea' were
uurucu.., nit) wrevKeu eraiu is saiu
to have'coliide'd with a freight trairi
A relief train left Kbckfoi'd for "the
scene of the wreck at l:4o this
morning, -iv-if.-oi!. .rrrov.-j'nl V.'
i i -Informatioh teceived rat 4 iA M,
from' the scene '-of tie wreck;is" that
at'.least .1 3 persons; I'ost. their li ves' in
the, wreck, and jthat the, bodies were
buroedj; notraceof, them, being left.
Bolb trains were consumed 'by the
flame8i't!"!'":! - ,.rJw'.'0 -vl r lo'
j The. fire was catfsed ' by",- the! ex
plosion ofsa9...pU'''tan'kKinallreigbt
train. 'Everyone) of thea six. pasr-
senger coaehes :was buried, include ;
ing the "dirinerJL'andthe ' sleepers?
The passenger U,aipt.wa8 an Omaha-
Chicago train, and was running at
hisfb speed,1 being'hree' hours1' be-
Jh i ad time. : .Scarcely1 a v person ': 'e '
caped without tnore"' or Mess 1 severe
bruises orxut8.;'
I When the crash came the smok
ing car piled upon -the express and
baggage car in Irpni ogit,.;and ;the
latter car was ;throw upon itihe-- en-;
gice, whicb blew- up. The; explo
sion of the tank; cut.: scattered. i.ali
over, the, whole wreck,.,).. rrt--.-.-i!' vi:
ii Only, threejor four personsjin th
smoking car escaped, loe . surviv
ors, made herpio .efforts , to rescue
the inureu who .were n? nrjsqned .
in the wreckt but the' flames drove ,
them back at every point. The hiss
ing.of the escaping steam; from-t the
engme, and i ne roar, . ot t t,ne ., names ,
drowned the cries of ttyiperjgbjng.
victims of the wreck. ' AVith tlie
u -) -.i r.l ' Ui i , iJ -i J'l '.'! -'il'tin
mercery tanding af o, degrees hei
low zero,' the suffering' of" those
who escaped from the wreck was'
intense.-1 ' :.-i;M ct ; v:-,? .- 1, a.
! Many of those who were ia the
sleepers werei. but 'scantily 'clad.5
The, wounded who escaped were
placed "on bunks in a way" car, that
was detached from the train before
it.caugh fire;ftndrianr engine ,tbatj
came from the east, took ,the car , to.
Irene a" small station three miles
east? ' Tbetf if ' waV brought back J
to the wreck?and tbe ifijnred transr- -ferred
;to the relief, train sett fromo
Rockford,j ; Hotd .buses, jambulan-
ces, etc, were'u8eo here.5.t9 convey
the injured. to hospitals." " ' "
' ' No one! knows Whereflie f espona-
ibilityl for the disaster" lies,'! as tbe :
trairi jarderftj were j burned,- . The ; '
ira,io8f.came togetbsr at full speed, :
and.ii is said that neither' put on
the airbrakes.1 ' One' freight car wm'1
thrown'-iuto a field; clear of the riarftt- "
.of way.:V j 'j:''.;;: v l-SA'f 'l:V?
3:f. ; :- , ).: -jj6,3 Ui'A
:i TiJ.h i ; ; - c lv licitZzt-inlicbif
, Wanted.
Ctyes, biltter, egg8,'b5i!S- chickens,
turkeys, geese and -produce of all . sort," "
;IIigliest cash. prices faid, at .the, Corval-
lis Commission .gtore, r
' E J iann,' Proprietor;
i - ) 1 1
CorYallis & Easterfi 'R Co-
-251 ?a
Ciitie 0ard;
a? IPor Vantirtia: ,
Tram 'leaves Albany i. j. S ra:5&)pj vet -
" arrives Yaquina . ....... 6:4"; p. m
, t Returning ai! :i ' ' 1
-leaves rYaqulna,,,. ,.:., ti:ooa. m (
Leaves Corvallis. ; iz:3q a. m .
j ' Arrives Albany." '. J.1, i. ''i'.lS P- ' f
3 For Detroit:) ' V- t '" ' J i
lieavep Albany.,,.t,.,,r.,,.7;oo.a,m.'i
; Arrives.Detroit.....'.........'.12:,i5 pi m"
4 j-rbtff Detroit:' !t'! " ' " J H
i Leaves .Detroit .i;i..i.4f;,, j;2s p. m ,
Arrives Albany, 5:40 p. m
j Trains f 'and"4'arrrve "in Albany in time
to-connect with S P' south' ' bourid -traini i
as well as giving two or. three hours in
Albany before departure, of SrP north
bound train for Portland,' ' .-;. I jiu; , 1
! iTrain 7 connects with the S P west side -train
at Corvallis Crossing .for Imlepend- T
ence, McMiutjvUlear:d all' points-north
to Portland, r -i
I .J,- ' EDW"tN STONB;
fl. H. CronSse - - ; xusjiU3iUUiagat'i.
i Agent Corvallis.