Corvallis Times. BY B. F. IRVINE. - Official Paper of Benton ConntT) One Year....................... $2 00 Six Months ... ;', 100 Three Months 5 Single Copies 05 CORVAIXIS, OBEGOIT FEB 13, 1901 WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. In general, people ere not out of Innnor with Mrs Carrie Nation, the "Kansas saloon smasher. The rea son for it is that saloons have no legal standing under the laws of Kansas. Prohibition is the, law of the land there, and every saloon that exists is in open defiance of the prohibition law. It is because of this, that when Mrs Nation sal lies out with her hatchet and smash es the windows and fixtures of a saloon, that she invariably escapes punishment. ' The same thing at tempted in Oregon would result in arrestand fine or imprisonment, because here, saloons are licensed, the community accepting the li cense fee as a consideration for the privilege of selling liquor , and there by becoming a silent partner in the business. ' Mr Nation's acts appear to be awa"kening a sentiment for enfor cement of, law in -various towns in Kansas. The flood of sunlight thrown upon conditions in the state by the notoriety achieved by Mrs Nation has drawn attention to the fact that in almost every city, town and hamlet the law has been linked at by officials, has been de fied by liquor dealers, and has been ignored by public sentiment, a con dition of shameless subversion of a sacred statute, that the people, for the sake of the good name of their commonwealth, shrink from having advertised to the rest of the world. Accordingly, in one large town the people have driven out the saloons, Torjeka has served no tice on all joints to get out, and the attorney general of . the state has appointed famous counsel to assist in future: enforcement of the pro hibition law. : - - .; WHA T CO-OPERA TJON MEANS. The free ferry proposition is too trivial a matter of expense for there to be seriuus disagreement among citizens of Benton county. . Its whole cost for a year would amount to but 33 cents J tax on $1,000 worth of taxable property, should the county bear the whole expense, and to but 1 6 cents should the County pay but half . the expense; In the latter it would be but one dol lar of cost to the man whose tax able property iwas valued at $6000 for assessment purposes. .The mat ter is entirely too trivial for men to become excited over. The fact of the matter is that each section of . Benton county should desire the advancement and "strengthening of every other sect ion within the county limits. Cor vallis should be anxious for the development of; Alsea, Monroe should be anxious to see Soap v Creek develop; andjvice versa. Were Corvallis twice as populous and twice as wealthy a cityv she would ' pay double the amount of taxes, and the taxes to be paid by other sections of the county would be correspondingly reduced. The same is true of every locality. What helps one, helps all. A system of v-rnprtion and mutual assistance in road building and improvement is the correct rule of action. . ; Sect- . ions should not be divided up in hostile camps, warring each against the other. : Only paralysis and de- . lapidation result from that course. In all these matters there is always middle ground on which there can be unity of purpose with happy and profitable results for the ulti mate outcome. . ;, , For Sale Stock of fine stationery, gold pens, pencils, tablets, memorandums, tissue paper and other novelties, at bankrupt prices: for the next thirty ..days. . " Oliver Blackledge, ; ' At Mann's Furniture store... This,is a bargain week at Kline's, the White House. " - ( - STILL ODER' ADVISEMENT. The Free Ferry Proposition Citizens - in Court What They Said. The question of a free ; ferry across , the. Willamette at. Corvallis was Ifeely argued at last week's ses sion of the county court.. A, dele gation of Corvallis citizens attended the session and urged the establish ment of such a ferry, the expense to be borne by the county. - Several arguments in favor of the plan were advanced. It was cited that the four Corvallis precincts pay nearly one-half the taxes of the county; that Corvallis proper, pays more than one-third of such taxes. A large part of this tax money is spent in maintenance of bridges and roads in various parts of the county, some of which are : of no possible direct advantage to Cor vallis, but for their construction and repair Corvallis people must pay one-third, and the four Corval lis precincts nearly one-half. Cor vallis taxpayers in addition to this have at their own expense to main tain streets at a cost of one to two mills tax each year. Though pay ing one-third on the' entire cost of roads and bridges, Corvallis re ceives nothing whatever from , the county on the same account, and it was claimed that the asking of $800 a year from the county for mainte nance of a free ferry was a very small bounty to ask. Various other points were presented, bear ing on the same subject. ' At . the conclusion, the court took the mat ter under advisement, finally con tinuing1 the ferry project until the March term. A - lengthy petition of heavy taxpayers is - behind the movement for the ferry. It is understood that in the count ry there is some opposition to the plan. ' HOW IT WAS KILLED The Votejon the Eastern Oregon In dustrial School. -The,Capital Journal gives an ac count of the fight over the Eastern Oregon Industrial school bill, de feated in the house last Friday. It says in part: The bill was cham pioned by Messrs McAlister, Dress er and Mattoon. all of whom made eloquent appeals for the success of the bilJ.. Mr uoiyig oi jacKson, op posed the bill in a set speech, urg ing that tne scnooi was not requireu. Speaker Reeder, having called Representative Butt to the cnair, addressed the House in favor of the bill, urging its passage. He made an eloquent plea, but it ,as useless, the bill going down to aeieat, lacis ine onlv three votes of a majority The opposition to the bill was tne best organized ot any case yet seen durine the present session. : The vote by whicn tne Din was - ... .. .... defeated was as follows: Yeas Barrett, i Black, Bnggs, Carter, Dresser, Geer, Grace, Bei ges, Cirlr, Mattoon, McAfister, Mc Craken, McGreer, Miller, , Noting ham, Orton, Poorman, Reavis, Robert8,Schumann, Shipley, Smith of 5 Multnomah, Story, Stewart. Thompson of Multnomah, .Watson, Mr Speaker 28. V,;. -J - ' . V Nays Allen, Bernard, Butt, Col vig, Eddy, Edson, Emmett, Hahn, Harrie, Hartman, Hawkins, Hume, Holcomb, Ingram, Kruse, Lamson, Merrill, Mantague, Nichols, Pearce, Rice, Smith of Marion, Talbett, Vincent, Whitney 26. . .. Absent Cattanacb, Driscoll, Heitkemper. Hemenway, : Keene, McQueen 6. Market Report. PORTLAND. r Wheat, valley, nominal. Oats, 42 to 43 c per bushel. Flour, $2.75 to $3.40 per bbl. Potatoes, 40 to 50c per sack. Eggs, Oregon, to per doz. Butter, 20to 27c per roll. Creamery, 50c per roll. . CORVALLIS. Wheat, 50c per bushel. Oats, 38c per bushel. Flour,, 80c per sack'. Butter. 25c per pound. Creamery, 32c per pound. . Eggs, 20c per dozen. Hams, country, 12. Sides. 10. Chickens; mixed, $2.75 to $3. Lard, 10c per pound. doz v .; .. ' V Southern California. ; ' Notable among the pleasures afforded y the Sh asta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Re newed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest and added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in tho variety of its in dustries, in its orolific vegetation and among its numberless' resorts of mount ain, shore, vallev and plain. . - The two daily Shasta trains from Port- and to Uahtorma nave Deen , recently quipped with the most improved pat tern of standard and tourist sleeping cars but the low rates of fare will still contin ue in effect. - , Illustrated guides to the winter resort of California and Arizona may be had on application to , - ; A v ," C H Markam, G P A, Portland, Ore Corvallis & Eastern R R Co. Cime ard, 2 For Yaquina,: ' ' r; Train leaves Albany. .... .... i:45 P- m ; ,M-. Corvallis...... 1:50 p. m " arrives Yaquina '. 6:45 p. m 1 Returning: ; - ; '-' Leaves Yaquina . . 6:10 a. m. Leaves Corvallis. .. .11:30 a- m Arrives Albany . , 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: . ; ' Leaves Albany. .. 1. ....... . 7:00 a. m v Arrives Detroit;-.;..... 11:20 a. m 4 Returning: Leaves - Detroit 12:10 p. m ' Arrives Albany 545 P m One and two connect at Albany and Corvalli9 with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from New port ana adjacent oeacnes. . -. Trains for the mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam nver the same day. ,- Five and six connect at Albany with the Albany Local to and from Portland . ; Edwin Stonb, ' ' . Manager. H. L. Walden, - T. F. & P. A. : . H. H. Cronise, agent, Corvallis. Notice of Final Settlement. : Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator, ot the estate ot Elizabeth Gates deceased, has filed his final account, in said estate, in the county court of the state of Ore gon for Benton countv, sitting in probate, and Saturday, the 9th day of February, 1001, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the court house in Corvallis, Oregon, is tne time ana piaee nxeu by thecourt for Hearing oojecnons n nuy said final account and settlement thereof. Dated January 9, 1901. Levi Henkle, Administrator to . Hotice of Sheriff's 8ale. 'Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue Of an execution duly issued out of the Cir cuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Benton, under the seal of said court bearing date of January 24th, 1901, on a judgment in favor of J E Henkle and J A Henkle, partners, doing business under firm name of Henkle Brothers and against Charles Herron and Laura Herron, for the sum of One Hundred Ten and 54-100 dollars $110.51 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent uer annum, from the 9th day of January, 1892, and the further sum of Ten and 10-100 dollars $10.10 costs and dis bursements, which judgment was rendered and docketed in said court on the 9th day of January 1S92, in a certain action wherein the said J K Henkle and J A Henkle, partners, doing busi ness under the firm name of Henkle Brothers, was plaintiffs and Charles Herron and Laura Herron were defendants, said execution tome directed and delivered, commanding me that out ol the personal property of the said defend ants Charles Herron and Laura Herron, and If sufficient cannot be found then out of the real property of said defendants I satisfy said sums of money. Now therefore in pursuance of the command of said execution, I have levied upon the following described real property of said de fendants, towit: South-east quarter of Section 82, in Township 11, South Bauge 6 West of Wil lamette Meridian, In Benton . county, Oregon, and on . ,. ,' . . . Saturday,the23rd. Day of Fedruary IgOj. At the hour of 2 o'clock p m, of said day " last aforesaid, at the court house door, in the city of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, all the right, title, and interest of the said Charles Herron jand Laura Henon in and to the said above desc ribed;premlses to sat isfy said judgment, execution, icosts and accru ing COStS. MP Buekett, . Sheriff of Benton county, Oregon. January 26th, 1901, ... : r Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, In the matter of the Estate of Francis T. Woodruff Deceased i Citation. ' It appearing to this court by the petition this day, presented and filed by Catherine P. Wood -ruff the adminiotratrix of the estate ot Francis T. Woodruff deceased, that it is necessary to sell the whole or some portion of the real estate of saididescendent to pay the debts of deseendent and the expenses ana cnarges ohuuiiui6u o.muii. It Is therefore ordered by this Court that all persons Interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the said County Court on the 8th day of March. 1901 at the-hour of 11 o'clock a. m: of said dayat the Court room of said Court at the Court hu in the city of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Uregon. xo snow cause wuy au uiua ouuuMi not be granted to said administratrix to sell so mnnh nf RAiri ppa.1 estate as shall be necessary. described as follows East of S. W. 14 Sec, 4. T 13. s. R. 6 West, in Benton county Oregon. And that a couv of this order be published four suc- oesive weeks in 'The Corvallis Times," a news paper printed and pubusnea lu saia uouuty. E. Woodwabd, Judge of Benton County Court. Dated February 4tn. 1901. Sheriffs Sale. 7 .. ' ' f - - - - r vaHx, in Tioreriv iHvnn that under and by virtue of a decree, execution and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of rireernn for Ren ton countv. bearing date of court on a decree and order of sale in favor of 1 iti.-iirn nor vxr.n. hii. 1 1 1 1 1 1,-r 1 11 1- w-ni dmu Tho nifniir Guthrie Investment Company and against Florence Mulkey for the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-three dollars and seventy cents ana interest thereon - -at the rate of eiKht. per cent per annum ' from aate 01 aiu aecree un til nald. and the further sum of $78.00 and ln- tnoat t.hnrpnn at the rate of ten per cent per annnm from date of said decree until paid, being amount paid for taxes, and also for the further sum of $250 00 attorneys fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at toi.iu wmen decree was duly enterea in saia court on tue sin day of November, 1900, and duly docketed on the 9th day of Novemberi 1900, in a suit wherein The Balfour Guthrie Investment Company, was pialntia, and Florence muiney lorence jmusey aS OACJUUl l& v. the last will and testament of A. G. Mulkey de nonri- Rladvs Winnifred Mulkey. Laura N. Hill and Warren Hill her husband, Dora Alice Fatton and John Patton her husband, Horace Grant Mulkey, Charles Homer Mulkey, Mary Etta Quigley and L. Quiglev, her husband, oreu Fred Mulkey, Walter Virgil Mulkey,-Annie L. Strong and Ji. strong, ner nusnanu, lizzie Er nestine Burdick and Burdick her husband, tint irfriff wAra defendants: aid decree, ex ec' ition and order of sale to me directed and de livered, commanding me as snerin 01 joenion county, state of Oregon, to sell in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, all of the following . described real propeity, to-wit: Commencing on the east boundary line of the donation land claim of James L Mulkey, it being claim No. 63. notifica tion No. 944, in Township eleven South, Bange five West of the Willamette Meridian, at a point fifty (50) Tods north of the south-east corner of said claim, andunniug thence north on said eaat boundary line one nunureu nuu uivj rods, thence westerly on a line parallel with the south boundary line of said claim one hundred and'sixtv T160 rods to the west boundary line of said claim thence South on said westboundary line one hundred and fifty 180 rods; thence easterly on a line parallel with the south bound ary line of said claim one hundred and sixty ri6oi rods to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and fifty 1160 acres, in Benton county, state of Oregon, together with aH and singular the tenements hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; and in obedience to the command of said decree execution and order of sale I have levied upon said real property above described and on Saturday the 16th day of February, 1901 at the hour of two o'clock p m I will sell at pub lic auction at the court house door J n the lty of Corvallis, In Benton oounty, state ot Oregon, to the highest bidder for United States gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title, estate and in terest of said defendants in and to said real property to satisfy the amount due said plaintiff on said decree, execution and order of sale, and costs and accruing costs, as in said decree, ex ecution and order of sale provided.. : i f Dated January 19, 1901. p , ' Sheriffof Benton county, Oregon. .0 Bean the 8ignatnx9 of . ilhe Kind You Haw Always Bougn, TO HOME SEEKERS. ", A Few More Bargains in Faims if Sold , Soon. So no 21 acres good house and barn looo apple trees, 3 and 4 years . old; 800 prnnes,fs years old, good water, one mile from post office and store, one-fourth mile from church, on main county road 6 miles from Philomath, a big bargain, at $800.'" . No ln160 acres, no improvements, good pasture and fine timber, creek runs through the place, 3 miles from Summit, cheap at $500. . . No 112 86 acres, 30 in cultivation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair house and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one half miles from Philomath, price $aooo; a good place for the money. No X13 A good 7-roomed house with one-half acre lot, fruit, good water, chick en houses and sheds, price $600; well ar ranged for poultry raising; this is a cheap little home, 10 minutes walk from Cor vallis postoffice. : " No 11440 acres, 11 acres in cultrvatf - c : 1. Knvn 1 . a! rVi1r-Vn TimiRP ion, iaii nuuat, uai u v...--. --- good water and ' some fruit, 7 head o $500; 4 miles from Philomath; this is a snap.. '.:.-' No 115 354 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, bottom land, the balance timber and pas ture, fair buildings, good fruit and wat er, creek runs through the farm, school house on one corner, on main county road, in Kings - Valley, price , $10 per acre; this would divide and make .two good farms. '- , ' ' . . . " - HENRY AMBLER, ' Real Estate Agent. Philomath, Or. B A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician $ Surgeon. Office: Room 14, Bank Building. Office , Hours f 10 to 12 a. m. , - . " 2 to 4 P- m. . Residence on corner 8th and College Streets Telephone at office and residence. .' - -COKVAIXIS OEF.GON BRYSON & WOODSON, , Attorney s-At-Law. -POSTOFFICE BUILblNG- E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE "Stenography and typewriting done. ; Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg Don't forget Nolan & Cal lahan's great reduction - sale. G. li. FARBA, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & OBSTETICIAN Residence in front or court house facing 3rd Bt. Office hours 8 to 9 a. ni. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 CORVALLIS OREGON H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor. 5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours 10to12a.n1 2 to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra ham & Wortham's Drug Store. : i lis - - - Oregon J. L. LEWIS, . OSTEOPATH - Graduate of Dr. A. T. Still's chool of Osteopathy. - - Notary Public. E. E. WIJLSON, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office In Zieriolf 's building. C. H. NEWTH, Physician'jand Surgeon PHILOMATH OREGON VIA'. SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. Sia,stsu ISovLte- Train leaves Corvallia lor Portland and -way . - stations at 1:30 P. M, . LvPorUand. 8:30 a. m. 7:00p.m. Ly Albany 12:30 P, M. 10:30 P. M. Ar Ashland......... ...12:83 P. M. 11:30 A. M. " Sacramento............. 5:00 P. . 4:35 A, M. 8an Franeisco...... T.5 P. M. 8:15 A, M. Ar Ogden ...... " Denver.;....... " Kansas City... " Chicago........ .. 6:45 A, 11.11:45 A. M. .. 9:00 a. M. 9:00 a. m. .. 7:25 A.M. 7:25 A.M. .. 7:45 A.M. 9:30 a. M. Ar Los Angeles...... " El Paso v- " Fort Worth. . ... " City of Mexico.... " Houston " New Orleans..... " Washington...... " Hew York..... ..... 1:20 P.M. ..... 6 .00 P. M. . 6:30 A. M. ..... 9 65 A.M.. ...... 4:00 A. M. ..... 6:25 P. M. 7:00 A. M, 6:00 P, M. 6:30 A. M. 9:55 A. M. 4 00 A. M. 6.25 P. M. 6 :2 A. M 6 42 A. M ..13.43 P.M. 12 43 P.M. Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains Chair oars Sacramento to Ogden and H too, and ffourisi cars to Chicago, bt Louis, new Or leans and Washington. , Tor tickets and intfcrmatlon regarding rate mapB, eto callonOompany'eagent, f 3. E. Farmer . - t . Corvallis Oregon v ' - or address C. H. Markham G. P. A Portland Oregon . ' , 1 r , o Bean the Signature of The Kind You Have Arrays Has Never Faffed t ' - Mr. C. S. Peaslee, the well-known druggist of Morgan City, La., is highly thought of in his neigh borhood because of his skill and care in filling pre scriptions. The best physicians in the place send their patients to his store whenever they can. Any thing which Mr. Peaslee may say can be depended upon absolutely. In a letter to W. H. Hooker & Co., New York City, proprietors of Acker's English Remedy, he says: " In all my many years' experi ence as a druggist,: I have never handled a medi cine of any nature that gave such complete satis faction as Acker's English Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles. I have sold hundreds of bottles, and have yet to learn of a single case where it failed to care, in croup, it acts with a cer tainty that is really'mar-velous.:- My wife does not take much stock in medi cine, but she has absolute faith in Acker's English Remedy, always having it. at her elbow in case the children are attacked by croup at night. It is a positively harmless rem edy, as I can personally tpstifv. I know of a little girl who accidentally drank & whole bottle. Sh was," of course, sick at her stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was in better health than ever before. I oan understand why Acker's English Rem- ' edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well.- While it heals the irritations of the mucous membrane, it also builds up the constitution and purifies th blood. I endorse it absolutely." .. ,.if Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in England, at 1 s. 2d. , as. 3d. , 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, . return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. - We authorize the above guarantee. W. B. HOOKER & CO., Iropnetors, Kew Yor. j Tor Sale by Jlllen lUcocHvard During ; we will offer IHore Genuine Ualues for their money than ever before as we must have room ( for our immense Spring Stock now on the road.... Olall Paper matting and Cinoleum (Uindow Shades andoilCIotb . Rugs and Art Squares , Tin and Graniteware. Come and see us we will save you money. Crade Causes a many and Uaried And to enumerate all we will not attempt. But we do claim that, our location be central and our class and quantity of goods handled are two incentives' of our increasing trade. A fair inspection of . ' ; A Frnits. carried by a first-class convince ycu that our to do your trading. ; We own our own delivery of goods to. any Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Buy Voiir Cumber Jit Cbe February our patrons our Crockery and Queens 1 Can Goods and everything grocery store will readily. New Store is a gooa piauo ;, -delivery wagons; prompt part of city guaranteed. Yours to Please, 6. B. Bornfng.