The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 27, 1900, Image 2

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Corvallis Times.
"Ncial Paper of Benton County,
. . . . . . . .... . - . $2 00
ffv. . 1 00
?-s. ..... . 50
fi.....77..... 5
OCT. 87, 1900
They are Law-
L'jonrt Docket.
oes a week
is m.
la on prom-
sclosures of
ryof money
two r for
three for per
and other cases.
inal cases is one in
lant has answered
charge against him in a higher
lhe Jjfet of litigants and
leir casesJs asfollows: -
siaieyj&rsus r Jv Jiapman ana
kiiing, lewd cohabitation. - .
state vs T K Chapman, bigamy.
Hate vs Henry Kubli, larceny.
State vs Francis Prior, burglary.
State vs R B Edwards, larceny
"from a dwelling.- Defendant died
in jail.
J S Cooper vs Wilson Bump and
W 0 Cross, action on piomissory
A B Hammond, vs W F Crosby,
action on promissory note,
Albany Iron Works vs H N Eley,
action to recover money,
H N Eley vs Agricultural college,
action on contract,
Benton County Flouring Mills
. Company vs G B Smith, action on
promissory note.
S E Lindner vs George Evans,
and Frances Evans, action to re
cover on goods, ware3 and merch'
andise sold. "
Maud Gaarv vs the Providence
Savings Life Assurance Society of
Hew York, action to collect insur
ance policy. -7
R H Hurley ys Isaac A Garrett,
action on promissory note;
. H F Fischejf vs "Walker Cline.
action for recovery on good?, ware3
and merchandise eold.
NelsJGLVheeler vs Helma and
uihompson, action on promis
sory note.
Sol King va D A Osburn and
John Osburn, action on promissory
note. .
John Stahlbdsch vsM P Burnett,
', sheriff, action for recovery of goods,
A. Bennett vs W E Allen and IN
. Allen, action on promissory note,
M. Porter vs E W Strong, action
to recover payment for legs.
William Fawver vs Joseph Beard
action jyr post ession 01 real , prop
erty. - . .
Wadham and Co. vs G ,W Good
. man et al, action on -promissory
note. - y: ;. ' .
D A Osburn vs Sam Sun, Sam
Jake et al, action to recover money
J A Bradly vs W A Gallatlly.
action on promissory note.
John Smith etal, vs D A Osburn
et al, action on promissory note.
Margaret Logsden vs J A Haw
kins et al, suit foreclosure of mort
'gage, -v '-: " ;r "
Alice Tallev vs L. Flinn, suit to
perfect title. - " v ; .' -L
N Edward.? vs Miles T Starr
and J Benson Starr, suit to locate
boundary line.
North American Trust Company
vs Tne Mutual Benefit Life Insur
ance Company, of New Jersey,
suit toperfect title ot real property.
R. Livingstone vs CM Davis,
Joeie E Davis and W A Sternitzky,
suit ot perfect title to real property.
The Balfour Guthrie Investment
Company vs Florence Mulkey, fore
closure of mortgage.
City of Philomath vs J W Ingle,
writ of review. , . -
Isabella Garland vs J R Kirk
patrick et al, foreclosure of mort
gage. ...
J H Gibson and Edith Gibson vs
Mary M. and Homer Gibson, suit
for partition of property. '
. O. Hecker vs Miles T Starr et al,
foreclosure of mortgage.
George E Allen vs Birdie Alien,
suit for divorce.
Isaac Porter vs Nellie Porter,
divorce. -' ,
- Mary Simpson vs John Paul
Simpson, divorce.
Lydia G Weber vs George Weber,
Nellie E Moore vs William J
Moore, divorce. -
Blanche M Adams vs Newton R
Adams, divorce.
" Wanted.
To exchauge a nice 5-acre" houe one
-and one-half miles northeast of Forest
Grove, for desirable residence in Cor
vallis Address . . .
, J H Spangler, ' !
Forest Grove, Ore.
Press I'oinment. -
Chicago Chronicle, Gold Demo
cratic: It is significant, of the
restored unity of: the democratic
party'that the enthusiasm which
has greeted Mr Bryan in the east is
if anything exceeded by the popular
demonstrations which have attend
ed David B. Hill's appearence in
the west.
It is quite evident that the demo
crats of the west are united in favor
of the ticket. - ' .
Whatever may have been the
casoin the past, Mr Hillno longei
enters the enemy's country" when
he comes, westward. He is in the
house of bis ifriends. who honor
and admire Lira.
The reception which was given
to Mr Hill at Springfield in this
?at& 5i undoftbtly the most en
thusiastic and'sigoi Scant ever wit
nessed at thetstate capital. The
demonstration at Shelby ville, Ind ,
was another tribute of which the
New York statesman has" the right
to be proud. V
New York World: In his speech
at the great meeting in Madison
Square Garden Tuesday Mr Bryan
showed conclusively that he is, as
The World said some weeks ago,"a
new Bryan' that he has "grown
and improved within the laft four
years," and is "moredignified, more
temperate, more respectful in every
way of the conservative opinion of
the country." .
Mr Bryan started with a chal
lenge to the business interests of
New York. "I am glad," he said,
" to defend our cause in thi3 great
centre of population, of industry
and ot wealth. ' ;:"'We are not op
posed," he declared, "to that wealth
that comes as the reward of honest
toil-and is enjoyed by those who
give to society something in return
for that which society Kestows upon
them." And he gave tbeassurance
that "no honest industry, no honest
occupation, no honest man , nred
fear the success of the democratic
The popular demonstration at
the various meetines and ia the
streets wa3 one of the greatest, if
not the greatest, ever seen. in New
York. And Mr Bryan was tonal
to it. . . -
W ill " q ,p ! ' i TIIiim"
JlH) til ejsqjiiJiiia pOS V IllKSW
- WSl -pinojii Xiijbuhmo I SO ''iMllWJ'l
mill -noo uni nd '3!q!iJ puo ob jeqwat
il l OI" M'IB 'n 'JMJaq Ijoj sejoq
: : ':nO ssouju'h
gS-f -nonnniq I
- . - ' - -Tnon m nun uinu I
' llfea. auuiooi poos v .1
1900-FaIl andWinteri90L
The Adler Raglan Overcoat
We show here
liienew RAGLAN
for FALL and
one of the
swellcst coats .
and as becoming
a garment as a .
man could wear.
made by a
concern famous
for this line.
If you're thinking
oi Duying a coat
this season, come
in and look at
Ynn'H Want rtni r-r
Tor Si te by
William Jennings Bryan
Adlai E. Stevenson
W. M. PIERCE, of Umatila.
DELL STUART, ot Multnomah
J. WHITAKER, of Benton.
E. KRONER, of Muknomah.
- Dressmaking.
I have again opened a dresemak
iog shop in Corvallis and am ready to
meet all old ' customers aa well as
new ones. During my absence In Cal
lfornla I have ; acquired ; many , new
ideas of which I shall be glad to give
my patrons full benefit; CuttlDg and
fitting a specialty. . A good fit guar
anteed. Shop at residence, first door
north of the James A Cauthorn resi
dence. ;
- Mrs M Glea60n.:
Bean the
The Kind You Have Always Bouglt
A Few More Bargains in Farms if
So'd Soon.
No. 2 ioo acres, 6o in cultivation, good
house, two tair barns, nne bottom land,
good fruit, well watered, on creek,
miles from Philomath, price I1500. This
is a good self-supporting home and well
worth the money. .-
No 1 13 acres, s in cultivation, balanee
timber and pasture: fine garden land on
this place; good log house; . miles from
Philomath; price S400 This would make
a good chicken ranch. - - - '.
No 5123 acres, 60 in cultivation; good
barn; fair house; price $ 1200; 7 miles
from Philomath; a good ranch for the
money. - V
No. 6 So acres, 10 acres in cultiva
iion; balance good pasture and timber,
good outrange, fair house, barn and oth
er buildings, good fruit and water. This
is a fine goat ranch, 6 miles from Philo
math. Price 5650.00 This is a snap.
No. 7 170 acres, 15 in cultivation, fair
house, barns, etc., good young orchard,
12 head cattle, 30 ton3 hay. This is a
good stock ranch and all goes for 1,600.
3 miles from Philomath.
No. 838 acres. 30 in cultivation, fair
buildings, good water and timber, price
500, also 40 acres, 30 acres in cultivation,
no buildings; these two farms ioin, 'A
miles from Philomath, crice 500. Would
makewo good little homes.
Xo. 9 100 acres, 60 in cultivation in
the bottom, balance pasture and fine tim
ber mostly oak, good barn,' small house,
well watered, 1 miles from Philomath,
price 2,500. This is a Xo. 1 farm.
I have also houses, lots and acreage in
Philomath, which is an exceptionally
good educational town and very healthy.
Come and see me or write lor particu
lars of above farms. -
Real Estate Agent, Philomath, Or.
Atliuiuisr ratoi's Notice.
otlee is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly acDointed dm":nis,tratrn. nf iho
1 ty court 01 the stite of Oregon, for Rpnton nmm.
1 ty. Ail persons having claims sgniust said es-
are requuea 10 present tname. dulv ver-
irea to me at my residence near Philomath in
; Benton county, Oregon, or at the law office of E.
Hoigate, in uorvaiiis. Oreiron, within - six
months from the date of the flrat niihliV'AMnn nt
Dutel tills iwtn day of September, 1900 '
. . Administrator.
Correct ;
.Wear the
S. C Kline
mj mmmiwm- mm-
mmm mm
- i u isiKk m ':
n 1
......:: .:. I 1 ' B : .
".-.. Never before in the history of the ClOtbitlCj business
in Corvallis has there been shown stch a large and complete
stock as we have bought this season.
Our shelves and counters are bending down with new
Fall and Winter goods fee 1Het1 Voting lUcn, Boy'S
and Cbildren
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishings, Rubber Goods,
Leggins. Sweaters, Blankets,
To strangers to our Clothing Department we wish
to say that we are doiDg great
broad guage way.
Our Styles are Right.
O-OOD a-oonDs.
Good eiotbing
Is what every man is
looking for. .He wants the
best for the money he has to
spend for it. Poor quality is
the dearest clothing one can
buy. .
There is nothing inferior
in our stock, and our prices
are no higher than you will
have to pay for inforior
goods at other places.
2 Crade Causes V.
many and Uaried
And to enumerate all we will . not attempt.
But we do claim that our location be central and
our class and quantity of goods bandied are two
incentives off our increasing tree i . .
A fair inspection of our Crockery and Queens
Ware, Candies,' Fruits, Can Goods and everything
carried by afirst-class grocery store will readily
convince you that our New Store is a good place
to do yourtrading. "
We own our own delivery wagons ; prompt
delivery of goods to. any part of city guaranteed.
,' Yours to Please, , v
Trunks, Grips, Telescopes etc
big Clothing business in a
. Our Prices are Right
- aVc V
' .'v' SummODS. "
In the Circuit court of the State ot Oregon tor
the countv of Benton.
E Livingstone, plaintiff, versus C M Davis,
Josie E Davis bis wife, and W A (Sternitzky de
fendants, To C it Davis. Josie E Davis his wife " and W
A Sterultzy, defendants above na-ned. .
In tlie name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed in the . above entitled court and
cause, on or before the last day of the tlme' pre
scrlbed in the order of publication hereof. The
order of publics Hon was made by JW Hamil
ton, judge of; said court, upon Septemter Htb;
19C0, and prescribes that this summons shall be
pnbliuhed once a week for six weeks ,and the
date of the first publication hereof Is September
!f2nd,1900. And if jou fail to answer the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complalur.
The relief demanded In the complaint is for a
decree reforming a certain deed of conveyance
made by you, said defendants to said plaintiiT
(which deed is recorded in the public records ol
Bexton county, Oregon, in Bcok 33, at page 534,
records of deeds of said county) so that the
same shall conform to the intention of the'par
ties thereto, and iestead of describing and con
veying the tract ot land therein described ana
said to coutuln 295.12-100 acres more or less the
same shall describe and convey the following
described parcel ofjand, situated in Benton
county, state of Oregon, towit: Beginning at
the north west corner of the donation land,
claim, Kot no 1712, claim no 45 in township ten
south ranee three west of the Willamette mer
idian, in Benton county, Oregon, thence northi
four degrees, six minutes ea6t , five and forty
eight hundredths chains to the Willamette
river, thence south, seventy nine degrees west,
one and forty five hundredths chains
u"-t ovum, ciguij lour uegrees west, twelve
and eighty hundredths chains, thence south
four degrees west, forty and ten hundredths
chains, thence east fourteen and forty-six hund
redths chains, thence south four degrees six mi
nutes west fifty three and seventy hundredths
chains, to the south west corner of said claim, no
45, thence south seventy six degrees, east, eigtb-
uiencnamg tnence norm lour degrees es
sixty nine and five hundredths chains more or
lees to a point due west of a point on lhe east
boundary line of said claim no 45 south three
degrees thirty miuutes west, twenty five and
twenty hundredths chains from the north east
corner thereof, thence east fifteen and eighty
six hundredths chains more or less to the east
line of said claim, thence north three degrees
und thirty minutes east twenty five and twenty
hundredths chains to the north east corner ot
said claim No 45 thence uotti eighty six de
grees thirty miuutes west, thirty three nnrt
eighty six hundredths chains to the place of be
ginning, contiiniug 295.12-100 acres more or
less, and decreeing, that by the above recited
deed you did couvey to plaintiff the real
property mortgaged by you to the Northern
Counties Investment Trust limited. hv mnnmima
recorded in the public records of Benton coun- "
ty, in Book M of mortgages at page 348, and
forever excluding you and each of you from
any interest In said.real property, and for such
other farther and different relief as mav be
meet in equity, and for his costs ami dishnrsn.
niei.t8 he: em.
William M Geeoorv
Hewitt k Sox, Att'ysv
for Plaintiif-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Beutou county.
The Balfour Guthrie Investment Company.
Florence Mulkey; Florence Mulkey as execu
trix of the last will and testament of A G Mul
key .'deceased : Gladys Winnifred Mulkey; Lau
ra X. Eil) and Warieu Hill, her husband; Dora,
Alice Paiton and John Patton, her husband:
Horace Grant Mulkey; Charles Homer Mul--key;
Mary ttta Qtiigley and L. Quiglev. her
husband; Oren ired Mulkey; Walter Virgil
Mulkey, Annie L. Strong andE, Strong, her
husband; Lizzie Ernestine Burdlck and
. Burdick, her hu?band; and Sol King, defend
ants. To Laura X. Hill and Warren Hill, her hus
band; Dora Alice Patton and John Patton, her
husband; Horace Grant Mulkey; Mary Etta
Quieley and L. Quigley, her husband : Annie L.
Strong and E. Strong, her husband; Lizzie Ern
estine Burdlck and Burdlck, her hus
band, the above named defendants:
In the name ot the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby summoned and required
to appear and answer the complaint of the
plaintlrt in the above entitled suit now cn fiie
with the clerk of the above entitled curt, on, or
before the lastday of the time prescribed in the
order for publication of this summons, made by
nie cuuuty juuge 01 pcuiuu county, aiate O! ure-
gon (being the couu y where the above entitled
suit is pending in th circuit court of said cm un
tyand stite;, which said order Is hereinafter rs- 1
ferred to, to-wit: 011 or before six weeks troin the
day of first publication hereof, and you are hereby :
notified that if you fail-so to appear and answer
the said complaint s herein required, forwent
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the abve en- -titled
court lor the relief demanded in its said j
complaint, namely: for a decree of the afcove-
entitled rouit foreclosing the mortgage men-
tioi.ea ano; nescrioea 111 piainttrr s said com-
plaint, and for the appointment of a receiver to
collect the rents and profits arising out of said
premises described in pluiuilfl's said complaint
and hereinalter Uesciioed, during the pendency
of this foreclosure and until the right of redemp-
tion expires, and that such rents and procts be
applied in payment pro tanto of the amount. -due
under said mortgage. That .plaintiff have
ence Mulkey inuividually and from Florence-
Mulkey as exeeuti ix of the will of A. G. Mulkey,
deceased, the sum ot four thousand dollars ami
the interest thereor at 8 per cent, per annum,
from January 1, i;k,0, until paid; also the sum
ot ?6.M0 puia tor taxes ana interest tnereou at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum fiom July
18, 1900, until paid: also the sum of $400 attor
ney Ice, all in gold coin of the United States, to- "
gether with the costs and disbursements of this- .
suit. That plaintiff be decreed to have the first
lien tor the lull amount of Its claims in said .
complaint mentioned, on the sa:d real propei ty " -desciibed
in the eaid mortgage set out in plain
tiff's said complaint, and particularly described (
as follows, to-wit : Commencing on the east (
boundary line of the donation land claim of
James L. Mulkey, it being claim o. 63, totiiica
tion No. 944, in township eleven south, range
five west of the Willamette meiidlan, at a point ;
60 rods north of the southeast corner of said
claim, and running thence north on said east
boundaiy line 150 rods; thence westerly on a
line parallel with the south boundary line
of said claim ICOrods to the west;boundary Hue 1
of said claim; thence soutn on said west boun
darv line 150 roda: thence easterly on aline par
allel with the south boundary line of uaid claim r
reo rods to the place of beginning, containing
gether with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wie appertaining; that the .
said mortgage sot out in plaintiffs said com-
plaint, fiom G. Mulkey and Florence Mulkey
to BobertBallour, Bobert Brodie Forman and .?
Alexunder Guthrie and assigned to plaintiff be
foreclosed, and the real piopeny therein and
above described, be sold for goldcoluof the U- ;
nited States, and out of the proceeds of such
-ale there be paid firstthe costs of this suit and
f the sale, then the amount due plaintiff, iu- ?.
1 luding the attorney fee, and the remainder, if the defendants as their iuterests may
appear. If the proceeds ol the sale do not satis- t
ry in full the claims of the plalutiffiri said com- -piaint
mentioned, that execution for the le
malnderissue against Florence Jiulkey, Individ- -nally.
and that ald Florence Mulkey as execu- .
i trix of the wili of A. ' G. Mulkey, deceased, pay 1
ouc h remainder iu que course cu auuuuiMrn
. .iL'nhit the est-teot A. G. Mul-
kev deceased: th.-.t all the deft ndants be forev
er barred of all right, title and Interest in and
to said real property in pl. intiH's complaint,
aid mortgage and herein above described, and
01 all equity oi redemption therein, except tne
statutory right ot redemption; and for such fur
ther and diiierent relief as may be proper in the
plTbis summons is published in The Cobvallis
Times once a week, ror six successive aim e-ou-Lecriunlng
with the Issue of
September 22. 1900, and ending uith the issue of l:
Novembers, 1910, under and in puisuauce ot !
,h.n!ififnT)ti cmrained ill an order made bv I
the Hon. E. Woodward, county Judge of Benton
county. Oregon, (being the county where the
aboe entitled suit is pending in the afcove en-,
titled circuit court), dated September 20, 1900.
Date of the first publication heieof is Sepiein
ber 22,1900, ... , .... ... EWlLS0Nj
- Attorney for Plalutltr.
In the matter of the estate
J R Btyscu, deceased ) .
Notice is nereuy gieii . , ,,, i
and E E Wilson as executors of the last will and
testament of J K rsiysou, ucuocu, -
our final account as such executors with 1 he
Clerk 01 the county court of Benton county,
Stateof thrt said Court has fixed
Saturday, the 10th dy of November, 19C0 at
the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon as the
time and the county court room in the court
haute 1 Corvallis, Oreson, as the place - for
hearitiK any and alt objections to said final ac-,
count, !ind for settlement thereof. Dated Oct. .
ober 13,10. MM D ims & E E Wilson,
Execntois of the Last Will and Testament of
J H Bryson, deceased.