fr "(I'' jjj' jJ ' (fl"''' ' '''' ' '''' XIII. No COR V ALLiIS , OREGON, OCTOBER 27. 1900. 30. , r' fc? TT il as - h 8n ralGn falls! EE m 3N Cranston Goes On To see what this means visit our store and' note the immense line of Gents furnishings received this "week com prising . - " Big line of Clothing 1 . Big line of -Under wear , Big line of Shirts - Big line of Hats and Caps Big line of Mackintoshes Greatest line Mens and Boys shoes to be found in the city 8 Are' invited especially to eall and see;-our line jof uni forms and hats just received. ' These goods we now have in stock or will make from special measurement-fit and quality guaranteed . Prices the lowest. ... Come and see us - -:.-,. m arris as m m m smm simmmmsiiM REVOLUTION ON THAT IS WHAT A REPUBLICAN DRU1IMER SATS ABOUT IT. Says Workman in the Middle West .,-Are -Almost Solidly for Bryan II " linois Certain to Go for Him, an1 Richmond. Vi., Cct. 20 A Washington uNpa'.ch to he . Rich tnond Dispitch -siva Mr. M J. Lun on, a representuivi of one of tha large t gas ni e'e 't io fixture cmpanie in - the U iited " Sutas,' -whose territ ry extends northof Tor ronto, south t Ri h uo id, an l wes to Chicago, is fi -in in th hs'i-?f th it the dem ioriti : p ir. w ll c irry the presidential elo:li in Noimber.: Mr. Larnpson dvlire" n t simie h i renoh'd hia m.ijorit' he has voted nothing but the rep ibli an fcket, but he cannot stomach the policies or record of McKinley's adminis tration, and this vear will suDnort Br.vaa and do everything he can to -leit him. This intelligent travel ing stiesmin has been 'on the road' for many yearn, and has a large ac quaintance with dealers in the .goals he sells, and in all sections of ' tne Middle West he finds a strong sentiment in oyor of democracy among men who have always been republicans. - - He pre licts that. Bryan will car ry Chicajo by a majority that will astonish tha ooun ry. In one large wbole-ale hju-?e, which trala with the firm he represents1, he tok a' poll of the salesmen employed, and ouv of ." thirty-Uv-j m m tvv.-jntyrix a inonnced their purDW to v te for Bryan, V three - were noioo nmitt&.l Rod-three said fhey would supports "M Kiniey. . He also - ac?rtaine t that of the thirty-two men only eight of them voted for Bryan in 1896 and the others cast their bal lots for McKinley. He talked to these men, who, like himself, are traveling salesmen,' as to the feeling in the respective, territories, and they said that unquestionably the drift was strongly to Bryan among their, customers and many hundreds of former republicans would this year go into the ranks of the demo cratic party. One of these sales men, basing hia opinion on the ex pressions of the merchants and oth er citizens of the interior towns, predicted that Bryan would carry. Illinois by 100,000 majority. VIr. Lamson is inclined to believe these figures are a bit too high, but nev ertheless, that the state will go democratic. He then save: "After leaving. Chicago, I went to Peoriai And there found the same condition existing among mercan tile men as in the: metropolis of the state. Of course it may sound fool ish to talk of carrying Ohio, but it would not surprise me to see Mc Kinley beaten in hia own state. My business carries me a great deal among factories, and in three in stances in , Cleveland I made a poll of factory employes, and found that Bryan is 'the almost unanimous choice of the workingmen, a large number of whom supported Mr. McKinley in 1896. "Few people can appreciate the influence that 'Golden-Rule' Jones is going to throw to Bryan. He is a man of wonderful popularity, and nearly all of those- who supported him for governor last vear will fol low his lead at this election. The rural districts of Ohio can be de pended on to support Bryan, and with 'the working men following Jones in . the cities, I believe the state will surely swing into the dem ocratic column. "Coming to Washington from Pittsburg on Friday last I met Sen ator Wright, who is a republican member of the Pennsylvania legislature.- We opened a discussion of politics, and soon bad the car crowd ed with interesting listeners.' I sug gested to the senator that we take a poll of those present. The result showed that thirtyseven out of fifty-three intended to vote for Bryan. Of those thirty-jseven it waB learned that twentv-four had voted for Mc Kinley in 1896. "It has been ' ! my. experience in past elections that traveling men can come nearer to judging the pub. lie pulse than any other class of cit izens, and on the trains and in ho tel lobbies a majority of them tell me that Bryan is a 'cinch.' Nearly all of the commeicial travelers are betting on Bryan, and some of them are not over-particular ; as to odds." Wheeling, W. Va , Oct. 20 Jo seph L. Baury, of Fayette county, West Virginia, one of the republi can candidates for elector-at-large, has resigned and will vote the dem- ocratict ticket. Mr. Beury is Colon el on Governor Atkinson's staff and closely identified with the governor socially... About 15. months ago, Beury's son married the governor s daughter. Colonel Beurv is one of the big coari onerators in- this state and employs hundreds of men Culonel Beurv's resignation has thrown a damper on the republican campaign and the democratic lead ers claim it is a forerunner to vic tory. - Eli 1 - ...... "-- Owing to the short crops and theprospe city of ready cash we have decided to clo3e put ire cf , Ca dies, misses Sacked on tbe Dollar This includes the celebrated Palmer Jacket. There are none genuine except with, the letter "P" stamped on every garment. We especially ask the ladies to call and examine the style, quality and price of these garments. WITH AN AXE HOW A JEFFEBSOX YOUNG MAS BRAISED A SCHOOL GIRL. No other aid so great to the housewife, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised. There are imitation baking powders, sold cheap, by many grocers. . They are made from alum, a poison ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health. Hastings, Neb., Oct. 17. The Hast irig's Republican, which has been repub lican since its beginning in 1888, and is the daily of largest circulation in Ne braska, outside of Omaha and Lincoln, came out today for Bryan. . . -. ' The paper declares that Bryan stands "for the same fundamental principles for which Abraham Lincoln lived and died," scores ''the Ohio" crowd," denounces, Hannaism as a " conspiracy of corpora tions and McKinley for shedding of American blood in the Philippines-to crush a liberty-aspiring people, . , .. v.; Quincy, 111., Oct. 19. Captain Michael Piggott,- a life-long republican, and post master here under four republican presi dents, also serving as Indian laud agent under President Harrison ; in reply to a letter from John j. Healy of Chicago, chairman on '' political action of the re publican Veterans' Yates Club of Illinois, asking him to aid in the organization of an auxiliary club, 'saysln a letter: "For forty ' years our political work and sympathy have been in accord, but now I must say 'no' to your appeal. I colud Tiot follow Mr. McKinley after he turned from freedom to imperial meth ods, and then cabled an army commis sion to W:K. Brice syndicate concession in China, in order that republicanism might not disturb British colonies at the gates of India,- and to " furnish a base from which the Brice syndicate, organiz ed by and largely composed of Ohio pol iticians, might exploit the, Chinese em pire..; ';";....;. "I note what you say about democracy being the enemy of pensions, but . I am sure ho democrat could do more to de prive the'wards of: the nation of their dues under the law that has deen done by the present commissioner of pensions" A Monster Deyil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this murderous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brains There isno health until it's overcome. Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Beet in the world for stomach", Liver, Kidnevs and Bowels. Only 25 cents at Graham & Wells' drug store. - - . j,, . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM 8T NEW YORK. OASTORXAt Sean the ' yf ThB Kinl1 YOBHaWmys BlUgtt Signature of 'JA ThB Kind Yon Haw flways Dragged' Her into the Basement of the Publje School Building, and There Dealt the Awful Blow. Jefferson, Or., Oot. 23. The vic tim of a fiendish tragedy, which oc curred here at 10 o'clock this morn ing, is a 13-year-old school girl, Lu lu Jonee, who now lies at the point of death, from the effects of a brutal assault at the hands of an attempt ing murderer. Clyde Vaughn, who is ,- a boy of 20, accused of the crime, was the unrequited lover of the maiden, and the attempt of her life is supposed ;. to be the result of a fit of mad and passionate jealousy. The girl was lured to the basement of the public school building, : there struck on the head with the blunt edge of an axe, and left bleeding to die, She was found 30 minutes la ter, the town . aroused to a fever heat, and a posse of " citizens sent out to capture her dastardly assail ant.; This evening, ; at 8 o'clock, Vaughn was tat en by a farmer bne and one-half miles east of town, and placed in custody. The town is greatly aroused, and.there are grave fears of Ij nch law. About 9:30 ibis morning Clvde Vaughn, janitor of the public school building, came to the door of Prin cipal A.: Wiley's room and an nounced that some one" wished to see Miss Lulu Jones. She immedi ately rose and passed -out of ' the room. Not returning within fifteen minutes, Pi iocipal - Wiley and friends of the girl, who knew that trouble , existed between her and Vaughn, became alarmed. The Principal went to search for the voung girl. He fond her in the basement, sitting iu .an uprght po sition covered with blood, with a ghastly wound over her right tem ple. A blood-stained axe lay near by, where it had been dropped by the escaping assailant.- She was in a semi conscious state of mind, and could not answer questions, save in a rambling, unintelligable fashion; Principal Wiley hastily summoned a physician, and aid to convey the girl to a near by residence, and tel egraphed the sheriff. ' Dr. Hawk, of Jefferson, immediately summon ed Dr. Wallace, of Albany, and Dr. Byrd, of Salem, as assistants. The physicians entertain no hope of her recovery. ' A citizens posse was immediately organized, and Bent out in search of Vaughn, ' to . whom circumstances clearly point as the murderer. Sher iff Durbin arrived from Albany at 1 :30 and took charge of the Bearcb. No motive can be imagined for the crime, other jthan a fit of mad jealousy, aroused by the lover Vaughn cherished for the young girl. For sometime past he has tried to win her affections, which she did not in the least return. She lived with her mother one mile south of town, and was ab exceptionally bright girl and a general favorite. She was annoyed by Vaaghn's at tentions, and urged him . to "cfewt. Vaughn is the son of prominent, parents in this place. He .has al ways borne a good reputation, but was called "odd" and "eccentric" in his ways, and was retiring in dis position. After leaving the school- house, his father, Eli Vaughn, saya be went home and started down the Santiam River toward Buena Vis ta. - ' "'" Late last evening the young girl recovered consciousness "sufficiently to recognize those about her, but was unable to give an intelligent account of the circumstances lead ing up to the crimev Vaughn confessed the crime to hia mother. After going home from the echool house, be changed his clothes, confessed his terrible deed to his mother, took $100 of his personal savings, and left town, with 30 minutes head start of the posse. Theories as to the motive vary fro m the belief that it was a deliberate, premeditated act, to the view that it was the result of a sud den fit of jealous passion. The boy's love was sincere, and in no wise un manly, it is said, and was unrequited caused him to become " morose and ' melancholy. There were no other marks of violence than the wound on the head. Salem, Oct. 24. The Capital Journal says: " Sheriff Franis Durbin visited Vaughn in his cell at Jefferson and had a talk with him. The young fellow seemed to be in a stupor and paid no attention to the entrance of the officers, but when spoken to, an swered all. questions asked him, without hesitation. The first question Sheriff Durbin asked hitn was: "Are you th& young fellow who killed, or attempt ed to kill, the girl in the basement?" Vaughn answered simply "Yes," without looking up. In auswer to further questions, he said that he didn't know why he did it; that he was firing up the furnace when the thought struck him that he would call thegirldown there and beat her to death; that something jtist took hold of him and impelled him to do it; that the girl did not go into the basement willingly, but he forced her to go in, and then saw the axe and picking it up struck her;' one blow. ' He said he did" not' intend to kill her', and did not know wheth- in love with her or ever writing herr " Continued on page 4