Vol. XIILNo 23. CORVALiLJS, OREGON, JULY 28. 1900. B. F. IRVINE, EOITOM AND PROPftlETOR ;ijg5 - S II .1 The Place to Buy I - j : rJLL i ' : - ' :. aXL as . I 1 Dress Goods - m J Gents' Clothing p: 11 -n : : iwS II : All of our wool dress;-; goods composing the latest If ife p novelties. The greatest assortment of any house in the f J IS: III En Av; city. Nobby line Gents clothing. Bought at prices to de- ! X.i MM: pi '1 : fy competitors. To reduce these two lines a big dis- X 111 IS I count has been made. ' ife '.I-' 181 - Fill i.Q 1 J. H. Harris. 11 . J - . ' We carry greatest line Shoes. ; - . . . j ImkmM1 taljl1ij- IN POUTICS. JOHN CARLILE AND OTHERS OF. THE CLEVELAND CABINET FOR BRYAN. Desertion of HcKia ley by an Influen - tial Kepublicao-r Cbairman Dick Fears a Democratic House Other News. ' Chicago, July 25: Hearsts Chica go American says: The - belief is growing1 that the ". c 1 .1 .1 11 . meeting 01 goia democrats caned to -assemble at Indianapolis on July 25 will not be of much cons, quence politically. Judge J. D. Yeomans, of Iowa, a member of the. Inter state Commerce Commission, spent yesterday in unicaao, ana was d is posed to sneer at the Indanapolis meeting. Yomans was originally appointed a member of ilie vlnter State Commerce Commission by President Cleveland and with hfs chief, bolted Bryan and the Chicago platform in 1896. This year Judge Yeomans is sup porting Bryan, and predicts that tie will be elected. To a Chicago American reporter judge Yeomans said: " . Either Mr Cleveland nor any member of his last Cabinet is tak ing any stock in the meeting of gold democrats to be held at India apolis. . So far as I can learn no man of any importance is identify ing himself with the movement. My information is that formor Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle former Naval Secretary Herbct, and former Postmaster General Wilson have declared their intention to sup port Bryan. Former Secretary of State Olney did not bolt four years ago,' and he is not likely to bolt this year. tfii v .1.1, l i. i t Oti: ail is pruuauie iut o . oihrmig Morton is opposing Bryan more for personal than political reasons, and he is the ouly one of Cleveland's former political family, with the exception of Don Dickson of the first Cabinet, who is antagonizing .u- ,1 . . : : .. - .. a in. ucmuui auu uuiuiuccs ttl 1,1110 time. It is my impression tbat only those gold democrats who are will ing to permit Hanna to pay their expenses will attend the Indiana polis meeting. ' There have been only two Presi dents Lincoln and ' Grant re elected in more than sixty years, and I doubt very much if it is the intention of the people of the coun try to re-elect McKinley. - Bryan has grown and broadened percepti bly during the past fou years, and conservative people have not the fear of him now that they had in ment of Michael Collins of Peotone that he has renounced McKinleyism and will vote for William J. Bryan. Imperialism as represented by Mr McKinley, coupled with its re cognition of trusts, were the causes which decided, Mr Collins, a life long republican, to embracedemo cracy. His attitude will affect other wavering republicans, and is likely to make . Will county strongly demo cratic this fall. No man in the county wields a stronger political influennce. Joliet, 111., July 21. No political eveut of recent years in Will county has caused more consternation in the republican, party than theannounce- Columbus O. July 18 Chair man Dick, of the republican state executive committee, gave the Ohio republicans a chill today by an nouncing in'an interview that, in his opinion, Ohio properly belonged to the list of doubtful states. He ar rived in the city last night to se lect fceadquarters for the state cam paign and to set the preliminery work going. . "What do you think of the po litical situation in Ohio?'' wa the first question put ' io him. - "We have a fight on our hand;," was his quick response. ''It is my opinion that before the Kansas City convention, judging by the prelim inary skirmishing of the democrats that 16 to 1- would be relegated to the rear, and in that cas9 th-d fight ing of the national campaign would have centered in the Eastern and New England States. But they specifically indorsed freecoinage of at the old ratio, and in my opinion silver that transfers, the fight to the West. "To be specific, I should say'that the turning point will depend upon the result in Ohio, Indiana, Illin ois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Salina Kan July20 Necessity has made the Kansas farmer so energetic - and enterprising that lack of rain, dryness of Eoil and grasshoppers the bane of the ex istence of pioneer Kansas farmers- have no terrors for the farmer of 1900. " If a sufficiency of rain seem to guarantee good crops to the farmer of fifteen years ago, he still ran the risk of having his crop partially or completely destroyed by grass hoppers. It has remained for the fertile brain of a Salina - county farmer to devise thejfoliowing ef fectual methods of exterminating grasshoppers, viz: By raising a flock of 1,000 turkeys and renting them out at $25 per day. . The name of the -man who is the father of this new industry r is Mr Finch, one of, the farmers of prosperous Salina county. Mr Finch says the grasshoppers have been so numerous in his district this eum- oier as to do considerable damage to all crops. He, has a drove of 1, 000 young turkeys, and he soon dispovered - that his poultry was more than a match for the grass hoppers. . The turkeys destroyed the hoppers almost as fast as they could light on his premises and be fore they had time to work any dis truction. Presently Mr Finch's neighbors saw that his fields continued green and luxuriant, while others were bar ren in spots, and they investigated. When they found out about Finch's turkeys a few of the enterprising farmers began to negotiate for the uee of the flock. Finch proceeded on the theory that 100 turkeys were as valuable as a farm hand and ac cordingly fixed a rental of $2.50 per day for each 100 turkeys. The en tire flock is in demand, and Mr Finch derives a revenue of $25 a day on his investment. Philadelphia July 24 -In the be lief that an - open alliance . with Great Britian would bean excellent thing lor the Uuited States, a soci ety has been formed in Philadel phia, composed of many men" pow erful in the financial and political world. The first meeting of this organization, which is known as the Trans-Atlantic Society of America, was held about one week ago. The 'proceedings wtre kept secret, but tolaj' the plans of the orgoniz tions bsvame known tbroug appMcati iu tor a charter. In the application to the court the oVject of the cociety is stated to be "the bringing into closer relat ions the people of the United States and Great Britian by the strengthen ing of the political, commercial and social bonds 'which unite the two countries." .Thi$ is to be done by "tendering hospitality nd friendship toward British subjects who may be temporarily sojourning in Philadelphia, and by collecting preserving and diendnating in formation tending to educate public opiuion in this direction." Tlie Appetit9 of a Moat. Is envied by all whose stomach and liver are out of order. But such should know that Dr King's New Life Pills, give a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures per fect health and great energy. Only 25 c Graham & Wells, druggist. Sew Train Time. The new train service on the Corval lis & Eastern should prove very satis factory to the citizens of Corvallis. The train now leaves Corvaliis daily except Suoday at 6 am, and returning leaves Albany at 7:20 p id, arriving in Cor vallis at. 3:05. It connects both ways with the Portland Jocal at Albany, per mitting the round trip to be made in a day and giving six hours in Portland. An. Epidemic tf Diarrhoea. Mr A Sanders, writing from Cocoanut Grove, Fla., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and- was cured by four dos es of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he always recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever used. For sale by Graham & Wells. . - EMPEROR TO PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT TO EMPEROR. Their Correspondence Concerning Peace in China How the American .; Troops Suffered in Battle Belief Still that the Legations Hve Bee Massacred. ; Washington July 24. The fol lowing correspondence between the President of the United States and ihe Emperor of China was made public by the State Department today. "Translation of a cablegram re ceived by Minister Wu, July 20. 1900, from the Taotal of Shaughai, July 19, 1900: "Have received a telegram from Governor Yuan, of Bhang Tuug (dated 23d day of this moon July I9), who, having received : from the Privy Cocncil (at Pekin) a dis patch embodying an imperial letter fo the President of the United States, has instructed me to trans mit it to your Excellency. The imperial message is respectfully transmitted as follows: "The Emperor of China, to His Excellency, the President of the United StateE rGreeting: China has long maintainad friendly rela tions with the United States, and is deeply conscious that the object of the United States is international commerce. Neither country enter tains the least suspicion or distrust towards- the other. The lecent outbreak of mutual antipathy be tween the people and Christian missions caused the foreign powers 4o view with suspicion the imperial government toward the missions, with the result that the Taku forts were attacked and captured. Con sequently there has been clashing of forces with calamitious conse quences. The situation has become more and more serious and critical. We have just received a telegraphic memorial from our envoy, Wu Ting-fang and it is highly gratify ing to us to learn that the United States Government having in view - SPECIAL ; We are closing out our entire'stock of Ladies' Shirt Waists and Summer Skirts regardless of cost, and following is our price list for your inspection: ZEPrice -dist Shirt Waists. Summer Skirts. 50 Waist, now $ 39 $ 75 Crash Skirts, $ 42 75 " 58 1 00 " " 69 00 " " 73 1 25 " " 92 25 " 89 1 00 White " 69 50 " " 1 05 1 5o " " . 1 o9 Z9 " 2 5o " . r 165 This Sale is-for One Week Only. 5 IV 1 1 1 c ..AT the friendly relations between the two countries, has taken a deep interest in .the present situation. "Now, China driven by the irre sistable course of events, has un fortunately incurred well-nigh in dignation. For settling .the pres ent difficulty, China places spec ial reliance in the United States, We address this message to Your Excellency in all sincerity.and can didnees, with the hope that Your Excelleney will devise measures, and take the initative in bringing about a concert of the powers for repl? the restoration of ord The favor of a kind estlj7 requested and awai the greatest anxiety. "Kwang Hau, 2Hth year, moon, 23d day (July 1q) It is, therefore, my duty t transmit the above with the reque 1 1 . -v it' 11 r r.7 obedience of lmnerial wishes, wil lli ,t Ua enrol t CI, i)lr.U nation and favor me with a reply. 111 Lien Yuen, Taotai Continued on 4th 11 j tai . I IM Jd The absolutely pure AKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cele brated for its great leav ening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, bis cuit, bread, etc., health ful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. Alum baking powders are low priced, as alum costs but two cents a pound ; but alum is a corrosive poison and it venders the baking powder dangerous to use in food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.