The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 02, 1900, Image 3

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Wheat 40. -
Dr Lowe, the optician, leaves to
day noon. - . -
R M Davisson arrived Wednesday
."- evening from Salem. ,
Bricklayers completed their work
en the Zierolf building last night.
-Mrs. Henry Gerberhas returned
from -a visit with her daughter in Port
"Mrs Compton, of Roseburg, arriv
ed Thursday on a visit to her son,
James Flett.
" Misses Ollie Skipton and Mamie
Crawford drove up from Salem Wed
nesday and returned Thursday.
There will be the finest display of
roses ever seen in Corvallis at the op
era house, fune 7tb. ;
Rev M L Boozer will preach in
the Mount View school house Sunday
afternoon at halt past two.
Mrs W HMahoney mother of Mrs
Kittridge are guests of William Groves
and family. - They arrived Tuesday
from San Francisco. '
Mrs R C Miller who went east a
few weeks ago is taking a course in
the finishing departm nt of a lne
dressmaking establishment in Detroit
Michigan. -
Mr J A McFadden, of Corvallis
was recently appointed - warden in the
8tatea8ylum. Mr McFadden brings
a valuable experience with him having
served Jn that capacity for several
Rev M L Boozer will preach both
morning and evening at the United
Evangelical church on Suuday. . Sun
day school at 10 a m ; Christian En
deavor at 7 p m. A cordial invitation
to all.
Services at the Christian church
Dext Lord's day. Preaching at 11 a m.
In the evening beginning at 8 p m a
special . program in the interest of
'Children's day" will be given by the
Sunday school. All are welcome.
The entrance to the city jail is
now barred by a solid steel door which
takes the place of a grated affair that
formerly did duty. . The latter per
mitted piisoners tooonverae with peo
ple on the outside, The new one will
The census takers are in tee field.
They began work yesterday. They
must hand in their reports on July
1st. Sometime befose the end of the
month it is probable that the actual
population of the country will be
known. . .
The wedding of Dennis H Stovall
and Miss Odessa Reed is announced
to take place at the home of the bride
at Grants Pass, on the . 14th. - Tbe
couple will take up their residence in
Baker City, where the groom is engag
ed in newspaper work. Both parties
are well known in Corvallis, where
many friends join in congratulations
The eeDior retoricals closes next
Monday afternoon for the season. The
exercises have been magnificently at
tended this year, the college chapel
being crowded to overflowing. One
of the leading feaures of Monday af-
noon will be an original march compo
". eed especially for tbe O A C orches
tra who will render it on that oecasion.
The exercises at the chapel, which be
gins at 2.15 p m o'clock, at the chapel,
will be followed by a military skirmish
on the campus.AU invited.
; Athletic Rally. " " . :
A thousand years ago there was
a verypecular individual. He was
fun all to himself. Some said he
bad trouble with an ox. Be that
as it may. the 6ame creature was in
Corvallis about 11 o'clock last Wed
nesday night, when the unexpect
ed bsnfire attracted the attention
of the cit'zens of Corvallis. Every
body had contributed to . the . fuel
with the expectation of inspiring
one more yell for the college boys
who enter the intercollegiate con
test today, r There were faces aw
ry to be sure, but the next day for
ty young men with four strong
teams hauled in a half dozens mall
barns making apile forty feet high".
That night the opening salute with
the cannon called the great crowd
together at 8:30 to witness Mies
Constance Holland apply, the torch:
and as the great flames grew and
leaped into the air, the college
band rendered some military music
that mingled magnificently with
the inspiring roar of the pageant
that rose on the nightly air. Then
another cannon salute, which was
followed by other college yells quite
as deafening. So it continued for
aa hour till the flames died away.
When all went home as still as the
moon that was tipping the moun
tain to go to her rest.
C. H. Hazard, well known in
Benton county, is the candidate on
the democratic-people's ticket for
prosecuting attorney. In that
capacity he formerly served the dis
trict faithfully and well. He is a
sound lawyer of great expejfeiice.
He is a very forceful-and very fable
man. He resides in Cops county,
w fare he stands at, the head of th e
legal profession.- ' Judge Hazard
deserves, and is sure to receive, a
heavy vote in Benton. - .'
It Esds Toirglit Decks Cleared, for
Action Monday.
: Th6 campaign tour of the candi
dates ended at Willamette yester
day afternoon. Today the various
candidates and their friends will be
in town, and the day may be ex
pected to be a busy one. By night
everybody will be tired, and ready
for the rest that comes tomorrow.
The latter will be the lull that pre
cedes Monday's storm. It may be
hoped that in the various precincts
of old Benton that the contest will
be good humored and free from bit
terness.' -
Com paratively speakiDg, the cam
paign has been a quiet one. It is
true that there has been sharp in
terest in the controversy between
the clerk. This controversy was
brought on by those persons who
from the very outset began a dark
alley system of mud slinging again
st Mr Watters. They persisted in
the manufacture and circulation of
skinflint stories, for the purpose of
injuring Mr Watters' candidacy.
It is in this fact that the controver
sy had its origiQ. In the case of th
other candidates the campaign has
been unusually good humored.
Toe prospects w.ere never more
flattering for the success of . the
allied ticket than they are now at
the close jf the campaign. The
ticket is one of the cleanest and
best ever offered the people of Ben
ton county. Each candidate is per
fectly fitted for the office sought.
Criticism of them is harmless, be
cause there is nothing to criticise
In the case, . for instance, cf the
clerk, the charges of Ashamed-of-his
Name have invariably been die
aproved, and they" have only served
to bring out the reputation of Clerk
Watters with a brighter and clear
er lustre than ever. - Gellatly's own
supporters by the score openly ad
mit that' "Ashamed-of-his-Name's
attacks have done Watters no harm,
but a great deal of good. They say
that oh the contrary these have
been harmful to Gellatly. -
As it is in the case of Watters'
reputation, so is it with all the rest
of the allied candidates. : Skeels,
for representative, is simply beyond
criticism, and the same is true of
Howard Bush for assessor. In the
case of Burnett for sheriff, who has
so many warm personal mends,
any attack would be suicidal.
Grant Elgin, the hard working
voune man, is sirnDly out of the
range of personal criticism, because
even his political opponents admit
that on account of his personal
character he ought by all means to
be elected. And so on with Rich
ard Irwin, and Professor Swann.
The first a keen business man, and
yet a whole-souled, genial farmer
the whole county acknowledges to
be pre eminently suitable for com
missioner: while Professor Swann,
teacher that he has been for -eleven
years, is peculiarly fitted for county
superintendent. Finally, Billy
Buchanan, faithful officer that he
has been, will come in for a hand
some support at the polls, a support
that will by no means be cod fined
to party lines.
r Thus, with a peerless ticket in
the field, the prospects for success,
as viewed just prior to the opening
of the polls, - are very flattering.
Let the supporters of these candi
dates be full of hope. The rjeople
of Benton county may always be
trusted. - They are a discriminating
people, a people quick to -distin
gish and certain to select with wis
dom and judgment, They will do
their full duty on election day." ;
Byron G. Leedj.
Byron G. Leedy. who was
last week installed Master of the
Oregon State Grange for the ensu
ing term of two years, was born in
Knox county, OhioMarch lstl857.
Later he came to Nebraska, and in
1890 he moved toTigardsville, Ore
gon, where he has since been .en
gaged in fruit-growing. He has
from time to time held various posi
tions of trust in the Oregon State
Grange and in -the community
where he resides. Mr Leedv is a
Very prctiacal man with conserva
tive views on matters going through
the experiment alstage. He is deeply
interested in the Oregon state agri
cultural college of which he becomes
regent by virtue of his office as
master of the state grange; and he
believes the school will gradually
broaden until its influence will
reach out to every leading
industry in Oregon. It Is his
purpose to preserve a healthy
financial condition oi tbe grange
which is now out of debt, to extend
its membership, and make the order
more useful to the industrial classes.
Call for Warrants. ' - . "
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hands at the eounty treas
urer's office to pay all orders' endorsed
and marked not paid foi want of funds
up to and including those of Septem
ber 9, 1899. Interest will be stopped
on same from this date. u r -
Corvallis, June 2, 1900. "
- . W A Buchaxas,
' Treasurer of Benton Co., Or.
To Come in I901-A Pioneer Predicts
Iudiau Traditions a ud Past Floods to
Prove it. . -
Since -"Noah, built ' dat ark",
there has always been considerable
nervousness about high Water. - Of
course people see ah occasional rain
bow in the sky. or in the falls of
some great Niagara, to remind them
that an inundation will not occur on
so exteoaive a scale as it did when
the good old man with - his three
sons gathered their families, stock,
poultry, and wild game into the
great floating ship. Neither do they
talk so much about fire as they did
in former years; yet the old time
feeling that some day there will be
a great deal of valuable property
destroyed by fire; and that many
will find" the heat intolerable on
that occasion still haunts man like
the nightmare on a high mountain.
Peode know that the deluge wilL
not be repeated; yet they fear that
the rivers may choke up in some
narrow pass and overflow the coun
try above as it has done many times;
or that, the water may spout from
above or below; that there might
be a general uprising of islands to
cause an overflow from the sea; or
that tbe ocean might break through
at some tidal wave and give us a
great deal of unexpected trouble
and salt water. . At least one of
Oregon's.: oldest citizens predicts
some remarkably high water; .and
that for the near future. '' J. '
Last week this pioneer of pioneers,
a man who has been in Oregon since
'48, lately said: "Yes sir, we've had
a deluge here; and it was since I
came.' It was in the winter of sixty -one-aud-two,
and I remember it
very well. There had been some
very warm days days when a work
ingman could not wear a coat. Dur
ing this unusual - weather, there
came a very heavy rain, as hard a
rain as man "ever saw." One awful
Sunday night which' was as black
as the infernal region I retired at an
early hour; only to y- be awakened
800 n bya strong light as strong and
clear as a shady day. It astonished
me; I was alarmed;,! had been in
many queer places, dealt with ail
kinds of people, contended with the
savage on the plain, and successfuly
met the lion, the panther, and the
bear; but I had never seen the
night suddenly change into day,
and I was fearful that the .worst
had come. : However when upon
solicitations of my wif -. I approached
the window, my surprise was only
exceeded by horror when I beheld
the vast sheet of water extending
out on every side as far as the eye
could reach; and.the lonely acre of
ground on which our house sat was
like a little isle in a mighty ocean
"But a neighbor" who lived far
above us was scared f much . worse
than I. He thought that the ocean
had really broken through the
mountain, and he watched long
faithful in his back yard for noun
ders and r porpoises, herring and
shark, codfish, seaweed and. whales;
He would not have been surprised
to find a clam bed anywhere; and
an oyster cocktatl raised on his
own farm was not among the im
probabilities. In fact the air smelt so
briny to him that be ordered -his'
hired man to step to the door and
taste the water to see how brackish
it was. ' Among his greatest fears
was that the seawater should break
through into his well so . that he
would have nothing fresh to drink.
- In a day or two the water subsid
ed to rise again the following Sun
day night. Each lime the waters
were eo high that we often saw pur
neighbors' property floating away,
and when the waters fell we found
the carcasses of eheep, "hogs, cattle
and horses lining the. fences near
my house. We were unprepared
for such a freshet, hence were help
less I never saw such a time be
fore ;T never want to see tbe like
again. - :A.- - .-A:'
"But it was iust twenty years
afterwards that we had nearly the
same kind of a thing; and ten years
later there was a good showing; in
'49, an old Indian told me that
these things come regularly once in
twenty years, that this saying was
traditional in his tribe. Next Win
ter after next" he continued, "the
time will be up for it; and ; it's a
dead certainity that we'll have the
biggest water the younger generation
ever saw. '.. ;"".
"Before I go, let me give you the
date more exact, so you'll know
when to look for it. Since the count
ry has been settled the high, water
has appeared three seasons, ". twice ,
each season, making in all six times;
and like the worst battles of the
world it came on Sunday. - So look
out for an unwelcome visitor who
will call on you some Sunday night,
winter after next; and be sure ,you'
are prepared for the worst". .
-AThe Crystal Lake Cemetery Asso
ciation meets this afternoon at 2.S0 at
the residence of Mrs James Flett for
election of officers and payment of
dues and other business.
Mes M Elstoit Lee, Pres.
This is bargin week at Kline's on
Lodies skirts.
What Watters Bought ATso What
Geliatly Bought A Coinifarisou.
. Here is the book business all in
a nutshell. Of the Portland - firm
about - which so much noise has
been made, Watters, in four- years
bought $83 worth of record books
for Benton county. This does not
include the books of registration",
which are extras. It does not in
cludes the tax rolls, which are fur
nished by the secretary of sate.
It includes all record books of the
vaaious courts' used in the clerk's
office. During the same . period
Gellatly bought of the same firm
$81 worth. -The difference is $2,
Here is the proof.
Bought by Clerk: ' " .
1896 1 county court journal $14 50
1897 I : " attch. record-. 14 00
1897 1 circuit court bar docket 16 00
1898 1 county probate court journal 14 00
1898 1 circuit court journal - . 12 50
1899 1 attch record for court ,12 00
83 00
jsi8 50
18 50
14 00
20 00
10 50
Bought by Recorder: .
18971 mortgage Tecord
1897 1 deed record
1898 1 deed record
1898 1 sheriffs deed record
1899 1 dentists certificate record
$81 50
State of Oregon, .' "1 ,-
'""''-" " - ss
County of Benton J r
I, Victor P Moses deputy clerk of Ben
ton county, Oregon, hereby certify that
the above is a correct statement of record
books with the amounts thereof purchas
ed by the clerk of Benton county, . Ore
gou, from Glass & Prudhomme for cir
cuit, county, commissioners and probate
courts of said county from Aug 1 96 to
June 1 1900 and also a correct statement
bf .record books, purchased by the record
er of Benton county from said firm from
Aug I 96 to June I 1900. .
Witness my hard and seal of .said coun
ty. ;this 1st day of June 1900.
seal - - Victor P. Moses, dep Clerk.
: Takes Charge Today. '
Today Mr. Kau-bisch "of the
lumbia Creamery company assumes
cheJge of the Corvallis creamery,
and the latter becomes a part of the
Columbia Creamery company, of.
which Mr. Kubisch is the manager
The arrangements for the transfer
of the plant were ail perfected last
night, and the future output of the
concern will be under the auspices
of the Columbia Creamery compa
ny. The latter is a powerful con
cern, v enjoying a '-, wide reputation
and, a wider market at fancy
pricesj and a great development of
the creamery's dairy interests in
this -vicinity ought to result.
Next wtek Mr. Kaubisch expects
to make a house to house canvass
of the vicinity jn. the interest of the
creamery. He will talk with the
farmers, explain his method of bus
iness, and inquire into their dairy
rrangements. He. is thoroughly I
acquainted with the business, and
will be found to be a most interest
ing person. Those whom he visits
will be sure to become interested in
his plans, and the iimes teel sure
that they may place confidence in
his statements. Mr Kaubisch ex
pec' a to bsgin his to1 i early next
week.. : . Meantime the creamery will
be operated, on principles born of
wide and ecientihc experience, pro-.
ducing a butter product .that will
command: .; the best price in any
market. The local demand for the
product will be fully accommodated .
. '.; They are to Graduate.
1 The graduatiug exercises
public school occur at tbe
of tbe
house next Friday evening. The
class numbers 21 members, as fol
lows: A valyn Barn hart, Floyd Bush
ueir Davis, : Guy Fleming, Lura
Flett, Myrtle Dehaven, Blanche
Hershner, Carolyn Harkin, Violet
Herbert, Joseph C Henkle, Karl
Steiwer, Otto Weber, Harvey Wil
son, Bessie M Yates, Belle Mattley,
Edythe-Bristow, - May Stimpson,
Florence Wicks, May Hotch kiss,
Williams Jones, George Rowland
and -Etta Fuller. :i.
The address to the graduating
clas3 will be delivered by Rev L M
Boozer. T: The presentation of dip
lomas will be by A F .Hershner,
chairman of the board of directors.
The programme of J the exercises js
to be as follows: .
Invocation, Rev Mark Noble;
piano duet, Vera and Pearl Homer; j
oration, "The Power of Education",
Belle Mattley; "Old Things .Have
Passed ; Away", Myrtle Dehaven;
vocal solo, .Prof Ginn; oration,
"Philanthropists' Floyd B Davis;
oration, "foe One Dark Chapter",
Edyth-' Bristow; trombone solo,
Victor r Moses; oration, "Signs ,
Blanche Hershner; valedictory,
Emergencies and Men" Karl Stei-
wer; . preseentation or diplomas,
vocal solo, Lulu Spangler; , violin
solo, "Air Vario"De Beriat, Ruthyn
Turney. -
-" Removal.
The tailoring establishment of G M
Beam has been removed to the second
door north of the Hemphill harness
factory. Cleaning, dyeing and repair
ing done on short notice and In a sat
isfactory manner. Special attention
paid to the cleaning and repairing of
adles clothing, , All work warranted.
A Warning:
Voters, beware of statements
the effect that any candidate on the
allied ticket is being traded off in
order to help any other candidate.
All such statements are false, and
are circulated by unscrupulously
politicians in the hope of deceiving
you. There are no traitors on the
allied ticket. They L are all true
blue.. ' ' ';' . 7
In yesterday's Gazette Ashamed
of his:Name made a comparison
of the records of Watters and Gel
latly. There were a .few matters
that he left out. Here for instance
are some : "
lst Gellatly . went , to Sumpter,
bought town lots run an abstract
and real estate business and be
came landlord of a "first class mod
ern hotel" to-wit the Golden Eagle
Watters stayed at home and worked
nights to keep up tie business of
his office in proper shn pe.
2nd Gellatly has . not, sidce the
first day of January, last past been
in bis omce halt a dozen whole
days at a time, while not only Wat
ters, but Watter's deputy have un -til
the campaign trip began been
io. tbe office all the days and far in
to many of the nights., .
3rd. Gellatly has, during the
greater part of the year, been pract
ically ignorant ot wnat was gojng
on in his office, sole control
left to his deputy," Captain
fold, while Gellatly has' been
ly and entirely interested in
ulations, town lots, and outside
matters.- Watters, during the
term has run his office in the sole
interest of the people, and, save less
than $14 a month allowed . by the
county, has paid his deputy out of
his own pocket, reducing his omo
salary to an amountbut little in ex
cess of what the recorder's office
pays. : . -y . " r
4th. Oa the etumo . Gellatly ..... has
publicly denied many things con
nected with the Sumpter trip, all
of which were truth; - Watters has
never at any time or in any place
went back on the truth and he
never will.
5th- Many a time during Gellat
ly's term persons anxious to en
ter have seen on the locked door
of the recorder's office a sign "Gone
to the postoffice." They never saw it
on the door of Clerk Watters office.
So much for comparisons
,'In filling their ballost . Monday
votrrs ' should u remember . Grant
Elgin. He is honest; he is capable;
he is clean. He 11 no flash', e npty
headed politician, but a plain,
blunt,, honest ' young man, with
plenty of good horse sense. All he
has, and he has attained, he has
earned by hard knocks Give him
a lift..,'- :; ' v :i :'
Cold Steel or Dea'h.
"There is but one small chance to save
your life and that is through' an opera
tion," was nhe awful prospect set before
Mrs IC Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis by
doctor after vainly trying to cure her of
a tngntlul -case of stomach trouble and
yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the
marvellous power of Electric bitters to
cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she
beard of it, took seven bottles; was whol
ly cured; avoided surgeon's knife; now
weighs more and feels better than ever.
It's positively guaranteed to cure Stom
ach, Liver and Kidney troubles and nev
er disappoints. Price 50c at Graham &
Wells' drugstore.
All predictions indicate a great rush
this spring and summer to the new
gold fields at Cape Nome. Here for
the first time in the history , of . man
kind, gold is being washed , from the
beach sand. Mr C Edgar Lev. is writes
on this subject in the April Magazine
Number of The Outlook, with' very,
full Information, and with some new
and extremely Interesting photographs
of Cape Nome scenes, streets and min
ers. (S3 a year. The Ootxook Com
pany New York.) . . -
His Life Was Saved.
Ms. T. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibel, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverence from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: I was taken with
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumo
nia. . My lungs became hardened. I
was so weak I couldn't sit ub in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to Soon
die of Consumption,-when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. I continued to use it, and
now am well and atrong. I can't say too
much in its praise." This marvelous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in the world for all Throat and Luug
Trouble. Regular sizes : 50 cents and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at Graham &
Wells drug store; every bottle guaran
teed.- '
,-- Remember ,
John G Wooley, the great temper
ance orator of this country, will lecture
in the opera house, in this city at 8
0 clock next Tuesday night, .
Wanted, and For Sale Crisp Items to
: Interest ai A Column -for you to
tferd. . .."
$10 Reward ;
Will be paid to the person finding
the bicycle which .was stolen - from the
undersigned, on Eock Creek, May 17th.
Description of "wheel: Name, "Diliey;"
22-inch, black enamel frame; reversa
ble handle bars; 30-inch wheels, with
twisted spokes; Fuibort crank hanger;
vim cactis tires, and King pedals.. -t
Feakk Vanhoosen, Corvallis, Or,
May 29,1900.
Auction . Sale. .
I will sell at my ranch near Monroe
Oregon, on June 12th. to the highes
bidder, -675 goats in bunches of 20 t -50.
These goats are 425 nannies, 1 t
3 years old, and 250 wethers, 1 to
years old. Som bunches will be a
nannies, some all wethers, and other
half and half. All lots will be separat
ed before bidding begins. Sale to be
gin at 10 a m. Terms, cash. -
: ; George A Houck.
Don't forget 25 per cent reduction
sale on Radios skirts at Kline's.
Bi sni arck's Iron Serve "
Was the result of his splendid health."
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order.
If you want these qualities and the suc
cess they bring, use Dr. King,s New Life
Pills. Only55c at -Graham & Wells,
drug store. .
.Dishee at cost, at Hershner's.
Fancy Eggs for Sale. . .
Hulburt's poultry is up to date, and
staudard bred; bred right, raised
right, and is ail risrht. If not right he
will make them tight. High scoring
baaed Plymouth Rucks, ;md priz j win
ning Brown Legborts, and Pekin
duckp. Eggs from the above at $1.00
per setting of 15, not packed for ship
V Corvallis, Or.
A Frightful Blunder
Will Often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Aruica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on
earth.- Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Graham & Well, druggists.
.Notice to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that , the
county court has ordered ire to close
the 1899 tax roll on May 19tb, there
fore, I will, on said 19, h day of May,
19C0, clo&e up said tax roll and turn
the same over to the court. On the re
turn to me of said roll I will proceed
to levy on and sell property for taxes.
Peteb Rickaed,
Sheriff of Bentou CouDty.
UB Vogle will close his ptace of
business when college closes. '. .
Rice flour at A Hodee'store.
Jio Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is-lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive mnst keep
her health. If she is weak, sickly aud
all run down, she will be nervons
and irritable. If she has constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the od.. It gives strong
nerves, bright eye smooth, velvety skin,
rich cotrplexion. It will make , a good
looking, charmiug woman ,of a run-down
invalid. Only 50 cents at Graham. &
Wells' drug store. . : .
A" Call for Warrants. . t
I hereby give notice that there is
money in the treasury to-pay city war
rants Indorsed prior to October.. j3,
1898. Interest will stop o.h these war
rants after this date. ' - ' - ':
Corvallis, Or".-, May 30, 1900.
Wm McLagvn,
City Treasurer. '
' Blue Bell, Jr. ' -
Standard bred. Blood lines are Blue
Bell, Hambletonian, Membrino ChleL
on thoroughbred foundation. Has- fine
style, speed and action. This horse
will be at Philomath and my home one
half mile east of : Corvallis in Linn
county. For particulars call onxr ad
dress '" Evebet & Tyson. -
Two Millloa Feet Lumber for Sale. -Three
hundred thousand feet dry
yellow fir flooring, rustic and finish of
all kinds, the very best grades, must
be sold to make room in our shed for
more by this fall. We have large
amount logs coming. Our prices suit
you. Cobvallis Saw Mill Co.
For Sale. .
Nice property situated on corner
block, southwest of public school
building. Five lots, good location,
large house, good barn, good garden.
A bargain if taken before owner goes
East. Enquire at .Times office.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions robs
life of joy. , Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also Old, Running and Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, warts.
Cuts, Bruises, B" ':s . Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilt: - Best Pile cure on
earth. Drivt : and Aches. On
ly 25 cents a bo " are guaranteed. Sold ...
by Graham &, druggists. -