The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 02, 1900, Image 2

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    Cory all is Times.
Official Taper of Benton County,
:- State
Democratic and Peoples ticket
For Supreme Judge ....
Thos. G. Greene..; .Multnomah County
Fov Food Com inisnioner
M. Schulmerick.. Washington County
Congressman First District
Dr. Bernard Daly.-. Lake County
For Prosecuting: Attorney
S. H. Hazard . ... ........ 4 j. Coos County
Benton County
Democratic and Peoples Ciekct
Representative, " .
Sheriff, '
jSchool Superintendent,
Assessor,' ' . ,'
Coroner, ."
Everybody is ashamed of'Asham
ed-ot-his-name. The exposureoff
- - - - , . i
his lies ha3 iniured the cause in
hich they were told. Gellatlv
. -
himself realized this and in yester
day's Gazette acknowledges that
WatterB did not buy the $30 record.
Of course Watters did not buy
it everybodyTinew that when the
Times published the original bill.
And of course every - other charge
brought against Watters is equally
false, and nobody knows it better
than Gellatlv. .Gellatly is the man
who started all this book talk, for
the promulgation of which Asham-ed-of-his-name
has only been the
vehicle. Yet it turns out that dur
ing four whole years the Portland
firm in question has sold Watters
$83 worth of books, and has sold,
Gellatly during the same time, $81
worth of books. Watters $83; Gel
latly $81 $2 difference. Now why
does not Gellatly, and his ' man,
Ashamed of-each-other, own up to
the truth? -Whether or not they
own up is immaterial, since the
people understand the facts.
: V': -II , - '- :
."- Much has been said in this cam
paign about alleged , improprieties
in the riUTchase of blank books for
tVeo.ujity. '-As a matter of fact the
whole controversy about the -books
from first to last has been an at
tempt to make somethiog out of
nothing. - Here is tha proof; i "
Yesterday afternoon,- a Times
writer asked Judge Woodward this
question: "Judge, who bought: tha i
".' $30 record?" With some reluctance
Judge Woodard consented to reply.
This is what he said "The parti cu
1 arblank book 17 you refer to as
costing $30, was a printed blank
book lor the recorder's use; but .'.by
whom it was ordered I cannot stale
only that it was not bought by
the present county court."
Continuing, Judge Woodward
said: "Following the custom hereto
fore adopted, the present county
court has not been ordering blank
Tx)oks for any of the county officers,
Each officer himself gives the order
for such as his office may require.
and the county court, aiier proper
and careful consideration, allows
the payment of the bill, or such of
it as is deemed just."
In answer to a further question.
Judge ; Woodward said: "The
quanity of blank books which has
been purchaseed : during .the . past
two years has been comparatively
.email." :.'u;'..; .;-l--..-T"".',"'
Then the reporter asked this sig
nificant question: "Judge, has there
Vvbeen any extravagance in the pur
chase of books or blanks by any of
the county officers"? This is what
Judge Woodward said in reply:
"NO; I. think the county officers
have all shown a-commendable
epirit in trying to get along with as
few books and. blanks .as possible".
Thus is brought , out the exact
facts in the case. No one, - fori a
moment, will question Judge Wood
ward's statements. He is a repub
lican and is interested in the suc cess
of the republican ticket, but he
has a conscientious regard for the
truth, and does not consider it prop
er to permit ; false impressions in
this book matter to be spread broad
cast. This settles the whole book
controversy. . "
Tor Ribbons. :
Of course you know that ribbons
are in high favor ; again and that
manufacturers spurred on by the
increasing demand have vied with
each other in producing the most
attractive and realiable goods since
the. opening of this industry. A
large stock of ribbons selected with
care from the leading lines awaits
the inspection ot our customers. We
are certain that the styles and pri
ces will be satisfactory.
. : F. L. Miller.
Tor Gloves.
' Kid gloves for spring are now on
display here all the correct shades
in complete line of sizes. Hardly
necessary to say that the quality
will prove reliable, and if a pair
happens to prove defective we re
place them with a new pair. Our
kid glove; trade demonstratesour
leadership in this line. We handle
the P. Centmeri.
F. L. Miller.
for mens furnishings..
" . The old idea that dry goods stores
could not supply up to-date furnish
ings has been thoroughly exploded.
Some of the best men's furnishings
department in the country are loca
ted in dry goods stores, of which
our own is a convincing object les
son. Buy men's furnishings here
and you will" get right styles at
right prices.
- F. L. Miller.
Tor Shoes.
Shoe business comes our way be
cause we have the kind of footwear
that people Want at the prices they
are willing to pay. We are now
i closing out our lines of winter shoes
and opening the new spring stocK.
If you want good shoes at cut prices
or the newest styles at low prices
you can get them here. .
In an article over his own signa
ture in yesterday's Gazette, Mr Gel
latly , acknowledges that County
Clerk", Watters did not buy the $30
record. In his article Mr Gellatly
, ascribes the purchase of the book
to the county court, This is what
.he says: "The book was needed in
my office, and I so Informed the
- book agent, and referred him to the
county court." v In an ; interview
- to be seen elsewhere in this paper'
Judge Wood ward says.: "The blank
book referred to was a printed
"blank record for the recorder's U3e;
but .by whom ordered I cannot
state, only that it was not ordered
by the connty court."
When-a man goes to pay his
taxes, he likes to know that the man
behind the counter is reliable and
trustworthy. He likes to know that
the. hard-earned dollars paid in are
to be credited to the right man, and
that the tax account for which the
money was applied will be forever
squared. He wants every thing con
nected with the transaction to be
correctly done, so that he may go
his way in peace without fear of be
ing called upon to pay the same ac
count a "second time. And it is
right in this particular that Telt
Burnett, as an official, is a sure
shot. His business methods are so
correct and careful that his books
are absolutely free from error. Tax
money paid to him goes exactly to
the account where it belong?,- and
the payer is never called ; upon to
pay a second time. It is .hoth a
pleasure and a relief, to have be
hind the sheriff's counter such an
official with whom to do business.
With a clean record in this particu
lar for the past four years as deputy
sheriff, what; continued . excellence
the office? Under such conditions, ; Given away . to cash buyers only, piece by piece, and
how can men have - doubts as to continued until you get a complete set. Set consists of cups
whom to vote for? - ' and saucers, pie plates, brerkfast plates, dinner plates, sauce
,,,,.. Y dishes, platters, vegetable dishes, sugar bowls, etc. Any
uniiaiir auu mo man Aauauieu' I .
of-his-Name made a failure in their thing which goes to make up. a nne set
attemnt to saddle the nurphnRenf the
$30-record on Waiters, and now We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our
they say the county court bought business, lue way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us
the book; In words that cannot be and get your friends to trade with us, and we will, do the
misunderstaod, Judge Woodward egt hv gurjrjlyino-you and them with, these dishes free of
I., in charge. Remember we are headquarters for Mens and Boys
nickie. On whom win tWnpvt Clothing. Dry Goods, Ladtes and Mens r Furnishings, Shoes,
to saddle their $30 record?
Jill tbe Coud Calk About
Xbe Best Place to Crade."
: Might be very confusing ; and misleading if
people did not have a good test to apply and
that is judge a merchant, not by what he says in
his advertisement, but by what he does in value
giving. That's just the basis upon which we ask
people to judge this store. ' We like to have our
advertisements read because they are our store
news, but we don't ask people to take . them as
proof that we give best values, that proof awaits
our customers at the store,
Cow Prices make easy Selling;
; When they represent the right kind of mer
chandise. That's the reason this store continues
to show such'a surprising growth. We distribute
more dry goods than many of the leading: mer
chants in towns twice the size of Corvallis. This
shows that we not only, supply the dry goods
needs of the majority of our town's people, but
draw trade from a large territory round-about.
These are the goods and priees that attract trade. "
Dress Goods and Silks
Black Crepon " t -
-3 Black and colored all wool serge
V Black and colored all wool henriettes sf
Black and colored camel hair
Black and colored cashmere '
Fancy mixed suiting, !
' Our black and colored silks dept .is complete
. in every detail. Every new and- desireable . color
can be found on our counters.
T, miller. orva11is, Or ;
Tor Olasb Goods.
- You would have to ga far to find
a better wash goods stock than ours
end you wouldn't find lower prices
anywhere. It is our aim and am
bition to excel in thi8 department,
as in all other dry goods lines. New
things are arriving every day, and
if you want a wash goods dress bet
ter look for it here: Prices, ttyle
and quality will be satisfactory.
. F. L. Miller.
. For Hosiery.
Your hosiery needs can be sup
plied at low prices here and the
goods will : give satisfaction. We
don't handle trash in order to quote
a low pi ice. Every pair of hosiery
that goes out of our store must be
reliable in quality, fast color and
correctly sized. You will find this
a hood place to buy hosiery. -
- F. L.Miller.
For Carpets.
Nothing has quite so much to do
with the appearance of the home as
carpets. It's important then to ob
tain the handsomest and best you.
can for the money. It Is also im
portant that you come here if you
wish to do this. Our spring line of
carpets, mattings, and other floor
coverings is complete and ready foi
your inspection.
F. L. Miller.
For Groceries.
The popularity of our grocery
department is growing, and the
sales are increasing because we sell 'i
pure and wholesome food products
ai close prices. Our immense out-"
let enables us to buy in large quan
tities and obtain lower figures than
the ordinery dealer. We share the
saving with our customers. Country
produce taken.
TP T. w;iio
Vou can get a Dinner
Set Free!
Fine Job
A Specialty at
TIMES Office.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Hats, Trunks, Grips etc.
Absolute reliance may be plac
ed in Chester Skeels. Hia fidelity,
constancy and judgment are be
yond question or cavil. If elected
to represent Benton in the legisla
ture, no official act of his will ever
rise up td condemn him or to humi
liate his constituents. . Flagrant
extravagance in public expendi
ture he will fight with all r his
strength. What more is -wanted in
a legislator? What citizen does not
desire tp have removed a portion of
the tax burdens that are so heavy a
oad to carry? The man for" the
emergency is (Jhester Skeels:
One Price to all.
Fine Goods a Specialty.
J. '.D. Mann & Co
Big Double Stroe!
Proi Clonal Cards
C. H. Newth
Physician & Surgeon,
Physician Surgeon.
Office over Allen & Woodwards drugstore
Office Honrs
9 to 12 a. m.
i to 4 p. m.
Residence on 5th and Adams on corner wes
of Catholic church. Telephone at' offiice and
resilience. - . - ...
Joseph H. Wilson,
Practice in all State and" Federal courts
Office ovrr Xation Bank
Because he is safe and - reliable,
because he is prudent, faithful and
sincere, because he is ; considerate
alike of rich and poor, high or low, o nrl o-At nnr nnVfts nn it,.
i . .V: . in - : I o f
pecause ne nas aevoiea nis earn--
infra 1 1 1ha- wt a . am a n wa
nf fh " mail uiass luiiiiuuio oiuio
When in Corvallis come and see what we have to sell,
No troubie to show goods. We
keep on hand a full line of furniture of. all -kinds usually
other virtues that Telt Burnett.'e
friends propose next Monday to
make him the honored and reliab le
sheriff. of Benton county.' .
only of his own family but
EiJr anIny Bedroom suits $11 to $30,
Baby buggies & Go carts $4 to 20
Wall Paper 5 cents up,
Matting 15 to 40 cents.
Stoves aud all kinds of tin and graniteware, washing
machines. Western aud the Celebrated St Louis washer, the
easiest running washer made, Second hand goods bought
and taken in exchange for new goods.
J. D. jTlann & Co,j; Corvallis Or.
" Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
: Ashamed-of-his-name" say8 his
partner Gellatly paid the deputy
recorder "OUT OF HIS OWN
POCKET." Whyshould'nt he have
paid it "out of his own pocket?"
Does Ashamed-of-his name - think
Benton connty should be called up
on to pay Gellatly's deputy hire
while Gellatly was running a hotel
and booming town Jots at Sumpter?
Notary Public.
fflce In Zlerlolf 's buUdlng. v
Corvallis : - ' Oregon.
" Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism.
Kenn a, Jackson Co., W. Va.
About three years ago my wife had an
attack of rheumatism which confined her
to her bed for over a month and render
ed her unable to walk a step without as
sistance, her limbs being swollen to
double their normal size. Mr. S. Mad
dox insisted on their using Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty cent bot
tle and used it according to - the direc
tions and the next morning she .walked
to. breakfast without assistance, in any
manner, and she has not had a similar
attack since. A. B. Parsons... For sale
by Graham & Wells. ' c r . . . .
Seed Wheat.
A few hundred bushels for sale at
the Corvallis flouring millf. ;
. .. H F Fischer. ;
Thos E glin
do a general business in
Real Estate and Insurance.
Agents For Oregon Short Line B. B.
Office on Madison st West Nat'l Bank,
Corvallis, ' " ' ' Oregon
Office Cor 3rd an d Monroe Streets
Hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5
. 7 to 8; Sunday 9 to 10 -
Residence Cor 3rd and Harrison Streets.
Corvallis Oregon
H. S. Pernot
Physician and Surgeon -
Office over Post Office. Residence, Con
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours 10 to 12 a. m
2 to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra
ham & Wortham's Drug Store.
Last fall I sprained my left hip while
handling some heavy boxes.; The doc
tor I-called on said at first it was a slight
strain and would soon be well, but it
grew worse and the doctor then said I
had rheumatism. It continued to grow
worse and I could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drug store and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm.- I tried it and one-
half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely:
I now recommend it to all my mends
P A Babcock, Erie, Pa It is for sale by
Graham & Wells " . , . .. - ; - ,
We have saved many doctor bills since
we began using UnamberJain's uough
Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle
open all the time and whenever any of
my family of myself begin to catch cold
we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and
as a result we never have to, send away
for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill.
for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never
fails to cure. It is certainly a medicine
of great merit'and worth. D. S. Mear-.
kxe. General Mercnant ana - fanner,
Mattle, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by
Graham & Wells.
, XHice To Creditors.
Notice Is h)reb'6lven tne undersigned
has been -duly anointed administrator ot tbe
estate ot l.ilzabeth 'Ciates, deceased, by the
county court ol the state 01 Oregon ior centon
County. All persons havlag. claims against
said estate are required to presenrsiwi, same
duly verified at my residence or on ny dray, or
at the law office of E- HolRato, In Corvallis, Or
egon, wlthtn six mouths Irom the date of the'
first publication of this uotlce.
Dated at corvallis, vrej;oii, jiay 10, rjw.
Levi Uenkle, Administrator.