The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 02, 1900, Image 1

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    "Vol; XHI-No 15,
Editor and Propriety
1111111111 IS HSH H
be Receipts
Of Cbis KteeK Enables
us to display the most complete dry goods line in the
city. It will interest you to see our line '
SJa-ssta, " IE3ovLts.
Train leaves Corvallis for Portland and way
stations at 1:20 P. M, . .
Iv Portland 8:30 A. M. 7:00 P, M.
Xv Albany 12:80 P, M. 10:30 P. M.
Ar Ashland 12 33 P. M. 11:30 A. M.
" Sacramento. 6:00 P.M. 4:35 A, M.
' Sau Francisco 7.45 P. M. ; 8:15 A- M.
Ar OgJen 5:45 A, M. 11:45 A. M.
" Denver 9:00 A. M. 9M a. m.
" Kansas City;..... 7:2'A. M. 7:26 A. M
" Chicago 7:45 A. M. 9:30 A. M.
Ar Los Angeles.. 1:20 P, m: 7:00 a.m.
" F.lPaeo.... .... 6.00p.m. 8:00p,m.
Fort Worth 6:30 A.M. 6:39 a.m.
' City of Mexico 9:55 A. M. 9:S5 a. m.
-' Houston 4:00A.M. 4:00 a. m.
" New Orleans.. 6:25 p. M. 6.25 P. M.
" Washington.... 6:42 a. ST. 6:42 A. M
" Hew York . 13:43 P. M. 12:43 P. M.
Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains.
-Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El I aso,
and Touris3 cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Couueeting at San Francisco with several
rsteanship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
.Philippines, Central and South America.
For tickets and Information regarding rates
maps, etc call on Company's agent,
-J. E. Farmer -
Corvallis Oregon : . , . : .. .
-or address, C. H. Markham, G. P. A
. , : ;; . . . - Portland, Oregon.
Comllis & Eastern R R Co.
3 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. ..
',-'!.- H " Corvallis.,
" arrives Yaquina... .
tt Returning: ' '
Leaves Yaquina. ......
Leaves Corvallis
12:45 P- n
1:55 p. m
7:25 p. m
, 6:00 a. m
11:30 a. m
12:15 p. m
: 7:00 a. m
11:30 a. m
12:20 p. m
Arrives Albany
r t ,
3 For Detroit:'
Leaves Albany, . .
. Arrives Detroit. . .
-4 Returning:
. Leaves Detroit ;v.
Arrives Albany ; . .
5:45 P- m
One and two connect at Albany, and
Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains,
rgiving direct service to and from New
port and adjacent beaches. ;"
Trains for the mountains arrive at De
troit at noon, giving ample time to reach
-camping grounds on the Breitenbush and
Saniiam river the same day. . ;'
Edwin Stone, .
: T. F. & P. A. ;-.
H. H. Gronise, agent, CorvaHis.
Dur native Herl) Tablets,
tot Blood Purifier " - - :
. lidnf ,and Liver' Regulator,
Ctn&rarifesed by onr "Registered Guarantee"
Uo cure all diseases arising from Impure -
TBlood and Inactive Liver & Kidneys.
W0 Bays Treatment $100
- The dollar back if you are not cured. -
1 have used Our Native Herb Tablets for con
stipation and Liver trouble of over twenty years
standing. They cured me after all other reml
lies failed. Solomon Mulkej, iy4i;ett. Or,
Tbe Alonzo 0. Bliss Co.,
Sole Proprietors ;
Eli SpencerrAgent.
. Medicine mailed on reciept of price.
Of Ladies Tailor Made Suits
Crash Suits
W ool and Crash Suits
Shirt Waists
Biggvst Line Silk Striped Gingham
Silks for Waists
Fine and medium priced
Dress Goods
J. H. Harris,
The greatest line of up-to-date ladies" shoes of any
house in the city.
It is very unusual for a regular, physician of good reputation to publicly
endorse a proprietary remedy. We have often heard of cases where doctors
have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratifying' to
receive the following voluntary letter
from C. F. Smith. M, D.,. the most
successful physician of Olean, N. Y. :
" Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
New York City: I wish to add my
professional testimony to the value
of your English preparation known
as Acker's English Remedy for Asth
ma, etc. In several instances, after I
have tried my utmost to give even
relief, I have prescribed your remedy,
. and it has acted almost like a miracle,
not-only relieving, but permanently
curing every one of the patients. I en
dorse the preparation as- one of the
most valuable additions to the prac
tice of medicine." v -
Such a frank endorsement as the
above is phenomenal. Coming from
so distinguished a member, of the
medical profession, it carries with it
an assurance which the public will be
sure to avail themselves of. It is rec
ommendations like this which make
it possible to' give the broad guaran-
- tee that is a part of every sale of Ack
er's Plno-listi Remedv for Cousrhs.
Colds,; Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that is
claimed for it, or your money' will be refunded. Do yon know of any other
medicine , sold on those terms?:: Do you know of any other medicines which
prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than,
prescriptions they write themselves ?. , These facts are well worth considering.
They aVe of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs.
Sold at sc.," soc; and tt a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and fa Bng-
land.atis. 2d.,as.3d., 4S.6d. If you are not satisfied after btfying, return the bottlfe to your
druggist, and get yonr money back, , - v .'"-. v
; f - . frcanttcrtetoatoKfwira) swni.i (X fiiprktom. "
For Sale by Allen & Woodward.
Bring lour JoDworK
H Candidate.
I, E. B. Horning, do hereby declare myself a candidate
for a share of your patronage in
Crockery Etc.
If elected will endeavor tol give perfect satisfaction with
The lowest possible.! "
Yours Respt,
y.:.f-.i:: :
Metropolitan Printing atthis Office
- - -
Main St., Corvallis,
E. B. Horning.
Jjj I
Rebels Massing Outside Peking Im
perial Troops Go Overjto the In
surgents Conger Authorized to
Land Marines From American War
ships. . ; :' j-;. .. i
London, May 29. The Daily Ex
press h&B
the followiag telegram
hai, dated luesday:
from Shang
' " reoenion continues to grow
in. intensity, and the gravest lears
are entertained of its ultimate ex
tent. The foreign envoys at Pe
king, fearing a massacre within the
capital, have decided to bring up
the guards of the legations. The
rebels are now massing ontside of
Peking, and their numbers are re
ported to be constantly augmenting.:
Fresh contingentB of armed malcon
tents are coming up almost hourly
from the north. r -. . ' -.'
"The Imperial iroopB who wr
sect to di8peree the 'rebels found
themselves hopelessly outnumber
ed. Several hundred were killed,
and two guns and maay rifles were
captured, after which- most of the
remaining troops' went over to the
rebels. They are now marching
side by Bide. ' It ' is believed . that
the 'Boxers' have the sympathy; of
the entire Manchurian army in the:
anti-foreign crusade, and there is
no doubt that they have the coun
tenance of , the , Empress Dowager
and of Prince ChiaDg. -
'The Belgian Minister, escorted
by a strong bodyguard, has gone to
obtain an audience of the Tsung-Li-Bameo,
a number of his country
men with their families haviog
been cut off by the rebels at Chang
Jsin Tien.. :.:'...r .,:'::
. "The position of the' missionaries
is one of extreme peril unless help
is st eedily forthcoming. - It is feai
ed they will meet the same fate as
their unfortunate converts whom
the 'Boxers' are ruthlessly murder
ing." ' .
A special dispatch from .Shang
hai says it is believed that Russia
is about to land troops at Taku
from Port Arthur, where 20,000 are
in readiness.
The Chinese are reported to be
sending large masses of troops over
land Irom rlu IManad Kiang, but
the generalissimo refuses to assume
command on plea of sickness.
The relief; party - has returned
from Chan Tsin Tien, bringing 25
persons, including several women
and children. ; : ; ri '
Would Not Suffer- bo Again for Fifty
".Times its Price. . t
i awoke last night with severe pains in
iny stomach. I never felt so badly in all
my life. , When I came down to work
this mornine'I felt so week 1 could hard
ly work:, I went to Miller & McCurdv's
drug store and they recommended Oham-
Denain s uolic, . tjnolera and Diarrhoea
Remedy-. . It worked like magic and one
ttose nxea me ail right, , It certainly is
the finest thing I ever used for stomach
trouDie. i snail not te witnont it in my
bonse hereafter, for I should uot care, to
endure the sufferings of last night again
for fifty times its price. G H Wilson,
liveryman, Burgettstown, Washington
county, Pa: This remedy is for asle t-y
Graham & Wells: - j
Washington, May 29. Such ad
vices as have reached here indicate
that the .situation in China is as
suming a very critical phase and
one calculated to tax the entire re
sources of the. Chiuese government.
The state department has been in
close communication with Mr. Con
ger, our minister at Peking, and the
navy department is doing its share
having placed the flagbhip Newark
as far up the, Pel Hp River as the
Taku forts, which is the nearest
point to Peking that the ship can
reach. - -
The operations ,of the "Boxers"
are increasing in magnitude. Their
demonstrations are no longer local,
and they appear to be governed in
their movements by some well -settled
designed :.They have murder
ed nine Methodist missionaries at
the town-of Pachow, and have clos
ed on Peking. Meanwhile,- the Chi
nese army is suspected of disloyal .,
ty, this belief vbeing strengthened
by wholesale desertions - of 3 the boI
diers to the. "Boxers." , :-i ; .
Minister Conger has appealed to
the state department for the protec
tion of a marine guard for his lega
tion. . The department has prompt
ly cabled him an authorization to
call upon the nearest United States
naval vessels for assistance. It is
not known yet whether he has avail
ed himself of the permission. The
ship he would naturally lock; to
would be the Newark, and it is as
sumed that he has already com
municated with Admiral Kempff
on board that flagship, i - :
The em harassing of the situation
is the cutting of communication by
rril between Taku and and Tien
Tsin and the capital, for. the "Box
ers" have burned the railroad bridg
esand there are probably only two
courses open to the marines who
wish to reach Peking a long over
land march through a hostile coun
try away from supporters, or a te
,diu8 voyage up the 8wift and . ghal.
,jow pe) Ho in sbore boat8 in tow of
the steam launches.
According to report"the Chinese
government has done everything in
its power to meet the demands of
the diplomatic body al;- Pekin for
the dispersion of the "Boxers," but
it appears that the uprising is far
more serious than was at first ap
prehended, and even the resident
ministers at Pekingare inclined to
admit that the task is not ah easy
one for the Chinese .government.
i So; far.all tbeaneasnrea taken by
state department laok Jto . the aim
pie protection :of :the 'Anaerican le
gation :flt ' Peking, -the American
consulates1 in the immediate vicin
ity and the lives of such Americans
as may,be obliged to take refuge
therein, in the event of general not
ing. Tbetate department is close
ly adhering to the practice it has
al Ways observed of noninterference
in these Chinese disturbances, and
it is not contemplated that pur na
val forces shall take any part in the
contest between the Chinese govern
inent and the "Boxere," though it
is assumed that Rear Admiral Rem
ev. commander-in chiefrof the Asi
atu station, will take immediate
slepe to supply Rear-Admiral
Kempff, the senior squadron com
mander, with such a naval force as
he may need ior safeguarding Amer
ican interests at the treaty ports.
Travel Three-Fifth-, tbe Cirouit of
the Globe The Coarse It
To pay practically $25 for a brief ten
word message to the Philippines may
seem extravagant, but when one re
Sects that it travels three-fifths of the
distance around the globe in complet
ing the journey, passing under the di
rection of half a dozen different com
panies, the cost seems far from exorbi
tant, says Ainslee's Magazine. '
' The ordinary, course of such a mes
sage would be from New York to Cape
Breton, N. S., thence to Heart's Con
tent, -N. P., where it dives under the
Atlantic, to reappear on the coast of
Ireland. From here it is forwarded to
London, which is the great center and
clearing house for the cable business
of the whole world. , From London the
message will be forwarded either across
the Knglish channel ad overland to
Marseilles, or by the Eastern Telegraph
company's line around the Spanish pen
insula, stopping at Lisbon. Through
the Mediterranean the route leads to
Alexandria, across Egypt by land, down
the Red sea to Aden, through the Ara
bian sea to Bombay, over India by land,
across the Bay of Bengal to Singapore,
along the "coast to Hong-Kong, and
across the China sea to Manila. Not
withstanding the many hands through
which it passes, the message is for
wardect with reasonable promptness,
with perfect secrecy; and all the way In
English. ' ' "
Find It
Very Troubleaoma to Di
tbe Pap era In Bavaria
and Prussia.
Bavaria, seems to have placed the
most effective pitfalls and barbed wire
entanglements in the path of the
guileless maker of wills In that
country it is imperative that the moat
simple will must be attested .with all
solemnity by seven separate witness
es, who must be present at the same
time; and their action must be sanc
tioned and their signatures must be
authenticated by r.: a public notary.
Prussia., has also its special complica
tions, under the code of Frederick' II.
That' monarch,' distrusting "ignorant
notaries, or ministers, or casual per
sons but little learned in matters of
law," decided that only wills, made in
solemn form' before justices or judges
should be valid. To these experts all
particulars must be ; told, , any ' ques
tions they choose to put must be, an-'
swered, and they finally 'draw' up the
document, read it to the testator and
append their signatures. 'If it is pre
ferred the will may be drawn before
hand and submitted to - the" judges,
who,' after due: Inquiries to' satisfy
themselves that all is right, will sanc
tion and confirm it. '
One That: Was Made for' a Famous)
Belgian Artist at a Cost "
: of 25,0OO.
A wonderful piano has been made by
Jan Van Beers, . the , Belgian artist,
whose portraits of, beautiful women are .
famous Vhe painter owns one of. the
most remarkable houses 'in Paris and
has-given years to the study of interior
decoration, says the New York Com
mercial Advertiser. He' admits that
the exquisite instrument which he is
going to exhibit at the exposition next
summer is probably the most beauti
ful piano of ancient or modern times.
Of course, only the shell or case is his,
work; whose make the instrument
shall be will be determined by the pur
chaser. The body of the piano is of
natural wood, tinted green; the legs,
garlands, Cupids and all the ornamenta
tions are of bronze, gilded and chiseled
by the ablest sculptor of Louis Quinze
bronzes in Paris. .The fine ... sketches
which appear on the Bides and on the
front of the piano are paintings by the
artist himself and represent the four
seasons, and .a minuet danced in the
park in the da3'fe of Louis XV., all after
the manner of Watteau.1 '
The designer has tried as far as pos
sible to convert those parts of the piano
which are ordinarily ungraceful andv
awkward into something decorative
and harmonious. JThe- pedals, which
generally- represent a. lyre, are replaced . -by
the owner's initials. One bronze
Cupid, iatthe -touch tit a spring; offers
his violoncello as -a support for the cover"
when open. This cover is lined with
small plaques of ivory, each surround
ed by a Louis Quince frame of bronze,
where some day distinguished musi
cians will write their names, using fo
this purpose the sheath aiiasJrrw-f i.
Cupid at the left, which have been in
geniously converted into inkstand and
pen," The music, resting on a small
frame of bronze, which glides forward
upon a spring, is lighted by two delicate
electric flowers, and the musician is
thus left in an agreeable half-light.
The total cost of the piano wiUnot be
less' than $25,000. - : ' ;rj :.
Kes;nlartty of Rising; and Falling; of
tbe Rivers and Streams in
- Alaska. ' -.
To most people who live in the tem
perate zones, the annual freshets oc
casioned by the melting of the winter
snows and by the unusually heavy rains
of spring are a matter of familiar ob
servation. Under a higher latitude and
in the neighborhod of glaciers, other
phenomena are to be studied. An Eng
lish traveler in Alaska has the follow
ing to report about the rivers of that
country, says Youth's Companion:
The Takheena, like most streams of
glacial origin, was subject to a daily
rise and fall. The distance of its
sources caused the water to increase
in volume and in swiftness from noon
to midnight, after which it continued
to decrease from midnight to noon.
The daily rise measured from six to
ten -inches, according to the heat of
the weather; the daily fall measured
from five to eight inches during the
time the fine weather lasted.' '
After a few days of cloudy, rainy
weather, I found the river falling from
day to day. about as fast as it had risen
during the fine weather, :,: . , ; "
It is worthy of remark that during
fine weather ; I invariably found the
wind during the daytime in the Chilcat
valley blowing -up, frtm the sea. It
began in the forenoon with. a. gentle
breeze, which gradually increased
a smart gale, that died quite aw.
sunset. During the night"rthereV'waa
either no wind, or else it blevr'in the
contrary direction.. This regular movei.
ment of the atmosphere no doubt has
much to do with producing the regular
daily rise and fall of the river.
, Blovrinar Him Down.
Dr. Isaac Bazrovt jvas an eminent di
vine, great at long, sermons; three
hours were nothing to him. On one oc
casion he was preaching in tbe abbey,
and had got well on in his "tenthly, my;
brethren," without any indication of
the stream's running dry. Now, the
abbey is a showplace as well as a
church; and restive under the elo
quence of Dr. Barrow. Accordingly, as
the veracious chronicler records, they
"caused the organs to play until thejt
had Mowed him down.". Here, again,
you see the organs blew. Whether the
organist was asleep not unlikely, for
organists prefer a sleep to a long ser
mon any day and one of the vergers
officiated at Jhe keys, I do not know,
but I confess I, should like to have
heard th - "voluntary" fit name! '
that "blowed" Isaac. Barrow down.-
1 Industrial Farm in Caba.
. In the province of Matftnzas,Cubs, at .
Ceiba Mocha, an industrial relief farm
is carried on by a New England reliaf
society. Its first crop of ear-ly ijsta-r
toes, planted last November, is reach
ing the markets, and is said, to be prac
tically the same as Bermudas. They,
are of a bright,. rosy color ana. excel
lent flavor. Nearly all. the cultivat
ing' and harvesting were done by wan
widows and orphans. During the in-;
surrection 8,000 reconcentrados were
crowded together , at : Ceiba Mocha..
Kifht burrtfed nre left. Five thousand
arc in a ceineti'rv'nwir hv