Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 8

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    Boys' Waists, t5ct worth 25c.
Boys' Waists, 25c, worth 35c.
Boys' Shirts and Waists, 50c, worth 75c.
Boys' -Suits, $3.50, other stores sell at $4.00.
Nobby Line Men's Suits,
Great Line Men's Suits,
Come to Welch
for a good Shoe
at $3.50.
Every Pair
It will pay you
22 1 -223 Morrison, Corner First St.,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given thnt the
undersigned 1ms been appointed ad
ministrator of tho eHtnte ofGoorge
Williams, deceased, by order of the
Comity Court of the State ofOregon,
for tho County of Clackamas. All
iiersons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
fhe same, properly verified, to the un
dersigned administrator at tho office
of Hedges & Griflith in Oregon City,
Orpgon, within six months from the
date ofjdio' first "publication of this
Administrator of the estate of
Georgo Williams,- deceiiBod.
Attorneys for administrator.
First Publication June 11, 11)03
Last publication July 30, 1903.
Notary Public. Abstracts Miide
Forms Drawn, Collections rromptly Attended to
Office with Geo. C. nrownt'll.
W. S. U'Reu C. Scliucbel
Attorneys at Law.
Puutschcr Auvokut.
Will practice in all courts, muke collections and
iettlemt-nU of Estates.
Furnish alstracls of title, lend you money and
tend your mouey on first mortgage.
Office in linterprise Ilnikling, Oregon City, Or.
Attorney at Law.
Justice ol the Peace.
Jaggcr Building, Oregon City
Notary Publio.
Real Estate, Insurance, Tltlei Examined, Ab
stracts Made, Deeds, Mortgages, lite, drawn.
Carde Building, Oregon City
Commercial bank
CAPITAI. $100,000.
Transacts a general baukiug business.
Makes loans and collections, discounts bills
Duys and sella domestic aud loreign exchange,
and receives deposits subject to check.
Open from 9 a. m. to i p. m
Grant b dimiok
Will practice in all Courts In the State. Circuit
and District Courts of the United States. In
solvent debtors taken through bankruptcy
Office in Garde building, Oregon City, Or.
Land Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Deeds,
Mortgages, fate, Drawn. Money Loaned.
Over Bank oi Oregon City.
Ore on City, Or.
dr. o. D. LOVE
Graduate of the American School ol.Ostcopathy
Kirltaville. Mo.
Successfully treats both acute and chronic dis
eases, .wi i"uniU1..
Consultation and Examination Free.
Office Hours: 1 lto t P M
Or by appointment at any time
looms No. 1 and 6. Stevens Building. Main St
Oregon City, Oregon.
$15, others get $18 Suit.
to trade with
The American
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
July 11, 11)03
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tho Publio Land
States by act of August, 4, 18112,
of Albany, County of Linn, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement No. (1214, for the
purchase of tho E'r,' SE' and SEJ
NE4 of Section No. 2(5 in Township
No 5 S, Range No. 3 E, and will offer
proof to show that the land" sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for . agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to Baid land he
fnro the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on
Thursday, tlm 24th day pf September.
1903. '
She names as witnesses:
Jnilus C. Eurhe, of Portland, Ore
gon ; Edwnrd Burke, of Portland,
urcgon; JNarcissa ii. Unll, of Port
land. Oregon; Thomas Devinne. of
Portland, Oregon, '
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely t'e above d scribed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 24th day of
September, 11)03.
July 13 Sept. 14
Timber Land, Act June 3, 18T8.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Offico,
Oregon Citv, Oregon,
May 13, 11)03.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions of the act
of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"Au act for the Bale of timber lands
in tli states of California. Oreeon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Annie Unsc h.
of Oregon City, county of Clackamas,
Stare of Oregon, has this day filed in
tins ollico her sworn statement No.
('.038, for tho Diireluiso of the S4 of
Vk, and Lots 3 and 4 of Section No.
9, in Township No. 5 S.Range No.4 E,
aud will differ proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 251 h day of
duiy, ivuu.
She names as witnesses : Frank
Habelt, of Springwater, ( to. , Seth
Austin, of Viola, Ore.. Gi. stave Fried-
rioh, of Parkplace, Ore., rrank Busch,
of Oregon City, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
ofllce on or before said 25th day of
July, wiia.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given 'that the
undersigned, administrator of tin
estate of Anton Klar, deceased, has
filed his final account of said estate
in the county court of the; State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
tli at the Judge oi said court has an
pointed Monday, the Srd day of Aug
ust, at 10 o'clock A. M. , as the time
on which objections may be heard to
said account.
Administrator of the estate of Anton
Klar, deceased.
First publication July 2.
Last publication July 30.
Guardian Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
undorsigned has beeu appointed
Guardian of the person and property
or feramaiid and Ivor Long, niiimrs
Any person having claims against the
said Illinois or either or tln'in are
hereby notified to present the same for
payment to Gordon E. Hayes at his
office in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months trom this date.
Dated this 2Uth day of June, 1903.
Guardian of Ferdiand and Ivor Long,
minors. fm
First publication July 8.;
Reduced Excursion Rates
To The Seaside and Mountain
Resorts For The Summer.
Tho Southern Paciflo Company has
placed on sale at very low rates
round-trip tickets to the various re
sorts along its Hues, and also, in
connection with the Corvallis and
Eastern Railroad, to Detroit and the
seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets
good for return until October 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, are on sale at greatly reduced
rates from all points from Eugene
ana norm on both east and west
side lines, enabling people to spend
Sunday at the Seaside. Very low
round trip rates are also made be
tween Portland and same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going Sat
urdays, returning Sunday or Mondtiy,
allowing Portland people to spend
hnnday in the country and the out
of town people to have the day in
fort land.
lickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay good for return via Albany and
bast bide, or Corvallis and West
Side, at option of passenger. Bag
gage checked through to Newport. A
new teuiure at, Newport this year
will be ai tip-to-date Kindergarten
in charge of an experienced Chicago
A beautifully illustrated booklet
describing the seaside resorts on
Yaquina Bay lias been published by
the Southern Pacific and Corvallis
& Eastern Railroads, and can bo se
cured from any of their Agents, or by
addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone,
Manager C. & E. R. R., Albany,
Oregon. Yours truly,
Gen. Puss. Agent.
Tut IJotli Wnya.
"I want niy hair cut aud no talk,"
wild a groat man wlfi an I own the
earth air, as ho walked into a barber's
shop and sat down.
'The" commenced the man In the
apron. .
"No talk, I tell yon!" shouted thn
heavy man. "Just a plain hair cut.
I've read all the papers and don't want
any news. Start away now!"
Tho man in the apron obeyed.
When he had finished, the man who
knew everything rose from his chair
and surveyed himself In the glass.
Great Scott!" be exclaimed. "It's
really true, then? Yon barbers can't
do your work properly unless you talk."
'1 don t know." said the man In the
apron quietly. "You n ust ask the bar
ber. He'll bo In presently. I'm tb
glazier from next door."
Notice of Final
Notice, is hereby
s hereby given that the
undersigned executor has filed bis iimil
report, in t he Comity Court of Clack
amas County, Oreirou. and tiie sstid
Court has set Monday, Augusts, 11)03,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, at tho Court House in Ore
gon City, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing any and all objec
tions to said final report, aud to his
final dischargo as executor. " .
Dated Jcno 18, 1903.
Executor of the lust will and testa
ment of James L. Bailev. deceased.
Attorney for executor.
July 22,
ahd uni on Pacific
3 TRAINS to the East DAILY
Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleeping
cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane: tourist
sieeping-car daily to Kansas City; through Pull
man sleeping-cars (personally conducted) weekly
to Chicago, Kansas City, ra clinin g chair-cars.
seats !reetothe Kast daily.
4:.H0 p. h.
For the Kast via
Spokane Flyer.
For hastcru Washing
ton, Walla Walla. Lew
6:00 P.
i7;85 a. M.
istou, Coeur d'Alen and
Great Northern points.
Atlantic Kxnaess.
F,or the Kast via Hunt'
ill gton .
6;lft p.
io-,:to a. m.
For San Francisco.
Steamer Geo. W. Klder,
andColumbia leave every
5 days; Ainsworth Dock
K00 p.
S;00 p. M.
For Astona and wav
S;iw p. m.
.VflO p. m
points, connecliiiir will:
steamer lor Ilwaco anil
North Beach. Steamer
Hassalo. Ash St. Dock
ui p. m.
For Salem Corvallis aud
frlft a. m.
wav points. Steamer
Ruth, Ash Street dock
f'M p. m.
water permitting.
For Dayton Oregon Cityl7;(U a. m.
and Yamhill River point Tuesday
steamer Klmore. Ash St. Thursday
dock. Water permiting Saturdsv
3;00 p. m.
i-1 may
For Lewiston. Idaho
4:0.i s. m. i
and wav points, from
:00 p. m.
Daily ex.
Riparia, Wash., steamer
ttpokaue or l.ewiston.
iicnei omce, l ima ami Washingti
phone Main 71J, Portland.
on, Tele-
Portland & Asiatic Steamship
For Yokohama and Hong Kong culling at Kobe
Nagasaki and Shauglii. taking (might via con
necting steamers lor Manilla, port Arthur and
uo.ui j.. ror mioi ma tun information
vo.. v.. u, .nut is. uuituuB or agents ol O. R
N. Company
Justice Court Decides That Me Is Not
Compelled to Pay Road Poll Tax.
Upon information filed by John
Green superintendent' of streets and
collector of road poll tax for this city
T. D. Weed was tried Monday in the
Justice Court charged with refusing
and neglecting to pay his poll tax.
The defense set up that Weed was
under 21 years of age and was not
liable for road poll tax. City Attorney
George L. Story prosecuted the case
and Weed was defended by Attorney
Gilbert L. Hedges. Green attached
the wages of Weed, who clerks in A.
Robertson's grocery store on Seventh
A little over one year ago a marri
age license was issued to Weed upon
the affidavit of Judge William Gallo
way that Weed was over 20 years of
age and this affidavit was introduced
by the prosocuitou to prove that Weed
was now over 21. Judge Galloway
whs called as a witness and explained
that the intention of the affidavit
was that Weed was in his twentieth
year. Justice Stipp ruled that the
affidavit was ex parte evidence and
as such was not admissable in court.
Failing to prove that Weed was past
21 years of age, the court discharged
the defendant and dismissed the caso.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now liavefmoney to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to January
1, 1901. Also road warrnats endorsed
prior to May, 1, 1903. Interest will
cease on such warrants on the date of
this nutice.
Oregon City, Ore., July 24, 1903.
Treasurer ofClackamas County, Ore.
juiy au.
Concluded from Page 5.
ing old friends and relatives.
Mrs. C. Walter and children have
returned to their home at Glencoe,
aftor spending a fortnight with her
mother, Mrs. Weisenborn.
The Revs. Kratt and Eichler, of
Portland, viisted quite recently with
Rev. C. Waehlte.
Mr. G., our former mer
chant, came out from the city this
evening on business.
Mrs. Anna Freeman, after a month's
sojourn with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Waehlte, has returned to her
home at Springfield, Ore.
Miss Delhi Sehroeder, who has beeu
quite seriously ill in Portland, has
nlmsst recovered aud returned h ome.
Viola News Notes.
VIOLA, July 27. (Special. ) An
other pigneer has passed away. Seth
Austen was born in Ohio, June 10,
1833, came to Oregeu in 1852, died in
Viola at tho home of his daughter,
Mrs. Elmora, Mattoon, on the 2(ith
day of July, 1903, sged 70 years,. 1
month and 6 days.
His wife died 11 years ago, while
living at his farm on the Mollalla.
Their five chili rm, .Willaid, Bert,
Harry, Nellie, and Elmora are all
still living. The funeral was con
ducted by Rev. J. W. Exon at Viola
Oiinetery, July 27. A large number
of friends attended the buriul ser
vices. Mr. Austen was well . known
throughout Clackamas County, being
au old pioneer, having .first settled
in the Molalla section, but of recent
years hns been living on a claim far
into the Cascade range on the Clack
amas river, which was becoming
noted for its hot springs and which
someday in . the near future will be
come a great medical resort. .'
Mrs. Capt. Adams, of Portland,
with her 3 three children, are tented
near the home of Mrs. Sevier.
Mrs. Newton Walker is visiting
friends in Portland.
W. O. Ward, the forestranger, came
home this week for supplies. '
J. W. Exon and William Brown
were peddling beef last week. Mr.
Brown is thinking of starting a new
meat market wagon, wJiich will
make regular trips weekly during the
Ed Miller lost a valable heifer last
kjye uxeraae.
An exercise which, If pcrseverlngly
practiced, will greatly strengthen the
eyes and which has entirely restored
many cases of impaired vision, so that
spectacles and eyeglasses were dis
carded, is to turn the eyes upward and
dowuward alternately, as far as possi
ble, twenty times, says a writer in the
New York Herald. Don't pause in the
rd clnnce. The motion is Inces
sant, but not hastened. Next turn the
eyes to right aud to left, repeating as
ifore. Turn them to the upper left
corner and the obverse, or diagonally
that is. to lower right corner. Repeat
Turn them to the upper right corner
nnd Its obverse. Repent. Conclude the
Mercise with rolllmr the eyes around,
first to the right then to the left In
the extreme limit of the muscular ex
tension, being careful, however, not to
Strain the muscles.
If the exercise is repeated at conven
lence several times during the day, it
Will soon strengthen the muscles.
3tw Farmer Perklna I sed Stratex?
and a Doll Whip.
There Is a right way and a wronn
way of breaking a colt to halter. Th
latter method is described by Sewell
Ford in "Horses Nine." Blue Blazes,
the colt In the story, was own- d by e
Michigan farmer. He had been fright
eued by the first attempt to brlille him
snd had broken away. He was prompt
ly declared to be a vicious colt
"We'll tame hlin!" said Farmer Per
kins. Under his coat he bid u stout
baiter and a heavy bull whip. Tberj,
holding a grain measrre temptingly be
fore him, he climbed the pasture fence,
In the measure were oats, which lie
rattled seductively. Also he called
mildly and persuasively. Blue I'.lazcs
was suspicious. Four times he allowed
the farmer to come almost within
reaching distance, only to turn and bolt
with a snort of alarm just at the cm
ciul moment At last he concluded that
he must have just one taste of those
"Come, coltiel Nice coltle!" cooed
the man in a strained but conciliating
Blue Blazes planted himself for a
sudden whirl, stretched his neck as far
as possible and worked his upper Hp
Inquiringly. The smell of the oats
lured him on. Hardly had he touched
his nose to the grain before the meas
ure v?as dropped, and he found himself
roughly grabbed by the forelock. In a
moment he saw the' hated straps and
ropes. Before he could break away
the halter was around his neck and
buckled firmly.
Farmer Perkins changed his tone.
Now, you ugly -little brute, I've got
you! Jerk. Blast your wicked hide!
Slash. You will, will you? Yank.
I'll 1'arn you!" Slash.
Man and colt were almost exhausted
when the "lesson" was finished. It
left B'ue Blazes ridged with welts,
trembling, fright sickened. Never
again would he trust himself within
reach of those men; no, not if they of
fered him a whole bushel of oats.
How to Sell Goods.
"'You must know how to talk with a
customer so that she will buy. Is one
of the things the buyer says over ond
over again in his lectures -down In the
basement. Even when the girl Is be
hind the counter at work the buyer
will often step up and give her a hint.
For Instance, he will give a new name
to an old piece of goods. There is ev
erything in a name. He came up tc
me one day and said, 'Call that line ol
goods the Marlborough,' and It was not
long before I had sold the entire stock.
The sweller a name Is the better, of
course. Cumberland pins will sell much
better than plaiu pins even if they are
the same thing. French names aro
much-in vogue, too. und they are some
times coined. Names taken from swell
sports are also very good sellers. An
other thing, of course, which helps a
girl sell the goods Is genuine knowl
edge of thein." Leslie's Monthly.
Anmxnll.lna' Elsr Appetite. '
Perhaps the most astonishing statis
tics in Mr. Conghlau's book. "Seven
Colonies o Australasia," are those that
describe what the average Australian
eats and drinks. Apparently he hns
the best appetite, If not the best diges
tion, of any human being on the planet.
He eats every year 204 pounds of meat
which works out an average of two
sheep And one-fifth of a bullock for ev
ery man, woman and baby in Australa
sia. He eats more than twice as much
meat as the average Englishman, three
times as much as the average French
man and four times ns much as the nv
erage German or Swiss. He eats, in
addition, about 375 pounds of wheat
223 pounds of potatoes and almost 100
pounds of sugar. If he is a Tnsiuu
niait. he eats a quarter of a ton of po
tatoes in a year, a quite surprising feat.
A Rare Olil Book. .
The second book printed In the Eng
lish language was "The Game and
Playe of the Chess," which the title
page says was "Fynyshld the last day
of Marche, the yer of our lord god a
tbousaude foure bondred and LXXIIj."
Only twelve copies of the work are
now known to exist. In 1813 an Eng
lishman of the name of Alchorne sold
his copy for a sum equal to $270 In
United States currency. Fifty-six years
later. In 18UU. the same volume (an lin
perfect copy! was sold for $2,150. The
British museum has refused an offer of
$10,000 for its copy, which Is imper
fect to the extent of having seven
leaves missing.
Not the Same.
"It's a merciful dispensation of Prov
idence that makes consumptives al
ways boDeful. It's just heaven's mercy
that keeps them from realizing how
bad they are."
"Huh! And what Is it that ken
some singers from realizing bow tad
thev are? Would you call that heav
en's mercy!" Catholic Standard and
Times. .
Miss Koy In discussing the "galaxy
of beauty" at the ball the other night
Mr. Grafton paid me quite a compli
Miss Spelts The idea! That's so un
like him. I never before beard of his
paying anything before It's due. rhila
delphla Press.
"My wife and I agree perfc-etly about
some things," remarked Mr. Meek ton.
with a gentle smile.
"Yes; when anything goes wrong I
take It for granted that it Is my fault
and UenrKtta always thinks so too."
One nil tit as well attempt to rear
ranire the rainbow colors of a soap bub
ble as to undertake the reformation of
one' ndcMiora. Chlcaso News.
Willamette Valley Cbaataoqna Assocl'.
The Willamette Valley , Chautauqua
Association will be held at Gladstone
Park Hour Oretrnn ti ....
to 20th inclusive,- Rate of one and
one-third fare on the certificate plan
has been made from all points on
Oregon Lines. Special attractions
have been provided. "Germaine"
the magician, with his wonderful
productions; R. J. Burdette, the cele.
brated humorist, will entertain in lug
usual delightful manner, while the lec
tures of Hon. Champ Clark and Hon
J. P. Dolliver will be an intellectual
treat. .
Many of the attractions have'been
provided, making the finest enter'tain.
ment ever given at this Chautauqua.
Repairing- of Watches, Clocks.
Jewelrv. S lverwnw o
Carfield Bldg. Oregon City, Or.
Elk Horn Livery Feed
and Sale Stables.
Horses bought and sold.
Fine Rigs to Let at Reason-
cie .races.
C. N. Gyeenman
Established 1805.
Offico in O. W. P. & Co. 's Warehouse,
Main Street, Oregon City.
Main Street, opp. Huntley's
'Phone 804 and 411.
Plumbing and TinShoj
Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty
Opp. Caufield Block, Oregon City
Oregon Qty
Machine Shop
Ph. BUCKLEIN, Prop. .
All kinds of Machinery made
and repaired, also keep in
Shafting. Pulleys, etc.
Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed.
Chu. W. KeUy
Lwnncc Rucanich
High Grade Whiskies Fine Clears
Garrl9 Building, Oregon City .
Daily River Excursions
Oregon City Boats.
- Daily and Sunday.
Le Fort Und Ltivc Crtson Orr
-8:30 a. m
7:00 A. m.
11:30 a. m.
3:00 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
10:00 a. m.
1:30 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Steamer "Leona" makes no way land
ings except Sundays.
Tickets good on electric cars.
Offlc and Dock foot oi Tr!v St.
Phone Main 40 PORTLAND
Subkct to change without sadec