Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 7

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Woman's Best Friend.
Patience Woman ia woman's best
Most Unique Structure In
Engineering History, Is
Linked With the Annals of
the Country
friend, after all.
Patrice I guess yoa re right.
"Certainly I'm right. Even when
she ia getting married doesn't a man
give her away and the maid of honor
s'and up for her?" Yonkers States
Sign Wasn't Right.
He I wonder why Misa Elderly
never married?
She Oh, I suppose she was born
the wrong time of the moon.
He The wrong time of the moonT
fcbe Yes, there wasn't any man in
lEIH fllagraMBrgM ffi
Pe-ru-na Creating a National Sensation In the Cure
of phronlc Ailments of the Kidneys.
Major T. H. Mars, of the first Wis
consin cavalry regiment, writes from
1425 Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the
following letter: '
"For years suffered with catarrh
of the kidneys contracted In the army.
Medicine did not help me any until a
comrade who had been helped by Fe
runa advised me to try it. I bought
some at once, and soon found blessed
relief. I kept taking it four months,
and am now well and strong and feel
better than I have done for the past
twenty years, thanks to Perana."
T. H. Mars.
. At the appearance of the first symp
tom of kidney trouble, Peruna should
be taken. This remedy strikes at once
the very roots of the dieease. It at
once relieves the catarrhal kidneys of
the stagnant blood, preventing the es
cape of serum from the blood. Peruna
stimulates the kidneys to excrete from
the blood the accumulating poison, and
thus prevents the convulsions which are
Bure to follow if the poisons are allowed
to remain.
Itgives great
vigor the
heart's ac
tion and di
gestive sys
tem, both of
wnicn are
apt to fail
rapidly in
this dig.
Peruna cures catarrh
simply because it cures
ever located.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the uee of Peru
na, write at ooce to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full tmtatement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his valu
able advice gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
of the kidneys
catarrh wber-
The Will and the Way.
Grieved Sister Oh, Edgar, you
don't know how it would please me if
you would only settle down and go to
work- with a will.
Wayward Brother Never mind, sit
ter; just wait till the old man shuffles
off this mortal coil and you'll see me go
to work with a will, if that document
doeen't suit me.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept
anv substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Alien 8. Olmsted, he Hoy, N. V.
A Question.
"What do you think of the new
boarder?" asked Mia. Starvem.
"Oh, I den't know," replied star
board. "I think he's very polite.
"Either that or very sarcastic. Did
you hear him ask if I'd have the
cream?" Philadelphia Press.
Follies of Long Ago.
Bibbs No man knows himself.
Gibbs That's true. I have just
been reading over some letters I wiote
to my wife before we were married.
Phi adelphia Ledger.
In a Quiver of Rage.
First Actress I was entirely beside
myself with rage. -
Second Actress You certainly were.
Why, you quivered even in the places
you were upholstered. Life.
"Yes," said the nervous man, "I
have a habit of talking in my sleep."
And the eminent citizen who ia ex
pected to respond to an ovation in ev
ery . town that the train goes through
"What a valuable accomplishment."
For bronchial troubles try Piso'a Cure
for Consumption, It is a good cough
medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents.
Often the Cue.
"In choosing a wife, said the scanty
haired philosopher, "one should never
judge by appearances."
"That's right," rejoined the very
young man. "The homliest girls usu
ally have the most money."
TITO Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness
fl 10 afternrstdtty'suseofDr.Kline'sUreatNerve
Restorer. Send for FrreSJS trinlbottleand treatise.
Sr. K. H. Kline, Ltd.. 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
The Fitness of Things.
yon were a woman,
caid the
bachelor girl who waa entertaining a
caller, "I'd show you my new frock.
But as you're a roan I'll snow you the
slippers that go with it." Washington
Frogs Are Not Fishes.
The French court of cassation, the
highest tribunal in France, solemnly
decided that frogs are not fishes. The
case concerned fishing privileges in cer
tain streams and went through three
courts before the question was finally
Early in the eighteenth century a
pilgrim appeared in what Is now
known as Montgomery County, Mary
land. He built for himself a hut on
the margin of a creek which empties
Into the" Potomac river, seven miles
above Georgetown. The Revolution
came and went; the tall, lithe figure
of the hermit became bowed with
years, and his shaggy dark locks turn
ed gray. During these years be bad
been a hunter and fisher, his only
clothing the skins of beasts, and two
bunting dogs his only companions. He
sought no intercourse with the few
human beings who, straying from the
much-traveled "river road," occasion
ally drifted into his lonely glen; but,
to the kindly disposed and the curious,
his manners were ever those of a
gentleman. He had a strong, beauti
ful tolce, In which he sang sweet but
sod verses of his own composition, ac
companying himself on a banjo, or
mandolin, constructed of rude mate
rials by his own hands. Toward tbs
close of the last century he disappear
ed. s
The hermit had been known on the
Potomac as "John of the Cabin," and
the little stream by which stood his
tiny home Is still called "Cabin John
Creek." The ravine through which It
flows Is now spanned by a bridge
which for over forty years has figured
In our national history, and bears the
added distinction of being th" longest
single arch atone bridge In the world,
Work of Jeffereosi Davis.
Early In Pierce's administration Jef
ferson Davis, then Secretary of War,
directed Capt. Montgomery C. Meigs,
United States Corps of Engineers, to
span the ravine and the creek with a
conduit bridge, to convey to the rapid
ly growing city of Washington its wat
er supply, from the reservoir at Great
Falls, sixteen miles above the . cly
In .November, 1852, Oapt. Meigs had
begun the work of designing and con
structing the Potomac aqueduct. This,
together with the duties .of superin
tending the building of the new wings
of the general postofflee, aud the com
pletion of Fort Madison, at Annapolis,
occupied his time so fully that work
on the bridge was not begun until
1857. It was well under way when,
in July. 18(10, he was detailed to duty
at Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Florida.
The dimensions of Cabin John bridge
are as follows:
Length of bridge, ' including abut
ments 450
Height above bottom of ravine 105
Length of span.. 220
The Guilty
The world to-day is full of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in a general way that it is
a bad disease, but if all its horrors could be brought before them they
would shun it as they do the Leprosy. Not only the person who contracts it
suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearful sores
and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, and other evidences of poisoned blood
show these little innocents are suffering the awful consequences of some
body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may
be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles iu use by a
person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even in drink
ing from the same vessel or eating cut of the same tableware, as many pure
and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of
Contagious Blood Poison is so
first little sore appears the whole .,
system is infected ad every RESPECTER OF PERSONS
drop of blood in the body is
tainted with the poison, and the
skin is soon covered with a rrf rash, ulcers break out in the mouth and
throat, swellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out,
and unless the ravages of the disease are checked at this stage, more
violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive
sores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in bones and muscles, and
general breaking down of the system.
S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remedy
that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of
the disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system is
under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out
again as bad or worse than ever. Besides, the use of these minerals bring
on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro
duce bleeding and sponginess of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. S.
cures" Blood Poison in all stages and even reachesdown to hereditary taints
and removes au traces oi me poison ana
save3 the victim from the pitiable conse
quences of this monster scourge. As long
as a drop of the virus is left in the blood
it is liable to break out, and there is danger
of transmitting the disease to others.
S. S. S. is euaranteed purely vegetable and
can be taken without any injurious effects to health, and an experience of
nearly fifty years proven beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison
completely and permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment Book,"
which describes fully the different stages and symptoms of the disease.
Kiae of span 57.20
Width of span 20.4
There are 11,014 cubic yards of ma
sonry In the bridge, aud Its entire cost
was 1254,000.
Soma Historic Kraanres.
Captain, later General, Meigs was
very proud of this engineering feat,
and always Jealously regarded the
work as being entirely his own. The
erasures on one of the tablets or the
bridge bear witness to his wrath when,
on returning from Tortugas, he ais
covered that Oapt. Henry W. Benhani
and Lieut. J. St. C. Morton, who had
charge of the work during his absence,
had oaused their names to be Inscribed
on the bridge as chief engineers of con
structlon. In addition to removing
these names Capt. Meigs was success
fui In having Capt. Benham ordered to
duty at Tortugas.
It had been Capt. Meigs' Intention
however, to have Inscribed beneath his
own the name of Mr. Rives, and the
letters had already been traced in red
chalk or paint when he received the
news of Mr. Rives' resignation and en
listment in the Confederate army. "No
rebel's name shall appear on tfiy
bridge," said Oapt. Meigs. The stone
cutters' orders were countermanded,
the red letters disappeared, and In
their place were cut the words, "Esto
Perpetua," which Capt. Meigs Intend
ed should express the hope that the
bridge would outlast the memory of
the youth who had deserted It.
Mr. Rives, now nearly 70 years of
age, resides at "Castle Hill," his fine
old estate, near Charlottesville, Va. He
was superintendent "of construction of
the Panama Railroad and Is still prom
lnently connected with the Richmond
and Danville Railroad. He has three
beautiful daughters, one of whom la
known in literary circles as Amelle
Rives and In society as the Princess
Another and still more widely known
erasure was attributed, until recent
years, to Gen. Meigs. This was the
obliteration. In June, 18G2, of the name
of Jefferson Davis from the largest
tablet of the bridge. The tablet was
originally Inscribed as follows:
Begun A. D. 1853.
Franklin Pierce, Preident of the
United States.
Jefferson Davia, Secretary of War.
Building A. D. 1801.
President of the United States, Abra-
ham Lincoln.
Secretary of War, Simon Cameron.
Bored Her.
"There ia something about Mr.
Squinch that bores me," commented
the fair young thing, "but I can't say
exactly what it ie. There is simply
some undefinable yet perfectly apparent
attribute of the man that has that eDect
on me."
"I don't wonder," said the friend.
"I never could endure him. He is such
a peculiar locking man, with his gimlet
eyes and
"That's just it!" exclaimed the fair
young thing. Chicago Tribune.
Nothing Doing.
"I don't think I'll wager with yoa,
said the baker, "you haven t the
"l'hat may be," replied the butcher,
but I don't see you patting up any
stakes." Boston Commercial Bulletin
Her First Query.
"My dear," said Mr. Cubbage to his
wife, who was dangerously ill, "Mrs.
Kickshaw is downstairs and wanta to
see you."
"What has she got on?" asked the
dying woman feebly.
Most Essential.
"What do you consider most neces
sary for a literary arpirant?"
"Unfailing optimism." Chicago
Borrowing Trouble.
Mildred (a college girl to her room
mate) (Catherine, if you will lend me
$10 I shall be everlastingly indebted to
(Catherine (who speaks from expert
ence) I don't doubt it. Smart Set.
The Limit.
Bridge And you go risht to eatinx
soggy bread and half-cooked meats
For heaven's sake, why don't you dis
charge your cook and get another one?
Pike Well, ycu see, old fellow, so
far as I can find out the courts won't
grant you a divorce for bad ccoking.
Boston Evening Transcript.
Sweden to Use Water Power.
The Swedish government has decided
to convert the 4 200 miles of railway
which it owns into electric traction sys
tems operated by the natural water
power of the country.
Hero Worship.
Jim What do you mean by hero
Jam It ia the brief admiration we
feel for a great man immediately before
we begin to rip him up the back and
begin writing letters tn the newspapers
attacking his character and utterauces.
Baltimore Herald.
Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein,
Iowa, is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
A Yoiinpr New York Lady Tell
of a wonaeriui uure:
" My trouble was with the ovaries t
I am tall, and the doctor said I grew
too fast for my strength. I suffered
dreadfully from inflammation and
doctored continually, but got no help.
I suffered from terrible orapging sen
sations with the most awful pains low
down in the side and pains in the bock,
and the most agonizing headaches.
No one knows what I endured. Often
I was sick to the stomach, and every
little while I would be too sick to go
to work, for three or four days ; I work
in a large store, and I suppose stand
ing on my feet all day made me worse.
" At the suggestion of a friend of
my mothers I began to take Lydia
15. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and it is simply wonderful.
I felt better after the first two or three
doses ; it seemed as though a weight
was taken off my shoulders ; I con
tinued its use until now I can truth
fully say I am entirely cured. Young
girls who are always paying doctor's
bills without getting any help as I did,
oughts to take your medicine. It
costs so much less, and it is sure to
euro them. Yours truly, Adei.aid
Paani,, 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York
City." $5000 forftll If original of about (alts
arooinq ottmtntntti cannot (t produced.
I lll'CS. The peerless Rklrt Hupporter and Fsnten
LAUlko rrlHthebvHI. No lliittona, Hucklea,
Hook or I'Iiih. All your neighbors will want
II. Send irH' for sample mid price lo HRcntH. LA
FOI.1.KTTK CO., lloom 17, Cambridge Block,
Portland. Or.
Relerson Machine Co.
Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
Parsons Hawkeye, Automatic, Helf Feeding,
utnn i-utier, lou norsepower witn
Huckeye Haw in 111 Machinery, Kn-
KaultlevB Ktutnn l'uller, lot) horsepower wl
two hemes. Huckeye Ha
gines and Hollers. KU ami Htlckney lianollne
Ktixlnes. Write us when iu waut of anything
In machinery line.
Fit both lor Kuntern roHecpn. Primary and
Grammar Kraden Included. A hall for tp rift, with
the Hppulntnipntn and lupt'rvtHiun or a carful
linint'. Ixwatlon In one of the mout bountiful
region of' the Pacific coast. Climate mild and
healthful. For catalogue addrens
ADlatlna-nlahad Boldlar, with a plan
did Army Record.
Major General Frank Wheaton, U.
S. A., who died In Washington a few
days ago, served In the army for forty-
two years. De
ceased was born In
Providence, R. I.,
-in 1833 and was In
bis 71st year. Ho
became civil en
gineer, took part in
the Mexican boun
dary surveys and.
In 1855, was made
lieutenant In tlio
Third U. S. Caval-
OKK. F, WHEATON. ry. me ueneiui
fighting record waa one greatly to his
credit. He took to the Held against the
Cheyenne Indians In 1857 and his
opening fight was near Fort Kearny,
Neb., where he acquitted himself most
gallantly. He took part in the Utah
expedition and, on the breaking out of
the rebellion, proceeded to his native
State and was made lieutenant colonel
of the Second Rhode Island Volun
teers; a month later he was made
colonel, and bad his troops in Vir
ginia early in May, so that they took
B-irt in the opening engagement of the
war at Bull Run. Thereafter the com
mand was with the Army of the Poto
mac In all Its desperate engagements.
In 1802 the commander was rusde
brigadier general and directed a divi
sion of the Sixth Corps at Gettysburg
and In the campaign in the Schenan
doah Valley In 1804, and was actively
engaged In the maneuvers preceding
the surrender of Lee In 1865 at Appo
mattox. For gallantry at the battles
of Opeguan, Fisher's Hill and Middle
town, Va., he was made major general
and further honors came to him for
bravery In the battles of the Wilder
ness, Cedar Vreek and Petersburg. For
his chivaJric conduct In these engage
ments the State of Rhode Island pre
sented him with a aword In 186ft.
But Justice Fiold on Whom It Waa
Told, Failed to bee the Fan la It.
For all his ice and chilly quietudes
President Harrison owned a sense of
humor,' and would now and then get
hold of a joke and treasure It as a
schoolboy might au apple, having It
frequently out of his pocket to ex
hibit and admire. One such, says a
writer In the" Saturday Evening Poet,
Is a story he was ever quick to tell
on the austere Justice Field, who
didn't like it.
Complaining letters of all sorts come
to a President. One day a Western
marshal grew querulous because an
item In his accounts', by which the
government was charged with a' car
riage furnished Field from his hotel
to the court, had been disallowed. The
marshal's grief was made the sharper
since his fellow-marshal of an adjoin
ing State had likewise furniahed a
carriage for Field when he held court
within his district, aud the charge
had been allowed and paid.
Commonly little attention Is given
to these cries of the wronged beyond
what Is required to shunt them upon
a "proper" official usually the one
against whom complaint is lodged.
But in this instance Harrison asked
his secretary to discover the troth of
the trouble. Why was one charge al
lowed and the other refused?
.The secretary took a look Into the
riddle and learned that the fortunate
one had been sngaclous enough to In
clude the carriage for Field In his Item
of expense "For care and transporta
tion of prisoners." In that way It
was allowed. It used to give Harri
son much pleasure to relate this yarn;
Field, however, saw nothing funny In
Using &
Write for
-sbb- sme
lter arioNTaoncirr try
Portland, Ore.
Telephone MintJ9f
"Hoth in 7 wife and mysrirhava been
using- CASCAUETS and ttaey are the best
medicine we have erer bad in the houne. Last
week my wife was iranilo with headache tor
twodayi. he tried some of youi-CASCAKETS,
and they relieved the pain in ber head almoat
Immediately. We hothrecommcndCascareta."
Chas. SmiEroHi).
Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Fliuburg, Pa.
Don't be afraid t change your mind.
Pleannt. Palatable. Potent. Taata Oortl. fo
Good, Never SloKen. Waakn.or Grtre. Kfc. fee. too.
Il.rll.f B4r Caaar, CklMfs, MaMrMi. I f art. 117
M.T0.RI fi Bo,1 lnd firanteed by all drng-
I U'BAIl iita to Clac Tobaooo Uami.
I enact Mcm ml list faiu. JT
u Beat Cough Syrup. Tutea Good. Die J
7J In time. Bold by drumrlnu. M
Fattens QUICK!
Cattle and Hoga for market. Shortens
fattening period one-fourth. Saves Feed,
"I frl PruaHlan Stnck Food laat winter and turned
off tlia fattest cattle 1 ever lifld for theyamft Ifnirfh
of time."' I consider
Pruulan Stock Hood
well worth the cost
I would not be with
out lt.-(. W. Arnuv,
Parker, S. U.
Take this fld.
to tlie donlcr
iwhorte name
ftiWstr twlow find tft ft
copy of the Kahmkh's A
8tu -man'! Hand Hook
rOUXLANU HKKI) CO,, I'ortlftnd. Or..
Const Affeuti
L - - '
rzoo?s. era
wf fn.frv
P. N. U.
No 31-1003.
'flTHEN writing; to advertisers pleas
v I i
mention this paper.
A Denaely Populated Island.
Malta Is the most thickly populated
island In tbe world. It baa 1,300 peo
ple to the square mile. Barbadoet has
1,054 people to the square mile.
Love makes some people and ruins
Promptly cures all