' CHAPTER XV. (Continued.) Within a few week of the close of the season a very beautiful Frenchwoman . came to London, anil wan received at once Into the best society. Uer story wan a strange one, and one that excited a great deal of interest. She had been married at fifteen to a Russian prince, many year older than herself, and of ' dissolute character. At first he had loved her passionately; then, as he found it impossible to overcome her coldness and indifference, he had come to dislike anil treat ber with harshness. lie had taken her away to Itussia very young, very friendless, and intensely unhappy. There he had neglected her. She had two chil drenboys; and all her love seemed bound up in them. Then they died; the cold of Russia killed them, and she al most died of the grief. The physician at St. Petersburg insist ed that she should return at once t Paris. "It Is the ouly way to save her life," he said to her husband. So after three years' weary absence, she return ed to her birthplace, uud there, after a time, she recovered. At the French court she was greaty admired and sought for. A young man of high rank con ceived a wild passion for her. He was so handsome, so distinguished, no oue be lieved she could resist the devotion he constantly and so openly offered K"r. It could scarcely be alllrmed that she was utterly unmoved by his passion, but all the world said that she never gave him any undue encouragement. Still, Prince Zelikoff became jealous. Oue evening the princess dropped her bouijuct; Monsieur le Ligny picked it up, bowed over it, aud returned it to her. Prince Zelikoff chose to imagine the accident was prearranged, and that De Ligny had taken the oppor tunity of concealing a note among the flowers. lie suatched the bouquet vio lently from his wife's hands. In her sur prise she made some resistance; he grasp ed her arm anil pressed the sharp-pointed diamond bracelet unintentionally into the IIchIi. A little jet of blood spurted forth. The enraged De Ligny beheld it, and in a moment Prince Zelikoff lay Btunned and bleeding on the ground. A crowd closed round them at once; with some difllculty the angry men were separated, but, of course, only blood could wipe out such a Htuiu. A meeting was arranged; the sec onds made the customary formal at tempts at a reconciliation without suc cess. Valerie de Zelikoff knew well enough what the end of such a quarrel must nat urally be. She knew her husband's fierce, iudomltublo temper, aud she guessed the rage that had tilled De Ligny's heart at seeing her treated with violence and in dignity. Her heart was torn In very truth she cared more for the handsome accomplished man who loved her so des perately, than for her dissolute, gray haired, indifferent huslian. Hut her re ligion had taught her faithfully the duty of sacrificing everything to right. The morning of the dud arrived, no one f'ns on the ground but the seconds, a doctor and his assistant. The doctor Btood near De Ligny. Prince Zelikoff was known as a deadly shot. One, two, three, two Hushes, two reports, a wild shriek, and a fall. And yet neither of the duelists was harmed or scathed. At the moment of firing the doctor's assist ant had Hung himself in front of the prince, had turned up the hand whicii held his pistol, and received De Ligny's shot through his shoulder. De Ligny, the seconds, aud the doctor rirshed to ward him; the prince had already raised his head, and recognized Valerie de Zeli koff, his wife. The doctor explained it. He was an old friend of the family; she had gone to him and besought him to al low her to be present at the duel, urg ing that she believed herself able to pre vent it, and after much hesitation he had yielded. The wound was not a serious one; tunny a woman would have beeu glad to purchase the reputation for hero ism that came undesired to Valeria de Zelikoff at so small a price of pain, t The action was thoroughly French, and as such intensely appreciated by all Paris. It was a crown of glory to her liusbnml, mid flattered his vanity to a de gree that made him love .her again as in the olden days. Great as the triumph was to Zelikoff, was the defeat to De Ligny. His amour propre could not recover from Btich a terrible blow; he had been prepared to risk his life to a well-knowu deadly shot to avenge an in sult on the woman he loved, and she had received his bullet in her own tender flesh to save the husband who had so grossly wronged her. He went away un til the affair had blown, over, and then re turned to Paris with a very young, fair wife, who had been taken from a convent to marry him. She. adored him; ho was cold and indifferent to her; nay, he al most hated her, when, six mouths later. Prince Zelikoff died of n fever, and the beautiful Valerie was left n widow at twenty-two. She passed n year in seclu sion, then she again went into society, and, as has been said, came to London a. few weeks before the close of the sen son. She was staying in the house of Lady )ora Annesly, .Mr. Hastings' cous in, and her greatest friend. Mr. Hastings saw a great deal of the beautiful Frenchwoman, and admired her exceedingly. She was not like any Frenchwoman ho had met before sin did not talk much, or gesticulate, or seem to desire admiration. She was pale, large eyed, essentially spititnclle. The chief fascination she possessed for him was the low, musical tone of her voice. "I wish you would come more often to lis, Errol," his cousin said; "we see so little of you. I am so anxious that Ma dame Zclikoffs visit to us should be a pleasant one, and she always seems hap pier, brighter, wheu you are there." "You do me too much houor," Mr. Hastings said, mockingly. "It is no empty compliment. Indeed, Errol," returned Lady Dora. "I am sure he likes you much better than any one 1m who comet here. You ought to feel NLY A FARMER'S DAUGHTER. By MRS. FORRESTER. flattered; the Princess de ZelikofTs cold ness and indifference to men's attention has almost become a proverb In Paris. I am surprised you do not prefer a high bred, graceful woman of the world, to an uninformed, simple country girl like that Miss Eyre. You see I have discov ered your secret." "Some men are foolish enough to prefer innocence in women to a knowledge of the world, Dora," Mr. Hastings an swered coldly. "Some men are foolish enough for any thing," retorted Lady Dora, pettishly. CHAPTER XVI. More than once Sir Howard Champion had met his granddaughter, Winifred Eyre, in society. He had spoken very little; aud the result of his quiet scru tiny was that he felt uufeignedly pleased with her. She was graceful, natural and ladylike, and possessed a certain frank ness of manner which could not fail to win for her liking and admiration. One day he calied on Lady Grace Far quhar. She and Winifred were sitting alone together in the drawing room. "My dear," he said to Winifred, "we must not be strangers any longer. My other granddaughters are coming to stay with me in Hurstshire after the season ia over; and I want Lady Grace to spare you. Y'ou will not refuse?" "I think you would like to go, dear, would you not?" Lady Grace said, quick ly. Winifred answered a little hesitating ly in the atllrmative. She would rather not have goe; but she could not bear to seem stubborn, or as If she bore malice. The Iondon season was over, the park deserted, the handsome carriages gone from the streets. Winifred was staying at Hurst Manor with all her cousins Flora and Reginald Champion, and Laura and Ada Kordyce, Lady Valan ton's daughters. She had met the two latter constantly in town, and been on speaking terms with them; but nothing more. The elder was rather plain, but aristocratic looking, and very proud. Ada, the younger, was pretty, good-tempered and' unaffected. She took to Winifred at once, and soon became very fond of her; but her sister joined with Flora in be ing disdainful and cold to the farmer's daughter. There were two or three young men, friends of Reginald's, staying in the house, and Mr. Maxwell, to whom Miss Champion" was now formally engaged. "I have news for you, Laura," said Reginald one day, entering the room in which were his sisters and cousins; "in deed, news for you all. Hastings is not going to Xorway in his yacht, but is com ing down to the Court, and has invited several people with him, so wo shall all be enlivened a little, I hope, in this dull hole. Lady Dora Annesly is to play hostess, so there is sure to be plenty of fun." Some days nfter Lady Dora Annesly arrived at the Court with her husband, a young, good-tempered man, very fond of her, and not iu the least inclined to be jealous. There had been a very decided flirta tion between Mr. Hastings and Lady Dora Borne years ago, before sihe was married or engaged; they sometimes re vived It even now. He let her have her own wayward will in the matter of com ing to stay at the Court and inviting guests and turning the old house upsido dowu for private theatricals, and in tv turn she was very bright and kind to him nnd consulted his pleasure in every possible way. Lady Dora made nil her plans and Er rol carried them out. He called on Mrs. Champion, gave her some hints about the tableaus and a desire for her co-operu-tion. She responded immediately by calling on Lady Doru, and two days af terward Dora appeared at Hurst Manor. The ladies, especially the young ones, were charmed with her. she wan so bright, so fascinating. There were a great many cnlls, conver sations, hints, proposals aud suggestions, and finally everything wis arranged pre cisely as the mistress of the ceremonies had intended it should be. Then, of course, there were rehearsals at the Court; lunches, dinner parties, all man ner of pretexts for getting the young people together to perfect their parts. Scenery and dresses came down from London. Mr. Hastings spared neither trouble nor expense, and the Court ball room was transformed into mi elegant theater. All the country round was in vited; there were to be two hundred guests. Winifred's heart beat fast for the first time she visited Hnxell Court. She re membered how in the olden days that stately gray mansion into which she had never hoped to enter had been invested in her childlike dreams with all the ro mance which she had read of or fancied. Afterward it had been dearer still as the home of the man who had been to her a lu ro, a demigod. The time came to her when she had been the simple farmer's daughter, so proud, so happy to be no ticed by the handsome master of Hazell Court. How her heart had sunk vitliin her as she saw him paying court to the beautiful, aristocratic women who seem ed then so far above her; and how little she had dreamed of the advent of a time when she should be a more honored, more longed-for guest than they? Mr. Hastings came out to meet the par ty of ladies who had ridden over to the Court. He went up to Winifred first, and took her iu his stroug arms and lifted her from the saddle. "Welcome!" he whispered; "this is a time I have often longed for." One day she had ridden over to the Court to rehearse with Lady Dora. Mr. Hastings came iu from a drive and found his cousin alone iu the morniug room, "Pray, don't come iu, Errol," she ex claimed; "I must not be interrupted, or Winifred will be ready first." "Is Miss Eyre here, then?' he asked. "Yes in the picture gallery,- I think. She said she could study ber part beat there." Mr. Hastings left the room and turned bis steps in the direction of the picture gallery. It was an intensely hot after noon, ana all the doors were thrown wide open. He looked into the Ionic, uncarnet ed room, and saw there a new picture in a new frame. He stood and gazed at it longer and with deeper feelings than he had ever gazed at any other picture there; it was the only one that was not nis it was the only oue he cared for or desired ardently. Framed ia the dark oak of the window setting was a lithe, graceful figure, half reclined, and a fair, upturned face. Errol half feared to break the spell that be stood watching. Pres; ently impatience overcame the fascina tion. He went toward ber, and the noise of Ins footsteps aroused her. "Were you studying or thinking, Miss lyre r he asked. "I hardly know, Mr. Hastings. Think ing, perhaps." "It is too warm to study or think, eith er. Have you ever seen the Hazell por trait gallery?" "Never." "Should you like to see It?" "I should, indeed." "Come With me and 1 will show It to you. Walt a moment, though; I must get the key; I always keep that room locked." She waited, looking out of the window into the rose garden. In a minute he re turned. She followed him and heard the echo as he turned the massive key in the lock. He stood aside a moment for her to pass, and then she heard the heavy door dose behind them. A feeling half of fear crept Into her heart. She dared not turn; a dim consciousness of what was passing in bis mind seemed to over shadow her. One by one she gazed at the portraits on the wall, at the beautiful, gracious-looking women and the stalwart men, to some of whom the present Mr. Hastings bore such a striking likeness. Presently she dropped her eyea from the wall and turned to him. She began a sentence and then paused abruptly blood red with confusion at the intensity of his gaze. He put his bund on hers and es sayed to draw her toward him, but she turned sharply away, trembling and frightened. "My love, my darling!" he cried, in a deep, strong voice, "do not let us misun derstand each other any longer. You lov ed me once; you do love me still, a little, I believe. Why should there be mistrust and constraint between u?" His words were very sweet in her ears, but the false pride that had tormented her so long would not let her be happy even now, at the crisis of her life. She drew herself away. ''You have seen the wives that all the former Hastings have chosen some no ble, all fair. I swear before heaven none of them have been loved and revered as you shall be if you will be the last of the race! O, my darling! do not let a false pride make all our lives one long bitter ness. Tears came into her eyes large tears that gathered and brimmed over, running down the fair face and making it sad. "I loved you once, she half sobbed 'loved you with all my heart, as I could never love again. I was only a poor, lit tle country girl then; you were a hero and a god to me, something different from any one I hnd seen before, and because I was simple and ignorant, and loving, you despised me, and you treated Miss Chnmpion with honor and courtesy be cause she was a fine lady, and and you thought I was ouly a former's daughter." And Winifred sobbed with passionate indignation at the remembrance of her wrongs. Mr. Hastings was fairly angry. Her tears moved him to impatience. "Will you never cease upbraiding me?" he exclaimed. "Have I not atoned to you enough? Have I not humbled myself be fore you as I believe in truth none of our rnce ever humbled himself before? Once for all, Winifred, will you take the love I offer you or do you reject me now and forever?" "I reject you!" He was gone even before the better im pulse, surging quickly into her heart, moved her to call him back, crying: "I did not mean it!" She felt then she had thrown away her own life, her own happiness, and she crouched down by the window uttering great, gasping sobs of remorse and an guish. From that time Mr. Hastings' manner to her was changed. He was courteous but in no wise different in his behavior to her than to the other ladies who visit ed t the Court. And when she thought he no longer eared for her, her love for him revived ten-fold and she almost broke her heart for him. (To be continued.) Bear Was at Home. A woman traveling abronj narrates the following experience: She had oc casion to go to the British embassy at a certain snot, which shall be nameless. to nee the ambassador, who, however, in..iru iu u.- iiniij uu uis wue at a neighboring health resort. The visitor asked for the first secretary, who, un fortunately, was on leave In England. The woman stiid that second secretary would do as well, but he happened to lie iu utteiulance upon his wife, who was l.i a hospital. Was the third secre tary there? No, he was on leave, too." The bottle washer might be in, per chance? No, he was shooting in En plauil. The second bottle washer? He, unfortunately, was an Invalid, and rarely came to the embassy. The mil itary attache? Ho was on leave. The archivist? He was Ashing In Scotland. The visitor had heard of two Junior sec retaries, whose custom it was to trans act their duties in company with a pet bear. Did they happen to be In? Un fortunately, they were away playing polo. Ami the bear? Yes, the bear was at home. The visitor, however, did not feel equal to Interviewing the bear (single-handed, and left. Not for any consideration, says a writer In the Loudon Truth, would I reveal the name of the embassy where this Incident Is stated to have occurred. I may remark, however, that a bear is quite the last animal to which British interests ought to be confided at this paraticulnr spot. Goes Shabby Himself. "They say he makes little more than a bare living for himself." V ...... .1.- r - . ... nuii.u i. look at me clothe hit I wife baa." Philadelphia B-Uet'T. GUESSES ON FUTURE. HARD TO FORECAST COMING SKIRT FASHIONS. Many Styles Are New Current and la Good Standing-Points the Econom ical Dreaaer Should Look Oat for Gotham Notes. New York correspondence: UST women would welcome a reliable forecast as to styles in skirts, but this is difficult to give. Many sorts are cur rent, all of them in good standing just now, and the show ing ia marked by much diversity. All that is well, but for women who want to choose now a skirt that will give stylish service in the fall or later, selection is largely a matter of guesswork. Dress makers themselves are in the dark; at least, different ones suggest different styles. The current thin summer goods make up very prettily in very full mod- Ag FIGURED STUFFS ARE TREATED. els, and a lot of shirring, gathering and ruffling is used with excellent result, but when thicker materials are necessary this will be a difficult style to follow without giving to all but very slender women the outlines of a barrel, so many flatly refuse to entertain such patterns. Then there are the styles that have the front breadth plain, and the top of the skirt a yoke, but these require a deal of fullness In other parts, so take it all in all, it is a prob lem. Many thin wool goods are so pully and stretchy that they do not take kind ly to pleatings and look all askew, so that style has fewer followers than was predicted for It. Then the present style of exceedingly wide insertions set in the skirts has the tendency to make the skirts look awry, so very wide insertions of the coarser laces often are put in as bands, Instead of as insertions. This is a much safer plan to pursue, especially if the gown under consideration is of wash stuff. Coarse, heavy cluny and Irish laces are fascinating, and It is easy for the shopper to forget all but the beauty of the weaves and patterns when purchasing, so it is well to consider all the outs of these coarse designs and have your mind fully made up as to just what it is wise to buy before venturing into the stores. Not only in coarse wash laces do Ideas run wild, but many silk lace used on voiles, A SHOWING OF APPLIED TRIMMINGS. canvases and thin wool. stuffs of fancy orders are so coarse as to be lik spider's web, and while they are as dainty as can be, and will make np very prettily, they will be short lived, for the least pull of a thread will endanger their ap pearance. So It Is the course of pru dence to buy closer weaves if hard use is to be expected of the gown. Another point to be considered If the purchase I intends making up the gown heraelf, is whetnr it frit) aot ha artaer to buy one of the pattern suits of which there is such an abundance, rather than to attempt to put in medallions, Inser tions and patterns of lace. Some of the pattern gowns are very handsome, and it la possible to buy designs that are not at all common, so there will be no danger of coming upon a duplicate of your gown. Many linen colored wash pattern gowns combine two kinds of linen, and the way in which the two goods are employed is very Ingenious. The embroidery will be very heavy, possibly wreaths of flowers, the center of the wreath having a piece inset of a coarser linen than that of the gown. The same coarser stuff often will form an insertion between two row of embroidery put on In Irregular pattern round the skirt at th knees. This trick Is very pretty, and if it is desired, it Is best to buy the gown ready to make np, Some linen gowns In shade of dart blue are exceptionally dainty. They are serviceable, too, .for the color does not allow them to show soil easily, and they have such a pretty surface as to escape altogether a rough and ready look. A handsome gown of dark blu Jlnen had medallions of Mexican drawn work inaet at odd places all over it, and wherever these medallions appeared they were sur rounded with clusters of French knots. These knots were made of two threads twisted together, on black and on white, o that the black and whit effect was carried out very daintily. A hand some red is being used a deal In linen suits, too, and It trim very finely with either black or white. Black and white Ideas are as plentiful as ever, and many of them, without being flashy, are strik ing. Thin lawns, batistes and mulls are much seen in these combinations, and It is permissible to have the main part of the gown white and trim it with black, or to reverse this. The latter is rather on the order of novelty, and a black thin gown trimmed round the low cut neck with white Insertions of lac is a very striking affair, and incidentally, an ex cellent medium for displaying a good neck. Then there is no prettier display of the arm than is made through thin black It is not detracting from the beauty of thin summer dresse to point that they're unsatisfactory as forerunners of styles for cool weather. Both their beauty and their lack of value as sure guides for the future are suggested by the pictures the artist puts here. Seen from the rear is a figured French mull, freely shirred, topped by a collar of the mull made over white silk and finished with French knots. Together In the next picture are a figured mousseline de sole, white ground with pink figures, and a figured silk gauze lavender on whit ground, with plain white silk gauze for trimming. From left to right In the concluding sketch are a white chiffon heavily trim med with, flower embroidery; a pale pink gauze evening gown wreathed with rais ed chiffon flowers In pink, white and green, and another evening gown of white peau de sole finished richly with fine white silk braid. Each dress of this showing was a model affair, ostensibly a display of advance fashions. That they and the countless gowns they stand for don't go far enough ahead to guide economizer la the only blemish on thir btasty, Dragged'Down Feeling In the loins. Nervousness, nnrefreshlng sleep, despon dency. ' It is time you were doing something. The kidneys were anciently called the reins In your case tbey are holding the roins and driving you Into serious trouble. Hood's Sarsaparilla I Acts with the most direct, beneficial effect vii tut Kilmers, it lamiains me nest ana safest substances for correcting and toning these organs. Mad a Difference. Miss Maincbanre I suppose you've heard of my engagement to Mr. Jenka? Her Friend Yes, and I confess I waa surprised. Yon told me once that you wouldn't marry him for ten thousand pound. Miss Mainchance I know, dear, but I discovered later .that be bad fifty thousand. Cassell's Journal. The Water Supply. "Not going to move away from that flat, are you?" inquired the friend. "Why, when you moed in a few months ago you were in rapturea over it and it had hot and cold water all the time, and "That's iust it." renlied the flat dweller. "I've been in hot water with the agent all the time because be threw cold water on all mv ntronstiona as to repairs and improvements." , Equally Divided. "You allow no beer in the house?" "No; my wife and I never drink any thing but wine and water." "In what proportion do you take it?" "I drink the wine and my wife drinks the water." uippincott's Mag azine. Thoughtful. Doctor I think you understand fully now the directions for these medicines and this is for your dyspepsia. Patient Why, I haven't dyspepsia, doctor. Doctor Oh, I know; but you will have it when you have taken those other medicines. Tit-Bits. lOO KKVTARD fJlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its states, and that Is catarrh. Ball'sCataxrh Cure It the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and aMisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by druggists. 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the bast. Misplaced Affection. She kissed him and caressed him, But 'twas not what be desired ; He only looked at her and growled For she made the poor pug tired.' Human Nature. Some people practice what tbey preach, But it's a lead-pipe cinch They preach to others by the yard And practice by the inch. Then and Now. "When I was courting my wife," said the sad-fated man, "we were two souls with but a single thought." "How about you at the present writ ing?" a?ked the inquisitive youth. "We still have but a single thought," replied the proprietor of the sad visage. "We both think we made fools of ourselves." Contemporary. May told a joke to Flo one day, "Oh, myl that's old," Baid Flo. "Oh, is it, really, dear" said May, "Of course, you ought to know." Philadelphia Press. Very Still. "Sketch you?" echoed the rambling artist. "What kind of a subject would you make?" "Oh, I'll do as still life," grinned the tramp, who had not changed his position in the haystack for twenty-four hours. Chicago News. . The Unexpected Happens. "Why that look of surprise?" askei Blowell, who had just finished relating a remarkable story. "Don't you be lieve it?" "Yes; that's the peculiar part of it," replied his friend Naggsby. "I hap pen to know that it is true." Hair Splits "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J. A. Gruenenfeider, Grantfork, III. Hair-splitting splits friendships. '.-If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. S1.M a battle. All fratiltts. If your druggist cannot snpply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and elve the name X your nearest express office. Address. i J. CAYka CO., Lowell, Haas.