Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 5

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Crown Paper Co. Lcti Conlnct For Construc
tion of Huge Reservoir For Slorinj Oil
and nearly 20,000 Barrels Will Be Con
sumed Annually.
Assistant General Manager V. P.
t Hawloy, of the Crown Paper Com
pany, states tliut his company has
-contracted for the installation of an
oil re" ir to contain from eight to
wn thonsand barrels. Work will be
commenced without delay and it is
probable that before six months
elapse the Crowii 'Paper and pulp
mills will be lining oil as fuel in place
of wood. For several years both the
"Willumetto Pulp and Paper Com
pany and the Crown Paper Company
liave been figuring on replacing the
wood burning boilers with apparatus
for burning oil. A great deal of time
has been spent in preliminary ar
rangements, which are now practic
ally complete as regards the Crown
Paper Company. The Willamette
Pulp and Paper Company still lias
the matter under consideration and
it is only a matter of a very short
tinme, when this mill also, will be
burning oil.
These changes are due in a great
degree to the increasing scarcity of
wood and its steady advance in price.
Oil is cheaper and just as reliable.
The Crown Paper Company's new
reservoir will be between the canal
;and the river on the north side of
the mill. The excavation, filling and
lining will be of concrete, and the
reservoir will be covered with con
crete. Earth will be piled on top
of the concrete covering to a depth
cf three font.
About 8000 cords of wood annually
are burned by the Crown Paper Com
pany, and with the installation of oil
for fuel, from 16,000 to 20,000 barrels
a year will bo consumed.
Carpenters and Joiners Union Invite All Lab
orinj Men to Celebrate at QIadstone.
The Carpenters Union of this city
will give a Labor Day picnio at Glad
stone Park September 7. The bottom
has probably dropped out of the street
carnival and the Carpenters' Union
extends an invitation to all of the
members of the unions of Oregon City
and other towns to participate in the
celebration. The program has not
yetibeen iarrangeud but will oorisisfrof
athletic sports and contests of various
kinds and a baseball game between
the members of the Carpenters' Union
and the Painters' Union.
Secretary Kennedy, of the Carpen
ters' Union, autherizes the statement
that Federal Labor Union has dis
banded. He ' makes this statement
upou the authority of A. J. May
Tille, ex-president of Federal Labor
Union. He extends a special invita
tion to the men who were members
of' Federal Union to participate in the
picnic on Labor Day.
Increase In School Population.
County School Superintendent J. C.
Zinser will soon complete his annual
report to the State Superintendent.
Among other information concerning
the schools of the county, it will show
that during the past year the school
population of Clackamas County has
increased from 7i43 to 7777. Superin
tendeant Ziuser reports that there
is an abundance of teachers in the
county at the present time, whereas
there was an unexpected scarcity of
instructors for the publio schools
some districts being obliged to employ
pedagogues from other counties. Ex
planation for this reversal of condi
tions is found in the fact that dur
ing the past year there have been an
unusually large number of publio
school graduates who . have taken the
regular teachers examination in this
county and obtained certificates.
Meeting of All Fire Companies.
Chief of t'ho Fire Department Law -rence
Ruconich has called a meeting
of all the fire companies in the city
to be held this evening in the city
hall The purpose of the meeting is
to arrange for the division and dis
tribution of the $150, which was
presented to the department by the
Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany in recognitiu . of the work of
the firemen at the woolen mill fire
two weeks ago, and to talk over and
provide for a hose team to go to As
toria to enter Hie regatta races. The
combined offorts of all the companies
are necessary ' to place a first class
team in the field and Chief Ruconich
feels that a good team should be sent
or none. The meeting will be held
at 7 :30 o'clock Thursday night.
Albert Mortennen, a native of Swe
den, has declared hift' intention of be
coming a citizen of the Unite d States.
Ralph A. Petley has renounced his
allegiance to the King of Great
Eritian and has taken out his declara
tory papers.
Failure of Fourth of July Celebration
Seems a Damper.
Labor Day comes this year Sept 3m
ber 7 and it is a question whether
Oregon City will have a street fair
and carnival.
Secretary J. IL Howard, of the
Federal Labor Union, has bf en work
iug upon the proposition for many
months. He laid preliminary plans
and talked to loading business men and
was prom in Bed substantial encourage
ment. Mr. Howard has studied the
experience of other valley towns and
has found that the carnivals of Ash
land, Egene, Salem and other cities
were very successful. When Oregon
City docidod to celebrate the Fourth
ot July Mr. Howard lot the street
fair go by until after the Fourth. He
now faces the fact that the celebra
tion was such an utter frost that most
of the business men are disgusted
with all kinds of celebrations, and are
slow to see the advantage of the car
nival. Huntley Brothers favor a carnival
and so do other merchants but the
great majority of them do not, and
Mr. Howard is undecided whether
to proceed. He is satisfied that the
carnival would be successful from a
financial point of view but the co
operation of the Oregon City business
men is the first requisite far its success.
Mr. Howard says that a street fair
and-carnival could be opened in this
city for $500 and that he would
quickly go ahead if he had it. He
argues that we are close to Portland
and could draw largely from that
city for the attendance. Only a little
over a month is left to arrange every
thing in 'connection with a carnival
and unless sometihng is done at once
the whole scheme will go by the
Miss Marian Eastham left Wednes
day of last week for the coast after a
few day's visit in this city with her
brother, O. W. Eastham. She re
cently returned from the Philippines,
where she had been for three yearr
in, the employ of the government as
a trained nurse in the army corps.
She is now stationed at San Francisco.
Miss Eastham will spend a week at
Seaside with Mrs. O. W. Eastham
before returning to Chalifornia. '
Balfe D. Johnson was in the city
last week en route to San Francisco,
whore he has been transferred by the
Western Union Telegraph Company.
For a number of years past he has
been the manager of the Company's
office at Astoria and has just received
a promotion.. .Mr. Johnson is an Ore
gon Citjr bev'and has many friends
here who Jwill be pleased to hear of
his advancement.
The marriage of Mr. Andrew L.
Kleve to Miss Carrie Thorsen was
solemnized at Portland last Saturday
by the Rev. J. M. Nerwig, pastor of
the Norwegian Lutheran- Chucrh, in
the presence of II. H. Sandblast ar.d
Ole S. Halsa, and other witensses.
The ceremony took place at the resi
dence of the groom. The license for
their marriage was issued by County
Clcerk Sleight last Friday.
An Indian, who lives near Brooks,
Marion County, was arrested Thurs
day on the Chautauqua grounds for
druukeness nnd disorderly conduct.
He was placed in the county jail, but
as the Chautauqua officials refused to
place a charge aganst him, Shoriff
Shaver rel. asal him Friday morning.
He was con p etely -)ohered and his
money, $3.35, was returned to him.
Practice was resumed Monday night
by the men who will go to Astoria
to enter, the hose races during the
regatta. Sixteen men will try out
and 13 men will make the team,
Charles W. Pope is captain of the
team and Li. Ruconich, chief of the
fire department is manager. Only
three teams are in the field, Oregon
City, Vancouver and ABtoria.
E. J. McKittrick, Jwho has been in
the shoe business in this city for
many year's past, has sold out'liis
stock and discontinued his business;
The location is - desired by many
business men, and it is understood
that David Holt, formerly in the em
ploy of Mr. McKittrick, has an op
tion on the store building. .
The Oregon City baseball team is
making arrangements to play Salem
at Oregon City next Sunday. The
Oregon City team, with its new play
ers presents one of the strongest ag
gregations on the coast, outside of
a league, and confidently expects to
take Salem into camp.
J. C. Zinser, county superintendent
of schools, has made an apportion'
ment of $14,887.45 from the county
fund to the various schools of the
county. The apportionment amounted
to $1.85 per capita.
Born at 4 o'clock last Friday morn'
ine. near Brown's school house, New
Era, to the wife of Mike He wis, a son
This is the twelfth child of Mr. and
Mrs. Hewis.
Born Wednesday, July 21, to the
wife of Thomas Blackburn, of West
Oregon City, a son.
R. L. Holman, leading undertaker,
Oregon City, Or. County coroner.
Work on the improvement of Jack
son Street, which commenced about
one month ago, is progressing steadily
under the direction of Contractor and
City Engineer Ernest Rands. The
improvement will take in all of Jack
son street from Fifth to Thirteenth.
The construction of the sewer in
district number three is very satisfac
tory according to- Engineer Rands
who is supervising thowork of the con
tractor, E. W. Riner. The sewer will
be completed about the first' of Octo
ber. The Oregon City Manufacturing
Company has leased the Albany
woolen mills and has commenced
opearating them yesterday. The Al
bany mills have been closed for some
time. A number of employes will
be, sent from here to work in the
Albany mills. The Oregon City
mill has been unable' to fill orders
since the fire of two weeks ago.,
which destroyed a portion of the
The Canemah baseball team was
beaten at Hubbard by the Butteville
team Sunday by a score of 13 to 10. Can
emah had the game well in hand and
would have won, but the pitcher was
hit in the first half of the eighth inning
while at bat and the Canemah team
had no substitute. At the close of
the seventh inning the score was 8 to
8 in favor of the Canemah team. A
return game will probably be played
at Hubbard next Sunday.
Lizzie Hyams has brought suit
against H. P. Hyams on the ground
of desertion. They were married in
Portland iune 2, 1805, and Hyams
deserted his wife July 23, 1902. Since
that time he has failed and neglected
to provide ofr her and her child. Mrs.
Hyams asks for an absolute decree of
divorce and for the custody of the
child, Harry Franics Verner, aged
three years.
J. L. Kruse, of Stafford, makes the
following report to the climate and
crop service of the weather bureau :
Week was very favorable for hay
ing and maturing' the grain crop
potatoes making rapid growth ; buck
wheat in fine condition; the cool
weather during the week was favor
able for filling all small grain.
Arrangements have been completed
for giving a harvest picnio at Canby
on the 22nd of August. A nun' of
speakers of considerable prominence
are being sought for the occasion,
among them being Governor Chamber
lain. The affair promises to be one of
more than local importance,
Victor Conaroe and L Purcif ul, who
went to the montains last week for
a hunting trip, report the killing of a
fine buck in the eastern part of this
county. The deer is the first one to
be killed in this county this season.
and is a inagniflcieiit specimen,
having six points.
A party of five will leave here next
Saturday'for a wagon trip to. Crater
Lake, Pelican Bay and Klamath Falls.
The party will consist of O. L. Will
iams, Ed Reckncr, Frank Freeman,
,. VT. Cheney and Rhia Cole. They
will go by rail to Medford, where
they will take a wagon.
John Rex, of Marquain, is in the
county jail, charged with the larceny
of a rifle valued at $7 from Warren
Gray. The crime is said to have been
committed July 2(5. Rex was com
mitted by Justice Labour, of Mar
quain, ana will have a hearing at the
next term of the Circuit Court.
Saturday Mountain View Tent, K.
O. T. JI., will give a picnio at High
land, this county, for the benefit of
the order. Hon. Geo. O. Brownell
has been secured Jto make an address
and a number of other prominent citi
zens from this county will attend.
Invitations were issued Tuesday
for the hop of the Florodora Club at
the Canemah Park pavilion next Fri
day evening. Tnrney's orchestra has
been engaged for the occasion, and an
enjoyable time is anticipated.
Eva L. Todd has been granted final
citizenship papers by the county court.
She came to the United States from
England at the ago of six years and
has presided here continously ever
James W. Chase arrived Monday
night from Baudon to visit his family
and will remain until after the mar
riage of his youngest daughter Ina to
Mr. Lewellyn Adams on Wednesday,
August 6.
A marriage licesne was issued Fri
day morning to Miss Carrie Thorsen
and Andrew L. Kleve. The latter is
from Canby.
Mr. L. McAdam was Tuesday night
elected principal of the Eastham
school at a salary of $75 per month.
The Florodora Club will give a
dancing party in Ithe Canemah Park
pavilion' Friday evening, July 81.
A license to wed was issued Satur
day morning to Adolph Kraxberger
and Christina Walch.
Estray Notice.
Red yearling steer, with white spot
on the right flank, taken up Tuesday,
Jnly 21, 1903, by Paul Miller, upper
Seventh Street, Oregon City. Owner
is hereby notified to prove property
and pay
advertising and expense of
From All Parts
the County
Nearly 200 People Witnessed a Good Pro
tram at Maple Lane.
MAPLE LANE, July 27. (Special )
Saturday evening, July 18, a few of
the public spirited citizens of this
place, ' assisted by a few outsiders,
gave an entertainment at the Grange
Hall for the benefit of the order.
There were about 180 persons present
and a very enjoyable time was had
by alL Every number on the pro
gram was well played from start to
finish. "Gems of Patriotism,"
which was played by 17 little girls,
under the management of Mrs. Olive
A. Swallow, was beautifully played,
considering the tender age of some
of the little ladies, and the very
short time they had to practice it
certainly showed remarkable ability
of Mrs. Swallow in the management
of children. -
The lastJnmber,"The Sleeping Car,"
also nnder the management of Mrs.
Swallow, was a splendid success.
Th9 acting of Mrs. Swallow and
Messrs. Lewis and Beard was simply
grand and the crowd fairly roared
with laughter. Everyone present
was highly pleased with the manner
in which they were entertained.
Although it was a great undertak
ing, Mrs. Swallow managed it splen
didly. News Notes From Smyrna.
SMYRNA, July 27. (Special. )
Mrs. Fred Watson entartained her
Sunday School class at her home,
last Thursday evening. Singing,
recitations and ice cream were the
features of the evening.
Several wagon loads of young people
attended the Chautauqua assembly
for several days during the last week,
all being well pleased with what they
saw and;heard of the program.
. Miss Mabel Schwatz, who is cook
ing in one of the Bridal Veil Lumber
ing Co's. boarding houses, is homo on
a week's vacation. Meanwhile her
sister, Nan, has taken her place at
the camp.
Sunday School at the Congrega
tional Church has adjourned for Iwo
weeks. The ladies aid are having
the seats repainted.
Mr. J. H. Dozeir, who recently
bought forty acres of tlio Bon Roop
Donation Land Claim, is putting a
new roof on the house and finishing
the inside, expecting to move in about
October 1.
Mr. Moritz Gottwald, who lately
bought forty acres of Idyn Bower
out of the Sconce tract, is building
an addition to the house. He moved
into the old house about the first of
the month.
L. B. Yodor was hauling rock from
Howard's Hill the past week, for the
foundation of his new barn.
The whole neighborhood attended
the campmeeting at Glad Tidings
yesterday, the salvation nrmy people
being listened to with respectful in
terest. A. L. Yoder has gone to Canby to
day to put Geo. Koehlor's threshing
engine in repair lor the coming
seeason's run.
Canby Locals.
CANBY, July 29. (Special. ) John
Rydman, who is very ill with pneu
monia, was taken to the .hospiatal at
Portland last Thursday.
The new addition to the Company's
prune dryer, when completed, will
have a capacity of about 700 buahels
per day.
The S. P. steam shovel and train
men, who have been working in the
gravel pit for several months, all
pulld out for Portland last Tuesday.
The gang will return here this Fall
to work the pit during the winter.
Prof. Winches and wife accompan
ied by Mr. Winches' father, have re
turned from Salem. Mr. Winches, Sr.,
will make his home here as he has
sold his farm near Salem.
Stafford News Notes,
STAFFORD, July 28. (Special. )
Haying is in full blast in our vicinity
those beautiful days, and everyone
seems to .heed the old proverb "make
hay while the sunshines" ere "Web-
root's" lovely summer clouds mny
spring a leak.
Miss Kate Weed, who has been
visiting her sister, returned to her
home at Jefferson.
Miss Rose . Johnson is ont from the
city, visiting with" her aunt, Mrs.
S. Peters.
Miss Christina Schat2 returned from
Portland Monday, where she has
been visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fray, of Portland,
spent the past week at Stafford visit-
Continued on Eighth Page.
tion of ele&ricity to benefit the human
Powerful as the eledric current is in
itself it may be controlled by a child.
Portland General Electric Co.
Special Sale of Unclaimed Suits at
We have on hand hundreds of un
claimed suits which have been made at
our various stores throughout the country,
and for many reasons have not been
taken after having deposits paid on them.
You get the benefit of what has been
paid a good tailor made suit for less
than half price. Call and examine them.
Suits to Order
$20.00 UP
Unclaimed Trousers $1.95 up, worth $7
to $12.00
Unclaimed Suits $10 to $20, worth $30,
$40 and $50.
Special Prices on Small Sizes.
Farnsworth-Herald C o.
248 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon.
Oregon City Planing Mill
all kinds, of
Building Material, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Turning and
Scroll-Sawing. Orders for all kinds of Mill Work
solicited. Promptness and quality of work guaranteed.
. Before placing your orders write and inquire for prices.
Shop Job-work of all kinds.
Summer Weather
Summer Clothing
Summer Meals
Cool, Clean, Neat
Main Street
Clackamas County Record
J. 00 a Year
Williams Bros.
HHWOiMM 'Phone 1833 W.Viiui
Delivered to All
Pianos, Safes and
Furniture Moved
, ' , , .
i ne wondertul
intellect of man
has many surpris
ing things.
But none greater
than the subiuaa-
p. s.
and Good Service
Next to Postoffice
Transfer Co
Tarts ot the Uity.
Prices Reasonable and
Satisfaction Guaranteed