Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 3

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    happenings here in Oregon
oreat fruit yield.
Rogue River Valley Trae Promlte Choice
From the viewpoint of the grain
raiser dame nature ia in a state of
revolt this year in Southern Oregon,
the drouth prevailing for the past few
months having wofully reduced .the
average in all small grains. It ap
pears as if nature. Indeed, rebelled
at man's persistent perversion of soil
and climate conditions intended to
produce nectar for the gods, to the
baser uses of growing provender for
Vine or grain for human kind or
other cattle.
The orchards and alfalfa meadows,
however, are yielding up such stores
of wealth as only those realize who
are familiar with existing conditions.
Apples and pears promise fancy fig
ures again this year, in fact growers
look for record-breaking prices, owing
to partial failure of fruit of ordinary
finality in the east. Of course the
fancy fruit for which this section is
distinguished is not exactily In com
petition with ordinary barrel stock,
but scarcity of the latter article al
ways enhances prices all round.
Growers are carefully thinning and
applying the summer spray at pres
ent, and favoring weather conditions
are giving promise of quality sur
passing, perhaps, any former year In
the history of the local trade.
Willamette Valley Grower' Association
Says 2 Cent Basis.
The Willamette Valley Prune Asso
ciation held an Important meeting at
Salem last week. Delegates were In
attendance from Douglas, Lane, Linn,
Polk, - Benton and Clackamas coun
ties, and from Vancouver, Wash., and
was the most representative gather
ing of the fruitgrowers of the North
west ever held in that city. Organi
zations are already formed in Linn,
Benton, Douglas, Marion and Yamhill
counties, and at Vancouver, Wash.,
and associations will be formed all
over the state and the northwest In
the near future. The plan under dls-
cusion at the meeting was to have all
the associations in the Northwest un
der one secretary, so that it will be
Impossible for one organization to un-
dersell another in the market, thus
creating uniform scale of prices for
all fruits on the coast. The plan met
with the approval of all present and
an effort will be made to bring the
condition about.
The price of prunes this year is fix
ed on a 2 cent basis.
Coming Event.
Ninth annual rgatta, Astoria
gust 19-21.
State fair, Salem, September 14-19.
Second Southern Oregon District
fair, Eugene, September 29-Octoher 3.
Summer association of the North
west Indian agencies, Newport Au
gust 17-27.
Lane county teachers' institute, Eu
gene, August 4-5.
Klamath county fair, Klamath
Falls, October 6-9.
Good roads convention, Jackson
ville, August 15.
Fruitgrowers' convention, Jackson
ville, August 15.
Teachers' institute, Tillamook, July
Old Folks' celebration, La Grande
Aueust 1.
Hoo Hoo contenttion, Portland,
AllfUBt 1.
Knights of Pythias convention, As
toria, August 20-21.
Teachers' institute, La Grande, Au
gust 17-21,
Smiling Fields of Polk County.
Excellent samples of hay and grain
have been brought to Independence
this week. Early oats and spring
wheat have commenced to change col
or. and the heads of each are well
filled. Some early hops have been
exhibited in town, which are three-
fourths grown. Hay harvest is ueing
pushed rapidly forward, and there is
a larger acreage in Polk county this
year than has ever been planted be
fore. The fruit season for cherries
and berries has practically passed
but the plums, prunes and apples are
just commencing to ripen.
Bricks Made on Coos Bay.
The first lot of brick just burt at
the new kiln in Catching slough was
delivered this week at North Bend
to be used in making the foundation
tor the boilers and engines of the
woolen mills and sash and door, fac
tory. This is the initial burn and
somewhat of an experiment, but from
the appearance of this production
Coos Bay will be able to turn out
first-class brick, a much needed indus
try, for heretofore this article had
to be imported.
Huckleberry Season Here.
Huckelberries are beginning to rip
pn in the foothills of the Blue moun
tains. Never before was there prom
ise of such a bountifuT crop there as
is now presented. The ' season has
heen an ideal one for their growth.
There were no early frosts, and as a
consequence none were blighted.
Evt'ry bush Is loaded, and already
parties are being formed to go out
and gather the luscious fruit.
Collecting Mlnlnir D.
George E. Boos, of the United
States Geological Survey. Washine
tnn Tl C. is at Baker Cltv. and will
inake a complete report of mining in
Eastern Oretron, showing production,
cost of operation, wagts, etc. By act
nf congress mineowneru are eomnel
lpd to furnish informatioa '.yadcr pen
alty. Reany for Steel Bridge.
The pnpronrfcpq on" centpr pier for
the Lewis and Clark draw bridge near
Astoria have been completed and are
ready for the steel draw when it ar
rives from the east. It has been on
the road for several weeks and is
expected within a few days.
Sumpter District Mines Cleaned Up All
of $350,000.
Estimates based on the production
of ore In the Sumpter mining district
for the past month give much greater
returns than heretofore. The deep
sinking operations carried on in most
of the leading properties have result
ed in opening up a larger area of min
ing territory and consequently an In
creased production has resulted.
According to the estimates that are
at hand from the best sources obtain-
ble, the Bonanza is said to have clear
ed up during June $50,000; the North
Pole, $80,000; the Columuid, $45,-
000; Golconda, $35,000; the Badger,
30,000; total, $240,000. The produc
tion of the Red Boy is variously stat
ed to be from $25,000 to $50,000, and
therefore should be added to the to
tal production.
There are many- other properties
that are constantly shipping ores
away for treatment at smelters. It is
impossible to get any figures as to the
value of these ores, as no returns are
given from the - smelters receiving
them, except to the owners, and the
latter as a rule are opposed to mak
ing public these figures. It would be
safe in fixing the total at $350,000 for
the month. This total includes the
cleanup from many claims in the dis
trict that are not ranking with the
big producers. This also includes the
output of the placers as far as can
be learned.
Oregon King Looking Up.
he Oregon mine, which has
been shut down tor several years on
account of litigation, Is again hoist
ing ore. The management is -looking
for more miners and preparing to
make heavy shipments. . To give .
history of this mine would be to re
peat that of other properties accident
ly, discovered, abandoned, relocated
and developed sufficiently to make a
trial shipment, which was found to
give surprising returns. Shipments
followed, which, after deducting
charges for a 60-mile wagon haul to
the then terminus of the Columbia
Southern railway, which was being
extended southward, and freight from
there to the smelter at Tocama, net
ted over $105 per ton.
Not Enough Water.
The voters of the proposed Little
Walla Walla river irrigation district
near Frewater turned down the pro
position to form an Irrigation
district by 89 to 52. the vot
ers living at the upper end of the dis
trict killing the proposition on the
ground that the river does not give
enough water when at low ebb for
those holding riparian rights, where
as if an irrigation district were form-i,
ed including both themselves and
those below them, they would have
to divide what water was with those
lelow them. A three-fifths vote of
the residents was required to carry
the establishment.
Hot Contest for Land.
A contest of more than usual Impor
tance was begun in the Oregon City
Land Office a few days ago. Import
ant is the contest because an entire
section of heavily timbered land lo
cated near Corvallis, Benton county,
Involved. It Is estimated that the
section contains 16,000,000 feet of
fine timber. There are four entry-
men, each having filed upon a quarter
Pection, and there are as many con
testants on the ground that the en
trymen abandoned and did not prove
up properly on the land.
Prosnects for New Flax Mill.
James Boyce, a millionaire of Mun-
cie. Ind.. who is at Salem, is investi
gating the prospects for a new flax
mill in that city. He has made a for
tune in that business, and is impress
ed with the idea that such an Industry
would be a paying one there. He la
much pleased with the excellence of
I he Oregon flax fibre, and may back
Mr. Eugene Bosse, the local flax-erow-
er, In the construction of a mill to
manufacture the flax fibre into a
marketable product.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7778c; val
ley, 7Pc.
Barley Feed, $19.00 per ton; brew
ing. $20.
Flour Best grades, $4.10 5.50;
graham I3.353.75.
Millstnffs Bran, $23 per ton; mid
dlings, $27; shorts, $23; chop, 18.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.07 1.07K;
gray, $1 05 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $1920; clover,
nominal; cheat, $1516 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 7076c
per sack; ordinary, 354Sc per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $3
3.50 per cental.
Poultry Chickens mixed, 11 12c
young, 1617c; hens, 12e; turkeys
live, 1012c; dressed, 14ai5c; ducks
4. 0035.00 per dozen;- geese, $6.00
Cheese Full cream, twins, 16J
16c; loung America, 15616c; fact
ory prices, ll$c less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 2022o
per pound; extras, 22c; dairy, 203
224c; store, 16c17.
Eggs 2021c per dozen.
Hops Choice, 15 60 per pound,
Wool Valley, 1718c; Eastern Or
egon, 12ai6c; mohair, 3537)c.
ueei uroes, cows, 3s4c, per
pound; steers, 55$c: dressed, 74c
Mutton Gross, Sc per pound
dressed. 6HBc.
Lambs Gross, 4c per pound
dresesd, 7c.
Hogs Gross, 68c per pound
dresesd, 6X976.
Foreign Exhibits Must Be
Returned or
Pay Duty.
Washington. July 21. Foreign ex
hibits brought into the United States
for display at the St. Louis exposition
will, under a recent ruling of the treas
ury department, be exempt from duty,
provided they are, at the close of the
exposition, taken oat of the country in
the same condition in which they en
tered. This is a customary rnling re
garding foreign exhibits at all expo
sitions where foreign manufactures and
products are provided for, and similar
instructions will be issoed one year
hence regarding Oriental exhibit that
are brought to Portland Jor the Lewis
and Clark exposition. In the case df
foreign exhibits which are to be sold
in this country, however, the usual rev
enue charge will be made, as such goods
are regarded as pure importations lor
commercial purposes, and naturally a
large percentage of the foreign exhibits
will never be returned to their owners
abroad. '
In order to be exempt from doty,
goods for the exhibition must be re
ceived in bond at the first port cf entry
into this country and sent in bonded
cart direct to the exposition grounds,
where they will be continued in bond
nntil the close of the exposition. At
that time, they must be repacked in
their original parking and returned
through the same port at which they
were entered. The rnling, it is said,
will require the presence within the St.
Louis exposition grounds of upwards of
500 revenue officers, inspectors and
supervisors, and at Portland of a pro
portionately smaller number, to be reg
ulated by the else of the Oriental ex
hibit. At St. Louis and at Portland certain
classes of goods will be subject to re
lease without duty, such as personal
supplies for use of the foreign commis
sioners within the limits of the expo
sition, free samples of merchandise to
be distnbtued by foreign contributors,
and advertising matter in the form of
Silence of Mourning for Pope In the
Holy City.
Rome, July 21. The body of Pope
Leo XIII lies tonight in the ball of the
throne room, a few steps from the room
in which his death took place. I he
same vestment, the comauro hood, the
rochet and the white gown which were
put on yesterday cover the form, which
rests in temi state, surrounded by the
ighted candles, the noble guard and
the Franciscan penitentiaries.
Tomorrow morning the diplomatic
body, the high dignitaries and the
Roman aristocracy will enter the hall
to pay their tributes ot respect to all
that remains of the pope, who won the
respect and affection ol the world. In
the afternoon the body will be arrayed
n all the glory of the pontifical robes,
the mitre replacing the hood, and at
(unset it will be taken into the chapel
of the Sacrament of St. Peter, where
for thiee days the public will be given
an opportunity of paying a last fare
well. The interment will occur Satur
day evening.
Politicians are Busy Around Vatican
Over Coming Election.
'Borne, July 22. The conclave of
cardinals will meet a out August 1 to
elect a new pope.
A vigoroue campaign is being made
by the adherents of the various candi
dates, theBe including the foreign am
bassadors to the Vatican.
Kaiser William is supporting Cardi
nal Gotti in the hope that he will give
the triple alliance a protectorate over
the Oriental Christians.
Gotti has been made the subject of
attack on the g-ound that his brother
is an ex-convict.
Svampa is supported by those who
desire a short-lived pope, but is op
posed because he rides in an auto
mobile. Archbishop Merry del Val, whose
mother is English, has been elected
secretary of the conclave.
Italy Will Honor Cardinals.
Rome, July 23. The Italian govern
ment has given orders to the railroad
officials that cardinals coming to Home
for the conclave Fhall be considered
princes of the blood and have reserved
compartments or saloon cars placed at
their disposal from the frontier. In
addition, instructions have been given
to all the government authorities to pnt
themselves at the disposal of the card
inals if they are reques-ed to do so and
to leave nothing undone for their ac
commodation and protection. . .
Hostilities Warded Off.
Helena, Mont., July 23. A serious
clash between cattlemen and sheepmen
on the middle fork of the Sun river, 00
miles north of Helena, has just been
averted by county officers, who were
called to the scene. The cattlemen,
who had organized, sent sheepmen
notice that if they did not remove their
herds from the range by Sunday they
would be forced out of the country.
The sheepmen sent to Helena for arms
and ammunition to resist.
Beef Trust Has Appealed.
Chicago, July 23. The Chicago pack
ing firms, the "Big Six," made defend
ants in the beef-trust cases, today ap
pealed the snit to the supreme court of
the United States. This is the rase in
which the packers were enjoined frcm
continuing the operation of an agree
ment which the court held to be in re
straint of trade.
Were Escorted Thither With Much Pomp
Preparation Completed for Allow.
Ing Public to View Body of Late Pon
tiff -An Autopay Showed No 5lga of
Rome, July 22. Tonight the Body
of Leo XIII lies in state at the Basilica
of St. Peter's. Beginning tomorrow at
sunrise, the people of Borne and the
people of all nations now in the Eternal
City will be permitted to pay their last
farewell. Opportunity for this solemn
tribute will end Saturday.
Until 5 o'clcok this evening the re
mains ot the dead pope lay in the
throneroom of the Vatican, where the
leaders ol the diplomatic, clerical and
civil world were allowed to pass the
bier. The ceremony tonight, when the
bodj was 'conveyed from the throne
room to St. Peter's, was one of the
most striking of all the obsequies.
During the day the congregation of
cardinals met and decided to hold the
(onclave under the identical regulations
which obtained at the conclave which
elected Leo.
Dr. Lapponi, in the course of the
day ((presented to Cardinal Oreglia a
report of the autopsy which was held
yesterday, which showed there was no
sign of cancer in the pope's body.
Some hours be for 3 sundown St.
Peter's . was cleared of idle crowds.
The massive doors were closed and the
throng of sight seers was pushed back
to the foot of the great flight of circular
stone steps. Half a hunderd carpen
ters hastily constructed a stout fence
five feet high to. resist the encroach
ments of the crowd, nhk-h is expected
during tomorrow and the following
days. The fence extends directly
across the colonnade, and in it are two
narrow entrances which will give ready
means of controlling the ingress and
egtess of the throngs.
Encroachments on Corea Ex
cite Them.
Victoria, B. 0., July 24. News was
received by the steamer Olympia,
which arrived today from the Orient
that warlike preparations are going on
apace. Officers of the Olympia say
that the Japanese government was fit
ting many large liners fcr transport
service. The fleets of warships of
Japan and the powers in the Orient
were still maneuvering in the Gulf of
Pe Chi Li and off Corea. Russian re
inforcements were also reported to be
It was reported from Harbin that
two mixed biigades, consisting of in
fantry, cavalry and engineers were com
ing over the Trans Sioreian railway,
and an infantry regiment was follow
ing. The announced pupose of the
coming of these toons was to test the
transporting capacity of the Siberian
railway. Further to reinforce the Rus
sians, a battalion of sailors and
marines has been organized in Russian
Turkestan and ordered to Manchuria.
The three new Russian cruisers are also
reported from the Straits Settlement
on the way to Port Arthur with cargoes
under merchant flags.
Three killed and Much Property la Des
Pater son, N. J., July 24. In a tor
nado here today three persons were
killed and at least three sere more or
leas seriously injured. One house was
blown down and more than a score of
buildings unroofed.
By the collapse of a house that was
being repaired, Joseph Vandam was
killed and four other workmen were
oadly hurt. Thomas Hancock, 80
years old, was struck by a piece of
shafting, blown from a wrecked laundry
building, and his head was completely
severed from bis body.
. The monetary loss is estimated at be
tween $150,000 and $200,000.
Favora Exchange Coraralaalons.
Berlin, July 24. President Creel, of
the Mexican monetary exchange com
mission, pays the American and Mexican
exchange commissions are much grati
fied and encouraged by the warm recep
tion they have met from the German
government. Some most important
resolutions, be added, were unanimous
ly passed by conferences held at the
reichsbank with the German delegates,
and the commissioners expect that the
whale plan will be approved and that
Germany will give the propositions sup
poit. Boundary Commissioner Confer.
Watertown, N. V., July 24. The
representatives of the United States be
fore the Alaskan boundary tribunal,
which will meet in London in Decern
ber, have -just come together at the
summer cottage of ex Secretary John
W. Foster, at Henderson harbor, for
Snal conference, and discussed the man
ner of presenting the cape before the
tribunal. Members of the agency and
council will start for London about
August 20, and the tribunal will orga
nize September 3.
August Century.
There will be another "Pa Gladden"
story in the August Century, "The
Tramp," For this the material was
largely drawn from family tradition,
for Pa Gladden's character is actually
based upon that of Mis. Elizabeth
Cherry Waltz's father, Major. John
Nicholas Cherry, of Columbus, Ohio,
a man of broad and Rental charity,
much humor and quaint phraseology.
Marker from an Old Cnltlvator.
The Illustration shows a corn marker
without a fault AU cultivators are
not alike, as some have straight
tongues, and some have a scat at
tached, but they can all be used by
simply removing the wheels and shovel
No 1 A shows a bole where a clevis
attaches the wblffletrees. This brings
the draft 'on the sled Instead of the
frame. D shows a plank spiked on be
hind, making a place for the driver to
stand, thus leaving a clear vision be
tween his horses and straight ahead. C
shows where the wheel spindles are se-
cured to the marker plank with a yoke,
secured on the underside of the plank
by burs. At B Is an upright pin. This
Is to receive B of No. 2. This pole Is
Just eight feet long, and V Is a runner
made rounding at each end. This Is
2 feet long, 8 Inches wide and 1 Inch
thick. It Is made of bard wood and Is
wedge-shaped on the bottom. G is a
wire attached with a ring on It. To
the ring Is attached a good stout string,
and to this string Is fastened a com
mon snap, II. Place B. No. 2 on B No.
1, snap H on same ring, and your high
est ideal of a perfect corn marker will
be realized. I use E for handles when
turning at the end of the field. Cor.
Orange Judd Farmer.
The Uee of Sweat Pad.
The use of sweat pads under some
circumstances may be Justified, espe
cially when horses have started work
In the spring In good form and are re
duced In flesh during the summer. One
of the principal objections to the sweat
pad Is that It tends to become soggy,
and consequently increases the friction
between the surface of the pad and the
shoulder. It sometimes happens that
by the use of the pad one can fit a col
lar that could otherwise not be worn.
In this instance the price of a collar
may be saved. By the use of the pad
the drnff Is often thrown on the outer
edge of the shoulders, while It should
be as close In as possible. When an
animal gets a sore spot on some part
of his shoulder It is sometimes possible
to cut a hole In the pad and thus re
lieve the pressure on this place until It
becomes healed. The main thing Is to
have a collar fit the shoulder well.
Where this is the case there Is seld'.im
any danger of Irritation, providing the
liames are properly fitted to the collar
and pulled up tightly each time they
are put on. It never paye to work
away with a collar-that does not fit,
because an animal that constantly ex
periences pain through Ill-fitting har
ness cannot do the came amount of
work, nor do it as willingly, as would
be the case If all parts of the harness
are adjusted to Its form. Iowa Home
stead. f elf-Feeding Belt Box.
Even so simple a thing as a salt box
Is a source of much satisfaction If
made a little better than others of the
kind. The one Illustrated
was first suggested to me
some time ago and has been
Improved till It fills the
bill. The board at the back
is 10 inches wide and about
4 feet long. The sides of
the box are nailed directly
onto this board, and the top
of the box Is Joined to the
board by strap Iron hinges, which are
better than leather. The end piece in
side the box, and next to the board,
does not quite reach the board, and the
bottom of the box, being nailed to the
end piece, also docs not reach the
board. Thus rain running down the
long board cannot get Into the box and
soak the salt. The board Is nailed to
a building, tree or fence wherever
wanted. The support In front is a
stake drlveu Into the ground and fas
tened with a nail to the projecting bot
tom of the box. Animals soon learn
to open the cover and help themselves.
The cover closes by gravitation. II. II,
Hersbey, In Farm and Home.
Whole or Ground Corn.
At the West Virginia station hogs
fed four weeks on ground corn gained
about 28 per cent more than similar
hogs fed on whole corn. It is explained
that the hogs had been previously get
ting ground corn, and the change to
whole corn was not relished. The re
sults of twelve experiments at eight
different stations along this line show
an average of 505 pounds of whole
com, or 472.9 pounds of ground corn
for 100 pounds of gain that Is, It re
quires about 0 per cent less ground
corn to make a pound of gain than
whole corn. It Is generally concluded
from these experiments that unless a
farmer Is located near a mill It will
not pay to have the corn ground, the
extra cost of grinding more than coun
terbalancing the extra feed, value of
the corn,
Bonr Swill Bad for Bwlne.
One of the chief reasons why some
pig raisers fall to secure the success
which their neighbors enjoy In because
the kitchen refuse Is .allowed to be
come fermented before being fed. It
Is a mistake to imagine that evenr
thing a pig will eat la good for nlna.
He has really no greater need, nor
does his system call for food strong
ly acid, than a man would have for
pickles at every meat There la no
more active agent In promoting Indi
gestion in pigs of all ages and in
checking rapid and profitable growth
than sour swill. It keeps young pigs
thin In flesh and ailing, and for older
ones, and brood sows In particular. It
commonly puts them off their feed.
While everything coming from the
kitchen should be made use of. Its re
ceptacle should be kept clean. Take
It all down to the pens while fresh
and feed at once; nothing can be
gained by delay, and much may be
ost American Agriculturist
The Uncle Cam Potato.
A heavy yielding variety of more
than average qality Is something
growers of potatoes have long desired,
and the tests of the new variety. Un
cle Sam, shown In the cut. Indicate
that It fill the bill. So large are the
yields of this variety under ordinary
culture, expert growers claim that It
has no equal. The tubers are uniform
in sice, with comparatively few very
small specimens, and the quality Is of
the very beat In season the variety
Is medium to late. Unfortunately, re
sults are net all that can be desired
on heavy soils or clay, but on sandy
or loamy soils It has no equal. In
form the Uncle Sam Is oval, pure
white, with russet skin and shallow
eyes near the surface. . Continued
tests may prove that the variety will
do better on heavy soils after the first
season, which Is frequently the case
with aorta that have been grown from
the beginning In lighter soils. At all
events, the variety has too many good
points to throw It aside for culture on
heavy soils after a single season of
Profit In Early Turnip.
Market gardeners who are situated
se as to command a good trade direct
with consumers will find the growing
of turnips, and especially of the early
varieties, profitable. The Illustration
shows specimens of Early Milan, one
of the best turnips grown. It Is the
earliest white turnip In cultivation, and
of splendid quality, Just suited to
housekeepers who object to the pun
gent taste of most varieties of tur
nips. The flesh is fine grained, tender
and clear white. The skin is also white
and very attractive. The top is small
and the turnip grows with a single tap
root, hence Is well suited to cultiva
tion on ground where space must be
economized. It Is well worth a trial,
and should be grown by every farmer
for his own table, even though not for
market. Indltnnpolls News.
A Place for Milk Pan.
When a dairyman has a number ot
cows necessitating the use of a great
many cans, It Is not always easy to
keep the cans clean and placed so
that they will take up but little room.
The device Illustrated shows a method
which has the merit of being cheap
and at the same time keeping the cans
In a position so that they will drain
thoroughly. Bet two pasts In the de
sired place far enough apart so as to
furnlhh the required amount of space
for the cans; to these posts nail sev
eral boards, and on the boards fasten
at Intervals several hooks of Iron or
wood to catch the handle of the can
over as shown lu the cut The can la
held In position by loops of rope as
Indicated, The side of any building
can, of course, be utilized for the pur
pose when convenient, and save the
cost of building a special structure.
St Paul Dispatch.
Churning Hint.
Should you use tho old-fashioned
dasher churn you are annoyed by the
cream, milk and butter splashing out
at the top, where the dasher handle
goes through. This mny be avoided by
melting the bottom off a small fruit
or baking powder can and placing It
over the handle of the dasher. It rests
on the lid of the churn and catches all
the "splash" and conducts It back Into
the churn. If you only have one pound
of butter per week to sell, dou't tako It
to market In a shapeless mass. A mold
Is cheap and pays for Itself In a short
time. People like to buy attractive but
ter and will pay extra for It. Midland
Farmer. ,
How to Handle the line.
Some men will use the hoe so that
the top layer of soli Is cut off clean
and gathered up with the weeds that
mny have been the chief object of
the hoeing. The surfaco remaining
will be hard and smooth quite tho
reverse of what It should be. Culti
vation should nieun a stirring of the
surface, making It line. If this he
done In loamy soil shortly after a rain
It will not break Into large lumps.
Pumpkin KnIy Grown.
Modern methods of corn growing do
not permit the old plan of growing
pumpkins among the corn. The vines
Interfere with the constnnt une of the
horse Implements. But pumpkins are
worth growing and cost but little labor
planted In a patch by themselves la
hills six feet each way, well manured
and cultivated until the vines Inter-fare.