Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 23, 1903, Image 8

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    Boys' Waists, 5c, worth 25c.
Boys' Waists, 25c, worth 35c.
BojV Shirts and Waists, 50c, worth 75c.
Boys' Suits, $3.50, other stores sell at $4.00.'
Nobby Line Men's Suits, $9.75.
Great Line Men's Suits, $15, others get $18 Suit.
Come to Welch fiyjl(jffl";U j
I for a good Shoe IJjSO 'WJ 1
jr It will pay you to trade with
jj 22 J -22 3 Morrison, Corner First St.,
Notice to Creditors.
, Hotice is hereby given that the
doTsigned has been appointed ad
ninistrator of the estate ofJGoorge
Williams, deceased, by order of the
County Court of the State offOregon,
far (he County of 'Clackamas. All
persons having claims against the Baid
state are hereby required to present
the same, properly verified, to the un
iersigned administrator at the office
of Hedges; Griffith in Oregon City,
Omgon, within six months from the
date ofthe first publication of this
Administrator of the estate of
George Williams, deceased.
Attorneys for administrator.
First Publication June 11, 11)03
Last publication July 80, 1008.
Howard m, brownell,
Rotary Public. Abstracts Made
Pbrma Drawn, Collections Promptly Attended to
Office with Geo. C. Brownell.
V. S. U'Ren
C. Schuebel
i Attorneys at Law.
Peutacher Advokat.
Will practice in all courts, make collections and
settlements of Kfttate.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and
icna your money on nrst mortguge.
Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Or,
Lrvr stipp
Attornoy at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Jagger Building, Oregon City
, Notary Public
Real Estate, Insurance, Title Examined, Ab-
llade, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., drawn.
Garde Building, Oregon City
Commercial bane
of oregon city
capital fioo;ooo.
Transacts a general banking business.
Makes loans and collections, discounts bills,
Mtya and sells domestic aud foreign exchange,
m1 receives deposits subject to check.
Open from t a. m. to 4 p. tn
Grant b dimick
U1 practice in alt Courts in the State. Circuit
and District Courts of the United States. In
soWent debtors taken through bankruptcy.
Office In Garde building, Oregon City, Or.
O. w. eastham
Lund Titlr Examined, Abstracts Made, Deeds,
Mortgages, Etc., Drawn. Money Loaned.
I Bank of Oregon City.
Ore on Citv, Or.
dr. o. D. LOVE
Cntduate of the American School of .Osteopathy
Kirksville, Mo.
Mteccasfully treat both acute and chronic dis
ease. Call for literuture.
Consultation and Examination Free.
- I 8 to 12 A. M.
.SSeHour: Jito4p.M.
Or by appointment at any time
nl No. and t. Stevens Building. Main St
Oregon City, Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June 8,1878.
Notice For Publication.
United States Land Office.
Oregon City, Oregon.
July 11, 1903
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States by act of August 4, 1893,
of Albany, County of Linn, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement No. 6214, for the
Surchase of the E SEW and SEJ
T. of Section No. 28 in Township
No 6 S, Range No. 8 E, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on
Thursday, the 24th day of September,
She names as witnesses :
Juilus O. Burke, of Portland, Ore
gon; Edward Burke, of Portland,
Oregon ; Narcissa E. Ball, of Port
laud, Oregon; Thomas Devinne. of
Portland, Oregon. .
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or bofore said 24th day of
September, 1908.
July 13 Sept. 14
Timber Land, Act June. 8, 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon,
May 13, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the salo of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Annie Busch,
of Oregon City, county of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office Iter sworn Hrnrnmnnf. TJn
0088, for the purchase of the of
w ana L,ots a ana 4 or Sootion No.
2, in Township No. 5 S, Range No. 4 E,
and will offer nrnnf tn alinw rlmr. r.ho
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, rnd to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2fth day of
July, 1908.
She names as witnesKes; Frank
Habelt, of Springwater, Ore., Seth
Austin, of Viola, Ore., Gustave Fried
rich, of Parkplace, Ore., Frank Busch,
of Oregon City, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
Office On Or befnrn a&irl 2Kf h rlnv nf
July, 1908.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice in hnmrrr D-itran "r.lmt t.ha
undersigned, administrator of tin
estate oi Anton n.iar, eleoeased, lias
niea nis nnai account oi said estate
ill the conntv ennrr. nf" Sinf nf
Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
mat me juage or said court lias ap
pointed Monday, the Srd day of Aug
ust, at 10 o'clock A. M . no. rim timn
on which objections may be heard to
nam account.
Administrator of the estate of Anton
Kiar, deceased.
First publication July 2.
Last publication July 80.
Guardian Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven that the
undersigned has been appointed
Guardian of the tierson and nroiiertv
of Ferdinand and Ivor Long, minora.
Any person having claims against the
said minois or either of them are
heroby notified to present the same for
payment to Gordon E. Hayes at his
office in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from this date.
Dated this 29th day of June, 1903.
Guardian of Furdiand and Ivor Long,
First publication July 2." I'--' r
Reduced Excarsioa Rates
To The Seaside and Mountain
-, Resorts For The Summer.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rates
round-trip tickets to the various re
sorts along its, lines, and also, in
connection with the Corvallis and
Eastern Railroad, - to Detroit and the
seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets
good for return until October 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaquina Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, are'on sale at greatly reduced
rates from all points from L'ogene
and north on both east and west
side lines, enabling people to spend
Sunday at the Seaside. Very low
round trip rates are also made be
tween Portland and same points on
the Southern Pacific, good going Sat
urdays, returning Sunday or Monday,
allowing Portland people to spend
Sunday in the country and the out
of town people to have the day in
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay good for return via Albany and
East Side, or Corvallis . and West
Side, at option of passenger. Bag
gage checked through to Newport. A
new feature at Newport this year
will be an up-to-date Kindergarten
in charge of an experienced Chicago
A beautifully illustrated booklet
describing the seaside resorts on
Yaquina Bay has been published by
the Southern Paciflo and Corvallis
& Eastern Railroads, and can be se
cured from any of their Agents, or by
addressing W. E. Coman, G. P. A.,
8. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone,
Manager 0. & E. R. R., Albany,
Oregon. Yours truly.
Gen. Pass. Agent.
Cat Both Wars.
! want tny hair cut and no talk,"
aald a great man with an I own the
earth air, as he walked into a barber's
shop and sat down.
The" commenced the man In the
"No talk, I tell yon!" shouted the
heavy man. "Just a plain hair cut.
I've read all the papers and don't want
any news. Start away now!"
The man In the apron obeyed.
When he had finished, the man who
knew everything rose from his chair
and surveyed himself In the glass.
'Great Scottr he exclaimed. .. "It's
really true, then? You barbers can't
do your work properly unless yon talk."
I don t know," said the man In tho
apron quietly. "You most ask the bar
ber. He'll be In prewently, I'm the
glazier from next door."
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executor has filed his final
report, in the County Conrt of Clack
amas County, Oregon, and the said
Court has set Monday, August 8, 1903,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, at the Court House in Ore
gon City, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing any and all objec
tions to said final report, and to his
final discharge as executor.
Dated June 18, 1908.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Janios L. Bailey, deceased.
Attorney for executor.
July 22.
akd union Pacific
3 TRAINS to the East DAILY
Through Pnllman standard and Tourist sleeping
cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane: tourist
sleeping-car daily to Kansas City; through Pull
man sleeping-cars (personally conducted) weekly
to Chicago, Kansas City, ra clinin g chair-cars,
seats freetothe East daily,
For the East via Hunt
ington. 9:20 A. M
4:30 r. it.
Spokane Flyer.
For Eastern Washing
ton, Walla Walla, Lew
iston, Coeur d'Alen and
Great Northern points.
6:00 P.
7;35 a. if.
Atlantic Expaess.
For the East via Hunt-
6;15 p.
10;80a. M.
I Daily.
I Daily.
For San Francisco.
',00 p. m.
5;0O p. M.
andColumbia leave every
oaaya; Ainawonn uoete
For Astoria and way
points, connecting with
steamer for Ilwaco and
IS:UO n. ,n
:O0 n. m.
North Beach. Steamer
U) p. m.
liaalo, Ash St. Dock.
For Salem Corvallis and
way points. Steamer
t:4o a. m.
:W d. m.
Ruth, Ash Street dock
water permitting.
(Tuesday .
i nursuay
For Dayton Oregon City ";00 a. m.
and Yaiiihill River point Tuesday
steamer Elmore, Ash St. j Thursday
X;0Q p. m.
ua w uicrperniiuug faturusy
For I.ewiHtun, Idaho,
and way points, from
4:05 s. m. I About
Daily .rOOn. m.
Kipana, v asn., steamer
except 1 Dailv ex.
Snturdnv IVriHa
apoKRue or i.ewisiou
Ticket office, Third and Washington, Tele-
iiiiuuc .nuiu i l, roniana.
Portland & Asiatic Steamship
For Yokohama and Hong Kong calling at Kobe
Nagasaki and Shanghi, tuking freight via con
necting steamers for Manilla, port Arthur and
Valdivostock. For rates and full information
call on or address officials or agents of O. K. &
N. Company
Tfcw Aaorleam KtrSMUa la Tab
Keapcc larfasses All tit Great
Mstaatoas) Tlatca Caaltala ta
Ocelaeatal WarM.
New York ha been written about
from almost every possible point of
view architectural, commercial, polit
ical and social. Yet so far as we know
it has never been properly appreciated
for the one thing In which it surpasses
all the other great capitals of the occl
dental world, and that la for it color.
Those of us who live here all our live
or who absent ourselves for only brief
and inconsiderable periods of time
never know bow extraordinary la the
environment In which we have been
placed. It is only the stranger with ao
artistic sense or the native who has
been long away who gets the full ef
fect of this city of ours in its unique
prismatic florldlty of hue such as vivi
fies no other city of its kind.
If you will think for a moment and
visualize from memory the great cities
of Europe as a colorist would see them
you will be struck by the fact that each
one is a monotone. London has tn
dull, dingy, smoky hue of its own No
vember fogs, and as you pass along its
miles and miles of streets, a welter of
nnvarlegated facades and homely chim
ney pots, your Impression will be
more and more that London la out
great smudge, hideous and unrelieved
beneath a sky of watery paleness
which merely accentuates a little more
the dingy hne of everything beneath It
Paris equally represents a monotone, o
delicate gray that Is neat and clean and
that adds to the symmetry and nar
monlousness of the whole, effect, but
that is seldom diversified by warmet
tones. Berlin is a monotone in buff,
and Rome, like Paris, for the most
part a monotone In gray.
One thinks at first of Naples as a
city brilliant with the hues of the
south, but a little reflection will show
that it Is not the city Itself which can
be rightly so regarded, but rather the
setting of the city as one perceives It
from the ship on which he enters the
glorious bay or from the Capo dl PosI
Upo. The Intense blue of the sky, the
emerald of the surrounding hills, the
sparkle on the waters that lap Its
crescent shore, the huge dun slope of
Vesuvius, with Its golden smoke, and
Capri In the distance swimming In a
golden mistthese things afford an un
forgettable dream of perfect coloring.'
But Naples Itself! The place is as
commonplace and dirty and depress
ing as Constantinople, which also from
a distance cheats you into thinking 11
a colorist's paradise.
It is New York alone which, aftet
delighting the eye with the beauty of
its harbor, embraced by the long
slopes of billowy green, fascinates the
eye by the brilliancy and diversity of
its color scheme. The sky is as blut
as that which Is arched above the
Mediterranean. Its sunshine is as
bright and it Is sifted down upon the
city like gold dust scattered by a lav
lsb hand. But the sky and the sun
light merely Intensify the vividness ot
the color contrasts which are' visible
at every turn. Here Is no convention.
no conformity, no desire for harmo
nious effect The snowy whiteness of
marble and the clean gray of granite
are everywhere Intermingled with the
cheerful buff or the warm, rich reds
of brick. Patches of green appear at
the end of every vista.
The enormous display windows of
the shops are a riot of blues and yel
lows and pale rose and heliotrope and
scarlet Gilding catches and reflects
the sunlight at every turn. Flags and
streamers and multicolored awnings
add to the effect so that every street
is a veritable spectrum. Throughout
the whole length and breadth of the
island city color abounds In flecks and
splashes. It is Just a bit barbaric,
possibly, but It is also wonderful and
To the sober dullness of 'Madrid or
Rome or London It is what the Pom
peilan wall paintings are to the quiet
canvases ot Harplgnies not art but
instinct nevertheless with a sensuous
new and a glow that stir one strange
ly. If you are a native of New York
perhaps you never noticed this. Yet
all the same It Is set before yon every
day, and If you will only think of It
the next time you go out of doors you
will perceive It as a revelation and
will know that whatever else Mew
Tork may be it la, at any Tate, a color
city, and aa such It la one that baa no
rival. New York Commercial Adver
tiser. taroartia.
A young author, evidently desirous
of benefiting by the experience of an
older brother craftsman, once asked
Richard Henry Stoddard how be bad
acquired such a mastery of Anglo
Saxon. "I don't know bow I ever did it" re
plied the poet who, after a moments
reflection, added, "I think, however, I
must attribute It to the fact that I nev
er had any education 1"
ceatiaa; a New Scheme.
Mr. Tucker What Is it Tommy 1
Toothache? Well, we'll go to the den
tist tomorrow. Even at your age a boy
ought to begin to save his teeth.
Tommy Gee! If I save up enongh do
I git somethin' for 'em, pawl Chicago
I The Proper War law
. "You soy Grace married Into the
smart set?"
"Gracious, no; she was divorced Into
It" Baltimore Herald.
There Is a maxim of unfailing truth
that nobody ever pries into another
man's concerns but with a design to 4
aim mischief. South.
Judge George E. Boss of Lognnsport
Ind, sneesed so hard the other day that
lis hip was dislocated.
As the patron and inventor of the
British bank holiday Sir John has
earned the popular nickname of "St
Dr. Edward de la Granja, once a
prominent physician, Carlist and re
former, has Just died In Boston. He
was banished from Spain.
Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland
is making plans for another spectacular
campaign in Ohio next fall. He pur
poses to have three motor cars in serv
ice instead c one. '
S. E. Pettee, the Inventor of the first
paper bag machine as well as other
appliances, has Just died In Cleveland.
He lived In Philadelphia at one time
and later In Bethlehem.
A Russian nobleman named Tcher
dladleff Is said to hold the record as a
duelist He is only forty years old,
but he has fought eighteen duels and
killed eight men without having re
ceived a wound.
Tom Burrows, the champion club
swinger of the world, has Just con
cluded at Cape Town a performance
which breaks all records. He swung
a pair of Indian clubs continuously for
forty hours and a quarter.
Baron and Baroness von Sternburg
have gone to their summer home, The
Weirs. N. H. The ambassador will re
open the embassy in October and then
Kill leave on an extensive western tout;
going as far as San Francisco.
Detective Sergeant William C. Wel
ter of New York has resigned his office.
He admits having $2O0,0QP laid aside
and promises that the hardest work he
will do for the remainder of bis life
will be tc clip the coupons off his
General George B. Davis, Judge ad
vocate general of the army, has been
designated to represent the army at a
conference to meet in Geneva, Switzer
land, on Sept 14, for the purpose of
considering proposed changes In the
Red Cross convention of Aug. 22, 18G4.
George W. Vanderbllt contemplates
building another model village near his
estate at Ashevllle, N. C. The village
will be built about thirty miles from
Ashevllle, and $1,000,000 at least will
be expended on the project Mr. Van
derbllt has already expended about
$10,000,000 In western North Carolina.
With Edison and Marconi working In
cahoots electricity may as. well prepare
to give up its remaining secrets. De
troit News.
Ohio, hale, hearty and a hundred, fur
nishes a refutation of the old conten
tion that pie Is an enemy of longevity.
Washington Post
There is more talk of changing the
name of Sing Sing. Why not try the
Thompson Seton plan of putting the
first name last? Denver Republican.
J. P. Morgan has been taking the
"rest cure" at AIx, France. 'TIs awful
to speculate on what he may do to us
once he is thoroughly rested. Atlanta
A New Yoik man who disappeared
has turned up in California. He doesn't
know how he got there. A good many
other people would like to go to Cali
fornia, but don't know how to get
there. Buffalo Courier.
A Chicago scioolmaster criticises
Shakespeare because that bard's lan
guage is behind the times. Some one
should put Shakespeare's writings Into
slang to meet Chicago's yearning for
up to date literature. Philadelphia
North American.
Mauve Is one of the leading colors
this season.
The newest sailor bat Is made with
a slightly rolled brim and immensely
large but low crowns.
Shirt waist suits of natural pongee
are relieved by piping of same ma
terial In scarlet blue and black.
, Linen coats with triple shoulder
capes, double breasted front and wide,
loose sleevea are much in demand.
Adjustable buttons, with ring or bar
fastening, are favorites for shirt waist
decoration, four being the regulation
for the front
Turbans or large hats of hyacinth
blue and the lighter shades of porce
lain blue are worn with costumes of
blue voile and etamine.
White linen coats are adorned with
passementerie and drop ornaments to
match. Those in natural colored linen
are set off with trimming In self color
or contrasting shades. Brooklyn Eagle.
Work on the French National pavilion,
a reproduction of the Grand Trianon
at Versailles, France, will be begun
soon at the world's fair, St Louis.
Live stock breeders of Canada will
make a big display at the world's fair,
St Louis. Tkey have asked for gov
ernment assistance to the extent of
The British National pavilion at the
world's fair, St Louis, will be a re
production of the orangery or banquet
hall of the Kensington palace. In Ken
sington gardens, London.
Greece will erect a pavilion at the
world's fair, St Louis, and will also
make exhibits In several of the differ
ent departments. Among the Interest
ing things exhibited will be reproduc
tions of old Greek statuary.
Willamette Valley Chaataaqaa Associ.
The Willam-tt alley Chautauqua
Association will be held at Gladntone
Park near Oregon City, July J4tn
to 26tb inclusive. Rate of one and
one-third fare on the certificate plan
has been made from all points on
Oregon Lines. 8pecial attractions
have been provided. "Germaine"
the magician, with his wonderful
productions; R. J. Burdette. tl. i
bratedjiumonst will entertain in his
usual aetigutrui manner, while the lec
tures of Hon. Champ Clark and Hon
J. P. Dolliver will be an intellectual
Many of the attractions have"been
provided, making the finest nr.
ment ever given at this Chautauqua.
l-r. 1. LUiikJ JEWELER'
Jewelry. Silver-war ci-TH?
... " ottiaiiT
Cauneld Bldg. Oregon City, Or.
Elk Horn Livery Feed1:
and Sale Stables:
Horses bought and sold.
Fine Rigs to Let at Reason
ble Prices.
C. N. Greenman
Established 1865.
Office in O. W. P. & Co.'s Warehouse;,
Main Street, Oregon City.
Main Street, opp. Huntley's
'Phone 804 and 411.
Plumbing and TinSho.
Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty
Opp. Caufield Block, Oregon City
Oregon Qty
Machine Shop
All kinds of Machinery made:
and repaired, also keep in
Shafting. Pulleys, etc.
Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed,.
Chas. W. KtO
Lawrence Ruconlcb,
Big Grade Whiskies Fine Cbjar?
Garde Building, Oregon City
Daily River Excursions
Oregon City Boats.
Daily and Sunday.
Leave Portland
Lear Oregon Qty
8:30 a. m,
11:30 a. m
3:00 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
7:00 a. m.
10:00 a. m.,
1:30 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Steamer "Leona" makes no way land
ings except Sundays.
Tickets good on electric cars.
Office and Dock foot of TTloct.
'Phone Main 40 PORTLAND
Subject to change without notice.