Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, July 23, 1903, Image 2

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late Hoars Hellevaa ld Ait llll In
A illi iil Inn linn limm iniiilti lo Oik
hi it I h limit liiianl fur III" pilirliUMi of
a (nu t of school hunt lociitnil within
Ihu ImiiiiiiIiiiIi of mi" or Itm iiioiiiwi'il
fni'KMt rHI'VKM III KlIHtnlll Oll'KOII.
Thin lit ml him limm withdrawn from
hhIh hy Itm statu hind him id for I ho
reason Hint If tlni nMi'rv hIiimiIiI h
mealed Ilia hunt would luoliiilily lit)
more valuable for "Iihhh" tlimi for
kiiIh hn school hind. TIih npiilli'iint In
thin rami I'oiiIkiiiU, however, Unit tlm
him id hint no rlnht to refinm to acll
liny school limit when t hit Irani price,
. r 0 iiir aero, him I n li'iidi'i'i'd.
Tim Mtilln limit hon rd, In rniiHlilni'lllK
Ihn ijiiKHt Inn, him that
thi-ro In a defect In (tin tltln of tht
not of tlm limt li'KlMliitiiru which
malum It ilnilhtrill whether llm IckInIii
4 inti iiiIhimI I Iiii prim of school limit
to I J fill hit ni'iii unit rciiulrcd tlm
hi m id to mill lit Hint iii'li n. Thn title
i,t III., lil t refill' f llll V til llldl'lllllll V
hinil, whllii thn lift iuulf iillim to
hoi h, Indemnity mm acnnm mini
Tlm liniiril Ik Inclined to tin' unln
Ion (hut ho iniirh of II ui int im
npiilli'K to school In nil In Inon
iiriitlvn. unit Hint th old hiw Ih
Mill In form on that subject, The old
law mithorWoil I Im liimnl to hoii
hi liool hinil at any prlcu not lea Hum
fl.iift per iiern. I'tuler that law tho
linai'it roiilil withdraw thn land from
Main, or could tlx tlm price at $ !!.",
which whh Intended hy tlm legUIn
' turn,
If tlm limit should Im placed In n
foroHt rcriorvo, Hiul could Im ihimI aa a
hatm, It would Im worth tA Hit iiere
Kor that retimm purehaaera Bin anx
toim to get It. d Hi "lute I11"1! b'd
U dealroua of holding It. Tlm que
tlon of law Involved will tm submit
ted to tlm attorney general for his
Work begins on tHpenalv Rum,
Work torn commenced on ttm new
and modern ITuOn barn to tm erected
on th Rrounda of tlm Kuntorn (Unison
experiment station at I'nlon. Thn
Aral story will Im constructed of cut
atone, nil thn superstructure of woou.
Twelve- mow are now employed laying
tlm foundation. Ttm buiUlluK I lo
cated on tlm southern part of thn t2o
aere farm owned hy thn state, ami
not far from tlm main linn of thn O.
U. N whore It rounds Hutchlnion
IVlnt. Thn hnlhtlnit will have cement
floors and will hn of a vnry pleastnn
architectural design, Hud will hn used
for experlnwnttng In thn development
of thoroughbred livestock.
Crops In lane County,
While there has been much com
plaint about unfavorable weather and
many farmer have exo-rossed thn be
lief that crop of all Mud would, be
light, there U now a change to thn al
truistic view of th situation In Lane
wuuty. CvudUious arv tuvuiu out
much bnttur than anybody b?linvn.l
fnw wwK mo, livbably th most
vlatl of all th prwUvicvr av thos
who hav orvharju. Cunditiuna fvr
yvara have bw'ii mr or lt
dUovuiraxInit W th horttculiurlst ami
only tho strong hoartvd hav bvnn
abl to bar up attaiimt thf rintnil
failurva of prune crops espv'Ul!y.
ChilnaamlvMiat Rm4 $urvyi.
The aurvny ha Iwn eomplvUHl for
a new Iwatlou of the wskvu raj b
twnott CUtskaui anvl Mist. The ne
iad wilt be built on a per cent
Kade. maKhvn aa easy asceut tip thU
lde of the mouutalu. Mvmey la beiu
aubavvlbeil to make the Improvement,
and the work wilt be fluishevt at an
eavly date. The Improvement will be
an Important one, aa this rovl t th
only outlet bv which a number of
sawmtlta In the Lower NYhatetu jet
their v?o4uvu to the ralhvaJ.
The nail of amok which annually
visit the Southern Oreou moun
taiua, acreenimt the pine-covered
rauaea from view and ahadowing the
ntire SvHithcrn Orenou cvHiatry, l
akti It appearance, A tew minor
re have already been observed In
the aurnHOHlinit mountaina. thounh
none of thea have occurred tu the
heavily timbered district. . atrtct
er vlllaaoe will be kept this year
tNan naual. and tt la not hkely ifct
the treadftl flrea of last autumer will
be rvH..ted.
aunual rettatta, Astoria, Au
ust t-5t
State Vir, S.Alev September li t
Se'vt Southern OrexM district
fair. ie. September. JiMVtoher I
Sumaier Asvvation of the North
west Indian, aseucses, Newport. Au
ust I 27.
l.aue ety -cher' institute, Ru
Sene, August J.
tnMikta t r.
Worn all indication .Vwepin cvsi"
iv wOd maintain Us widespread ret
utatHMV of Nnu a treat w utermel.t
aectivi. The meVn aext will N
vme later there this vear than usual,
b the sre-wer ay t liv-wMa fruit
wilt be an much in evidence this '
mer a ever before. Me are ro
In the bvtrAm lawds beV Grants
jass by the W and SVore flcWs,
vUtaat ISMtiMAtve KhMM4.
Vstnvstr l,vmaw, of laer Otv.
h re.sMvv,t an o'er t tie vsv
oJttv-e devartnet at WwshNti,
vevH n hm to 'Hp.'ss ss''nt VNv.
master Oeo'e H. Ti-acv. Th.a i th
seviHl K the loss of twv rea!stersl
hto- ae. thivn?! the lk'r Oity
ofllc 0 Jr-h U last, whvh were
Kt reveivt hv the people W whom
they were addressed
Ftex Vk M Hv t Cat.
After havin tne,l fvr nvH that
iix) week t aecutv n t xiit t,
Vuv lsse, (iTOit c th SaJcm
flax tJat. ha Nn m.:!Nl m
abandon the e.Twt tv thr ih cr.
s, jvt winner, and. mtivh of it w:JT
W Ct with nwwin mch;nes.
Monay to Pay Indian War Vtlarani Nat
ttn lUhauatad.
Tlm niipnipilatloii of 1100,0110 iniuln
hy thn liiHt h'Klrtliitiirn fur tlm nyiii"iit
of llin Indliin War vidniana will nil Im
niliaiiNtnil hy thn piiyini'iit of clnliim
already tlli'd, ami nvnr 300 cliiliniiiitM
iioiHt wall until tlm next InKlHlatiirn
iipproprlntKN nioimy Imfnrn Hmy can
Kit thi'lr puy. Tlm unpiilil iIiiIiiin will
HKKmKaln Konm $fp0,l)il(l, ao that t hn
total niniiiint paid out on thin account
will Im ftriO.oon. Aa It lind Imcoitm
apparnut In tlm hint few dayi that tlm
appropriation would Moon Im nxhaiiMi
ml, Hni'intary of Hliitn Duiiluir BMki'd
Ihn nltorimy Ki'imral for ndvlcn im to
tlm ioiii'mu Im alioulit.pui'Mim with ru
Kuril to tlm rlaliiia Hint conm In lift or
tlm $100,000 Iiiih linntl i pntldnil.
AttonmyOi'imral Crawford tiaa ron.
ilnrnil an opinion In which Im held
that tlm Hucrntary of alatn Ima no nil
thorlly to imdlt tho iIiiIiiih or Imiiii'
wiirranta itftnr tlm appropriation Ih
cxhniiHli'd, Thla iiiciuim that until the
li'Kliflaturo lunkiia another appropria
tion, thinm wlioan cIiiIiiih arc not nl
rnady on II lo In ttm otllon of tlm hi'
rotary of atal" will havu no IokiiI
claim it k ii I it Ht tho atatn,
Hnctlon IMHH or tlm codo provldoN
that thn aocrotary of atatn aliall nut
IhHim a wurrniit except when an ap
propriation la nviilliihlu for tlm imy.
incut of tlm an inn. It nlmi provlih'a
that where a claim twin been Incline I
in pui'Hiiimcn of authority of law, hut
no appropriation haa boon made, or,
la made, him boon oxhauHtod, tlm son
votary hIiiiII audit thn claim and Ihhiio
a ourtltlcutn aa evidence that thn
claim haa honn nllowod. Thn attor
uoy Kouernl holda that tlm Indian war
clalma do not conin under any of
thnan clasnea and that, therefore, thn
imcrntary haa no power to laaun wir
vanta ov ovnn cnrtlficatoa. Ho can do
nothlnn but rocolvn thn clalma snd
koop thorn on llln until thn next tosla
laturn meota, when hn will report
thnin to that body for their consider
at Ion.
Tito Indian War votorana' claim
worn not Incurred In pursuance of
any law of thn atato of Oregon, but
wnm Incurred under thn territorial
Rovnrviuent, Thn United State rov-
orumnut aasumnd all thn lulhllltloa of
thn territory when thn atatn waa ad
mitted, and for that mason thn vet had no lesal claim aRalnst thn
Mate. Thn appropriation la hold,
therefore, to ho thn measure of thn
amount for which thn secretary may
audit claim.
New Mln for Oalka Creek,
Oallcn civek. which haa already b
comn noted aa. a rich placer mlnluK
-enlon and producer of placer Kold
ihivusli thn Old Channel mines of
that district, la to have another Rreat
hydraulic placer mine. Thla new
mtnn will bn one of the larisnst and
bnst equloped hydraulic placer In thn
West. Thn new hydraulic mlnn la
beln equipped by th Oallc Creek
Hydraulic Mining Company, Thla
company haa had a lan crew of n m
at work for the past alx month pre
paring th placer flelda to be operated
upon, for th Installation of an ex
tensive hydraulic plant.
Working on Rainbow Mine.
The Ualnbow mlnn In lVslaa conn-
tv will tn thn uvr ture he amonit
thn producing twine of the atatn. At
mvaent they are workln two velna.
The ore la from five to SO fet wide,
carrying gold and eopocr values
There are Sooo or Sootf feet of drift
tunnel and ahaft work, extnwlng o0.
tHH towa of ore or more. The com
uany haa ben atadily developing and
blocking out ore for the past tw v
yoara. A plant tcr treating ores will
be erected aoon.-
Sawmill Barw4.
The l.iembaugh sawmill, six mile
fvww CMtage Orove, o Moahy creex.
caught tire while, the crew waa at tin
ner. The entire plant was deatroved.
The valuation was not given. There
was no Insurance.
Cflcte4 by Ftati ComaaloKMiacs,
Vlalt CVromissioner H. O. Van Pua
e has detvsited tn. the atate treasury
tSOJt which sum was collected hy
him duriivg the SKUttti of June.
Wheat Walla Walla, ItMTSc; tJ.
ly, Si.V
Bar'ov Feed. $'9 00 per ton; brew
iug. IJOk
Kloor TWt trade, 14-10 9 ):
grwhasa IX$5vJ,T,
MUlatufN Braa, JS pe ton: mid
dUuga. abort, 13$; choc l.
Oat v I wbiaa, ti.DTV, KM;
jiy t M per cental.
HayTiwothT. ??vJi.S4; do,
vat in!; cheat. pr toav
rVtaVe et Ftt-Nanxa. Ti4TV
per aact.; ordinary. SXdtVc per ceatai,
iivwera' prKe; Mercoi (eta, $v
$.50 pr caal.
Pi.H;try Chk-xaaa. mixed. llvlJc;
wuog. llTSc; b. lf; turaev.
liv. Ii4l2c; Jxwed, l15; dwka
4 tVtVOi) per dcem; tee $.iXV
Ctee VttH cre, twin, 1$S4
l$c; Young Aarka li5c; fact
! prha, tl lev
Suttr Taac? crejnry. JCV?St
per pound; xtr. JSe; dairy, ?0J
JSSc; or ict1T.
Rg 3liv pee doa
HpaChvw. l.?W per poand.
W cvJ V a':y,ltlTci Karii Or
ch Mile; ot),ur. S.STV,,
Beef Spo, cvw S j-c. per
ponnd; arewra, .Vic; djwad. 7.
VeaJ 7S.Sc
Vafivo t.', Jc per poaad;
dreenei. VcjtTc
lV Grv, c per poood :
dreed, S
hv t;6 per pei
drenaoU B S JtTo.
Uiua Whkb I'ald for Tarrltory to B
Shown at St. Loul.
WaliliiKton, July 22. One of the
moat Intonating blatroical uxhlbltg to
Imi niatia at thn (it. Loui exoition
nnxt yaur will Im a collection of can
cellnd bond umhI In payment for the
Loulilana Territory. Them old puperH
wern rucently found in the trnaaury (In
partiimnt ty Chlnf ClerkIllla.
A hlatory of the payment lini been
ootnpllnd by R. A. llayley, of the treati
ury (Ippartment, who atateatlmt among
the national loana of the United rltatui
waa one known aa "Ixminlana 6 par
i tint atock," laaueit in 1H04. Mr. Bay
ley aaya:
"Thla loan waa contracted to pay
Prance for the province of Louisiana,
coded to the United Htatoa by that
powor April 30, 1 H0:i. According to
tho conitrnctlon of the United Ktaton,
the coaalnn hy Fiance Included all tho
region between the Slat parallel and
the (Inlf of Mexico, and between the
Mlialnslppl river and the Terdido river,
now the western boundary of the atate
of Florida. The United Htatna had
heavy deiuanda on France for upolia
tiona oomniitted on American commerce
during the pievloua ten yeura, The
amount of theae claim waa eHtlmated
at 15,000,1)00. The flrat propoml of
the French mlnlatur waa that the
United State should pay for the pro
vince of Louisiana 100.000,000 franca,
and take upon theniBelvea the payment
of the clalma tor apoliation, but the
amount waa finally fixed at 1 15, 000,
000, of which France waa to receive
1 1 1,SM),000 in Tnttcd States
able in 15 years, and bearing interest
at the rate of 0 percent. The remaind
er, amounting lo 13,760,000, waa to
lie devoted to reimburaing American
vitlanua for French depredations on
their commerce. The treaty waa con
firmed by the annate of the United
States, but waa the occasion of an ex
tended debate in the house of represen
tative. The act to issue the atock in payment
(or the territory, which became known
aa the Louisiana atock, waa approved
November 10, 1803.
Only Preliminary Arrangcmenta Made,
but Will Be Elaborate.
Only the meat general funeral ar
rangements have thus tar btpu made,
aa the shock of the pope's death for
the moment occupies all attention.
Cardinal Oreglla, together with the
members of the aaered college, will de
termine the detalia of the elaborate fu-
I nor a I ceremonies, wnicn win iaat nine
1 days. In the case of Tins IX, hi per
eonal friends among the Koman aristoc
racy we e permitted to aee the em
balmed hotly before it waa removed to
St. Fotew'a, whore the general public
had a like privilege. It ia'expocted that
aimljar plana will be carriexl out in the
present ca.e. Ou the evening of Urn
eighth day the corpee will be enclosed
in two cotllna, the inner one o' cypreea
am) the outer of lead, which will be de
posited within a atone acarcaphagua.
It will not be immediately committed
to ita final resting plai-e. but will bede
poaitexl high over the door near the
choir if a chapel in St. IVter's, where
it may be ieed by all visitor. The
ultimate burial place will b the mag
nificent basilica of St. John the Lateran.
Following Tope Leo' expreeaed wish,
the niche in which it will lie will cor
respond to that which the pope deaig
natkl a the resting place tf Inuocent
111. The marble memorial will show
a recumbent figure of the f pontiff. ur
roanded by allgorical figure.
PWaty l Chance to 5taL
Waahingtou, July 2-. Tba special
report of th treasury experts on their
examination of th affaiia of Auditor
(Vttyi of th Piatrictoi Clcuaibi. fixe
th ehortage in that office, for which
Jame M. A. Watsoa, a clerk, is now
in jail, at 173,597. Ih experts criti
cise th ytem by which th money
wws handled and any that for a period
of CKV-e than tonr year Wataona work
waa not revised, checked np or oiher
wi proved cr teeted by any other ena
ply of thvtc or by the auditor.
Cshit Oav VertxU Ptcdg.
Washington. July In a conver
aattoa at th Rjasiin embT cu the
aiteenwfli of Jon SS with th Associ
ated. Fre, CvHiat Oasaini referred to
th call I Secretary Hay oa tbe day
previous, and expreeaW bi gratitica
tioa at ita reaalts. Ib ambassador, in
reply to th (jueetioo as o whether
Manvhuri was nnder discaaeioai during
the call, replied ia ih aArmatir, and
stared that he had. aarred Mr. Hay
that Russia would execute to the letter
her pledge in MancharU and coBoad
certain pottt.
Or Ofci Sokiicr time
Washingtoa, July S3. Acting CVwa
ntisaioaer WUliaas. of th ioteroal ree
ou bureau, b direction oi Secretary
Shaw, baa issued a letter to collector
of ittwroal rereoue. attention
FeKjettt KoovJt" crder c Janu
ary 17, 1"J02, providing that prvrerem
ttaXl be given alike ia appointasents
aad retention ia th public servic to
hoooraSiiy dijcfea.-$e4 aoiider of th
civil war. Col'ector are instructed
c--efally to eoeerr th: order.
Cajax Sck Roeetgw,
Kooooi:, Jly Jt. it haa been aa
aounoed that th Chiae here wli
boil a M meeting fe mak aa em-
nhit.:c protwet aainet their cxvHtrsiott
rjn th Caited sate They wUl ask
heir goeeraajeot enact tariff reg
UtS agaaat An-ertv-aa gotvs aa a
atter of retaliation if tie imaigra-air-M
reetrktiona a-e not rtnod.
Earthly Career of On of World' Most
Remarkable Men la Completed-Hi
Waa Over Ninety-Three Year Ok
and Had Dean Pope a Little More
Than Twenty-Five Ycara.
Born at (,'srplnaln, March 2, 1810.
Knlore4 cmIIhk at Hume, in.
Matriculated at Uraforlan unlverilty.
Kntnrad oollegeof Nubia Eoclealaitloa,
A pnntntrd dninaitlo prelate br Oreo
orv XVII, law, '
Onlir o( prluathood conferred, Decern
bnr in, ih:i7.
lKl,K't0"C dsI'kt ' "anovanto, 18.17-
llnvernnr of Rpnlcto, 1K411MH.
Papal niiiirlo at llrimila, HUB.
Cri.ntrdcantliial, DHPninhur 111, IBM.
Maite cardinal rarnierleiiKii. .Inly, 1M77.
Klcctvd lie, February vil, 1S78.
Reviewed Itonian Calhullo hierarchy
In Hi'nilniid, Mnrch A, IH7K.
Knovillcal ciimleninliiK enminunlnm,
nclallhin and iilliilliiu, Ueceiubor '2S.
Kncyi'llra! aaalnnt herny and social-
Imii, Novemlwr ft, INS'J.
JltecoKiil'ed unity of Italy, October 7,
Knrycllral rondoinntna llbi-rallim.
Nuvemlier M. IKM.
I'eU'bratod Kldin Jubilee, 1HJI7.
Celebrntud yraud Jillilloe, 1KSK.
Kncyi'lli al ou auclalliiu and labor.
May in, mm.
t'iiloliratcd Kptscopal Jubilee, Febru
ary, 1MW.
muled apwal to Knirlanil for reunion
of ('hrlmendiMii, April 11, ISM.
, (Vlnliraleil lxllvlh aiinlveriiary of his
flriit inaxK, l'Vtriiary IH, IMih.
lierlared lMCOa year of universal lubl
le, Mny, I8.
Meld coiinlatory and created eleven
new rardluala, June 111, mt.
Celebrated ninetieth birthday, March
J, llHi.
Stricken with pneumonia, July S, 11)03.
Died, 4uly 20, ltWS.
Rome, July 20. Pope Leo XIII is
dead. The last flicker of life expired
at 4 minutes past 4 o'clock this after
noon and the pontiff now lies at rest.
Tonight the emaciated and lifeless
frame which held acjlirave a spirit lies
on the bed in the Vatican, beside which
almost all the world haa prayed. The
red damask coverlet rests lightly over
the body, the cardinal's S'arlet rape is
about the shoulders, while on his head
hag been placed the papal hood of vel
vet, bordered with ermine. A white
silk handkerchief is bound about his
chin, and in the hands that have
blessed so many thousands has been
placed a crucifix. Sc Pope Leo will ie
main until tomorrow, watched by uni
formed officers of the Noble Guard and
rough clad Franciscan penitentiaries,
who will keep a ceaseless vigil until
the bural ceremonies.
Tomorrow the sacred college of card
inals will assemble for the official duty
of pronouncing Pope Leo dead. After
this sad function has been performed,
the body will be taken to the small
throneroom adjoining the death cham
ber, where it will be embalmed. The
funeral ceremonies will extend over
nine days, the body being removed to
the cathedral of St. Peter's, where it
will lie in state. Th uttimate resting
place of th dead pontiff will be ia th
magnificent basilic of fet. John th
Lateran. .
Pop Leo bnal moments were
marked by that am serenity and de
votion, and, when he was conevioo,
that calm intelligence, which U aso-
ciated wtth hi 25 year pontificate.
His was no easy death. As boor be
fore be died, turning to IV. Lappooi
and his devoted vJt, Pk Centra, he
"Tb pain I aSer is moat terrible
Yet hi parting words were not of
th physical anguish that he aa5ered,
bat were whipered benediction i upon
tho cardinal aad hi nepheVs, who
knelt at the bodski and the last look
of hi almost sightless eye waa toward
the great ivory cracifix hanging in the
death chamber.
Practically all th cardinals now in
Rom. knelitw at th bedsido. watched
th paseag of hi sonl. Earlier in the
day Ca'dinal SeraSao Vanuateili had
impreeeiT v announced th nbeotntioa
in articulo mortis.
Th condition of hi holiness varied
from agony coma. Wishing to re
liv bin. Dr. Maxxni suggested that
morphin should be adaiaiasered.
War FceNaig Qrewa,
Victoria. B July 22. Th
tt3re ladrasamaha. which arrived
last aiht. brought news that the war
feelim- ia Japan was st-tweer than ever
wbea th t2r sailed, a areit oc :
th aliened secret convenes made by j
th Chin government to Ensei. )
Th increasing excitement of Japaaes j
paper is also accentual! hy th chaag
tf attitud of Priav CI ing. who is ;
said w have gon over compietelT to
th Ksssiaa sale. '
tirowlnic the Heat Apple.
Aa time gone on the consumers of
fruit Inlargequantltle8, which are malu
ty found In large cltlen.are becoming ed
ucated to quality. The time has gone
when they are deceived by appear
ance. The writer has Been many con
sumers go to stores for apples and
tiiste several varieties before buying.
Iu thla way they learn to fight shy
of aueh tlne-looklng fruit as the Ben
Iavls apple, which Is so devoid of
quality. Then there Is a decided In
crease In the consumption of baked
applea tn restaurants and hotels, hence
the owners of these places have
learned to buy those varieties that
have good quality rather Jlhan good
appearance, and, as a rule, are quite
willing to par for what they want.
Growers of fruit should take this les
son homo and make up their minds
that la future the consumer must be
catered to If fruit Is to be sold at a
fair margin of profit. The question of
grades must also have attention, for
these city consumers who are willing
to pay for quality want that quality
In size and perfection of fruit as well
aa In the flavor. There Is a market
for second and third grades as well as
the first grade, but they must be dis
tinctly separated to bring the best re
turns for each. Indianapolis News.
Attachment for Team Harnesa.
There are but very few of the ar
ticles used by our great-grandfathers
which still retain their old form, with
little change or Improvement, but
among this number may be counted
the harnesa which Is used on horses
for hauling purposes. Tractlcolly the
same pattern of harness has been used
for many years Dast. while other
things Introduced with It hare been
altered beyond recoenltlon or displac
ed altogether. That there was still a
chance for Improvement Is shown by
tne picture here represented, Illustrat
ing a chang In the construction of a
heavy team harness, which will at
least add to the comfort of the ani
mal. Th principal advantage f this
arrangement is that it does awav with
the strap passing around the animal's
body, which of necessity Interfered
somewhat with the muscular exertion
aud added to the discomfort In hot
weather. In this Improvement a short
curved strap ts laid over the back, be
ing held In place by a strap passing
from the breeching to the collar, and
ouly coming Into play when the ani
mals are backing. The traces are en
tirely free of the harness from collar
to whiffletree. and afford a chanc? for
a straight pull, without interference
from any other portion of the harness.
Frederick L. Alnsworta of Turner.
Kausas, Is the Inventor.
IV p. PUwiac.
Moch of the advtc ia favor of deep
plowing ts out of place on hill farms
wtth th topsoil only six to eight Inches
deep. Plowing which brings much
subsoil to the top 1 not desirable. But
there are many fields with good depths
of rich, dark loam that have never
been properlj wrorked. Such lands
need never be called worn out until
thorough plowing and harrowing again
has enabled the plant roots to get at
some of th locked-np fertility in the
bottom layers. Simply to bring np the
lower soil and then to turn it down
again the following season ts not need
ed so much as to thoroughly twist ana
fin the soil, exposing it to air and
sun. For potatoes and root crop deep
plowing is desirable, also to loosen the
oil for root and tuber growth. Amer
ican Cultivator.
Vila- aw4 te'rert
WTsc It ts desirable t somewhat
shaad th aUagc and get best e
aults from cut soever th Utter ia
more reUsaed if mixed with th quan
tity of silage to b fed and allowed to
2 covered with sacks or blankets
from en feeding tiaj on til another.
If not to be used ia connection with
sili?e. if mixed with cut hay in qu.ia
tirr sa2oient for several days' feed
ing aad wil moistened with water,
aad kept covered, or tf treated so with
at being mixed with hay or other
material tie cow wUl eat more aad
with much less wast than If fed dry.
Xational Stockman.
Nw Way to Xakt Bsttert
I H. W'Vaxs. vie president of th
Akron (Ol) Cold PistUiag Company,
claims to b th discoverer of a meth
od of mVng batter without first re
moving th cream. He does not go la
ta details, hat says:
Th diswrerr ia not on of mere
chaaoe. but ia th rea:t of a year's
hard work. I was given the insight
from ur aold dlKUiiag process and
have srvnt mrca time and study rt it
I. it- sted th aachia Wfiu
era! promfbent capitalist of the city,,
and tbey are now back ef me. We
will build a plant and put th product:
on the market" Creamery Journal.
Plan of Cattle Barn. '
Eastman Bros., of Illinois, in the
Breeder's Gazette, describe the plan,
of a cattle barn which they have
used for several years.
The barn Is 90 feet by 48 feet. It:
!s c pole barn with posts 20 feet high,
aud a corncrib 80 by 12 feet runs
through the center of the barn. The
lower boards of the crib are hinged
and feed boxes 'built on level with the
crib bottom ao aa to make practically
a self-feeder, especially when feeding
shelled corn. Hogs sleep under the
Hayracks on the sides are eighty feet
long. Hay is put in at the ends of
the barn. Sliding doors, controlled by
weights, are used at the ends of the
mow. They ore closed when the hay
Is In the mow. There are doors along
lte of the haymow. When filling the
mow we leave a space of four feet '
between the hay and the sides of the
barn, which enables us to throw hay
Into the racks when feeding. The
south end is open. The north end haa
doors which we" close in bad weather.
We have lots on the north, south and.
east of the barn and scales east of
the barn, so we can weigh cattle any
time. This barn will easily aecommodate
100 cattle. We are now feeding 101
head, ninety-seven of which are Here--fordsi.
This . kind of a barn is a great
time and labor saver. We keep it well,
bedded and it is always dry.
Variations in Wood Aahea.
There Is no commercial fertillzer-
that is more variable In composition
than wood ashes, and while such ashes,
are valuable under certain conditions
it is unsafe to buy them without first
having the percentage of potash ascer
tained by analysis. Experiments have
shown that there is a vast rnnee in
the percentage of potash in different
samples or wood ashes, hence, without
the analysis, as suggested, oue may
easily be led into paying double the
value or the asbea. There Is not so
much variattou In Uie phosphoric acid
content, but as the chief need of the
wood ashes is for the potash content,
one easily sees the Importance of being
reasonably sure the ashes contain the
deslred proportion of potash. The
ralue of this suggestion would be
readily seen if the crop to le grwn
was potatoes, where If the ashes were
used as a fertilizer at all they would
be used almost wholly for the potash
they contained.
Feed lav Foft Corn.
Feeders who tried finishing cattle on.
soft corn reported very unsatisfactory
results. But the Iowa experiment sta
tion recently marketed some cattle fed
on soft cam alongside others fed on
sound corn of the 1901 crop, and the
results were decidedly favorable to the
forruer feed. At the prices for soft
and sound corn prevailing when the
cattie were put on feed the advantage
was with the lower priced corn. And
the steers fed on it outdressed by a
mall margin those fed on sound core
The difference in killing, however, m
not greater tan might occur In any
two lots of cattle. Either the feeders
have been wrong in their estimate ot
the value of soft corn or the Iowa
station's experience Is exceptional.
Probably difference In the quality of
the corn may account for ft. as some
feeders Include in their definition or
"soft" corn the light, chaffy, imma
ture stuff of comparatively low feed-
ing value. Stockman and Farmer.
I" of the Carrycemb.
If a currycomb must be used, have
the smoothest oue that can be found,
and use it but sparingly. la the hind
of some men the currycomb is a bar
barous instrument of torture. Applied
with a long, sweeping motion, without
regard to the shape of the body or th
eveuness with which it is held, will
make a poor animal shrink and shiver.
Th skin Is often seriously hurt by the
angles of the cotno when careless and
heavily handled. A short motion, hack,
and forth, does the work more effec
tively and humanely than th severe
application of th comb described. The
hors will learn not to dislike k if he
finds he is not hurt.
Ponltry tn the nta
Th South seem to be coming To
ward the front as a poultry section.
In Georgia during the year 13W tsre
were 4.54S.U-U chickens over thre
months old. 103.4 lt$ turkeys, 2rt5.?7
geese and duets. aU valued at
$l.4JS0M; the es produced were val
ued at $UU3:$ aad numbered 13.
5.3& doieo. Alabama, althona a
smaller State, produced KTrS?)
eors. wee valued at $5,S5.
9TS durlug th same
ValfOrm Ksc f.vr Hatcaiaav
font try to oaten eggs ftvxa differ
ent classes of fowls at toe saaae tins.
Hens" eggs and ducks' eggs, fw j.
stance, do not go well together. Nettier
do eggs from d .ffemit class,-. saci 4S
Leghorns aud rtymouta Kvk. As a
rule, dark -shelled eggs go weij ttyeti
r. no matter what the breeds.' aad
th Mine i true of wait shewed scs