Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, April 20, 1903, Image 7

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Tired Teeling
! Is a Common Spring Trouble.
It'i a iga that the blood ia deficient
' In vitality, Just as pimples and other
eruptions s.are. sin that the blood
Is impure.
- It's a Tsrarnir, too, -which only tha
hazardous, fail to Lecd.
... Hood's SarsaparUla
and Pills
: Remove It,, five new; life, new conr
. age, strength and animation.
.They cleanse the blood and clear tha
. Accept no substitute.
r "I felt tired all the time and eoald not
! sleep. ' Alter taking Hood's SarsaparUla
. a while I could sleep well and the tired
. feeling had gone.': This great medicine hat
. also cured me. :ot scrofula," Man C M.
; Boot, Gllead, Conn.
Hood's SarsaparUla promises t
. cure and .keeps the promise. ;
Beautiful Marks of Maple.
: : Nobody seems to know what cause It
la which produces those delicate and
beautiful lines in maple,, known as
bird's-eye. fiome people think they
come .from itne ..hundreds of little
brauches which shoot out over the
trunk , of the "tree, as soon as a clearing
Is made around It. ..Expert tlmbermen
say that la not .the case. The only way
to tell a blrd'-oy maple tree la to cut
It, There are no outward slgiiB by which
one can Judge.' The. Railroad Gazette
tells a story of the.Jate George M. Pull
man. Many years ago he was offered a
mahogany log for $3,000, to be cut Into
veneers., . It was supposed to be a very
fine piece of wood,. but .(his could ouly
be determined ry (cutting . it. He de
clined the offer, tout agreed to take the
, log cut Into veneers. for what It was
worth. ; The owner badi:lt sawed and
was paid .(7,000 for bis veneers. Any
pne who can discover ithe- secret of de
termlnlpg the Interior .nature of ..wood
: from the outside will have a fortune.
. ;.No Bath, Mo Wife.
Among the Turks bath money forms
? an item In every marriage contract,
rthe husband engaging ;to allow his
wife a certain sum for bathing pur-
poses. . Should it be withheld she has
.only to ge before the .cadi and turn
;her slipper- unside down, and if the
.complain, be not then redressed. it ;4s
j ground for a- divorce.
An Expert Opinion.
Yes; r he. started a matrimonial
.agency and expected to make :a. lot Of
"Why dldn't'vhe?" '
"He married his typewriter girl In
side pf- a week, and she wouldn't '.let
Slim go on with the business because it
was too dangerous." Cleveland IJlaln
JDealer. '
1 Taking Rio Chances.
'.'Some, one was 'telling me that jiar
3or matches aren't; legal any more,"
eaid Marmaduke.
"Let's go Into -the sitting room;"
eaid Alice, hastily leading the way.
New York; Sun.
Het Air Cookery.
"1-got a cpld supper when I went
tome tonight,, and yon bet I kicked
about it:" -
"Did 'that. do. you any good?"
"Well, niy wiie made ;a.t warm for
me." Philadelphia Press.
?' ' Perplexing Situation.
Parker--"Vhat's (wrong? -tVou seem
StreeterwJ am. -J; wrote-tvo notes
one to my ibroker asking itim If he
took me for -a fool, and the other to
Miss Goldins aalting'licr If she would
t be mine. While I was out somebody
telephoned 'Yes,' and I dnn't .know
.. svhich of 'cm :lt was. Tit-Bits.
bom -a ruua
offer One Hundred dollars Seward forea?
eu.of Cattarrlt Ibalcau uotueemed by Hail 'i
Catnrh Cure.
F. J. CHESEY ACo., Pro... Toledo, 0.
We the nnderslgiied.have known F. J. Cheney
for the past IS years, and believe hkm perfect y
honorable In all business-trniisacti.ns and fln
, encially able to carr7.0u.ta.ny ublitjatione made
by rm.
WbbtA Tbtjax.
Wholesale Drusgigts, Toledo,
Waluin Kinnan & UeviN,
Wholesale Drugging, Toledo. O.
BaU'iCatarrh Care is taken itiiernaHyyactine
.ilreotly on (he blood and mucous surf&eesor
the system. Price 75e per bottia. Sold Jy all
4ru(t(fist. Testimonials free.
' Ball's Family Pllla are lhabesU
A Jilted Woman in Honduras.
The civil -war In Honduras -was
.started by a girl who was jilted by
the president-elect. Yet, says the
-Chicago Record-Herald, some of :the
reformers think woman isn't playing
a large enough part in the affairs of
the nations.
Always loek for tMs trade mark: "The
Klean, Kool Kitchen Kind." The Btovea with
out smoke, ashes or heat. Malta eomiortabie
Finest fiold Plate Service.
The tnarqniaof Breadalbane owns a
service of gold plate whieh is one of the
finst in tha world. It is valued at
$600,000. That of Lord Rothschild' is
worth about (500,000.
Mothers will Hud Mrs. fTlnslow's 8ooth
ins Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
Bhlldren during the teething period.,
. .
Painful Subject.
The Admirer "The fringe of mag
nolias beyond the lagoon," There is
something poetic about the word
The Poet Yes, except when it re
fers to trousers. Stray Stories.
Beat Coogh Syrup. Taetae Good, DM I
m tuna, poia wy nruKimi.fc
Cu -
JTJST' now, -when, most of 'mankind Is ready to believe that "perfection
has been reached in physical humanity, along comes a Belgian professor
to. take, the conceit out of us and prove that .even a self-made man has
a score of' flaws la bis make-up. We are, to begin with, provided with
eight -surplus teeth. . If .we bad eight less we could chew our beefsteak
.and sum. just a well and the chances of toothache would be largely reduced.
Then there: are. four, fingers where but three are required to count our cash,
button our collars or use the bucksaw and ax. It Is the same -with the toes.
The third one could have been left off the foot without the slightest detri
ment to man or woman,, and the saving In corn .cures would have been a
pretty penny by this date.
'Nature made whlnkc-rs to grow on the faces -of at least three-fourths of
the male population of the world. The Belgian professor defies any one of us
to -show where whiskers beautify .or benefit, wliile he can name no less
than. a dozen evils, arising from them. We have more ribs than needed by
two He .proves tbls by:ount!ng the hoops on .a barret As a rule, all
human noses are made on too large a scale, and the consequence Is that a
iculd In the. head takes hold of .a person with xtra severity.
'The. ear. of ..a whale, the professor says. Is relatively only half the size
of that of aitnan, while his bulk is more than a hundred times greater. It
was -suspected that most men had too much cheek, but now we know that all
mien have .too much ear.
.As the -monkey bus no use; far a forehead why should It have been given
to man? Had the extra space been added to his neck every man could have
-worn .a .collar. a: foot high without sawing his chin.
It Is further asserted by the -professor, says the Detroit Free Press, that
nineteen out of twenty people squint and that ninety-nine out of every hun
dred have off-colored eyes. One eye In the center of the forehead would
lave answered, all demands and been a decided blue or black. . The professor
has taken the -statues of -Venus, Apollo, Hercules and other famous models
and with a -tworfoot rule; and a Hit .of chalk has figured out that eact has a
score of Imperfections. We are none of us all right not even the professor
himself -tand we-can't expect to be ior at least COO years to come. By that
time Daiue Nature will have served her apprenticeship and man will be
rreated .on -scientific lines, and .with .due reference to art and convenience.
Edifice Bnil-t Early in the Eighteenth
Century Still Ktauda.
By raising :an -endowment that will
be used to prevent .St. George's
Church, Philadelphia, .from falling to
decay, wealthy memliers of ithe Meth
odist Church In that city .have .made
possible the preservation of a struc
ture around waiuh .are .clustered .mem
ories dear to the beart of every stu
dent of the early .history of .Methodism
In America. St. George's Church Is
noted as the oldest Methodist Church
In continuous use for .worship in the
world. Owing to Its great age, the
edifice would soon crumble away were
It not for the steps .about to .be .taken
for Its renovatlen. Especial .attention
will be paid to the old conference
room, where still stands the desk at
Which sat Francis Anbury, the first
Methodist bishop ordained In Ameri
ca, and on which is the original Bible
used by him during his term as pastor
of the church. Among the relies which
are carefully preserved In a fireproof
vault ;ln this room are some of the
quaint iron candlesticks that lighted
the .conferees nt the' first" Methodist
conference, ibeld In 1773, a stove that
was used .for .-fires of wood, and the
original collection bag of the church,
a L-rude pocket -of faded black velvet,
tacked on .a -short Iron handle.
The history of .the church Is a most
Interesting oue. Captain Thomas
Webb, un officer Jn the British asmy
and a .convert of .John Wesley, first
preached Methodism In Philadelphia.
When he came to .the city he held
meetings ,ln .various odd places, as
often as not .In the opqn air. A strange
chance gave him for his cathedral the
old church. .Members of the Dutch
Reformed Church began the building
of the structure, but could not raise
the money to finish lt, nd were Im
prisoned for debt. The ,ihurch was
sold at auction to satisfy creditors, and
was bid In for a considerable sum by
the half-witted sou of a wealthy citi
zen.. Rather than bring shnme upon
the family name the father paid for
his son's purchase, and Immediately
offered it for sale at a fraction of Its
w:t. A member of the Methodist so
ciety purchased the church, and the
first sermon was preached In the edi
fice nuid great rejoicing by the Meth
odists. Although very commonplace In com
parison with religious structures of the
present .day, at the time it was built
ft was one of the show buildings of
tiie continent. For half a century It re
mained tlie largest Methodist church
In the world. In 1777 evil times came
to Philadelphia. The British army oc
cupied the .city and St. George's
Cburch was used first as a hospital
and afterward as a riding school for
the cavalry. It was a cheerless struc
ture at that time. The. building was
not plastered till 1,784, and was fitted
with galleries about 1700.
How to Act When Making an After
noon Call in the Morn In if.
In Persia the slightest transgres
sion of the rigid rules of etiquette Is
deemed rather worse than a crime,
It is the proper thing in that country
to' make au afternoon cull In the morn
ing; the earlier, the better. A writer
In Leisure Hour tells of oue occasion
when he suggested calling In the .after
noon of a certain day. The Persian
gentleman on whom. he was-to call
cordially assented, and said be should
expect him at seven la the morning.
Persian bouses are, as a rule, very
simply furnished. There are neither
tables nor chairs,' but only cushions
placed on the carpeted floor all rouud
the room. Possibly your host, out of
consideration for a European's inability
to make himself comfortable on the
floor, has provided oue solitary high
bucked chair for you to sit on. He
conducts you to it, and bowing. Invites
you to be seated iu most courteous
phraseology and with graceful waving
of the hands. Etiquette, however, for
bids you to seat yourself before he
dues, and it also forbids the host to
sit down - before his guest Is seated.
Hence each politely declines to sit
down before the other, and a contest of
courtesy ensues, which ends at last In
both host and guest seating them
selves at the same moment, the guest
on his host's right hand.
But how about the solitary chair?
Your instinct suggests that, as your
host has taken the trouble to provide
It for you, the most courteous thing is
to take it.. But it would be a great
mistake for you to do so. Etiquette
forbids you to sit on a seat higher than
that of your host. The most polite
thing for you to do, therefore, is to
thank him for bis kindness, but to say
that under no circumstances could you
think of sitting on . a seat elevated
above his own. v
You at last succeed In sitting down
on the cushions by his side, and the
servants, at a sign from your host, re
move the chair. If you were to sit on
It, they would comment most harshly
on your arrogance.
When ybii and your host are at length
seated you bow to one another and
once more ask dfter one another's
health, although a few minutes ago the
same tender Inquiries were made when
you first entered the room, .
Your host has doubtless Invited a
large number of persons to meet you.
You are not Introduced to those present
unless they are persons of Importance,
but you must, on ending your Inquiries
as to your host's health, bow to every
one all round the room In turn, be
ginning ou your right.
When the "afternoon call" has drawn
to an end and the visitor rises to de
part, he probably finds that his legs
refuse to perform their duty, for a few
minutes, as he hits been sitting cross
legged, tin attitude dear to the Oriental,
but by no means comfortable for a
European. The host escorts the visitor
to the door, and he rides away amid
the low bows of n number of servants.
Jiizurds in Numoa.
A resident of Samoa writes In an
entertaining way of the lizards little
fellows about two Inches long, prettily
colored in a light and a dark shade of
brown. They can run up a window
pane quite as easily as can the flies on
which they feed:
Wheal alarmed, the lizards are off HUe
a flash cf light, ami will take the most
reckless leaps. I have seen them land
safe at the end of a twenty foot jump.
Yet when cornered they have no hesi
tation In snapping off the most of their
That was a maddening puzzle to my
small cat. The sight of a nio'o any
where was an immediate challenge to
the kitten. She would Immediately
start on the hunt, for the most part a
fruitless chase, for the little lizard
could skulk off faster than two eats
could pursue. Yet when the kitten did
succeed In landing on the lizard there
followed a scene of bewilderment. The
nio'o invariably snapped off its tall,
which was left wriggling In one part
of the veranda, while the lizard ran off
a short distance and awaited devel6p
ments. The kitten never knew' whether to
catch the lizard ..orj the tail. If the
nio'o moved, the kitten went for it;
but she always stopped short to keep
an eve .on the wriggles of the tnti .
soon as she tunied back to take' care
of the tall, the mo o got in motion and
had to be looked after. Hundreds of
times I have watched the dilemniu,
and .the ending was, always the same
the lizard got away and the kitten
had to be content with the bony tall.
But, there were lots of lizards a.bout my
bouse; sproutlng'new' tails; '
Some men travel In' a Zigzag course
because saloons are more numerous
than churches.
jviuv svuuie auvlbC III
women passing through this '
trying period. I
The painful and annoying ejrmp
toms experienced by most women
at this period of life are easily over
come by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It is espe
cially designed to meet the needs
of woman's system at the trying
time of change of life.
It is no exaggeration to state that
Mrs. Pinkham has over 5000 letters
like the following proving the great
value of her medicine at such times.
" I wish to thank Mrs. Pinkham for
what her medicine has done for me.
My trouble was change of life. Four
Tears ago my health began to fail, my
head began to grow. dizzy, my eyes
pained me, and at times it seemed as
If my back would fail me, had terrible
pains across the kidneys. Hot flashes '
were yery frequent and trying. A
friend advised me to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, I hare taken six bottles of it
and am to-day free from those troubles.
I cannot speak in high enough terms
of the medicine. I recommend it to all
and wish every suffering woman would
g-ive it a trial." Belli. Ross, 88 Mont
elair Ave., Roslindale, Mass. $sooo ftr
fH If original of about totter proving gtnuiMant
Lengthenlng the Joy.
Dot Is that all the pie I may have,
Mother Yes, dear. .
Dot Then, mother, will you please
cut it in two pieces and give me one
at a time?
Roy Stannard Baker's description of
"The Great Northwest" are giving the
men and women of the East a better
understanding of the vastness and
wealth of that wonderful region. The
magnitude of the Northwest's forests
and of its lumbering industry Ta
coma can boast the greatest sawmill,
with one exception, In the world
will be the text of the fascinating
story, in the May Century, of "The
Conquest of the Forest."
Not So Bad as That.
Sympathetic Listener In those
dreary, desolate wastes, Mr. Dashpole,
I suppose you grew very fond of your
Returned Arctic Explorer Heavens
no, miss! we had plenty of pemmican
and walrus meat. Chicago Tribune.
CITO Permsnennr cmraa Mo fits or nerrousnea
110 after AritilaT'i meof llr. Kllae'iQreat Mem
aestorer. Send for FREE 8J.00 trial bottleandtrent
tea. De.R.U.Klins.LiiJ. uai Arcb.3UPblledolplile.Pa
. rierely a Listener.
"And you never gossip about your
"Never," answered Miss Cayenne.
"I can't bring myself to be so cruel as
to Interrupt my friends when they are
gpsslplng about one another."
Much you may have iruessed about life Insur
ance may bo wrong. Mr. H. C. Mnplncott, of
rhilnrlt'lnhin, one of the most foreinoxt Insur
ance authorities of the age, has copyrighted a
liltle book entitled "The llow mt Why." It
has l.een adopted 1 by several Eastern colleges
to teach the Brut principals of lite Insurance,
and may be had free by addreHHing Hherman
and Harmon, general agents Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Co., Muruuam building, 1'orlland,
fir. It may help you to understand How and
Why the Penn Mutual during 11KI2 wrote a
larger amount of insurance In Oregon than was
ever before written in the state by any com
pany in one year.
The Only Thing Wanted.
Mrs. Noorich Isn't It grand to ride
in your own carriage?
Mr. Noorich Yes, but I'd enjoy It
more If I could stand on the side
walk and see myself ride by. Brook
lyn Life.
Tbe Kind You llavo Alwnvs
ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
, Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothinpr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
substance Its ape is Its puuraiitec. It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
. Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency; It assimilates the Forxl, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought'
Bears the
In Use -For Oyer 30 Years.,
Et ta. Brat.
Dr. Pellett I hate to twit on facta,
Sir. Pbarmer, but bow many persons
do yon suppose yon have killed by put
tins; np the wrong medicini?
Mr. Pbarmer Can tray; but think
of the Urea I have saved by tailing u
follow your prescriptions. Boston
For cou:hs and colds there la no better
medicine than Piso'a Cure for Consump
tion. Price 25 cents.
Two New Operas Promised.
Kapravnik, the Russian composer, is
writing an opera around the iory of
"Franceses di Rimini," while Arenzky,
the French musician, is making an
operatic rendition of Tolstoi's "Resur
rection." .
Tan Can Get Allan's Foot Tmtm TREK.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Lf Roy, N. V for a
free sample of Allen's Foot Ease. It cores chil
blains, sweating, damp, swollen, achlnn feet,
lt makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain
cure for Corns and Bunions. All druggists sell
it. 26o. lnm't accept any substitute.
Easily Accounted For.
"Lillian," said a certain little girl's
mamma, "there were three pieces of
cake in the pantry and now there is
only one. How did that happen?"
"Well," said the girl, her eyes wide
open with excitement, "it was so dark
In there I didn't Bee the other piece."
Is really a one dollar book mailed you for 23
cents silver, to introduce it. lt tells you about
newly discovered Botanical Remedies for the
cure of many diseases, new ways to make
money and get employment, to nurse and care
for the sick, to prolong old age and live 100
years, the newly discovered Angle Worm Oil
massage for removing wrinkles and beautify
ing the complexion, new varieties of roses,
fruits and vegetables, the wheat, corn and sun
flower food, cereal cofl'ee, Imitation cala, gold
and silver, stands acids, preventing smallpox
iew soft drinks, trade secrets for manufacturer! !
thinas vou need not ask the doctor, a real hnma
doctor book and eneyclopedia of general lnlor-
mation, wanted by every man ana woman that :
wants neaitn ana wealth, is about MO pages,
xt, paper cover. Contents sheet free.
The California Botanical Medicine Co.,
1098 North Alvarado St. Los Angeles, Cat
'A tap worn isrhieen feel Iobk at
least came on the aoene after my taking twa
CASCARltTS. This I am aura has caused my
bad health for the past three yeara. I am still
taking Caaearets, the only oathartlc worthy of
aotloe by sensible people."
uso. w. BOWLES, ualrd, Hiss.
Pleasant. Palatable Potiiii. Taste Good. Do
Qood. Never Sloken. Weaken, or Gripe. lOe, W.Ha.
WtrilM Saanaj taawr. Oileau. MaalrMl. Sct Tata, tjl
tW'DHW alsta to CVKaTobaeco Habit.
crag, at waters, f fee W-Pste Hand
of' CATHARTIC yo ,
..Scarcely a Day..
Passes but we are called upon to perform
some dllllcult dental operation ihat Is
the direct resultof neglecting the teetli.
We cannot urge too strongly the bcuotlt
end economy of consulting a dentlm at
the very tirst sign of tooth trouble. At
the stnrt these troubles are corrected
quickly and at smell cost, uur methods
ate painless and our work guaranteed
Both 'phones: Oregon bouth sl'M;
Colombia Hull. Opeu evenings till v.
buudayB from to li
ir. W. A. VWrrtJ
WISE BROS., Dentists.
13nnrht lias bnrtm tlm Hicrnn-
Signature cf
SS Cn, aa aM r anS.M.1
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, snd was always feeling
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa
parUla, and in one week I was s
new man." John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilia
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other ituidL
Use the old, rested, tried, I
and true Ayer s Sarsapa
rilia. SI-MlMu. An anaists.
Aik your doctor what he thinks Ayer's
Sariaparllla. He knows all aboutthki frranq:
old family medicine. Follow tus adTfcaaud
we win uo sauauea.
J. C. ateb Co.. Lowell. Vass-
Her Palmy Days.
Patience When I was young I bad
at least 50 offers for my hand.
Patrice Those are what you might
call palmy days, I suppose.
Successors to John Poole,
foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon.
Write ns or call for prices on everything la
the machinery line. Closing out at cost; Plows.
nagons. nuggies. i;ream Beparator-au all
second hand goods, to make room for new.
Chicken, Duck and Geese feath
era. Address
10th mndDmvlB8tm.,Portlmnd,Or g;
Opium, '
Using Af
Write for
Illustrated .
ITssr artONTaoMenYjrj.'
Portland, Orz.
Telephone Itmn J9f
P. N. V.
No. 17 105
HEN wrltinar ta
advertisers pleaaal
mper. I
mention this paper
. ,
3! era. Address &
itm U Pistetnper or Pink Eye with VfLvemxnffKKrm
7Z 'f Powdbks. They AREA 0BEAT BL000 FUKiriEI
AND C0ND1I10NEE, a sure cure for all ailments from which licavca
I bar. been mini Prasalan Hoar. Powder, tbe paat efirht monttia and m Hurt
time bave cured 1 1 bornea of Heave. 4 of Dlateniier and 9 or Ctironio Ooocb.
Tbe Prussian Uemutllee have gained a irreat reputation In tbia eeotlon.
KUNEST BEUNUKK. Newark, Sew Tiwk
Book, RemetlT C... St. siil, Minn.
OU.. Partland. Oregon, Coast Agents..
ur. i. .'. Alio
208, 209, 2l,i, I'll, M, Jl i, Kaiiiiii ttidg.
Cor. Third and Washington tits.
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
Depth. .
Write for cutaloguo.
Clen'f AgtJl.
813 Commer
cial Block
This -wonitcrftil (Tbl
n4 doctor Is cnlltil
great niH-aiiHa be cum
people will, out opera
tion thai are iriveti tip.
todle. lis cure, wttla
thoH. woiulerlul (:ia
iieae hern. roota.lHula.
bnrks and veiftiotilea
that ara entirely un
known to nieillr.l nl.
ncsln Ibis country. Through the uhkoi inoae
barmlesa remedlea tbia famous doctor knows
tha action or over 600 different remedies, wblvti
be successful ly uses lu different dtaeasea. lia
fuarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lunar,
hruat, rheuroatlaru, nervotiaueaa, atoinach.
Ilvar, kldneya, etc. ; baa hundred, or tMtlitioo
lals. Charges moderate, ( all and si liiou
Patients out of ihe-cltr write lor blank nud
circulars. Bend 4 cents In stamps. UONtiti
1 ATIO.N FKitlJf..
third St., Phrtlandv Oregoav
aYf&fentiou paper.