o Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate lung tissues, deranges the digestive organs, and breaks down the general health. It often causes headache and dizrf. ne6s, Impairs the taste, smell sad heal ing, and affects the voice. Being a constitutional disease It re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Radically iind permanently cures ca tarrh of tho nose, throat, stomach, bowels, and more delicate organs. Head tho testimonials. No substitute for Hood's acts like Hood's. Bo sure to get Hood's. " I was troubled with catarrh 20 years. Seeing statements of cures by Hood's Sar saparilla resolved to try it. Four bottles ntirely cured me." William Shxiihah, 1030 6th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Helpful Hubby. Wife I wish vou would let me know what Fort of a dinner to have tonight. Husband That's a cood idea.' Wil. I shall either not be home at ali. or else 1 shall bring three or friends with me. Life. BEAUTIFUL TEETH. Wise Brothers are Adding Another Charm to Woman. It is gotting to be distinctly the fash ionable thing to have a fine eet of teeth. This is one of the mcst effective rea. eons why modern dentistry has made such a big step in advance. The mother who now-a-days refuses to have her daughter's teeth attended to is regarded as having little love for her child. No longer ii there fear of pain, for tooth-filling, and tooth pulling, is attended by no pain what ever. The most comfortable and lux urious apartments are provided by the leading dentists, and the prices are ex ceedingly low. Wise Brothers, the famous dental firm in the Failing Building, Portland, Ore., have done more than anyone elee in the Northwest to bring about this condition of affairs. It is as correct a thing for ladies and gentlemen to be as careful to have a nice, white set of presentable teeth, as It is for them to keep their hands clean. Physicians and all cp-to-date people ' welcome these facts, for they indicate that hu manity is making a long stride ahead. Instead of caring for the teeth being a bugbear, it is greatly a matter of com fort and pleasure. After the teeth are put in perfect order once it is a slight duty easily watched to keep them so. Go to the dentist regularly at least once in six months and you are all right. And, for the sake of yourself and your friends, don't Neglect your teeth a day longer. The next time you visit Portland step in at Wise Brothers and see for yourcelf how simple and inex pensive it is to have a good, beautiful set of teeth again. Difference In Rank. ; "Say, captain, won't yer please gim me a dime?" "Naw, I jest gave me last dime to a guy wot called me admiral." Chicago American. The Natural Location. "Mamma, where is the mouth of the Mississippi river?" asked Lucy. "I know," said little Johnny, look ing np from his play, "it's wight under it's nose." CANNOT Rheumatism must be treated through the blood, and.no remedy brings such prompt and lasting relief as S. S. 8. It attacks the disease in the blood, neutralises the acids, and removes all irritating or poisonous substances from the system.- 3. 8. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer Is happily relieved from the discom forts and misery of Rheumatism. ' - External remedies are all right so far as they go, but they don t go fat enough, and you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, and those who pin their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound DV-,. fftr wnr writ ns aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for which no charge 1 made. We will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of practical experience in treating this disease. It contains in a condensed form much information about Rheumatism. THE SWIFT SPCOIFIO CO., ATLANTA, OA Mo Limit. Phe- None of your "love in a cot tage" for me. I want a brown stone hours in a fashionable neighborhood. He And I suppose yon want it in your own name, too Brooklyn Life. One of Many. He What do yon think of young Windig? J 8 Fhe Reminds me of a phonograph. He Hrw is that? She He talks a great deal, but never fays anything original. Ashanll's Butter Tree. In Asbanti there grows a tree rewm bling in appearance our oak, which furnishes excellent butter. This vege table butter keeps in good condition all the year round in spite of the heat, in its natural state. They Needed Amusement. I A little girl who had been watching some friends of he r aunt playing euchre afterwards raid to her mother: "I never saw such a sad lot of people in my life, they are always saying 'hearts are lead." Portrait of Mrs. Roosevelt. The portrait of Mrs. Roosevelt, with her daughter Ethel the work of Miss Cecilia Beaux will be published for the first time in the April Century's article on "The Restoration of the White House." The portrait was painted for Mrs. Roosevelt and at her request, in the White House, and will remain in possession of the Rootevelts instead of becoming the property of the government. Plso's Cure U a good couch medicine. It has cured cotij.'hs and colds for forty years. At druggists, 25 cents. Many-Sided Man. "A man is like the moon," said Janet, abruptly. "When it is under a cloud!" ex claimed Sir Francis. "We see him night after night," Janet continued, "yet it Feems that there's one side that's always hidden from us." Lippincott's. VITQ Permanently curea 5o firs er nerroasneei I 1 10 ftortirftlar'tniforir. Kllae'iGreat Nerrt oestorer. Sand for t K B It 8'J.OO trial bottle and treat. We. l)a.B.li.KLiNS.Lui. Ul ArtbSU.f tiilaUelphia,f Real Estate Note. Governess How many feet make a yard? Ethel I don't know, but I heard Mr. Johnson sy last night that there were 5,000 square feet in his. Bomer ville Journal. To Break in New Shoes, Always (hake in Alleni Foot-Kane, a powder. It curea chilblains, damp, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 2.rj. Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed PRZL. Address Allen 8. Olmstead, LeKoy, N. Y The Auctioneer. Said a conscientious auctioneet : "La dies and gentlemen, there is no sham about these carpets. They are genuine tapestry carpets. I bought them from old Tapestry himself." 'BOWS tMIST Wat affar flea ITnnrleAjt lmlla - p ,.i Mse of Cattarrh that can not be cured by Haiti Catarrh Care. w- .J- 1ACUF'X7 ?Coi PrPyt Toledo. O. W the nnduriUnarl K ewr a t .. t T sit- I . for the put 15 years, and believe him perfectly nnfKlFaVkla In sail Kite in Oat a tranaaAll,.n. . a a anciaily able to carry out any obligation! mad Wist A Tmjax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, WALDIN8 KiNNANi MABVIN. HalPsCatairh Care Is taken internally, acting lirectly on the blood and mueous surfaces of the system. Price 7fc per buttle. Bold tr all boggisti. Testimonials free. ' no, a ramuy ruts are me best. Family Frankness. Sister Susan Do we dine with you Christmas, Rebecca? Sister Rebecca Oh, no, Susan. Don't you remember? It's your turn to have us. BE RUBBED OUT But a good liriiment or plaster will often give, temporary relief because it produces counter irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore ness. But no sort of external treatment can have any effect whatever upon the disease itself, for Rheumatism It not a tkln crfeeaso.but is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and tie deposit of irritating matter or Uric Acid salts or sediment in the muscles and joints, and no amount of rubbing or blistering can dislodge these gritty particles or change the acid blood. Rheumatism often becomes chronic, and the mus cles and joints permanently stiff and useless and the nervous system almost wrecked, because so much time is lost in trying to cure a blood disease with outside applications or doctoring the skis. . . . Louisville, y., Marea 7, 'OS. entlemen: I am (lad to say thai B. . S. has eared me of Rheumatism, boat two years ago I suffered from Jtheumatlsm la my knees and. fast, my ankles swelling so that Z aeald aot put ea my shoes. Thla oontluued for several months, durlnr which time I was applying; llalmaats aad Solas by my phyalelaa's directions, but derived no benefit. -I was told of B. B. S. aad tried It. I lmmadl ately sot relief, and continued the medicine until X was entirely well. BIOS Floyd Bt. S. I. DUAJTB. io meet wiua uipuiu"tv, wi be nursing a case of Rheumatism the greater part of their lives. 6. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, does not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be taken with safetv bv old and vounir. about their case will receive valuable SENATOR HOPKINS' "RED HEAD." Bow It Gere Him Hie Flret Start ia Congressional Legislation. When ex-Congressman Albert J. Hopkins of Illinois took his oath In Washington as United States Senator as the successor of William E. Mason, he saw realised the ambition of many years. In his early years, when ouly a lad of 7 or 8, he visited a court room with hls father, who had ,2 been summoned as fa juror, and he - then nud there Je- lermineu to be a lawyer. Later, In A. J. HOPKINS. his young manhood, he conceived the ambition of becoming a United States Seuntor. The first ambition was long ago realized aud for many years Mr. Hopkins has been a lender at the bar of Kane Couuty. And now the second ambition has been realized. Senator Hopkins has been a member of Congress since 1S85 and 1ms served ou many of Its important committees. He helped frame the IMngley tariff bill and has taken an active part In financial and revenue mensures. It was his "red head" that first gave hliiJ his start as a' congressional law maker. When he first entered Con gress he met the fate of all "young sters" iu not being able to catch the Speaker's eye, and thus the stnek of bills for which he wished to gain con sideration by the House remained mi shitted upon the calendar, For every move lu forwarding any one of them the recognition of the chair was neces sary, but all efforts to interest the Speaker were as useless as It would be to get a nod of recognition or as sent from a snow man made by school boys. In his plight he was almost In de spair, as his chauce for a renomlnn tlon to Congress was then lu the bnl anee. It was t this time that the brilliant "Sunset" Cox became tempo rary Speaker and Mr. Hopkins resolved to "cultivate" him. Cox was an Inim itable story teller and raconteur; Hop kins was a good listener. When Speak er Cox was telling one of his stories Hopkins would take a prominent place in front of the Speaker's desk. No body laughed more heartily nt the "Sunset", stories aud Jests. His "red head" had "caught" the unofficial eye of the Speaker and nt last he had hopes of catching the "official" eye, One day when Mr. Cox was in a particularly Jovial mood the young member from Kane Couuty Introduced his bill for the cession of the Fox riv er islands to the town of Aurora and moed for Its passage "by unanimous consent, under suspension of the rules." "Why, bless your fine red head," exclaimed Acting Speaker Cox, "I would not refuse to recognize you from any quarter of the House. Every time I see those auburn locks of yours I have pleasant visions of a red-haired girl I used to know in school.: For her sake you, with that head, can al ways have the recognition of this chair. The gentleman from Illinois has the floor." Although a peal of laughter greeted the recognition, Mr. Hopkins was not sensitive and he held the floor. Five minutes later his resolution had been passed. The Fox river islands were Aurora's proud possession and the young Congressman had so strength' ened himself with his home city that the future support of the inhabitants was always at his command. Senntor Hopkins' home in Illinois Is at Aurora. He has three sons and one daughter. Miss Fannie, who, with her mother, is prominent in the society life of Washington. Schoolboy Answers. Here are some gems of schoolboy an sweis to examination problems col lated by University Correspondence In Iiondon: "John Wts!ey was a great sea cap. tain. He beat the Dutch at Waterloo and by degrees rose to be the Duke of Wellington. He was burled near Nel sou, In the Poet's Coiner In Westmins ter Abbey." Askel to name six animals peculiar to the Arctic region, a boy replied: "Three bears and three seals." "The Sublime Torte is a very flue old wine." "The possessive case Is the case when somebody has got yours and won't give It to you." "The plursl of penny is twopence." "In the sentence, 'I saw the goat butt the man,' 'butt' is a conjunction, be cause It shows the connection b a ween the goat and the man." "Mushrooms always grow In dsmp places, and so tbey look like umbrel las." "The difference between water and air is that air can be made wetter, but water cannot." How Washington "Side-Stepped." "George Washington bad a very peaceful and happy married life," re marked the man who likes biographies. . "Had he?" responded the coarse and Ill-Informed person. "I am glad to bear that I always suspected that it might be different, owing to Washington's ut ter Incapacity for telling anything but the truth." Washington tar. Up In the World. ' "Is he still superintendent of that powder mill?" "Oh, no; he's traveling now." "Is that so?" "Yes. At any rate, he hasn't come down since the explosion last week." Philadelphia Press. A busy man seldom has time to real ize how happy he Is. HOW A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY THE Nothing Robs One of MISS HELEN WHITMAN. Miss Helen Whitman, 308 Grand avenue, Milwaukee., Wis , writes: 'There is nothing like Peruna for that tired feeling, which gives you no ambition for work or play. After a prolonged illness, about a year ago I felt unable to regain my health, but fonr bottles of Peruna made a wonderful change and restored me to perfect health. As long as you keep your blood In good condition you are all right, and Peruna seems to fill the veins with pure, healthful blood. 1 thoroughly endorse It. MISS HELEN WHITMAN. Have you got nerves? Well, you ought to have nerves. But they ought to be strong nerres, good nerves. Does your hand . tremble? You are living too fast. Does your heart flutter at times? You had better call a halt. Americana live too fast. They crowd too much into a single day. Tbey have too little leisure. The hospitals and insane asylums are' filling up. The quiet, pastoral scenes of yore are becoming rare. It's time that we quit this sort of business. How to Get Strong Nerves. ... First, repair the injury already done to your nerves. The way to do this is to do exactly as did Mattie B. Curtis, Hint for Indian Fighters. "Are thara nriv marka hv which fh boy can be Identified," asked the police superintendent, making copious notes of the case. "No," said the father of the missing youth, who had run away from home to fight Indians, "but there will be when I get hold of him again." -Tit-Bits. Mothers will Sua Mrs. mnslow's Sooth. Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Shlidran duriug the tsethlnc period. Her Kindly Assurance. "I don't take any Interest In these investigations as to whether monkeys talk," remarked Willie Wisbington. "I don't see why you should," re marked Miss Cayenne. VI don't be lieve a monkey would be able to tell you anything that you couldn't have thonght of for yourself." H For six years I was victim r d y vepala In iu wont form. I could eat noitalnf put milk tout, and at timeamy stomach would Dot retail sod digest even tbal Lut March 1 twian taking CASCAKETS and since then I hare iteadlly ImproTed, until 1 am as well as I ever was la my lite." . David B. Mcrfit, Newark. O. .Plesasnt. Palatable. Potent. Teste Good. De Sood, Never Slosen. Weaken, or Gripe. Wo, Ko. Me. ... CURI CONSTIPATION. ... Hartlae; aaaeSf Ciaeaan. tMaaaa, aaatnal. S .left. Ml M.Tfl.RlR 80,4 fnarsnteed by all drag- I U'DAW slsu to CVKB ToOacoo Habit, AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Are sold subject to ap proval and at a price that will euable you to make stood profit on a few cows. The cleanest, fairest ma chine In all the vorld. Strongest in ALL these points that-, say other, vis: Close Sklmsalnf . Easy Cleans f. Light Running. , Durability. Write for free catalogue. . MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 STAYER (0. PORTLAND, Ore. SPOKANE, Wash. BOISE, Idebe Won Medal, Tarls, 1900. JJBW5BBSpjajeWaroejB AsVt ji)aaisai CllkS WHLRE Ail Hfil (lilS Mtht AIL tl Best Cough 8rop. f acta Oood. CSS I ra time, pom Br droniins. I rf(F CANOV . ( I ij CATHARTIC 4 T3 I Strength Like Spring 7 spring Fever is Spring Catarrh, V 'r:,'vet;v- ,-a H 8. -i: ...?:tv,v .1. .v.vviii &-ch saw secretary of Legion of Loyal Women, Hotel Salem, Boston, Mass. She said in a recent letter: "I suffered for over a year with general weakness and de bility, manifested in severe headache and backache. . I took four bottles of Peruna, and for two months have been entirely free from these maladies." Nervous Prostration. Thousands of cases might be quoted in which Peruna has been used to res cue people from . the perdition of de ranged nerves, and put them on the good, solid foundation of health. The county auditor of Erie county, New York, Hon. John W. Keff, in a recent letter written at Buffalo, Now . York, I WANT TO BUT FOB CASH Chicken, Duck and Geese feath ers. , Address , O. O. SMITH- lOth mndDvIaSt:,PoHnd,Oi G taltrrs1 Ran KPFI T7 laWhatliltl gAJatalct rooai TSEEDS r r.sTsT'M nirvn wtvva vini ipj ! ,000,000 Customers , -"- rouru ui any avmuinan on ee.ni, n yet we ere reacliliiir out or more. WS thla UKireaadentad oler. . .-7: OlO.OOfor IOC i " wm iiisui upon rweipt 01 100. in itirriM mA i our itTMt CALilotniA. wort., limm tn nw Md wide await farmer or nrdinsis tnl A LIT mmnj ium tMOQ Mmpit. 1ft' Jd.oo to m e aurt wlUu Vl ' V"w ii vn y wunj. Fll BBonifcelniof buljoc j end thir ear. with KM. to Hal wr. yctSend at once. jure Alcohol, Cpiumv Tobacco Using eV Writ for. i Illustrated Circulars' -4BBBW- a essaaw ITsSrsnoNreoncirrln.' roRTLANttfaZ. llitphone nainJOf P. N. U. No. 15-1903. LI HKN writing te adTortlsere please . mention this paper. .. , , Staan Wood and Drag Saws to Order. HM : r-CKrct.1 riiitnu PISTON AND VALVK RINQS. THE McCAULEY MACHINE WORKS, assawa UATUIUA AMMsa a. TrPRU6GIAN L. a H,M L.1r.'i,, ties. Isrlrg. Csiei Cholets. koas sn4 g. IV y . sll Disesses. Il fcrengthsr.! V oung Chitkl sse Help. Theot Oiow. 11 I S WPULDNTBt WITHOUT IT.-CbM lk.IUisalla, Wash., says V-O 1,-Jlaa. .he Mn & wltbout Pruatlan Poultry Food. "ays I I Voassr "HODUCff S EQCS.-Ai an mg producer Pnuaiaa Poaltry Food V f 154c r kg. ulei Poultry Book, (Tun. rUKTLAMU SICKU CO., Wire BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing. Portland Wire & Iron Works MANUFACTURERS. 147 FRONT ST. USE OF PE-RU-NA Catarrh--- ' j. stated: ' "I was persuaded by a friend to Iry a bottle of your great nerve touicr Peruna, and the revolts were so gratify ing that I am more thau pleated to re commend il." A Spring Tonic. Almo6t everybody needs a tonic In the spring. Something to brace the nerves, invigorate the brain and cleanse the blood. That .Peruna. will do this is beyond all question. Everyone who has tried it has had the same experi ence as Mrs. D. XT'. Timberlnke, of Lynchburg, Va., who. in a recent letter, made use of the following words: "I always take a dose of Peruna after bus iness hours, as ,it is a great thine lor the nerves. There is no better spring tonic, and I have used about all of them." Catarrh In Spring. The spring is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renews herself every spring. The system ii rejuvenated by rpring weather. This renders medi cines more effective. A short course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have av copy of Dr. Harttnan's latest book on catarrn. address The Peruna Medi cine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mre. Lulu Larmer, Stoughton, Wis. gayf : i "For two years I suffered with nerv ous trouble and stomach disorder until it seemed that there was nothing; to mo bnt a bundle of nerves. I was very irritable, could' not sleep, rest or ' compose myself.andb was certainly unfit Mrs. Lulu Larmer. to take care of ' household. I took nerve tonics andh pills without benefit. When I be gan taking Peruna I grew steadily better, my nerves grew stronger, my rest was no longer fitful, and today I consider myself in perfect health and strength. My recovery was slow but sure, but I persevered and was reward ed by perfect health." Mrs. Lulu--Larmer. . . If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giy- ing a full statement of your case, and v he will be pleased to give yon his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. RI3IERSON MACHINERY CO. Successors to John Poole. ,. Foot of Morrison street, Portland, Omron. Write n,n...ll . - .v. the machinery line. Honing out at coat: Wag ons, Hunles, Cream Separators aim all aec ond hand goods, to make room for new line THE CALIFORNIA BOTANICAL GATEWAY VJ HEAL.TH AIND WEALTH Is really a one dollar book mailed you for cents silver, to introduce it. Jt tell you atiout newly discovered Botanical Remedies for the cure of many diseases, new ways la make money and get employment, to nurse and ean for the sick, to prolong old age and live aw years, the newly diHcovercd Angle Worm Oil massage for removing wrinkles and bpautifj Ing the comajexlou, new varieties of rvaea, fruits and vegetables, the wheat, corn and sun flower food, cereal cofl've. Imitation cala. golit end silver, stands acids, preventing smaltiwa. pitting, maple syrup anil sugar from wood new soft drinks, trade secrets for manufacturer, things vou need not ask the doctor, a real hom doctor book and encyclopsdla of general infor mation, wanted by every man and woman that wants health and wealth. Is about lot) paireaw 4x9, paper cover. Contents shoot free. The California Botanical Medicine Co.. 10W North Alvumilo Ht., Los Angeles, Cat, DR. C. GEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This won't, r nil C'ht ncae doctor Is called , great because he curve people wllhnut opera lion that are given up to die. lie curea with inone wouaerritt l u. ii fee herbs, routM.buita. burks and vesetHbtea that are entirely n- knoWU to metUral aoU eiiceln thiscounir.r. Through the uaeof thuae harniiet remediea this famous doctor knows Ibe action of over too different remedies, which heeuccessfullr uses lu diRerent dlaeasea. Ha (uarantees to cure raiarrb. asibnia, lung, throat, rheumallim, nervoimieas, aiomach. liver, kidneys, etc. has hundreds of leslliuon lais. Charges moderate; t all and see hini. Patients out of ibe site write for blanan and circulars. Send 4 cents In stamps. ClNMjl TAT1U.N KaK. AUUHKbit THE G BEE WO CH1KESE MEDICIKE CJ. U2, Third St., Portland, Oregon. ' Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys and Belting. Foot of Morrison St., Portland, Or. ' ' ' ! '.. POULTRY FotfkfTft PaussxAK Rsmbdt Co.. St. Pant. Htnn f" PorUaad, Oregoa, Coast Ageata. Poultry Netting WHOLESALE RETAIL and Iron Fencing sf