Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, February 23, 1903, Image 7

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After Eating
Xausea between meals, belching, vom
iting, flatulence, fits of nervous head
ache, pain in the stomach, are all
symptoms of dyspepsia, and the longer
it is neglected the harder it is to cure it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Kadically and permanently cure it
strengthen and tone the stomach and
other digestive organs for the natural
performance of their functions.
Accept no substitute for Hood's.
' "I had dyspepsia twenty-five yerg and
took different medicines but got no help
nntil I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Have taken four bottles of this medicine
and can now eat almoBt anything, sleep
well, have no cramps In my stomach, no
burning and no distress. Has. William
G. Barrett, 14 Olney St., Providence, K. L
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
Cure and keeps the promise.
No Ear for Music. '
"How do you like the music, Mr.
"I'm sorry, but I have no ear for
music," he answered.
"No," put in Mr. Jasper, "he uses
his for a pen rack."
An Old Maid's Philosophy.
We may be better after suffering,
and we may be worse, but our condi
tions must depend upon onrcelvea, and
should never be laid to the nature of
our calamities. From "My Old Maid's
Corner," The Century, March, 1903.
The only eorrow worth anything in
this world is Borrow for others, and
sorrow for others meanB helping others,
not hugging our woes to ourselves.
From "My Old Maid's Corner," The
Century, March, 1903.
To me it had seemed that those who
occupied centers of affection should be
less concerned with what came to them
as their due, than with what went out
from them as their obligation; that,
like the sun itself, they should be cen
ters of centrifugal forces, radiating,
through the very fullness of their joy,
light and gladness in.o other lives.
From "My Old Maid's Corner," The
Century, January, 1903.
Must Forget One.
' Flannigan Phat's the matter wid
Hogan these days?
Hooligan He invinted an armor
that nothing can pierce, and a shell
that will pierce any armor, and be
doesn't know which to fergit. New
York Times.
Monopole Canned Fruits and Vegeta
bles are distinguished from other brands
by a beautiful blue label embossed in
letters of gold. - From an esthetic view
point the Monopole label is a work of
art, being pronounced by those who
have Been it as the finest label ever
made for canned fruits and vegetables.
But the quality of Monopole Fruits
is fully in keeping with the beauty of
the label are in fact the bent that
money can buy. Get them from your
grocer. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., Port
land, Ore.
Might Regret It.
Mistress Poor, darling little Topsyl
I'm afraid she will never recover. Do
you know, Bridget, I think the kindest
thing would be to have her shot and
put out of her misery.
Bridget 'Deed, ma'am, I wouldn't
do that. She might get better, after
all, an' then ye'd be sorry ye'd had
her killed. Punch.
Eating; Ulcers, hStSX,
And a source of worry, anxiety and endless trouble to those who are afflicted
With, them, particularly so when located upon the lower extremities where
the circulation is weak and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the
leg is a frightful 6tght, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the
tissue beneath and the sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh
melting away and feel the strength going out with the sickening discharges.
Great running sores and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple
boil, swollen gland, bruise or pimple 3nd are a threatening danger always,
because while all such, sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this
should make you Suspicious of all chronic slow-healing ulcers and sores, par
ticularly if cancer runs in your family.
greatest annoyance because they are
so persistent and unsightly and de
tract from one '8 appearance. .
Middle aged and old people and
those whose blood is contaminated
and tainted with the germs and poison
of malaria or some previous sickness,
or excessive use of mercury, are the
chief sufferers from chronic sores and
ulcers. While the blood remains ia
this unhealthy,1 polluted condition
healing is simply impossible and the
sore will continue to grow and spread
in 6pite of washes and salves or any
superficial or surface treatment, for
the 8 ore is but the outward sign of
some constitutional disorder, a bad
condition of the blood and system,
which local remdies cannot cure
S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to the
very root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the bleod all the
impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified
blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic
sores and ulcers. If you have a slow-healing sore of any kind, large or
small, write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge.
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free.
Fixing the Blame.
Well, Uncle iUstus, what brought
you beret
Dem two bin perl'cemen by de rail
in', yo' honah.
Yes, but didn't liquor have anything
to do with it?
Yessah. Dey wur bote drunk, yo'
honah. Chicago News.
Could Afford It.
"Hey, there!" yelled the indignant
citizen, dodging quiikly backward.
"You dropped a brick just now that
came within an ace of hitting me on
the head!"
"Kape it!" shouted the workman on
the twelfth floor of the unfinished sky
scraper. "We've plinty more av
thim np here." Chicago Tribune.
Filial Sympathy.
"When I was your age," said Mr.
Goldbags, sternly, "I earned my own
' His son looked uneasy, but was
"Well, have yon nothing to say for
yourself in that connection?"
"N nothing, sir, except that I
sympathize with you, and congratulate
you on the fact that it's all over."
Wise Bros., the Portland Dentists, Say
"Help Thyself."
In many ways the dentist is your
best friend. -
He helps you when yonr teeth are
tiled. When your teeth wear out and
break down he steps in and braces them
up, puts new life into them, and makes
them efficient. Your success in life,
your feelings, whether of contentment
or worry, greatly depend upon how
your nourishment agrees with you. Ia
it not a certaintv that your food will do
you little good if your teeth are unable
to perform their rightful work? To say
nothing of the advantage of having a
good looking set of teeth (than which
nothing is more effectively attractive)
it is more comfortable, and absolutely
indispensable to health, happiness and
success, to have a set of teeth that are
capable of being used.
Why delay a minute?
There is no pain connected with
having your teeth put in perfect order.
There is no pain in getting an entire
new set of teeth, which cannot be toid
from natural ones. Wise Brothers, in
the Failing Building, Portland, Oregon,
are making scores of people happy
every day, by sending them away with
as good a set of teeth as nature ever put
into a man's or a woman's head. The
cost of their work 1b extremely mod
erate. There is little excuse for ' anyone,
now-a-days, neglecting their ' teeth.
Teeth are extracted absolutely without
pain, and the expense of starting a new
in life, with a sound set of teeth, is
slight. Chairty begins at home, and
all persons having regard for their own
welfare should go immediately and con
sult such eminent modern dentists as
Wise Brothers.
His Only Refuge.
The Parson Your wife, sir, is trying
to run my church.
Witherby If that is really the case,
the only thing for you to do is to join
my poker club.
Piso's Cure fs a remedy for coughs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents,
at druggists.
Shoes Wouldn't Fit.
Clerk So . you want to exchange
these shoes because they aren't mates?
Mrs. Hogan Oi do. Firsht Oi put
wan on me left foot an' 'twor made for
the roight; an' thin Oi put wan on me
roight foot an' 'twor made for the left "
Face sores are common and cause the
Valdoita, Ga., September, 1900.
Swift Bpeolflo Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Sear Sirs: Some thins like a rising
oama oa my instep, very small at
first, not at all painful, but aa It
grew larger and began to pain me I
consulted a dootor, but la spite of
all ha could do the sora sot worse
and, began to dleoharge; then other
sores earn until the whole top of
my foot was one large mass of sores
and X oould not walk. Then my hue
hand, who had been cured of Sorof
ula by the use of 8. B. 8., said he
believed It would our ma. I began
taking it and eight bottles eared
me; my foot healed np nieely. I be
lieve X would have been a orlppla
for life but for B. S. S.
and the system purged of all morbid,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the eating ulcer or chronic
sore is soon entirely gone.
S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison
ous drugs of any description, but is guar
anteed a nurelv vegetable remedy, a
What the Ielandere Expect from Tele
graphic Communication.
The cable will bring many changes.
The debtor who takes French leave,
the embezzler who seeks pastures new,
the swindler who comes to work the
town as Dunbar did with his directory
nine years ago, will have to scratch
Honolulu off his list He cannot feel
safe even If he starts for Manila or
Japan, for a touch at the button In the
Young building will bring a response
from any quarter of the world which Is
reached by the various branches of the
submarine telegraph.
Less time will be used In negotiat
ing. The little trader who wants an
extension from the Jobber cannot de
pend on fourteen days or more of grace
due to slow malls. The cablegram will
promptly settle his case. Ships won't
stay here so long as formerly waiting
advices from owners, as the dismasted
Andromeda bos done through many
weary weeks. There Is hardly a ship
ping house In the world that will not
be able to reach this port with Its mes
sages in an hour's time.
One of the prime advantages of the
cable will be seen In the promptness
with which trade orders may be filled.
Often In the past Honolulu has been
brought to the brink of mercantile fam
ines; kerosene, or flour, or some other
necessary has run short. Such things
need not happen any more. When a
scarcity Is In sight the cable can be
connected at once with the centers of
Nor can things be done surreptitious
ly at Washington. In the past when a
man has wanted something official
which he knew he could not get with
the approbation of the local public, he
has hurried away secretly on some out
going steamer and got a long start at
the National Capital. When the cable
comes, his arrival there at noon will
be known here five hours earlier and
messages can be sent to head him off.
Undoubtedly the cable will make
Honolulu a favorite port of call with
nnval ships of all natlpns, particularly
our own. They will come here for or
ders and stay here within the reach of
orders. This will make up for the
shorter stay of waiting merchant 'ves
sels. These are but a few of the coming
changes. There are enough more to
make a long story. Pacific Commercial
Towed About Lake Champluln for
Convenience' of Farmers.
Up on Lake Champlain they are op
erating a floating suwmill with a great
deal of success. It Is a two-storied,
arkllke affair, built upon a heavy float.
The boiler and sawing machinery occu
py the entire main deck. ' The upper
story Is divided Into living rooms for
the crew. As soon as the mill has fin
ished with one batch of logs a small
tug tows It to the next cove. The mill
can be hired by the week or by the
Job, and In some cases logs have been
cut on shares. The result has been that
farmers along the lake have been able
to cut their trees and market the lum
ber with profit
There was a time w hen Lake Cham
plain was one of the greatest lumber
marts In the world. Burlington, Vt.,
was the center of a vast business, and
;is water front was a network of mills.
A shortage of timber on the shores of
the hike and In the Immediate back
country has dwarfed the Industry. Im
proved transportation facilities have
mude it possible to send mills Into the
woods and ship out the lumber direct
ly. The lake Is no longer a necessary
adjunct to the trade. Now, by means
of the floating sawmill, the stray ends
will be picked up and the last sign of
marketable timber will disappear.
The floating sawmill has Its winter
quarters behind the Burlington break
water, where It attracts much atten
tion. A high stuck rises out of the
house at the stern, giving the craft the
appearonce of an antiquated steamer.
In the same eud are wide doors,
through which the logs are hauled to
the sawing block. The lumber Is passed
out through one porthole In the side of
the barge and the Blabs through an
other. The sawdust and scraps are
carried to the flreroom and furnish the
fuel. Now that the success of the
scheme has been proved, says the New
York Tribune, the floating mill will
have to work overtime.
Poe'e Smile of Genius.
His mouth was like Apollo's bow
unbent, and, in the natural curve, said
sorrow, with Imagination, but, when
wreathed Into smiles by any cheering
inflorescene of his soul disclosing a
set of Ivory teeth as evenly set as the
opal walls of Eden was absolutely
captivating and beautiful. So remark
ably pleasing was this transition from
sadness to sunshiny, gladness of hilar
ity that I now seem to see him smil
ing before me lighting up the dim
vistas of my memory " as the ' rain
fraught lightning does the darkness of
a summer night. But there was this
peculiarity about his smile, which I
do not remember ever to have seen
In any other person, namely, that it
did not appear to be the result of glad
ness of heart altogether nor gladness
mixed with sorrow but a pleasing sa
tire a smiling review of all that had
Just been said by him like the trium
phant world-renovating laughter of the
weeping heavens expressive of that
beautiful Appolonlan disdain which
seemed to' say: "What you 'Bee
through a glass darkly' I behold
through the couched eye of an Illu
minated seer." Not only did he look
this, but he felt It felt It with 8 II his
Inmost soul. It was, In the truest ac
ceptance of the term, a smile of ge
nius. From the contemporary descrip
tion of Toe In the Century.
Aim cows. - . .
When you milk a cow and fatten ber
for the block at the same time, you
will succeed in making the toughest
beef. We do not I; now why this is to,
bnt it's a fact, just the same, says the
c-cottish American.
Had Seen Better Days.
Kind Lady I suppose yon have seen
bettei days?
Tramp Yes'm. One day last week
I got three dinners and 10 beers. De
troit Free Press.
The Feminine View.
WTederly Remarkable thing about
the disappearance of 127,000 from a
safety deposit vault belonging to a
Mrs. Wederly Yes, and the most re
markable thing about it is that he had
it to loee.
Wederly Why so?
Mr. Wederly Oh, most writers
complain that literature don't pay.
Chicago News.
His Choice Jury.
. Lawyer Brief see that case of yours
is on. Jury drawn yet?
Lawyer Skinner Yes, and it's a
splendid one.
Lawyer Brief Above the average in
Lawyer Skinner No; wav below it.
Didn't Walt to Hear.
Hewitt Gruett says that you are
afraid of him.
Jewett Afraid of him! Why, it
was only yesterday that I called him
everything I could think of.
Hewitt What did he say?
Jewett I came away from the tele
phone as soon as I said all I had to say.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Direct Method,
"Your office was burglarized last
"Did they blow the safe open?"
No, they went right after the coal
bin." Washington Star.
"You Bay that young woman compli
mented my singing?" he exclaimed,
"In a way," the young woman re
plied. "She said she would rather
hear you try to sing than try to con
verse. "Washington Star.
A Real Baby.
"The Higginaons, up stairs, have a
real lovely baby, haven't they?"
"Well," growled the man in the
lower flat, "I guess its a good enough
ten-acre lot baby, but it's no kind of a
flat-building baby. Yon ought to hear
h yell." Chicago Evening Post.
Mothers will flna Mrs. Wlnsloflr's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
Bhildren during ttae teething period.
Legally Safe.
"Epham, s' pose de good Lawd should
come down an' look inter yer eye an'
say: "Epham, what hab yo done wid
all dose chickens dat yo' stole?1 What
yo' gwine ter say?"
"Pahson. I mought say dat my ole
'ooman cooked 'em, but yo know dat a
man ain't bound to testify agin his
wife." New York Times.
Felt Injured.
Two gOvd natured little Irish boys
once occupied the same bed. In the
morning one of them said to the other:
"Dennis, did you hear it thunder
last night?"
"No," said Dennis. "Did it really
"Yis, it thundered as if hiven and
airth were comin' together."
"Well, phoy in the worruld didn't
ye wake me? ; Ye know I can't Blape
whin it thunders!" said Dennis.
Capacity. -
Nothing will give permanent success
in any enterprise of life except native
capacity cultivated by honest and per
severing effort. Genius is often but the
capacity for receiving and impioving
by discipline. George Eliot.
- - - Foot ol Morrison Street.
Can rive you the best bargains in Boilers
and Engines, Windmills, Pumps and Gene
ral Machinery.. Wood Hawing Machines a
specialty.. See .us before buying... v
As Rood candy to a
Queen Bee
Cough Drops
Are made of pure hon
ey and menthol. Tbey
are pleasant and ef
fective as a remedy
for coughs and colds.
Try a package. Bold
by all druggists and
confectioners. Two
packages by mall on
receipt of luc., stamps.
Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co. .
, Portland, Ore,
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
Write for catalogue.
Oea'l Agts.
818 Commer
' cial Block
P. X. u.
Ma. 9-1903,
U EN writing- to advertisers please
mention tola paper.
" I bad a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer'g
Cherry Pectoral, and it give me im
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111.
How will your cough
be tonight? worse, prob
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a cough, then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Thrtt sixes : 25c., ATI erarflsts.
Consult your doctor. If he says take it,
then do as he says. If he telia you aot
to take it. then don't take H. He knows.
Leave It with him. W- are wllllne.
J. O. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Meeks The man who tries to change
a woman's view is a fool.
Weeks How do you know?
Meeks My wife told me so.
TonOsn Get Allen'e Foot Ksis FREK,
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, IRoy, N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot Ease. It cures chil
blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet.
It makes new or tight shoes eesv. A certain
cure for Corns and Bunions. All'druggists sell
it. 26c. lxm't accept any substitute.
Jungle Wit.
The Lion 4. village postmaster came
our way yesterday, and we ate him up.
The Tiger What time was it?
The Lion Oh, that's easy; ate P. M.
Baltimore American.
FITS Permananny eurai So fits er nerronsncst
IIId after tlrst.lay1. meof lr. kliae'iOreat Morn
Bestorer. Send Tor FREE 91.00 trial bottle and treat
be. Ia.B.U.Kua.l,td,wUArcbSU.Philadelpuiara
One Live Man Wanted.
"Is yonr company for 'Hamlet com
plete?" "Yes," answered Mr. Storinington
Barnes. "All I want 1b a good live
young man for the ithost."
Alio iviuu iou iiuvo Always lsougnt nas Dorno tne signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been mode under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- ,
goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It '
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio t
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation s
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the -j
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. k ,
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
mi. t F I 1 -mr war
Bears the
, In Use For
f' I TMd'esitVaua oomwnt. tt
U osiaI
McCAULEY & BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Mill and Marine work. General repairs. Printing Machinery repaired and rebuilt
Poole Bldg., Foot of Morrison St.
kill the lice. Never
Sejii jl'e
as aiMiVi
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thirty-third year. Commodious buildings.
Modern equipment Academic and eollega
preparatory courses. Special courses in
music and art. Illustrated catalogue. All
departments now open.
liniss ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Principal
' Chicken, Duck and Geese feath
ers. Address - .
10th mndDmvlmStm.,Portlmnd,Oi'
I ksfs been nalne CAnCAKKTS and mm
a mild and erteouvs laxative tbey are limply won
derful. My daughter and 1 were bothered wltn
sick atomach and our breath was Terr bad. After
taking a few doies of Cast-areta we hare Improved
wonderfully. They are a great help lu the family.''
YVll.HSI.kllNA Naciki..
11ST Ullteonouse St., Cluoinuatl, Chlo
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do.
Good, titter Blokeu. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. iiel Joo.
SUrtl.a O-paey, Chltata. .tr..l. In Y.rk. S)
MOeTtUBaG IdandjruarnntmNl by all drag.
WW I WIIHW giats to CLi JtK Tobaooo Uaolfc
-. ... . I 1 1
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
mummy eraser, nsw vok oit. H
1 Seeds -I
v the Kind )
X Leads X
I cost more yield more. 1 f
3 1 sold by all dealers. I C 1
. Jp I 10.1 Seed Assist I V
X 1 postpaid free to all X
f appllcanta.
V D. M.Ferry a Co.,
i He
LICE rtn PsiiTitf-tr Ea".T applied Pttlnt.percbea.
neat boxes, etc.. and the fumea
Sold by dealers, goc and $1.00 per can. ,
Albert Blocker oC (;iianliii.teii, Until., bouKtit a can uf T'rUHalan l.lce Killer and
nwd It thoroughly thrue tlmei and cleaned hll poultry houiM entirely free from
Uue and mites. Hefora u.lntf, the poultry bou.. was alWe with red lice aud miuak
J. IT. Matone. of Artel, Mo aaya the I'ruaaiau liue Jtliler ia Just the thing for Uca
on bova, and la worth live time. It. coat. j
Portland, Oregon, Coai agents..