, Best Ooea bjrap. TmMim OooO. On I I L- to Mm ftold by draswista. fcf Language of Parrots. Do parrots understand what they say? A scientist relates that he has a Brazilian parrot which Is a fluent and accomplished speaker. A gray parrot wad introduced on day, but the Brazilian hautlly declined to have anything to say to the gray. Then a neighbor who has just been given a newly imported green Brazilian brought the newcomer to call. The! moment the parrots caught sight ofj each other they broke into a torrent of apparently articulate language, consisting, as It seemed, of questions and answers, but what the language was no one present could tell. The owner of the first parrot had never during the years It had lived with him heard it speak the strange tongue. The two parrots talked to ' each other without ceasing all -the ; time they were together, and a few i days later, when they met again, ex actly the same thing happened. Was j the first parrot, long exiled from its ' native forests, asking eagerly for news , of its people? Immune. Towne It's a shame the way these big corporations put the screws on the people. Browne Never mind they'll have a hot time in the next world. Towne If I could believe that there'd be some consolation in that thought, but corporations, you know have no souls. Philadelphia Press. Fitted for Politics. "What makes you think he would be a great success in politics?" "He can gay more things that sound well and mean nothing than any other man I ever knew. Bacteria of the Mouth. Prof. Miller, of Berlin, has Isolated j more than 100 different species of bac-! teria that grow in the mouth. Six of these find the conditions so favorable 1 that they usually crowd out the others. Science. ' Opinion vs. Facts. Few things are necessary for the wants of this life, but it takes an In finite number to satisfy the demands of opinion. But Soon to Be. Miss Ascum Wasn't that Mr. Bonds I saw you walking with last evening? Miss Coy Yes. Miss Ascum He's a landed free holder of the county, isn't he? Miss Coy (blushing) Well er he isn't quite landed yet. Turned Failures to Account. La Montt "So Mrs. Pearlpen wrote poetry for two years without getting a line accepted? I should think she would be terribly discouraged." La Moyne "Not a bit. She took all the rejection slips and papered a room. Now she is known as the most bizarre woman in town," The Bcroll. . Willing to Oblige. Servant There's a gentleman at the door who says he knew you when you were a boy. Master Tell him he was very kind to call. Should I ever happen to be a boy again I'll let him know! Boston Transcript. Fixing the Blame. Magistrate Well, Uncle Rastus, what brought you here? Uncle Rastus Dem two big perllce men by de railin', yo' honner. "Yes, but didn't liquor have any thing to do with It?" "Yessah; day wuz bofe drunk, yo' honner." Chicago Daily News. tgOK OUT When the cold wave flag is up, freezing weather is on the way. Winter Is here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges fom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeing ot per lonal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while in the company of others. In spite of all efforts to prevent it, the filthy secretions and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach and are distributed by the blood to tvery nook and corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact every organ and part of the body, be come infected with the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, even in itsearliest stages, a purely local Sisease or simple inflammation of the nose and throat, and this is why sprays, rashes, powders and the various in haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. Tn the treatment of Catarrh, ana leptic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relievedof its load of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints. S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms, and cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh, and our physicians will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPEC mO CO.. ATLANTA, GAm Airs. Anderson, a prominent society woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, says : "There are but few wires and mothers who have not at times en dured agonies and such pain as only women know of. I wish such women knew the value of Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any other I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen cases where women doctored for years without permanent benefit who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vege table Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining- great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and . tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse it" Mrs. B. A. Anderson, 225 Wash innrton St., Jacksonville, Fla. $sooo jorfelt If original ofaooon testimonial proving gtnw Ineneu cannot be produced, The'experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America pro to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause, and re storing the organs to a healthy and normal condition. Misfits at the Bargain Sale. Nell I stopped in at a bargain sale today. Belle did you see anything that looked real cheap? Nell Yes; several men waiting for their wives. A Strong Box. "Your father has a strong box at home, hasn't he, Willie?" said the teacher. "Yes'm," replied Willie, "the one he keeps the limburger in." Yonkera Statesman. A Cdrtain Hit. A New York girl, while trying to do a fancy step in a cake walk recently, dislocated her shoulder. If she would only take that step into vaudeville there is no roam for doubting that she would make a hit , Energy Is Eternal. . Who Is there who dares to say that when old age is reached there is not as much laid by in that soul wrapped in its weary body as there was in the infant full of latent power? We know not where the Infant's forces come from, nor where the dying man's en ergy goes, to, but if nature teaches us anything It teaches us that forceB such as these are eternal In the same sense that matter is eternal and space endless. Frank Bolles. , Just a Small Matter. As Morgan" and Gates closed a little deal. John said to Pierp: "'Pears to me I've got a few dollars coming," and Pierp, reaching down in his jeans, brought up a handful of checks . and paid the difference right there. It wasn't much; only eighteen million dollars. ' FOR . Xaneheater, V., If arch 6, 1901. Gentlemen: Zhadalltb. symptoms that aocompany this disease, auoh aa mucus dropping- In the throat, a con stant desire to hawk and spit, feeling of dryness In the throat, coug-h and spitting' upon rising in the morning, oaba forming in the nose, which re quired muoh effort to blow out, some time! causing the bom to bleed and leaving me with a aiok headaehe. Z had thus suffered for Ave years. I commenced to take S. 8. 8. and after I had taken three large bottles, X notioed a change for the better. Thus encouraged, I oontinued to take it and in a ahort while was entirely cured. JTJDSOK A. BELLAU. Main and Vine Sta., Blohmond, Va. i rrm m no equal as a biooa punner. it restores the blood to a natural, healthy 6tate and the catarrhal poison and effete matter are carried out of the system through the proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the bfbod all its good qualities, and when rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed I FAVORITES I Bollloqnr from "Hamlet." To be, or not to be; that is the question; Whether tie nobler in the mind to Buffer The sliugs and arrows of outrageous for tune. Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die; to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we tnd The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to; 'tis s consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die; to sleep; To sleep; perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreama may come. When we have shuffled off this mortal coil. Must give us pniiBe; there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who ' would bear ' the whip and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's . delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who-would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns puxzles the will Aud makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that wo know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us nil, And thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and mo ment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. William Shakspeare. Bedouin Love Song, From the desert I come to thee On a stallion shod with fire. And the winds are left behind In the speed of my desire. Under thy window I stand, And the midnight hears my cry: I love thee, I love but thee, With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold, And the stars are old, - And the leaves of the Judgment Book unfold! Look from thy window and sea My passion and my pain; I lie on the sands below, And I faint in thy disdain. Let the night winds touch thy brow With the beat of my burning sigh And melt thee to hear the vow Of a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold, And the stars are old. And the leaves of the Judgment Book unfoldl My steps are nightly driven, By the fever in my breast. To hear from thy lattice breathed The word that shall give me rest Open the door of thy heart, And open thy chamber door, And my kisses shall teach thy lips The love that shall fade no more Till the sun grows cold, And the stars are old, And the leaves of the Judgment Book unfoldl Bayard Taylor. NEGROES GROW RICH FA8T. Many of Those Living in the Creek Na tion Are Well-to-Do. It Is not in the South that the rich est negroes are found, although many In that region have amassed a goodly store of property since the war. Doubt less the wealthiest community of col ored people In the world is found among the Creek Indians in Indian Territory. There are about 7,000 of them, and they are worth on an aver age $3,000 each. The wealth of the more Industrious foots up ever higher, certain individuals being the owners of from $10,000 to $15,000 worth of land each. These negroes are the descendants of slaves of the Creek tribe of Indians and are known as Creek negroes. They are entitled to a share In the division of Creek Indian lands, also a part of the trust funds. Together the 7,000 ne groes own 22,000,000 acres of land. And yet their education Is far from complete. Their social environments are crude in the extreme and progress goes slowly amid their huts and fields. Unlike the other Indians of the rich five civilized tribes, the Creeks insist ed upon freeing their slaves to give them an equal share In their lands and money. At that time there were few slaves, but the number grew through descendants, until now fully 7,000 have laid successful claim to a "bead right" on the Creek rolls of citizenship. They have their own representatives in the Creek Indian Legislature, their own schools and ihelr own churches. Ev erything bids fair to make them the model community of negroes in the United States when Indian territory is recovering from the tangle wilderness of reconstruction, its laws made uni form and itself a State of the Union. There is little culture among the Creek negroes. They have a social set all their own, to which not even the Indians are Invited. Their charac teristics are in a great measure differ ent from the negro of the South or the North. It is a mixture of both, with additional peculiarities. Like the Indians, these negroes have their dances In the open, which have come to be a sort of religion with them. And, following in the footsteps of the Southern Negro, they have bar becues, 'possum hunts and the like. As a Northern type of the negro they art more Industrious and Independent of the whites, know bow to work bard and save their money, and, like the type from the city, are well dressed gaudily, but at the same time wear ing expensive clothes. These 7.000 Creek negroes live In a tract of rich land called the Canadian River bottoms, and Ohiuulgee Is their town and trading point. Okmulgee is the capital of the Creek Indian nation, and has been for years a negro town. Recently, however, white people flock ed In and have taken possession. The negroes are starting their own towns along the branch of the Frisco Rail road. Notwithstanding that many of these Cr?k negroes are industrious, there are sooe among them who rent out their estates and lounge in idleness about the railway stations. It is a common sight to see a 800-acre tract of rich land In the Canadian bottoms being tilled by a white man. Invaria bly, upon Inquiry as to bis landlord, he w!U refer to the negro owner in no complimentary terms. Meanwhile one will find the owner shooting craps or enjoying himself eating turkey and possum In a neighboring village. When the Creeks freed their negroes In 1884 the two fraternized for a time, and even intermarried, but that has all passed now. In accordance with the terms granting their freedom, the Creek negroes are allowed a voice in the. tribal government, and so they have their own members In the Coun cil, hnve their own schools and all that; but the Creek Indian feels above the Creek negro and refuses to asso ciate with him. eta Aalasr--- - -- - -- - ' AAllJ--1- - ---- TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTT I btiquette of f the Handkerchief "Your handkerchief Isn't a wash rag," said a patient mother the other day when she caught her daughter In the midst of a dry cleaning. The daughter naturally saw no reason for the comment "Everybody does it," she said. "So they do," responded the mother, "but other people's rudeness Is no ex cuse for yours." Yet the next time the mother went shopping she stopped in front of an elevator looking-glass long enough to mop some smudges from her nose. It has so come about, through the constant showering of soft coal soot In Chicago streets, that the handkerchief is here used for a face mop. Go where you will, In whatever class of society and to whatever kind of gathering and you will find people mopping, surrep titiously perhaps, but nevertheless mopping. The inevitable smudge nev er fails to call forth a surprised con sternation and the consternation un consciously hides behind the folds of a handkerchief. Be It lace or linen, or just common cotton, no handkerchief Is too good for this service. The ornamental square which Is tucked In at the belt of n dinner gown or hidden away in a sleeve is not too good for It, neither Is the generous cambric which shows Its corners above the breastpocket of a top coat. ,rr ., ... Despite the abuse ..which the hand kerchief Is thus obliged to endure, it Is an ornamental and graceful piece of furniture. It was not meant to be argued with, yet it gives Itself kindly to that service. It is used by the actress as a signal of distress and in the-'nervous hands of an emotional woman It is a safe barometer of her sympathies. It Is a school girl's trick to 'chew the corners of a handkerchief, yet that, too, has Its mitigation. It Is undoubt edly rude to play with a handkerchief, no matter what the provocation, yet she who manipulates a handkerchief with the grace of long association laughs at this rule of etiquette. If she would assume an Innocent air there Is nothing she win more quickly undertake than this same by-play with her handkerchief. She flirts with her handkerchief and hides her embarrass ment behind It and weeps Into It and makes It altogether the most useful bit of finery that her toilet possesses. Chicago Chronicle. Like Caesar's Wife. "Do you think it polite," said the foolish stranger In Crimson Gulch, "for a man to sit In his shirt sleeves and ploy cards all day?" "Yes, sir," answered Three Finger Sam; "and maybe It'll be for your own good to remind you that the fewer sleeves a man has on when be plays cards around here the less liable be Is to fall under suspclon." Washington Star. i Not to Be Frightened. Employer Well, what did be say when you called for that check? Clerk That he would break every bone in my body and throw me out of the window If I showed my face there again. Employer Then go back at once and tell him he can't frighten me with bis violence! Illustrated Bits. Enforced Athletics, "Joe is a great walker." "Indeed? How long has he been walking?" "Lemme gee. I belle the twins are 5 months old." Cleveland Plain Dealer. 8 tout In Defense. Sidney Have you any marked abil ity of any kind? Rodney Well, I've kept a lot of wid ows fiom marrying me. Good t'se lor Moonlight. Tomatoes are said to ripen best by the light of the moon. THH BLOOD. The blood is life. We derive from the blood lite, power, beauty, and rea son, aa the doctors have been saying from time immemorial. A healthy body, a fresh appearance, and generally all the abilities we possess depend on that source of life. It is therefore the duty of every sensible man to keep the blood aa pure and normal as possible. Nature, in its infinite wisdom, has given ns a thermometer indictaing the state of the blood, which appeals to our reason by giving notice of its impurity. Small eruptions of the skin, to which we scarcely pay any attention, head ache, ringing noiBes in the ears, lassi tude, sleeplessness, are generally a sign that the blood is not in ita normal state, but is filled with noxious sub stances. These symptoms deserve our full attention. If more attention were paid to those symptoms, and steps taken to remove them, then many illnesses from which we suffer would become un known, and the human body would be come stronger and healthier. Atten tion therefor should be paid to those warning signs, and the blood can be purified and poisonous substances re moved from it by the nee of Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops, discovered more than 60 years ago. How Awkward of Them. A small girl of three suddenly burst out crying at the dinner table one day. "Why, Ethel, what Is the matter?" asked her mother. "Oh," cried Ethel, "my teeth step ped on my tongue." Little Chronicle. For bronchial troubles try IMso'i Cure for Consumption. It is a pond cough medicine. At druggUts, price 25 cents. Nipped In the Bud. "Oh, Alfred! Is'nt It too bad! Just as we had everything so nicely ar ranged for our elopement, father has gone and sanctioned the .match." Mocha and Java. Not very much pure Mocha and Java coffee is brought to this coast. In fact we don't believe there is another brand in the market, besides Monopole, which is all pure Mocha and Java. But we know Monopole. As a matter of fact not every lady likes pure Mocha and Java, but if you do and are willing, like your Eastern friends, to pay a little extra for the pure unadulterated article, you'll find it in Monopole. Your dealer bandies it or knows where to get it for you. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., coffee roasters, Portland, Oregon. Orowth of Electrical Work. In 20 years, the number of estab lishments in the United States mak ing electrical machinery and supplies has Increased from 26 to 680. The annual output has Increased from $2,600,000 to $91,300,000. The capital invested in the business is $83,000,000. Success. Noises Attract Snakes. It is a remarkable fact that there are certain kinds of noises which at tract snakes. For instance, the whirr ot the mowing machine, Instead of scaring these reptiles, as might be supposed, seems both to aUure them and enrage them, and they almost In variably dart toward it, rearing them selves in front of the machine, which, of course, promptly chops off their beads. In Six months so many as 120 cobras alone have thus been slaughtered on a farm In India. Ton Can Get Allen'a Foot Ease FREE, Write Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot Ease. It cures chil blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. It make, new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and llunlons. All druggists sell it. 20c. Don't accept any substitute. Thoughts Unutterable. "And so you have no swear words In your language, Mr. Omokura?" "No, madame," the Japanese travel, er replied. "But, of course, you can think cuss thoughts, I suppose, can't you?" Chi cago Record-Herald. Eft ..t'.xvyxi cvv . . - The Kind You Have Always CM CO ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and, Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Iixpcrienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare poric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tba Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Bears the In Use For Cure Your Horses "iESs: PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS. AT DEALERS, 60c; BY MAIL. eOc. CCKll) TIIIHTY-FOUU HOUSES. PauantAM Rhubdv Co., St. Paul, Minn. Gbxtlkh km: I have been using the Prussia Hbatb Pow ders the past Hrht months, and in that time hnveenred 1 1 horses of heavea, 14 of distemper and 9 of chronic conh. Your Pruaaian keinedics have gained a great repotation in this section. V.unnrx Biw"' NrirV. rJ V. Backing Rale of Paris, The Bank of France can compel Its customers to receive one-fifth of money drawn In gold. JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORB. Foot el Morvtsoa Street. Can five you the best bargains in Boilers and Engines, Windmills, Pumps and Gene ral Machinery. Wood Sawing Machines a specialty. See ns before buying. I WANT TO BUf FOR CASH Chicken, Duck aud Geese feath-' 1 ers. Address O. O. SMITH. 10thmndDlmtm.,PoHlnd,Or- r. " it costs you iNotning To catrh cold 70a get something for nothing, ure tiouifh. You cna kep It if you want It, but you can get rlJ of It by ustiitf Quern Be. Cough Dropi, Keep a box In the houac Thay taste nice, look nice, are nice. Atfide of honey and menthol. 5 Cent a box. Bold by all druttKists and con fectioners, Twj boxes ent by mall postpaid on receipt of 10a, in tamps. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Ore. NCI PIES umy wife bad plmplee on her race, but ha has been taking CASCAKETS and ttier hare all disappeared. I hud been troubled with constipation tor some time, but after tali. Ing the Drat Caaoaret I have had no trouble with thla ailment. We eannot speak too high ljr of Oasoareta." Frud Wahtmah, 6708 Oermautowo Ave., Philadelphia, Fa, ' Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Da Bood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Grie. Mkt, no, Mia ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... ; ttarttif tmt Caaaaar, Chtoaa, awnl. In Tars. Ha M.Tfl.RlR Sold and maranteed bj all drat I WO Kit gists to VVUK Tooaooo HabltT THERE IS NO &8l SUCKER L1K' Forty years &oo and after irory yewa of use on 'Je eastern coast, l owera Woterproof Oiled Coas were introduced in the West and were c&Iled flickers by the pioneer and cowboys. This oraprvc ntme has come into such f enerel use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many substitutes. You want the Genuine. tne nturw lower on the buttons, ' MADtiNaAatAraYniowAia SOLD EY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE n Trie world oven. A. J. TOWLH CO. BOSTON. MAJ3. TBuarg5P leao. r. n. v. Ko. l-ieos. (w HKN writing to advertisers plea mention mis paper. Bousrht has borno the slrna- Signature of Over 30 Years. NcwroftK errr wetKtm mem qhl iLk. aMsTt jffVw I EL For newly 3 K f half a century r ( lT?pys j II Seeds .J kind or lull, eynywlier . Hold lij r.- V elloValMS. mos seed Annual 1 I j postpaid free to all applicant. , I I 3 v . M.FCKRT JO. . I I 2 CATHARTIC tkaoi MAjtM aiaamaf o m M ar m id rOUTLAMO alUCD GO. iortlaad. Ore.. Coast Agents.