TOPICS OF THB TIMES. A man's second lore nearly always owns more property than his first one. The Inference Is that Pat Crowe went to South Africa disguised as a Missouri mule. ' ' The Mormons refrain from attempt ing to defend polygamy. This show progress. If the home team wins It's owing to good playing; but If the other fellows win It's simply an accident. When a woman has bad nine chil dren she begins to have suspicions about some of the beautiful passages In love stories. . Chicago's cigar-snioking dog is dead. Somebody shot hi in. If be had smoked cigarettes shooting would probably have been unnecessary. Trof. Garner is still working bis monkey language graft The only thing seriously feared Is a book of monkey poems In the Uganda dialect General Corbln says that "marriage makes a man a better soldier." Thnt stands to reason. The first requisite of a model soldier Is to obey orders. Sitting Hull's son is working as a section baud on a Western railroad. Can It be doubted any longer that re publics are ungrateful to their princes? It may be wrong to question the motives of a high oillcial. but the pub lic Is already wondering what excuse the Postmaster General can offer for issuing a 13-cent postage stamp. If a person who feels Inclined to tell somebody all about his fit of sickness would talk Into a phonograph and then listen to it himself he might under stand how exciting and Interesting the account Is to his friends. A German critic has been compelled to pay $25 for the luxury of saying that a certain actress moves as grace fully as a hippopotamus. We have known cases where the hippopotamus would have been the proper one to bring action. A priest of Naples gave bis congre gation such a realtlstic picture of hell that a panic resulted In which many were hurt Now and then a page from the dark ages maunges to get Itself bound in the enlightened history which W are iyosed to be making. Considerable Interest would attach to the proposed visit of President Loubet of France to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St Louis In 11)04, not only because be Is the head of a friend ly power, but because It was France that sold the Louisiana territory to the United States. A New York young man who Inher ited f 10,000,000 bus gone down Into the poor district of the Hunt Sido and Joined a university settlement for the purpose of working among the poverty stricken. That's almost as good es teaching a fashlouuble Bible cluss up on Fifth avenue. Emperor William, on his recent visit to Eugluud, led the First Itoyal Dra goons In cheering for the king, and did It the papers say, with suap and gusto. The American boy will appreciate the difficulties under which mouarchs la bor when be remembers that the call was "Three cheers for Ills Majesty Klug Edward," not '"Rah, 'rah, 'rah, E-a-w-ar-U!" The discoverer of a new element or the Investigator Into the records of the past may be conferring as great a blessing on mankind as the business organizer who has built up a big fac tory. Men have an Insatiable craving for discovery, for progress of every sort. It Is as legitimate to dovote one's self to reaching the north pole as to apend one's life refining oil. The ex istence of art galleries, or parks, of universities, of scientific organizations of all sorts Is testimony to the fact that the life Is more than meat It Is quite possible that a few hundred years hence the name of the discov erer of the north pole may be remem bered when that of the orgaulzer of the steel trust Is forgotten. A proposition that warms one's heart la that which, It Is reported, a wealthy Westerner has made to his five sons, that they unite for business purposes In a corporation In which each of the six men shall have an equul share. "I want all my sons to be successful and all to advauce together," he says. "I don't believe In this thing of one get ting rich and another working for a inall salary. The boys will have con trol of our family syndicate, when It comes to a vote, and will elect their own board of directors and president. Perhaps I can be more serviceable than some. In the way of counsel, but there will be no 'bossing' and no Jealousies, and all the profits will be divided wiually." All this suggests the way In which fathers and sons and moth era and daughters, tooshould pull to gether. Will contests, and other un inly squabbles In and out of court, would be fewer If more families were truldod by the Western man's views. Franklin Stone, of Philadelphia, has for years lieen living a double life. To tlxwe who knew him and bis wife and two sons, socially, be was the Ideal family man. He was a banker and broker, a leading member of a church, liberal In his contributions to charity, and to all appearances a high-toned gentleman. There was another side to this man. Away from borne be was Intimate with gamblers, owned race horses on which he risked heavy bets, belonged to a club which promoted all sorts of questionable sports and had capital invested in one of . the most notorious pool rooms in New York City. Of course be was discovered. It Is only strange he was not found out long ago. And this case affords occa sion for saying, There Is in every man a dual nature. Some years ago Dr. Sequard-Brown promulgated the the ory of the dual brain and It Is said that fila llaa aufr Qlaianiinn rt thlnWIflff' .I'll 11.11. 1". . W 13 along this line of duality, resulting In the conception of "The Strange Case of Dr. JekyI and Mr. Hyde." And It may be said that ever man has within him, whether In his brain or not, a dual self. He may not develop either to Its outcome. It Is the business of education and religion, to merge the two, resolving the worse propensity Into the better, forming what we call the character. Every person has a cer tain reputation. That is the Dr. Jekyl part what one appears to be. Every person has a certain character. That Is the Mr. Hyde part what one really Is. The Dr. Jekyl is honored and re spected until it Is discovered that he Is really the stealthy, ferocious Mr. Hyde. Then comes denouement and surprise. "A man In high station fall en," says the headlines. It is not true. There hns been the struggle of years between Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. The former hates, fears, abhors the latter. He turns sick with apprehension at the mere mention of the name. The two fight for the possession of the man. If Jekyl wins Hyde disappears. If Hyde wins Jekyl disappears. Not often has the public bad so good an exhibition of the characteristic at titude of the medical profession which includes the profession of sur geryIts feeling of responsibility, its unselfishness and its fidelity, as has been afforded by the great Austrian surgeon who has lately been operating in this country. He was called to Chi cago to attend a child who bad suf fered since birth from a dislocation of the hip. The child's father, a man of large wealth, brought him, at great expense, to Chicago, because he was considered one of the greatest special ists In the world In cases of the kind. No sooner was the operation com pleted thnt the surgeon sought the hos pitals of Chicago, St Louis and other cities, and there, entirely without pay ment he treated the children of the poor. Other physicians came to wit ness the operations, so that not only tias the skill of this man changed the future for many small sufferers, but it will be disseminated In geometrical progression; for the doctors who saw the operations will, in turn, teach oth ers. The course of Dr. Lorenss has at tracted more than the usual attention only because the man himself Is .so well known and because he came to this couutry under peculiar circum stances. The standard of conduct of the medical profession Is something of which one can hardly write without a glow of admiration. No profession Is the world has a higher code of ethics. The Hlppocratlc oath Is no longer ad ministered, yet physicians still observe Its obligations. They make public all discoveries and Inventions which may benefit the race and tnke no patents upon nor profit from them. They give the same faithful service and exercise the same skill for a small fee as for a large one, and the amount of work which they do gratuitously Is known only to themselves and to the recip ients of their charity. The medical man is Indeed a noble figure In our life. We take off our bats to blm. Generally Used. A discussion has been started In Ger many, urging that German children drop the words "mama" and "papa" In favor of "Mutter" (mother) and "Yater" (father). "II6w," say they, "can anybody prefer the unmeaning 'mamma' to the deep and impressive 'mutter f Nothing can replace for a German the word 'Mutter,' certainly not the French 'mamma.' A certain philologist however, asks how It can be suggested that the word 'mamma' Is derived from the French, seeing that It Is probably to be found In all lan guages of the world. In the numerous dialects of Africa, and In India, the word Is 'mamma,' which Is given as a title of honor to every elderly dame deserving of esteem and respect 'Mamma' and 'papa' (haba) are so gen erally used In all parts of the world that they probably date back some thousands of years." Did Me Was Told. A little freedom is a dangerous thing, but it Is a most luxurious one, thought young Alfred, who, according to the Utlca Observer, went to a party under Instructions from bis father not to walk home If it rained, but to take a cab. It did rain, and great was the fa ther's surprise when his son arrived home dreuched to the skin. "Why didn't you take a cab, as I told youT" asked the father, sternly. "Oh, I did!" was the sage reply. "But when I ride with you, you always make me ride iuslde. This time I went on top with the driver. Say, dad. it was grand!" Shortest Name Known. G. Ui of Sargeut, Mo., has possibly the shortest surname on record. A famine of silver dimes annoy the average man more than the scarcity of 1,000 bill. EVOLUTION AND INFLUENCE OF THE CARTOON. By Tkomma Waif, tie great Cartoonist (Written April 14. 1903.) There Is no telling when the art of caricature began. There are a number of grotesques that have come down to us from earliest Egyptian times. The Greeks employed pictures to emphasize their satire, and so did the Romans. All through the Middle Ages there were numberless examples of "grotesqueries," which, curiously enough, were used In enforcing the doctrines of the Church by menns of satirizing the devil. But the eighteenth century was the heyday of the cartoon. Beginning In France, and overrunning into Holland, and MM THOMAS HAST. thence across the Channel Into England, the flood of cari caturists carried everything before it; and It is safe to say that we read the history of the time with clearer vision and with more accuracy of detail for the mirror which the caricaturists held up to retlect the striking peculiarities of the men and events passing before It Gautler mentioned a Spanish cartoonist Francisco Gaya y Luclentes, a mix ture of Rembrandt, Watteau and Rabelais, who preceded the two great caricaturists of the latter half of the eigh teenth century; George Crulkshank, In England, and Mons. Charlet, In France. It has been reserved for America, however, to bring forth a new race of caricaturists, which, for lack of a bet ter title, may be called the personal cartoonists men who seize upon the characteristics of an Individual and so ex aggerate them that the subjects of the cartoons are known by the most prominent features In their physical, mental or moral make-up. Perhaps we Americans look at the droll side of life more than other people, but certain it is we have more and better cartoonists than elsewhere. The very quick ness with which we see the point of a Joke demands equal fuclllty In portraying drollery In a cartoon. We sketch boldly and leave much of the unnecessary detnll to our slower cousins. Then, too, our public events happen with such stnrtllng rapidity that a cartoon of yesterday's do ings would he flat to-day, and we must keep very much alive and be ready for a political change over night. In other words, the alert Amerlcnu must have depicted In his cartoon the very trnlts of character that have made him what he is the quickest and brightest of men. . HOW HUSBANDS AND WIVES DRIFT APART. By Harriet A. Armstrong. Despite the romantic and affectionate elements In it, much of marriage resolves Itself Into a com monsense partnership. If people only realized this there would be fewer liquidations in love and bankruptcies In matrimony. If women were not so fond of hugging grievances and thinking themselves martyrs for nothing at all, few mar ried folk would "drift apart" A woman thinks her husband has slighted her. Perhaps he has. Anywuy, if she thinks be has, it s just as una rroni ner point of view as if he really had. Sometimes she say noth ing. Sometimes she says too much! In the first case she goes bout with a sense of injury smarting within her. Of course, if she Is in this frame of mind, she is naturally on the lookout, for more slights and Injuries. And it is so easy always to find what we look for. Presently her heart swells with all the Indignities and martyrdom she thinks she has been subject to. Per haps the whole situation has arisen from a misunderstand ing; and Jack or Jim would be horrified could he see the big mountain of martyrdom which has arisen from the molehill of that careless action or sentence of bis. Now, we will take the case of the wife who does not A VEGETARIAN CHURCH. Its Essential Tenet 1 that Men Shall Kat No Meat. It may not be known to many that there Is a Vegetarian Church, whose chief tenet is that men should eat no meat. This church has only one meet ing house In America and only forty members here. In England It has only one meeting bouse, and only seventy five members. And yet it is a church neurly 100 years old. Its American meeting house Is in Philadelphia, and Its American leader Is Rev. Henry S. Clubb, an old-time friend of Horace Greeley. In 1807 an Englishman, Rev. W. Cowherd of Manchester, founded this branch of the Bible Christians, and to day, after the passage of nearly 100 years, they are still existent, and are still almost unknown. In their two churches the English one. In Man chester, ami the American one In Philadelphia it is possible to see little children whose fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, and whose great-grandfathers and great grandmothers never once In their lives tasted meat; little children are as ig norant of the taste of meat as ordinary TUK VtOKTAKlAN CHl'KCH. persons are Ignorant of the tasto of human flesh. For vegetarianism is the chief article of their creed. With their century of abstinence from meat they afford a good example of the effect of vegetarianism on man kind. Their records, which appear to have been kept carefully, cover ubout 300 cases, and show that: The average lougevlty of a memoer of the sect Is CI. He Is not In his old age obliged to re sort to false teeth. HU eyes in seven cases out of ten do not ever require (qiectaclea. His weight keeps close to the normal or proper weight bis frame and height A. ' ' '"I . THE- JAMES J. HILL. CAPITAL AND LABOR there Is a better way GOLF IN THE PARLOR. spQ OLFERS who desire to play their favorite game in a parlor can now (G? do so' ft Qulcl-wltted inventor having fashioned the necessary appara- tus. This apparatus, or game, consists of a board, a cup and obstruc tions which represent bunkers. The board Is of flexible fabric, and has an elastic surface, and on it are marks indicating a golf course. The cup repre sents one of the holes, and extends above the surface of the board, and the (utter, when not In use, is so constructed that It can be rolled or folded into a small compass. In a game of this kind a disk Is used Instead of a ball, and the aim of each player is to get It over the course and obstructions and into the cup. Croquet, cricket and even baseball have been played In par lors, and there is no reason why golf should not prove equally attractive. demand,, never approaching either to corpulence or to emaciation. He is singularly free from rheuma tism and dyspepsia. Dr. Cowherd, founder of the church, was a. Swedenborgian, and held that meat eating was at the base of the crime of the world. It made men cruel and because they slaughtered animals dally they were blind to the wrong of slaughtering their fellows by the bullet in warfare and by the noose In crim inal law. It made men also thirsty for alcohol, and only through vegetarian ism, he contended, could total absti nence be made universal. The unique article of his creed re quires Its members to abstain from eating flesh, fish or fowl as food; from drinking intoxicating liquors of all kinds; from war and capital punish ment and slavery. So rigorous Is this article that It Is hardly strange that the sect has not flourished. Dr. Cowherd died In 1SIC and the following year a band of Jils follow ers came to the United States, itev. Henry S. Clubb has been their pastor since 1S70. brood silently over a fancied wrong. She belongs to the type which says too much.. ...Tempers pa both. sides are aroused, and each gives utterance to rather harsh senti ments, which nelfher really feels. A "misunderstanding" arises, and who can say where it will end? Few among ys quarrel with those we love over things that really matter. As a rule great crises In our lives, real troubles, andleep sorrows draw us much closer to those with whom we share them. It la the little nagging trifles, the criss-crosses, and trivialities over which estrangements and deep resentments arlBe. TINANCIAL ADVERSITY AHEAD. By J. J. Hill. President treat Northern Railway. I am not one of those fellows who cross their bridges before they come to them, "alarmists," I think you call them. I am disposed ' to be cheerful about most things. But I can't see anything In' the present financial situa tion to cause me to do any rejoicing. Things look serious. They are bad al ready, and, what's more to the point they are destined to grow worse. This country has reached the top of Its prosperity. If the serious downward move ment has not already begun, It is not far off. There are more reasons than one for this; chief among them Is the uncertain state of mind In which the New York men find themselves from day to day. Uncertainty Is the worst thing on earth for the moneyed Interests of a coun try. One does not need to look to Wall street for support of this opinion. Tight money Is not felt there alone. The manufacturing districts are suffering already. Their suf fering will Increase as things grow worse. Good evidence can be found, too, among builders. Where they were re ceiving orders for five buildings a year ago they are lucky if they are getting one to-day. Of course, I am not saying that my opinion Is held by everybody. Probably a good many men who have positive ideas about things would flail? contradict everything I have said, but there are many people who agree with me. SHOULD AGREE. By United States Senator Hanna. Organization of capital has come to stay, Just as organized labor has come to stay, and for the same reason It Is necessary. You cannot separate the In terests of capital and labor. If It Is good for one to be organized for any purpose, It Is good for the other for the same reason. They are both good and necessary as applied to our conditions to-day and our development for the fu ture. The combination of capital has m. a. hanna. brought to our industrial Institutions greater economic results; It has brought an Increase Id trade and higher wages to the laborer. As capital Is or ganized and produces beneficial results, labor, which was organized many years before, will be the first to feel and recognize its effects. We must strive to bring the different factions together upon the ground that both sides want to do what is right In its early days organized labor .went upon the theory that the only way to settle labor difficulties was to strike, but It is my theory that It is becoming recognized that to settle such differences. My theory Is that If you bring men together In a way to make them know each other and If you appeal to the head and the heart you establish a bond between the two factions that cannot be broken. ' We should remember the Golden Rule and try to live up to Its principle. This is the only way that I know to settle the dispute between capital and labor. Behind the Scenes. The Author (meekly) Could you ad vance me (20 on my royalty account? The Publisher Great Caesar! If you haven't got the nerve of your swash buckling hero. The Author But you are advertis ing that 50,000 copies of my novel have been sold In advance. The Publisher I see you know how to read. The Author And bow am I to keep up the appearance of a successful au thor? The Publisher Go away back and hibernate for a month or so, and by that time we'll probably know how much you've cost us. Judge. The Scottish Sabbath. Scotland cannot very much longer be quoted as a model in the matter of Sunday observance; nnd surely It Is a profound pity that Scotland should suffer itself to be robbed of Its price less h ?rltage. The Presbyterian. A New York artist made a fortune pnlntlng purple landscapes and lost It painting red towns. HAVE A MANIA FOR 8URQERY. Too Many Needleaa Operations Ara Performed by the Profession. A mania for performing operations seems to have seized upon the sur geons of the country of late years. The Introduction of anaesthetics, by aid of which the horrors of an operation are reduced to a mere discomfort of breathing a few times into a bag; the extended use of hospitals and nurs ing homes, which has the result of re lieving relatives and friends of all the trouble and all the disagreeable In cidents of an operation, and, finally, the fact that with modern aseptic methods the scar left by It Is often quite trivial, have conspired to make people regard the ordeal with curious Indifference and enter with a light heart Into adventures from which they would perhaps have shrunk had they known a little more. And where op erations are necessary all this is good," It has to be admitted, however, thut there Is another side to the question. Partly owing to the publicity giveD to operative work, partly to the fact that the successful case Is apt to be by no means reticent about the advant ages of "getting the thing over" and partly to the fact that dead men tell no tales the public at large has come to look with unlimited and undue con fidence upon operations as a way out of every dlfllculty a deus ex machlna which can always be Invoked to hurry matters up should the treatment of a malady prove a little tedious. A curious sort of demand for operutlve treatment has arisen. People urge each other not to allow their doctors to "dally" with their cases, but to do something "radical," nnd it Is to be feared that sometimes if the doctor does not adopt this radical policy or at least do something that requires an anesthetic they regard blm as "old fashioned" (the very hardest thing that one can nowadays say of any doc tor) and run off to some one else. This Is a kind of public sentiment which it Is by no means easy to combat; the Irresponsible chatter of the pa tient's friends condemns the cautious surgeon, while the unmeasured praise bestowed by the same Irresponsible au thorities upon the occasional success of an adventurous operator leads to undeserved fame. As we need hardly say, the effect of all this must react injuriously upon the medical profes sion. Some medical men, Indeed, assert that the evil consequences of this mania for operating hnve already at tained considerable dimensions. Chi cago Chronicle. LANKY MORRISON, UMPIRE The flag rush between the sopho mores and freshmen at Northwest ern University the other day reminded: the father of one of the latter of his schoolboy days. The master of his school was a cadaverous six-footer known as Lanky Morrison. "Our game," said the father, "was shinny. Shinny then was a sort of cross between polo and Donnybrook. fair. "The came was played between the big boys and the little ones, nnd every small boy In school had his shins done up In bandages, and usually carried one arm In a sling. The big boys took special pleasure in knocking the llttlfr ones. "One day about half the school had to be excused on account of bruises- from shinny. Then Lanky Morrison addressed the school about as follows,. as I recall it: " 'Until further notice the game of shlnnv will be played by the Parvl and the Bullies as heretofore, except that the title of either side will be as I have Btated.'" " 'I also desire to say that I will be present as umpire. Whenever a Bully sees tit to hit one of the Tarvi. I shall take it upon myself to hit one of the Bullies.' "When Lanky Morrison appeared on the playgrounds he had a stick as long- as his body, and when he reached out he came pretty near covering the field. When the stick got Into play the Bul lies almost lost the game. "The boys who grow up In the town were always known by the name of the side with which they played shln nv on Lanky Morrison's school ground. The two sides became famous in that part of the country. "It was enough to say or a young man, he was one or tne irarvi or a Bully In shinny at Morrison's school. One of the Bullies became a minister, but as long as he remained in that part of the country he was known as the Rev. Bully . "I do not think the teams would have ever become as famous as they did had not Lanky Morrison come Into the game as umpire. And when he died the Bullies and the Parvl turned out and the plain shaft which marks his grave in the old town cemetery was erected by the two teams. "The shaft is exactly Lanky Morri son's length, 6 feet 4, from the base, and on the base Is the inscription, af ter the master's name, birth and date of death, 'Erected by the Bullies and the Farvi.' "Chicago Inter Ocean. Land of Fair Weather. Fuerto Rico Is an almost perfect land as regards climate, and serious forms of sickness have been banish ed. It Is a land where crops enn be raised In almost all seasons, and there Is scarcely any Intermission In produc tion. Town Ieals in Rabbits. Torquay. England, possesses a mu nicipal rabbit warren, where over 13. 000 rabbits have been trapped during the past year and sent for sale in the northern and midland markets. v