MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913. SPORT DOPE i LEAGUE DATES FIXED TtNER ElECTION K NORTHWEST TO OPEN APRIL 14 TO CLOSE? PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 22 The 1914 season of the Northwestern base . ball league will open April 14 and close about September 27. It may be possible that the club magnates, who are in session here today with Presi dent Fielder Jones, will decide to close the season one week earlier or a week later. Although nothing has been doiia to ward making the schedule , it was stated around the lobby of the Oregon hotel this morning that the Portland - Colts would open the season in Se attle, Tacoma at Vancouver and Vic toria at Spokane. " There may be some changes, how ever in the towns where the teams open, Joe McGinnity and Frank Red "ZVl 6 t"2 Tacoma Tigers want to open the season in Seattle, but there ' is little liklihood of that opening be ing scheduled. All teams of the league have select ed their training quarters for the 1914 season with the exception of Tacoma ' Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver will train on their home grounds. Spo kane will train at Boyes Springs, Cal.', and the Portland team will likely train in Santa Rosa again. NATIONAL LEAGUE IS NOW ON SOLID .FOOTING The election of John Kinley Tenet1, governor of Pennsylvania, to the preB ideucy of the . National league has placed that organization on the most formidable footing it has ever enjoyed. Tener's election puts an end to the political squabbles with which the league has been Infested for many yfliita, Tener was the unanimous choice of the ciub owners. He' has been selected for a four year term, during which time be if sure to enjoy the Confidence and respect of the mem bers of the league as well as the base- CLUB MEN WORK DESPITE COLD WIND PORTLAND, Ore., Dec). 22 The Multnomah club football players prac ticed again yesterday morning. Near ly all the players, with the exception of Cherry 'Rourke and Hickson, turn ed out for practice. The players ran through their vari ous play formations time after time, the cold wind making them hustle to keep warm. After over an hour's practice, Manager Stott called a halt and told all the players to report again Tuesday night. "EASY," SAYS GUNBOAT - r SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22. "Five rounds is all I want to finish Mr. Pel key," said Gunboat Smith today, dis cussing his scheduled 20 round clash at Daly City January 1 with Arthur Pelkey, white heavyweight champion. The gunner is brimming over with confidence. "This guy Pelkey," he continued, 'should be easy for me. What has he ever done to cause anyone to figure any other way? I have met the best of them and put the crusher on 'em, too. Before Pelkey met the late Lu ther McCarty no one had ever heard nf him. Just wait until I get him into the ring. I'll make him curl up with in five rounds." $ 8 SPORTING BREVITIES 8 S 8$$eS8Si Outfielder Messenger, of Girming lialu, and Catcher Jenkins,, of Keokuk, are the players for whom the Oakland club put in claims. Both were drafted by St. Louis. Happy Hogan dickered for Jimmy Sheckard of the Cincinnati club, for -some time, but called off the deal be cause fyere were many difficulties in the way. Walter Mails, the young infielder signed up by Seattle, is said to be one of the most promising bushers around San Francisco. Duffy Lewis, who intended to spend '"'the winter in Boston and is still there, will probably board the "rattlers" for California, as he is tired of the east ern climate. Duffy, it will be remem bered, used to be a star with the Oak land Coast league club. Jack Geyer, the twirler whom the Oaks purchased from the Cardinals, started 27 games last season and fin ished but two. He is given credit for one win and five defeats. Packy McFarland says that he does net care if he never fights in Milwau kee again. Neither does Wilwaukee. CLARKE SIGNS CONTRACT 21. Photo by American Press Association. OOVERNOB i. K. .TENER. NEW HEAD OP NATIONAL LEAGUE. ball public in geueral. Tener will not only prove himself a capable leader of his league, but be' will make a suitable man to represent his organization on the national commission. Under Te ner's regime the affairs of the senior organization will be conducted much more smoothly than heretofore, and !:ere is at last a chance for it to re gain the prestige it lost by reason of Its unsportsmanlike conduct in years gone by. Incidentally the election of Tener will bring the two. major leagues on a more harmonious basis. Tener has the respect of Ban Johnson and the club owners of the American league. It remained for roan who just came llito basebali to see the advan tage of having Tener lead the league. President W. F. Baker of the Phila delphia club is responsible for Tener returning to baseball. Baker, who was formerly a police commissioner of the city of New York, became the presi dent of the Philadelphia club at the death of his brother-in-law. Will Locke, last fall. Realizing that the league was not flourishing because of the factional strifes which were preva lent, Baker set about to find a man suitable to fill the position of presi dent. He suggested Governor Tener, a former ball player and a man of character and prominence. Tener's candidacy found the support of every club owner in the league, and his unanimous election is the result But for Baker Tener would probably have never been dreamed of in connec tion with the National league presiden cy and the club owners would have been tied up in their annual fight when the question of electing a president came up this winter. II. will be well for the National league magnates to heed the advice of Tom Lynch, retiring president," who suggests that the club owners "inject some dignity into themselves." There has been an absolute lack of sports manship displayed by them in the past. There has not been a season that numerous protests have not been filed, resulting from decisions of the umpires. The game's reputation for honesty has been jeopardized by the 'Prtrillll II H-H H-H-M "M COMPLETE MARSHAL OF 1913 PENNANT WINNERS. World's champions. Athletics.. American league. Athletics. - National league, New York. International league, Newark. American association, Milwau kee. Federal league, Indianapolis. New York State league, Bing ha 111 ton. New York-New Jersey league. Long Branch. Eastern association. Hartford." Empire StSite league, Yaldosta (first season); Thoniasville (sec ond season). Ohio State league, Charleston. Nebraska ieaue, Kearney. Wisconsin-Iliinois league. Osh kosh. Western Tri-state league, VValla Walla (tirst season); Boise (sec ond season). Indiana-Illinois-lowa league. Quiucy. "Michigan State league. Manis tee. Union association. Great Falls. Appalachian league. Johnson City (first season); Knoxville (second season). Virginia State league. Peters burg. Texas league, Houston. - New England league, Lowell. South Michigan league. Battle Creek. Twin State league. Northamp ton. Kentucky - Indiana - Tennessee league. Paducah. Southern league, Atlanta. Central league. Grand Rapids. North Carolina league, Win ston. Tri-state league, Wilmington. Texas-Oklahoma league. Deni son. Canadian league, Ottawa. Central association, Ottumwa. South Atlantic league. Savan nah (first season): Savannah (second season). Northern league, Winona. Georgia-Alabama league, Gads den. Interstate league. Erie. Cotton States league. Jackson. it KFDPiSB n KITCHEN SET CONTAINS Two Paring Knives with steel blades and waterproof handles One high grade Can Opener, tempered cutter r - - (3 Pieces) TMs Set Is If uar If you send in a year's subscription to the OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. It makes no dif ference whether it is yours or your neighbor's, or whether it is new or old. Send in the sub scription arid we will send you the set by return mail. We have only a limited number of these and the of f er will close December 31 unless we run short before that time. I-M-I-I-M-M-l-I-H-M-I- i The stewards of the Jockey club are working hard to rehabilitate racing on a clean basis. With that end in view sportsmen of highest standing are Importing stallions and mares' to improve the breed not only for the turf, but for the remount service of the United States government The dona tions of thoroughbred stallions and horses to Uncle Sam by patrons of the turf have already had good results as is. apparent in the quality of the charg ers representing the government serv ice in the jumping contests at the New York horse show. Plans are now being considered for at least four days a week of racing on New York courses next year. The stewards realize that with that number of days the tracks will be able to at tract horses from all parts of the coun try and hold them there. This year racing was held only three days a week. This was not worth while to owners of big strings, and as a result manyDf the notable horses were ship ped to Canada, where they were able to race seven days before they were asked to move to another track. Calao. the stars of the ba. field In the. game against. Dartmouth,, played as tackles last year. In spite of his own TOnfideUt belief that he was sufferia? only l'rom a slight attack of bronchitSs. Robe . Wad dell, well known as a baseball pitch er, left Minneapolis to' begin a bat tle with tuberculosis at bis- sister's borne in San Antonio. Tex: A short time ago a. story was current that he had fallen a victim to the white- plague, but he scoffed at the idea and said be was suffering from a severe cold'. Since then he has been growing steadily weaker and has been in bed for ser eral days at his home in Minneapolis.. His physician said that Waddell'9 chances for recovery are Slight The United States will be represent ed at the Olympic games in Berlin in1 191fi by an American soccer football' team as a result of an agreement reached between the Amateur Athletic union and, the United States of Amer ica Football association at the annual1 meeting of the Amateur Athletic union: Christmas Spirit Clinches When Old Nan Asks Meal Careful of His Voice. Brignoli, the famous tenor, was very -.careful of his voice and was terribly afraid of drafts. It is said that during the winter it always took him tbree qciarters of an hour to get from his room to the street. First he would on leaving his room pace the hall for ten mi notes to get acclimated.' He then descended to the lobby, where the tem peratore was a little lower, and spent twvmty minutes tftere. He then ven tured to the vestibule, whicf he would parade lor fifteen minutes, occasion ally opeUEog the door to let I a little cold air. Being now accustomied to a cool tempratnre. he would -bucson ap his coat an$.sally forth. HV Does. Indeed. A man alwajRrsays things behindJhis wife's back wttru he is hooting- up- Bei dress. AtUiuta Journal. Pirate Manager Slings Ink on Docu ment For 1,914 Service. Fred C. Clarke, manager of the Pitts burgh National league club, recently verv men who are interested in its signed a contract to manage the Pi-; success, and the head of the league rates. I has been kept in not water. It was the twenty-first yearly con tract Clarke has signed since he and Barney v Drey fuss, president of the Pittsburgh club, began business relations. Thorpe Advises His Brother. Jim Thorpe has banded out some ad vice to his brother. Tom. who has en tered Carlisle at the age of fourteen. Jim has advised his kid brother never to turn professional. It sure would be awful if the kid turned professional and got $5,000 or $G,000 a year playing ball. ' It frenquently rains on the just be cause the unjust has swiped his umbrella. In the American league protests are almost unheard of. Ball games are al lowed to be won on the ball field and not in the council chambers of the league. Lynch's advice should be followed by the National leaguers, who will help their organization and the game 'as well by displaying real sportsmanship under all conditions. H. R Hiirdwick. class 1915. stands is the premier athlete of Harvard uni versity, wiih varsity honors in foot ball, baseball and track. R. B. Wte" glesworth. now a first year student in the law scliool. also has three letters, won in football, baseball and heckey. GRID! THER USED SfiGE TEA TO F Ki HER ID GRAY HI Golf as a cure for insanity is the latest prescription of the doctors. The New Jersey State Hospital For the In sane at Morris Plains. N. J., has decid ed to establish a nine bole course for the benefit of its patients. Less than a year ago four holes were built, and golf became so popular that arrange ments have been completed for a links of nine holes. Some of the players show all the symptoms of being good golfers, one of them having a score of 3G for twice around the four holes, plus one more, making nine in all. Dave Honeyman. the Forest Hill professional, holds the record for nine holes, 34. During the winter the other five holes will be laid out Doctors at the hnsnita! bHve decided that the out of door exercise obtained by the patients through golf is highly beneficial, thus tv,Q ,wiainn to bave nine holes, which. t tima nrobablv will be extended further. Glen Warner, the athletic coach who made the Carlisle football team ia mmia nttributes the success of the red uiHns'to earlv outdoor life and the fact that every man at the Indian training -hnnl is developed for all arouna worn. At fnrlisle." says Warner, "they havo onlv about 250 boys over seven teen years old to choose the team from, rnmnnrt. that with the big student bod- it TT r TTifr1 W nr Dartmoutn. Cornell, North-western. Princeton. University 01 University of Michigan. Uni nf Ponnsvlvania and Yale. This speaks something for the preponder of athletic ability in the Indian." Warner always puts all the available material on the field when practice be gins, and the men are taught allthe tuiidaweutals. tie piays uu n.v,.c. fcorv man must go through the mill, and before he is finally selected for a nlnee on the team he is played m prac tically every position That, says War- npr is whv the Indians are so success ful. The men can be changed around . rtlav in fl n V nosition. Guyon and He stumbled into the "chop house, old, ragged, and bent. His clothes were the cast-offs of a man far smaller his feet were decorated with a trim ming of patched shoes, while his an cient black cap, pulled way down on his face to keep out the cold, had probably been thrown away long ago by some more prosperous brother. He had drawn himself together. His hands were in his pockets, his arms held close to his side, and his neck even seemed to be contracted closer to his body. But his face was more to wonder at than his clothes. It wa hard and pinched. His eyes were half closed but there was a tamt twinkle that came through the long eyelashes. ", The hair that showed around the hat . was white and fuzz that covered his chin and cheeks showed a dirty gray. As he came in the chop house the warmth of the room slowly permeated and he expanded. He drew his hands from his pockets, big, scarred, expres sive hands. They told of many years with nicks and shovels: of hard woric. He sluffed to the counter ana leanea over to the manager of the place. In confidential whisper, which in tne nuiet of the room could be heard all over the place, he said, "I want to work for a meal." Slim, the owner of the. house, frowned but then he saw the clothes, the ragged shoes, and the exnression of the face ana ne lea me straneer to the wood shed In the rear nf the house. A big plate of "mulli- ean." warm, and delicious was placed on the counter and, after a short time, the stranger returned from tne mys terifis hevond the door and ate tne meal. Mixed With Sulphur It Makes Hair Soft, Beau tiful Cures Dandruff The ne of 8a and Sulphur for restoring raaea, gray nair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She kept her hair beautifully darkened. glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. Bnt the brewing at home . is ' massy and out-of-date. Nowadays killed chemists do this better - -1 -R-v uVlnr a t nT drug store tor the ready-to-use nunnt mTUA "Wveth's Base anil Rnlnhnr Hair RamadTn TOU will get a large bottle tor about 60 cents. Some druggists make their own, which is usually too sticky, so insist upon getting Wyeth'i, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair, and it splendid for dandruff, dry, feTerish, Itchy scalp and falling nair. A well-known downtown drug gist says his customers Insist on Wyetn's Sage and Sulphur, be nu thv ut. it darkens so nat- ually and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied It's so easy to use, too. ion simpiy dampen a sponge er soft brush and draw It through your hair. taking one strand as a one. aa this at night and by morning the rray kair disappears; after an other application or two, It Is re stored to Its natural oolor and looks glossy, sow. anft .aounoaa, rluilltbr tmVo. C. Adv. . " FIRST ANNUAL CONCERT OF O. A. C. Cadet Bancf Harry L. Beard, Director; 30 College Cadets 30; Best' Balanced Band ins the History of the Institution: Famous Saxophone Quartet': Ross: Johnson, Tenor Soloist: .. Solos, Quartets, Duets. ' SHJVELY THEATRE Thursday Evening, January V Tickets;, including- reserved seatSj 50 cents. Box seats at ones- Drug? 3o. HSIMiaM) 01.80103- simisoN 0300013 aioii u ni Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears Stuffed Head, Heals Inflamed Air Pass ages and You Breathe Freely. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will ope;: you win breathe freely; dulines and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. Effd' such- misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm' at any cfcug stars, TMs sweet, fragsant balm dissolves by the heat of the nosirns,. penetrates ana seats tne in flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, hea4 and tlfroat, clears the air passages; stops nasty dis- charges anil a feeling of cleansing,, soothing relief comes? immediately. - Don't lay awake to-fllght struggling: for breath, with head Stuffed? nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh - Ul A CU1U, Willi ll I UUMUlg UUTC, 1UU1- inuuuus uropping- into me uiroai, anu raw dryness is distressing' but : truly' , , neeuie&0. Put your faith jhsl onc--in "Ely's Cream Balm" and' your' cold or"-jra-" tarrh will sntxiir' v ' ' For S ale By HUNTLEY BROS. CO. (Adv.) READ THE MORNING ENTERPRISE IT HAS THE NEWS... Christmas Wines and Liquors AT HALF PRICE AM Wines AM Whiskies 65c PfeH3ah'. .$2.50 ParrGaL. KENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Cor. 5th and Main Streets BRING YOUR JUGS Christmas Suggestions for Her Struck at the Root. Dr. Abernethy once visited a crusty old laird who was laid up with gout He wanted to get out with his gun and was in a temper and while tbe doctor was looking at his foot swore roundly at him for tinkering at his toes and asked him: v "Why don't ' you strike at the root and get me better?" Solemnly the doctor got up, took his walking stick and smashed to pieces a decanter of wine which was standing on tbe table. The astonished laird sprang to his feet and demanded an explanation. "On.' said the doctor "I am only striking at the root!" Am .Electee WARMER TOASTER FLAT IRON TABLE LAMP PERCOLATER CHAFING DISH CURLING IRON TABLE COOKER Enterprise ciassified ads pay. When You Want Something Particulary Nice- You can always depend upon K C not to Hisanooint vou. 1 he double raise makes doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the batter is a little thin, K C will raise it light and feathery and it will be all the better. Jarring the stove or turning the pan around makes no differ ence K C sustains the raise until baked. When there's a birthday or wedding cake to bake, or refreshments for reception or party to provide, take no chances- UseKC All these and many other Electrical Appliances are on display at out Main St. Store. Help lighten her work by giving her one of the many labor saving electrical devices that we carry. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE , Beaver Building, Main Street Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115