Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 21, 1913, Image 8

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    -4-r si
Othit Store is Meadlcjosiirteirs Poir Ouasv LSlhoppeirs
Knit Shawl
Warm Coat
Pair Comfort Shoes
Rocking Chair
Felt Slippers
Box Wool Stockings
Set of Furs
Bath Robe
Box of Knitting Yarn
Silk Scarf
Foot Stool
Goods for Dress
Sewing Box
Wool House Dress
Set of Furs
Writing Desk
Fur Coat
Cedar Chest
Silk Hose ...
Kid Gloves
Box of Handkerchiefs
Rocking Chair
Dress Pattern
Silk Waist
Sewing Stand
Bedroom Set
Queen Quality Shoes
Comfort Slippers
Overcoat .
Hightop Shoes
Box of Handkerchiefs
Easy Chair
Slumber Robe
Box of Wool Socks
Comfort Slippers
Silk Mufflers
Suit Case
Wool Gloves
Flannelette Night Gown
Dress Shoes
Sofa Pillow
to J
Sweater Set
High Chair
. Carriage Robe
White Wool Blankets
Silk Hood
Large Rubber Ball
Hood and Muff Set
Rocking Horse
Baby Buggy
Mittens -
Teddy Bear Blanket
Suit of Clothes
Library Table
Tie and Handkerchief Set
Umbrella .
Heating Stove
Easy Chair -
Shaving Set
Pocket Book ;
Wood Basket
Pair of Blankets
Initial Handkerchiefs
Rubber Boots
Fur Top Slippers
Silk Waist
Music Cabinet
Blue Bird "Lucky Pin
Silk Scarf
Kid Gloves
Rocking Chair
"Dougherty" Shoes
Kid Gloves
Cut Glass Dish
Flower Jardiniere
Dress Pattern
Pop Gun
Suit of Clothes
Wagon -
Tool Chest
Cap or Hat
Box of. Handkerchiefs
.Necktie -Mechanical
Velocipede '
if rmmbv,V 7
Brush and Comb Set
Gauntlet Gloves
H. S. & M. Suit
Kid Gloves
Tobacco Jar .
Box of Socks
Silk Tie '
Smoking Jacket
Bath Robe
Box of Handkerchiefs
Cuff Links and Pin
Dancing Shoes
Sjlk Dress
Hoosier Cabinet
Rug for Parlor
Set of Furs
Work Basket
-Dining Table
Bed Room Set
Auto Scarf
Tailor Made Suit
Hand Bag
Washing Machine
Set of Dishes
Silk Underskirt
Pair of Slippers
Box of Handkerchiefs
Silk Neckties
House Coat
Silk Handkerchiefs
Fancy Suspenders
Silk Umbrella
"Conqueror" Hats
H. S. & M. Overcoat
Dougherty Shoes
Kid Gloves
Boston Garters
Fancy Armbands
Box of Collars
Fancy Shirts
13 Jl Hfi .
iLj ip mh
Special Premiums for Red Trading Stamps Special Premiums lot Red Trading Stamps
Can Be Built Economically and
Kept In Good Condition.
Local Deposits of Sand, Gravel and
Rock Form Important Part of High
way Be Careful In Purchasing Ce
ment Machine Mixing Best.
In -a way It is fortunate that the
United States has been rattier slow in
the matter o roadmaking. The roads
" can now be built of lasting materials,
such as will withstand the wear of .mo
tor traffic, which is, fast ruining Eu
rope's century old roadways. Lasting
road materials are everywhere present
in the form of sand and gravel from
pits and stream beds and crushed rock
from stone quarries. Combined with
cement into concrete, they form an In
expensive and permanent road surface,
which successfully resists the usually
destructive action of automobiles.
The first consideration In the build
ing of concrete roads is a careful study
of local deposits of sand, gravel and
rock known as the "aggregate" to
see whether they are suitable for con
crete. Sand must be clean and hard
and must grade uniformly in size of
grain from one-fourth inch down. The
same applies to gravel and crushed
rock, except that the largest particles
commonly allowable are one and one-
fourth inches in diameter, ir local ma
terials are usable a considerable sav
ing will be effected, as only cement will
need be freighted. - .
It is much faster and cheaper to mix
the concrete with a machine than by
hand. Depending on the grading of
the aggregate, the concrete is usually
proportioned one bag of cement to two
cubic feet of sand and four cubic feet
of screened gravel or crushed rock,
or one of cement to two of sand and
three of gravel or rock. Dnring the
grading and draining of the road the
"aggregate" Is hauled and piled at
convenient points. The concrete is
mixed musby wet. Is deposited to the
thickness of six inches upon the firm
old roadbed and is brought to grade
and shape by means of a templet. In
order to shed the water to the side
drains the surface of the concrete is
given a rise or crown in the center of
one one-hundredth to one seventy-fifth
the width of the roadway. The surface
la finished .with a wooden float and
wire broom, by which means there is
Jkraeff perTect' rooting ror Dorses. At
Intervals of twenty-five feet the road
is divided into sections by narrow con
traction joints extending crosswise the
road and entirely through the concrete.
The joints are formed by means of a
thin metal or wooden cross form or
divider, to which is tied a single or
double thickness of tar paper, with the
paper face against the last section of
roadway. After the surface of this sec
tion is finisbeM. and while the concrete
for the adjoining section is being plac
ed the cord holding the paper to the
cross form Is cut. and the cross form
is removed. The tar paper adheres to
the concrete and stays in the joint,
which is reduced to the thickness of
the paper.
When the surface of the concrete
has hardened enough to prevent pit
ting it is sprinkled with clean water
and is kept moist for several days.
Likewise, as soon as possible, the pave
ment is covered temporarily with two
inches of sand or dirt from the side
road to give farther aid in curing the
concrete. Traffic is confined to the
earthen side roads until the concrete is
about two weeks old. In the mean
time shoulders of broken stone or grav
el are built along both edges of the
pavement These are made three feet
wide and sufficiently thick to be firm
and to make it an easy matter at all
times for wagon wheels to pass from
the side road on to the pavement.
Little Harold's Refuge.
Dad's been scoldin' me all day;
Sister's touchy as can be;
Neighbor kids don't want to play
Guess they've got it In for me.
Even ma don't seem to care
Whether I'm alive or not.
B'lieve I'd die, I do declare.
It it wasn't for old Spot.
Wags his tail and licks my hand
Just as if he tried to say:
"Never mind; I understand.
Things'U be all right some day."
When a feller needs a friend
'Cause his conduct's slipped a cog1
He can gener'lly depend
On a sympathizin' dog.
Peoria Evening Journal.
Neat Blarney.
"Why does your horse go so slow?"
asked a tourist one day In the Glen of
the Downs, Ireland, of his driver. "It
is out of rlspict to the bayutiful san
ery, yer honor he wants ye to see It
alL . And, thin, he's an intUligent baste
and appreciates good company and
wants to kape the like o' ye in onld
Ireland as long as he car
Natural Historically Correct.
- "No adults admitted," interposed the
stage door keeper as the frenzied
mother tried to break in on the chil
dren's fancy dress ball.-
"But I must go in. My little girl's In
there, and she's forgotten part of her
costume She has gone on as a butter
fly without her wings. I want to put
the wings on her."
"Can't help it, mum. My orders is to
let no adult pass. You'll have to let
your little goil go as a caterpillar."
Always In Season. "
Oh, you dasn't shoot a rabbit
If the season Isn't right!
If you have the hunting habit
You must pause and be polite
To the partridge and the pheasant.
To the duck you must be nice
And particularly pleasant
To the bird of paradise. ,
But the creature we are striving;
Most sincerely to protect '
Lives in spite of our contriving
Mid suspicion and neglect.
Through the world the bands are toot
ing : ;
As we call on strife to cease, -Tet
some one is always shooting
At the poor old dove of peace.
Washington Star.
Read the. Enterprise for the news.
Andrew Carnegie, despite his seventy-six
years, is still a keen salmon fish
erman. Sir Lionel Carden, British minister
to Mexico, is of Irish extraction and is
married to an American lady.
Professor C. E. Green of Edinburgh
says the use of coal as fuel and the
development of cancer apparently go
together. -
Pastor J. Q. A. Henry of Chicagc
recently read several obituaries ol
himself, owing to an erroneous report
of his death.
A. P. Squires has resigned the post
mastership of Good Ground, N. Y., aft
er holding it for fifty years. He if
eighty and wants a rest
Sir J. A. Simon, who succeeds Sii
Rufus Isaacs as attorney general ol
England, Is the son of a Congrega
tional minister. He is somewhere in
the late thirties or very early forties
and is rated as probably the ablest
lawyer of his age in England.
Hon Joseph H. Choate. who was
one of the original incorporators of
New York's Metropolitan Museum of
Art in 1870, has just been made hon
orary president of the institution, an
office which the trustees voted to cre
ate for him. He has served in aD
official capacity ever since the museum
was formed.
Pert Personals.
The new king of Bavaria is sane all
right One of his first demands Is for
an increase In salary. Wheeling Reg
ister, vi - : . -
"I am an exceedingly clever man,"
said G. B.. Shaw, and firmly believes
that that makes the opinion unani
mous. New York American. "
...There's no use of bluffing in a game
with Jan Kubellk. considering the fact
that he has again insured his hands
for something like $200.000. Milwau
kee Sentinel.
Dr. Wiley says he would rather cook
one potato well than paint the frescoes
on the Vatican. There's no use talk
ing. Doc certainly takes his eats seri
ously. Detroit Free Press.
Town Topics.
New York is trying to be a city
beautiful. That is rank plagiarism.
Chicago News.
Once In awhile Chicago proceeds tc
show that she is Justly entitled to be
known as the Windy City. Chicagc
Record-Herald. .
Figures show that there's five times
as much inebriety in Pittsburgh as
there is In New York. Well, there's
more than five times as much excuse
for It New York American.
Philadelphia is one of the few larg.
American cities with a decreasing
murder rate. Is there any relationship
between xapitai and crime and base
ball proficiency? Cleveland Plain
. Current Comment.
The world Is still moving. Italy's
first parliament elected by universal
suffrage is now in session. New York
World. .. :
. London claims that it has the worst
telephone service In the world. How
those Englishmen do brag! Detroit
Free Press. - ; . -
'.. Speaking of irony, the new Carnegie
peace building in Washington will face
the war and navy departments. Co
lumbia State.
"The girl of today." says a headline,
"conceals. her ears." A Tery wise pre
caution, considering the nature of some
of the subjects most talked a bout
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. -
Pretty Bad Either Way.
"Oh, Mr. Squeam. we want you to
officiate "at my marriage to Billy
"William Speed! A divorce! Nev
er, my dear child, certainly not"
"Dear me! Do you mean, then, that
if -yu perforin thie ceremony I'll have
to accept some inexperienced youth
with no matrimonial training what-everT-Life.
Train and Track.
The proposed Black Sea railroad Is to
extend almost along the entire east
coast of the sea.
Elberfeld, Germany, has a street
railway which charges half fare for
passengers who stand.
The double track electric railroad
which is being built between Tokyo
and Yokohama will be the most up to
date in the orient when finished in a
few months.
Last year witnessed the beginning of
the construction of the great trans
Australian railway, which is to link
the east and west coasts and traverse
a wholly undeveloped country. ;
Fashion Frills.
Bustles and tube skirts would make
a fearsome combination. Chicago
Thirty button boots are coming from
fans. They are ror girls, not for fat
men. Toledo Blade.
Women's spring styles are to follow
natural lines, says a fashion note. All
this means to us is that they'll be as
expensive as ever. Detroit Free Press.
There Is some relief in the fact that
many of the startling fashions so con
fidently announced never get any fur
ther than the illustrations In the mag
azines. Washington Star. - v