MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1913. r Chwi Three More Days Before Every body Hanlgs Up Their Stocking. We wish we could slip some little present into every stocking, bat we can't, only Santa Clatis can do that, btit we can and do wish yot a Happy and Merry Christmas See the hundreds of nice new litte things Just arrived for presents for everybody During the next three days your money will go farthest here . jnii note Bros 9 Dept Store Seventh and Madison on the Hill 0 1 r tins cm Mae jcxceefl c V 101: 7 If Ji ears )ate A Call at Our Store and You Will Find Out the Reason Electric Fixtures Our Stock is Complete and Up-to-date in every respect. Electrical Heating and Cooking Appliances NOTHING IS APPRECIATED AS MUCH AS SOMETHING USEFUL Electric Lamps We have just received the latest in stand lamps direct from the East. By giving something that will be used continually you are putting yourself in a position where your kindness will be remembered every day for years to come. Daisy Air Rifles Every boy is anxious for an air rifle: We have them in all sizes. Gasoline and Kerosene Lamps are better than electricity and are abso lutely safe. LAMP ESSENTIALS Safety, Bril liancy, Economy, Convenience, Utility, Symmetry and Beauty, Lasting Qualities they are all in the Rural Home Lamps. Flashlights are one of the most useful articles one can buy. We have them in a number of handy sizes. Tools What is better for the boy than to give him something that will put him to work. We have the best known tools at cut prices that cannot be reached by others. DIAMOND EDGE QUALITY. Boxing Gloves Teach the boys to take a few hard knocks by giving them a pair of boxing gloves. Baseball Gloves, Batts, Balls We have the best in all lines Balls 5c to $1.25 Mitts 25c to $8.00 Gloves 25c to $5.00 Batts 25c to $1.00 Baseball Shoes and Suits at the right prices. Punching Bags If there is no one else to fight they can fight the bag. The best exercise known. Guns We have a complete stock of guns from the high power guns for the big game hunters down to all styles of small calibre guns for beginners and target practice. Shot guns in all calibers. At our store you have the advantage of a . large assortment to pick from. . We can make many more good suggestions. n n .1 609 MAIN STREET Call and let us assist you with your shopping. ' u u ill