11 DOOR Beanitifi u9 Practical DeraMe MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1913. We are once more equipped to manufacture all kinds of doors and windows and offer them to con tractors and builders at our extreme bottom wholesale prices. GUARANTEE: We guarantee every article sent out of our factory or store to be the very best of its kind. Our doors and windows are absolutely first quality, fresh and new, thoroughly kiln dried and the best that skilled labor can produce. fiusch'sNo.12 5 Cross Panel O G Sticking Raised Panels Size Price Each 2-0x6-0-1 J 2-6x6-6 2-6x6-8 2-8x6-8 3-0x7-0 " - $1.23 $1.25 $1.26 $1.60 if :: i I - ' - ' C . . ' i - i '- ' 1 " : Is V i';.v.-.; s - 'Is 1'' ' ' Busch'sNo.14 1 veneer panel O G Sticking Slash Grain This is a very beautiful and popular door. Size Price Ear h 2-8x681 $3.25 3-0x7-01 $3.50 pp ) pmm 'A - f J I III fta IjL' L' U Lit tlii Wii mkaMm Busch'sNo.17 FRONTDOOR This beautiful slash grain veneered slab is one of the most attractive front doors ever placed on the market and adds mater ially to the appearance of the homes. Price With Revel Plate Size Glass Each 3-0x7-01 $16.85 3-6x7-0 1 $19.40 Busch'sNo.18 FRONTDOOR This attractive new design front door i3 the same general construction as our No 17, except that the plate glass is set in triplet" drop style and is espec ially adapted for bungalow or cottage is exceptionally becoming when trimmed up with ar tistic hinge strap and front door lock. Price With Bevel Plate Size Glass Each 3-0x7-01 $11.90 3-6x7-01 $13.90 In presenting these wholesale prices on a line of attractive doors, we would direct your attention first to the QUALITY, then the PRICE; and we not only invite, but defy all competition. Not only are these prices as low, but positively lower than any of the largest Portland jobbers, and we would ask you to compare the prices with the Great Catalogue Houses of Chicago, you will then be convinced that our prices are absolutely the lowest, and when you have examined the stock you will be satisfied that our goods are strictly first quality. Aside from the splendid values in Doors and Windows we carry a very heavy stock of Hardware, Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, Linoleum, Paint, Oil, Glass and a supply of toys of every good sort, and on every line we show the most attractive values. Guten flDorcjen! Ifoaben Sie out oescblafen? And did vou sleep on a Sealy? You can't beat the SEALY TUFTLESS MATTRESS. It towers above the old-fashioned tufted and tied mattress like a telegraph pole tops a billiard cue. It has NO competitor in comfort, in principle, in attractive- i ness. It is so ditterent in appearance and quality that there isn't ANY answer to it. The SEALY TUFTLESS MATTRESS is one huge batt of snow-white cotton not built, not stuffed ; but just enclosed. It will never sag nor droop. It can't lose its shape. It is always a big pillow for the body, that stays soft and elastic and rest inviting. It's a winner because it's the only successful tuftless mattress made. Do you know of another mattress sold with a guarantee of twenty years? Kitchen Treasure jj Wf j j ' Special $2.75 Room Rugs, 9xi2, an wool $10.00 FRANK Pit KSPlUf 1 lth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon I iif WE IRET-AIILi AJT WHOLESALE