CM 1' MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1913. SPORT DOPE i HOI TIME M PORTLAND WOULD START AT SEATTLE PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19 That there will be a lively time when the Northwestern league managers gather here next Monday for their annual schedule meeting is promised. President McCredie of the Portland Colts, wants the opening date at Se attle, and is going to present argu ments to show why he should get it. A system used in the Coast league for the selection of opening dates was proposed at the meeting last year by President McCredie, but was turned down. This will be brought up again. According to the idea of the Port land magnate, the opening games should be played at Tacoma, Spokane and Seattle. The other three clubs are in Portland, Vancouver and Vic toria, the two latter cities being in Canada, where they play no Sunday ball. This would give each of these clubs a choice of where they will open,, al lowing them first, second and third selection in order for a period of three years, when it would revert to the first club again. AFTER NEW LEAGUE SEATTLE, Dec. 19. An effort to organize a new league to fill vacant dates at the Seattle baseball park will be made if Seattle is not given 17 weeks of games at home at the sched ule meeting of the Northwestern lea gue in Portland next Monday, Pres ident D. E. Dugdale, of the Seattle club announced last night. WASHINGTON AND O. A. C. TO MEET OCTOBER 31 SEATTLE, Dec. 19. A game with the Oregon Agricultural college at Al bany, Ore., October 31, was assured the University of Washington football team at a meeting of the board of con . trol of student affairs last night when a telegram was recenved from Dr. Stewart, coach of the Oregon team, offering Washington that date. $ $ SPORTING BREVITIES S 8 Hogan, Downs, Hughes and Clarke, the Seal players, are still hunting near 1he Southern Oregon line. Mundorff and Sepulveda, the other two members of the gang, are in San Francisco for the holidays, but expect to return to camp. The home of Frank Brady, property man of the Detroit baseball team, was robbed a few days ago and a large quantity of baseball goods was stolen. A glove which George Mullin wore when he pitched his famous no-run, no-hit game was among the articles. Morgan G. Buckeley, ex-governor of Connecticut, ex-United States senator and the first president of the National league, says that baseball hasn't im proved a bit since the days when he was connected with the game. Well, so far as the National league is con cerned he may be right, but how about the American league's playing? Leslie Mann, former Seattle player and las year with the Boston Braves, has been made captain of the Spring field ' Y. M. C. A. basketball team. Gilmour Dobie was offered the po sition as coach of the University of Washington basketball team, but re fused to accept on the grounds that the Western conference teams resort to rough tactics in basketball games. GUERNSEY MAKES HIT HALFBACK SHOWS ALL AMERI CAN FORM Guernsey of Yale has won a high niche in the football ball of fame this year. He showed distinct all Ameri can class In several games. F. Kelnhofer ;'. Gr Settje ...... G. Tiedeman .. C. Davids F. Zimmerman M. Tiedeman . . W. Philips . 23.50 .. 7.50 18.00 : 23.50 .. 4.O0 . . 4.00 .. 9.75 Photo by American Press Association. GTJEBNSEY. He Is a dependable ground gainer at either fullback or halfback and in the game against Princeton electrified the gathered crowds by kicking a spectac ular goal from the field. COBB WILL STICK. No Truth In Report That Ho Will Leave Detroit. Ty Cobb is loyal to the Tigers. This announcement was made by President Navin of tbe Detroit club. A letter from Cobb to Navin reads in part: "I am entirely satisfied with condi tions, and I want to end my playing days in Detroit The fans hnve treat ed me fine, and I want to be loyal to my club. "The understanding we reached pleased me immensely, and I will sure ly give my heart to playing with De troit next year. I certainly do not want to change." President Navin said "the under standing" referred to concerned Cobb's salary of 1914. Mr. Navin intimated the Georgian would receive the lar gest salary ever paid to a player in the history of baseball. He nog and the Outlaws. A report from Baltimore says that Herzog has decided to abandon the Giants and accept tbe management of a club in the outlaw Federal league. Herzog, according to the rumor, is dis-J gruntled over the news that Manager McGraw may trade him to the St Louis club. Made It Quite Plain. "Thank you." said small Bobby, who bad been given a piece of bread and butter by the lady next door. That's right Bobby," said the lady. "I like to bear little boys say Thank you.' " "Mamma told me to say it If you gave me anything to eat even If it was only bread and butter," rejoined the youngster. "But if you want to bear me say it again you'll have to - come across with a piece of pie." Chi cago News. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY ROAD FUND FOR MONTH OF NO- VEMBER. (Continued from Friday's. Paper) Clark Kerr 3.75 J. Bamgartner 7.44 Geo. Merriott .' 6.00 J. W. Holmes 3.92 R. Lidell 3.25 R. Richardson 3.3fi Oregon City Enterprise 5.00 District No. 34 J. Zimmerman $ 32.00 ByMr&Janet MKenzieffill Ms FREE Our instructions to the famous editor of the Boston Cooking -School Magazine were : "Get up a book of. recipes of the things people like best ' Find the best Way to make and bake each one. Then write it out so plainly that even an inexperienced housewife can't have a failure." "The Cook's Book" was the result Some of the 90 recipes were origi nated, many of them were improved upon, and all were personally tested by this best known authority on cooking in America, and she tells so clearly how she made everything that one cannot go astray. While some of the cakes and pastry are elaborate enough for any occasion, the recipes are all thoroughly practical and call for no expensive and unusual ingredients. In addition to telling how to make them, the book is beautifully illustrated in colors showing how to arrange and serve . the dishes appebzingly. More than half a million of "The Cook's Book" are now in use in Amer ican households. Yet the demand is constantly increasing. Many send for two or three at a time to give to mends or young house keepers. Don't depend on borrowing one from a neighbor have one of your own. How to Get "The Cooks Book" In every 25c can of K C Baking Powder it packed a colored certificate. Send us one of these certificates (paste k on a postal card if you like) with your name and ad dress plainly written, and The Cook's Book" will be nuiled free of charge. Only one book for each certificate. Address: Jaquea Mfg. Company, Chicago J. Densmore . 11.75 L. Davids 7.75 H. Davids 11.75 A. Koellermeier . . . - 2.00 C, Christensen .'. .". . . . .". ..... 8.00 J. Edmonds ................... 23.00 H. Colson 20.00 D. Colson 18.00 A. Colson 12.00 J. Scholander .- 8.00 J. Schauber , . . 7.00 F. Busch 2.00 W. Kaiser 42.50 L. Ford ... 7.00 i District .No. 39 Hult Lumber Co $ 9.83 Herman Fisher . 15.00 L. T. Sinclair 5.00 District No. 40 C. O. Davis 41.50 David Fosberg 17.00 V. E. Fosberg 25.00 M. Anderson 12.00 S. Peterson ". 20.00 Dave Peterson 8.00 I. S. Hedden ... 4.00 Herbert Ackerson . 3.00 F. Carlson 14.50 J. M. Cahill . 8.00 Geo. W. Cone 7.15 H. F. Gibson 15.00 District No. 41 Paul R. Meinig $ 5.80 Firwood Lumber Co 9.48 Firwood Lumber Co 157.04 David Miller 24.00 H. H. Udell 7.50 John Affolter 4.50 Gaylord Keith 28.25 John Bews 8.00 A. J. Morrison 40.00 Victor Bodley 36.00 C. A. Keith 33.75 District No. 43. Firwood Lumber Co $ 23.16 Jack Sanders 6.00 Walter Fletcher 6.00 A. D. Burnett 12.50 District No. 44 Oregon City Courier 5.00 S. M. Warnock 3.00 C. Reusser 3.00 C .Rider 3.75 A. J. Marrs 6.00 District No. 46 . , Kilmer & Kinzel . 39.50 Coast Culvert & Flume Co 40 Owen Hattan 8.50 District No. 47. Montague-O'Reilly Co f 616.9.5 Milo Pollock 2.60 W. J. Weber 32.00 T. A. Timm 39.00 D. O. LaCure 36.00 C. W .Conklin 38.00 Tom Knowles . 41.00 G. Noaks ". 51.25 O. F. Hardison 2.00 Jim iRoberts -. 13.50 Sam Roberta . 13.50 H. M. Clay 36.00 H. B. Allen 12.50 F. J. Johnson 15.50 W. L. Jones 88.80 E. E. Roethe ; 55.20 O. P. Roethe 103.25 Oregon City Enterprise 5.00 W. H. Counsel! 3161.09 District No. 48 Firwood Lumber Co 48.28 Eastern Clackamas Journal . . . 5.00 Carl Alt 12.00 Antone. Malar 11.00 J .G. DeShazef 14.75 James Lamper 6.00 Gotfried Stucki 6.00 Dewey Alt 6.00 Walter Alt 7.00 Intel Wendland 7.00 District No. 49 Oregon City Enterprise $ 5.00 Garfield Lumber Co 3.78 Garfield Mercantile Co 6.25 Cary Mercantile Co 5.20 F. H. Davis 18.00 E. T. Davis 18.00 A. C. Davis 8.00 A. J. Irvin 22.00 Tom Carter 24.00 E. Krigbaum 12.00 C. Krigbaum 16.00 C. A. Wilcox 4.00 Julius Krieger 12.00 G. T. Hunt 52.75 Geo. Hathaway 20.00 B. T. Rawlins 26.25 E. Amacher 12.00 H. O. Sanford 19.00 N. Eiling 11.00 H. G. Hunt '. 12.00 A. J. Krigbaum T.6.00 A. H. Perry ..: 21.00 L. M. Yocum ... 36.00 Paul Sauer ,. . 2.00 Floyd Davis 2.00 District No. 51 Oregon City Courier $ 5.00 C. Wolfhagen 2.10 Jotsrud Bros 7.83 A. L. Heacock 37.50 Will Teevin -54.00 Harold Wilson 31.50 D. B. Ragan 23.50 W. O. Benjamin 19.00- John Hoffmeister 36.00 John DeYoung 28.00 Jake DeYoung 22.00 Dean Cline 10.00 A. G. Shepard 19.00 Frank Metzgar 32.00 Olof Gran 13.75 Ed Teevin 8.00 Louis Hoffmeister 11.00 Albert Hoffmeister 11.00 Albert Boese 26.00 Will Witzel " 9.00 Fritz Boese 2.00 Chas. Proebstal 8.75 Aug Olson 6.00 Henry Hoffmeister 2.00 Ole Rodlun 6.00 Henry Henningsen 6.00 Richard Nothnagle 100.00 District No. 52 H. W. Kanne ... .". .$ 11.50 Otto Brokman . . .'. . 1.00 Oregon City Enterprise ........ 6.00 6t. CONTAINS Two Paring Knives with steel blades and waterproof handles One high grade Can Opener, tempered cutter v. HFDFise" sT (3 Pieces) ITIhas S1b as lfBvirr& If you send in a year's subscription to the OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. It makes no dif ference whether it is yours or your neighbor's, or whether it is new or old. Send in the sub scription and we will send you the set by return mail. We have only a limited number of these and the offer will close December 31 unless we run short before that time. v District No. 53 C. A. Beugli 21. George Palmer 53. Ernest Conrad 14. A.L. Yoder 256. District No. 54 Oregon Courier '....$ 5. J. L. Stanton 5. District No. 56 Mayfield Bros ?257. Heft Co 18, Dan Fellows 2. Stephen Fellows ........ '. 2. Bert Cota 2. James Beeson 3, A. Fellows 2. Clay Miller 6. Nat Scribner 5, Geo. North 1 Jesse Mayfield 1. Geo. Zeigler ." 1 Will Rutherford 1 District No. 57 Julius Moshberger $ 2 Wm. H. Stuwe '.. 8 David Westberg 4 Lewis Helgerson 4 W. J. E. Vick 3 Molalla Pioneer 5 Aug Rothenberg 8 John Nofziger 4 1 District No. 58 Oregon City Courier''.... $ District No. 59 Geo. Brown $ Geo. Cone ' Ed Roser Jno. Stark Gene Horton P. Mighells Jno. Parker ; W. M. Rumery Oregon City Courier C. W. Friederick 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 10.00 5,00 5.50 7.50 5.00 6.00 GENERAL ROADS A. Gross $ D. Colson .' C. Christensen J. Edmonds W. Kaiser Robbins Bros The Molalla Pioneer W. J. E. Vick E. A. Mallatt 0. T. Kay D. H. Ramsby Max Huss 1. Williams H. Dahl Royal Davidson W. W. Everhart Geo. J. Case Addie Hammer W. H. Mattoon J. W .Smith Frank Busch Beall & Co. Wilson & Cooke Cary Mercantile Co Herman Moehnke Gust Nordling Gordon E. Hayes Adkins Lumber Co Owen G. Thomas Standard Oil Co Herbert Burger -. Orvel Watts Fred Groundlund Frank Busch Kilmer & Kinzel ' D. H. Watts Wilson & Cooke C. Williamson A. Osburn C. Menshinger Aug Shunk Albert Shunk C. Geiger C. Reusser L. A. Woodard J. Buss C. Shank Wm. Rowland D. Criteser Chas. Rider Wm. Heerdt S. M. Warnock G .Woodard , H. Fishers V. S. Blackwood I. Williams O. T. Kay D. H. Ramsby E. A. Mallatt E. L. Palfrey R. W. Davidson '. Ernest Palfrey Thos. Miller Ed Johnston W. W. Everhart W. H. Steinlnger Addie Hamfer J. F. Nelson ....;t... Dick Davis 39.00 Hugh Thomas 63.00 Carl Oberg . . . 66.00 John Heft 48.00 John Heft " 48.00 Jorden Berg 18.00 Otto Brookman , 38.00 E. D. Olds 6.75 D. W. Olds 5.25 H. B. Warren 3.50 T. Kopper 4.50 M. T. Galarmeau 3.50 J. T. Friel 5.00 J. B. Flynn 3.00 O. G. Mclntire 4.50 C. H. Rainbolt ..." 4.50 J. S. Greenwood 4.50 Max Anderson 10.00 E. D. Olds 25 A. Wyland . . .' 40.00 N. B. Wade ". . 20.00 Earl Bird 21.00 Perry Vorheis 21.00 C. G. Vorheis : . . . 38.00 Ray Wyland 25.00 Bert Bird Ed Crite Blaine Bird Ben Wade W. M. Bird Geo. Kirby A. Klinger Tom Hagan -. Fred Gibons Lee Cooper Wm. Schlimmer P. Harry E. R. Leaf M. Cooke Oregon City Courier California Trojan Powder Co. A. G. Schieve A. Larkins Olof Johnson Carden Smith H. Willson Geo. Anderson , Geo. Lowry , G. H. Nation Harvey Schuebel : . . . 6.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 27.50 10.15 9.00 9.00 10.15 11.25 10.13 11.25 30.00 5.00 5.00 83.35 2.00 1.50 7.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 READ THE MORNING ENTERPRISE IT HAS THE NEWS. Christmas Wines and Liquors AT HALF PRICE All Wines All Whiskies . 65c Per Gal. $2.50 Per Gal. KENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Cor. 5th and Main Street BRING YOUR JUGS J. Kappler W. W. Porter Geo. Willson . . A. H. Berthold . B. E Berthold . Otto Striker . . A. Helvy John Anderson 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.03 2.00 2.00 F. H Oldenberg 2.00 R. P. Wallace 8.09 Lewis Churchill 12.00 G. J. Nordling 11.00 R. Schuebel 24.00 E. A. Faust 4.00 Homer Choate ; 1 3.75 V. G. Calvin 16.50 Mervin Stanton 13.75 W. F. Stanton 24.37; B. Casto 6.75 O. Mahler ". 17.50 Glen Mahler ...... 28.00 Ben Stanton 1.50 W. S. Brown 7.25 Wm. Fleegle 6.00 A. S. Kent ' 3.50 Ray Mahler 6.00 J. L. Stanton 10.00' Jack Watts 5.50 Delbtr Howell 1.50 J. W. Clark 25.25 Paul Samson 12.00 J. Hart ! 2.00 A. L. Yoder 15.26 A. J. Lais ..' 497.38 K. Gregerson ................. 7.32 H. H .Johnson 23.60 City of Oswego 280.50 City of Estacada 155.16 W. L. Mulvey County Clerk . . . 235.00 (Continued) If a man gets the last word In an argument with a woman it Is because she gives it to him. Christmas Suggestions for Her ElecteSc WARMER TOASTER FLAT IRON TABLE LAMP PERCOLATER CHAFING DISH CURLING IRON TABLE COOKER All these and many other Electrical Appliances are on display at oor Main St. Store. Help lighten her work by giving her one of the many labor saving electrical devices that we carry. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE EL8CTR1C STORE Beaver Bnflifiag, Mam Street Tel-Home, A228 ' Pacific, Maia 115