CM) MORNINGr ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913. SPORT DOPE 1 WANTS ANOTHER FinWHEH BARRIEAU THINKS HE CAN LICK ANDERSON Frank Barrieau has a good alibi for the beating he took at the hands of Bud Anderson at Venice last week. Frank stopped off at Seattle Wednes day, and his version of the affair as told by the Post-Intelligencer Is as follows; Displaying a large gash over his right eye, a brand new manager, and a strong desire to once more step in to the ring with Bud Anderson, Frank .Barrieau, the Canadian who recently went nine rattling rounds with the highly touted Bud, and then took the count, passed through the city on his way to Vancouver. He was accom panied by A. G. Halstead. Frank was very much disappointed at the outcome of his go with Ander son, as he figured that he beat his man all the way, and then lost on a fluke. "If there is anybody In the world I can lick, it is Bud Anderson" says the Canadian scrapper. And lie can show where he should have been returned the winner easily, if . But he did not give any alibi. He simply pointed to the three-corned mark on his forehead and told how it happened. PLAN SURF-BOARD ACT PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 18. One of the big features of the annual Christ mas swim which will be staged under the auspices of the Multnomah club at 10:30 o'clock Christmas morning, will be the "surfless" surfboard riding of Clair Tait and Ted Preble. This will be given just before the women's race and the 100-yard open even and is expected to take up about 15 minutes. The pair will attach their surf board to Leighton Steele's motor boat, going at a rate of 25 miles through the water, and Tait will hold Preble on his shoulders, balancing himself on the board with the aid of ropes for his hands. CHAPPEL LEADS CHICAGO, Dec. 18. Long- distance hitting was a feature of batting in the American. Association during the 1913 season, according to the official aver ages issued by President Chivington here today. Premier honors among the sluggers went to Riggert, of St. Paul, who made a total base count of 280, leading the league in home runs with an even dozen, and making 23 triples, also a year's record. Chappell of Milwaukee (later with the Chicago Americans), was the virtual leader of the hitters, with an average of .349 for 85 games. ?.?S&'Si!S' 3 S SPORTING BREVITIES S - Del Howard and his Seals will start training at Boyes Springs on Febru ary 28. Wee Willie McCorrey, the pitcher who was transferred from San Fran cisco to Spokane last season, has filed a claim against the Seal management for salary, which he says should have been paid him between the time of his release and his reporting to Spo kane which was about two weeks. The report that Garry Herrman has not picked the manager of the Reds is a mistake. He has decided on the manager, but has not named the mess enger boy. It is rumored that Joe Gedeon, for mer Seal star, now with Washington, ja to be turned over to Los Angele3. "Dolly" Stark, last year's utility in fielder of the Sacramento Wolves, has been traded to the Memphis club of the Southern League for Outfielder A! Schweitzer. Schweitzer is a player of the Moran type, a .275 hitter, first base runner and a greater fielder. NEW ANSWER SUGGESTED TO QUESTION OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Dec. . 18. A new plan has been formulated to settle the difficulty which has arisen in schedul ing a contest for Albany, if the O. A. C.-U. of O. game go'es to Portland No vember 21, 1914. Secretary" Van Winkle, of the Albany Commercial club, today advised the athletic di rector of the Oregon Agricultural col lege, Dr. E. J. Stewart, that efforts were being, made to stage a game be tween the University of Washington and the Oregon Agricultural college in Albany, October 29. In the communication received here Secretary Van Winkle stated that prospects were very favorable, and that the University of Washington had been sounded, with a result that look ed bright for a game. Without doubt, from the sentiment on the campus here, the Oregon Agricultural college would be willing to play the game on the Albany field. STAR UNABLE TO PLAY NEW YORK, Dec. IS. Captain R. G. Ritson, who was leader of the English polo team last year in its attempt to lift the international cup, "-will prob ably be an absentee in next year's match, for which England has recent ly challenged. ...HIHHIIHH-R KETCHAM TAKES A - SLAP AT NEWSPAPERS. Captain H. H. Ketcham of the . Yale football team gave out a statement in which he makes known his reasons for the defi nite decision that the football men will not wear numbers on the backs of their Jerseys. It had been suggested that each player be numbered so that the spectators could follow the plays more closely. Captain Ketcham's statement says: "1 thoroughly disapprove of the practice of numbering football men, and we have decided not to depart from our former system.' This new step has been advo cated by the newspapers for their own benefit in distinguish ing the men. Football is not be-, ing conducted here for the news papers, but for the college, and the players are not working to win recognition by the public, but are playing for themselves and the university." COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY ROAD FUND FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER. District No. 1. H. E. Sharrow $ 23.15 W. H. Counsell 49.50 C. E. Battin : 51.25 O. A. Battin '.. 45.00 J. H. Gibson 65.00 J. Peters 80.00 J. A. Davis 80.00 Wm. Strarige : 70.00 Wm. Smart 57.50 C. Davis- 29.25 G. Newton 42.75 Wm Mundion 41.75 G. Avery 11.25 R. Strange , 28.25 Striking Example of Brutal I Tackle In fmdirnn fiamp t - - - - .j. l ,. . ,. .j ,i, !, .. ,t, ,t, ,t j. Photo by American Press Association.. . . ' THIS photo shows how laxity of game officials and overeagerness on the part of players result In Injury to gridiron stars. At the right you notice Guyon, the great Carlisle Indian back, smashed to the ground , by a Dartmouth forward by an actual grip on Guyon's face. That Is an Indefensible mode of Uckling too high and really brutal. " A team guilty of such an offense should be penalized fifteen or twenty yards. . Of course football Is not a ladles' game, but there Is no use In making tt resemble an execution party In a Mexican revolution- " -. R. Otty ..................... District No. 2. J. A. Searles E. R. Bennett Elmer Shearer M. S. Shearer J. Enghouse A. Mather ....... ... J.W. Bennett District No. 3 J. C. Elliott & Co. .... . . W. W. Cdoke ....N J. W. Ymore Curtis Young Frank Eberhardt Earl Shearer " Lehman . . . August Hellar .. . A. H. Ritzau ............... H. Gerhardus Lee Stradley C. W. Johnson Herman Gerhardus, Jr J. A. Stoll S. C. Young .'. O. Vogal . J. Moore H. Seibert W. J. Arnett M. Eberhardt Barton Deardorff J. Abbuehl A. Osterba'ck A. Kasper J. Borgman . W. A. Shearer P. F. Uhlig J. Moore W. J. Arnett H. Bock W. R. Dallas S. C. Yonug O. Vogal J. C. Elliott G. W. Congtoln M. Abylandl P. Thompson District No. 4 Robert Currin Albert Kitching Frank Boyer J. W. Dowty , Dan Matson Geo. Kitching . W. Wade Henry Githens Lester Hale Linsey Hale , Paul Lovell , Fred Bannister Henry Winks John Githens H. L. Gordon District No. 5. C. W. Schuld & Sons A. N. Wills Portland Ry., Light & Power Co T. Richey : J. Imel W. E. Wheeler , H. A. Beck C. Lekberg G. Tachern B. Johnston J. Fitzgerald ; C. M. Lake W. J. Hillyard M. H. Wheeler L. Ritzer E. Anderson '. S. S. Waybill C. Wheeler Brooks J. W. Roots & Co District No. 6 Nick Schmitz Gust Finger R. Lindberg W. E. Fellows Chas. Krebs Ed Flatau E. Albel M. Mickelson F. Lauderback . . . Will Senske Walter Krebs District No. 7 Oregon City Courier P. R. L. & P Co P. R. L.. & P. Co. H. L Browness & Co , Sandy Lumber Co Straus Lumber Co. Sa,ndy Fir Lumber Co. ....... Geo. Kirby A. Klinger Tom Hagan Fred Gibons Lee Cooper Wm. Schlimmer P. Harry W. Gipson Jesse Vanderhoof E. R. Leaf A. Shipley ' J. Belfield District No. 9 . Estacada Progress B. F. Cogswell A. M. Jannsen John Marshall Frank Marshall T. Harders T H. Schmidt :.. G. Zwerman E. Guber Carl Lins W. Lins F. Ochs E. Grafenhein H. Joyner R. Miller A. Miller O.- Paulsen C. Johnson N. Schiel A. Weiderholdt A. W. Lee J. Paulsen 7 57.60 .$ 7.50 . 8.00 . 6.00 4.75 . 2.50 . 1.75 . 7.50 .$ 8.35 . 171.05 '33.30 .,"21.65 . 14.90 . 40.25 . . 6.00 . 2.00 . 90.50 , 68.00 . 37.50 2.00 8.00 ., 14.50 . , 14.50 . 14.00 . 9.00 . 29.25 9.00 . 11.00 . 26.25 . 1.00 . 4.00 . 6.00 , 13.15 . 13.15 8.00 . 16.25 . 15.23 . 16.00 . 16.00 . 16.00 . 14.25 . 14.00 . 9.50 . 14.00 . 4.00 .$ 33.00 . 16.00 . 24.00 . 13.0) . 10.00 . 14.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 6.00 . 16.00 8.00 4.00 . 3.00 . 26.75 . 2.16 .$ 89.60 . 50.40 . 128.10 . 22.00 . 24.00 . 88.00 . 80.00 . 36.00 . 8.00 . 18.00 . 12.00 . 2.00 . 3.00 . 60.00 . 27.00 . 4.00 . 2.00 . 24.00 . 2.00 . 3.20 .$ 24.75 . 23.50 . 25.50 . 16.00 . 57.30 . 14.50 5.00 . 10.00 . 3.00 . 1.00 . 1.T10 .$ 5.00 .f 13.91 . 176.40 , 10.75 . 37.27 . 9.75 60.00 15.75 9.00 10.15 15.75 14.65 15.75 14.63 13.50 1.50 35.00 15.00 1.15 $ District No. 10 Estacada . Progress Cary Mercantile Co. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. . Coast Culvert & Flume Co. . Beall & Co. A. M. Stephens L. J. Palmateer Clyde Inglish W. P. Snuffin J. H. McKenney C. i Dnucan ........... V. . District No. 13 Wilson & Cooke f 3.30 5.00 1.30 45.90 20.00 20.00 21.00 8.50 31.00 12.00 1 6.00 14.00 13.50 31.00 9.50 20.00 17.00 9.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 11.00 1.00 5.00 1.50 1.50 33.23 .61 8.00 18.00 6.00 2.00 5.00 32.50 CONTAINS 3 liiPDFise Two Paring Knives with steel blades and waterproof handles One high grade Can Opener, tempered cutter ' Slfpl fi KITCHEN SET (3 Pieces). If you send in a year'ssubscription to the OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. It makes no dif ference whether it is yours or your neighbor's, or whether it is new or old. Send in the sub scription and we will send you the set by return mail. We have only a limited number of these and the offer will close December 31 unless we run short before that time.' - Mattoon Lumber Co 11.52 F. Catho .. 2.00 A.Schneider. 4.00 J. T. Fullam . .. 5.00 ElvyBeebe 8.00 Arthur Perry 7.50 C. F. Frazier 3.00 Richard Palmateer 2.00 W. R. Woodworth . 2.00 T. J. Reagan , . 6.00 District No. 15 A. C. Warner 4.00 Wm. Fine .' 12.50 A. H. Finnegan ; 10.00 Albert Scheer 5.00 Enos Ayers 5.00 L. E. Bentley 8.00 J. M. Jack 6.00 , District No. -16 C. W. Friederich 4.00 August Staehely '9.25 District No. 17 George Koehler $ 2.00 Almon Johnson 2.00 M. Strye 1.00 D. R. Dimick , 13.75 Ivan Dimick ...... . . . 6.00 Glen Irish .'. 4.00 John Robbins ' 6.00 F. J. Reace '. . 1 6.00 A. Bany ..... 2.00 . ... District No. 20 . W. H. Wettlaufer 40.25 J. Putz t. 12.50 Poe La Follette 3.50 j. Maxon 10.00 P. F. Putz . : 4.00 A. B. Baurer . .- 6.00 Edd Grace , 4 6.00 Chas. Grace :. ,. 6.00 C. H. Bergman .... .'1 2.00 District No. 21 Oregon City Courier .', $ 5.00 Alfred Danielson 13.70 C. A. Branland 2.10 Hult Bros 161.52 Alex Erickson 12.00 A. N. Swanson 13.50 Emil Petterson , 10.00 G. Asplund . . . 11.00 Victor Hill 3.00 E. F. Wallace ..v.... . . . . . "20.0 J. A. Johnson 18.00 E. Fellows .........ti. 4.00 Louis Pendleton 9.00 James Francis .'. 8.00 Pete Dhooghe , . , 10.00 Frank Dhooghe ,'. 10.00 Joe Dhooghe . .- 9.00 W. C. Smith 7.00 Chas. Swan 15.00 Andrew Johnson' ,. 31.75 John Erickson 29.75 E. A. Swanson 42.50 Alfred Swanson 19.00 U. S. Dix ...... F .10.00 District No. 22 Robbins Bros . ..$ 21.90 The Molalla Pioneer ... .. 5.00 Ball & Ball J 212.21 The Schafer Lumber Co. .... 209.00 John Callahan 8.00 Clay Hungate .... . V. . . ...... 30.00 Jack Feyrer 26.00 Clay Engle 56.00 Albert Engle ... 67.50 J. H. Powers ". 25.00 M. V. Stuart ..." .. 22.00 G. Hungate 19.00 M. M. Jameson ...... 8.00 F. J. Painter . 21.00 J. W. Staudinger 3.50 I. L. Boyer 11.00 H. Berkendt 18.00 District No 23 V. Berg $ 19.00 R. W. Zimmerman 23.60 District No. 24 John Gailer $ 5.00 Leonard Askin 4.00 Clarence Johnson ............ 9.00 Philip Mohr 4.00 C. E. Mitts 4.50 District No. 25 ' John Graves 4.00 Chris Lorenz 6.00 D. Harmes ; . . . . .' , 2.81 G. M. Graves. '2.03 John Kumme'c ....... r. . li.00 Will Etzel 9.00 Phil Scheer ...... .... 2.00 WiU GUbrich . ..... s ..... . . . s 5.00 Louie Gilbrich 2.25 Oregon City Courier 5.00 Ed Graves 19.25 G. W. '. Scramlin . . . . .... .50 District No. 27 Joe Oaster 4.00 Olaf Olsen 4.00 Chas. McRoberts 2.00 J. Barth 6.00 v .:" T District No. 28 ' r ; High Edwards 2.00 Roy Thomas 2.00 John Furgeson 13.00 W. C. Huitt 2.00 Floyd Ferguson ..." 3.00 Joe Michel ......... .". ........ . 3.00 Freeman Thomas 6.00 C. Slaughter ; 1.00 Ben Thomas .... .' 11.00 Molalla Lumber & Fuel Co. ... 3.60 W. N. Chilcote 43.13 Kirk Litzell 4.00 Fred Davis 4.00 Frank Brosig : 8.00 A. Carter ; 15.00 James Marts ..7.... 2.00 N. Sabe 10.00 C. Ramsey..,..- 12.00 Geo. Kuss 16.00 Frank Ferlane 18.00 Ray Phelps 7.00 Jos. Frohlich ' . ........ ',. 15.00 D. A. Green 20.00 C. H. Thomas 20.00 Leslie Shank . . .' 32.00 Elmer Sawtell 1.50 John Bagby ...... 7.00 A. Scott 7.00 Deb Scott 2.00 O. Mulvyhill 10.00 L. D. Shank 40.00 - District No. 29 W. A. Rogers ....'.$ 27.50 J. Anderson .' . . . .. 5.00 J. Hedrick 5.00 Joe Kelly , 1.00 Bates Sand & Gravel Co. . . . 57.37 C. S. Hoskins ................ 2.43 District No. 30 J. P. Cook , 15.00 J. H. Walsh .................. 14.00 Ed Wanker 2.50 J. K. Worthington 4.50 District No. 31 A. Mather $ 36.33 H. Franzel '. 10.00 L. Shaber 10.00 C. C. Schroeder 20.00 E. Athey 24.00 R. Gosser 14.00 V. Thompson 3.50 L. T. Sinclair 5.25 READ THE MORNING ENTERPRISE IT HAS THE NEWS. Christmas Wines and Liquors AT HALF PRICE All Wines All WTriskies . 65c Per Gal. -$2.50 Per Gal. KENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Cor. 5th and Main Streets " BRING YOUR JUGS C. Dickman . 2.00-- A. H. Borland '. .50 R. de Neui . 20.75 J. Bushbaum 30.00 Wilson & Cooke 1.75 Glenmorrie Quarry Co. 30.00 - - District No. 32 J. Her $ 2.00- 0. Ficken 7.00 W. C. Heater :.. 15.00 . F. Chapman " 2.00 W. Heater 6.09 H. Heater ' 12.00' J. Todfest ............... 25.00 - District No. 33 Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. : 43.20 W. Bletch 8.50 1. M. Park ...T 4.00 W. Closner ..... 4.00 Jr Moger 4.00- J. A. Reid 16.37 R. S. Thomas 1.00 C. Denny 1.00 Wm. Smith, 12.00 J. A. Marchbank ........... 13.00 Horner Bros v 17.80 Bert H.- Finch 6.10 Estacada Progress . . : 6.00 District No. 35 P. R. L. & P. Co. .$110.6U Sandy Fir Lumber Co 39.61 A. N. Wills 103.60 : District No. 36 ' Grover Pomeroy A. . .$ 7.00 Ray Mitchell .......... '.. 4.00 John McKinzie 1. '. . . . . . : . , 3.00 L. Rail ......... 7J50 Oregon City Enterprise . . : . . 5.00 District No." 38 J. Bamgartner $ 11.78 W. L. Starkweather 1.25 - (Continued) Christmas Suggestions for Her Am EIectrSc WARMER TOASTER FLAT IRON TABLE LAMP PERCOLATER CHAFING DISH CURLING IRON TABLE COOKER All these and many othe Electrical Appliances are on display at out Main St. Store Help lighten her work by giving he one of the many labor saving electrical devices that we carry. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street .. Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Maia 115 :4r V III -