Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 11, 1913, Image 3

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Fixing the Blame.
Mr. Knagrg It may be true, as yon
say you wen too young to marry me.
Mrs. Knagg Don't try to shift the
blame. You were too old for me.
Washington Star.
Local Briefs
- 2,2 Acres -
Why? Because you buy all you
eat. Get away from the house and
lot and get a few acres of land and
raise your potatoes, garden, fruit,
and have your cow and chickens.
This tract lays level, all in cultiva
tion, and is fne soil; located four
blocks from the Mt. Pleasant
school and store, and only 25 min
utes walk to town. This can be
had for less than a house and lot
only $875; $87 down and $8.75 a
month. If you haven't got $87 for
the first payment see us, we caD
arrange terms for you.
7th and Main, Oregon City
The Congregaeional Endeavor so
ciety will hold a bazaar in the church
parlors Friday evening, December 12.
Fancy articles, home cooking, candy,
etc. A good program at 7:45 no ad
mission. Its the place to buy your
Christmas presents Adv.
Mr -and Mrs. K. H. Williams will
move sometime during the fore part
of next wek to Willsonville from their
present home near Redmond. They
have recently purchased a new home
in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Davis, of Ridge
field, Wash., passed through Oregon
City Wednesday on their way to Mo
lalla, where they will visit friends.
They are former residents of Molalla.
A. C. White, of Corvallis, is spend
ing the middle part of the week in
Oregon City. Wednesday he made a
trip to Portland to visit the stock
Mrs. James Richards, of Cloyerdale,
passed through Oregon City Wednes
day on her way to Seattle, where sha
will spend the remainder of the
When selecting your Christmas
presents remember the 5, 10 and 15c
Store at 512-514 Seventh street on the
hill. W. T. Little, proprietor. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Larkins returned
to their home in Highland Wednesday
after spending the fore part of the'
week with friends in Portland.
O. A. Thomas, a mining man living
near Glendale, was in Oregon City
Wednesday. He is former Oregon
City man. .
George L. Harriston will probably
leave Thursday for Roseburg to visit
his parents.- He will not return until
after Christmas.
F. A. Todd was in Oregon City Wed
nesday. He has an exhibit in the
Portland stock show from his farm
near Gresham.
James Valentine, a representative
of the Squebs Chemical company of
Philadelphia, was in Oregon City
Judge G. B. Dimick, Mrs. Dimick,
and Miss Nan Cochran attended the
stock show in Portland this week.
C. A. Weaver, of Victoria, B. C, ar
rived in Oregon City Wednesday for
a stay of a couple of days.
W. A. Shaver, of Molalla, spent
Wednesday in the county seat.
Phone your coal orders M. 2472,
Hackett Wood & Coal. Adv.
M. J. Cochran has purchased a drug
store in Molalla and will move with
his family to .that city soon.
Miss Leone Griffith, of Eugene, is
spending the week with her brother,
Gilbert Griffith.
A. Zack, a Portland businessman,
was in Oregon City the middle part of
the week.
Charles Reynolds, a Maple Lane
farmer, was in the county seat Wed
nesday. - .
G. F. Bailey, a farmer of the Beaver
Creek district, spent Wednesday in
Oregon City.
' C. A. Ramsby, of WTllhoit, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in Oregon
V. Thompson, of Sherwood, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday, In Oregon
Fred Schaffer, a saw mill man of
Molalla, spent Wednesday in Oregon
E. V. Huneyer, of Seattle, arrived in
Oregon City Wednesday. .
W. F. Quinn, of Salem, was" in Ore
gon City Wednesday.
George E. Elwell,-of Portland, was
in this city Wednesday.
Joseph Dohoke, a Colton farmer,
was a local visitor Wednesday.
J. F. Powers, of Redland, drove into
Oregon City Wednesday.
Mrs. H. D. Elking, of Portland, spent
Wednesday in this city.
Canemah, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
The work of Installing an electric
light system in Canemah is progress
ing rapidly. The holes for the poles
have all been dug and the poles are
ready to be put in place. A large
number of the houses have been wired
and fixtures are being placed in pre
paration. G. H. Caldwell, of Meldruni
and J. E. Seeley, also of Meldrum, are
in charge of the work.
Canemah, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
The Canemah Progressive league
will hold a masquerade Tuesday, De
cember 16 in Stoke's hall. The lea
gue is planning to make this meeting
one of the biggest gatherings held in
Canemah this winter.
Canemah, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
William Freeman won the gun
which was raffled off at Aldrich's
store Tuesday by Oscar Smith. -
L H1--A
If your hair is anything short of
perfect; if it is too dry, brittle, dull,
thin, or if the scalp itches, immediate
ly being the use of Parisian Sage.
The first application removes dand
ruff, cools and invigorates the scalp
and increases the beauty of the hair.
Parisian Sage, a scientific prepara
tion, supplies hair needs. It contains
the exact elements needed to make
the hair soft, wavy and glossy, and to
make it grow it is delicately perfum
ed not sticky or greasy.
Apply Parisian. Sage and the effect
is immediate. One application stops
the head from itching and freshens
pu the hail. Use it daily for a week
and you will be surprised and delight
ed. Parisian Sage is one of the quick
est acting hair tonics known.
Get a 50 cent bottle from Huntley
Bros. Co today everyone needs it.
Canemah, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
Mrs. M. Jacobs, of St. Johns, Wn.,
who is visiting friends and relatives in
Canemah, made a trip to Oregon City
Mrs. E. Hedges made a trip to Ore
gon City Wednesday.
A. Smith, who has been ill with an
attack of poison oak has recovered.
Mrs. M. Carothers, visited in Ore
gon City Wednesday.
Mrs. C. Ganong, made a business
trip to Portland Monday.
William Harvey who has been all
at his home has recovered and Is ab3
to attend school.
Mr. P. Smith visited in Oregon City
Wednesday. .
Mr. H. Z. Tietze, spent Tuesday af
ternoon in Oregon City.
The Enterprise agents in near-
by towns are: . -
Canemah .... ...Carnott Spencer
Gladstone Henry Wyman
West Linn '. James McLarty
Willamette ..Merritt Willson '
Tremendous Stock IK1 hZ Xmas Gifts
Gladstone, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
T. J. B. Williams is repainting his
Guy Lasalle has started construc
tion of his new home,
James Dunn, of Portland, is visit
ing relatives in Gladstone.
Rev. R. L. Dunn, who has been
holding meetings in Estacada has
returned to his home in Gladstone.
Mrs. R. E. Green, of Oregon City,
visited relatives in Gladstone Wed
nesday. Percy Cross went to Portland Wed
nesday. C C, Calvert, of Portland, visited
Gladstone Wednesday.
Mrs, T. D. Taylor, of Oregon City,
spent Wednesday in Gladstone.
West Linn, Ore., Dec. 10. (Special)
Mrs. Earl Peted and their three
children, of Corvallis, who have "been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Reid, of lone, are spending a
few days at Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Peted
in this city before returning to their
Charles Carleton, who has been
staying in Oregon City.'has moved to
West Linn,
Mrs. H. D. McLarty visited the
county seat Wednesday.
Thomas Carlton has been 11 at his
home for several days.
Miss Maude McDowell visited the
county seat Wednesday.
Real estate transfers filed with the
county recorder Wednesday, are as
Lorena Kamar and husband to the
county of Clackamas, lot 54, in Sell
wood ardens; $1.
Arthur Needham and wife to the
county of Clackamas, south five (5)
feet of lots 47 and 48 in Sellwood
Gardens, also south five (5) feet if
lots 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, of Ross and
Walker's addition to Sellwood Gar
dens; $1.
Albert Henkle and wife to county of
Clackamas, south five feet of lots 43,
44,43, 42, 41, 40, 70, 71 and 72 in Sell
wood Gardens; $1.
Dorofey Lazuck to the county of
Clackamas, south five feet of lot 45,
in Sellwood Gardens; $1.
John L. Apple and wife to the coun
ty of Clackamas, south five feet ot
lot 46 in Sellwood Gardens; $1.
Charles B. Moores and wife to the
county of Clackamas, lots 55 to 69, in
clusive, of Sellwood Gardens; $1.
. Joseph F. Lymp and wife to the
county of Clackamas, lot .62 in Sell
wood Gardens; $1.
F. L. Roberts and wife to Arthur
Needham, lot 36 in Sellwood Gardens;
$10. ,
Sidney A. Peyton and wife to the
county of Clackamas, a strip of land
on the south side of an 80-acre tract
of land described as being in the E. V2
N. E. section 15, township3 south,
range 4 east; $1.
Rueban Steadman at ux to H. B.
Rockwell, part of block 167, Oregon
City; $10.
A. P. Barlow and husband to A. H.
Sage, N. E. corner of block 3, First ad
dition to the city of Barlow, and in
section 5, township 4 south, range 1
east; $644.20.
O. M. Taylor and wife to Frank
Weisenbeck and wife, the E. W.
N. W. section 2, township 4 south,
range 2 east; $3500.
K. Teromura and Uno Teromura, to
G. Funukawa. tract of land in B. F.
Taylor Tracts, in section 28, township
1 south, 2 east; $1500.
Willamette, Oregon, Dec. 10.
(Special) Noble Rice who has been
sick the past week, is rapidly recov
ering. Mrs. D. C. Garrmier has received
word from relatives in the east that
her mother was dead.
Several of the fire boys kept their
teams busy Wednesday hauling lum
ber for the new fire. hall.
Miss Fern Britton, of Willamette,
was in Oregon City shopping Wednesday.
Christmas Hint
Just the Thing For the
: Children's Stocking
Isn't this the cutest little candy kid
you ever saw? He's the product of
the fertile brain of a Vassar girl who
first made bim for a midnight "spread."
The little fellow would be just the
thing for the children's Christmas
How is be made? The easiest thing
in the world. Get a goodly supply of
strong toothpicks, some large raisins,
marshmallows. almonds and figs. Then
you are ready for the Frankenstein
trick making a man.
It is best to begin on the legs and
arms first. To make the legs stick
The once favored bolero has again
taken quite a hold on popular fancy.
As of old, it is fashioned of plaids and
.contrasting materials and Is worn with
or without sleeves. When the under
blouse is of net or lace the effect Is
very pleasing, and the Medici frill is
still a smart and becoming finish to
the neck; In fact, a dress does not
seem complete without Its filmy frill
or two.
Crepe de Chine In eco blue was used
with 8049. The underblouse is of shad
ow lace, and the sash (s of satin in the
same blue. Neck and sleeves are both
finished with the tiny frill of net.
This dress may be made In size 36
with 6 yards of 36 Inch material and
yard of allover net for the front.
Another of our economical fads this
season is the waist-coat vest or over
blouse. If the skirt and blouse are
plain the vest may be of brocade. In
troducing In this way a smart touch
of color. As illustrated in 8040-8036 a
smart hard finish serge in dull blue
fashions the vest and three tiered
skirt, being charmingly relieved by a
figured sash and an underblouse of
flowered net.'
The blouse (8040) may be made in
any size with 1 yards of 30 inch ma
terial for the vest, 24 yards of 36 Inch
contrasting material for the guimpe
and yard of silk for the girdle.
No. 8049 sizes 34 to 42. ' 1
No. 8040 sizes 32 to 42.
No. 8036 sizes 14. 16, 17 and 18.
Every number and style of Pat
tern made by the Ladies'. Home
Journal ; Home Pattern Co. is
carried in stock and sold only by
Elliott Brothers Department Store
7th Street at Madison
Ob the Hill
."The Criterion" Magazme5c at our pattern counter
$1,000 3 to 5 years
$1,500 2 years. -
$1,000 1 to 3 years.
$ 500 2 to 3 years.
$ 600 3 years.
$ 300 2 years.
On real estate, terms reasonable.
Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.
President Title & Investment Co.,
. Clackamas County Abstracts.
Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts
or Bladder bothers yon Drink
more water.
If you must have your meat every day,
eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts
occasionally, says a noted authority who
tells us that meat forms uric acid which
almost paralyzes the kidneys in their ef
forts to expel it from the blood. They
become sluggish and weaken, then you
suffer with a dull misery in the kidney
region, sharp pains in the back or sick
headache, dizziness, your stomach sours,
tongue is coated and when the weather
is bad you have rheumatio twinges. The
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channels often get sore and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
time duringHhe night.
To neutralize these irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize the acids in urine,
so it no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in-
i'ure, and makes a delightful effervescent
ithia-water drink. . .-
V- For Sale bv Huntley Bra.
two of the raisins on two toothpicks,
and to the ends of each place an al
mond for a foot The arms are made
In the same way; except for the bunds
the almonds are blancbed. Now run
two marshmallows through a tooth
pick for the man's body. He basn't
any neck. Have ready eome melted
chocolate and dip an orange stick in
this mixture and witlf it make large
dots for the buttons on his coat and
for bis facial features. Now attach
arms and legs, and when a good sized
fig has been ratisnly placed on his
head for a bat the man is ready for the
stocking. ' -
By Presenting Them With
This Beautiful
Holiday Gift
Boxes arc stamped out of heavy sheet steeCmade in
one piece. Finished in dull black enamel with
nickel trimmings. Operated by four . dry or' wet
batteries. Easily wired and installed. Nothing to
get out of order, no adjustments necessary at any
for connecting parlor and kitchen, bedroom, basement, barn or other
buildings. Price Per Pair$6.00.
Our stock of Holiday Goods is the largest in Oregon City and
prices much below the usual markek-
- ...
Rank Bttsch, Oregon Qty
A pile remedy that is entirely dif
ferent from anything else, used both
externally and internally, acting on
the blood as well as the disease, a
remedy without a superior. It is Mer
itol Pile Remedy, made and guaran
teed by the American Drug and Press
Association. Jones Drug Co. Adv.
Livestock, Meats
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7c;
cows 6c; bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 3 to 4c; lambs,
3 to 5e
POULTRY (buying) Hens 12c;
old roosters 9c; broilers 11c.
SAUSAGE 15c lb.-
PORK 9c to 10 3-8c.
VEAL Calves 12 to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
DUCKS (Live) 13c; geese, 12c;
APPLES 50c and $1. " .
DRIED FR3ITS (Buying) Prunes
on basis 4 for 35 to 40c.
ONIONS $2.15 per sack.
POTATOES 60 and 75c.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter 23c to 25c.
OATS (buying) $23.50 and $24.50
wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling
$38; Shady Brook feed $1.30.
EGGS Oregon ranch, 45c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are
as follows:
HIDES buying Green salted, 10c.
CORN Whole corn $36; cracked
SHEEP PELTS 75c to $1.50 each.
FLOUR $4.30 to $5.
HAY (buying) Clover at $8 and
$9; timothy $13 and $14; oat hay best
$10 and $11; mixed $9 to $12; Idaho
and eastern Oregon timothy selling
$20; valley timothy $15 to $16.
FEED (selling) Shorts $25.00;
bran $23.50; feed barley $30 to $31.
(Oregon City Publicity)
NEW-HULL Miss Gladys Hull and
Jeff New were granted a marriage
license by W. L. Mulvey, county
clerk, Wednesday. Later they wera
married by Justice John N. Seivers.
Arnold and Victor C. Gault received
a marriage license from the county
clerk Wednesday afternoon.
Does Your Stomach
Trouble You?
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy
Is Successfully Taken in Cases
of Stomach, Liver and In
testinal Ailments
And On Dose Has Often Dispelled
Years off Suffering -
Long Facet
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy can
really be termed a wonderful remedy and the
benefits that it gives in many of the most chronic
cases .of Stomach Trouble" has spread its fame
from one end of the country to the other. No
matter where you live you wUl find people who
have suffered with Stomach, Liver and Intes
tinal Ailments, etc., and have been restored to
health and are loud in their praise of this rem
edy. There is not a day "but what one hears of
the wonderful results obtained from this remedy
and the benefits are entirely natural, as it acts
on the source and foundation of these ailments,
removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accre
tions, taking out the inflammation from the in
testinal tract and assists in rendering the same
antiseptic Sufferers are urged to try one dose
which alone should relieve your suffering and
convince you that Mayr's Wonderful Stomach
Remedy should restore you to good health. Put
it to a test today the results will be a revelation
to you and you will rejoice over your quick re
covery and once again know the joys of living.
Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo.
H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 156 Whiting St., Chicago,
or better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist.
(f-or Saie in Oregon City by Huntley
Bros. Co.) Adv.
1501 Seventh Street,
Oregon City, Oregon,,
Nov. 14, 1913
My family and I arrived in the lat
ter part of August from Fruita, Colo
rado and we were successful in get
ting employment at once.
We had heard of the pleasure and
profit in hop picking, and, we went
to the hop yards for two weeksj earn
ing a tidy little sum, and having a
grand time. " '
We came back to Oregon City on.
Saturday evening, and oh Monday my
wife and I went to work in our pres
ent positions. We think this is the
best place to get a start we ever saw,
and we like he country immensely.
We have been surprised to hear no
complaints about hard times, and this
is certainly no place for a man who
does; not want to work.
It is a source of great wonder to u3
to see flowers still in bloom and tha
grass" green and the fragrant roses
still blooming. We are in love with
the country ,and hope to soon by pur
united efforts, go on a place where
we can keep cows and chickens, for
we have seen what can be done.
We feel very grateful to the Secre
tary of the Publicity Department of
the Commercial Club through whose
activity, and good kindly advice by
correspondence we were induced to
make the change.
1 41-4 I
- r- n "
You can buy no better gun
for target work and all
small game up to
ZUU yards.
change of
mechanism it
handles 2.2 short,
. long or long-rifle cartridges
perfectly. The deep Ballard
rifling develops maximum power and
accuracy and adds years to the life of rifles. :
Th soEdlop protection from cMcctiTe cartrlfoc prereats powder and .
(aaa from bans blown back. The ade election never Icti ejected thelij
rooil your bead and allow quick, accurate repeat ihoti. Withsmpletalce- '
down conftracrion, removable action part. least parts of any .22 it is tha
quickest and easiest to clean. A great vacation riBe. Aak any gun dealer.
jnB w. , iedrf. what rifia - Ae yiarln firearms La
b4 suits jour mividaaj desires. - . .
Saasl 3 stun p. far it tadav. 4Z Willow Street New Haven, Conn.
- Via The
The Exposition Line, 1915
Christmas Holidays: Between all points in Oregon ; also from
Southern Pacific points to points in Washington and Idaho Dec.
18 to 24 inclusive. Between Oregon and California points Dec.
20 to 25. Return" limit all points Jan. 5, 1914.
New' Years Holidays:- 27 to Jan. 1, with final return
limit Jan. 5, 1914. The New Year Fares apply only between
points in Oregon and between Oregon and California.
Observation Cars, Dining Cars and big, warm
, . all-steel coaches.- All trains solidly vestibuled
Call on nearest Southern Pacific Agent for full particulars train
schedules, specific fares," etc x , ''.' .
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon