c MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913. hufenew What He Wanted. "Telephone I want some milk." Telephone Review. Local Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Thorpe and their daughter, of Muncle, Indiana, are in this city visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. Smith and Mr. Thorpe are cousins. The visitors will probably spend the winter on the Pacific coast. John Schrogen ,a former resident of Oregon City, was in his old home town for the first time since his leaving it 12 years ago. During his absence he has spent several years in Alaska and the rest of the time in Eugene and Portland. Among those registered at the Elec tric hotel are: Fred Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, I Kohl,Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wallace, and Wilbar Grabill. Mr. and Mrs. John Calverley and family, of Detroit, arrived in Oregon City Tuesday on a tour of the north? ern part of the Pacific coast. A free doll will be given with every fifteenth sale at Huntley's on open ing day, Thursday. No restrictions as to amount of purchase. Adv. Judge Eakin, circuit judge of this district, arrived in Oregon City Mon day and is now holding court here. His home is i Astoria. Don't forget Huntley's holiday open ing tomorrow. Free souvenirs, music, special prices and a good time gen erally. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Waters, former ly of Beaver Creek, are in Oregon City visiting at the homes of friends. Grand Rally of the Socialist party, Knapp's Hall, Friday evening, 7:30 o'clock. Everyone come out. Adv. A. R. Allen, of the Pacific Paper company, of Portland, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Charles Moehnke, of Schubel, was in the county seat Tuesday to attend to business matters. Miss Bunnie Ownley left for Seattle Sunday where she will spend the rest of the winter. W. A. Cunningham, of Ontario, ar rived in this city Monday for a stay of a couple of days. J. L. Peck and H. W. Rank, both of Portland, were in Oregon City Mon day and Tuesday. Joseph Fellows, of Springwater, 7-ROOM HOUSE 2 fine lots, hot' and cold water, bath, toilet, fruit,- and garden ground; located on 2nd and Cen ter street; corner lots and alley, east front. This is a bargain; is worth ;$3300, can be bought- for $2700 for quick sale. $1000 down, balance $15 a month. See us for bargains in city property and acre age. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON 7th and Main, Oregon City spent the fore part of the week in the county seat. O. A. Thomas, of Glendale, is spend ing the fore part of the week in Ore gon City. E. L. Palfrey, of Molalla, spent Mon day and Tuesday in the county seat. William L. Kerns, of Astoria, is vis iting with relatives in this city. ' Harry Howard, a Portland man, spent Tuesday in Oregon City. William C. Irvin, of Bandon, Ore., was in Oregon City Tuesday. G. A. Wing, of Fomoso, Kansas, arH rived in Oregon City Monday. Frank Hatten, of Stone,' drove into the county seat Tuesday. O. D. Robbins, of Stone, spent Tues day in Oregon City. M. Amrine, of Maple Lane, spent Tuesday in this city. Arthur Knight, of Canby, was in Oregon City Sunday. Floyd Parrish was in Portland the iore part of the week. A. McConnell, of Aurora, was in Oregon City Tuesday. H. T. Melvin, of Barlow, was in Ore gon City Tuesday. O'Cedar Mops now $1.00 at Huntley Bros. Co. Dinner at M. E. Church today noon, 25 cents. Adv. W. H. Young is in this city from Riverview. MORNING ENTERPRISE'S CLACKAHAS COUNTY SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE HYOMEI RELIEVES . IN FIVE MINUTES Help Comes Quickly When Hyomei is Used for Catarrh, Bronchitis . or Cold in the Head WEST LINN James McLarty, Agent Misses Janeldia ' and Gertrude. A pleasant evening was spent In playing games. Present were: Miss Naomi Bow ers ,Miss Leota Smith, Miss Edna Lund, Albert Lund, Fred Lund, How ard Ormiston, Armen Grossenbacher, Earl Paddocks and Janeldice and Ger- j trude Nadeiau. Mrs. Florence McCoy, who has beeu ill for some time, has been taken to the St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, where she underwent an operation Tuesday morning. August Christensen, of Bolton, transacted business in Portland Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kennedy visited re lative in Wtst Linn the "fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillen visited friends and relatives in St. Johns Tuesday. C .F-. Anderson, principal of the West Linn school, has moved into Oregon City. ' Henry Boyd visited J. . Nickson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McLarty visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen, of Bolton, Tuesday. WILLAMETTE GANEMAH CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent If you suffer from raising of muc ous, husky voice, discharge from the nose, droppings in the throat, sniffles, or any other symptoms of catarrh, or have bronchitis or cold in the hear surely use Hyomei. It will banish the diseast germs in the nose ,throt and lungs and give quick and permanent relief or money refunded by Huntley Bros. Co. The Hyomei treatment gives a tonic healing effect to the air you breathe, destyors the catarrhal germs, stops the poisonous secretions, soothes the irrigated mucous membrane and makes a marked improvement in the general health. The complete outfit, including in haler and bottle of liquid, costs $1.00; extra bottle of liquid, if later needed, 50 cents. fiOSI 6062 AiSV THE NEW SASHES HAVE A DECIDED PURPOSE Although the sash ends may float in the wind as of old with no aim aside from the decorative, yet they may be decidedly useful, too, In more ways than one. To merge waist with hip line was their first mission, and they have gradually found many other little ways to add to the effect of the rown. A clever arrangement of sash ends may be seen In 8061. Here they serve to bring about the effect of a pannier by catching up the tunic. They also lend a pretty finish to the blouse. Lace is very popular this season, and this model shows an excellent way of employing It A delicately patterned shadow lace is combined with a cling ing silk. It is an exceptionally smart afternoon gown. For size 36 this design requires 4 yards of 36 inch material with 2 yards of allover lace. ;.. Another design charmingly suited to the filmy fabrics of the moment is 8062. A transparent tunic of chiffon, its pointed edges smartly outlined with fur, is hung ovei a slightly draped skirt of charmeuse. A bit of the fur trims the bodice and sleeves. To make a frock after this design In size 36 it requires 3 yards of 42 inch silk with 3 yards of chiffon. No. 8061 sizes 34 to 42. No. 8062 sizes 34 to 42. Each pattern 15 cents. Every number and style of Pat tern made by the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott Brothers Department Store Irene Robinson, daughter of J. Rob inson, has recovered from a severe at tack of blood poison and is able to attend school. W. Midlam has returned to his home after making an extended visit to east ern Oregon. Mrs. A. "Rakel visited in Oregon City Monday. Miss Hilda Sheahan, is seriously ill at her home, with a large stye in her eye. A. Smith, has recovered from a severe attack of blood poison .caused by a cut received in handling cable while working on the log boom of the W., P. & P. Co., near Canemah. 'Lynn Hatch is slightly ill at nrs home, with a severe cold. A taffy pull party was held Monday evening, December 1, at the home of J. Nadeiau, in honor of his daughters, Merritt Willson, Agent Mrs. Gus Schnooer was in Oregon City shopping Tuesday. Miss Louisa Zimmerman of Pete's Mountain was in Oregon .City and Willamette Tuesday. , ; Wm. Kiser, of Pete's Mountain, was in Willamette Tuesday. Rex Britton injured his foot while playing ball on the school grounds Tuesday. . Chas, and Sydney Waldron will com mence operating their new blacksmith shop within the next few days. The gasoline engine and laytne are ready for use. H. Leisman, recorder of Willamette, was in Oregon City Tuesday on busi- GLADSTONE HENRY WYMAN, Agent Ladies' Aid society will give a bazaar Friday afternoon and evening in the basement of the church. The ladies plan to serve a cafeteria luncn in the evening. Lenord William suddenly became ill Monday, but is much better. Mrs. Gibbons, of Washougal, Wn., is visiting Mrs. Thomas Gault. Arley Frost is ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frost. A. D. Paddock made a trip to Port land Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish, of Eugene, were in this city Tuesday. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE IN GENERAL FUND FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1913 (Continued from Sunday's Paper) 7kh Street at Madison On the Hill "The Criterion" Magazine 5c at our pattern counter W. A. Rogers J. P. Bartles' Bates Sand & Gravel Co."'; Oregon Electric Ry. Co. W. J. Flick .... M. Dahl 28.00 Wm. Morey 28.00 G. S. Babcock 16.00 Clyde Engle 16.00 C. Skeen 16.00 Ed Johnston 28.00 I. C. Vaughan 24.00 R. W. Davidson :.. 71.00 Geo. Schamel ......... 4.00 H. Wilson 54.00 J. M. Cross .50.00 Max Huss 12.00 H. Bowman 8.00 R. Echerd 10.00 D. H. Ramsby 25.00 C. Callahan 14.00 G. W. Carpenter 14.00 Chas. Dobbs 9.50 James Hunt 9-50 0. T. Kay 21.50 1. C. Steininger 14.50 Chas. Glenn 8.00 C. Zenger 4.00 Otto Looney , 6.00 Solon Echerd , 2.00 D. Engle 7.00 W. W. Everhart 83.50 Geo. Wingfield 27.50 G. "V. Adams 8.00 J. M. Austen 7.00 P. J. Kayler 14.00 Lloyd Shaver 12.00 District No. 28. W. N. Chilcote $ 86.25 A. L. Brougher o 5.90 Guy Dibble 34.00 N. B. Traviss 7.80 A. J. Rometsch 24.00 F. L. Dibble 14.00 ! I Geo. Kuss 12.00 H. Bock 14.00 L. Fiske 14.00 John Novak .. 8.00 P. M. Boyles ..." ....... 36.00 W. M. Bird 17.50 Earl Bird 10.00 Ray Wy land 11.00 Al Wyland 19.00 N. B. Wade 2.75 Ed Crite :.. 13.50 C. G. Vorheis 2.00 Jos. Frolich 26.00 Ben Johnson 35.00 Jass Bagby 24.00 Elmer' Sawtell . .- 16.00 Nicke Sabe 41.00 Scott Carter 14.00 A. Carter 25.00 Zeb Bowman 14.00 E. Russell 15.00 John Coover 8.00 Ora Coover 4.00 Ben Sherma n 8.00 James Marts 8.00 John Marts 4.00 John Wilhoit 8.00 Herman Fisher .". 6.00 Frank Sherman 3.00 B. Hibbard 8.00 A. Hugal .'. .... 4.00 Frank Scott 5.00 A. Scott . 4.00 Leslie Shank . . 54.00 Ed Jtingstead 1.00 D. Sherman 2.00 Clarence Tamsey .' 2.00 Molalla lumber Co. 3.60 L. D. Chank 45.00 C. H. Thomas 20.00 John McCue ... 20.00 Ferman Co 20.00 Robbins Bros 26.20 District. No. 29. M. Hustutter 4.00 D. Anderson . 10.00 District No. 30. Glenmorrie Quarry Co J. R. Wanker Albert Helms Frank Childs F. W. Wanker F. Ford O. C. Whitten Ed Whitten Ed Wanker J. K. Worthington i District No.. 31. Glenmorrie Quarry Co Wilson & Cooke .... . J. A. Buchbaum C. C. Schroeder L. Schaber E. Athey ... A. H. Borland F. Oldenstadt R. deNeui District No. 32. H. Seely $ O. Ficken ,...,.., . W. Ogden L. Atkins W. C. Heater ... : .". J. Gross R. E. Bartel C. Heater W, Bristo R. Heater B. Streeter J. Her F. Chapman G. Durst .'. E. Rodd F. Shamberg W. H .Streeter P. Kneck I. Todfest H. Heater District No. 33. M. Moger W. Bard J. M. Stormer 46.50 5.64 17.85 26.00 2.80 27.50 2.25 4.50 2.25 6.75 5.62 4.50 9.00 15.50 1.50 40.50 10.25 12.50 30.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 19.00 14.00 36.00 14.00 14.00 48.75 26.00 13.00 16.00 11.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 22.00 4.00 48.00 28.00 34.00 24.00 16.00 56.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 IT MEAT IF I KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take tableapoonM of -Salts if Back hurt or Bladder bothers Drink ' lots of water. We are. a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with urio acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble.' ; The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood, of this irritating acid, .but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. : When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from youj pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a lew days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes .and. lemon , juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids, in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. ' Jad Baits is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys eleam and active. For Sale bv Huntley Bros. (AdT.) Theo Reid ....... .... 8.00 W. J. Story 4.00 O. S. Mathews 4.00 C. S. Bard : 4.00 Clark Denny . 8.00 0. Shock 8.00 L. Baker 4.00 W. Mayfield 2.00 C. Denny 1.00 Lea Bronson 1.00 J. A. Reid . 15.00 R. O. Morrison 4.00 J. H. Conway 4.00 1. M. Parks . .; 4.00 J. A. Reid t-. ... 1.45 Portland Ry. Light & Power Co. 9.60 W. Givens 38.40 District No. 34. C. Christensen . $ 55.03 J. Edmonds 55.50 D. Colson .... . . 8.00 J. Zimmerman 64.00 G. TIedeman ................ 48.00 C. Davids 56.00 F. Zimmerman 60.00 F. Kelnhofer .... 62.00 G. Settje 46.00 H. Davids 30.00 C. Kelnhofer 28.00 M. Tiedeman , 27.00 L. Davids 28.00 W. Philps 38.00 J. Densmore 22.00 H. Wright ..' 3.00 W. Kaiser '. 67.00 Oregon City Lumber Co 42.18 F. C. Gadke 31.04 Batdorf Bros 7.41 Scripture & Beauliau 4.00 Charman & Co 2.65 Oregon City Foundry 11.76 J. Shauber 29.50 C. McMann 27.00 J. Wonker 3.00 E. H. Ford 8.00 A. K. Ford 8.00 W. M. Coats 4.00 F. Armstrong 2.00 District No. 35. Robert Lansdowne $ 22.50 Carl Shetterly 20.50 Stillman Andrews 11.25 Sandy Fir Lumber Co 39.61 Oregon City Sfnterprise 5.00 Joe Caldo 6.00 Sylvester Barnes 10.00 T. P. Dunn 8.00 Jijn,. Jones 8.25 Fred Wagner 2.00 Lonnie Radford 3.25 Chester Shetterly 10.25 E. E. Vanfleet 10.25 A. N. Will3 100.00 Portland Ry. Light and Power Co. ... 110.60 J. B. Fowler .. 24.50 Ulysses Griffis .......... 17.25 J. B. Jones 13.75 Stillman Andrews . .'. 5.25 Wm. Booth 38.80 District No. 36. D. D. Hostettler $ 35.75 L. Rail , 5.00 K. Gregerson : 1.00 District No. 37. A. Yoder f 8.35 F. H. Fentz 7.50 Grover Pomeroy 16.00 Shade Long 4.00 Geo. Long OO Lorence Jacobs 10.00 L. A. Rail 17.50 C. Garringer . ... 2.00 District No. 37. . J. J. Kraus .$ 30.37 Wm. Sewell 47.25 P. G. Anderson 57.75 Ralph Biitch 50.62 P. Legler ,. .' 39.38 J. Anderegg . . , 48.75 C. W. Kruse 157.10 Denny Renton Clay Co. 25.63 Jones Lumber Co 55 J. Sigrist 45.00 J. N. Bivert : 85.00 Wm. J. Carrell 40.50 J. Anderegg . . i 27.00 D. Legler 9.00 J. J. Kraus '. ... 5.63 P. G. Anderson 3.50 Wm. Sewell " 24.75 P. A. Anderson 24.75 John Sigrist 23.00 Ralph Butch 7.87 J. J. Kraus 23.05 Wm. J. Carrell 18.00 David Legler 20.80 C. W. Kruse 55.50 Denny Renton Clay & Coal Co. 1.00 Dupont Powder Co -. 4.50 G. G. Kruse '. . 4.50 District No. 38. Oregon City Enterprise .$ 5.00. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 10.80 C. H. Dauchy Jr 6.00 Clark Kerr 1.25 J. Baumgartner 8.99 J. Starfinger 1.25 J. Baumgartner 2.17 District No. 40 C. O. Davis $ 12.50 Floyd Davis 20.00 J. M. Anderson . . . ." 2.00 John Anderson 2.00 Dave Fosberg 1.00 H. F. Gibson 3.45 L. S. Baker 2.00 District No. 41. Paul R. Meinig 6.00 Firwood Lumber Co 109.80 David Miller 11.00 A. J. Morrison 39.00 John Bews 24.00 Gaylord Keith 25.00 Victor Bodley 28.00 C. A. Keith. f 33.75 Wm. Updegrave 14.00 Alex Bews 7.00 Weber Roberts 4.00 District No. 42. Fred Watson ..$ 6.00 J.W.Watson 3.73 A. L. Yoder 10.36 District No. 44 C. Williamson $ 23.50 A. Osburn 24.25 C. Menchinger 14.75 L. A. Woodard 23.00 J. Buss 18.10 Herman Fisher 22.50 C. Reusser 12.75 Albert Shunk 11.00 C. Geiger- r. 12.00 Aug Shunk ... 10.00 S. M. Warnock 45.75 G. Woodard 43.50 Chas. Rider 58.00 V. S. Blackwood 21.50 District No. 45 Walter Cox 13.50 John Scott 12.00 F. B. Brown '. 7.00 M. Rydzenoskl 8.00 C. Bitnei- 4.00 Arnt Eimin 5.00 W. M. Warnock 4.0u A Special Proposition of interest to every woman In the county will be announced Friday on this page. You've heard about Huntley's Popular . Ity Contest and you know that seven prizes amounting in value to $2200 will be distributed by the Rexall Store on May first. Iiiftr Him V VftO ft. AIT II iU this contest started and .from the very first a score or more of women entered the race to win one of the prizes. And as usual a number of women pass up the opportunity of sending in their names at the start of the contest and now regret that they did not enter the game m the beginning. For The Benefit of these women we have a spe cial proposition which will ap pear in Friday's Enterprise. We have a special prize which will . be awarded to new candidates women who have never sent in their names to the contest manager. If You Did Not Enter the Popularity Contest five weeks ago, we want you to read our message next Friday. In very few contests is there any but this contest is different. See Friday's Enterprise. Jesse Cox 12.25 District No. 46 Orvel Watts 31.00 Emerson Watts 30.00 J. -L. Hendry , 22.00 Irvin Howk 17.00 Geo. Hendry 10.00 W. H. O'Malley 32.00 A. Gestra 14.00 Carl Mumpower 4.00 Herbert Burger 16.00 J. R. Carr 4.00 D. H. Watts 27.50 Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ... 32.40 Orvel Watts 34.00 J. L. Hendry 28.00 Irvin Howk 28.09 A. Schaurar '. 17.00 Wm. Monner . '. 6.40 D. H. Watts 25.00 District No. 47 Linnett & Emmons $ 2.15 Wilson & Cooke 2.00 California Trojan-Powder Co. . . 60.00 Ira Hart 8.00 D. O. LaCure 22.00 H. M. Clay 39.00 O. P. Roethe 52.50 Tom Evans .' 9.00 Roy Hiland 8.00 W. J. Weber 31.00 (Continued on Page 4). Christmas Suggestions for Her Am Electric WARMER TOASTER FLAT IRON TABLE LAMP PERCOLATER CHAFING DISH CURLING IRON TABLE COOKER All .these and many dthet Electrical Appliances are on display at otir Main St. Store. Help lighten her xroth. by giving her one of the many labor saving electrical devices that we carry Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Duildiag, Main Street -Tel.-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115