'cannot CT ; TOO Q U iC K Notice to the Public zJ L LJ1 TD. AND THE THROWING OUT OF THE ENTIRE -j BARDE & LEVITT STOCK HAS STARTED ighth Wonder of the World Is Now Before Yon OTHES, FLORSHEIM SHOES, STETSON HATS, MANHATTAN and ARRO SV SHIRTS and other line of high - grade merchandise. band, brother or sweetneart, ana at mis oanKrupi oaie your aonar win ao me worK or two. iou cannot rememoer ot naving HAS COME SPOSE OF THE BARDE & IT GOES AT ANY PRICE THE BIGGEST AND MOST SENSATIONAL BARGAINS EVER HEARD OF are to be had here, cost has been lost tract of. Now is your chance to buy your winter clothes, as not again will such a tre- mendous slaughter confront you. This is your opportunity. Do not miss it, as men's Suits, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings will be sold for less than the cost of the material. The extreme low prices that now prevail will double your dollar. The Barde & Levitt great stock must be sold regardless of what it brings. It is not a ques tion of price with me, the goods must be sold out to the bre walls. As the time is short and as I must wind up this estate, it cuts no figure what it brings, for in the entire history of the state has never such slashing in prices of dependable merchandise been offered. You must remember that every dollar's worth of goods in this big stock is standard merchandise, - the best Nationally advertized brands in Am erica. You can attend this great sacrifice with absolute assurance of buying the best goods in the 'market, at prices that are the greatest sav ings ever known in the merchandise annals of the west. So come prepared to take away bargains that will .be remembered for years to come. - (Signed) L.E.KARO. m WITNESS ED, hu iiT AND A GREAT SAVING ST MEANS TO YOU b House of Kuppeenheimer A ULU T ELY WITHOUT A PARALLEL Now isn't it a fact that in all your life you have never seen these brands butchered like this ? Over- d Young t this price ?30 Suits and Over coats for Men and Young Men, sacrificed at only 20.0ff Raincoats these coats are water-proof at Bankrupt Sale Price 825.00 Raincoats these coats are water-proof at Bankrupt Sale Price H.W The World Famous Man- 50c Heavy Fleeced Linen $5.00 "Stetson Hats," 50c Work Shirts, take 10c Canvas Gloves, bank- $1.50 Pongee Shirts, hattan Shirts, bankrupt Underwear, bankrupt the world's best, Bank- them away at rupt price, the pair "Marshal Field Make," price price . rupt price - bankrupt price $1.15 29c $2.89 29c 2c 89c . - Florsheim Shoes, krupt price 13.89 15c Black -and Tan Dress Socks, bankrupt price 6c and Boys Heather. $1.98 $2.48 $3.29 $3.89 $4.29 $5.35 $1.95 $6.95 FURNISHING $3.00 Roughneck Sweater Coats, Bankrupt Price . .... .... $5.00 Roughneck Sweater Coats, Bankrupt Price 50c Police Suspenders, Bankrupt Price . $1.50 Heavy Duck Coats, Bankrupt Price $1.50 Light Dress Shirts, Military Collar, Bankrupt Price Bankrupt Price ...... $1.00 Umbrellas, $1.50 Umbrellas, Bankrupt Price $2.00 Umbrellas, Bankrupt Price FOR $1.95 2.78 21 . . . . .95 .65 .59 .95 1.38 MEN AND BOYS 50c Silk Hose, Bankrupt Price . .... $5.50 Corduroy Coats, Bankrupt Price $4.00 Boys' Suits, Bankrupt Price ..... $5.00 Boys' Suits, Bankrupt Price ..... $6.00 Boys' Suits, Bankrupt Price $7.50 Boys' Suits, Bankrupt Price ..... $1.00 Boys' Knee Pants, Bankrupt Price . 75c Boys' Knee Pants, . Bankrupt Price ..... .21 3.39 2.39 2.95 3.95 4.95 .55 .39 Men's Trousers at Bankrupt Prices $1.50 Men's Trousers, Bankrupt Price . . ... $2.00 Men's Trousers, - Bankrupt Price $3.00 Men's Trousers, Bankrupt Price .... $4.00 Men's Trousers, ' Bankrupt Price ........ $5.0Q Men's Trousers, Bankrupt Price ....... $4.00 Corduroy Trousers, Bankrupt Price ...89 $1.29 $1.89 $2.89 $3.35 $2.39 the Century. One of the Greatest Bankrupt Sales Ever Held in the State. sis Friday Moaning BARDE & LEVITT STORE OREGON CITY IAR0 00 9c!oclk- SHnap