MORNING ENTBRPEISE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. SPORT! DOPE GAME PLAYED III HI OREGON CITY LOOSES COUNTY HONORS TO ESTACADA . Tn a fiplrt covered with water and during a drenching rain, the Oregon championship to Estacada Saturday to the score of 12 to 0. The contest was hard fought by both teams. The local boys struggled desperately against their heavy opponents but without avail. The local boys protest that the game was not fair as the referee was the Estacada coach and all the other officials were either connected with the school or residents of the town. It has not been yet decided whether the game will be contested or not or whether any attempt will be made to cancel the contest. If the Oregon City eleven allow the score to stand without dispute, the team from eastern Clackamas will have a good claim to county cham pionship. EUGENE TO PLAY JEFFERSON EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 22. The Eu gene High school team and the Jef ferson High school team, of Portland will play their annual football game In Eugent on Thanksgiving Day. BUD TO GO SOUTH FORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 22. Bud Anderson expects to leave Portland early next week to prepare for his bout with Jack Britton, which has been' set for some time in December at Vernon. Dick Donald left Sunday night for Los Angeles, and wyi ar range training quarters at once. When Donald reached here last week he received a wire from Mc Carey, the Los Angeles promoter, asking him about a date in January with Britton. Donald discovered that day that the match between Eddie Campi and Kid Williams, which had been prostponed, and immediately wired McCarey for the date, which may be changed to December. 10 or 20. SPEAS FIRST REGULAR BASEMAN ON BEAVER TEAM ' PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 22. From present Indications, Bill Speas will be the regular first baseman of the Port land Beavers next year and Fred Der rick will play the utility roles. Man ager McCredie admitted as much sev eral days ago, and backed up the ' statement made earlier in the season that Speas was the best first sacker in the league," although he has played but little at the position. There are many who consider Fred Derrick the peer of any guardian of the Initial sack in the league, and well they may. He is certainly the' best fielder in the circuit, and one of the geratest baserunners. O. A. C.-OREGON GAME IS OFF ALBANY, Ore., Nov. 22. All hope for another game between the Aggies and the University of Oregon at Al bany this season has been abandon ed. Coach Stewart, of Corvallis, is reported to have said that he would positively not consider another game with Oregon "U" this season. j $ 3 SPORTING BREVITIES $ s NeW York, Nov. 22. Sam Lang ford, the Boston negro heavyweight ; will retire from the ring within a year according to the announcement here this afternoon of Joe Woodman, his manager. Wallowa, Or., Nov. 22. Having de feated all the teams of Union and Wa lowa counties, the Wallowa High school football players are going after the eastern Oregon championship and one Thanksgiving, day will go to Pen dleton, where they will meet the Pen dleton High school team in the de ciding game. London, Nov. 22. George Brown, a survivor of the prize ring of three quarters of a century ago and un doubtedly the oldest living pugilist, will celebrate his 90th birthday to morrow at his home in Brighton. San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 22. Jim Jefferies and a party of hunters snow bound at Bear Lake in the mountains for three days, reached civilization. Albany, Ore., Nov. 22. That Alanby is anticipating the most active bas ketball season this year than ever be fore, is indicated by the preliminary practice now in progress in local gymnasiums. This New Illustrated 7. CERTIFMNTAT10N i PRESENTED BY THE OREGON CITY See thelGreat Canal Read How You May Have It Almost Free Cat oat the above coupon, and preeent It at this office with the ex-' pen fie amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the Items of the cost of packing:, express from the factory, checking:, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE Items), and receive your choice of these books: This beautiful hie PANAMA AND THE CANAL h Pictart arf Prist . . . . 4 fniTimi 'more a 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau- tumun tjuj page8 reproduced from water color studies in col orings that far surpass any work of a similar character. Call expense and see this beautiful book that would sell for $4 under usual I Amniol conditions, but which is presented to our readers for SIX of 1C the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the pl.l ' Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, 1 D A Begular octavo text matter practically the same as the M Tot- ranama BOO nme; bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photo. I the CanaP graphic reproductions, 19 CTAVO ions, but is presented EBITIOM SjDOVS vernncaus Ol Sent by Moll. Postage Paid, NORGREN. Captain and, Right Halfback Chicago University, 1913. COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE IN GENERAL FUND FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1913 fContinued from Friday's Paper) J. W. Stone C. M. Lake O. W. Boring . Li P. Richey M. H. Wheeler L. Ritzer W. E, Bonney Claude Winslow . . Frank Hendricks . . C. A. Branlund . . . John P. Hult W. H. Schieffer . W. S. Gorbett .... A. Davidson A. M. Vinyard C. N. Wait C. F: Romig . , H. H. Eccles C. V. Prouty Wilson Evans M. J. Lee D. R. Dimick J. F. Patch F. M. Roth O. R. Mack J. W. Leiser City of Canby .... J. N. Young .. W. T. Johnson O. R. Hartnell 9.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 4.50 8.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 13.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.10 6.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 R. B. Holcomb Frank Talbert M. B. Webster ... L. D. Jones W. E. Welch . C. W. Harris ...... O. G. Mclntyre . .. . Parnell Averill . . . Chas. A. King W. A. Stone F. M. Stone Thomas Brown ... Ward B. Lawton .. L. H. Feaster Maxwell Telford .. Belden Ganong W. Johnson Clarence L. Eaton T. M. Long T. Aldrich J. H. Wewer Robert Jonsrud ... John Keisecker ... J. H. Revenue ... Chas. Sharnke T. B. Milan 3.00 3.00 3.00 W. A. Proctor Geo. Maroney James Bell Leo Rath J. M. C. Miller .... Paul Dunn Percy T. Shelly . 3.00 8.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 Book For Every Reader! - X i? I U ENTERPRISE in Picture and" Prose volume is written bv Willis T. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl- edged standard reference work of the great Canal ohc. It is a solendid laree book of almost 500 cages, 9x12 inches in size ; printed from new type, large and clear, on special naoer : bound in tropical red vellum cloth ; X 1 1 ... 1 j 1. x for $1.59 and 6 Certificates and the color plates are I 111 to our readers lor oul ox u IfA nwnun uw auu av for 67 Cents and 6 Certificate City of Sandy . ... .... 2.00 A. W, Cooke .... ......... 7.S0 W. R. Dallas ................ 11.00 John Mullenhoft 6.00 Nels Rodlun 6.00 Hugh Lay ... 6.00 J. C. Elliott 6.00 Henry Bock ..' 6.00 Alexander Bews 12.00 John Affolter 6.00 H. H. Udell ... ... 6.00 Joseph DeShazer 6.00 C. A. Keith ............ 6.00 Frank Zastra 6.00 M. E. Grafenhain 6.00 School Dist. No. 83 " 2.50 Harvey Gibson 12.00 N. E. Stingley 6.00 Alex Baker 6.00 M. C. Glover 6.00 A. D. Burnett 6.00 E. T. Trullinger 6.00 August Gernartus ,6.00 1 JLafliiLiLsJ mi THAN 400 -. PAGES ' S PPt !" j ll a -Equal to 1200 pages of the usual 'size book; IPJBr H rl 1 i n I I Prmtedrroin clear, new type on special paper; 1 ISf ifiLKilS 1 1 If ! I color panel showing the wonderful Culebra Cut. Greatly Reduced Illustration of the $4 Volunwi Present Six Certificates, of consecutive dates, printed elsewhere in these columns daily and the expense amount of $1.1 8 for the $4 volume (see illustration), or 48 cents for the $2 volume (which covers the items of the cost of packing, ex press from factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary expense items), all of which is fully explained in the Panama Certificate. . BE QUICKTHEY'RE GOING FAST- Be Among the Fortunate Ones Who First Come Into Possession of this Story Henry Wilbern ....... - .3.00 H. Epperson 3.00 P.E. Linn 3.00 J. A. Inglish 3.00 C. Krighaum 3.00 John K. Ely ................ - 3.00 H. M. James 3.00 W. A. Jones 9.00 W. A. Heylman .............. 3.00 J. P. Woodle 3.00 A. G. Ames 6.00 J. F.Lovelace ........... 3.00 L. M. Henthron 3.00 B. R. Kimmel 3.00 Estacada Fire Department ... 3.00 A. H. Miller 6.00 Hans Paulsen .'. 6.00 Nicholas Rath 11.40 Adolph Wiederhold 6.00 Henry Johnson 6.00 William Held 6.00 Frank Ahnert 6.00 Brenton Vedder 3.00 YOUR THE ENTERPRISE wants you to know that this is really the greatest offer ever made by a newspaper for the benefit of its readers. Here is a great big beautiful book that would actually retail for more than $4 under usual trade conditions. But it is printed in train-load quantities; it is distributed only through newspapers; it is given to you for the mere cost of production. Why? Every copy that goes out makes NEW friends for the paper; the thousands of new subscribers make a better paper for you. So the benefits are mutual. In no other way could we consider presenting this $4 volume on these terms. You will recognize the advantage then, of TELLING YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Let them know that it is not to be classed with "premium" books; that its output is solely through daily papers; that it is not sold at stores; that it is the acknowledged standard work on Panama and the Canal; and that it was planned and printed wholly and solely for the purpose of more firmly establishing the bonds of friendship that should naturally exist between the newspa per and its readers. - THE-EMT 1 TK See the Panama Certificate in Another Column of This Issue Thousands of our readers have already got their books hundreds more are getting them daily and all are astonished at the rare bargain offered. "What a magnificent book." " How can it be done?" "Color plates alone worth the price," etc. Such are the exclamations of surprise and delight. You will agree with them; you are no exception; join the joyful throng get your book TODAY. HOW YOU CAN GE1 Mail Orders Filled " " " "" Money Will Be GET YOUR BOOK TODAY in This Issue. - - . - ' Represented 6.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 525 7.25 5.25 3.00 6.00 6.00 7.40 6.00 Ft Paul C. Fisher ...... j ..... . J. C. Paddock ................ T. N. Burns E. P. "Carter ..." . Chas. T. Sievers , C. W. Parrish Ed Harrington '. Merton Bell Wm. Hammond Hugh Hall .. ....... 1 H. E. Cross Frei Gerber F. W. Reibhoff G. A. Kohl W. P. Kirchem A. J. Johnston ........ .... O. D. Robbins L. Kohl Harding Grange G. W. Atwood :.. S. A. Cooke E. A. Woods M. E. Gaffney ENDS liVOH Exact Size 9x12 Inches. W .A. Garner ... ......... 6.00 W. E. Millard - 6.00 Jerome Avery 6.00 F. T. Shute 6.00 J.T.Grace 9.00 W. H. Bottemlller ..... . 6.00 M. E. Kandle 6.00 E. Leichtweise 6.00 W. H. Wettlaufer 6.00 Wm. Rutherford 6.00 School District No. Ill 3.00 D. C. Yoder '. 8.90 S. R. Taylor . . 4.50 Willis Brown 4.50 John S. Owings 4.50 J. G. Noe 4.50 N. R. "Graham 6.00 School Dist. No. 2 3.00 Geo. E. Oglesby 8.80 G. W. Scramlin 6.00 A. D. Gribble 6.00 J. W. Smith , 6.00 R. A. Wright ... . 6.00 ABOUT In black and white photographic reproductions ac curately portraying scenes described in the text the people, the jungle, activity in the Canal Zone. 16 In Full Page Reproduced from original sketches in their mag nificent natural colorings and inserted throughout the large volume. Panama the Canal In Picture and Prose tells the wonderful story of the greatest achieve ment ever, undertaken ; why the Panama Canal was constructed its purpose, promise and history; how the monumental work was accomplished; the vast expenditures of labor, skill and money; the untold benefit that will accrue to all the people of the world all told in any easy", human interest style. Your children should have it as a means of furthering their education; the young man and young woman just out of school must now have practical knowledge ; the whole family should keep abreast of the times and learn of the mighty ad vancement of all mankind. Geo. Sutherland 6.00 C. D. Keesling . ......... 6.00 G. W. Sramlin 3.00 J. R. Cole 3.00 G. V. Adams 3.00 Frank Sawtell 3.00 H. N. Everhart 3.00 L. A. baugherty 3.00 J. R. P. Vick 3.00 T. S. Stipp 3.00 W. H. Engle 3.00 B. O. Cole 3.00 D. C. Boyles 6.20 Everman Robbins 3.00 W. W. Everhart ; 3.00 Fred R. Coleman 6.00 Grange No. 310 3.00 Win. Shindler 4.60 T. R. A. Sellwood 6.00 G. W. Brown 3.00 O. Wissinger 3.00 Wm. Counsell 3.00 (Continued) ILLUS TRATIONS WATER COLORS Color Plates n If