MORNING ENTERPRISE, r SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1913. SPORT! DOPE HARD FIGHT PROSPECT OREGON CITY HIGH TO PLAY AT ESTACADA When Oregon City and Estacada High schools meet today at Estacada, the, question of the - interscholastic championship of this county will be decided. The local boys have not lost a game to a Clackamas . county school and the 11 from the eastern part of the county have -a record ihat is just as good. Oregon City will go into the game somewhat under a handicap for two of the best men on the team are out of the line on account of low grade'. On account of his, several shifts have been made in the line and Coach Wagner has been forced to change his quarter. However, the boys have been hard at work for the past week and they will go in the game in first class condition. The line-up will be: C, J. Beatie; R. 6., Moody; L. G., Quinn; R. T., Verhius; L. T., Miller; L. E., Meyers; R. E., Armstrong; Q., Mass; R. H., C. Beatie; L. H., Kellogg; F., Dungey. McCREDIE WILL WAIT PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 21. "Since returning from Columbus, where I failed to do anything in the barter line, I have resolved to sit back and await the result of my drafts on the turnbacks of the major leagues," said Manager Walter McCredie of the Beaver this morning. "This will be "sometime in February or March, and I hope to land a couple of good pitch ers and a utility man. The major lea gues made the greatest inroad in his tory on the minors, and left nothing for the class AA' clubs to corral." SPORTING BREVITIES $ s s San Francisco, Nov. 21. Found un conscious in the street November 16, "Doc" David Huddlestone, prominent in. football circles, died of a fractured skull without ever recovering enough to tell how he was hurt. Denver, Nov. 21. The scheduled 15 round fight between Jimmy Fox of San Francisco and Benny Chavez of Trinadad, was postponed today from tonight until December 1. For the third successive time the University of Maine eleven has won the Maine state championship by de feating Colby, Bowdoin and Bates. Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 21 The Walla Walla High school football team left at 7 o'clock this morning for Pendleton, where a battle is sched uled for this afternoon with the Pen dleton High team. Centralia, Wash., Nov, 21. In one of the fastest games ever played on the Doty floor, the Doty Y. M. C. A. five defeated the Daymond Eagles Wednesday night by a score of 35 to 30. Milwaukie, Nov. 21. Jack Britton and Packy McFarland were matched today to box ten rounds here on De cember 8. It will be a no-decision contest. ONE BIG EASTERN GAME ONLY HARVARD-YALE IS OF ANY IMPORTANCE NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Outside of the Harvard-Yale contest at - Cam bridge tomorrow, the football games in the East are generally devoid of prospects that they will prove either close contests or have an important bearing on championship honors. The Army and "Nsy Cadets ach have as their last game before the an nual match at the Polo grounds next Saturday what are expectd to prove easy victories. The midshipmen will entertain the New York University eleven, which has not scored on an opposing team this year. The West Point Cadets are to meet the Springfield Y. M. C. A. school. The increasing strength of the Car lisle Indian team with the opinion in some quarters that it is of champion ship calibre, will make its game with Syracuse tomorrow an interesting affair. FOOTBALL UMPIRE MOBBED SANTA CLARA, Cal., Nov. 21. Their anger 'aroused by a decision of the umpire in the annual Santa Clara -San Jose alumni rugby game here yesterday, a throng of spectators rushed onto the university field, and attacked Referee Waters. OFFICER WINS CUP Baker Herald: Mining in this vi cinity is not "coming back." It ar rived and is in better condition than ever before. NEW YORK, Nov. 21. In the fea ture event of the afternoon at the Na tional horse show in Madison Square Garden today, Lieutenant William H. Shepard, Third Field Artillery, in competition with other officers of the United States Army, won permanent possession of the Beresford cup. He won the trophy last lear with the same horse Marshal Ney. TORMEY. Left Halfback of Wisconsin University Football Team. Head the Enterprise for ttio news. GOING FAST Which proves that readers are all eager to get the complete story of Panama Canal IN PICTURE AND PROSE It's a big $4 book filled from cover to cover with rare pictures, inter-, woven with a story which at once grasps you and holds your entire interest to the very end. The Oregon City Enterprise recognizes the educational ad vantages offered by this, timely work, and for the benefit of its readers presents it for 6 Panama Certificates and $1 1Q Only $LlO There's also a smaller volume with only. 100 illustra tions and no color plates, for six cer- . tificates and only. . . 48c The $4 book Is 9x12 Inches more than 20 times as large as this greatly reduced illustration. More than 600 Illustrations AND 16 WATER COLORS These pictures alone are worth more than the small expense amount named above. They portray scenes far removed from the path of the tourist the Jungle, the strange natives, the wilds of the Isthmus and the gorgeous colorings of that flowery garden of the tropics. Mail Orders Filled, as Shown In the Certificate Printed Dally. - GET YOUR BOOK TODAY MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED - COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE IN GENERAL FUND FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1913 County Court.' W. H. Mattoon 22.r)0 J. W. Smith : 14.50 H. S. Anderson 3.25 Circuit Court Mrs. Moreland $ 9.55 J. E. Marquam 8.00 H. D. Say . .. . - 6.00 J. C. Bradley 3.00 A. D. Gribble . . . 5.40 Frank Sawtell , 7.00 Wm. Dyer 4.00 John Gaflney 3.40 Jerome Avery .. 5.40 H. H. Hughes . 2.00 J. C. Miller 8.00 A. D. Gribble 4.40 Noah" Egli 5.60 C. E. Miller . .'. 5.50. Clarence Johnson 6.00 Leonard Askins 5.60 H. Johnson , 6.00 D. C. Howell 4.40 Newton S. Nave 16.60 Albert Thompson 5.60 J. A. Vonada 5.00 Mrs. L. B. Anderson 23.60 Lula Clark 16.40 John Turnidge 16.40 Jas. Downey . . 16.40 B. L. Hutching 5.00 Anthony La Bache 5.00 H. F. Gibson 10.00 W. Givens 14.00 Sherman Lyons 10.00 E. H. Hill 10.00 Johnnie Bratton 5.40 Alice Haas 5.40 A. Woolsey 7.60 L. H. Maddex 4.20 Mrs. L. H. Maddez 4.20 R. B. Beatie 3.50 Fred Steiner ... 3.60 Wm. Grisenthwaite 3.20 John M. Jones 3.40 P. H. Sager , 4.20 Wm. Shannon 2.20 Wm. Monk ..... .' 3.00 Wm. Davis 3.00 Wm. Dyer : 3.00 E. L. Shaw 2.20 T, .P Randall 2.20 Chas. F. Ely 2.20 A. W. Cook 28.80 Joel Jarl 34.60 T. R. Worthington 28.40 S. F. Sharp 31.80 Christian Kocher 32.40 Leslie O. Eaton 27.40 J. W. McAnulty .....27.20 C. P. Fair .... 27.20 R. Streib 26.80 E. Gross ... 30.60 Henry Swales 32.40 Fred Josi 31.40 S. A. D. Hungate 30.20 Geo. Koehler 32.00 Wm. Dale 33.00 W. W. Tucker 36.00 A. J. Hodge 32.20 John Keisecker 35.00 R. B. Holcomb 27.80 H. S. Gibson . 1 34.00 C. C. Borland 31.20 J. R. Risley 31.40 J. W. Dowty 6.20 John Gaff ney . . ." 2.40 George Askins 5.60 Frank Fish 5.00 Wm. Thompson ". -5.60 E. B. Miller , 5.60 F. T. Smith 6.130 John Turnidge 16.40 Newton S. Naue ' 16.60 Fred Kinn 6.00 John Samuelson 3.60 Mrs. J. Samuelson 3.60 Mamie Gleason 2.20 Aneita Haas 2.20 Rudolph Samuelson 3.60 C. M. Pierce 5.00 J. A. Vonada 5.00 Lizzie Anderson 23.60 Mrs. G. W. Shepard 3.60 A. M. Vinyard 4.00 J. S. Downing .16.40 Mrs. Frank Dodge 4.00 Weston McKinney 4.00 Ruby Moenche . 16.00 L. S. Clark 16.60 Mary Moenche- 16.00 Mrs. C. J. Parker 21.70 Justice of the Peace. John N. Sievers ..' 88.30 D. E. Frost 97.20 Mrs. Hardy Rock . '. . . . . . . . . 3.90 S. A. Tucker ..... ........... 3.90 E. M. Tilton . . . ... .... . . . . . 1.70 Oscar Clyde . ..." 1.70 Ida Calkins 1.90 Lilly Schmidt 1.90 Bula Marcnm :.. 1.90 Percy Cross '. .. 3.90 Steve Green . 1.70 Joe Bell " .... 1.70 Otto Werner ............ 1.70 Ed Pamperine 3.50 K. H. Faulkner 1.70 W. E. Griffith . ... 1.70 D. E. Frost 1.70 C. G.-Falkner . 1.70 E. M. Tilton ..... 1.70 H. F. Gibson 4.30 Harvey Gibson 4.30 G. A. Stone ... 4.30 Francis Christensen 4.30 Otto Stoulke 4.30 Martha Burkhart 4.30 Alice Haas 4.30 John Allen 4.30 C. I. Noble 4.30 J. J. Noble ..... 4.30 D. E. Frost 1.70 J. E. Church 1.90 Wm. Sheahan 1.70 George Grover 1.70 W. A. Holmes 1.70 John Smith ... 1.70 J. W. Shay , 1.70 Chris Hartman 1.70 E. L. Shaw 1.70 E. T. Mass ..' ' 1.70 C. S. Coleman 1.70 Frank Baker ; 1.70 Carrie Baker '. 1.70 E. L. Shaw ...... .. 2.40 Sheriff L. C. Smith Bros J 43.50 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 2.75 F. A. Miles 124.00 Western Union 1.20 E. T. Mass 51.10 D. E. Frost - 14.25 Wilson & Cooke- .53 Ed Reckner 3.20 Tax Department. Cis B. Pratt $ 67.50 Clerk ' W. L. Mulvey '.. 10.00 Recorder Louise Cochran 65.00 E. P. Dedman ......... . . 10.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co 3.25 . Treasurer Alice Dwiggins ...$ 52.00 J. A. Tufts . 2.00 Coroner Wm. J. Wilson $ 15.10 Dr. Hugh Mount ...$ 10.00 Supt. of Schools Pioneer Transfer Co. 5.10 D. E. Frost 8.56 Brenton Vedder 113.10 Bannon & Co. " .". . . . 2.05 Mrs. S. E. Cox 12.05 H. M. James 127.35 T. J. Gary ........ 31.01 Wells Fargo Co. 3.00 Harry Hargreaves 27.55 Fashion Livery Stable , 2.00 Assessor Clara Mitchell ...... $ 54.00 Gertie Willson . 54.00 Extending Tax Roll J. O. Staats $ 22.50 - Surveyor D. Thompson Meldrum .$150.00 Harry Gray ... , 25.00 County Veterinarian John Hughes $ 25.00 W. S. Eddy 20.00 Fruit Inspector O. E. Freytag $ 8.50 . Board of Health W. J. Wilson .$ 2.00 Current Expense The Pacific Telephone Co. ...$ 21.35 Home Telephone Co 15.60 Court House Frank Busch $ .90 Oregon City Ice Works ...... 2.30 The Worrell Mfg. Co. 133,32 Jail E. T. Mass : $100.00 County Poor. F. T. Barlow .................$ 20.00 H. F. Padgham 21.19 H. F. Padgham 14.12 C. J. Bentley 10.00 Carl F. Larson ; 22.75 L. Adams 4.25 Louis Noble, Jr. ... . .'. . . 8.00 Roswell L. Holman 20.00 Oregon City Hospital'..... 27.50 Fred Clack ; 7.00 Wm. Hammond 6.00 3J A New Method of Baking Cakes Mrs. Nevada Briggs, the baking expert, says: . "There is just one way to make your cakes rise high and evenly give them time to rise before a crust is formed and the batter ia stiffened by cooking." . . f "If usinga gas, gasoline or oil stove, light your oven when you put the cake in and keep the Same low until the cake has doubled in bulk; then increase the heat until it is evenly browned and wilj respond to the pressure of the finger. If using a coal or wood range, leave the oven door open until the cake is in; then turn on the drafts and by the time the oven is at baking temperature, the cake will have raised sufficiently." . For rich, moist, feathery cakes Mrs. Briggs always recommends gglgllg GO E Baking Powder It is double acting and sustains the raise. You can open and close the oven door, turn the tin around in the oven or do anything else necessary, without any danger of making the cake fall. Try your favorite cake next time with K C Baking Powder and see how much higher it will rise. - Make it just as you always do, with the same quantity of baking powder. - While K C is less expensive than the old fash ioned baking powders, it has even greater leavening strength and it is guaranteed pure and healthful. - Try a can and be convinced Mrs. Ely Smith 1.80 Mrs. G. E. Woodward 20.00 Denis Donovan . 12.50 Board of Water Commissioners 2.00 J. J. Tobin .................. 4.75 A. R. Stephens 5.00 A. King & Co. ............ . 10.00 Mrs. W. F. Schooley .......... 10.00 W. S. Jack 12.00 W. WrEverhart "50.00 S.'W. Weaver 7.75 Wm. Danforth 15.00 David E. Jones 5.00 W. T. Gardner 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 J. W. S. Owens .... 20.00 Sam Booher 16.00 N. H. Smith 10.00 Dock Mosier ; '. 10.00 Mrs. Jessie Allen 20.00 Patton Home .......... 16.00 Alice Carr 10.00 A. J. Rosenthal 20.00 Mary Buol ." 5.00 Peter Erickson 15.00 Sarah Gibbons 20.00 Ambrose Pluard 10.00 Henry Spiess .:. 10.00 Ella Payne 10.00 W. W. Everhart 25.00 County Physician Dr. J. W. Norris $ 2.20 Dr. H. V. Adix 35.00 Indigent Soldier Meade Post No. 2 $ 25.00 Insane The State of Oregon $ 45.93 Election J. W. Smith $ 9.50 Geo. V. Ely 1.00 Fashion Livery Stable 8.00 Chas. Noblitt 12.00 W. J. Wilson . . 5.00 Williams Bros. .50 Frank Ott 2.47 3. C. Marquam. ... . 1.19 W. E. Kelso .... 13.60 C. A. Keith '. 4.14 Oregon City Enterprise 258.33 O. Wissinger 21.65 W. A. Heylman 2.58 Chas. Ely 104.45 P. A. Cross .60 E. C. Warren 8.8S G. W. Harrington 10.00 W. L. Mulvey 15.00 Bunny Owenby 9.00 Ona Renner "8.00 H. Liesman : 11.40 John S. Owings 1.98 John S. Owings ., 1.98 William Knight 1.00 E. L. Davidson 4.00 John N. Sievers 3.00 E. L. Davidson ,. 29.30 W. V. Rogers 8.60 A. D. Burnett 1.60 M. H. Long 4.00 James Nichols ...- 6.00 School Dist. No. 60 1.50 Chas. Thompson 15.70 Ruth Smith 14.00 W. H. Smith 3.00 Chas. Waer ...... 3.00 D. H. Purcell 3.00 John Straight 3.00 Chas. E. Smith 3.00 J. L. Jones 3.00 John E. Smith 3.40 G. W. Waldron 3.00 Fred Hogg 3.00 F. E. Lucas 3.00 H. Peckover 3.08 J. F. McCormack ..... .... 3.00 John Kent - . . ...s........ 6.00 Christian Kocher ............ 6.00 W. W. Jesse ... . .. 6.00 J. F. Oglesby 6.00 T. A. Campau 6.00 R. W. Zimmerman 8.20 6. G. Tull ...... ...... 6.00 Joe King 6.00 Erickson & Wrolstad ....... 2.00 John Heft S.W Arthur Staben ' , 3.00 A. Thomas 3.00 U P. Duffy 3.00 John L. Klein 3.00 Frank Jaggar 4.20 Albert Moehnke 3.00 V. Bohlander .......... Wm. Herman .. .... Fred Kamrath Beaver Creek Hall Assn. W. Grisenthwaite Geo. Schmidt James Beeson Luigi Varettie .V. ...V... Geo. G. Gibons J. M. Thomas , Adolf Aschoft , F. EMcGugin .......... Otto Aschoft, A. C. Thomas L. RHzer , F. M. Morgan . 3.00 3.00 6.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 13.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 (Continued) The Desf f Gcrf'Drink Lunch at Fountains 'VST ' Msk For ORIGINAL GENUINE Avoid Imitations Take No Substitute Rich Milk, malted grain, in powder form. Forinfants, invalids and growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Keep it on your sideboard at home. A quick lunch DreDared in a minute. This -New Illustrated Book For Every Reader CFRTlFJCffEESENTATlON 3 PRESENTED ' BY THE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE AS EXPLAINED BELOW See the 'Great Canal in Picture and Prose m 1 m 1 Read How You May Have It Almost Free Cnt out the above coupon, and present It at this office with the ez penae amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSK items), and receive y oar choice of these books: PANAMA ! AND THE ! CANAL h Pktoi tni Press This beautiful bie volume is written by Willis J. Abbot a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl- edeed standard reference work of the ereat Canal Zone. It is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 ( inches in size ; printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper : bound in tropical red vellum cloth : e i lUllCTRATFn t1tle stamPel ln Eld, with inlaid color panel; contains) VLL pnmnii more than ouu magmhcent illustrations, including beau tiful pages reproduced from water color studies m col i orings that far surpass any work of a similar character. Call j EtpENS ; and see this beautiful book that would sell tor $4 under usual I Amoaaiol .conditions, but which is presented to our readers for SIX of 'i in I the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the pll i ' Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the 84 vol- ume; boond in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photo- I rypiTNcV ' graphic reproductions, and the color plates are I -nitted. This book would sell at $2 nnOer usual condi- amonnl ol , tons, but is presented to our readers for SIX of the JQA Fr'TION Uttve (jertmcates ox consecutive aates ana omy tne M " J Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificated X 5 Panama and the tanaf - JO OCTAVO TO OUR PATRONS In order to save your discount, Electric bills must be paid before the 1 0th of the month at our office 617 Main Street, Oregon City, We have numerous electrical devices on display in our show room that you will be interested in knowing about Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Main'l 15 1 .9