MORNING ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. How Would This $400 Piano V - ' Look in Your Own Home! TTIJ17 DDf7I7C FOR WOMEN ONLY This contest, which has just started, is open to any woman who lives in the county. Our friends who live in Estacada, Molalla or Canby are just as welcome to enter the race and win a prize as our Oregon City friends. We have always contended that the women of our community are up-to-the-minute in every respect and "hu stlers" in every sense of the word. Ev ery woman wants a piano in her home and we present an exceptional op portunity to any woman to obtain with a little effort one of these superb in struments. In addition to the piano,, the two watches we give are worthy of every consideration, "if you hope to own a piano or a gold watch, this is your chance to win the prize you choose, if you are willing to do a little work in return. HOW TO GET VOTES With every cash purchase at the Rexall Store we give vote coupons,' equivalent to your purchase. With each 25c purchase we give a 25 vote coupon, with every $1.00 cash sale a 100 vote coupon, etc. No votes are giv en on the payment of charge accounts or wholesale orders. If you fail to get your votes with your cash purchase, ask for them they belong to you. THE ENTERPRISE gives 1000 votes with every new subscription to the Morning Enterprise to be delivered by mail or carrier. See Mr. Mc Kechnie at the Enterprise office for full particulars regarding this won derful offer. VOTES WILL BE COUNTED Each Wednesday, and May be handed to or may be mailed to the contst manager at the Rexall Store. ' The color of votes will be changed each month and all votes of a certain color must be deposited the last Wednes day' of the month. Will positively be made May 1st, 1914, to the seven contestants getting the largest number of votes. There are "ifs" or "ands" about this proposi tion and the awarding of any or all of these prizes is not conditional upon the securing of a "specified" number of Enterprise subscriptions or in crease in the business of the Rexall Store. In our attempt to make this contest as attractive as possible we have chosen prizes which are useful as well as beautiful. The first prize piano and watches can be examined at The Rexall Store and everyone is invited to examine these beautiful awards. Proof Positive. Lady I am collecting for the suffer ing poor. Man But are you sure they really suffer? . Lady Oh,. yes. indeed! I go to their homes and talk to them for hours at a time. Exchange. Local Briefs The Oregon City Shoe store which has remained in the same building for the past 20 years, will move from its present location to the building on the corner of Seventh and Main strets, formerly occupied by Cole & Reckner. J. S. Lageson is the own er and proprietor of the store. Profesor Walters, the advance agent of the O. A. C. Cadet band, was in Oregon City on business the fore part of the week. He is making ar rangements for the concert which the band is to offer the first part of Jan uary. O. F. Hegdale, Jr., the nine-year-old son of Captain and Mrs. Hegdale, who underwent an operation the fore part of the work in the Oregon City hos pital, is improving. Miss Mabel Tooze, who has been ill for several days, has been taken to the Oregon City hospital instead of St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, as was first reported. They all say that home roasted cof fee at Harris' Grocery goes twice as far as ordinary coffeei and the price is from 25c to 40c per 'pound. Adv. Q. Harold Meisner, of Beaverton, Oregon, is staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Meisner, who live near Mt. Pleasant. Earl Sumner who underwent an jr -UJS,'- RIDER AGENTS WANTED I m bvVin we snip to anyone ing direct of us and bicycle. DO NOT nsulaly have a number on hand taken n 3hmt ont promptly at prices ranging rrom 9ioaB or 910. descriptive Dargam nsis mailed tree. ffenACTEEl RQftVCC ina-l iwhaela. Imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs IfUtttflbll D ilii A&d and equipment ol all kinds at haJJ the regular retuil prices. oq Hedgethorn elf-bealing TiresSr Thjt rfmilnr TaCl mice of thea once i trill geii you a sample pair jot vjx yoasa withordrr $i.55). r.S MGRETS0U3LE FROM PORCTSRES Nails, Tacks or Glass will not let tho air out. A himiiiw. thmivinnrl nairs sold last Tear. riding, very durable and lined inside wita a special Quality of rubber, which never be comes porous ana wnicn closes up smau Dunctures without allowing air to escape. They no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires is $10.(10 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. AU orders shipped same day letter is TAralved We will shin C. O. D. on anrjrovaL You do not need to pay a cent until you examine and find them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.55 per pair) If you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as In a bank. It yon order . m pair of these tires, yon will find that they will rids easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you haveever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when yon want, a bicycle yon will g! ve u your order. We want you to send us a trial order at onoe. hence this remarkable tire offor. WlTt 1 1 JUJTJTl TOsTO dont bny any kind at any price until you Bend for a pair of Hedgethorn $F m M nSmSmMJ m fn0 Puncture-Proof tlreson approval and trial at the special lDtrodnotory price quoted above: or writs for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires and bicycle equipmentand sundries at about half the usual prices. M minr XAflkiT but write us a postal today. DO HOT THINK OF BUYING a bicycle or a pair MUHiMM Wwfl of tires from any ne until yon know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It costs only a postal to learn everything. Writ", it HOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE BOIPANY.CHICASO, ILL. THE AWARDS operation in the Oregon City hospital the fore part of this week, has improv ed greatly in the last few days. Oregon City water is good but drink our "Old Homestead Coffee." It's a winner, 30c per pound. Harris' Gro cery. Adv. Dr. Guy Mount and Dr. Whiteside, of Portland, operated on Henry Hol man, of Beaver Creek, Wednesday. Jud Kelland and C. H. Brown were two farmers who drove into the coun ty seat from Twilight, Wednesday. Miss Blanche Bailey and Miss Helen both of Sherwood, were in Oregon City Tuesday and Wednesday. Among those registered at the Elec tric hotel are: E. J. Sims, G. Short and P. J. Heinrick. Misses Teresa and Belle Hamilton, of Portland, visited ' Oregon City the fore part of the week. Wallace Thomas, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Thomas, of Portlandr Jack Marrs, of Mt. Pleasant, was in Oregon City, attending to business af fairs, Wednesday. W. L. Palters of Portland, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with tives in this city. J. H. Hendry, a farmer living on the Abernethyi drove into the county seat Wednesday. G. McConnell and A. McConnell, both of Aurora, were in Oregon City AVednesday. W. L. Freeman, a Molalla farmer, was in the county seat the fore part of the week. T. L. Smith, of Portland, visited Oregon City Tuesday and Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Stone, were in this city Wednesday. Jacob L. Hardson is spending this week with relatives in Eugene. Mrs. A. O. Lewis, of Portland, was in Oregon City Wednesday. H. Schueberg, of Salem, was in Ore gon City Wednesday. OUR BEST SELLER We are selling more of Meritol Ec zema Remedy than all the others put together. This large sale is due to the fact that it is a preparation of un usual merit, made expressly for one purpose, eczema in its various forms. If you are afflicted with this loath some disease, do not delay using Meri tol Eczema Remedy. Jones Drug Co., exclusive agency. Adv. EACH TOWN and district to rldeand exhibit a sample Latest Model Ranger" bicycle furnished by us. Our Rider Agents everywhere are mkinemonevfast. WrtteforfvUioartimliuriiandsDeerlal offer atonce. NO MONEY REQUIREDuntilyou receive andapprove your bicycle. anywnere m tne u. . wwtvM a cent, aeposttin advance, prepay jreigncandallowTEN days FREE TRlALdunng wnicn ame you may nae uie oicycie ana put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bi cycle ship it back to us atourexpense and vrni toMnotbeoutone cent. CAPTARV DRIPEC furnish the highest grade bicycles it is rAU lurll rnlwtd possible to makeatone small profit above actual factory cost. You save 110 to 825 middlemen's profits bv buy have themanuf acturer'sguarantee behind your BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anuone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory price and remarkable special offers. Vnil WSI I RE JKTnillCUFn when yon reoelve onr beautiful cate 1UU iTlLla B OIUrllOl5tU loeueandstmlyouranperbmixlelsat tne wonderfully low prices we can make you tale year. We Bell the highest grade Dicycles xor less money man any oxnenactoiy. we are Bausnea wiin ei.w prone above factory eoBt. BICYCLE DEALERS,youcanaellourbicycle8Underyour own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. We do not reeularlv handle second-hand blffvelML In trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear Punciure - Presf $ Notice tnvtrtleit rubber tread "A" and puncture strips"B" and "D" also rim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDINO. resisting MM r r 1 TT-""iY weigh BrSS t3i ' V .- MORNING ENTERPRISE'S CLACKAHAS COUNTY SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE CANEMAH CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent At the regular meeting of the Cane mah Progressive League, to be held Tuesday, November 18, cafeteria lunch will be served from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. Mrs. R. W. Porter, of Gladstone, is visiting her daughter Mrs. E. M. May ville, of Canemah, for a few days. Mrs. I. Kirk made a busines trip to Oregon City Wednesday. Through the efforts of Mrs. T. rela- Searle, Mr. L. Nelson, Mr. W. Went .. I worth and Mr. W. Harvey, a new pair '' steps have been constructed up the bluff in front of the old Marshal place to connect with the . Marshal slide. These gentlemen have been spending their spare time on Sunday to con struct the steps. . Leo Ormiston made a business trip to Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. F. P. Driskell visited in Oregon City Tuesday. WEST LINN James McLarty, Agent An unsuccessful attempt was made about 11 o'clock Sunday night to break into the Erkerson home in the southern part of the city. The would be iWbbers tried to gain entrance through the front door and then the back door. There is no clue as to who the person was. Peter Montgomery of this city, an employe of the Willamette Pulp & Pa per company was slightly injured Wednesday afternoon in the wood room of the mill. Both of his eyes were blown full of dust from a ma chine. George Hisel is papering his house in this city. Frank Hamilton, of Gilbertdale, will move into George Hisel's house in this city. - Philip Schnor has moved into his new house in the northern part of town. Miss Mareta Hickman visited Staf ford Wednesday afternoon Mr. Elliott's new bungalow has been completed. It is located near the Right In Style. "She must dress in all the latest styles." "What makes you think so?" "I just overheard her telling a friend that she hasn't a thing fit to wear." Detroit Free Press. GRIiTM B5ED MOra FAD Mixed With Sulphur It Makes Hair Soft, Beau tiful. Thires Dandruff The dh of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But the brewing at home Is musey and out-of-date. Nowadays akllled chemists do this better than ourselves. By asking at any drug store for the ready-to-use produot called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy you will get a large bottle for about . - HUNTLEY BROS. GO. The fienaJUL Storm NEAR THE NEW POST OFFICE main road in the northeastern section of the city. He will move into his new residence as soon as possible. WILLAMETTE Mertitt Willson, Agent A surprise party was given the lat ter part of last week in honor of the twelfth birthday of Hazel Kanney, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kan ney, at the home of her , parents. Those present were: Hattie Snidow, Verda Andrews, Evelyn , Courtney, Opal Ross, Pauline Fromang, "Verna Peters, Laura Kanney, Clara Kanney, Donald Cpen, William Martin, Cictor Oliver; Dean Knight, John Kanney, and Harold and Walter Brady. Samuel Batdorf has let the con tract for painting his house in this city to E. Lemay. The work will prob ably be started at once. Mr. Messinger is building an addi tion to his house. Walter Kirley, of Portland, spent the fore part of' the week with rela tives in Willamette. He left Tuesday morning for Salem where his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirley live. GLADSTONE HENRY WYMAN, Agent ' The Gladstone Rebecca lodge held a meeting Tuesday evening at Miller's hall. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunmeier, Mrs. MacRivers, Miss Ana White and Mrs. Marquam were initiated into the lodge. The Gladstone council met Tuesday evening but adjourned without trans acting any business. Mrs. R. E. Green, of Oregon City, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wyman of this city. , H. L. Cunningham has purchased the Mann place. He will move into his new home at once. Mrs. J. C. Paddock suddenly became ill Tuesday at her home. She is somewhat better. Mrs. M. A. Thompson, who has been ill for several days is somwhat better. W. H. Miller visited Oregon City the fore part of the week. Mrs. Mytrle Hart is slightly better. Silenced. Dad (severely) And look here, Ethel, you mustn't encourage that young man to stay so late every night. It's dis graceful! What does your mother say about it? Ethel She says men haven't altered a bit, dad. SAGE TEA TO 60 cents. Some druggists make their own, which Is usually too sticky, so Insist upon getting Wyeth's, which can be depended upon to restore natural color ana beauty to the hair, and is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, ltohy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown drug gist says his customers Insist on Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, be cause, they say, it darkens so nat nally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Do this at night and by morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, it is re stored to its natural color and looks glossy, pott andabundant. Hor Sale By Huntley Bros. Co. Adv. ED OR W HI GATHAM FANS PLAWKED $22,000 TO SEE FIGHT NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The Willie Ritchie-Leach Cross 10 round bout here Monday night drew about $22,000 acording to announcement today by the fight promoters. Of this amount, Cross received 20 per cent, or about $4,400. Ritchie was guaranteed $10, 000. The champion was preparing to day to leave tomorrow for San Fran cisco, where he is scheduled to box 20 rounds early in December with Harlem Tommy Murphy. Cross, it is stated, probably will leave tomorrow for California, going direct to Los Angeles, where he is scheduled to box 20 rounds with Joe Rivers Thanksgiv ing day. - - MAN INJURED BY HORSE M. F. R. Smith, who lives at 214 Washington street Oregon City, was hurt by a horse in the blacksmith shop which stands at the foot of Sixth street. His arm was dislocated and he received minor bruises. BODY TO BE SHIPPED EAST The body of Dr. Amos Pettibone, of Boring, who died the for epart of the week at the St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, at the age of 95 years, has been shipped to Augusta, Wisconsin, for interment. WEALTH OF HAIR Parisian Sage Makes Hair Abundant and Gloriously Radiant Qucik ly Removes Dandruff If Parisian Sage does not remove dandruff, stop splitting hair, falling hair and scalp itch, and put life and lustre into the dull, faded hair of any man, woman. or child, Huntley Bros. Co. will refund the purchase price. Parisian Sage is one of the most pleasant, invigorating and refreshing hair preparations. " No cheap perfum ery odor, no disagreeable concoction, but a daintily perfumed tonic that proves its goodness the first time it is used. Dandruff is one of the main causes of baldness, and thin, dull, faded and unattractive hair. Paraisian Sage re moves dandruff with one application also freshens up the hair and beauti fies it until it is soft, lustrous and abundant. Get a 50 cent bottle today. You will be both surprised and delighted with the first application. GLASS OF SALTS IF !T Eat leas meat if you feel Backachy or have Bladder trouble Salts " fine for Kidneys. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eat ers of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, diz ziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders dis appear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slug gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. For Sale bv Huntley Bros. (Adv.) 1A1U A 11jUiJ FIRST PREMIUM--1 $400 CLAXTON PIANO SECOND PREMIUM 1 LADY'S WATCH 20 year gold filled, 15 jewels, Elgin or Waltham movement, and one Duebill good for $300.00 on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. THIRD PREMIUM 1 LADY'S WATCH 10 year gold filled, and one Duebill good for $295.00 on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. - - . FOURTH PREMIUM 1 THREE-PIECE TOILET SET and one Duebill good for $290.00 on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. -. FIFTH PREMIUM 1 DUEBILL GOOD FOR $285.00 - on the purchase, of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the' balance" in cash. SIXTH PREMIUM 1 DUEBILL GOOD FOR $280.00 on the -purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. SEVENTH PREMIUM 1 DUEBILL GOOD FOR $275.00 on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. In addition to the above there Will be given in weekly premiums - 149 pieces of silverware. A ALSO Silverware Premiums for all during the contest. This Coupon is Good For TEN VOTES If Presented at the Rexall Store November 12, 1913 Uniaue Ship Berth. Sydney harbor, in the government dock on Cockatoo island, possesses a unique ship berth. It is hewn out of solid rock. The formation of the is land was originally quite unsuitable for a dockyard, as the rock rose sheer from the water to a height of fifty to seventy feet This was gradually cut back, first to permit the building of graving docks and later to make room for building slips and shops7 near wa ter level. The work has been contin ued until at present two-thirds of the total area of thirty-three acres has been brought to a practically uniform level of about fifteen feet above high tide. 7769-7 ua FUR BUTTONS TOUCH ON A "Kitten's ear" is the name given one of the new pile fabrics, and well it de serves the name, as it is literally as soft and silky as a kitten's ear. The suppleness and velvety texture of many of these fabrics is really to be mar veled at. A material of this sort needs very little decoration aside from a touch of fur or a bit of color for con trast. In the illustration 7769-7705 is fash ioned of "kitten's ear" cloth in one of the new rich shades of red and trim med with black fox. An odd touch is given the suit by the large fur buttons which close it down the front. The coat has a long waisted effect and a fitted peplum. A four, gored skirt slightly draped accompanies the blouse. Every number and style of Pat tern made by the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott Brothers Department Store 7ih Street at Madison On the Hill "The Criterion" Magazine 5c at our pattern counter Peking's Temple of Heaven. China's famous Temple of Heaven was formerly visited once a year by the emperor to give an account of hia empire and its affairs during the pre vious twelve months. This was set forth in' writing, and the manuscripts were then placed in the furnace and in that way consigned to the emperor in heaven. The Temple of Heaven is one of the most beautiful and interesting sights of picturesque Peking. . The walls . inclosing the temple, the royal apartments, the altar and the grounds are three miles in circumference, and the white marble structures with their blue and green proceialn tiles have to be seen to be appreciated. 7650 ARE A NOVEL SMART SUIT To make in size 36 (7769) requires Vk yards of 42 inch material. 7705 may be mate in size 24 with 2 yards of 42 inch material. The deep peplum is a feature of many of the afternoon gowns of silk. It aids often in bringing out the broad hip lines, now so fashionable. Blue crepe char me use was used for 7650. The vest is of figured silk in soft harmonious shades, and the broad sash Is of satin. Lace effectively trims sleeves and col lar. This design may be copied in size S with 5 yards of 36 inch material. -' No. 7769 sizes 32 to 44. No. 7705 sizes 22 to 30. No. 7650 sizes 34 to 42. Bach pattern 15 cents.