Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 29, 1913, Image 4

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Now t'ift the Coast League has
pissed into history for the year 1913,
the dopeoters ara already beginning
to figure out who is going to win the
fiaT in. 914. j
Thete is not mrch' doubt but that
the class of ball" played this year in
the league v. as b:tter than ever be
fore. It is also agreed that the Port
land team was the strongest aggrega
tion ever seen in the league, and will
probably be considered the favorite
next year. ,
Pitching is the important feature of
the game and few teams ever gain
the highest honors without a strong
staff. To have the regular gunners.
go on the firing line in every game .
means a lot to a manager and in this i
the Portland managers have been de-:
cidedly fortunate.
West was the only Portland twirler ,
that was bothered much on account ;
of his injuries and as he was at his
best when pitching but one game a
week, his loss was not felt much. All
the rest of the boys, excepting Jame3,
were able to go the firing line when-
ever needed and James was only out
of the fame for a short time with a
bad finger.
He Is Shortstop of the
American League White Sox. '
f'ho"o by American PrT,H Asportation.
OAKLAND, Cal., Oct. 28. Bud And
erson, of Vancouver, Wash., and Louis
Rees, of Los Angeles, who will clash
l:ere tomorrow night in a ten-round
crntest, completed their training to
clr.y and each was pronounced in per
fect condition by his trainer. The ar
ticles cail for the scrappers to weigh
. in at 133 pounds and each is within
striking distance of that mark now.
Anderson's backers expect to see him
win by the knockout route.
The McLoughlin warriors are pre
paring for a championship game with
P-a relay school which will be played
Friday of this week. These two teams
have played twice and each eleven
has one contest to its credit. It is
hard to tell which way the game will
go &a the two elevens are evenly
matched and of about the same
If you have a beautiful head of hair,
Iry to keep it. If you have not, try
to get it. Meritol Hair Tonic keeps
the scalp clean, promotes a healthy
growth of beautiful hair, and keeps
It soft and lustrous. Try it. Jones
Drug Co., Exclusive Agency. Adv.
when you begin craving
rough high -proof strong
whiskey when flavor,
delicacy and age no longer
appeal to you cut out
Cyrus Noble is pure,
Bottled at drinking
Costs no more than
W. J. Van Schuyver &
Every number and style of Pat
tern made fay the Ladies' Home
Journal Home Pattern Co. is
carried in stock . and sold only fay
Elliott Brothers Department Store
7kh Street at Madison , On the Hill
The Criterion", Magazine 5c at our pattern counter
The girls of Mclaughlin Institute
re nr? a hasu-et hall team, the I
second one in the last three years, j
They intend to wallop all the other j
girl teams ia the county, although no
games have been scheduled.
i The girls arts w timing regularly and
' are showing up welL Those who are
wording for the team are: Teota
YounT, Minnie Justin, Margaret
Tompson, .Clara Weber and Julia
Game wardens will probably keep
a clnse tab on the duck hunters this
winter to see that they do not violate
the law regulating the killing of birds
before sunrise or after sunset. The
new law provides that no ducks shall
be killed between sunset and sunrise.
For the guidance of hunters the fol
lowing table has been prepared show
ing tf e tirae of sunr:sa and sunset al
s ated periods during the season.
Sunrise Suusat
Oct. 26 6:43
Nov. 2 6:53
7--v. 9 7:03
Nov. 16 7:15
I Nov. 23 7.23
I Nov. 30 ....7:32
Dec. 7 7:40
iDec. 14 ...7.46
Dec. 21 7:50
Dec. 28 7:53
Jan. 4 7:53
Jan. H 7:51
Jan. 18 7:47
Following is a synopsis of the fed
eral migratory bird law for Oregon
and Washington:
A daily closed season on all migra
tory game and insectiverous birds be
tween sunset and sunrise.
. A five-year closed season " began
Oct. 1, 1913 on the following game
iitti !
birds: Band-tailed pigeons,
bown, sandhill, and whooping cranes.
e,o rtU onfl ,n
swans, curlews, wood flucks ana all
shore birds evcept black-breasted and
golden plover, Wilson or jack snipe,
woodcock and greater or lesser yel
lowlegs. Open season on ducks, geese, rails,
"-ints. gelHnulcs, from Oct. 1st to Jan.
15, dates inclusive. :
Open season on black-breasted and :
golden plover, Wilson or jack snipe !
and greater and lesser yellow legs,
from Oct. 1 to Dec. 15, dates inclusive.
All migratory insectiverous birds
protected indefinitely. r i
Penalty for violation, fine of not
more than $100 or imprisonment not i
more than 90 days.
Eastham grammar school is to have
I a football team it tne plans or tne
boys of that institution are carried
it. A large number have turned out
for practice and are showing up well.
No games have been arranged but
several local schools are anxious to
meet the new team, which will be one
of the heaviest school elevens in this
section of the county.
When Langford defeated Jack Les
ter Monday at Taft, Cal., another
white hope faded away.
In order to prevent so many sprain
ed ankles and injuries to the foot, a
plan is being boosted in Chicago to
have baseball players wear high
Coach Steward, of O. A. C, says
that he expects that the U. of W. will
win the championship among the
northwest colleges this year.
The manufacturers of Mer'to! Rheu
inatism Powders have so much confi
dence in this preparation that thej
authorize us to sell them to you on a
positive guarantes to give you relief
in all cases of Rheumatism or refund
your money. This is certainly a fair
proposition. Let us show them to
you. Jones Drug Co., exclusive agents
Adv. "
old and palatable
any other good whiskey.
Co., General Agents
OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 28. (Ed
itor of the Enterprise) A letter pub
lished in -Tuesday morning's Enter
prise and signed by the secretary of
the "committee of 100," says that
abolishing the saloons has benefitted i
Albany and Eugene, among other '
towns in the valley. Let us look at !
statistics from these towns, and note
the "benefits."
Albany pays this year 13 mills in
city taxes alone, which is three mills
auuvc luc 1C6" lim"-
In the year ending September 24,
1913, there were 164 arrests fordrunk-
eness ana violations or tne liquor law
in AiDany. uut or ziu criminal cases
in the city courts in Albany during
this year, 138 were for liquor law vio
lations 65 percent of the total
And out of the 47 cases heard in ihe
circuit court at Albany, 28 were IiquuV
cases 55 percent of the total court
business. Yet the of one
hundred "points wi;h pride" to Al
bany. As to Eugene, wnicn !s a very gool
town to compare to Oregon City, ow
ing to the fact that its population is
practically the same, more interest
ing things can be seen. During the
past .year there were 363 arrests for
drunkeness and 11 for violations of
the liquor statutes in Eugene. This
makes a total of 374 arrests for the
year one arrest to every 24 people
in the city. The Lane county circuit
court tried 68 cases In the year, ar.J
24 of these were liquor cases. The
circuit court devoted 36 percent cf
its effort to punishing violators r.f
laws or statutes designed to ' keep
people from drinking.
Eugene's tax levy for city purrOoPR
ftlona fr' the present year is 15
mills. In addition to this Eugrne
taxpayers have to pay 18.5 mills for
county and school taxes.
Moral conditions in Eugene seem
to be not exactly ideal, when the mat
ter is investigated. During. the past
year there were 69 arrests for v.- -s.-rancy,
33 for disorderly conduct, eii,ht
for fighting, six for assault, 9 for
gambling and five for carrying con
cealed weapons.
Can any thinking man, after read
ing these transcripts from the city
records of Albany and Eugene, s -e
where these towns have been "bene-
! fitted" by confiscating their saloon li
cense revenue? Can there be found
any argument therein for asking Ore
gon City voters to follow suit al
ways bearing in mind that Albany and
Eugene are in the midst of "dry" te'r
ritory, while Oregon City is but 47
mmuces journey from Portland? Clos-
ing Oregon City saloons will remove
"T5;' ? u " , "1
an ill not better local moral
conditions in any way.
Jacob Oswalt tto Ida Oswalt, two
acres in William Engle D. L. C, T. 5
S., R. 2 E.; $500.
Carl A. Koenig to Ida Koenig, tract
of 1.94 acres in section 18, T. 4 S.,
R. 1 E. ; $10.
L. E. Hamilton to J,mfs A. Cobb
and others, lots nine and 10 in block
six, Estacada, and lots 3, 37, 4, 7, 8,
bock, 22' lot.3 3-?nd tnin tin
blc 23, Zobrist's addition to Esta-
W. A. Procter and wife to Sandy
Land company S. N. W. section
26, in T. 1 S., R. 4 E.: $10.
Edward S. Chase and others to II.
F. Gibson lots three, four eight, in
section 22, T. 2 S., R. 3 E.; $1.
The Swedish Ladies Aid society
will meet at the home of Johannes
Johnson, Willamette, tomorrow,
Thursday, October 30, at 2" p. m.
Enterprise classified ads pay.
Mixed "With Sulphur It Dark
ens Beautifully and Takes
Off Dandruff.
Almost every one knows that
Bags Tea and Sulphur properly
compounded, brings back the nat
ural color and luster to the hair
when faded, streaked or . gray;
also cures dandruff, .itching scalp
and stops falling hair. Years ago
the only way to get this mixture
was to make it at home, which is
mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays skilled chemists do
this better than ourselves. By
asking at any drug Btore for the
ready-to-use product called
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair
Remedy" you will get a large
bottle for about 50 cents. Some
druggists make their own, but it's
t lUM jisn iuujm aiu uvvn ivt awvciy AVCaUCi
arm s. m-
See the Great Canal in
Read How You May
cut oat the above conpon, sad preaeut It t this office with the ex
pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the
Items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking;, clerk
hire and other necessary exfensB Items), sod receive your choice of
these books:
' PANAMA Tnis fceaitiful big volume is written by Willis J. Abbot,
iftiiiiun a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl-
and the eagea standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. J
CANAI i8 a.sPlendid lar8e book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 (
inches in size; printed from new type, large and clear,
k Pktm art Pnst on special paper; bound in trooical red vellum cloth:'
ii i iicTDiTtn title stamped in gold,
iu-.ii.niui i. - w t
EDITION r , wu magnmceni illustrations, including beau- J
UIUl DageS rPnrOCMlrPn tmm watr mlnr eiriie in i-rtl- '
I onngs mat tar surpass any work of
( aim n uuo ucauuiui uuuk. uiai wouia
' J 1 . t v 1 .
, tuiiuuiuiis, uui wmcn is presented to
' the above Vertitieates of consecutive dates, and only the pX.lt1
Sent by Mail, Postage Paid,
: Panama on rl Regular octavo size: text
rapama ana m boond in blae vellum
thA I anar graphic reproductions,
Uiej. VeUiai TrittML Thi. hook wonM
tans, bat is presented
ECIT101 Uove Certificates of
Sent by MaiL Postage Paid, for
Just When the Ohio Town Was Going
to Be Called Tappan.
Shortly after the Revolution Benja
min Tappan. son of a wealthy Boston
merchant Hnd the original-owner of
what is now Portage county, 0.4 en
tered his father's tract in the west i
nnd spent the winter there. Other set
tlers joined him. and a settlement was
begun, which , had the dignity of a
town at a time when a single log cabin
at each place marked the present sites
of the cities of Cleveland and Buffalo.
The place was one of singular natural
beauty, and the question of a name
soon arose
Now. it bappend that at this time a
younger brother of Benjamin Tappan's
and his wife were in Italy and came
upon the old town of Ravenna. De-"
lighted with the place, the young bride
expressed to her husband the wish
that somewhere In the new world
there might arise a town worthy to
bear the name of the wonderful old
Italian city. - '
The husband immediately thought of
his hrotber in the Ohio wilds nnd at
once dispatched a letter in which he
pictured the beauties of the Italian
city and exprrtssed the wish that the
town then arising in the wilderness he
unfiled in its honor. '
Many months later Benjamin Tap
pan, despairing -of finding a suitable
name for the town, was about to yield
to the w'ishes of his neighbors and be
stow the name of Tappan upon It
when the letter arrived. So. instead
of Tappan. the town was named Ra
venna, which name it still proudly
bears. Ladies' Home Journal.
A Two Meal Animal.
Breakfast with bacon tor meat) ia a
latter dny invention, it should be re
called Down to almost modern times
man was a two meal a day animal
dinner and supper. A fifteenth cen
tury proverb bade him rise at 5 a. m.,
dine at 0 a. in., sup at E p m- go to
bed at 9 p m.. "and thou shalt be nine
ty and nine." The Oxford Dictionary,
indeed.- gives 1403 as the date of the
first leution. of "breakfast." F"or cen
turies afterward it meant only the
morning draft of ale. with or with
out a bite of bread. Everybody then
set about his work fasting. London
An Interesting Exhibit.
If two great shops could stand side
by side on the main street of the world
nnd.ali (he vices could be put in the
slir window of one of them and all
the virtues in the show window of the
other and all the people could go by all
day. all night, and see the windowful
of virtues as they were and the win
dowful of vices as they were all the
world would be good In the morning.
Oeraid Stanley Lee's "Crowds."
Not In His Line.
"They tell me." said the new re
porter, who was doing an interview,
"that, you have succeeded in forging
your way to the front."
"Sir." " replied I he self made man
coldly, "you have been misinformed
I'm no forger." - London Globe.
"So you lost your money in the stock
"No." replied Mr. Lambkin; "I didn't-
even have the fun of losing It myself.
I tuok not her man's tip and then al
lowed a broker play It for ma" Wash
ington Star.
Apparently most of the people ot
New York love Sulzer yet, and more
than ever.
usually too sticky, so Insist upon
getting "Wyeth's," which can be
depended upon to restore natural
color and beauty to the hair and
Is the best remedy for dandruff,
dry, feverish, Itchy scalp and to
stop falling hair.
Folks like "Wyvth's Sage and
Sulphur" because no one can pos
sibly tell that you darkened your
hair, as it does so naturally and
evenly, says a well-known down
town druggist. You dampen a
sponge or soft brush and draw it
through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time. This re
quires but a few moments, by
morning the gray hair disappears
and after another application or
two is restored to its natural
color and looks even more beauti
ful and glossy than ever. (-Apyj
cor Sale bw Huntley Bros.
Picture and Prose
Have It Almost Free
with inlaid color nanel : contains i
... .. r : .'. : '
a similar character. Call 1 ,..,c.
seu ior onaer usual I Annuls! '
our readers tor SIX of A a
for $1.S9 and 6 Certificates
matter practically the seme as the ti voW
doth; contain, only 100 photo?!
and the color plates ara I
ull at , l .J I
to oar readers for SIX of the 40
consecutive dates and only the
67 Cents and CmrHfUmc Ti
In order to save your discount,
Electric bills must be paid before
the 10th of the month at our
617 Main Street,
Oregon City, Oregon
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Buildincr, Main Street
L all 1
Judge Its Merits
for Yourself V
.As the size
of your
thumb com
pares with
your hand,
so this 11
lustratlom comp area
. with tke
size of the
- mm mm
IF lis
No novel could be more interesting; no text book is more instructive.
It is indeed the acknowledged standard reference work- of the great
Canal Zone in which every man, woman and child must be interested.
Mail Orders Filled
See Certificate
Printed on Page 4
We have numerous electrical
devices on display in our show
room that you will be interested
in knowing about
Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115
tropical colorings, interwoven with word pic
tures none the less artistic.
lit Home
A 1 m o s t Fr ee
- .
As explained in the Certificate printed daily in
these columns, that handsome volume is distrib
uted at $1 . 1 8 for the $4 style see illustration
and 48 cents for the $2 book.
Mere words can
not describe it; an
illustration such as
is herein presented
cannot portray its
beauti e s . The
French would call
it an "Edition de
Luxe." We have
no phrase so fitting
It is indeed a su
perfine edition, a
book of surpassing
elegance, the
grand triumph of
art in magnificent