ru MORNING -ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1913 NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY ESTACADA. Mrs. Marian Lady went to Portland Saturday, returning Monday morning. Rev. Rees, the new pastor of the AT TP r iivrVi nraoftllofl i a ' fia( o r- Vmon Sunday evening 10 a crowded house. The pastor of the Christian church, Mr. Givins, dismissed his con gregation that they might swell the congregation to hear the new pastor. V Dr. R. Morse, Estacada's new physi cian, arrived last Saturday and is busy getting settled in rooms over the drug store. ; Mrs. N. Welter, mother of Mrs. J. ' E". Stubbs, arrived Saturday evening from Woodburn, Ore .,and will visit here for a week. J. R. McCurdy and fuinil. 'ot away Saturday and have gone to Portland where they will reside until Mr. Mc Curdy finds a location. We under- . stand that he is going into the lumber business. :- Mrs. L. EJ. Belfils visited her hus band in a Portland hospital- last Thurs day and reports that he is getting ' along very nicely. A juvenile party at the Fred Jorg home Saturday afternoon, proved a very pleasant affair for the young sters. The party was in honor of Tommie Jorg's 8th birthday. . Mrs. Carl Cary went to Portland Saturday to visit her mother. Mr. Cary joined her Sunday and both re turned Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Cary's little niece. ' Dr. Haviland of this place is obliged to be in Portland most of the time lately on account of the serious -ill- . ness of his mother, who is suffering with cancer of the stomach. Mrs. C. C. Saling entertained Dr. and Mrs. Adix and W. Givens and : wife Monday evenng. , The O. E. S .chapter initiated two new candidates Tuesday night, after which they enjoyed a social time. , Mr. and Mrs. Al. Lindsay are in the vicinity of Springwater this week, . while Mr.' Lindsay is superintending the construction of a bridge. Harry Morgan came up from Port w mmw P! rir m mi H tin mailt v Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears Stuffed Head, Heals Inflamed A t Passages and You Breathe Freely. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose anJ .stopped-up air passages of the head will open: you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cohl-iti-head or catarrhal sore throat will begone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Fly's Cream Balm" at any drr? st-ro. This sweet, fragrant balm iiK-w!vos by tli heat For S HUNTLEY (A - AND ft SMART COATS AND DRESSES FOR TINY TOTS If tiny tots do not have their new fall rnfl t riealcriAtAd jut "snnr njMita1 jfllke their grownup sisters, they look Just as smart and happy when seen piayinr in central park. Just a half hour there on a bright morning- will make one acquainted with these fasci nating miniature fashion plates, from Whom the busy mother can get ideas for the clothes she must make. Here are two sketches of stylish and-warm .full length models for children. The younger child has on a one-piece plait ed dress (7947) In a serviceable beige color poplin with a deep collar and cuffs of brown and white check silk, Every number and: style of Pat tern made by the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott. Brothers Department Store 7kh Street at Madison On the Hill 'TheCriterion" Magazine 5oat our pattern counter land Saturday in time to see the foot ball game. He returned to his school duties Sunday evening. C. Wisner is in the vicinity of Eagle Creek cooking for a bridge -gang. Miss Clema Harkenrider, of Port land, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hark enrider, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raulson came over from Portland Saturaay evening to visit home folks over the Sabbath. . Mrs. Robert uuncfmb of Portland was the guest of Mrs. Fred Jorg and Mrs. W. S. Pyle Sunday and Monday. The result of the football game here Saturday, between Hillsboro High and Estacada High, was an easy victory for the home team, the score being 20 to 0. There was a good crowd of rooters for the home team present and much interest shown. Several of P. R. L. & P. officials bave visited Estacada this week. Prof. Ford and Kenneth Bartlett were visitors at Gresham Monday evening. The Reed building on Broadway has been nicely fitted up by the ladies of the Civic Improvement Club and they held their first meeting there yester day. An especially good time is re ported. Mrs. John Nagle and three chil dren, of Multnomah, Ore., visited at the Jorg home for a - day or two last week. Mrs. Nagle and Mrs. Jorg are sisters. NEEDY. Everybody get busy and help make that birthday of our friend, Anna Sni der, one to be remember. The day is October the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Al Tompson spent Fri day in Aurora, visiting relatives. Several from here went to the big sale at Hubbard Friday. A skins Bros, are putting out a hop yard. Chas. Noblitt and wife were in Can by Saturday on business. Miss Blosser, of Hubbard, is visit ing Miss Stence this week. ftnnrn nknrn mm s kui 'fep w w w w aawaiia w of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the intiiuiied, swollen membrane which linos the nose, head and throat; clears Use air passages ; stops nasty disci if.res and a feeling of cleansincr. soothing relief comes im medlateiy. ini't lay awake to-night strug gling for brenth. with head stuffed; r.of-trils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distress ing but truly needless. Put your faith just once in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. ale By BROS. CO dv.) which is also used for the belt It la a warm dress to be worn without a coat on mild days. For a child of six years 2V4 yards of 42 inch material will be sufficient. The pattern ia cut in four sizes and costs 15 cents. - - Soft and beautiful in texture, but light in weight, is the mixed tweed used for the older girl's long coat It has a straight one-piece back and coat sleeves. The shawl collar and cuffs are made of one of the latest kinds of trimming plush in aeal brown. This pattern will require 14 yards of 64 inch goods for the coat and 1 of 24 inch plush. The coat is cut In five sizes. Fifteen cents. IP- Gems In Terse THE PERIL OF EASE. A RK you ghelteral. curl"d tip and con- lent by ine world's warm tire? Then 1 say your soul Is in danger. The sons or the light, they are down with Uod in tne ml r God in the manger. 'PHE old time heroes you honor, whose banners you bear. The whole world no longer prohibits, Kut if you peer into the past you will And them there. Swinging from gibbets. . iJO rouse from your, perilous ease to your swortl and your shield. Tour ease is the ease of the cattle. Hark, hark, where the bugles are calling! Out to some field Out to some battle! Kdwin Markham. I AM LABOR! I AM Labor! And 1 raise my head After ages of sublection. Now 1 rise Alive among the living. Moldy dead Are superstitions and all other ancient lies. 1 am Labor! And my opened eyes See that which was for centuries hid from me. I look. and. lo. the fearsome size Of things I feared down dwindles, . weak and wee! 1 am Labor! And I raise my song, And us 1 shout kings hide behind the queens I gowned. And then, reverberating long. The echoes roll and roll and wrap" the earth in sound. I am Labor! And 1 raise my hand The while my muscles play in new found might And in the majesty of power make demand 4 "The world, the world, with all its life and light!" -Unidentified. Evidently Sulzer's borrowing capa city is not exhausted. Mrs. Pankhurst can't reasonably complain of American newspapers; they all notice her extensively. Some home runs are made on sew ing machines. When you search for honor among thieve i take a Dolicer. i along. RAYMOND WELLS With the Baker Players in "The Holism Next D or.-' " DANGEROUS CAW; STOPPED BY HYOHEIi Just as long as. you have catarrh, your .head will be stopped up, you!' nose wilt itch, your breath will be foul, you will hawk and sniffle, you will have droppings in the throat and that choked up feeling in the morn ing. The germs of catarrh have you in their power: they are continually irritating the mepibrane of your nose and throat. You . must kill these loathsome germs or their desperate assaults will in time leave you a physical wreck. There is one remedy sold by Hunt ley Bros. Co. that is guaranteed to kill the germs and stop catarrh, or money back. It is Hyomei you breathe it. The complete outfit costs $1.00. There is none just as good or that gives such quick, sure and effec tive relief. Adv. y V 'J This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader; IgMJMIMfMMIMfMfMfMMfLIj ItAMama PRESENTED : BY THE OREGON CITY See the Great Canal in SlLlIlMMMfMMMiaMMlS Read How You May cat out tbe above coupon, and present It at this office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the Items of the cost of packing;, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE Items), and receive Tear choice of these books i . i . n fij AUff A beautiful big volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, ( Mri.itSM a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl- AND THE edged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. P A M A is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 ....... jncnes in size; printed trom new type, large ana clear, ' to Retort mt Prm on special paper : bound in trooical red vellum cloth : 1 i HI ticTDiTrn t'te stamped in gold, X ' tiful pages reproduced from water color studies in col- onngs that far surpass any work of on1 ooo tV.;. lva.,t;f1 I,aa1, tl.l conditions, out whicii is presented to our readers for SIX of n the above Certificate of consecutive dates, and only the . Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates ' ' Panama and the Canaf Keffular octavo size: text ume; ooona in orae venom Cioui; contains only MJU poo to l graphio reproduction, and the color plates are I EIPENSE -nitted. This book would sell at $2 tuvler usual condi- AoMaat el tons, btrt is presented to our road ma for SIX of the in. ' "Jdovo Certificates of consecutive dates and only the 'JrM; to OCTAVO Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for DEPAHT FORMS LINE OF PIG CLUBS WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 27. The department of agriculture has its Boys' Corn club and its Girls' Can ning club and now comes the Boys' Pig club, being organized in the south I tor the purpose of increasing the sup ply of pork and encouraging good ' breeding of hogs. Already clubs have been organized in Alabama and Loufc siana, and a club organization has been started in Georgia. It is the pur pose of the officials of . the depart ment to organize clubs in every southern state. ' The idea of the organization started with the Farmers Co-operative Dem onstration branch of the department and has been carried on with the co operation of the Animal Husbandry Division of the Bureau of Animal In dustry. The organization is an off shoot of the Boys' Corn club which has an organization in every southern state and which has been the means of producing record breaking yields of corn, t he pig club, when thoroughly organized, will, it is expected, work hand m hand with the corn club. The boys of the latter will produce the corn and the boys of the newly or ganized: association will-see to it that the pigs are produced to eat the corn. In connection with the organization of the pig club the department makes the following statement: "in organizing the Boys' Pig club it is the purpose of the department to establish clubs in every southern state The Animal Husbandry Division is co operating with the Farmers' Co-operative Demonstration office in the bu reau oi plant industry and has already established clubs in Alabama and Louisiana,- and the movement is under way in Georgia, The organizing is being done by the officials of the x- armers Co-operative Demonstration force and the Animal Husbandry agents are instructing arid demon strating how to handle the stock and to breed a superior type of pigs. 'It is the purpose of the department to navw every memDers of tne club encourage not only. an increased pro auction of the swine family but a bet- I ter breed of pigs than is being raised at present. It is a serious purpose the officials of the department are en- ; gaged in ane that is aimed at the high cost of living. j - "The production of pork is not keep ing pace- with the increased popula- ; tion and something must be done to harmonize these two elements. If each member-of the club and they will be growing it is expected all the time will see to it that one more pig and a better pig is produced eacn year then a long step will have been taken in meeting tne ever growing chasm between pork production and increased- population." - . MAYOR'S BODY 13 FOUND IN BAY MARSHFIELD, Ore., Oct. 27. The body of S. C. E. Jordan, 69 years old, mayor of Eastside, with the feet tied together, was found in the bay this miming, - a short instance trom nis liuuie. livfcjy indication is that Jor uan comniiUed suicide, and his act is ascribed to worry over lue disappear ance from the city hall safe at East side of $3100 of city funds, a loss dis covered about a wed ago, while Re comer Leaton, who had me custody ot ine money was in the hcspkal. THOMAS A. EDISON. Famous Inventor Who Was Reported III While on Vacation. 1913, by American Press Association, m J' i am ANDTHE El ENTERPRISE Picture and'Prose I Have It Almost Free with inlaid color panel ; contains a similar character. Call I .TDrV ,.11 t ft J t I matter practically the tame as the ti vol. j 67 Cents and 6 Certificate: it TO OUR PATRONS eiT Main Street, Oregon City, Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Mainl 15 nasKslB iCall aiocD See i FT o , . Judge Its Merits . HKT for Yourself . jfiM Kl' oi tot - JmB&&$8& w thumb com- . '"feSifruSa"''3'' pares with " iPf " your hand. J so this 11, ' y lustratlo " Nf compare! ' with the A size of th book. Tate No novel could be more interesting; no text book is more instructive. It is' indeed the acknowledged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone in which every man, woman and child must be interested. Mail Orders Filled See Certificate Printed on Page 4 By the OREGON CITY In order to save your discount. Electric bills must be paid before the 1 0th of the month at our office We have numerous electrical devices on display in our show room that you will be interested in knowing about tropical colorings, interwoven with word pic tures none the less artistic. YOU MUST HA VE A COPY OF IT If IHldme wm A lmost Fr e e As explained in the Certificate printed daily in these columns, that handsome volume is distrib uted at $1 . 1 8 for the $4 style see illustration and 48 cents for the $2 book. 1 Mere words can not describe it; an illustration such as is herein presented cannot portray its beauties. The French would call it an "Edition de Luxe." We have no phrase so fitting It is indeed a su perfine edition, a book of surpassing elegance, the grand triumph of art in magnificent 00 ENTERPRISE S 1