MR HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS meiH6 ow THM The HojE THE . ..wsuL ies T -N the XH- Ky 'ijrl i 0HZ1 iSCHEAPr v, - ' " -v-' MORNING'l ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, E. E. BRODIE - - Entered as second-class matter January 9, 1911, at the postoffice at Oregon City, under the Act of March 2, 1879. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year by mail -$3.00 'Six months by mail 1.50 .'our months by mail . 1.00 Per week, by carrier - '. ..10 The Morning Enterprise carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch or in the mail box. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the office. This is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 2 or B-10. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER SALARY INCREASE FOR There is a county measure to be voted upon SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS November 4 .that should receive the consideration of all voters. It is a measure that will save some money to the taxpaye of the county, but this is not the chief reason for its passage. The s.Ja'-' of the county school superintendent, an office that is far-reaching in its rx.rver for good or evil to our schools, has been for long years -f83.1-3 per month; while the salaries of teachers throughout the county have gradually increased until there are now twenty-nine teachers in the county vho are receiving a higher monthly salary than the man under whose super vision they are working. Other counties of the state have incrased the salary of their school su- M-hile it ranks fourth in the number of children and fifth in the number of teachers employed. . This is not a personal question. The office should pay a salary that would not be areproach to the county, regardless of who the superintendent is. If it could be made a personal question, there are good reasons why it should be done. J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public instruction, said in an address at Estacada, "There is no man who stands higher in the con fidence of the educators of the state than does the county school supeiinten 1 ent of Clackamas county." Ex-State Superintendents J. H. Ackerman and L. R. Alderman both ranked Mr. Gary as one of the three best county school superintendents of the state. , For three successive years he has been invited to lecture before the sum mer school of the University of Oregon, and the Oregon Agricultural Col lege upon subjects pertaining to the welfare of the public schools. His ene mies admit that he is a strong school man. The chief argument against the bill is that an officer should not ask for any increase in salary during his term of office. If Mr. Gary had been a politician and not a school man he doubtless would have had the salary fixed long ago. The fact that he is not a politician should not deter the people from doing the right tiling at the polls. The Enterprise thinks that the legislature served its constituents well when it arranged the bill so that one supervisor could be illuminated without crippling the service while it did justice to the office and reduced the taxes of the people. If the voters of the" county will carefully consider the merits of .he bill, there is little doubt that it will carry by a large majority. THE NEW Another good argument ROAD THOUGHT better, and up to the present time an unanswerable one. It was advanced at the American Road congress, at Detroit, by a self selected delegate, C. Jeff Davis, who styled himself the "hobo king," and said he was the president of the International Itinerant Workers of America, so styled more to have a name than to be cept in that portion of the name which Davies declared that the hobos have an challenged. He said they wanted the search of work. He conveyed the intimation that the better the roads the farther the hobos could travel before and this struck the other delegates as so desirable that the "hobo king" wa5 promptly seated as a delegate. The appearance of this itinerate work-seekers' chief and the new thought that better roads permitted longer itineraries, gave to the farmer delegates present their first conception of the fact that there is a necessary difference in the road which leads to the farm and the one which, leads away from it. Improving the one which leads away from the farm, for the benefit of ths departing hobo, at once assumed prime importance. There was no sugges tion made, but it will at once occur to the thoughtful farmer that if im provement of the roads will keep the hobos traveling, the building of straw shelters at convenient distances along the way would also stimulate touring Cleanliness Is the By Dr. WILLIAM B. GRIGGS of the Chadren's Homeopathic Hospital New York - GARELESSNESS IN PROPER CLEANLINESS AND IGNORANCE OF WHAT IT MEANS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST CAUSES OF v SICKNESS. ESPECIALLY AMONG CHILDREN. : - The baby's nourishment is the most important factor of its earlier life. We should go back to nature as much as possible. Too manv moth ers FOLLOW THE PRINTED FORMULAS for sicknesses of chil dren. A physician should be consulted for the children's ills. Each case requires a different treatment. ' Mothers must be FIRM IN PUNISH INC. the children, not in h harsh, but iu n kind-way. The best children are those brought up in a happy frame of 'mind, the children should he taught to LOVE THEIR IttKNTS AND .NUT 1 1) KKAK TiTlfMrllN-I AWrcft v.Hp.o Puce- I 0V TrtiNfc FiN.ep oP) OREGON Editor and Publisher has been found for making the roads an identification of its members, ex designates them as itinerant. Mr. interest in roads that should be un roads better, so they could use them in it becomes necessary to ask for. work Foe of Sickness in KM. ' MOKN1NO UNTEKPJUSK TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1913 Cfo&'b t'&wT away from the farm. What to do with the straw has always been a moot j question on the farm. Many farmers burn it and practically waste it. . Hert j is a use for it in the name of both humanity and good citizenship, while at the same time contributing much tot the peace of mind and satisfaction jf the farmer who thus uses his surplus straw. There is another advantage. Pipes and cigarettes smoked in these wayside hostelries would not endanger the farmers' hay and grain stacks, bafns.and houses. While engaged in this work (A making itinerancy more pleasurable, the t'armer should not neglect the placing of mile signs on the roads. Each even ing it would be an added pleasure to the itinerant guest in the straw carvan-i-ary to compute the difference in physical exertion between the number of miles walked during the day and a full day's work on some farm, happily many miles away, and accordingly. As for the fanner himself, when encountering one of these itinerants on the road, he might, glance at the neav est miles sign and congratulate himself more or less,"accoiding to the dis tance from his own farm the sign indicated. With this delegate and his new thought in the congress, discussion of the proposed Lincoln Highway is likely to have unexpected features, dealing with its allurements and needed facilities for itinerancy. It is an aspect of good road making that has been unaccount ably overlooked. A BAN K IS NOT A UUXURY for the rich m?n: that idea is fast disappearing. The people from all classes are beginning to recognize the importance cf a bank connection. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK W CLACKAMAS COUNTY WE BELIEVE That homemaking should be regarded s a profession. That right living should be the fourth "R" in education. That health is the duty and business of the individual, ill ness of the physician. That the spending of money is as important as the earning of the money. That the upbringing of the children demands more study than the raising of chickens. That the homemaker should be as alert to make progress in her life work as the business or pro fessional man. American School of Home Economics. : h- $ 1 $ Pacific Tel. Home S Main 420 A-145 S E. M. BOND, M. D. -4 Physician and Surgeon . A Specialist in Children's Diseases " $ and Obstebrics s S 1007 Main St. S GUSTAV r LECHTNER . S Teacher of Violin wishes to announce that he has S resumed teaching at his studio, 612 Center Street. ? Solo and Orchestra Work S Phones: Main 1101 Home M-172 No. 172. . REPORT OF THE THE BANK OF At Oregom Cttv TV at Oregon City, in the State of Oregon, at the close 1913. - RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and warrants Banking house Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due irortj approved reserve banks Checks and other cash items Cash on hand' ' ' Total ' . LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Dividends unpaid ' Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Certified checks Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits Reserved for taxes '" Total STATE OF OREGON, County of u h E'i.G" Caufield' Cashl'er of the that the above statement is true to the Subscribed and sworn to before me - r ' - ' - . - V , . . SO AEAp i 4 3 ? , L. G. ICE. DENTIST O Beaver Building Phones: Main 1221 or A-193 s e $ Wants, For Sale, Etc N-uees under these classified headings will oe Inserted at one cent a woicL first rlims. One inch card. $2 per montn; (.alt Inch card, ( 1 lines), II per month. Cash must accompany order unless one Insrrtion, half a ent additional inser h an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where error occur free corrected notice will be printed for catron. . Minimum choree 16c. . Anyoae ta is c ir. of employment snd feels tie cannot afford to ad vcrtise for work, can have the use of our want columns free of rhargi-. This places "o obligation of any son on you, "70 simply wish to be of assistance t, any worthy person. HOW woulu you like to talk with 1400 people about that barjain you have in real estate. Use the En terprise. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Call at room 7, Barclay Bldg., or phone Main 151. L. AUSTIN, the tailor, for men and women. Suits made to your meas ure ; alterations and refitting. Prices reasonable Room 9, Barclay Building. CONDITION OF OREGON CITY TII17 5ttp of Oregon, of business, October 21st, $169,985.07 1,927.41 382,899.11 28,802.50 4,971.14 8,321.95 $472,202,141 67.50 64,999.7j 537,269.41 $1,134,176.59 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 27,576.47 262.50 $641,299.73 79,078.27 15.00 80,510.27 204,534.35 1,005,437.62 900.00 $1,134,176.59 Clackamas,-ss, : above-named bank, do solmehly swear best of my knowledge and belief. E. G. Caufielo, Caihier. this '27th day of October. 1913. E. H. Cooper, Notary Public, CORRECT Attest: . . .Charles H. Caufield, Geo. A. Harding, T. L. Charman, ' - :. :" - -'Directors..- . ABSOLUTELY NEW ' BUNGALOW "Here is a 5-room new plastered home with a magnificent view of Mt. Hood, Willamette river and valley. This bungalow will be finished" this week. Elec tric lights, bath room: bored well 60 feet deep. $1250.00. We wil' make you good terms on this place. DILLMAN & HOWLAND A CHANCE One acre suitable for chicken ranch; 6-rooni plastered house; chicken houses and, barn; creek, well and hydrant. Prise $1800 half cash. See G. .Grossenbacher, Canemah. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED German girl for general housework. Apply, 610 Washington St. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Front room, with boar , in private home; reasonable. 616 Eleventh St., City. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 408 Water street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Four lots, six-room good well, wood house, two hen houses, 40 fruit trees on improved street, Oregon City. Inquire owner 413 Willamette street, phone Main 1684. FOR SALE 8-room house and lot, on Main street, modern improvements, good investment. Reason of saie. heirs want to settle estate. Inquire at this office. ' FOR SALE House and lot ca Mon roe street lot 624x105 feet; house has five large ' rooms, bathroom, pantry, three closets, a large wood house and wash room; street im provements all in and paid. Apply 811 Monroe street. FOR SALE Progress Automoatic Ad justable dress form. Iquire Mrs Carrie Paetz, R. F. D. No. 6, Box 28, phone Main 1891. FOR SALE, at a bargain 2-cylinder. 7-horse, late model Excelsnr motor cycle. Equipped; as tamden seat Ask for E. Brown, Enterprise office FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw; good as new, and 2 sucking elts, i months old. F. - Steiner, Oregon City, Rt. No. 3. Tele. BoaTer Creek FOR SALE Fresh cow with ealf. Grossenbacher, Canemafh. G. WOOD AND COAL OREGON CITY WOOD & FUEL CO Wood and foal, 4-foot and 16-inch lengths, delivered to all parts ol city; sawing especially. Ption." your orders Pacific 1371, Homr A120. F. M. BLUHM COUNTY COURT In the matter of petition for rebate of H. E. Gregg. Ordered that said petition be and is granted. In the matter of the cancellation of tax assessed to Wm. Gardner an indigent person. Ordered that said petition be granted. In the matter of the Shaber road. Ordered that same be and is dis missed. In the matter of the Lengensand road. Ordered opened. In the matter of the Annie Busch road. -Ordered opened. In the matter of the W. Deveny road. Ordered opened. In the matter of deeds from E. E. Thomas and Anna Thomas, Kate Wanzer Botkin and A. W. Botkin, Archie Yocum, J. H. and Margarett Ar?,cy for county road purposes. Ordered that said deeds be ac cepted and recorded. In tfie matter of the Morrison road. District attorney having filed an adverse report, said road is dis missed. - " . In the matter of the vacation of a portion of town of Robertson. Ordered postponed pending set tlement. In the matter of the Robbins road. Laid over for the term. In the matter of the resignation of E P. Berdine as supervisor of road district No. 19, and the appointment of Robert Sclwebel in his place. Ordered that said resignation be accepted and that Robert Schuebel be appointed to fill the unexpired portion of his term. In the matter of salary of J. A. Van' Brakle, as secretary of the Clack amas County Board of Health. Ordered that the salary be fixed at $56.56 as provided by law. In the matter of the petition of voters , of Macksburg for an election to prohibit stock running at large therein. , Ordered that said election be held on the 4th day of November, 1913. ., In the matter of delinquent taxes of By Gross PThaTS Ri6r WHAT TH ELECTRICAL WORK Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures ' WE DOIT Miller-Parlcer Co. CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS Also all kinds of Fruit Trees. Roses and Shrubbery for sale at the new grern houses at Third and Center Streets. Funeral work douu at lowest possible prices. Ords r'-eeive " r-vpr phone Main 2511. H. J. BIGGER the Oregon & California Railroad company. Prdered that the sheriff be und is authorized to accept for taxes for J908 and 1912 the sum of $24,399.43, end that said railway company shall- ' pay the sum of $162.00 as expense of advertising. In the matter of the petition of Clack amas County Gas company for a franchise. Ordered that said franchise be granted in accordance with the pe tition be and the same is granted. In the matter of sealer of weights and measures Ordered that this matter be left with the county judge to act. In ne mau: .t change in road dis trict No. 15. Ordered that said petition be de nied. In the matter of the payment of im provement of the river road. Ordered that a warrant issue to the contractor thereof for $2688.00. the work being. fifty per cent com pleted. . k In the matter of roads pending be fore the county court. "By a resolution passed by the county court all pending rads were filed wilh the county surveyor for an examination. SUMMONS In the Circuit court of the state .of Oreron, for Clackamas county. Sarah Jane Bowen, Plaintiff, vs. Fred W. Bowen, Defendant-. To Fred W. Bown, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil-ad against you in the above c-nat'eii cause on or before the 12ta day cf November, 1913, and if you lad to so appear and answsr for want thrrj of the plaintiff , will apply to tile court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce sottim? pside hj marriage contract between herself and the defendant nj that she be restored ti her nfSYfp name, and ;hot she have such o:hei and further relief as may be inest and equity. Th's summons is published by or der of the Honorable J. A. EaKin, judge of the circuit court of the stata of Oregon for Clackamas coun ty, for tWi tiUh judicial districr. marie and entered on the 29th da:.' of Sentember, 1913, and the time prescribed for the publication ot this summons is weeks beginning on the 80th of September, 1913, and endin" with it- sue of November rh. .-13. HUME & McDEVITT Attorneys for Plaintiff. Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of. the. State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Louise Fortune, Plaintiff, vs. A. B. Fortune, Defendant. " To A. B. Fortune:- In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 29th day of November, 1913, said date being af ter the expiration of six weeks from the publication of this sum- mons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply -to the curt for the relief prayed for in h- r complaint, to-wit: For a de cree of said court dissolving the marriage contract now existing be . tween plaintiff and defendant and holding the same for naught, and for such other and further relief as -to the court may seem meet and equitable. - This summons is published by or der of Honorable J. U. Campbell, Pabst's Okay Specific Docs the worK. You all know It by reputatlo price . FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. TUT? TrTTr-r- wt xnc rmai WA11UNAL HANK OF OREGON OTY, OREGQN IMOITA I I nntiiin a 2nrmi a. HENRY JR. SAYS To?JTH Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and "entered on the 11th day ot October, 1913. The date of the 'first publication of this summons is October 14th, 1913 and the time prescribed for the publication thereof is six weeks. The last publication, November 25, 1913. MASTERS, BRICE & MASTERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the atate ot Oregon, for Clackamas county. Daisy Maud Dickey, Plaintiff, vs. -E. C. Dickey, Defendant. To E. C. Dickey, defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 19th day cf N vember, 1913; "which is more than six full weeks after the first publi cation of the summons, the fir3t pub lication being made on them the 7th day of October, 1913, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply totfte..&uitfor a decree dissolving the "bonds of matrimony existing- between the plaintiff and defendant herein. This summons is published by an order of the Hon. H. S. Anderson, judge of the County court which was made and entered on the 4th day of October, J913. Date of the first publication, October 7th, 1913; last publication November 18, 1913; C. H. PIGGOTT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland. Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit court of the state" of Oregon, for Clackamas county. . Eleanora K. Tunberg, Plainiifl, vs. Henry V. Tunberg, Defendant. To Henry V. Tunberg, above named defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby' required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed agamst you, in the above entitled court and cause, on or before J th 1.9th day of November, 1913, and if you fail so to appear or answer here in the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which is that the marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dis solved, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem, just and equitable. This summonsi is served upon you by publication by order of the HOn. H. S. Ander3on judge of the above entitled court., which order is dated October 4th, 1913. The date of the first publica tion of this summons is October 7th, 1913, and the date of the last pub-, lication is November 18th, 1913. , POWERS & LORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit court of the state st Oregon, for Clackamas county. Pauline D. Gannon, Plaintiff, vs. Edward M. Gannon, Defendant To Edward M. Gannon, above named defendant: In the name of the state of Ore-, gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled pnnrt arA taut?, nn . i i 19th day of November, 19i3,. and if you fail so to appear or answer here-- , in the plaintiff will apply to the the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which is that tha marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dis-. solved, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may. seem just and equitable. This summona is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. H. S. Anderson, judge of the County court, which or der is dated October 4th, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summons is October 7th, 1913, and . the date of the last publication is . November 18th, 1913. POWERS & LORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. . Lewis Bldg. F. J. MEYER, Cashier. a . ...' IAMAM -"" xtomn nml A. M. h P M