0') MORNING-ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1913.; - A Cur For Hiccups. Fill a glass tumbler with clear, cold n'tittr and place on a table. Then let tilt piitieut stand where he or sbe can look dirwtly into the rIbss and Bx the iitteiitiiin atHtut the center of the bot tom ot 1 he glass for itxmt a minute, when the patient will find that the bli'ciipM hnve entirely disappeared. This has been known to cure the most violent cases of this uncomfortable dis order - London Kamiiy Herald. To Make Vinegar. Siive the paruifrs and cores of apples and put tlietu in a jsir with warm wa ter eixmi;!) to more than cover them. Set in 11 warm place frr several days: then strain and add one pint of molasses-tw n gallon of the water, -fut In a iar. tie a thin cloth over it. ktep In a warm place and in a few weeks this wili lie pond vincjrar. - National Maga zine - . At the Portland Theaters . . - . .. : iLastCar Leaves For Oregon City at Midnight j HENK i lwlit.feK IN Trie unAfViM. i cic nAIW jOv.' Ai ;-itl;iU 'i HtATRE. CC1 ObHK -i, . . TO OUR PATRON, 1 r ' .- ' w 0 5 i II y 5 W,r - urS-1 jf? ' : HENri rilLLER IN THh OrfAWA, "THE RAINBOW," AT HEILIG TMi A 1 Kc, ui i w : The famous and favorite aeior, Mr. Renry Milicr, together with a splendM su '" - 1""- - ' :,i ----.-.. will present his latest play success, ' The Rainbow," at the Ileiiig theatre, 11th and Morrison streets, for three nights, beginning Monday, October 27. A special price malinee will t-e gi en Wednesday. Mail orders are now being feceived. Rtgular boxotace sai eopens Friday, October 21. Address letters, make checks and money or ders payable to W. T. Pangle, manager Heilig Theatre. Not Worth Stealing. a ceruuu UiUUJUlic uuiuur who oeeu by a friend to have a manuscript al ' most falling from his pocket. "If you were not so well known you would have had your pocket picked," said the friend. Different Proposition. ! " "What i itie ohicct of your society?" 'T pro-flit Humbling aniutcj wo- i men " Nonsense It can't fHydone." 'il',,"';"i"v irmntiMiis can be stooped." j "i 'aiitlplucV 1 tliouirht you said gab ! bliiii: Louisville 'oiirier-.lournal. I G-ounds. "Hhs v! i hnsiia ml iriven you grounds ! for ih-"i- f"'- asked the woman who is j h:wi' -Tii-fi to svmpathize I ' i,-i me one whose mlnG j is on i i-n .nv . "I'leuty of grounds, ! Inii I U ra.-!)- have some regular real j sl:tic ' i isliington Star. I (in- 1. ( Hie most rare kinds of eour , ,..,. trie -on rage to w ait - St Louis 1 liio' v . i'ii -rat ' ! : " , f-J V r. No Subject. "You seem to have f tiy"? a bad cold." .""j "1 not only seem to. ''lit I have." "Shall I cure it for you V" "Not much. Catch one of your own and cure it." In order to save your discount, Electric bills must be paid before the 10th of the month at our office gon ! -.6 av-; I ' J ' First Submarine Cable. The? cable between Dover. England, and Calais. France, opened in 1850, was the first submarine cable. Natural Death. "Did he die a natural death?" "Tes. A beer bottle from an airship fell on his head." Satire. Marriage la ne""r failn-- v.t. contracting partios frftiiienilv are. Often the dimple in a girl's cheek 1 ";-, r No Reason at All. An egotist is an. "I" specialist. "All the world's a stage." quoted , Even the union dentists believe in the vise guy. an open shop. I ff-ow Yes. but that is no reason why a Woman's vanity fs largely due to fellow should want to lie the whole man's flattery. show," added the simple .mug. Philn iieliihia liccord. It's as hard to make a hero as it is easv to unmake onp. Wisdcn cornss with years it folly j The average man's "ambition is to leaves room for it. do something he can't. Seems That' Way. "There arc some bodies of water Ibey call bights, are there not?" - "Yes." "Then I should think the bights wen' (bo most Appropriate places for tUe barks " Caitimore American. After s eoss'p tells all she knows she se's busy and t.-lis more. A worn 11 n never have much use for lTwans a corresponding Cent in some j a raan that sIle can,t teacl1 to be Tna.Vs hf;art. ! ous- Enterprise ciareifiacl Ed3 p?y. Get the news read the Enterprise. - OP) 7920 ty tfi&y 7921 Ml friL 7715-7966 ROUGH WEAVES VIE WITH SOFT SILKS "THE CHOWufc suuuitK" AT 1 MtATRE. OCTOBER 30, 31 AND NOVEMBER 1. The brilliant and favorite light op era success, "The Chocolate Soldier."' -will be the attraction at the Heilig T heatre. 11th and Morrison streets, for three nights beginning Thursday, Oct ober 30. A special price matinee will be given Saturday. Mail orders received now. Address letters, make checks and money orders payable to W. T. Pangle, Mgr. Heilig theatre. Rough surfaces and ratine weaves continue to be fashion leaders for practical and stylish street suits. Just how jaunty ana smart one of these materials makes up with a weltchosen pattern is seen on tn figure at ' the left.- A gray and black boucle is used with white ratine collar and cuffs and I black velvet edges. The skirt (7921) is cut in five gores with panel back - and has a novel box plait section at the bottom front. A medium size re- - quires 3 yards of 42 inch material for the skirt and the same for the coat. The skirt is cut in six sizes, the jacket In five. Fifteen cents each. Dame Fashion declares that a soft silk dress of some kind is indispensable for dressy wear at this season. It is quite likely to be made of crepe de chine in the model on the right (skirt 7968, waist 7715). The skirt is cut in four pieces, lapping at the center front and back and has plaits laid In at the belt to give the peg top outline. The interesting feature of the blouse is the raglan sleeves, which form a yoke in the back and on the shoulders. The collar and vest may be contrasted or match, and a variety of sash girdles will add interest if one likes them. Size 36 requires 7 yards of 36 inch ma terial. . Both patterns come in six sizes. Fifteen cents. Every number and style of Pat tern made by the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott Brothers Department Store 7ih Street at Madison On the Hill "The Criterion" Magazine 5c at our pattern counter I This New Illustrated Book For Every leader! ii Ira rsi 1 mNAMA andthe CM rKta LNTED BY THE OREGON CITY ENTERPPlsc AS EXPLAINED rpiow See the Great Canal in Picture and Prose ailflfllilllllMiMMiMieiii Read How You May Have It Almost Free cut ont the abate coupon, and present it at this office with the ex pense amount herein net opposite the style selected (which covers ths Items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking;, clerk th "b k Bece8sary EXPENSE Hems), and receive your choice of PA M A Hf A Tlus beautlful D,g volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl- AND THE edged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. J f A 1W AT 1 Is a.sPlendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 inches m size; printed from new type, large and clear, h Pfctara anl Prose on special paper; bound in tropical red vellum cloth ;J A ILLUSTRATE' title stamPed in gold, with inlaid color panel ; contains D I MIirA than ff mirynlC. J 1 1 . . i- . 11' 1 . -j tDITlUN .. . v ' "i"5i"'"-cm iiiusuduuiis, inciuoing ueau- tiful pages reproduced from watpr rnlnr a onngs tnat tar surpass any work of a similar character. Call r".T.Mc i"u( una umuuiui uuuk mai wouia sen ior w unaer usual I Ammmiai ' iviiuiiiuiu, uui wiiim is prcsentea to our reaaers lor 51A of in fthe above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the Pll n wi-ni uy iwuu, i osiage ram, ior i.oa ana o Wertincates 5 Panama anil Ewular octavo size: text matter practically the same as the (4 vol- i I dUdllia BDU nme:boimd in bine yellumcloth; contains only 100 photo. I ' ' 7tho I annr ' Biapnic reproauctions, ana tne color plates are I "ruiji , lUC VUIli fitted. This book would sell at $2 DiCer usual eondi- I Ameonl o! , $9 OCTAVO - Wm. bit is presented to our readers for SIX of the MOm. A Er.'TlOH . Ume Certificates of consecutive dates and only the ' frllj Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificated msnmamit,fairtTiasanft - - . Tl We jhave numerous electrical devices on display in our show room that you will be interested in knowing about 5 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company f 1 THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Mauvl 15 L.illS Judge Its Merits ' for Yourself ; iHM 3ai As the size. .. Sm of - your ' T thumb com- -m j your hand. WM nf so this il-' . vMk , S lustration ... M compares M . with the ' size of the book. If oOlTflC . -With Mere words can not describe it; an illustration such as is herein presented cannot portray its beauti e s . The French would call it an "Edition de Luxe." We have no phrase so fitting It is indeed a su perfine edition, a book of surpassing elegance, the grand triumph of art in magnificent tropical colorings, interwoven with word pic tures none the less artistic. YOU MUST HAVE A COPY OF IT You No novel could be more interesting; no text book is more instructive. It is indeed the acknowledged standard reference work of the great Canal Zbne in which every man, woman and child must be interested. Nail Orders Filled See Certificate Printed on Page 4 A 1 m o s t F r e e- As explained in the Certificate printed daily in these columns, that handsome volume is distrib uted at $ 1 . 1 8 for the $4 style see illustration and 48 cents for the $2 book. I By the OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE ti I